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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1959, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TNE CAWAD!A!~ STA?~SMAN. ROWMArV1LLE. oNI'ARIO TTIIJRSDAY, JAN. th. 1989 Son, of Former Bowman*4 Wins Top Awa rd for Ca With Essay on Our Nori Mr. Tom Humby, accountantar pltion. These aras,' ln this reglon has been quick-i atteDanforth and Daw!s Or. maâke up a very srnall cning in recent years. More sand Branch, Toronto, of the Roya,,l rfioiof !ce \lic ~ole cou nttrv» 'niorq ore people beginniflg to Bank of Canada, had the sIX-I1 h kAt the pattern of Cane- visualize great possibilities fori nal - honour of winning first dîi l j j~devi.loped in a the arra. Indeed, much refer-i prize in the senior division ci verv aiianr lcaviiuig eice to the Northland wasj a Canada-wide essay contest ir" a relèttlv<ly void of made during the recent Gen-j open to employeeï o! all Ca,%. r~.' vri though s ch eral Election mpgu-rf- adian banks. t 't $ 'iditiicv to poli-!ecoco to the expansion and de- Mr. _Humbv is the son of Mr. ~t~cdtrfietltlesî vet'opient of the area. Was and Mrs. H. T. Humbv. lPur- ox*k*uflirie j this merely a play upon thei lingon, nd Ms. Hmbýrs t»latent feelings of a tlmid popul- former Rita Roenigk of P.\- V; Wr Il Cinitd.ilatioii or ln the Northland wor- manville. He is alsoa be 4ri~ hricr tif the' tlîvof! doser attio an of Mr. Mark Roepigk. Bôwyiâ, "~~~~ ~ at tiy ville, a former mnan&Rer' cn Many Fastons the Royal Bank. N.e ,p-jy tweer itt' Althotugh mon i s able ta adapt joind te Roal a:~kthes t ~ ~ ~ ~ AdOfflartolînsi to nlm1ost y eviron- that his uncle re1tzrc,, . -1 i~'~tW I i elta~l oNd)iitjofl. the degree to thus keepiniz a càr~g ere * of l\brt'w ihe vil pupulate a given in th2 family. T' s~ ~ ~ ~ Iarea is dependent on niafly tac-1 the daulphter eof ci P. ' fol sb ' '~ tors whîch alfect hi% abilitv to ager of the Ro- , -a'* ' s <0e.'feed clthe and shelter hlm- is truly a Royal wai~l ~ ~ ' e: <lf , T1v'st'; factors incelude trie fron ec:vd âeaxi. ec 1l.cirateînd the fertllity of thp Tom receý- -ec , e*. it ii.cdite 1soiis in nagricultural region; theCanclsl ~nk à' Al îacesý-they ineclde the nminerai and Association w-ospû.S.YC . i d ,e-logic 1ilforestry resources of an area contest. and al.so 7-.-- :ved k hind the f.rox' iin and lurnberlng in- rognition fs-on, h:*rofm " k e., r <. of the dustries: "they include power; He is a graduale of!7tt.AtýZ1t...,1Zii,,ot rlabour a nd raw niaterial sup- University. w,\here ' ea'*" .c~ c .o:n- p. for inanufacturing indus- his B.A. degree. o ;Fre-ie.Th rxiiyofgo oiincongratulatio....... 'p tal'wy '111(lth~ itri-ts iTh a prx isite fgord theessy ii fil -~lt~-~ ~kot .n deree o f theni ail. Throughout the world the essy in fll. 7-sts and di! fi- there appears to a marked cor~- Canada's population wiý& Caada'%develOP- relation betwveen economnic ac- slow numbers some 17 n;..-. a..:snauo. and dŽ-- tivity and the density of popu- inhabits a land almost a".N~e been increased. lation. As Canada's North]and *oo squre mils in aea ý hve tended to ne- is flot densely naiedo Inuch the same manner s~ e and byriss thîs huge sec- it then follow that it is econ- dlid at the time o! Confeieri. clledCanaa',,omiically unable to support 'a tion when the parts mott . X nd 'ts eof any use or largce population' cessible or fertile were value- s vist area an asset' Just what is the Northland chosen for settîement. r-ýetCeuLd it cssil be a liabilitY. and what are its features, both Maritimes, the St. Lawrence --% il'.S'One~ about the neck o! good