UUUIDAI,?-Aw; al, , m ______________________ TRI CANAMAN B?~ ES'1AY~. EOWMMm!LU. O!~TAMO -~ ~' tEnjô'yable L f~dNew' e was large attendance elth. tenlublaé, biew Yearls X ve ~Ç?e eld lyS the 'Jow. In Lions Club at the Lions ommpunity Centre. Ev- cellent muiic for dancing waq Wrovided by 'Ron Tomllnson- and his orchestra, Ajax. -* Effective decorations' colour- .A*d, streamers, and balloons Ofrnied -a« brillant backgraund for the dancers. A delicious lunch consistlng ai turkey, ham, céleny, olives,> pickles, cookies, 'ceakes anrd tarts was servcd, hy 'the members ai the Salem W.-. ,wbo' did the caterIng for the 'event.* Bob ,Williams, chairnian ai ~AA... TL...... Id -,Unjoy Badminton Donce More than 100 couples enjo3 -ed thé festive New Year's Ev *jDaiice held by the Bowmanvill îj Badminton Club at the clu .house anKing Street. Bruc Ï.I -Gerrow and his orchestra, Aja. provided the music for danc 1 .ing. Êffective decorations, cai _ed out' with a snow themd ,*nsformed the spacious ha fno à gay ballroom. A blue an 'ilyer canopy .egtended ove le orchestra, and blue an silver streamers were use -threughout the hall. Three hug anowmen representing a fathei :ïpother, and chjld. were place on pedesta]a near the orchee tra. They were complete wit: *lhats, red ear-muffs. and vivi, flying scarfs. Geoups of simil ,*a' snowmnen decorated the wall. ..Tbie ceiling was entirely hiddei ,p hundreds.of brightly coloreý ,ýeýoons crisacrossed on man, ýrnçjuat below it. "Pack ei Jfor NewY, The gala New Year's Evi -Dance held by Branch 178 o the -Canadian Legion wasj *snost erjoyable event. The Le ,Siîon Hall was beautifully de :eorated for the occasion. Silvei .strands werp looped frorn thi lights, and green and rec *àtreamers extended across th( capacious rooni. -* Comrade Jame s Fair, enter. tdinment chairman, was ir ;charge of arrangements for thE 'sgucces.iful event. The music foi ýdanaing -was provi-ded by Te< ýJayloc and his orchestra, Ajaxc 'There were 90. couples preseni Hougher ,f ued froni page-- on*)- icet. and Deputy Reeve Bro. gh as ho steps Up from Coun- cillor to the office of Deputy Reeve. We can rest assu.red thal Bowmanville will ibe welU re- presented at Oqunties'. CounciL ; 'The fact that nîl' members of àit-y ear's CounciI were ireel- ected and for a two year terni tcan be taken as a vote of con- Iidence in each and everyone of 'ýiou to,.carry on the Town's bus- -Iness and 1 as Mayor arn deeply -gratified that the experienccd help you are able to give will be available. I extend a warmn welcome to our only new Councillor Ken Yiks and we trust as a success- g ung -business man yuwl b 7~U ue rnuch to the 'own's welf are. 4b f958, as the year of aur Cen- tennial Celebration will b. re- corded as an outstanding anc in the histcry of Bownianville. We as citizens owe a .great deal to Ex- Mayor Osborne, Rev. A. C. Herbert, Ken Morris and al others. who contributed to the remarkable success of the events *hich took -place during the year. Their efforts will be an inspiration to us as we settie down to solve the problems whch face Bowmanvillc in its second century of progress.. As we enter 1959 wf find znany new faces in key positions of the varlous ad'-iinistration services of the Town. A~s Mayor and on behali of Council and our citizens 1 extend a warm welcome to our new clerk Bob Reynolds and to Mrs. Reynolds _Who corne ta us frani Woodstock. M»r. Rteynold.s brings ta the off ice m.unicipal experience coupled ýIwith youtMlul enthuslasm and dïevotion to duty: Bern4r4l Kitriey assunied the 'office of Chief Constable in Dec. 1957 and as we -enter 1959 the police Force is well