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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1959, p. 8

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-~--~ -~ ~ -. PAGE EIGET TEE CANADIAN TATMAN. EOWILNVD.LE OIARXO Tau ODAT, :ANI. Mleu bv EXLEM CAREUTUEES LUNNE IUST A WORD OR TWO Some of you may have missj- ed this column for the last few weeks. Its absence was tern- porary, due to iliness i tue family, and tixne was lackingi for this kind of writing. We are glad tu be able to resume it as a new year begins. As Twelfth Night is yet two nights away as we write, per- haps it is permissible to say a word about Christmas, even though it is now Christmas Past. Being a bit pressed for time, our tree did flot go up until Christmas Eve, and this made us pause and think that once upon a time decorating the tree on Christmas Eve wus traditional. The commercial r hurly-burly in the past few years has changed all this, and some people put up their trees so early in December that they can hardly wait to pitch themn out the day after Christmnas. Where there are children, and the children are bombarded with Christmas songs and thc Santa theme for weeks prior tu the day, we expect it is diff j cuit to liold off tili, say, a weak before Christmas. Perhaps it makes littie dit- ference. Each family bas its own customs. But we prefer putting up the tree a few days before Christmas and leaving it up until the English tradi- tional Twelfth Night, thus hav- Ing the enjoyment of its beau- ty through the holiday season, and there are many who do the same. The lights around the homes this year were very pretty, we thought, and sorne arrange- ments were outstanding. The setting this year of course add- ed much to the effect, with lots of snow to make everything look like the old fashioned Christmas we can usually only remiflisce about. There is a magic in the backdrop of a winter night, the coloured lights on the snow, the houses nestled into it as if it were a warm blan- ket, and lights shining through the windows, suggesting warmth ZION (Intended for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisher, George, Alvin and Forbes were Christmas Day guests at Harvey' Webster's, Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart, Bob and Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dart, Doris and Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dart and fam- PUMPS & SOFTENERLI LIICITED pP8sa LONDO0N .CANAD) JACK DROUGH PLUMBING Division UA 3-5615 sud HEATING Street South 80 WMAN VIL and friendliness and cheer. A LOOK BACK That aid year, 1958, was a momentous one for Bowman- vifle, celebrating the 1001h an- niversary o! its incorporation as a tawn. There are quite a few people who wiil rememn- ber the word Centennial for a long time. They are the people wbo worketi an the variaus, committees for. the celebra- tions. But they have the satis- faction a! knowing that is was a good "do", and that the pa- rade especially was realiy out- standing, something tai be proud af. Centennial took up a gooti part o! 1958 for us, also o! 1957, as research anti helping ta write the Centennial book on the town's history was one o! aur jobs. This meant that aur reatiing included litIle else for rnany manths but old files anti aid books, the sarne applyingi ta the Cther comritîee mem- bers on this paticular job.1 Pensonally, by the lime Oli Home Week anriveti, we icît as if we were suffering from an illness which the authors o!i "1066 Anti Ail That" woulti cali a Sunfeit a! History. But it was fascinating, anti we did enjay il-but we can vouch fon the fact that it was a lot o! work. Try bunting for a date or an incident in aid newspaper files sarnetime anti see bow frustrating il can be. You wind up with maybe bav- ing ta genenalize somewbat on the particular subject; then, when the book is pinteti, you are gaing thnough the files for sometbing else, or for the re- gular Dim anti Distant feature, and there is the precise infor- mation you hati wanteti so batiiy. That's life. 1 hati a double dose of th_- past, being involved ta the eyes with the preparation of thte Centennial issue ai the States-1 man wbicb was dane in a very short lime for such a task. Pen- haps it is little wonder Ihal when anyone mentioneti Cen- tennial the rest o! the year, aur eyes became a little glazeti. ily wene Christmas Day guests aI William Dart's, Woodville. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Hir- cack anti Brian, Oshawà, were Christmas Day guesîs at Fred Camenon 's. Mr. and Mms. F. H. Stephen, Mn. anti Mrs. Hanry Poloz anti Stephen Mn. anti Mrs. Jim Ham- biy and Cheryl Anne, Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Collis, Oshawa, wene Chnistmnas Day guests at R. C. Stainton's. Mr. and Mrs. Athur Moore anti Douglas, Enniskillen, Mn. anti Mns.Marris Sleep and dau- ghters, Cldwater, Mr. anti Mmi. Archie Keith, Oshawa, Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Credil wene Christ- mas Day guesîs at Frank Pas- coe's. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cameron, Jobnny, Brenda, Dianne anti AI- ian, Millbnook, Mn. anti Mns. Fred Ward, Ross, Douglas andi Kathie, Bunketon, were Cbrist- mnas Day visitons at Wes Cam- eran 's. Mr. anti Mrs. Keitb Stainton andi Clarke spent Christmas Day with Mrs. Clark Moore, Oshawa. Mn. andi Mns. Jim Stainlon, Davy and Douglas wene Christ- mas Day guesîs aI Leonard Shaw's, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mns. Roy Thomas anti Kim, Scarbonougb, were Cbrist- mas morning caliers aI Russel Stainton's. Mn. anti Mrs. Tom Currie anti Tommy, Hamilton; Mn. anti Mns. Wilfned Frank and David, Scar- bonougb, spent a !ew -tiays aI Christmas wîth thein parents M. and Mns. Robent Killen. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Williams anti family were Christmas Day guesîs aI Refond Cameron's Bowmanville. Mnr.and Mrs. Charles Mitchell and Tenry, Toronto wene Satur- day visitons aI Russell Penkins. Mn. anti Mrs. Don Perron anti Don Jr. wene Friday visitons aI Keith Stainlon's. Mrs. Alex McMaster, Joan anti Ross, Mrs. F. B. GlaspelI, Nor-' man Davis wene Christmas Day guests aI George Huis, Oshawa. Mr. andi Mrs. James McMas- ter and sons, Millbrook; Mn. anti Mns. Grant Jack, Scanborougb: Mrs. Alex McMasler, Joan anti Ross, Joe McMaster were Box- ing Day guests aI Charles Nay- lors. Norman Davis visiteti aI Ivor Sprackling's, Enniskillen. ac- companieti by Nicholas Alcock. Miss Joan McMaster is spenti- ing a few days aI Grant Jack's, Scanbonough. Mn. and Mrs. Gerr GlaspelI and family, Mrs. Donald Yellow- lees, Mn. and Mns. George Gib- son allendedth Ie Vice family gathening aI the Solina Hall on Christmas Day. Most people pay too much for the lbings tbey gel for no- Nevertheless, we enjoyeti being a part o! it, anti we're not giv- ing the next ane a thougbt. A bighligbt o! 1958 for us was being in Carnegie Hall, New York, ta hear Ray Dudiley play in a sola recital there in October. It was an expenience that will long be remembereti, as was aur wbole New York trip in fact. Those autumn days witb the flaming colours o! the trees running like fire an the mountain sides a! the Mohawk anti Hudson Valîcys seer f ar away now as we look aacnass the snaw. But tbey wil corne again, as surely as spring -.'O Winti, if Winter cames, can Spring be fan behinti?" THOUGHTS ON LOOKING FOR WARD Anti so, with a beautiful new calentian hanging before us, we start ioaking forward, insteati of back. We think that we neally must, as soan as possible, get at the accumulation in aur files anti weeti out sa we can make some sense out of tFle jumble. That's one o! the jobs the aid year ending anti a new one beginning always'sugestsz, anti we do make an attempt but lime always seemns to b2 again.st us. We look out across the snow a# a winter sunset anti think we have neyer seen anything so beauliful. Life is samething ta be savouneti, each day o! il, each expenience. As each of us adds a: year, the tnuth o! this cornes borne mare anti mare. Notbing is loo srnall ta enjoy. Looking. at our Christrnas treeý on New Year's Eve when oniy the trec ligbts anti candiles lit1 the room, we thougbt that anc of the ancient Chinese poets would have written a poem on the lights caught in a single golti ornament, anti another ta the blazing colours reficcted by candlelight in a cut glass bow]. Life is toa short not ta savour each beautiful tbing, each hap- py tbing. A modern Chinesc phiosapher might say: the awareness a! beauty is better than rnany tanquilizer pis. PREMIUM QU7ALITY STOVE QIL 2Oc FUEL QIL per gaL per 2-c gaL jonce Couch, Bowmaanville, also visited at A.IHil]s on Fni- day. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Leach, Taunton, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Flett and family, Mr. John Kiveli, Miss Pearl Leach, Soli- na, with Mn. and Mrs. A. Young- man. Newf Year's Eve guesta were Miss Cathanine Rice andi Jim Meikie of CCmrtice. Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodiey and Pat, spent a few days with her parents, Mr. andi Mrs. R. D. Hodgkinson, Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wood and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Cameron attended a famfly ga- thering at the home of Mr. andi Mrs. H-. Trivett, Weston. Mr. and Mrs. H. Philp, Misa Jean Pbilp were Sunday guests of Hon. andi Mrs. W. A. Good- fellow, Codrington. Mr. and Mrs. Davidi Alldread, Miss Mary Alldread, Laurelyn Welsh, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Strong, Bowrnanvile, with Mr. and Mrs. George Alldread. Laurelyn remaineti for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Mac- Lean, King, Ont., visiteti ber sister, Mr. andti Mn. C. H. Mc- Quinn. Bonnie McQuinn spent a few days with Mr. andi Mrs. James McQuinn, Oshawa, Mr. andi Mrs. H. Skinner with Mr. andi Mrs. Ross Sharp, En- niskillen. Mr. and Mrs. W. Park Sr., Mr. and Mrs. A. Geisberger andi chiltiren, Mion, with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner.. Mr. andi Mrs. R. Clapp spent New Year's Day with Mr. anti Mrs. D. Hooper, Orono. Christmnas andi New Yearfs celebration was held at tha home o! Mr. andi Mrs. J. Hill%, Mr. and Mrs. Thomnas Dawson, Sarnia, spent the weekend with ber -parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Coombes and Wayne. with Mr. andi Mrs. Teà Ott, Toranto, New Year's Da. Family gatherings were held at J. His, Christmnas and New Year's. Mr. andi Mrs. Roy Spry andi chiltiren visited friends ini To- ronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Coombes at- tended the Woolley and Bow- man wedding at Peterborougfl. 'Mr. andi Mrs. J. A. Rosevear anti Esther Ann, Mr. and Mrs. M. Yeo andi daughter, spent New Year's Eve with M1r. anti Mrs. H Brackenridge, South Monaghan. Mr. and Mrs. L. Coambes, Bowrnanville, were tea guests at Mr. nd< Mrs. R. Coombes._ I7flfl~Tt'Mr. anti Mrs. R. Philp anti TYRONEKaren, Mr. anti Mrs. D. Phasey anti Wayne, spent New Year'ê Mr. anti Mms. John Wilson and at their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Evercît Wilson, Osh- awa. New, Year's Mn. anti Mrs. BETHANY Frank Wilson, Hector anti Ross, Mrs. Rassie Reynoldis, Mr. andi Th e New Year was ushereti Mms. Everett Wilson anti Bry- in at Eethany wilh a dance in an, Mr. Russell Spinks, Osh- theTonHl.snordb awa, wr usso r n L.O.L. 1022 and attentiet by a Mns. J. Wilson anti Allan. l arge crowti. Hats, borns anti Mn. anti Mns. R. B. Glaspell, favors atidedt t the gaiety. Pni- Grant andi Gwendolyn, spent zes for lucky spot dances wenl New Year's with Mrs. Alex ta Jote Davis, Cobourg; Miss McMaster's, Zion. Betty McLean; Verne Mulligan Mr. anti Mrs. Tam Sykes anti anti Mrs. Jack Whitnell. In the Judy, Toronto, Mrs. L. D. lucky dnaw fan pnizes Robent Sykes, Hampton, wene Suntiay Driver, Peterborough won the dinner guesîs o! Mn. anti Mns. elecînie fryling pan; Lavernéi Gardon Brent. Marton, R. R. 1. Cavan, the Mrs. Edith Anderson, Bow- electnic