TNWuW3AT. J" TMm W THE VANADIAN 5TATZSMAM. HuwMA&NvILE. O~A1 AE~ l r lkeAfewcad/e946pe46#d à Âgu.w, Edilo flewca s de cSocal andii' /eersona/ Rangers Retain Lead Win Two Pee Wee Games NEWCAST'LE - In the firit for body-checking at centre !ce. game in the local Pee Wee Hoc- 0 ', 0 key league on Tuesday evening In the Saturday mornlng last the Canadians defeated the games the Rangers and Leafs Leafs by a score of 5 to 2 to were the victorîous teanis. In move into second place. Wayne the first game the Rangers de- Megit led the winncns with feated the Canadians by a score three goals with Donny Rickard of 3 to 2 with Stanley Cobble- scored the other two. Assîsts dick (2) and Neil Voutt scening going to Rickard (3) Fred AIl-I the Ranigers' Goals and assists dread and Eric Naylor. geing to Voutt and Shawn Jes- Pete Miller and Harry Cuffe sup. scored the Leaf goals with Pe- Don Rickard mnd Fred Mil- ter McCullough pîcking up the dread tcored the Canadians' assist. goals with assists by Alldread Penalties in the game went and Ronny Goode. to Pete Miller, Ronny Farrow, Ricky Peance of Canadians and Bnian Pickering of the and Ted Znak and Pete Lake Leafs, while the only Canadian of the Rangers were the only penalty was given ta Eric Nay- players penalized in the game. 1er. * * 0 * g gIn the second game the Leafs In the second game the Ran- defeated the Wings 2 ta 1 to gers defeated the Wings 1 to move back into second place. 0 on a goal scored by Neil Scotty Rudeli scored the Leafs' Vouit with Tim Gray assisting. two goals and Peter Werry scor- George Rickard. Ranger goalie ed the Wings' lone counter. Wer.. picked up bis fifth shut-out of ry (Wings) Dennis Rudman, the season in this game. Peter jim Stephenson and Harry Lake of the Rangers was gîven Cuffe of the Leafs, were each the only penalty of the gamne given Penalties. ILinda Brock, Mns. E. Jeffery, Bowmnanville, wene Saturdtay dinnen guests et Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGiil. Miss Birthe Knudsen spnt the weekend with iss Phyllis Howells. Mn. and Mrs. Eugene Haekett and girls, Oshawa, spent Sun- day wîth Mn. and Mrs. Ea-1 Mc Nain. Mn. and Mrs. Dellient Yeo and Lorna. Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Avery and famîly. Burketon. visited with Mr. and Mns. Albert Oke. Master Erie and Miss Laura Bowman. En-field, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. R. Ormiston. Mr. Bert Norman and Miss Shelia Norman. Bowmanviîle, visited Mn. and Mrs. Ed. Cox on Sunday. Gnandpa J. A. Werry enjeyed the compan.v of Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Werry. Sandra and Sharon, taking dinnen with him on Sun- day. 'Mn. and Mrs. Bert Wannam- aker. Seaerave, were Sunday visitons with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp. Mr. and MINrs. Gardon Mickie and Angus, 'lir-onte, Mn. Jim Kinsmen. Countice. Mn. and Mrs. Kcith McGill and Dale, with Mn. and Mns. Roy MeCill on Sundciay. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahm,. y- rone, , Matt Smiley, and fa- rnily. Hamilton. were Sundav visitons with Mn. and Mns. J. Griftin. A few cases of messies have. been in and around oun village these ppst tiwo wceks. Hope for a quick recovery for aIL His many friends wil be t leased te learn that Mr. F. B. ovekin has improved eneugh to leave hospital and is conval- mcing at the home cf bis bro- ther, Mr. Reginald Lovekin. We wish hini a speedy and corn- yplete recovery. Dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Allin on Januarv 21st te celebrate the occasion of the birthday of Mr. Irwin Allin were Mrs. Irwin Allun, M-.- and Mrs. Howard Allin of New- castle and Mn. and Mns. Sidney Venton of Bowmanville and Mn. and Mrs. Norman.Down of Osh- awa. Flowers were Placed in the ehurch Sunday by Mni. Smith ini memory of her husband, Geo. N. Smith, whe died Jan. 30th. 1953. Mn. Charles Cornelda et Cooksville, spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Geo. Smith. Mrs. Jas. Stone of Oshawa, called on Mrs. Smith iast weekc. Mrs. P. F. LeGresley left on Tuesday for a couple of week.3' visit with her brother Arch- deacon C. W. Balfour and Mrs. Balfour in Peterborough. Sunda.v visitons with Mn. and Mns. Carl Gould and familv were Mn. and Mrs. Harry Daley and family and Mn. and Mrs. Joe Moore and son et Newman- ket. His finds will be sorry ta leann that Mn. George Mea dows is iîl and is a patient in the Sunnybrook hospital in To- ronto. 