organized. John MIagee ha assUrned the positioà of Caretaker at the Ce- Inetcry and mariy hmprovements h2ave been made during thc past gunmmer. Walter Hackney wa.s 1MAPLE GROVE - IThe Ashton iamuly gathcred y- Aiter the traditional inging eit Hamapton hall ta celebratc ve ai "Auld Lang Syne" the bal- INew Year's. Thirty-six mcm- le boons werc reieased simultan-1 bers af the family enjoyed a ib eously and fel la every part of! bountiful dinnen and supper. c the nooni aven the dancers. Pa-j Giits wenc exchanged and a ýx, per hats, honni, and aoisemak- social tume enjoyed. c- ers were distributed ta the Mmi. E. Ashton spent a week r- merrymakers. The deliclousI with hen daughtem, Mms. Stan- e, turkey buffet was served 'oy ley May, Toronto ill Mms. Elva Beckett and Mmr.-z. Mm. Allan Stainton, Ennis-' ià Willi am Cossey, who have killen, spent a few day. witn et been la charge ai the New Ycar's. Mr. andl Mns. Gardon Beech and d Eve nefreshments at the Bad- family. d minton Club for many years. Miss Sandra Bragg was a Newj 12 o etn reieta h Year's Day gucst ai Mn. andq r, n Badm nton, rsd fteMns. Stapleton, Newtonville. 1 ad mno club, was chain'mari Hazel Richards, Bowman- ofa the committee in change oi ville, speat a few days witn h arrangements ior the dance.'hem cousin, Bonpie Becch. d Othen members ai the commit- Dr. and Mn.. L. H. Coates, 1- tee were tickets, Edith Cale, Brantford, visited Mrs. L. C. s. decomations, Anna Stnike; Don- Snowden, anc day lait week n na Creasen, Betty Labb, Mel and called air their cousin, M's. ýd Burgess, Bill Burgess, Don Harny Freeman who is a pa- .y Allin, Glen Hodgson, Jack Mun- i tient in Memoial Hospital. dy and Bob Sheridan. Rememben the Institute meeting next Monday eveniag, January 12. Holiday visitons with Mr. and ýn H all Mm.. Jac k Whiteman werc Mn. old Witherly, Bowmanville, Mn.c ear s D'ance and Mrs. Lloyd Whiteman anj iamily, Oshawa.t re The attractive door pnizes wemc Miss Sharon Whitemnaa sperit f won, by Mr. and Mns. John! a few days last week with her0 a Welch, Tweed, Miss Dolly Cro-! grandmother, Mmi. Pearl White-1 >zien and Dan Mains. I man, Oshawa. Shortly after midnight hun- 1 Mr. William Holder, Pont Ar.-- !rdrdsofgaiiy ocrdblon thur, and Mmi. William Holder,( Lthat had been held by nets un- Newcastle, spent the holidaysà ci dem the ceiling were eleased! with Mn. and Mn.. J. Blair and1 Le aven the dancens. Festive paper jMr. and Mrs. G. Holder, Pres-c hats, naisemakers and athar ton Raad noth. favours weme distnibuted. A de- Mm. Joe' Lavemty, Welland,a n liciaus lunch was senved. The and Mrs. M. Lavemty, London, ýe catering was donc by the La- visited Mm. and Mrs. J. Laver- r dies' Auxiiiany ta tue Canadiazn ty and family lait Tuesday d Legion. The convenor was Com- evenîng. Mmi. Laverty stay:xl rrade Ana Piper, president af the fon a few days. tAuxiliary. Mn. P. M. Laverty, Durnaville, speat Moaday eveaing with Mr. and Mn.. J. Laverty and « assist aur planning board Ia îamuîy. pnoviding orderiy development Mn. and Mns. Bert Snowdca,V and plan the neccssany services. accompanied by Mn. and Mn.. Bowmanvilie hs fortunate ta William Lewis, Mm. and Mms. have Ex- Mayors Lawrence Ma- Wesley Dowa and Mr. and Mrs. son, Morley Vanîtone and Nel- James Ewing, Seven Isles, son Osborne serving on. aur Quebec, enjoyed- dinnen at Planning Board and w. have a Liche. Gardens, Toronto, on »tnained dnaughtman ini tue per- Saturday evening. .son ai Albert Cole as Secnetary. A family gathering at Mr.p ecx and Mn.. Bert Snowden's onE t To encourage industrilex- New Year's Day inciuded Mr. iE pansion wc have engagea Ken