m CANA~AW BATESMAK. ~w '~A ~, v ~. O?4TAMO C rop Usrac egisiaion Praised As Wonderful Program B3y Federation 's New President ',The crop insurace legisia- tion and the extension of tarin credit ta be dealt with by Par- liament in t)he coming year as auggested b%, the Speech from the Throne is wonderfui flPws." ~ said GardonI Greer. of Ottawa, president of the Ontario Fed- eration of Agriculture. -These are problemrs Which the On-*. tarin and Canadian Federations of Agrcuulture have been trv- ing ta get action on for vears." Accarding ta the Speech tramn the Throne. the crop insurance prograrn wilU kelv depend on the co-operation receîved tramn variaus provinces. -This insur- ance wiUI benefit farmers Wh9 have specialized, siîch as tle 'Western Canada grain produc- ers and the tobacco. fruit and vegetable, wheat. corn, soy.la- bean and other cash crop pro- ducers of Ontario. if it is Put inoa effect." conntied Mr. Greer. "These farmners run a great risk tramn haîl andotr damnage ta their crops. and in- surance would give them a bigGodn .Ger Manv tarersnow insu~ jParia-nt %vill be asked to their crops on theïr owýýn. but! rex':ew and revisefamcdt at considerable cost. A govern-j legisiation to make credit more ment program of assistance on effective for developiniz a sound insî4rance of this -sort void agriculture.Inc mntigo reduce, the farrners costs andc this point. Mi. Greer said that provide htm with >-orne deserv- Federations have been seekiniÎ ed protectior.. continued Mýr. sources of loans for ýco-opera- Greer. tUves and marketing boad o The Speech indicated that some time. ta the farmer's current problemn of keeoing vertical integration under farmer contrai", he said. "What is nceded is something like the Industrial Develop- ment Bank,. oerhaps an Agricul- tural Development Bank if you want ta caUil that. Our co-ops and boards need loans at rea- sonable interest rates ta work on benaif of agriculture. Thev are now being hindered by lack or funds to expand and ad- vance. We in the Federation hope this credit extension move bx' the governmeflt means that farrn trganizations and the in- dividual farmer will have a new source of credit." ]PONTYPOOL Mrs. Sam Martetta who re- cently returned tram Civic Hos- pital, Peterboro, is recuperatitig and is visiting with friends in New 'York. Favorable reports show that Mr. Charles McNeil and Mr. Ken Fallis are maklng satisfac- tory progress in hospital. They are now able to be up a short time each day. Sorry to hear that Mr. Charles R usk is seriously iii at bis home he re. Mr. Bert Richardson has been confined ta his home with eye trouble. Due to cataracts he ist unable ta see out of one eye and I the other is affected. He expects to be going ta hospital early in March for an operation. Mrs. Cliffard Curtis bas been confined to her horne with f lu. Pot luck supper and congre- gational meeting was postponed on Saturday due to weather and road conditions. For the first timne in 14 years this writer was unable ta attend the Warden's Election in Ca- bourg Tuesday. We extend aur congratulations to Mr. Garnet Rickard on his election ta this high office. Blacked raads and etorms were hard enough to take but, ta add ta aur miseries we have ice and more ice. Recent snow has added ta the hazard. Mr. Bill Morrissan and R. J. Payne attended the Manvers District LOL. in Janetville re- cently. The newly elected off 1- cers were installed hy W. Bra. Off a Staples, Caunty Master. District Master- W. Bro. Ernest Youngman, L.O.L. 1022; Deput-y District Master - Bro. John Burn, L.O.L. 64; Chaplain- Bro. Fenton Fallis, L.O.L. 1022: Sec- retary- W. Bmo. R. J. Payne, L.O.L. 82: Ist Lecturer- W. Bre. Toma Staples. L.O.L. 1022: 2nd Lecturer- W. Bra. Bill Morris- on, LOL. 82, Marshal- W. Bro. Wes Jordan, L.O.L. 64. L.O.L. 82 held a Euche an Friday evening and thoseè pre- sent enjoyed. a pleasant time. First prize winners were Mrs. Cliff. Gibbanks and Mr. Ted Graham, with consolation a- wards going ta Mrs. Ait. Mitch- ell and M.r. Dave Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Aif. Johnstan left recently for Florida. Rurnor had it that the good wife and 1 were flying to Califorria this weekend. Unfortunately this is rot true but if icy conditionls and bad weather continues we may he tempted ta do just that be- fore spring. On a recent visit ta Toronto w,,e spent an hiour with Mr. and Mrs. John Webb in Scarboro. "Jack" la a purchasing agent with John Inglis Co. and. bas mnany friends here. Pre-war he was a very active mremnber of the local Flute Band. He %vas a Util- ity man and able ta play well on f lute. bass and snare drum. Just ta show he was as good as ever he played "Cock af the North" on bis flute for uîs. Lake Shore, CIlarke Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bedwýin and famnily were Saturday vis- items in Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gim-i blett and