- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Birthm BANNISTER - Mr. and Mmi. David Bannister wiuh te an- 'hounce the binth o! a son, Der- rick Lee on Decemnber 17, 1958, at Memonial Hospital, Bowman- ville. e 2-1 IBISHOP-Don and Betty (nec ,McLean) are happy te announce the arrivaI o! their son, Lary ,7ames, 7 lbs., 2 % ozs., at Me- meniai Hospital, Bowmanvilie, on Saturday, January 3, 1959. 2-1! BRANCH-Russell and Cather- ine are happy te announco the arrivai o! a son, Brian Stanley, 8 Ibs., 141/ ozs., at Memnorial Hospital, Bowrnanville, January 5th, 1959. A brother for Jimmy. 2-1* COOMBES-Robert and Sinmone are happy te announce the birth o! their son, Alan John, on January 5th, 1959, at the Osha- wa Generai Hospital. A baby brother for David. 2-1 H-AM4ER-Mn. and Mis. Hg Hamner (nec Joyce Buttery),1 Pittaburg, Penn., are happy te announce the arrivai of theiri son, Paul Douglas, at the Home- altead Hospital, Saturday, Jan. 3, 1959. A brother for Dobbie. 2-1 LEASK-Clara and Ewart are happy te announce the blrth o! a son, James Mariow, on Jan. 3, 1959, at the Oshawa General1 Hospital. A brother for Mar-1 garet. 2-11 'LOVEIN-ýIr. and Mrs. E. R.È Lovekin are happy te announce1 'he birth o! their daughtem Janet .Arlene on Dec. 22, 1958, at Me- marial Hospital, Bowmanviiie. A sister for Kathleen, Carol and ]Richard. 2-1 SIMPSON -Pat (Aleta) and Rod are very happy te, announce the birth o! their daughtor, Kelly Faith, 7 lbs., 5 ozs., on Saturday, Dec. 27, 1958, at Oshawa General Hospital. ark and Malcolmi are happy te have a sister. 2-11 Engagements Mnr. end Mrs: William A. Me- Quade o! Omemee announce the engagement o! their daughter Judith Marian, te Alan Edward, elder son o! Mr. and Mrs. George E. Richards o! Bowmanville. . The marriage wiil take place at Trinity United Church,Omemee, on Jani. 24th at 4 p.m. 2-1l Deaths1 BELL-At Memnorial Hospital Bowmanville, on Wednesday' December 3lst, 1958, Melvin Bell, in his 77th year, beoved husband o! Beatrice Jeffries, dean father o! Dave, Art, Jean (Mrs. Raiph Dawson) and Row- cil. Service was lield at the Marris Funerai Chapel, Bow. tinanviilé, on Saturday, Jân. 3rd, at 2 o'ciock. Interment Bow- inanville Cemetery. 2-1 11OCKIN-At Memonial Hos- pital, Bowmanvilie, on Sunday, January 4th, 1959, Fred Hockin, agod 78 yoars, husband o! the late Jane Giibank, dean father . o! Clarence, Bowmanvillo, and Bemnice (Mrs. John Happa), , Sacramento, Cati!.: dean brother o! Evelyn (Mrs. S. Tyler) and Lau, both o! R.R. 3, Bowman- viile. Service was held at the ýMorris Funeral Chapel, Bow- enanviiie, on Wednesday, Jan- uary 7th, at 2 o'ciock. Inter- ,ient Lang Vault, Orono Ceme- tory. 2-1 > NFANTINE-At Memorial Hos- ,itaî, Bowmanville, on Monday, January th, 1959, James In- fantine, aged 84 years, beloved hiusband o! Rosalia Candilla. Rested at the Morris Funera] Chapel, Bowmnanvilie. Mass in St. Joseph's R. C. Church on Wednesday, January 7th, ai 10 a.ni. Intenment Port Hope .Cemetery. 2-1 McNEL-.Sddeny, t Haydon, on Frîday, January 2nd, 1959, Richard Philip MeNeil, in his * 82nd year, beioved husbari.jof Rhoda Cowling. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sun- day, January 4th at 3 o'clock. Intonment Hampton Cemetery. 2-1 PETHICK, Mary Ina Paul-At Bewmanville on Friday, J anuary 2, 1959, Mary Ina Paul, beloved wife o! Frainlein Charles Peth- ick, dear mother o! Mrs. J. E. McNaughton (Ina), at home; Francis E. (Ted), Grosse Peint Park, Michigan, and C. H. (Bud), Tenante. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funenal Home, 53 Division St., where sorvice was heid on Monday, January 5th at 2 p.m. Inter- ,ient Bowmanville Cenietery. 