toaster. manville; Mn. ant iMrs. A. There was a small altendance Hoar anti farnily, with Mms. S.aI the annual school meeting T. Hoar for New Yea's Day. helti in the schoolnoomn at Beth- Mrs. K. Calbany returneti toan anti the former trustees, ber home lasI week from Mmn- Hco Morton, Vincent Jack- arial Hospital, Bowmanvillc. son anti Carl Smnith, wene al retunnedti t office for another Mn. anti Mrs. Hugh Murphy yean; also Charles Reynolds anti family, Bert Murphy anti continues as secnetary-treasur- Gary, spent New Year's Day er. with Mns. E. Murphy. Dr. G. M. Long!ield, Mns. Misses Canal anti Marilyn Longf ielti anti their chiltiren, Yellowiecs, Enniskiilen, have Randy Lnd Rutb, o! Flint, Mich., been hoiidaying at Mrs. W. have been guests with Mn. and Miller anti W. Taylor's. Mns. Mansel Wright duning the Patty Panîner holidayeti with past week. ber grantipanents, Mn. anti Mrs. IMns. M. McDowell, Pelerbor- Cynil Quinney, Newcastle. augh, spent several tiays with Mn. anti Mns. L. Pattyson, ber tiaugbter anti son-in-law, Geoffrey anti Shelia o! Atiko- Mn. anti Mrs. Reg. Etimuntis. kan, lefI Sunday afler spending Miss Evelyn McKinnon who the bolidays witb ber sister, bas been with ber parents, Mn. Mrs. L. Annis and Mn. Annis. anti Mns. James MeKinnon Mr. anti Mns. T. Phillip, since Christmas, returnedti t Mitige anti Randy, Mn. anti Mns. ber hame in Monîneal on Sun- L. Phillip anti Steven with Miss day. Florence Gardiner, Bowman- Mn. anti Mrs. Leanarti Driver ville. hati ail Iheir family home dur- Mn. anti Mrs. R. Virtue, Mrs. ing the Christmas bolidays: Mn. Otto Virtue, with Mn. and Mrs. anti Mns. Douglas Bruce anti Leon Moore. Wayne Bruce, Ottawa: Mn. anti Mns. V. E. Milîson with Mn Mrs. AI Fuller anti thein tiau- anti Mrs. H. E. Milîson, Orono. ghtens, Patricia anti Jayne cof Mn. anti Mrs. R. Coombes anti Toronto; Mn. anti M..M.aunice Wayne with Mn. anti Mns. L. Driver anti Robert Driver o! Coombes, Bowmanville. Peterborough. Tbe family ga- Lauis Pbillips bas jaineti the tbering on Christmas day was Bowrnanville Police Fonce anti helti at the home o! thein othen starteti duties, Jan. 2. daugbtcr anti son-in-law, Mn. Mn. anti Mns. John Broome anti Mrs. Verne Mulligan. anti family were tea guests Mn. anti Mns. Roy Jarvis were New Year's with Mn. ant irMs. in Toronto for Christmas with Lloyd Broome, Solina. thein son anti daughter-ini-law, Mrs. L. Baurne anti Miss Mar- Mn. anti Mrs. Gardon Jarvis. garet Cnowe, Wbitby, spent the As o! last week, Ernest Lamb holidays witb Mr. andi Mrs. bas saiti bis interest in Beth- Roy Spry. Mn. anti Mmi. E. Spny, any Moton Sales andti he gar- Leskand, were alsa guests at age is naw untier the joint their home. partnership of Haroldi Sandier- Mn. anti Mrs. W. H. Taylor son-anti Leonarti Driver. anti iarniy, Mn. and Mrs. L. Miss Gwen Gray, Kingston, Pbillips anti Steven, Mn. R. was borne with ber parents, Burgess, spent New Yeam's Day Mn. anti Mms. F. S. Gray far the witb Mn. anti Mrs. Don Real, past weck. Gneenbank. Duane Taylor ne- Mn. anti Mrs. Henry Jakemnan maineti for a holiday. spent New Year's day with Ibeir Mn. anti Mrs. T. Pleasance daughter anti son-in-laVJ, Mn. anti baby, spent Christmas anti Mns. Ted Moulton at Osh- withbhis parents. Mn. anti Mms. awa. inn ihtesho Bert Pleasance, Egbert, anti Begnin wthtesol New Yea's Day with ber par- lern on Monday, Mrs. Mansel ents, Mn. anti Mns. Fosten Wright is teacbing at Oshawa. Snowden, Ketinon. Gucests with Mn. anti Mrs Mn. anti Mns. Gardon Hills Bruce Ryley on New Year's anti boys, Hannon-, Mr. an:l day were Mn. anti Mrs. James Mrs. Wes His anti iamily, So- Tunnbull, Peterborougb;. Mr. lina; Mr. and Mns. 1Éalph Hilis anti Mrs. Geralti Staples, Lake- anti chiltinen. Daviti, anti Craig. fieldi; Mr. anti Mrs. J. Abren attendeti a famiiy galhering at anti Sandira; Mn. anti Mrs. Cecil Mr. anti Mns. A. His. Othsen McGill, Toronto. visitons were on Friday, Mr. Cnaig Bothwell, Peter- and Mns. J. W. Wilinson. Dun- ough, spent the past week with barton: Miss Margaret Wilkin- Mrs. John White. son, Queen's University, King- Charles Sheckielon. employ- stan. cd at Oshawa. fell of! a latider Sunlay guests at the home o! wbile at wonk lasI weck anti Mn. anti Mrs.