Sharon, Bawmanvihlnr, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred. Mr. an'd Mrs. Ken Neil and family, Orono, wýere visitars on,j Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lake. Mr. and Mra. Bill Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Alldred, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rabat, Osh aw Lkeha.hid The icy Lksoehlsd nothing ta tacilitate travel, hence vemy few visitors. Nesilelon Station Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nesbitt arrived home an Saturday atter spen ding a week in Oshawa and Toronto. Mr. and Mms. H. Vine visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vine and family, Peterbara. The Misses McKaY, Toronto. visited recently with their aunt, Mrs. Jahn Dickey. Mrs. Joseph Farder haà gone' ta stav with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry McLaughlin for the dura-' tion of the cold speli. Doug Davisan was home fram Waterloo College for the week- end. Mrs. George Bowers opened ber home for a Women's InLsti- tute quilting this past week. Congratulations ta Wayne Weston and Miss Helen Steven- son who weme married. on Sat- urday. Friends visiting Mm. Leonard Joblin in Orano report he is feeling much better and enjay- ing the company of others in the nursing home. The Executive of the Wom- en's Werld Day o! Prayer met at the home of Mrs. John Ham- ilon ta arrange the pirogramý for tie Cartwright meeting in Nestieton United Church an Feb. 13 at 2.30 p.m. Svmpathy is extended ta the family and friends of the late Mrs. Georgoý Nesbitt Iwho was intermed in St. John's cemetery on Thursdav following service in the Anglican chumch, Black-i stock. Martin Kart waq able tare- turn home fmom Lindsay Hospi- tal thi 1 weekend and maing good pragress. On Monday afternoon the body of Mrs. Peter Jamieson was interred in the Foster Mem- anial Cemetery at Uxhridge. Mrs. Jamieson, widow cf Rev. Peter .lamieson, a minister on the Janetville, Ballyduf!, Nes- tieton charge some years ago), was in atendance at Nestieton Anniversarv last fali. Stinlav visitors wvith Mm. an-1 .%ms. Bruce Heaslip were:* Mms.j Wibey McKeown, Mr. and Mrs. John McKeown, Robert and Anne. and Howard McKeown, j ail of Mono Road. .Mr. and Mmi. Jack Hamilton were Saturday supper guests cf the Bruce Heaslips'. The Norman Ma irs cf Port Perrv- .hUe George Sellers tam- ilv and the Reid Virtute famil v, ail of Bowmanville. were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elh Mains. ELIZABETH VILLE On Friday evening, the W.I. held another echre party- at Mr. and Mrs. Don Powell's home. ýThere were onlv live tables, it -being rather a cold evening. The prizes were w on by Mrs. R. White, John Quantrili, Sharoni Trew and Don Powell. Lunch was served. Sunday Echool was held at the usual time but church ser- vices were withdrawn due to the bad roads. The service wili be held as usuaal next Sunday pro- viding weather permits. Misses Darlene Thickson, and THMDAYT. JAN. 2fth. los# Sybil S h e p p a r d attended a mnuch and wlah to thank Mr. and the late Mr. Hugh of Port Hope. pmau art atMiss Marjoi'y Mrs. Armstrong for their hoSpi- Several in the community at Armistrong's n Friday evening tality. tended both funerals this wefk. It wua a brthdy party. The On Thursday evening the 4-H r. an. s ilia eleven girls from XIII presented Club girls held their meeting at de saa eedwq Mrs. Wolacott's home. PlansdewOhaawreow her wth a bulky knlt sweater. were mrade for their acheive- urdiy and were unaAb1e to re- In the evening the girls attend- nment day. Another meeting, the turn tili Sunday. ed the gaines at shool then had last, to be held Feb. 3. Lunch Alan Mercer, Toronto, wua a f cike upper at mid- was served. home for the weekend. nigflcAs all the girls stayed tili & .morning it was quite a pajama Sympathies are extended to Due ta the cold snap on Mon- parL.«. Mansy of the neighbour- friends of the late Mr. Peter day trouble trying to get cars hovod boys tried to crash the par- Sowderi whose funeral was held going seemed to be the order of ty but were unable to. About on Monday.. the day. four o'clock apple pie was ser- Sympathy is also extended to Due to the starm Saturday, E. ved. Most of the girls were up relatives f the late William Elliott and H. Thickson both h4d. and away home by noon. They Horner who was killed at a level to work Saturday riight and part ail enjoyed their party very1 crassing last week along with of Sunday. h. I ONE DOLLAR SALE -m ONE DOLLAR SALE y ACT FAST!. .ACT NOW! FOR OUTSTANDING VALUES BUY ONE SUIT AT REGULAR TWO SUITS $1 THE PRICE PRICE! BUY ANOTHER FOR ONLY ONE PLUS ONE DOLLAR USE NO NONTIIS YOUR O DOWN TO CREDIT PAYNENT PAY Sport Coots BUY A SPORT COAT AT REGULAR PRICE! Buy a Matching Pair of Slacks 00 ONLY Men#'s Skucks DUY ONE PAIR SLACKS AT RECULAI PRICE Buy Another Pr. Only. $1 00 0 9 Open Friday 'Tii 9 pa. TAILORS 161/ SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA - . ým- - 1