2-1 SI1LLIS, Mabel Elizabeth-At hon home, 5 Brookmount Rd,. Tomante, on Tuesday, Decemben 30, 1958, Mabel Elizabeth Col- wiIl, in ber 79th year, beloved wife o! the late John A. Willis; dean mother of Evelyn (Mra. F. P"ett), Lio3Pd and Harold Willis. Rested at the Sherrin Funeral Home, 873 Kingston Rd. (at Beech Ave.), Toronto, froni 7:30 ni Wednesday. Service was eld in the chapel on Frîday, 9:30 a.m. Intenment Rothaven Memorial Gardons. 2-1 WýýITHERIDGE-At Marnwood N~ursing Home, Bewmanville, un Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1959, Aima Mlary <Bannetta) Wither- îdgo, agcd 88 years, wife o! the late Richard Witherîdge. Rest- Ing et the Morris Funeral Chap.. é!. Bowmanville. Serviçre in the Chapel on Friday aRt 2 oc'lock. Ji jntrment BoWmanville Cerne-j Atry. .2-1 * J LAA5 JOHNSON, Elizabeth-At Me- morial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Monday, January 5, 1959, Elizabeth Johnson, wife of the late Anthon Johnson and dear aunt of Bert Lawrence, Mrs. Vesna, and Mrs. H. Ryde, Toron- to. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., where service was held on Wednesday, January 7th at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. 2-1 MINORE-At Hamilton, Ont., on Wednesday, Decomber 31, 1958, Martha EUlen Kennedy, wife of the late Milton Have- lock Minore of Bowmanville, mother of Mrs. A. E. R. West- mani (Joan) of Toronto and John M.. Minore of Hamilton and sister of Mrs. B. L. Cooke of Toronto, grandn-othor of Mrs. D. Y. Timnbroîl, Mrs. A. J. W. Arnoldi and Sheila Westman, al o! Toronto and Robert and Bruce Minore, of Hamilton. The funeral tooqk place from the Blachford & Wray Chapel, Main St. and West Ave., Hamilton, on Friday evening at 8 p.m. Inter- ment was in Bobcaygeon on Sat- urday xnorning. '2-1 SOO HOO-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Monday, December 29th, 1958, Quan Soo Hoo (Stanley's Lunch, Bow- manville), aged 77 years. Rest- ed at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Friday af- ternoon, then at the Thompson Funeral Home, Toronto, for service on Saturday, Jan. 3rd, at i1 a.m. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. 2-1 In Memoriam ADAMS-In loving memory o: a dear father and husband, Frederick Charles, who passed away on Decembe- 8, 1938. Many a lonely.heartache After.a sulent tear, But always a beautiful memnory O! one we loved se dear. -Always remembered and sadly missed by wife Ella and daught- ers Ruby and Pearl. 2-1 GRAY-In loving memory o! a dear mother, Ida Gray, whc ass cd away January 6, 1958. our hearta youm meniory lingers Sweetiy, tender, fend and truc, There is net a day, dear mother, That we do net think o! yeu. --Lovingly reniembered by daughters. 2-1* KERR-In loving memomy o! a dear wife and mother, Sarah Kerr, who passod away Jan. 4th, 1939. What we koep ln memory Is ours unchanged forevor !ae't tho' thy smie be lest ta sight To memory thou art dear. -Even remembered by husband and family. 2-1* C ards of Thanks I ami very grateful to Dr. Hub- bard, Mrs. Hannah and ail the other nurses who gave me good cane in the hospital. Mrs. Gwendolyn Bannister. 2-1 T&. and Mrs. Ken Failis and family wish te thank fiends, neighbours, L.O.L. 82, W.A., Canadian Legion and others for their many acta o! kindness. 