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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jan 1959, p. 7

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S-~....-...--- .~------..-- ~ ~-. -., ~..-...... -~ ~ ?RUJRSDAY, JAN. 8th, 1959 11M CANAD'IAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE SEME Miss Irene Casbourn. Hýami- ton, spent New Year's with her father, Mr. H. H. Cas'oourn. Mr. and Mrz. R. McNichol, Toronto, spent the Ncw Year's holiday %vith Mrs. M. M. Gerry. Wayne Hooey has returned to 'Western Univcrcýity atter spend- ing Thfe holidlys with his parents, Mr.- and MrF. A. L. Hooey. Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Owýcn3, John and Patricia, Toronto, were New Year's guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Westawa.v. ,Miss Hazel Webber, Reg. N., Peterborough, and Miss Jo-i- anne Marsh. Islington, spent holidays with Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Lajeun- ess.ï and Chantal. Westmoun+, Moptreal, wcre Christmaswek guests with Mr. andMr.J O'Neill. ?Âr. and Miýrs. Art Constabl-:, Torpnto, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Smith and at- tended the Lions New Years Eve dance. H. G. Holwell of Kingston Rd., Toronto, writes: Please find en- cloàed P.O. order for my 1959 subscription. Can't do without the ,"Statesman". Mrs. Bernard R. Kitnc2v sus- tained a broken knee cap in a fait-, Iast Friday. She bas a walking cast on the injury. Her zrranly friends wisb her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hall, Nancy and Jimimy returned ta' Chatam on Sunlav after spend- f ng 'Christmas and New Year's witri'.his parents Mr. and Mrs. James 'Hall. t14r.- ndMrs. Ronald Hall. 'Vandy and Jimmy, returned ta Chiatham on Sunday a fte r spending Christmas and New 'Year's with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Hall. Dr. George and Mrs. Allin and thr'ee boys, Montreal, were visiting Mrs. Norman Allin for five -day-,s. They ail spent Christ- ma Day with Mr. and Mrs. Osar,.Jamieson. ,Pet9rborouga. Mr.. and Mrs. C. Dislev spent Christmas with their son, Mu.ý ànd Mrs. Charles Dislcy, Ban- - croft. Their grandoidren. Daie and Kenny, returned to Bow- mianville with thern for a ho[I- day. Mr. Larry Murdoch, H-amil- ton: Miss Audreyv Venton, Te!- ronto Western Hospital; M!s.: Elizabeth -MoFaul, Tor onto -ani Owen Sounid, visited Mr. ani¶ Mrs. Sydney Venton and Don for the New vYear's holiday. Mr. and IIrs. John Coombies and family. Campbellford: Mr. and Urs. Robereoombes and Dae U Oshar' iMr. and Mrs. Ro CoomCnomjs and Wayne, eowe7 ilie, spent Christmas wîtthf_4r parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.JOHNS :CHURCH (Anglican) Firsi .After Epiphany 4HOLY COMMUNION il 1 CHURCH SCHOOL I *MORNING FRAYER EVENING FRAYER Trinity Uni' iMinister-Rev. Wm. K. Organst-Mr. Arthur Col]i il1:00 a.ni -MORNING1 'The Sacrament of1 "Do Nol Conform Bu -1.:00 p.nl. - EVENINGV "The Acceplance q2:10 p.nl. - SUNDAY S( A FRIENDLY WI REHOBOTH REFORMEE Scugog Street, MRNING SERVICE. VNING SERVICE AYSCHOOL AFTE SSPECIAL CHRISI CRISTNIAS DAY, 41CaH (English) S"Back To God1 8:30 a.m. every19 'FI - No Changes in Members of Darlington Township Council Monday from 8 ta 10 p.m. A reurion of former members wil f be held on Jan. 19. ersonalThe executîve af the Home tr u sonaI and School Association met on ,A 3-3303 1hoatfMs.C.Hthn, ue St.. with 10 present. MuS. Ralph --Amrez, vic-presdent. presided in the absence o! the president, Les Coombes. Mrs. Rosé- McDonald. The As- SpenJing Cbristrrias with Mrs. sociatîon will meet at Centralj