and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and b. Morris as industriel camailss- Betty Lau, Miss Gail Snowdcn, oi lonen. An industriel commission Mr. and Mrs. Wes Dqwn and to assist Mn. Marris is being Paul, Oshawa, Mr. and Ms..S set up. Theme will ib. thmee mcmi- James Ewing, Seven Isles, P.Q.,S bers fnom Council plus two IMn. and Mmi. Williatm Lewis and e fothen citizeas. family, Bowmanville; Mmr. and JH Industrial- expansion wiil not Mn.. Gary Pettit, Mrs. K. Buzr- tý 7salve ail municipal problenis but gesi, Toron ta; Mr. Wayne Pick- t iit is desirable ta, have a good ard, Bowmanville; Mr. Albert el 1measune ai Industnial and Com- Crago, Base Line.R mercial assesment ta balance Visitors with. Mn. end Mms. ac aur residential gnowth. To thase William Anders -n andl iamily S who would b. citical ai aur during the hoiàcFs wcre: Mr. F efforts ta secure indtr land Mrs. Frank Voiko. Linda ti ânsil5ease and Mark, Trno r.Mary d remember it i a hftff cam-j Johnston, Oshawa;..Mn. and Mn..U petitive field. Much w7as been Elwood Johaston, Oshawa, and ci accomplishcd ta put Bowman- Miss Margaret Johnston, Osh- la ville in a favounable position ta awa. secure lndustry and a great deal Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wright, ta remains ta be donc.. San Juan, Puerto Rico, and ai A Taiic dvionyComit jMrs. Charles Depew, Bowman- ' tee ha. been set.up with Lloyd vle ecStra vnn Quinton as chaimman. This corn. guests with Mm. and Mmi. Sai» rin mittee will make a thorough Van Camp. ta study of this subjcct lanail ts Mrs. Norman Burgess, Toron- la phass ad ibingthe ecesa I ta, pent a few days lait weak kg phaesandbnng henccsrywitMr. and Mmi. Roy Van B ecammendations ta Council. Capi Thene lias been some increase IMn. and Mms. Neil Bmownel l la unemployment ay,d, an in- Iar-d Valerie, Mn. and Mms. Ray M crease ia applicatious /a,' ne- Van Camp, spent New Year's cl lief. Day with Mrs. Sam Snowden, vi With Uic problenis which -we Oshawa. f0 face in 1959, I amn afraid we cen Mn. and Mms. James Ewiag, ta expct ncmase taes.W. ..Seven Isles, Quebec; Mn. and a) expct ncrase taes.We reMm.. William Lewis and fem- w aperating la an cxpandinglfl-iy, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mms. M ilatîonary ecanamy wheme thc Lloyd Snowden and Betty Lou, hi dollar buys les. goods and ser- werc cinner guests with Mr. hi vices than even befome. Soii and Mrs. Ray Van Camp on adjustments had ta be mnade la Friday. t aur assesîment this yeam which Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden w will benefit Bowmanville on an and femily, werc Sunday even- sp equalîzed essessment basis eit ing guest.s ai Mn. and Mms. Wil- w' -the Counties' level but will ad- liami Lewis, Bowmanvilie, and In vcsely effect aur local tex rate. later accompanied Mr. and Mns.Bi This year Couacil memibeni James Ewing ta Oshawa, wliete Ci will receive an agenda in ad- the farnily had gathemed ta wistx vance ai Council meetings. 1 the Ewings bon voyage an their ep woul~d ask Cauncil membens ta trip home ta Quebec, by train, av study tue mattens ta b. dealt Thie sympathy ai tue corn-Hi wli and present Uic items by munitv is wîth the iamily of sp witten resolution whcrc nec- the lete Mr. Fred Hockin who li essary. passed away on Sunday. gh Dueta ncrasd bsinss ic Mm. and Mrs. D. C. Bailey w, Doard aiWorks wilbusmnestwice spent New Year's Day wl'h mi Pln.qreMn. and Mn. wT.iA..Day, Osi- ivâD, wiven aIiriat il y frIen called to ofien their congratu- ations. Mn. and Mrs. Infantine came o Bowmanville in July, 1914, and opened a fruit store on Di- vision Street where thc Bow- nanville Auto Parts store is