2-1 Mrs. John Bigelow, Kimby, would like te thank hem kind frienids and neighbors who senit hem Christmas cards and wishes everyone a Happy New Year. 2-1 The famly of the late Annie Doreil, wish te acknowledge, with grateful heamts, the expres- sions of sympathy, lindness, let- tors, carda and Cancer Fund donations.2-* Words are inadequate te ex- press my thanks for the many cards, calis, fiowers and gifts during my stay in Bownian- ville and Oshawa hospitals. Aise my thanks to Dr, McKenzie and Dr. Gi and te ail the nursing staff, aise kindness o! my neigh- bers. Mrs. C. A. Cowan. 2-1 * We weuld like te express our silicone thanks te Dr. V. H. Storey and Dr. D. E. Sturgîs, the nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital for their cane and kind- neas te Mr. James Infantine dur- mng bis iiiness, aIse te fnienda and relatives for expressions of sympathy in aur boroavement. Mrs. Infantine and Phil. 2-1 1 weuld like te thank ail the neighbours and friends, Chie! Kitney and the members o! the Police Fonce who were se kind te me duxing my recent ilinesa. Their offers o! help and goed wishes were greatly appreciated. Ernie Wesseiis. 2-1 -1 would like te thank Dr. H. Ferguson, the nurses and staff o! Memnoniai Hospital and my sPeciai nurses for their came and kindness during mny stay in haspital, aise the many friendsi who se kindly romemberod me1 with flewers, gifts,- cards and vst.Mis. W. H. Carruthers. 2-1* Words cannot express our heartfelt thanka and apprecia-ý tien te relatives, frienda and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss o! oun infant son, Jay Charles. S pecial thanks ta Rev. Hous- lander for his cansoling wvomds, and F. F. Morris Co. Sincerel3, Dan and Miarin Vivian. 2-1* i %."=CL .01 AUiAK5x Mr. and Mrs. WiUl Gray, Cal- gary, wish to thank their many friends and an extra thank you to their Enfield neigbbours for cards, letters, gifts and gocid wishes during Mr. Gray's stay in hospital. 2-1* We wish to express our heart- foît thanks and appreciation for the acta o! kindness, messages o! synipathy and floral offerings froni our relatives, friends and neighbors during our bereave- nient in the loss o! our beloved husband and father, Melvin Bell. A special thanks to Rev. W. K. Housiander, Dr. C. Austin and nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, and F. F. Morris Co. Beatrice Bell and Famuly. 2-1 * In the midst o! -our sorrow we wish to express our heart- foît thanks and appreciation for the acts o! kindness, messages o! sympathy and beautiful floral offerings received from our relatives, friends and neighbours during our recent bereavement in the loss o! our beloved son, Reginald Griffin. A speciai thanks to Rev. W. A. Logan for bis consoling message, Enniskil- len Rural Mail Route and Ennis- killen friends for their contribu- tiens and the W.A. ladies for their kind assistance. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Giffin and family. 2-If Coming Events Annual Stag Dinner will be held on Thursday, February Sth. Tickets available froni either Liens or Rotamians. 2-2 Dance te Clara Nesbitt's Mus- icmakers at Tyrone Hall, Satur- day, Januamy 10. Sponsored by L.O.L. Gents 75c, ladies 50c. 2-1 * Dance and listen te "'Novel Aires" Orchestra of Cobourg, stamning Linda Hutsell in dance and song on Fmiday, Jan. 9th. General admission $.00. 1-2 Business and Professional Wonien's Club are chartering a bus te go te the "Ice Foulies", Wednesday, Feb. 4. For seats and information cail MA 3-3811. 2-2 jPlan te attend the Valentine Tea and Homo Baking Sale sponsored by the Guildettes in ySt. Jahn's Parish Hall, Saturday, Feb. l4th, freni 2:30 te 5 p.m. 2-1 The annual meeting o! the Girl Guide Local Association will be held in the High School on Monday, January 12 at 8:1.5. This meeting is open te the pub- tlic. 2-1 Bingo evomy Thumsday - 20 regular gamos, two $25 jackpot games. Ne game under $3.00. Admission 50c. St. Jeseph's Parish Hall, Liberty St., start- ing January 8. 