and bad? Lowlands, the lower Great the sest of this growing nation? While many geographers con- Lakes area, the Red River dis- Whifle the Northland. like the sider the Northland to include trict, the Prairies south o! thse Arnericars West, has alwavs only the land north o! the Are- Saskatchewan River, and thse been a fmor.tier to be explored tic Circle. most people tend to Vancouver-Victoria districts ta-; and conouered by the adven- regard it as thse area composed day contain by far the bulk of turous and hardy few. Interest of thse Canadian or Precam- brian Shield, those sections of U.U.UUU..UUU.U UUUU UUU UU~ the Western Interior Lowlands o! the Prairies, or Central One-A-Day Brmnd Plains. drained by thse Peace. CeritolAthabasca and the Mackenzie G rolNitiplo Vifamins i Rivers. and the islands o jWth Vitamina aud Minerals Arctic Archipelago. LIquid or Tablets Te stop Wiuter Colds The Precambrian Shield, ln- cluding some o! the Arctic is- 1.5 329 -5.49 1.40,2M5, 3.9S,7.95 land geologically sinsilar ta _______________________________________ Hudson Bay Lowlands, consti- 1 tutes oves- haîf o! thse area of. 1lampole's Haliborange thse whole country. It includes w' A L ê.. ~.u..Labrador, most of Quebec north Extract For CoUss o&i 1.19 o! the St. Lawrence River, most o! Ontario, and thse ares 1.50 - 2.75 1.98 - 8.49 west of Hudson Bay from a _________Ditais Tablets ___ 1.25 point south o! L*Je Winnipeg Dristan Spray -___ 1.25Habrae north west to a point east of Scott's aboag the mouth o! thse Mackenzie Emlin Coldene Liquid - 1.10, 2.59 alt River. Once a vaut system o! Comuluion Tab-l1t25mountain ranges eubjected 1.00 1.0 1.2 - 8.80 through millions of years to 10-2.0 Buckler's Cape. - 45e, 89e_______ erosion and later ta glacial ad- Buekley's Rub __-_ 59o vance and retreat, the Shield BRabt 011 BclysMxue5 A.D.C. is now a huge area o! rocky Buckey'slKiture159e850hummocks interspersed witii Capsules Vick'u Cough Syrup __73e Drops countless lakes and rives-s. As ________ -4.10 most o! tise soul formed through 1.15-2.29-4.25 Benylin - 85c, 1.50 1.60-.0 erosion was îost to the Prairies and the St. Lawrence Low- lands through glacial action It NyalCreohosis now either lightly covered or entirely bare o! soil covering. stops stubborn coughsTh Plains Reglon TeCentral Plains region lu auna ~ssI.I~fla continuation o! thse broad Larg Aofle1.5 mid-western plains o! the Un- __________________________________________ ited States, lying between thse Shield on tis e ast and thse Ladys Rockey Mountains on thse west. sustamin 2-12 - 1.59, 6.00 NYLON flAIR BRUSX! Us width narrows as the Shield encroaches westward until at T.C. 89e the mouth o! the Mackenzie Ri- Capule -79e, 1.50, 5.00 COLGATES TOOTH PASTE ver, thse interior Lowlands are for less than 100 miles wide. Un- Dolelu ______ 2.39, 3.95 Al o 89c like the Shield, tise Plains se- gion did flot experience the vio- lent geological upheavals o! the former and its strata has s-e- mained fairly unî!orm. Durin9 the Ice Age soul fromn Shield jwas deposited oves- the Prai- CO W L N Gj ries, soneti-es to a depth of PHONE 'GWE FIT vea unrdfeet. MA 35695 DR SORE RUSSS iThe Arctic Archipelago Is MA 35695 D UG SORETRUSES made up o! a large number of unaua mnuanang@mun Rag a,,-islands sorne o! which are quite immense in sîze. While many o! them appear ta have experi- enced a similar geological his- tory as thse Precambrian Shield, r OWM[ANVILLE the Ice Age had less effect on R O Y DU 3-5589 them. Many o! the islands form' 1 Y A L 1large plateaus well elevated 1 jthis. THIS FRI. TO SAT. - JAN. 8 TO 10 