now located. They later moved to 44 King St. East, the present location of Fairway Food Mar- ket, and it is htffe that most Bowmanvillites remember the niantine store. Though they had na children of their owr, Mlr. and Mrs. Infantine loved children and many Bowma n- ville men and women -have the fondest memories ai their visits ao the Infantine store which RIso had a candy counter as well as delicious fruit. In 1944 Mr. Infantine sold the store andI has since lived in retirement at his home, 30 Division Street. Mrs. Infantine survives,« atid Lheir nephew, Philip Cancilla, who bas been a son to the'n Ince he came ta make his home with thern 38 yeans mgo. Mr. Infantine's brothers, Joseph ai Buffalo, N. Y., and Thomas ai "anton, N.Y., predcceased hini. He was a rnember of St. Jo s- mh's Roman Catholic Churcrj knd of the Holy Name Society.! Me was a keen follower tif iports and supported the var- >us Bowmanville teams thrau- ehaut the ycars. Mr. Iniantine Aas a fine citizen of this corn- nunity. Mr. Infantine rested at the Worris Funeral Chapel until Wednesday mnornlng, Jan. 7, when lie was taken to St. Jos- ph's Roman Catholie Chunchi r High Mass et 10 a.m., the lev. F. K. Malane officiatmng. xtenm'ýnt was in the Infantine- ancilla family plot in the Ca- ,Èalic Cemetery at Port Hope.f Palîbearers were Anthony ind Charles Cancilla, Port Iope; Sgt. Jini Cancilla, Pie- >n; Ernie LeSage, Harrv ýowcs, Port Hope, and William 3uck, New Toronto. Taria OId Furuilurs Wo aCash with STATESNAN CLASSIFIEDS Phori. MA 3-3303 ions Dance LONG SAULT ]Kand Mn*. Tom Turner and I , 'fmily, Toronto, were Saturday Year's Eve guests ai the Harpers. -Mle the Ladies' Night carnniîttce, Orono, wcre New Yean's Day was ln charge of arrangemen*s -M ls f r adMs.Om for the succcssful function.er Other members of thc commit-t Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, tee were Don Aluin, Ralph Kel- with his jai'ents. ly, Bruce Semple, Byran Van- IMis. na.zcl Ruttafl, Dryden, stone, George Webster, Cuth-1 spnt Wednesday with Mr. and bert McDonald, Vic Mille.-MrS. G. Baker and family. Howard Gibson, and Sam Black' Sympathy ai the community Jo. Cooper, a vice-presiderit is extended ta the familles ai af the Lions Club, who ov:-the late Milton Morris, Orano, siees the Ladies' Night -commit- and Richard McNeil, Haydon, ln tee. al!ho helped. Others who 'their recent sad bencavement. assisted the cammittee were Home and School Club meets WallyBrade, Gl Land r Fiday night, Jan. 9 with the Geoy rge t, Clencc Hockin Davey, C. Penwarden and Wm. Eliner Banting, Jack Roglv Johnson families as program, Ross Stevens. and Lionet4 Ir-s convenons. WCooer. Clu 50ladies meet at the Cooper.home of Mns. Barrett with Mrs. IMary Penwanden and Mrs. Bar- -- - rett as convenons. -evertlng. He was- driving uouth on ý Maple Grove Road whicn S LN Wa" VerY icY when h. naticed sornebody waling along the 'Me annual meeting wlll b. naad. -Immnediately. he applicd held etthUicCammunity Mill on the brakes but the car slid Fxiday night Jan. 9 et 8:15 o'- sideways and h. feit and heard dlock. A good attendance is ne- quite a bump. When the car qucstedl. camne, to a stop ln the ditch, hia Mr. and Mrs. Mike Jurko who iea>cdoutta ean wo h bal ere recently marnicd wene ho- hit and! was amazed ta see a noned yfinsStrangh deer running away on Uirae webthy wfn e s aturdy ih legs. Appanently, ane af thc a offée tae, werge estdwithn decr's front legs had been afetbGorelniad caught by the rear bumper Wes Yellowlees making the pre- when the car went into its skid. sentation. Wcs Hills was master The impact pulled the bumpcr af ceremonies and the address away from the cal' body. The was rcad by Mrs. E. R. Taylor. deer has not been seen since. A readirng was given by Mrs. Mn. Anderson neported the ac.Bruce Taylor and eycryone en- cident ta police. ioyed seeing picturesi Uichew.