52-tf Woodvîew Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty gamos -twonty dollars; five ganies- thimty dollars; $150 jackpot, and twýo jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.ni., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Durhami County Soul and Crop Improvemont Association An- nual-Meeting, Tuesday, Januamy 13th, 1:30 p.mn., Town Hall, Orono. Guest speaker, Profes- son George Jones, 'O.A.C., Guelph, will discuss Chomicai Weed Control. 2-1* Prenatal Education Classes- The Northumberland-Durham Health Unit wîll stant the winter series o! prenatal classes in the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, at 2 p.m., Wednesday, January 14, 1959. For funthen information telephone the Health Unit at MAnket 3-5661. 1-2 Notices' Peter Feddema's Real Estate will be closed until funther notice. 2-i Dr. G. E. Mann's office will ho closed frorn noon, Jan. 10 to Jan. 17 inclusive. 2-1 Notice te rabbit hunters-$1.00 will ho paid for each rabbit. Piease ho carefulwhen hunting on Nursery propcrty. Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseies. 46-tf Orono Barbershop Ail Haircuts - 75c, HOUES 8:30 tii! 10 p.m. Except Wednesday and Satnrday Saturday - 8:30 to 7 p.m FAST SERVICE Young Master Barber Flat Top> Expert 2-tf Wanted ta Buy HIGHEST prices paid for usod fumniture, appliances, telovision, sowing machines, etc. Also sell and ekchango. 59 King St. W. Phono MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST pnîces paid for live Poultry, goose feathers, fea thon ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, coliect. 48-t! ALL kinds o! live poultry want- ed. Top Toronto pnices paid at your door for large or smai] quantities. We have our own mnarket. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phoneo collect to Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tU Room and Board BRIGHT r non n, gentleman, board if desired. 205 K.ing E., MiArket 3-3186. 2-1* .ixucles for baie HAY, straw and'one sow. MA 3-5353. 1-2* FRESH eggs for sale. Phone MýA 3-5250. 2-1 PLAYPEN and shoo-fly rock- er. MA 3-3626. 2-1* QUANTITY o! table potatoes. Telephone MA 3-2725. 2-1* WATER 'for sale. Delivered. Phone Cli!! Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf 120 BASS accordion, in excel- lent condition. Phone MArket KELVINATOR refrigerator, 17 cu. ft., good condition. MArket DRY light wood in stoveweod lengths, $10 per load. Telephone MA 3-2849. 37-tf GOOD quaiity mixed hay, 50c per bale at fanm. Telephone MA 3-2403. 48-tf HAY, 40c per bale; straw, 30c per bale. W. Eymann, Courtice. Phono Oshawa RA 5-8288. 2-tf MAN'S velour overceat, navy blue, size 42, tail, perfect con- dition. Phone MA 3-3962. 2-1 SAVE on luniber, direct froni mil to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinniount, Ontario. Phono 17 r 11. 13ti KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, bard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H., Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf FOUR-bumner gas range in good condition. Cost $229.00 when new. Seil for $60.00. MAmket 3-3735. 2-1 ALSCO-Canada's outstanding convertible stonm-screen win- dows and doors, railings. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince Street. 2-1* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Pronipt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowlTng method, with rock wool. Wekmanship guananteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. 