- R. Claop, were broke bis igbl anm, also su!- la bonour Mns. R. J. Hotigson's fering facial culs anti bruises. 801h birthday which is Monday, He is now at borne with his Jan. 5. Mn. anti Mrs. C. D. Hoti- parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Ephrairn gson, Mn. anti Mrs. Glen Hodg- Sheckieton. son anti David, Bowmanville; Mn. anti Mms. Carl Smith anti Miss Nina Hodgson. Wasbing- family anti Mmi. Thomas Jackc- ton: Mn. anti Mrs. D. Hooper, son, slent Saturday in Wbitby Onono; and Mn. anti Mrs. R. J. with Mr. anti Mn. Ross Hall. Hodgson. Hampton. Congratula- Mm. Isaiah Stnong bas moveti lions fnom Tvnone frientis ta) from his farm home into bc Mns. Hotigson on ber 80th birtrt- village. tb the house forrnerly day. tenanteti bv Mn. anti' Mrs.J Mrs. H. Couch and Miss Mar- Clarke Pomeroy. - -1 Economy Bock on Course After Stormy 12 Months Sc.ys B of M's Review There is accumulating eviti- ence that the Canadian econ- omny is naw re-establisheti on its course o! Iong-terma grawth, according ta the Bank o! Mon- treal's Business Review fur Decemnber, whicb sumnmarizes the nation's 'economic picture in 1958 and appraises prospects for 1959. "At tbis time last year, the Canadian economny had, for vir- tuaily 12 months, been steadily blown off course ... anti there were f ew signs of better wea- ther in the offing," the review says. "Today, loaking back aven the log-book o! 1958, it is ap- parent that a change in the general direction of the wind eariy in, the year bas permit- ted the leconomy ta veer again on course. But the breezes have continuedti t be light, at limes fitful andi often at cross-pur- poses." For the future, the B of M* says that despite rising unern- ployment (361,000, or 5.9 per cent of the labor force, seeking work in November), "there is accumuiating evidence that demands for Canadian gootis and services are tending to be- corne stronger anti'more uni- forrnly positive." In this respect, a consistent andi broadly baseti revival of industrial aclivity in the U.S. is "particulariy encouraging,"1 the bank says. "It seems prob- able, therefore, that the ýCan- adian economy will be borne forward in the new year by steadier andi more favorable winds, emanating partly frorn the sauth," the review fore- casts. Little Change ln G.N.P. Canada's grass national pro- duct showed littie change in terms of physical volume in tle 18 rnonths to the end of June, and probablY continued at about the same level in the third quarter, the review savs. Thc annual raté of $32 billion in the first haif o! 1958 was up from $31.6 billion in the pre- ceding six months, but the in- crease was almost entirely at- tributable ta rising prices, the bank adds, althaugh the phys- cal volume of consumer pur- chases was about two per cent greater than in 1957. "The consumer can thus he saidti t have played a sustain- ing role," the review believes, although "his attitude . . . ap- pears ta have beten one o! cau- tion." Total personal incarne, after direct taxes, rose ta $22.5 bil- lion in the first six months, $1.3 billion mare than a year ear- lie:. Yet, littie more than half of the increase was usedti t pur- chase consumer gootis and ser- 1 vices, with the balance going into saving or debt reduction, tbe B of M reports. Similarly, in capital expen- ditures for new plant, equip- ment and housing, caution ap- peans to bave prevaileti; andi .da mid-year check an the offi- ciai foremast of public and pri- vate investment i.n 1958 indi- cateti that the total would amount ta $8.5 billion, two per cent less than In 1957V' the ne- view says. Trade De! icit eut Lower capital investment and depleteti inventories wene ne- flecteti in ten per cent lower merchandise imports ta the enti of October compareti with the sarne perioti of 1957. Oit the other banti, "aithough many o! Canada's major exports - newsprint, pulp, petroleum andi a number o! industrial raw ma- terials-were down, these de- climes were more than offset by sharp increases in sbiprnents o! uranium, aircraft, wheat. cattie anti iarm machlnery," the review says. 