- dding which Mike s hoawcd. Lunch was senved by the ladies. OBITUARY TeNew Year waas w;cced MARYINA-PETICK munity Hall. Juim Fisher's or- MARY NA PEHICI chestra provided Uic music for The family and fnienda ai dancing. Reireshments were sen- Mrs. Franklin C.. Pethick were ved ia the lower hall. shocked by her suddcn passing The Wamen's Institute wiil on Fnîday, Jan. 2, 1959, at her meet Thursday night, <tonight) home, 55 Quecai Street, Bow- Jan: 8. manville. Mrs. Pethick had been Mr and Mns. Pency Dewell in hen usual healthrthe evening and chlldren, Mrs. Margaret before, but passcd away quiet- Chapman,, Hampton; Mrs. W. ly in her sleep. She was 84. Ormiston, Mn. and Mrs. A. Blair Mrs. Pethick was bora on and Terry, Miss Linda Mutton, April 1l, 1874, at Pembitoke, Bownianville, were guests on Ontario. She was Mary Ina New Year's Day with Mr. and Paul, the daughter ai Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family. Mrs. Harvey Paul, and came to Bowmanville with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Langmaid, when she was 12ss than a year Mr. and Mns. Charles Langmaid aiod when they retunned ta and childnen were New Year's town. Day guests at Roy McGill's, En- On Oct. 20, 1898, she mar- niskillen. nied Franklin C. Pethick, Bow- Mn. and Mns. M. McCannell manvilie, barber, who continu- and famniiy, Omeme.; Miss Ca- cd in this business until his ne- thy Tighe, Peterborough, spent tiremint ini December, 1953. New Year's Day at Wes Hiil's. Mrs. Pethick's kindly nature Rev. and Mrs. Robent Sher- and graciaus hospitaiity will win, Belleville; Mnr.and Mrs. long be remembened. 5h. made Don Taylor and William, Mn. her home a place where guests and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons, and cailers were aiways W21- and Miss Lena Taylor wene with came. On Oct. 20, 1958, a hast Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, New ai iniends calied at the Pethick Year's Day. home ta offer congratullhtio'is on thair 60th wedding anniver- Fniends ai Mrs. Frank West- sary. %lake Sr. congratulate her on sa. Ptikwsamm reaching her 82nd birthday on ofs th isckples aofembrtDec. 26 and wish lher many hap- Church for many years (naw py neturas. St. Andrew's Presbyterian) un- Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and tii it cea.sed to funiction. 5h. chiidren spent New Year's Day then attended St. John's Angli- with Mr. and Mrs. J. Dyer in can Church. Oshawa. Mrs. Pethick is survived by Mn. and Mms. A. Beevon and her huband;a daugterM sa snsM.J yrM.E.HPe her hsband a dughte, Mm an. J s . DeM E H. Pc J. E. MacNaughton (Ina), nt.evOrhaad Mm Ct . Mndhersn home; two sons, Francis E.*Ohwvste tM.adMs (Ted) Pethick ai Grosse Pointe Rae Pascoe's. Park, Mich., and Charles H.! Mr. and Mrs. J. Knox aned (Bud) Pethick ai Toronto, andj famiy wee with M. and rs. a brother, Rupert G. Hamlyn, Wm. Knox, Broughamn, on New Bowmanville. Yean's Day. The Rev. Arnold C. Herbent New Year's Day guests ai Mr. conducted the funeral service1 and Mrs .Bruce Montgomnery at the Northcutt and Smith wene Mrs. Gertie Ferguson, Mn. Funeral Home, DivWson Street, and Mms. Don Ferguson and Pat- on Monday, Jan. 5. The pali- 1 ty, Mn. and Mrs. Bill McHugh, bearers were William Eflis,1 Osh awa. Thomas Bnoakham, Cecili -'1Mr. and Mrs. J .Leer and borne, Alick Lyle, Roy Luna ýy children, Mr. and Mrs. H. Frei- and John Maguire. The flowcr, tag and sons, Jean Crydenman bearers were in charge af Mr. and George Bîttnen, Oshawa, Alfred Shrubb. Mrs. A. Balson were with Mn. Interment was ia Bowmani- and Mrs. E. Crydenman, New ville Cemetery. Year's Day. Mns. Sid Hockaday entertain- ed Mr. Frank Cowliniz. Hamp- OnhlUAIIi ton, Mn. and Mns. E. Hockaday and girls, on New Year's Day. JAMES § NIEMn. and Mrs. Johh '?