39-tf TRAILER - 2-wheel, 7x4 bo-x 11"' deep, goed tires, wimed tail light, bail hitch. Cheap for quick sale. Wes. Taylor, Tyrane, MA 3-2806. 2-i USED coal and wood fumnace, $85.00; used eil fumnace with sanie duct work, $75.00. Cowan Equipment Ca. 134 King St E., Bowmanville. Phono MA 3-5689. 2-11 H-EARING aid service. Testing service and complote stock o! batteries and corda at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Toiephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or mug cleaner (shampoo method'i frôm Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanviile. Phono MA 3-5774. 20-tf HAY 100 TONS AVAILABLE 4-ton order (or over) dellvered FRED' MOORE ]Phone NAPANEE 911 r il or BOWMANVILLE MA 3-3938 1-4* JANUARY Sale-Chrome kitch- on suites, $45; three-piece bed- room suites, chest, bar-bed, double dresser, $139; two-piece chesterfieid, airfoani, $189-, ene enly Sealy mattress, $38.88; cef- fee and stop-tables, Arbonite, $9.95. Used rangettes, chester- fields and Axminster rug wîth pad, 6 x 9. Murphy Co., King West, M.A 3-3781. 2-1* FUEL OIL and STOVE OIL Autoniatie Meter Deiivery Stephen Fuels Phono MA 3-5410 Office at C.N.R. Yards 30-tf TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex. Rubber, Jaspe, Marboienni. Fiexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramic Suppiied and Laid: H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 FUEL OIL, STOVE OIL Articles for Sale FRESHLY KILLED RABBIT MEAT Orders taken for Saturday Phone MA 3-3430 1-2 HAS TOUR TV AERIAL been checked laIely? Do y0u get the reception you should? Are your guy wires safe? IF NOT Phone MA 3-5522 TOWNE TV BILL LEASK 2-1 WHY PAY MORE? The Price Is Righi! FOR THE FINE ST QUALITY TRY WONDER WINDOW ALUMINUM COMBINATION SELF-STORING WINDOWS FULLY GUARANTEED $14.00 up SELF-STORING DOORS $49.95 FOR FREE ESTIMATES AND DEMONSTRATION CALLj BILL LEASK 40 CONCESSION SIX. E. 1 Mkrkei 3-5522 Livestock for Sale LAYING henis for sale. MArket 3-2052. .2-1 Cars for Sale '55 MERTEOR, good running con- dition. Telephone Newcastle 3136. 2-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at youm home cali Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf Pets for Sale FIVE week old collie pups, male and female. Phono MA 3-5103. 2-1 For Rent FURNISHED apartment, avail- able imniediately. Phono oven- TWO-bedroom apartment on Ontario St. Immediate posses- sion, $50. Phono MA 3-2383. 1-2 TWO cheerful bed-sitting roonis, kitchen and bath, furnished. Reasonable rent. Suitablo for business girls. Phono MA 3-5684. 18 Concession St. W. 2-tf MODERN, thmee-room, private bath, one floor apartment. Suit- able for single or double oc- cupancy. $55 a month. 23 Teniperance St., Bownianviiie. 2-1 HEATED apartment, available immediately. Completely mod- emn - 5 rooms. At Kingsway Apts., Church St. Apply N. J. Scott, Bookdale - Kingsway Nurseries. 2-t f FOUR-mooni heated apartment, two bedroonis, living-romn kit - chen, bath. Built-in cupboards . Tile floors; central. Immediate possession. No children. Phono MA 3-5822. 2-1* Lost LADY'S wrist watch, near Tate's Groceteria, on Saturday, De- cember 27. Roward. Phono MArket 3-5531. 2-1 * REWARD for the roturn o! boy's gray suburban coat. Miss- ing froni Teen Town dance at Lion-- Centre. Phono MAmket 3-2079. Ne questions asked. 2-1 WALLET, lest on Monday, Dec. 29. Would finder ploase mturn important papers te Lloyd Stain- ton, 35 Church St., Bowmanville. 2-1* Repairs RADIO and television repaira. Prompt service. Pick-up and delivery. George's, 85 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf GUARANTEED television and radio service, te ahl makes. Sanie day service. Television Service Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf REPAIRS and rewinding, arm- atures turned te aIl makes of electnic matera. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East. Phone MA Automatie Metered 24-Hour Delivery Service REPAIRS te ail makes o! sew- ingMachines. Frec pickup and A. H STU ROCK deiveny Laverty's Bargain A. . S URR CK Centre, b King W. Phono MA AND SONS 3-7231. 44-t! IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER REPAIRS te al) makes o! è fnigerators, domestie and Comi- Phono MA 3-5516 Sturrock St- mercial; niuiking coones. Hig- BOWMANVILLE, .,gonElectric Limited, 38 King L6 BSt . Phone MA 3-5438. 25.ji rlelp Wanted GIRL or young woman as clerk. bookkeeper for local business. Write Advertisem 905, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvîlle. 2-l* MAKE 1959 your best year! Be your own boss! Seil household necessities, Vitamins - Tonics, etc. with high commission. Pos- sibilities. Openings in your surroundings. Familex, Dept. 94, 1600 Deloniniier, Montreal. 2-1 RELIABLE accountant to take complote charge of office in sniall manufacturîng plant 80 miles east of Bowmanville. Re- ply stating experience and îvhen available, to Advemtiser 906, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanvilie. 2-1 Licensed Mechanic Apply to FRED OWEN Roy Nichols Garage WANTED: Reliable man as dealer in Durhami County and Bewmanville. Experience flot nocessary. A fine opportunity te stop into old profitable bus- iness where Rawleigh's Pmoducts have been sold for years. Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. A-140-163, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 2-1 LARGE United States and Canadian manufactuming com- pany requires district managers for iClamke and Dariington Town- ships. Exceptionally high earn- ings. Guamanteed epeat bus- iness. Automobile essential.1 Agricultural or famming back- ground most important. Sales1 training given. Reply to Box 84, London. Ontario. 2-4 Too Much For The Oshawa Reail Estate for Sale FOR moderate prlced homes and buildings Phone RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. l8itf Orm Gerry (Realior) ORONO » PHONE 1191 WELCOMES YOUR ENQUIRIES FOR Farms, Houses, Etc. IN AND NEAR ORONO 2-4 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented -Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phono 2566- NeWcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffc signal Newcastle 5-tf Pedwell Real Esiate Large and smali fanms, hous- es, service stations, general stores, etc. Salesmen : Maurice H. Pedwell Phone Newcastle 3851 Win. A. Heron Phono 12, Brooklln E. Jeffery Phono 238, Coiborne H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phono 3856 $588 FULL DOWN PAYMENT One NHA Morigage SIX-ROOM BUNGALOWS Air Conditloned Heating Heated Basements - Large Lots Private Drives Excellent area, wlth schools, sewers, buses, ýetc. Phone Mrs. Handson -CoAlle075 Man We Wani Because we pay our top mon in other cities froni $14,000 t $24.000 in a year, this epening in the Bowmanville area is worth just as niuch te the ight man. If you are between 45 and 65 ... can make short auto trips- can cail on smail town rural and industrial poperty owners... I hope te hear froni you right away. 1 would like to have you start with us soon and stay for a long tume. Ail replies confi- dential. D. F. Canning, President Panther Oil & Grease Mfg. Co., Box *711, Fort Worth, Texas 2-1 Work Wanted RELIABLE niiddle-aged mother desires evoning baby-sitting. Telephone MA 3-5653. 