AgilurS m, ailPata re-1 "L ft I-ande ( n" lativcly small part o! play i "Lef H a ded G unand is one o! tise reasons for PALNEWMAN as "BILLY THE KID" tise sparse Inhabitation. Grant-1 PALed. there are some exceptions1 and1 which have considerable locali à significance. In the Sie i i Js'a1 II~a,~,farming is carried on -nwd- "in th M o eyIy seziarated beds of former I glacial lakes, the most impo-- BOWERY BOYS COMEDY tant o! wisich àutise large Clay i IBeIt o! Ontario and Quebec. I ni "Billy the. Kid" at 7 and 9.50 - Bower>" Boys at 845 'the Peace River country ps-i Igress in agsiultpire lu being NU- O A. JAN.' 1 - 24 ade on nurnerous small "ns-ai-i ries" wisicis are scattered abouti Q jin the nodsol soil zone northi ofWheitaireW'ildernesshe "W hie W ldeines Clo!ethePrries rssland. Th1 thelater ormins h uso ethse fis-st mines-ais mincd in Can-j ada, it i5 by no means thse anly1 rille itelong been the world's leading source o! nickel tram tise mines located In thse Sudbur-y district.1 -AIthaugis tiis 'as-ca has beenà ilicid uaur principal source of su ply, n d a-exploration' has located a«( >, Lnn akethedistrict betwecn1 1Ungava and Hudson Bay andid a gsowing dais-y lnduatry which and silver, platinum, paljadiumi !inds a ready mar-ket in sur. radium and uranium are ail sounding mnining èreas. Merit mined in quentity in variaus1 and tise more delicate veget,. parts a! tise Sisield! In tise pabt ables and fruits have ta be im"It a not always econornically1 pasted into tise district. Wise4t feasible to mine sanie o! tisesei and oat& arc tise main agricul- minerais: others wes-e unkpowr..j tus-ai products of tise Peace Ri-Hoevr technalogical prog-eis 1 ver "prairies" althougis attempts 1 permitting economical extrac-j are b3ing made toasaise cattle' tion isas naw chgnged tisings and hogs. Thse Nortisland's tasrn, radically. Demend heu beeni ing districts are ail faced witi tise prime tactor in lncreaslng simllas- difficulties. Tise as-cas, tise importance of otisers.1 besides béing themuselves sep- Ion Ore as-ated, arc aUl distan t tramj Canada long assumed tisat se populous mas-kets s-esutlng 'I lacked high grade Iran ores. iigiscosts of transportation and Tise discovery and subsequent communications. Tise short production in 1944 o! tisis ore growing season limits tise num'. in tise Steep Rock district cisan- ber and types o! cropa and the gcd tisis supposition and events cold impedes soil development. ince tisen have altercd it even In tise forsecabie future àt more radicaîîy. !Knob Lak-_ now least, agriculture In tise North- offers millions of tons o! arc land will likely be limited to wisile still larger deposits lied servicing nearby commnuniti <s soutis o! end along tise west1 augnienting food imports ta shsore o! Ungava Bay. In tise them. Tise produce growing 1%, BeIcci*r Islands off tise east howcver, welcome in thiee coast o! Hudson Bay lie s-e- communities as aIl food im- serves estimnated et billions o! ports as-e expensive. tons of nsagnctic iran ore cap- Unbroken Forest able o! producing cancentrates In Canada's cas-ly history, thse 65 percent iron, low in sulpisur Boreai forests stretcised uuîbro- and phosphate content. People1 ken tisrougi tise Nostiland will argue howeves-, thet thse from the Atlantic ta tise Rocky reserves as-e inaccessible. But Mountains. Today tisese farcuts Knob Lake was also ten years1 o! spruce, balsam, jack-pinc ago. Engineering feats previaus-i and papier stili caver most o! ly unknown in Canada now per- tise Nostiland frani its soutis- mit delivery o! os-e at Sept cmn boundaries dwindling