--rmoome and children, Tyrone, were with James Infantine, ion 30 years the'Lloyd Broome's fan New proprietor ai a fruit store in Year's Day. Bowmanville, dicd in Memoe- Mns. T. Flett, Columbus, was iai Hospital an Jan. 5, aged 84. with D. Flett's. !M. Infantine sufiered a stroke Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cryden- on Dec. 3. man and chîîdren were Satur- Mn, Infantine was bora in day evening guests at Mr. and Sicily and came to tue United Mrs. Hanny Kn-ox's. States ta join his brother, Jas- Mn. D. N. Spires, Toronto, eph in Buffalo when he was 14. vigited at E. Spires. HIe neturned ta Italy for mii- Mn. and Mrs. Stan Milîson :ary service, but came back ta bad as guests on New Year's ;he United States at the age Day, Mn. and Mrs. Ian Smith of 19. On Oct. 15, 1900, h. and and children, Toronto; Mr. and Rosalia Cancilia, also a native Mrs. Wm. Canr and Brenda, of Sicily, were married in the Oshawa. Sacredl Heant Church, Niagara Mn. and Mrs. Stan Milîson Fails, N.Y. Mn. and Mrs. Infan- were New Yean's Ev. guests1 mie celebnated thein 55th wel ithM.adMs .Rbrs iing anniversary on Oct. l,1 Owa M. dMs .Rbns -rann 2n mnr r -osaa hardtop made for very dang- caster. I JURT&LOVBLL I OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. I s - .-- -.------~ SMr. 'and ..Mr. Frank W.stiak. Sr.attnde -te 4thwedding annivrsaiy ceebra ion rMn. and IMrs.- Frank Moore, Bow- manville. Mn. and Mrs. N. Fice, Doug- las, Marilyn and Keith, 'Taun- ton; Mr. George Cochrane, Rag- lan; Miss Dot Barber, Courtice, visited at Fnank Wcstlakc's Sr. Mn. and Mrs. Perey Westlake and family, Mr. and Mns. Frank Westlal<e Sr.','Mr. and Mn.. Frank Westlake Jr. and family were Saturday guests with Mn. and Mns. Tom Westlake, Mill- brook. -Mr. and Mn.. Jo. Foley, Da- vid and Duane, Madoc, visited at E. Crydcrman's. Mr., and Mrs. C. J.. Wray and girls, Oshawa; Mrs. S. Rundie and Jean, Bowmanviile, were guests on New Year's Day with Mn. and Mns. Ross Crydermman and childrén. Mn. and Mns. H. Yellowlees ad daughters spent New Yean's Day .et Mn. and Mrs. E. Larm- er's, Blacks±ack 'Me 4-H Club girls met Dec- ember 31, ia the hall. The ral cal was enswered with a pat- tern alteration and haw ta make it. The. girls taok notes on how ta pness wool, cane ai the waol skirt and how ta remove spots. Miss Lampman was present at this meeting. Lunch was served. Next meeting is on Jan. 14. Mr. and mrs. Ralph Davis and Pat had New Yean's Day dinner with Mn. aind Mrs. E. Davis, Oshawa. Karen and Breada Yellowlees spent several days with Mn. and Mns., E. Lanmen, Blackstock. Sharon Larmer, thein cousin, retunned home with theni on New Year's Day to stay until the weekend. Mn. and Mrs. Stan Hodigsan, Bowmaaville visited SaturdaY evening with Mn. and Mns. J. Yellowlecs and Gladys. KENDAL BeOWN"« The community weî shocked on Sunday. ta hean ai the sud- dca paîsing ai Mrs. M. Piclçer- ing in a Montreal hospital.:. Our hearticit iympathy goes out ta hem samnawing husbaad and family. Miss Jean Perrin bas been quit. ill. W. wish hem a speedy recovery. On Saturday evening Mm. and Mm.. W. Bennett wene dinner gucîts with Mm. and Mn.. T. Wil- son. Leten la the evening the aeighbors dropped .in for a gane ai candi. They presented Mr. and Mn.. Bennett with