2-2 PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughing; free o sti ia te s Harvey Partner, Tymone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf GENERAL contracting and car- pentry, excavations and concrete work. Snow renioval. H. .J. Kramer, MArket 3-5984. 1-2'* CONCRETE and masan wark. Now work on repair. P. O. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phono MAnkot 3-5820, evonings MA 3-5605. 25-tf Plast ering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Anger Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK BLOCR CHIMNEYS -CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MArket 3-2273 Mort27-tf Mortgages ANDI Agreemenîs of Sale Flrst and Second Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought, sold and arranged on City and Farm Property and Summer Cottages, $2,000.00 and up. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE, CORP. LTD. 11Z Slmcoe St. N. Oshawa Phone RA 5-3568 51-t! Wçmted DEAD and cippled farm sock, picked up promptly. Phono MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Fanm, Tymone. 13-ti USED wood and ceai stove. Only in good shape. Contact Edwin Staub, R.R. 3, Newcastle. Telephone 2139. 2-3* Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collilson. Telephone bMAnket 3-3960. 36-4! W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LIMITED 2-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members o! Oshawa and Distrîci Real Estate Board 120 acre farmn with 110 acres workable, 10 rooni house with nio d ern bathroom, furnace. Extra large barns with stable meorn for over 100 cattle, cemet silo. Bowmanvilie 61/2 miles. 0n1 -- $19,000 with excellent ternis. Christmas tree fanm, 100 acres with 34,000 Scotch pine planted. $8,000 with ternis. 8 roomed solid brick house, central location, upstairs apart- ment rented te good tenants. Pnice reduced for quick sale. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 2-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Toiephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Home Is outstanding value at a moderato pnice. Lovely 4-room brick bungalow with garage. Hardwood floors. Very modern kitchen, 3-pioce bath, bight sun rooni. Full basement. Pric- ed for quick sale with $3,000.00 down. New 6-rooni 2-stomey home with campent. Mante], 2 bath- rooms, forced air oul heating. Absolutely modern in every de- tail. We will censider your present homo as trade. Priced ta sel]. 6 rooms, heavy wiring, near sehool. $1,000.00 down. Bar- gain. 4 rooms, basemnent, heaq'y wiring, near school. $1,000.00 down. We have a cash buyer for a 3-bedroon bungalow. 2-I For Sale or Rent INSUL brick, 6 rooni bungalow, on Tomante Rd., Port Hc5pe, noar 401. cloverleaf. Heavy duty xiring, weil, garage, lot large onough for a business. Posses- sion Jan. 15. Ternis. Apply Advertiser 904, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Morigage Funds IMMEDIATELY available for fimat mortgage on improved town or rural pmoporty, $4,000, $3.000 and $2,000 in separate mort- gages. Five year open; intemest 6 ½ %. payable semi-annually. Leroy Hamilton, Broker, Orono 1 r16. 2-4 Business Opportunity WE need people t6 raise Chin- chilla (they are net rabbitsi. Write Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 Haddington Ave., Toronto 12. 44-tf Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Ce., Box 91, Hamn- ilton, Ont. 1-521 De With Real. Esiate DAIRY FARM, 150 acres with streani, L-shaped bank barn with steel stanchions, water bowls machine shed, garage; 8 r=oe stone house with running water, heavy wired. Asking $15.000. Ternis. 