gs-ed- Isles. Are people able to argue ual]y into tise sisrub-iike flore tisat tisese other reservées will o! tise Arctic tundra. WisilL, stili be inaccessible ten years tisese forests cannat comrpete fs-arn now? witistise timber cut in Britisti While tise Central Plains s-e- Columbia or witi tiselisard- gio is seativeiy devoid o! m2- wvoods o! tise St. Lawrence Val- tI e minerais, natural gas anîd ley. tisey fos-m tise basis of Cen-I petroî*eum continue ta gs-ow in ada's giant pulp and papes- in- importance. Altisougis maut o! dustry. No longer are tisese tise ectivity in tisese fields isas fos-ests treeted as an enemny ta occurred in tise soutisern ps-ai-1 be ruthiessly anniiiited but ries, exploration and produe'-1 as a valuabie cs-op ta be iser- tion in tise Nortis arc pragress-e vested with cas-e. Tise puîp ing at a sapid rate. Oil produxc-1 and papes- industry isas been tion isas commcnced in tise Canada's most important single Stus-gean Lake as-ca about "40 industry for many ycars. It miles cast of Grand Prairie, retains fis-st place in thse value wsi ieSa iitedl t o! podution inexports, in tracting mucli attention at tise wages paid and in capital in- present tume. Dusing tise next1 vestnient. Tise industs-y's grass£ two years tise Mackenzie River value a! psoduct in 1957 was Delta will be tise scene o! large oves- $1.4 billion and accounted scale exploration wiscre geolo- for neariy 50% o! Cenada's ex. gists believe tisat the Devonien ports ta tise United States and limestone sts-ata mey cantain 22 percent a! total Cenadian tise worid's ricisest ail field. It exporta! Whisle tise îndustry i , is very îikeîy that tise econami- flousishing in New Brunswick, cal extraction a! ail fsrn tise tise Canadian Siicd producesI tas- sands along thse Atisabasca tise lion's sisare with Ontaria 's River will mes-case in tise n-as- and Quebec's output being well 'future. Canada's ail reses-vEs total. Mas-ket psoximity hes bars-els! Is it flot conceivable' helped these two provinces ta tisat Canada could become one develop a multi-million dallas- o!tise leading ail producing na- business. While efforts as-e be- tions? As thse network o! gas îxsg made ta increese tise west- and ail pipelines continues ta es-n provinces' portion o! tise grow, more and more new In- industry large mar-kets as-e nia ugreswl eelp hs distat, threby esse Isgte alrcady tise case in tise Edmon- value o! tise good stands in the ton district whes-e tise Pembina narthcern parts of tise Prairie and Redwates- fields have been provinces, instrumental in tise establisis- Electrie Power ment o! polytisene, pets-ocisemi- Wisile thse iydro-electrie cal, and industriel chemical in- pawes- potentialities o! tise Cen- dustries. The wells at Norman trel Plains are limited. tise very on tise Mackenzie River have opposite is tise case in tise Ps-e- been a boon ta tise radium cambrien Siield wiih abounds mines an Great Beas- Lake and in lakes and rives-s. Due ta tise ta opes-tions on tise Alaska topags-apisy o! tise regian, wates- Highway, ta whîcis ail is piped falls tram anc level ta anotises et Whitehos-se. Witis naturel oves- most o! its as-aca reating gas as a substitute for water practicaily unlimited sites for in tise generation o! electrical power- development which is sa power, indlusts-y cannfot isclp essentiel ta bath aur pulp and but grow in tise West.. papes- and mining industries. Value To Nation The potentiel on some o! thse rives-s sucis as tise Nelson, thse IWIen tIse minerai, tas-est and Slave, tise Eastman. and thse wates- resous-ces o! aur Nor-th- Hamilton, is