Harry Smith were Mr. and Mus. School next Wednesday, Jan. 14.1 Sam Cooper ai-d familv, Port when Mrs. V. Mathewson will1 Credit, aid Mu. W. J. Hiilîs of convene the pragram. Winncrs! Cresde-i, B.C. M-~. Hilts is a 'o! the public speaking cantests,' cousin cuf Mus. Smith and theiy Katbv Osborne, and Carolyn had n), scen each other for 5U Stacey, will give their priZe years. winning talks, and Mr. M. Bea- Holidiay guests w-îîb Mr. ard tan, music surervisor, ill speak Mus.Km Smerfoudwereh~rbriefly on bow singing is tpught math e:. Mu. J. rD. Sees, lroin the schools. A film an six mota nine yearJolds Steveasso be on Dec. 26 celebuated lier 82nd so n. er lswl lob brthda-;; alzo Melvin Wilson 1 ion who bas now movd ta Gait, 1 A large family gatbering took and James and John Topping îPlace at the home of Mr. and of Oshawa. . Mrs. Ardbuu W Martin, Martin I Mus. Ralph Rea. Partage La Road. Pt Christmnas, whien ahI j Puairc, and Mus. Wucford 45 membeus o! the family were Souc, Winipg, Mn., home togther. The gathering Soc tbe inenissg.Can. Marc- includcd .Mr. and Mus. Martin, of he ateMis CarieA. ý1a-,thoir cighnlt daughters and sons, tvn, flcw from the West toa a-ad 27gadbîd1.Fo tend the funcual or. Dec. 29 ani fartbest awLy were Mr. and visitpd friends. in Bowimanville Mrs. James Martin and family, and Oshawa until Jan. 3. Calgary, Alberta. Others were: Mus. C. Dunin accamoanici 1Mul. and Mus. Maurice Preston 'bv ber sister, Mrc. S. Vice of (Donna), Mr. and Mus. Donald Oshawa, spent the Christmnas 'Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Melvon holidav with their niece, Mr.I Shiels (Greta) and family, Mr. and M -s. Frank Armstrong and !and Mrs.- Keitb Biekeli (Aud- famnil,-. Odessa. On Saturday rcv) and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mus. Dunn also had as , hhŽr Wcs Martin and famiiy, ail of guests ber sisters, Mrs. A. F. Bowmanville: Mr. and Mus. Langdun, Toronto. and Mrs. Lloyd Flintaff (Thelma) and Vice. familv. Osbawa: Mr. and Mrs. Higgon Electrie Ltd., local Fred Wright (Marion) and fam- agents for mator vehicle licences, ily, Maple Grave. There were reports no great rush of appli- thuce sets o! twins in the gath- cants up ta Wednesday noon. A ering, Donald Martin and Don- staff o! thre, Mrs. Ted Bird. na Preston, David and Donald Jr.. Mrs. Wm. Tait and Mrs. BillPiekell, Barbara and Beverley Slaght, Jr., is looking after the -Wright. business of issuing licences. The 45th Anniversary first licence sold was ta Ray Mu. and Mrs. Frank Moore, Wilkins o! Cobalt, Ont. 69 Lib~erty St. North, Bowman- Christmas visito'-s with Mr. ville, bad a family gathering at and _Mus. E. J. Gibbs, Liberty the Memorial Park Club House St., were Miss Malee Gibis, on Dec. 26 ta celebrite their 45tb Las Angeles, Calif., Mkss Aî- wcdding anniversary. T h e re icen Gibbs, Oshawa: Mr. an! weue 30 present ta enjay dinner Mrs. Jack Gibbs and cilidren, and supper and a pleasant so- Ajax; Mu. Harold Gibbs, Mr. ciel time. Frank Moore of H-am- and M-s. Ken Buckley and pton and Mamie Westlake of Ann,?, Toronto: Mr. and Mus. Solina rere meuuicd Pt Hamp- Robert Scott, Woodbridgc. ton on Dec. 24, 1913. Mu. Moore Cbristmes and New Yer's 1i s pucsently, employed witb the visitors with Mu. and Mus. Rab- Dept. of Highiveys. The Moores ert Williams and family weue rmoved ta Bowmanville about Mr. ind Mus. John Cattran, six years ago. At the December Sarnia; Mr. and Mus. Boy Falls meeting of the Wamcn's Insti- and Wendy, Stucetsville; Mr. tute, Mus. Moore received a loy- and 'Mus. J. R. Reynold.s, Arv-i; Ygfadohritswe miss B. V. Revnolds