145 acre farm with 120 acres workable, 20 acres wood, 1000 x 40' bank barn, drive-shed, pig pens, 2 hon houses; 9 roozmed brick house with furnace, water on tap. Pice $14,000. SmaU down payment. 100 acre farm on large river, 75 acres workable, 20 acres wood, 100' x 30' bank barn with water bowls, machine shed, etc.; 9 roomed fraine house with hardwood floors. Price $12,500 with ternis arranged. 122 acre fanm, located on 115 Highway with 100 acres Work. able, pond, 60' x 36' bank barn. drive shed, hen house, silo; 9 roomed frame home with water on tap, heavy duty wired. Asic- ing $14,000 with terms., 50 acre farm near Newton. ville, 40 acres workable, creek, 62' x 32' bank barn with L-shaàp- ed extension, machine shed, etc.; 8 roomed stone house with furn- ace, heavy duty wiring. Price $9,500 with terms arranged. 7 roomed insulated frame home in Bowmanville, built 5 years ago, with full basement, new oul furnace, pressure system4'/,1 etc., double lot. Price $8,000v with $2.000 down. 10 roomed home., east Oshawat w1th oul furnace, modern kitch. en, running hot and cold water, hardwood and tule floors, 3. piece bath. Garage. Price& $13,500 with $2,000 down. 4 roomed frame home on good size lot with hydro. Price $3,000 with $500 down. 5 roomed, new brick veneer bungalow in Bowmanville with aIl modern city conveniences. Recreation rooni in basement. storms and acreens. Paved 1 street. Price $12,000 with ternis arranged.. 7 roomed home on highway with ail conveniences on 5 acres 1 of land. Double garage. Prie $8,000. Ternis. 9 roomed. home on highway, east o! Courtice, converted for two families, with separate entrance, two kitchens, furnace, bathroom, hardwood, f 10o o r s throughout, etc. Asking $10;500 with terms arranged. Contact: John F. De Wiih Realtor and General In".É*nc. Newcastle Ph?>' 341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy, BowmnàilVW MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany, Phone 21 r 6 Dan Boehm, Garden Bill Wanted ta Ren TWO-bedroom house or apart- mont. Young faniuiy with two chiidren. Febmuary lst. Reason- able ront. MA 3-3085. 2-le Financial Interesi Paid QnJIW4 GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES THE STERLING TRUSTS Corp., 372 Bay St., EM 4-7496 2-1 Just for a fow heurs on Christ- nias Eve and Christmas Dav the stupid, harsh mechanisax of the world runs down and we Permit ourselves to live accord- ing to untrammelled commoui sonse, the unconquerable off:- cioncv cf good will. We grant ourselves the complote and selfish pleasure of loving oth2ra better than ourselves. Christopher Momie-y -The Preparation 3 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING M~TES i ARTICLÎES FOR SALE LIVESTOCI FOR1 SALE FOR RMlT SEL? WANM CARS FOR SALE LOST FOUND ETC. Cash Rate . * * 4c r*r Word with a minimumoBO Muni be paid by date 0iIseto l chazed, an addtional 25c will ha added. A chare af 25c wili be mde toi aU toplies directed ta "hi office. NOTICES - COMINO £VENTS ANiD CAEDS 0F TItANE ta a word with a minimum ci $1.00 for 25 words or ls@ SIRTiIS ' .- ENGAGEMENTS MARflIAGFS DE. H 81.00 pas insertion IN iEORIAMB 81.0,J plus toc a lin, tui verse Dieslay Clussilied at 81.50 pet i. hwith a minîmum c u* h.. Additional ineroxis ai Ail Clssitied Adi muet thii office fot lter thu.- 12 o'clcir noon, Wednesdy. Sadcash, &temps oi money mdii and save mon.y. clip tis iout lf onzd reroer"u OFFICE iHOUES Mlonda through FridaT ' 8 : 3 'a m . t e 6 P -1 1 6 4 . ' Saturdary 0:30 a.m. ta 12 Nom The Canadian Statesman Dnal MArket 3-3303 fur Cassifiid Ad S.vicee N i*-~ ~/ li~ Tm CAMADIAN STAIMSUM soiratAnvu-La CMTAM TM 1 ý dqaqwà~aee e 1 ý 1 Real Estate for Sale