staggering with land as-e carefully cansidercd, estimates o! millions o!fIsorse- cen anyone honestly doubt tise power o!fIsydro cnes-gy. on cacis. erea's value ta tisesest o! tise Tise Chus-chili, thse larricenau, nation! Cen one cansides-tise tise Nottaway and countless Nostiland ta be anytising but an otisers have sites whescselme- asset? Wiile it most de!initeiy whet smalles- but stili very iu an asset, a huge asset. it isas valuable quantities of power fMatur-es that tend ta dîscaurege mey be gencrated. Truly th-_tise less aptlmistic. Tise misgiv- Sisild u vituely ehug ~ ings niey b-_dispelled, isowever, Canien indirustry aplnnig an bod, cuaou îng o! metellic minerai weelth.is. .pcte ytise GodonCoi- Tises-e is isowevcs-, an abun-ission ta number oves- 26 miil- dance o! coal, naturel gas, and lion by U.80. Tise United States' petolemthee cosly ss- Population Re!erWnce Bureau ciatd wth traifid rck. estimates tisat it will reecis 54 ciatd wtis ts-ti!id rck. million by tise tus-n aftise ceti- Sanie a!tise minerais !aund tus-y. Wisile events may ps-ave in tise Northlend wes-e discov- Use'se estimates inaccurate, no ered before tise tus-n a!tise cen- ane denies tiset aur population tus-y'but mast o! tise explora- sgon rpdybtthug tion and exploitation a! tisimmgratiinsapndlyth tismougi are reecent yas-s with dinclatively isigis birtis rate. Wiii tionseiset tise bs thuiytndica.immigrants are prcsently being tion tht th bet lis yt t attracted ta tise industs-ialized come5. GldIISidus-ban as-cas, anc cannot iselio Gold ii Sheld tbut feel tiset tise Northlend wili Goid hes been taund in most, continue ta draw mare and parts o! tise Precembrian Shicldmoef upoleti. as well as in tise Yukon. Whu or ! u eol t t meny mines have ceascd ta ps- Push Frontier duce. otisers stili make Canada Our extraction and pulp and anc a! tise world's las-gest pro- 1 papes- industries have donc ducers o! this valueble metal. mucis ta pusistise frontier fer- Tise Lake Sisore Mine et Kirk- 1tiser and fstiser nosthwas-d. Asf land Lake in tise hcart o! Cen- new mines and nis have op- ada's most importent gold ps-o- cned towns have sprung up ducing area, heu yielded oves- about tisen. Taday meny o! $246 million o! gold since psr'i- tisese as-e model communities duction began in 1918. Gold with modes-n homes. uchools mixed witis atier miners-lis and chus-cics. Elliot Lake even found in large ctuentities et boasts o! a large, new civic au- Flin Flan, Snow Lake, Val d'Or. ditorium. tise funds having been Noranda, Ciibougamau as well provided by mining officiels. as several otiser places in tise1tises-e. If living conditions cen Shield. WhUh gold wus ont of ha made mort pleasant inta n. ners such as theae, mucis will ernment must do everything be done ta oves-came thse trepi- possible to prevetit any unwise datins mny hvq - th ir imposition o! tasif!s and sisould daios sey sa; ~nthircontinue tô encourage f ree- minds when considering set- trade through rseciprocity ev3n tiing in northern cammunities. at thse expense of a few indu.;- As xpost Canadians enjoy ant tries which cannot compcte of thse world's isigist standards with fareign competitian. o! living, those responsible for Transportation tise development o! tise North- land will have ta bear this 2M Many o! aur natural resour- mind. And tisey sisould bear ces lie -Ln whaz are now inac- It in mnd 'for tiseir own good cessible rexions, on as- beyond because labour, ane o! the high tise present perîpiseral a! good cost factors all lndustry faces mar-kets. By and large, isowever, in tise NoËtisland, sisould be