a tri-lite faonr lamp and a pin-up lamp. Pnizes for candi went to Mn.. Bennett and Mmi. Page, Mn. Archie Brown and Mm. Lan- erous dnivins and .4q.tzje#' ta cîcar off as if did o,tke Newtonville raad. .Agreat many peopt, hav taken advantagc ai tii. depth ai snow ta ski at Brlmnaco6iïb's Hill. now for saine weeks. -The Oshawa Ski Club mnade, çonsid- enable improvements last. ç=m- mer anid now have thnec tows- in openation., It« must have- been quite a surprise ta the tôlks fnam the Oshaweanera ta 'sec such'banks af snow winged baek on each side ai the Seventh Lia. as thcy camne east from Kirby. The married couples af Ken- dal and district had a most en- joyable time at theirN$ew Year's Ev. pprty and dance heldla thc Orange Hall. As anc lady ex- pressed. it "Thec biggest- head- ache was incleaniag the hall up afterward." The nain ai New Year's, Day froze an aur noads and mmde the hilîs impassable, except -fer Uic venturesome fcw, and thus de- prived many cornsng fram a distance ai a New Year's visit and dinnen. Mns. Cccil Glass and Ray and Mns. Neya Little enjoyed dinner an New Yean's witli Mn. and Mrs. Milt Robinson. Mr. and Mns. Eddie Cauroux, Ray and Marie, were New Ycan's guests ai Mn.ý and Mrs. Vance Allen. Mn. and Mns. Gardon Mart- inel, Rosencath; Glen Thentel and Miss Violet Severn, Ray Thenteil and Miss Betty Clark, Bowmanville; Miss Selena Ther- tell and Roy Slecp were guests ai Mn. and Mns. Clarence Ther- tell, Satunday, fon a.New Ycar's celebratian. Mn. and Mrs. George Clark, Tononto, wene down fan the holi- day and hadNew Year's dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Alex- ander. Miss Marion Thentell spent tue halidays la Toronto at hem uacie's, Stan Thertell's,. and Bruce Therteli ai Bowmanviile hoiidayed with Clarence Then- Mr. and Mns. Russel Rusk arid Frankie Middleton and lady friend, Toronto,. werc guests oi Mr. and Mmi. George Mencer, Sunday. Mr. and Mmi. Larna Paedea and Jean visited Sunday aiter- noon with Mr. and Mns. Bert Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Langstaii -and daughters visited Mn. and Mrs. Ariel Langstaff, Sunday. On Sunday Oid Man Wintcr continued his unwelcome pranks with more snow piled la banks by gaie winds which again made many ai aur roads impassable. Monday morning with tempera- tures ia the --15 and -20. zone matontîts had much diificui-ty gctting cars and school bus stant- cd. There was no school at McLeaa's as neither teacher non ýpupils couid get ta *it.. Mr. and Mmi. Norma Ken- nedy and Wayne spent tue ýNew Year's holiday at George- town and attended a party at the home ai hem brother Rex ýHisiop, ia hanour ai their sister,1 Mns. Steinbach and hem husband1 ai Hollywood, Cal. OSHAWA WOOD PRO.DUCTS LIMITED Downtown Office and Showroom 84 'SIMCOE ST. *SOUTH R.A 8-1617 .BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM OPEN FR!DAY TILt 9"P.M.*.I \. Y ". '-rIt. Yard, Main Office and Showroomr COURTICE RA 8-1611 AJAX ZENITH 1~9600 OBITTJÀRY Hienry Mlvin mel, 29 Pros- pect Street, died ln Memorba1 Hoapitai-,Bowmmnville, con Déc. 31.: 195è, followlng a coronary thrombosis. HIe was in hie 77th year. Hs sudden passlng came as a* çhock to hMs family and friends.., Mr. Bell wus born ln Clarke Township on July 2, 1882, a son of David. and Sarah Jans Bell. On Nov. 12, 1908, h. mar- ried Beatrice Jefunes and Uioey farmetd for a tinie near Leskard before moving to BQwrnanvlle where they have lived for the -past 36 years.. Mr. Bell worlç- cd ln the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company plant here for* a time befare going ta the Bow- manvilie Foundry where he was empployed for 28 years. He re- tired about threè and a haîf years. ago. Last November. Mr. .and Mrs. Bell cclebrated their Golden Wedding annivcrsary when they were remembercd by many frIends. 