and Mu. eygi' ndohe its'u Authr Hskel, Ohaw 1,M. puesenîci ta the couple at the and Mus. Len Swatuidge and fml at nDc 6 hs Johnny, Toronto. j resent weuc their sans and dau- ghters, Mu. and Mrs. Bill Ste- New Year's dinner andi tea phens and family, St. Cathar- guests et the home of Mu. and ines; Mu. and 'Mrq. R. E. Hunt- Mrs. Z. Adams, Liberty Street, ley Pnd family. Holland Land- were: Mu. and Mus. Ross Adams, ing: Mus. Russell CochuanBr Mis,: Gaîl and Rosly'n, Master nice and Eaul, Buuketon: Mu. andi Terry, town; Mu. and Mrs. Mur- Mrs. Arthur Moore 'and family, ray Adams, Miss Valerie, Greg- Whitby; Mu. Bill Moore and son. ory and Bradley, town: Mr. and Toronto: Mu. and Mus. Hlaroldi Mus. Wayburn Adams, Miss Deb.-MorEwavle s r. hîp, Cynthia and Michael.- town;Moromnileaia us Mr and Mus Sam Adams, town; Moaue's aunt andi uncle, Mu. andi Mu.* and M'us. Allan Bcacock, Mus. Fuank W'estlake, Sr..: Miss Lucilie, Bruce and Bob, iSaln.T~dyia IaMs Nestîcton; Mu. and Mus. BeuwIn Xestlakc's 2nd biirtbdq v ind Adams and Wavne, Nouth O;7h beucivdcngauatoso xva; Mu. and Mu s. Harold Hlay,ithe occasion. Oshawa. Memorial Park Assn. Holds Chiristmas Party An enjoyable Chistmas Party was held by the Mein- anial Park Associition at the clubhouse recently. A t311 Chvistnas trce sparkling witb ounaments was mucb admiued. Vivid Christmas decouations addcd ta the festive appea,- ance of the spaciaus roam. The tables weue igited bv taîl reti taper in crystal candlestickr, and adorned with Yuletide de- couetians. Miss Ada Dadson, the presî- dent, welcomed the membelrs and extended ber best wishcs fou a "Meruy Christmas and a Happy New Yeau" ta tbem. The Vice-opre siden t, Mus. Victor Je!- feuy raid Grece. A deliciaus tuukcyv dinner xvas seuved. Miss Datiso- on behaîf af the asso- ciation thankcd the caterers, Mr. Mary Martin and Mr;. Myrtie Thompson.- Aftîer dinner Miss Dadron tu'-ned the meeting aveu ta the, entertainment comî-nittce, Mr'?. Victor Jeffeuy, Mus. Frank Thompson and Miss Dadson. Attractive Christmas gifts were exchanged. The varied pro- gram o! cnteutainiment puesent- cd was a decided success. A rcading, "A Boy's Pocket"'. wvas given by Mus. Jeffery. Rg Harding sbowed rolouued Mo)- tion ptctures of the Centenni41 celebralions, the Old Home Week parade, the Orange p.3- rade, and sonie filmns taken at Goodyear 25 x'eaus egao. Four talented membeus of the Association. Marg Jeffeuy, Wyn Barrett, Vi Thompson, and Yvonne Edmondson, matie a bit as "The Fiercesome Foursome"~. They sang a medley o! ol-d sangs rncluding '"DoodI-Do', "Wait Till The Sun Shines, Nellie", "Moonligbt Bay"~. andi "Wbe-n You WVore a Tulip'". Ail the memb2rs joined in the Christrmas Carol singing with Tom Park at the pian,). Marg Jeffery gave a second in- teuesting reading entitird "A Boy's Rights". W"yn Baruett playeti a number ai piano sel- ections. The delightfui evening closed witb the serving o! tea and Christmas cake. New Appointments Approved For Town'1s Representatives Ta puovide for the appoint- ment of certain repuesentatives o! the Town of Bowmanvillc a By-Law wtas passcd et the meet- ing o! Bwmn,,villc Town Coun- cil on ,,oi-da ' evcning. The ap- po;ntmnetitsarc as foilOMIS: R. Watt, N. F,. Osborne. F. Councillor A. H. Sturuock and Councillor Ken Nicks ta be membeus of the Bowmenville Recreation Commission fou 1959. Coursillor Keitb Lathangue ta be the repuesentative of the Town Council on the Board of Directous of thc Cheunher of Mu. andi Mus. J. D. Hogartb, Coo'încfLnclr .rGcCmec o 9u Hmtn netieonteo-M arion Topr J.ier'u .j>aCr yr'IIu s amton.f teu4tinedd n eO- O iiaye. O. 0,J. Pressai andi De- Councîllor O. J. Presson ta ciearn oe4twesDingan-puyReeve J. Brough ta *ie hc the re ores enta t ive o! Towvn nihe res o n ers DyatWe .