tisese regians are inaccessible mare easily and mare cheapiv oniy because wc have not vet available if living conditions devcloped means o! transpo-ta- In nos-es-n communities arc tion ta themn. It is true tisat comparable ta those in more many resources may for many southerly regions. To assist in years lie in sub-mas-ginal as-es this. secondary industry and wisere tise costs xnvolved rela- services sisould be encauraged tive ta tise value o! tise resour- whcrever possible ta locate in ces present may make immedi- new communities. Canada's ae development impractical. chartered bankassould be Howcver, as thse nation expands proud of tise fact tisat tlsey as-e nortisward, sisrinking tise fs-on- often lhe fis-st ses-vice ta ap- tier tisese' regions wili become peýar In newly created tawna. important and cannot, there- uranium City, Yellowknife' Ak- fore, be consides-cd vaiueless. lavik, Frobisiser Bay and Ha'.' t is promising to note tise gov- River al daim banks as anc <if ernment's intention ta expand tise services available in their transportation facilities into re- towns.mote as-eau. Government en- towns. cousagement is welcome. Wile Effect of Fluctuation costs o! development will be A second reason for tise desir- giganlic, tise long run savings ability o! secondary industry is in defence and administration tise effect ce business fluctua- will likewisc be great as well tions on communities solely de- as tise benefits that will be pendent on anc industry. Sec- reaped by tise country au a onda4r<r indusit,-v <ca n domîch whole. taobroaden and expand econ- amie activity and tisereby de- velopment o! tise Nos-thiand. Petroleum and naturel ges are encouraging new industries ini tise West. Hydro power- ln Qui- bec and Britisis Columbia have fostered isuge aluminuni indus- tries. A metallurgical industry is being planned for tise Takti district o! nos-tisesn Britishs Cal- umbia wvhere tise ebundant isv- dro electricel potentiels will be employed ta process tise min- erai weelti o! tise Yukon. While e growing population will isclp maintaîn tise dcmand for aur minerai and !orest s-e- sources, m-ucis strenuous effort on tise pars-taoa bath indust-v and goves-ament alike must be expended ta attreet and main- tain fareign demend. Industrv must <da everytising in its paw- es- ta produce et prices campe- titive witi tisose a!fas-ceign manufacture-s tisi-ugis techna- logical improvements, resear-ch. and reduction o! waste o! al types. Indust-y must also wage a sts-ong sales cempeign ta ln-, tes-est fareign buycrs. The gov- For The Optiniist The Atomic age is the age for the optimist and should prove to be the Golden Age for Cani- ada for nothing appears impos- sible today. In the age of the jet airliner our Northland is the Gander of tomorrow. Frp- bisher Bay, the proposed capi- tal of our Northland, is already an international airport. Henry Hudson's dream is today a reality. not by water but through the air. What possibil- ities there are in an ad!e when nothing seems impossible. The question has been asked: "Is Canada's expanding fron- tier-the Northland-an asset? A liability?" Surely these ques- tions are rhetorical! It most de- finitely is an asset, a tremen- dous asset which can offer everything to those with im2- gination, resourcefulness and courage. The question should be aslced more of degree than o! tact. And then the answer is that our Northland is only as great as we ourselves care to mnake it. BEST BUY - Save Bc WESTON S SODAS BEST BUY - Save 6c Jini Dandy LIGUID CLEANER PONTYPOOL I.ast Monday this writcr paid~'- a visît ta Civie Hospital, P ter, I bos-ougis, and wvas vms-y to find all Pontypool paten >.