1 Mr. Bell was a member af Trinity United Church. He leaves his wîfe, and four chiîdren, David af Peterborough; Art, at home; Jean <Mrs. Ralphi Dawson) Barrie; and Rowell of Kin~gston. 1 Funeral service was held on -Jan. 3, 1959, at the Morris Fun- eral Chapel with the Rev. Wn. K. Housiander officiating. la- ternient was in Bowmanville CemeterY. OBITUARY MISS CARLOTTA COURTICE The death occurred at Engle- woad Hospital, Chicago, Satuî:- day, Jan. 3,1 of miss CarloLa (Carnie) Courtice. Miss Cour. tice, who was in her 75th year, had -been 111 for three weeks, A' daughter of the late Rob- ert C.)urtice and Mary Grace Grills, the deceased was bor% In Darlingtori township. Slie had resideci in Chicagro since 1923.* Miss Courtice lived in Dat- lington township untii 192à. She trained as a nurse at a Postgraduate Hospital in C hi- cago. After recciving her re- gistered nurses' degree in pu,.- lie health nursing at the Unix'- ersity of Western Ontario ini Londoai, Ont., she then retur:- ed to Chicago and for many Years was medication supervI3- or at Englewoocl Hospital. ýThe dJeceased was a mnbcr of the Moody Memorial Tabe:- nacle, Chicago. She was a for- mer inember of Ebenezer Uri- ited Church where she. was a member ai the choir and taugnt in the Sunday School, as WeI] as being an active worker La the community. She Ieaves thrse sisters, M' -. Blake Courtice (May), af Cou- tic.; Miss Alma Courtice, ùi Chicago and Mrs. C. A. Wighit (Ruth), ai Bowmanville and a brother, Leo J. Courtice, ai) Oshawa. Rev. Harold Stainton, minis- ter of Ebenezer Uffited Churchi, conducted the memorial service at the Armstrong Funeral Cha- pel at 2.30 p.m. Wednesdayr, Jan. 7. Interment was in Eberi- ezer Cemetery. Palîbearers were Messrs. Stanley F. Everson, Oshawr; ,Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmai- ville; A. Ralph Parrish, Hamil- t on; Donald C. Courtice. Whit- by; Robent Courtice and Doug- las Courtice af Courtice. IAir. Rail ar Steanxship TO EVERYWHERE Mn. and Mn.. Fred Gard- house, Toronto, were New Year's Suaday guests with Mr. and Mm.. Milton Robinsan. Keany Mantinell, Rosencath, spent Uic halidays with hi. greadmathen, Mrs. Hattie Mant- Due ta the fîmnes, af Rev. R., C. White, the New Year's Chunch Service on Sunday, Dec. 28 was ably taken by the Youag Peoples' in charge ai Miss Patsy Foster. The Scrîpture was read by Miss Judy Foster. Mmi. G. Cathicart gave an intemesting taik dealing pertly with the wonderful womk donc by Jack Miner. A special anthem was sung by the choir who were members ai the Youn g Pe!ople'. Church service has beenI held in the Sundey School room these lait iew weeks. Mr. Cecil Glass, who ha. not been so well recently, entered Memnorial Hospital, Moaday, Dec. 29. We trust h. will soan be feeling betten again. Sami Searle leit before Christ- mas ta spend the winter with his daughten, Mm.. Williamson, et London. Mm. and Mm.. Alvin Lowes, Gardon and Joan and Mm. and Mmi. Elmer Patton, Peterbor- ough, calied an Mn. and Mn. Eddie Cauroux, New Year's Sunday. Mn. and Mn.. Orval Zealaad and family spent Suaday, Dec. 28 with Mm.. Mary Luxon. Mr. and Mr.. Bill Turaaiky and daughters were dihnen guests with hi. parents, Mr. and ft'Is. J. Tunansky, Whitby, lait Punday. Have been inionmed that 13 cars were counted stuck ia the snow drifts Up on tue Sixth Line Friday night, Dec. 19, ia- stead ai the 11fv. or six" mcn- tioned lait wcck. On New Year's a thia caating oai ce aven tue