~members of the Eownianvilie Council onLlie CnrlLk .lai cres", wcn fcraeus wuea.f nerena management board fou a Ontario Conservation Autoity solad mefoudsixte entrauds a periot of tv,.o years. fou 19a-9. gfs ol l e apusteianho!e j-4e eCL W. Davidi Higgon tg fio (ilenholme Hughes abg gint tookb laeet tn heier m -I i Town Council's reoresentative' member o! the Eowmanville Li- and. a ufest luci he wa rer-on Rhe Board of Directous o! hrauy Board for the terrn o! vet. Gent icluecither ati Mîs.Marion Haves is the new Mrmorial Horia o 99. tueyas ghter xssinMus.nldo M.popitr o Ja' eut .E sorne anti Councillar Councillor A. H. Sturuock ta Wica atiDoalCoýbOurg: i Centre, 37 King St. West. Mrs,. Ivan T-ohbs ta he members o! be the Town Councils repue- their son Bruce. bis wife and Ha~yes who bias been witb Mus. the Bowmianvilic P 1 a n n i n g sentetive on the Lake Ontario familv of Pickering; M\r. Frank Joan iNuiidav,. the former own- Board for the teuma o! thrce Dcvelopment Association. Blunt and Jimmy, Bowmenville; er for the past three y'ears is year's L . Parker ta be a membeu o! Mus. Fuedcnick Blunt, Miss Mati- well kniown ta the clientele of Ma.vor Wilfrid Carruthers to the Durhemi Counity District lyn Wilcox. B o wvnm anville Ihis hiirduessing shop and bas be a mcember ai the Oshawa andtiHi2h Scboi Board for 1959 anti anti Mu. and Mus. Sam Dexxcil. m«anyv frientis iin Bowmanvillc-. District Planning Board. '1960. The current thoitght in the During the part two vear,- Bowmanville Choral Society is Murs. Hayes bas, manavgeti i- to puamate young artists o!fo- b-iesfrMs.Mniv is that neithier bas any belief in manville. Whiie plans are not that the change in owncrsh'p the good faitb o! the other sitie. W y e a n coplteyeheoieo!trias or sbwiplmanv ttechange ta the Conferences cnd witb superficial W hy e a e cusomrs Ms.pronouncements. International (Continueti fuom page one) the express purpose o! baving Mundev wiil now devote b(_ economy makes problems moue old baby girl, had been plac- wnners appeau, as guests on a entire time ta ber home andi complex. The West wisbes ta ed in a foster home at future Choral Society puograun. two small daughters. belp undeveloped n ati o nis Englehart. When the nioth- It is also hopeti rame prize may Mus. Ha yes 'is the former thuough eclucalian, and technical er returnd Ioa daim ber be able ta he given wbicb will Marian Mv-ers o! Toronto and and industriel aid; il is recogniz- child-after some months belpi furtber Une stuclies o! sam'ý r-ccived heu training and Il-cd that sucb assistance will1 w i t h o iu t contact - Mrs. c'ne re Ih AdrwsSchocil raise the potential ecanamnic Whyte tried to secure the enteupuising student. The Soc- o!iîaîui rmtessnd iirewsefr competitian o! these countries," child witbout success. The iety is stili looking for new o arrsiztee reMr. Reed raid. Englehart couple refused Io members w-ha xiii be \veicomed ber marriege ta Buss,ýll Hayesý at eguar racice hed echin 1940,. shne %orked as a bair- The speaker also pointeci ta give the child back to Mrs. et ogtie pactce hati cC(b resstr iin Ta-onto. She assist- the groawinig acceptance a! racial IVhyte, arcording bo reports. _________ d Ms tlaBikefrasecuily as a danger that liamp- This~ latest incident has lime, andi la"r cruied on , crs initiative. He warneti thet a.