'Thus, in total, merchandise exparts attaineti new record values, 0.6 per cent higher than Iast year in the first ten months' comnparison, and the net deficit in merchandîse trade was cutsharply" from $733 mil- lion ta $242 million." A Friend's Greetings I'd like to be the sort o! friend that you have been to me, I'd like ta be the belp that yau've been always gladt t be, I'ti like ta mean as much ta you each minute o! the day As you have meant, olti frienti o! mine, ta me along life's way. I'd like ta do the big things andi the splendid things for you, To brush the grey !rom auti Your skies and leave them only blue; I'd like ta say the kinde.st things that I sa ait have hearti, Anti feel that I caulti rouse yaur saul the way that mine yau've stirreti. I'ti like ta give you back the joy that you bave given me, Yet that wene wisbing you a n2eeti1 hope will neyer be; I'd like ta make yau feel as rich as I who travel on Undaunteti in the dankest haurs with you ta lean upon. I arn wishing at tbis houn, dear fnienti, that I coulti but repay A portion of the gladness yau have strewn alang my way. Andi could I have a wish this qear, tbis only wauld il be. I'd like ta be the sort o! friend that yau have been ta me. I CHASSIS WITI- DOLLAR-SAVUNO * DURABILITY 'jWatch high truck mainte- nance costs corne down! SToughcn built components - new bigger brakes, new bus- jk jen clutches, new more dur- able rear axies - trim expense ta an ail-tirne low! economy Chevy's famous money- saving 6's with new camshaft design, new valve train dunability, are set ta pmnch pennies like neyer before! OBITUARY NORMAN IL STEER Word bas been rceived here o! the death o! Norman B. Steer in Windsor General Hospital on Decembeer 3th, following an illness of several weeks. Aged 51 years. Mr. Steer was born near Bethany, eldest -son o! thé late Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Steer. He was a member of the Uniteti Church and received his early education at Failis School, moving to Windsor some yeans ago. Surviving is bis wife, Ivy James Steer, formerly of Pe- terborougb; two daughters, Margaret Ann and Bonnie Dor- othy; a brother Lawrence Steer and a sister Mrs. Marvin MeCul- lough (Kathaleen> bath of Saskatoon, Sask. The funeral service was helti from the Anderson Funerai Home in Windsor on Friday, January 2, witb bunial in Vic- toria Memorial Cemetery at Windsor.1 You'11 finti bik . .. upto 75.9 feet in panels, Io ANOflIr,ECSIw POUOLY SSAY. wu asD49THEONI.Y 4 ON£ TRID S8RVICE lit1et9M à, , # LErRCA CO * i f SUMO a a TAxi Phone MA 3-5822 STE VENS' TAXI "Safe, Satisfying Service" ALL PASSENGERS INSURED 100 King St. EL Dr. Ste phen P. Kandel PORT PERRY, ONT.1 is pleased to announce conunencmng January 1, 1959 for your personal convenience office visits wiIl be by appointment. Kindly telephone YUkon 5-7301 during business hours. YUkon 5-2246 nights and holidays. I i OCDIES WITH ICOSTUTTNG ig payload capacities ini every '59 hauler .6 cubic feet in pickups, up ta 213 cubic -' , and up to 392 cubic feet in Step-Vans! ' -See Your Local Authorized Chevrolet Dealer ROY W. NICHOLS -Best way to save in every weight class! C h eos e re nSeabso.§ t f r em i em dium - ', k fr em i t e isavy. d ut Apache mielis; gel: duty iking mooiessg uty Spartan modelai Mjthillier power, nsw they're teugher bulit, tliBrê's an 81a o il.nw L style an tmn _ __ Uhflingt 1mlkmfhe iO Bowmanville Wihen it cornes te saving dollars ... they're best yet et the best sellersl Chevroletas-kForce '59 4 I VIGOR CIL CO. LTD. NEW 1ý0W PRICES NQW IN EFFECT FOR DELIVERY Phone, Qshawa RA 5-1109 COURTICE BOWMAN VILLE 1 a

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