~ chees-fa! and making tory progress. Wp sin Al3 hope tisat aIl tisree, Ms-s. M.anettz.. Chas-las àlcNeil Ken fallis, wlii oe back ho e soan Sos-sy ta ies-n tram hlm ni- pisew tiset Ms-. Rabt Hiot' isad ben taken ta Doctar's' Hospit2i in Tor-onto witli viruaâitil pneumnonie. Local yourix peopile ape¶î,r New Yees's Eve at Ornemetàs,-.,t, Betiseny and Mlibrook, widS aw tise iargest group gaing to ô a . mee. Mr. Elgin Budd o! Simcoe. s spending a tew days in tise v;d- , lage. q1t OBITUÀRY RUS SELL BERTRAN DZA14 ~ Followngan Illnessaofo! niy" a fcw deays tise deatis occurrta. j: et tise Oshsawa General Hospital, ý.* Sunday mos-ning, Dec. 28,' nif Russell Bertrani Dean, o! Bus-e- , keton. Tise deceased was in bis,, 42nd yeer. A son o! Chas-les R. and Cos-à <o'. Dean, o! Maple Grave, them de- ceased wvas bas-n et Pas-t Pers-y. ' He was mes-s-ed et Oshsawa in May, 1938.' A resident o! Bur-ke.- , ton for seven yes-s, he hsd r liveci previously in Osisawa. Ms-. Dean isad been an eina.' ployec o! Genes-el Motossn l ise seject test depertment for tise" past 16 years. Dus-ing his lif- .1 time Dr. Dean was an active >t?' chus-ch wos-kes-. .1 ,V Dur-ng tise Second Warld ft Wer ise served in Canada wu ~ tise Royal Canadien Army Ses-.' ic e C orps.> He leaves his wife, thse forrn. es Mary Anderson and two sansl, . Russell B. Dean and Thoma'ý B. De3n. Aiso surviving as-e his paÊrr'e ents; two sisters, Ms-s. L. Gar. 4 s-ow, o! Oshaewa and Ms-s. McKee, o! Mapîs Grave and 'I brother, Artisus- D. Dean,or- Pas-t Pers-y. Tise funes-al ses-vice was heldýý' tram tise Mclntosh Puses-ai,', Chepel at 8 p.m. Wednesdyi.<" Dec. 31, foilowed by interrnent .q In Oshawa Union C.meteÈs'y.I 11ev. W. A. Loga, minr , Burketwn United Chus-ch, con.. ý;z duetef tise ses-vices. IT~ A~A* 'lÀ M 1959 PIedge Ç USTOMERS f la C ie o rrlentlî staff "FEATURE" Brown Bear No. 1 WHITE HONEY lI1b. tub 33c Brown Bear No. 1 WHITE HONET 2 lb. pail 5 3c BEST BUY - Save 3c IHein: TONATO KETCHUP or. botti. 22-lc 'i t, ~1 * t 'Y * 'fi m Lb. Pkg. 29 c 16 oz. bottle a m a43c BRSEEGREEN PEAS - 2 lb. poly bag 53e BIRD EYEMACARONI & CHEESE DINNER, 15 oz. pkg. 55c FROZEN FOODS COD FILLETS-______ 12 oz. pkg. 27c "FEATURE" Lynn Valley 48 oz. jar Circus rail - Pure - 4 lb. pail DLENDED JANS - 69c PEANUT BUTTER -$ 1.19 General Electric - 25-40-60 watt "CANDY 0F THE WEEK" LIGHT BULDS - 4 Fe 79c Golden Hour Clopg Aunt Mary's" 24 oz. loaf SCOTCH IMT - 29c SLICED BREAD 18 lc - Produce Meut Sweet, Juicy, Sunkist - Good size 138's Swift's Fresh, Lean ORANiGES Doz. 33c PORKHAN ROLLSLb. 69C Swift's, Fresh, Meaty Crisp, flavour pack fancy 6 qt. basket PORK HOCIKS Ib 23 c SPY APPLES - ' 5 9C Swift's Brookfield - Sils Large heads fine quality Jumibo 24's S A U S A G E Lb. i45 C LETTUE 2 fr 29cSwift's Premium L LETT CE for.9~LOOSE FRANKS '4 45 c Mild, Sweet - 11/ lb. pkg. Swift's Preniun - Sliced or Plece PARS lIPS - 19c, HEADCHEESE Lb. 35c THERE'S BOWMAN VILLE - Wm. H. 1 MAPLE GROVE - Maple Gr ive KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST. - EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO - Cornish Marketc BLACKSTOCK - Blyth'fs Mai iate Groceteria eria rket' BEST BUY - Save-.9e Gold Seal - Fancy Red %,s tin SOCKETE SALMON 2 for 89C BEST BUY - Save 4c Aylmer 10 oz. tin TONATO SOUP - 3 for 34c A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU mvwqý mauràcwm TnE CAltqADIAlq STATESMAN, BOWAAWM- LE. ONtARTO THMSDAY, :AN. éth, 1939_ PAGE Sm T-t- f,

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