-ain aroused a storm nt biairduessing business in heu te alleged good will o! e cal- protesi and given impetus home befare gaing in as an as- lective group couldti tample on to %velfare objections over ted C hthrch the frc-edoms o! belie! and the the operation of the unreg- I crsega Ms.Munayesîo-i igbts o! individuels. istered home. Housiander,' BA., B.D. 1;lsheti Joans Beautv Centre He preclicteti that despite th'e One Toronto newspaper iso, ~.2~.,L..SM. nie v(ars ea oIli the location dIfficultie.. in the warid et large calîs for the Provincial Leg- lisn, .RS.M i1",ow ccuoieti by Strike & Canadla. and Darlinglon. xiii ad- isliitire ta put teeth into the Srk.Barristers. and moveti vance the gond o! ail citizens. ('hiIdren's Boarding Home iacros he street la the pueseiit He extendeti bis best -wisýhes to Act in Mrs. V%7isyte ill have WORSHIP site abitut tbre ycars ega. the Township Council for the to reg-ister and coniply with i 1Mus. Hlaves' kl as an oper- ,camîng yeer. resut-blis orent.he Thne Lords Stupper I ator and rî ochiceîrIuI mann- Ctn'u j.B Tulmve snlihet are wcl knoxvn to the shop's;,a beaulty vote o! tbanks ta Mu. ~I Be ransfomed" patrons, Shean Russel<e~ Reed for his words aofw*sdom o n 11sans. Bickv. 17, wiio works et !Township Council, Reeve Boy C u ce IOSI he Goodyear, anti Jim, 15, who W X. Nichols. Deputy-Reeve Garn- WORSHIP is ettentiing B.H.S. et Rîckerd, Councilior AlanE _____ Set Thompson, Councillor Fre:d G. of Responsibility" S t Smitb anti Counecilior Trul, CHOL R evew-eue present at lhe meeting. (Cantinueti fuom page one) '>COOLR ee e sIt was decidedti tbt aIl mcm- Court o!. Bevision- Chair- bers o! the Counicil xill aecept man, Dcputv Reeve J. Brough. 1LCOME TO ALL <Continuoti tram nage one) the inîvitation received fuom the Reeve W. D5, Higgon, Couincil- counteti at fîve anti a bal! peu Board o! Mernorial Hospital, lau I. Hohbs, anti Councillor O. cent. The grass production O!f Bowmanvile, ta attend a meet- J. Puesson. Roatis anti Stucets the country lias not increaseti, ing on Thursday evening. Jan. Cmiîe himn eUty lie addcd. lSth et the Bowmanville Town Reexve J. Buougb, Cou neillor K. lI IPIA IMu. Reed also raid Ibat min- Hall ta tirecurs the puapaseti Lathangue, and Councillor L. Cnvmý'Mr4aue produc-tion in Canada bas plan for the addition ta bbe Preston. CHRIS IAN ciecreasecl. I-e exressed the, hospiti. iopinion libat aftcr Sputnik people Thp Towîîslýiip Cleuk. Walter Publie Puoperly anti Garbagc' >CHURCH 'ciee h uspote lim uhniDsrtHg ch o~ o n i tt0. J.- esaneeeuW. ority o! educatio.i there. DespiteI cheque sent ta them as a sub- Sturuock. Cemeteuy Committce, this it is truc that the WbQle sidy. Mu. Runtile aira reati a1 Chairman, Councillcr A. H. Stu- jfieldi o! education in the xvcst bulletin fuani the Central Lake jruock, Councillor K. Nickr, anti - 10:00 a.m. - Englisb nectis attention, hie raid. Ontario Devclopment Authority. Councîllor L. Preston. 7:3 p.. Duch jjHe pointeti out that the popu- Plans xere matie tod utilize the P o 1lice Administration anti - 7:30p.m. -Dutelarity o! the Unitedi Nations is benefits ta be obtaineti tram Traffic Committee, Chairman 'ER MORNING SERVICE not as great as il was at the! goveuniment assistance fou wint-i Councillor K. Lanthangue, Cou- time il wes constructeti. "On er v.ork prajects. There was a necillor 0. J. Presson, Councillor vital interests the UN resembles discussion o! relie! wvork, and K. Nicks, Councilloîr A. H. Stur- j a grand andi expensive dehelîng it ' w-es agueti that tua h omne rock. and Councillor 1. Hobbs. socîety with little acomplished. condition', of 'pplicanls shouit l idnt ei!Conîte ~NAS LRYIIL~ 1lot':cen this bc re.niedieti?" hi be inveý;tiîated. 51himn aîniirh us DECEM~BER 25th YkCd. v eau mare peopleare A montion los cr nnieti-t'. Councillar K. Lathiangue, 7:0 Duch .în te emcrti wv ! x ! ot fr 1an agnd Councillor K. Nicks. 73 ..(uc)le-vn h encai wý fclua uses in agricuitural - Cnu <gav-rnmenl as the,. eue led ia j zones be 150 feet by 250 fee îeee .aîmn -the scope a! Camimunistic re- deep, Reeve Nichols stateti thet Councillor K. Nicks, Councillor gimes or miiitery cliques. This people building on such a size I. Hobbs and Councillor A. H. bias been seen in the last tew' lot wou!d erect gooti bouses andtur-k. Industriel Commitîe. Hour" Broadcast weeks ini China n-her~e 1ruthiessr- e t hei wev. "-We do not1 Chairnian, ReeW .HgDi SunayC..R.. generals have camne la prwer. wvart ta keep such people out CouncillocR eeK . ck.D Hggui "Th fndaietala\k,.,acl-Th-.-ae an as-cet ta the town-Re Jc Brougih. N. E. Os- ------------ness of the East-West bîtuat.ion 'thip,"' Le saiti. borne. and E. Bantine. for tbis work, and also be re- New Work Week M i isi rs lieved of the annutal $50 grant On February 3. 1959. in keep- M 'Én*m terms ou have made to us for thi. ing with the trend toward a * he Ministerial Associat;Uon k j shorter work week. Grand prepred ta make grants t:)'Union will eut an hour off the p Cunc4 lta help. ircgular 44 hour week. (Continued from page one) Mr. Turner also e xplainiod During the month o! Decem-. lSth $1"7.75 had bee2n spent la that when traîîsients are ber, Grand Union openied two redeem'meal tickets, Mr. Tur- screenced by the police the num- nexv markets in Hagersville and ner aid Ths amuntrepe3-bers seeking assistance in a Acton. 1959 will sec an accel- ents 395 mneal tick~ets. He said - iiw are reduced. The wo:vl eraled expansion pragrami to he pays the restaurant for th'- is soai spread, aniJ they bypass gre,.tly increase the number of ticetsexhaned hee ocetowvns where there is such in- Grand Union Supermarkets in tceyto or tbrede rone n vestigation. Southern Ontario. Cooksville, acddc.d he was certain that tne A subsidy couid bc obtained Ceekrbodstck,Bamtno n-y number of meal tickets gix'en by the Town Council of 80 per- VILEe. Fergsc, and Mtrpo- out Up ta the end of Decemnber cent from the governiment, if ILE.Torto and e tsiofl plus the total for the rosi of the po'ice had eachi meal tickc tnw oottorllb the Canadiaof the year wouid be well over recipient will out a required nGrou the rerease tates. 400.1 -form. Gop h ees tts 80% Are Repeaters It was decided by Council ta, It was also announced that the turn tnc malter over to the Ci- company bas sta,.ted a new More than 80 per cent of vie and Relief Committee far phase of training for career- the iransients asking for caosideration, and for a report mînded young men who have ineal tickets are repeaters, at the next meeting of the entcrcd Grand Union's emnploy. Mr. Trurner said . In recent Towvn Council. A Division Training Manager years only two members of ___________ William Hodgson bas been ap- the Association. Captain pointed to conduct the school at Norman Coles of the -Salva- the Yonge & Sheppard Grand tion Arniy, and himself, had ~ h~f Union Supcrmarket in Torc-nto. given out the tickets. Other Candidates for this learn-work-« ministers who had been ap- e arn series as it is called are proached by transients had U nio nl selccted for their potential abil- referred themn to them. The ity to become Grocery, Meat, reason for this was that when (otne rmpg re Produce, Non-Foods and General ail the ministers had tickets (onnedro paene Managers. Length of training it was found that the pro-fes extensive training program for will vary according ta each sional séekers of hand-outs mianagerial positions. candidate's past experience and had gone fromn one minister New IVage Schedule adaptability. to another obtaining tickets, Seventy-five per cent of, Chamber of Commerce Sec- and haît reniained in town Grand Union clcrks, book-kecp- retary-Manager Kcnneth N. Mor- for several days. They had crs and meat cutters wilI re- ris, members of counicil and even tried to have the res- ceive an immediate increase up local real estate agent J. Van taurant give them a package to $4 per week. New schedules N est and other' interested par- ofo tirtetts.sed ffo will allow ail store personnel to tics bave been in close touch for heirtickts.achieve higher maximum wages. with the situation since negotia- On The Spot Two ncw job categories were tions were begun. It is expect- created for this new salarý, pat- cd that the old building will be "The difficulty at pre'-en1, k terni. A senior maie clerk and completely wrecked, but no that Captain Cales and I1a x a senior meat cutter will be exact information has been out on the spot ta decide if t1e recognizcd and paid accordin.Et availabie as to when the deal for transient is worthv of a contri- ta a rcw high s'y ,' trLin' t he property was completed and bution, or not, and we a"ce not rates will increr' -' also. with a 1whenl construction may bce x- qualified ta judge," Mr. Turnerr female clcuk iixueased fuoim $401 pected ta start. said. "'Perhaps Council wouid per week ta $44 per week, a take this probiemn off our maie cierk fuom $45 ta $49 per bands, and issue the meal week. The release states th at A man who knows bis own tickets through the Police De- tbe new schedule bas been bail- imperfections is just about as partmer.t. You xvould receive cd as anc of the finest in the re- 1 perfect as it is possible for anx - a grant from the goveunmenittl food industry.aire ta be. A nniversar V peeialç Beeliive Reg. tini 3lc-SAVE 2o CORN SYRUP 2-lb in 29c Mvl-Larenis Reg. 35c-SAVE 6c CO N RELISH R k5oz 32 c BALLET TISSUE pkgo2 ril23c Detmcious Beverage Hot or Cotd Reg. tini ago-SAVE 10e NESTLE'S QUIK 2-Ibt, 79c Nucoa Reg. 2-Ib pkg 55o--SAVE ili MARGARINE 41 lb pkq, 9 9C Jane Parker (S", 24-oz Pie) Reg. 49c-SAVE 10c RAISIN PIE each39C Jane Parker (8",, 24-oz Pie) Reg. 65o--SAVE 10a BLUEBERRY PIE eac 5 5c Jane Parker Large Reg. 59-.-SAVE 14e ANGEL CAKE ea 4.5< Standard Qualiy Reg. 2 tins 27c-SAVE 5o IONA IPEAS 420-oitns 49C Three Varieties Reg. 2 titis 35o-SAVE lic ANNi PAGE BEANS 420 oztins 5 9C Whrole Kernel, Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 33-.SAVE 7o A&P CORN d4 î4oz tins 59 c S andard Quality Haives Rf g. 2 tins 29c-SAVE 5o NONA PEACHES d45oz ins 53c Duper-oR ght Qualit>' Meat speciala BEEF ROAST SALE SHOULDER Fuicut BLADE Blade Bon. Renoved lb 55, SHORT RIB VerMeaty or CROSS RIB Prieus klmlis Ad Guaranteed Througii Saturday, J'lm. loth, 1959 b6 5c THE1 GREAT ATLUNIC & PACIPIC TEA COMPANY LTD. -r. PRODLICE SPECIALS New Brunswick, No. 1 Grade, White TotbI. Stock Potatoes 50-lb bag 1.019 This photo, the first taken of Darlington Township Council in on hand for the inaugural meeting. From left to right: Councillors Fred their new chambers at the Hampton Community Hall, shows that ail Smith, EarI Truli, Alan Thompson, Deputy-Reevc Garnet B. Rickard and members of last year's council were flot only re-elected, they were also Reeve Roy W. Nichols. 1 qmwfflwàommmwý

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