22 Lions Club Members Enjoy Kingston Visit NEWCASTLE - Twenty-two raembers of the Newcastle Lions Club accompanied by eleven memnbers ef the Bowmanville Club left the Queeen's Hotel at 9 o'clock on Thursday morning lait aboard a military bus en- route ta Kingston. They arriv- ed about noon and were given lunch in the Officers' Mess of the Signal Corps at the Royal 141litary Coliege. After lunch the Lions visitors were taken on a tour of the mdflege being received in the auditorium by the Vice Coin- mandant and shown through the variouâ clasorooms of En- gineering, Chemistry. etc., as well as ail other buildings of the college. About 4:30 In the afternoon the groux> &gain boarded the bus and were taken ta uptown Kingston to the LaSalle Hotel Where the mnembers attended the regulan dinner meeting of 1-1.e Kingston Liens Club. The meeting was the "Foun- ders' Night" meeting et the Kingston Club whîch has about 100 members. Charter membens of the Newcastle and Bowman- ville Clubs sitting at the head table included Liens Harry Jose, Keith Aiken and Stuart R. James. International Coun- cillons Burke and Goddard wene aise guests at the head table. In a Convention Draw made at the meeting the three pnizes drawn were all won by New- castle members, Lions B,11 Storks, Keith Aiken and John Rickard. Foliowing the dinner meet- ing and entertainment the vis- iting Lions again boanded the bus about 9:30 p.m. for the Most enjoyable trip back to Newcas- tIc arrivlng here about 12:30 a tlred but happy group. Bail Club Dons Skates To Ty'ounce Ail Stars NEWCASTLE, - The Newcas- te Iiitermediat Basebal Club Co ved far supei 1cr Io the Town iague Hockey . W-Stars at the hockey tournamt ýt held ln the flqcîi erena oun Fr Ziay night, de- Sthe hock< al-_stars by 015 to2t their own e icfirst countei of the gamne W'B scored by West from Brunt for the baIl club 1 minute andi 18 *conds atter the beginning et the game. The second goal1 wus aoored for the ail-stars byj tLe from Hutton at 4:38, mak- i" It a 1 ail tie. The bail play- ous mode,'xt 2 to 1 at the fivej Uimnte mark wlth a goal by1 Ifamilton. fromn Brunt and from 1 bore on it was a çontest amongst1 tie bail club players ta sec how1 many goals they could score;j usaking it a total cf 15 beforei thse ail-stars got their secondj and lest tally when Gilmerl ftored unassistcd at the. 16 min-1i Let's Look Back i 19Tears Ag hln Newcastlo IJanuary 27, 1949 Through the untining efforts of Reeve George Waiton a by- law wss passed at the ceunties council which wiil save New- tastie thousands of dollars. The by-law was one in whlch the counties took oven the cost of maintenance et Miii Street from the Lakce te King Streeet and Boulton Street. It wag estîmat- ed this noad cest the village from $1500 te $2000 annually te maintain. Lions Club werc planning a, winter Carnival and Dance te be held in the Community Hall en Febnuary 25th.- Lion Ted ]Belsey was appoînted Cannival mnanager with power te add membens te, the committee. We note Mn. Tom Wallace et Tarante spent the weekend vis- iting with MIr. and Mns. H. J. Toms and familv. Aiken's Appliance Shop w3s adventising Glidden's Mezzo- tone at 89 cents a quart ini a big oale. And the Queen's Hotel was advertising home cooked Sun- day dinners from 4 te 6 p.m. Mr. Glen A' lin. President and ether officens et the Y.P.U. were lnstalied1 at an impressive can- dle lighting service on Sunday1 evening conducted by officers of the Oshawa Pnesbvtenv%. Rev. W. W. Patterson was theHcn orary President. ute mark ln the 3rd period. Basebail Club players were- West, Brunt, Lewis, Sinclair, Hamilton, Cowllng. Brooks, Heath, K. Gray and Foster. The Ail-Stars - D. McCullough, I. MécCulough,, Lane, Gilmer, Graham, Quiney, Lake, Hut- ton, Rowe. Hurd, Dickinson and J. Gray. The basebail players wiil be meeting the Bleckbusters on Fniday night of this week and the arena management are hop- lng a much larger crawd of fans wlll be on hand to see what Ui bail playens can do agalnst aBewmanvhlle hockey teani, and to help swell the coffers et the arena which is giving a large share cf its ice time gra- tis te the yeungsters. This is a good thing for the villake but wiil net be able ta be continued if the fans de net turn eut te these games where the meney is naised ta pay the bills. ENNISKILLEN Service Club was held at thc home of Mns. S. Lamb on thc evening cf Februany 4. The girls will biecavassing for the Mareh of Dmes sometinie before Feb- ruary 2. Our card pazty was a great success despite thc wea- ther. We wish to thank aIl these who attended. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley at- tencled thc "Chrîstening Ser- vice" ef the latten's great nieces and nephew, Miss Bettina and Master Reid Kennedy, et Hal- tonville, and Miss Patricia Gib- son which was held at Acton United Ch'urch. Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werry and Betty Jane wene Satunday even- ing dinner guests with Mr .and Mns. Clark Wenny, Toronto. Mn and Mrs. L. Stainton and Gail visited with Mn. C. Milis, Pont Pernv. Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland, Lapeen, Michigan, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dnrland. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue, Ty- none, Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, visited with Mn. and Mrs. R. Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and family, Oshawa, visited with Mn. and Mns. Walter Oke. MNr. and MnIs. Mervin Mount- joy. Hampton, were supper guests with Mn. and Mrs. Fred T om s. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weann and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ash- tan, Lois and Charles. wpre Sun- day evening visitons with Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Werny. Mn. and Mrs. Carl Brunt. Hea- ther and Barr.,. Bowmnanville, visited Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt.-Ms Mni. and Mrs. L-,le Bnock; is rI Newcastle United Church 1 1'. hi -j 11:00 7:30 p.m.-EVENING WORSHIP "What Makes Life Complete" J Everyone welcome at these services Mothers March on Polio Monday Evening at 7 NEWCASTLE - The annual anid anvone interested in assist- "Mothers' March on Polio" is ing with this one night blitz being conducted in the village canvass is requested to contact on M:3nday evening, February Mrs. Stan Brown, telephone 2nd, commencing at the United 3571 for information. Anyone Church Sun 'day School Hall at interested ix învited to help and 7 p.m. te raise funds for the teenagers will be welcomed. March of Dimes campaign. The canvassers will meet at Much has been done through the church at 6:45 p.m. for in- the new Salk vaccine to stamp structions and the blitz will out new cases of this terrible commence at 7 Gitizens disease, but there is stili much Are urged to leave their porch to be done for those already lights burning te light the wav crippled by polio as well as in for the canvassers and te be continuing research. generous with their gifts te The drive is being sponsored tfrese volunteer canvassers when locallv bx' the FriLndship Club they caîl. Liquor Adds Millions To Provincial Revenues WCTU Members Told NEWCAMý'YLE - The regular' silence was observed in em- meeti'-, of the Woman's Chris- ory of the latje Mrs. Rinch and tkTemperance Union wis prayer was offered by Mns. held in the Board room of the Awde. United Church on Thursday af- The Clip Sheet entitled "A ternoon, Jan. 22nd, with the Good LTook at tie Past-Our President, Mrs. T. G. Sowden, Pioýneers", was conducted by presiding. The opening hymu Mrs. Baskerville with several was followed by the Lord's other members assisting. Prayer and the pledge, repeated Fi UonI 17 in unison. isUnolu17 The program committee ap- Mrs. A. J. Doyle of Owen pointed for the February meet- Sound was the first Ontario ing was Mrs. L. Milisoni and woman to take action along the Mrs. Farrow. temperance lines and the finstý In the absence of Miss Fergu- union was formed on May 27, son, Mrs. Clemence reperted 1874. In December 1874 the next for the "Listening Post" read- union was formed in Picton, ing an article fromn the Advo- the home of Mrs. Youmans, for- cate. The provincial cash regis- merly Letitia Crelghton of Bal- ter rang to the tune of $86 mil-. timore, in Northumberland lion, contributed by the On- County. Mrs. VYoumans formed tario Liquor Control Board the flrst union in Toronto and during the year 1957-58. Liquor for five years was the leader Control in our province. is sure- of the Provincial Union and ly paving off in dollars and later the Field Organizer. cents. But what are the returns Ini 1888 she becanie a help- in ternis of home and family less invalid, yet in 1891 she was lite, our conception of social brought to the 14f h Provincial responsibility and Christian Convention in Toronto and spoke Stewardship?1 from her wheel chair. Mrs. Sowden read a - news At the World W.C.T.U. Con- item from the Evening Tele- vention In Washington in June gram of Decembeer 3lst. 1958, 1937 "A Sprig of Spruce" f rom concerning the Second Youth Letitia Yournan's grave in Pic-, Conference sponsored by the ton, entwined with evergreens Ontario Temperance Federa- from many lands was placed at tien held in the Toronto cen- the base of Frances Willard's tral Y.M.C.A. There were 150 Monument In Statuary Hall, students from Ontario sent by Washington. church and education groups -Mns. Clemence, on behaif of te the four day convention and the niembers, exprcssed syni- they were enthusiastic about pathy to Mrs. Sowden on the plans te curb alcoholism. passing cf liez brother-in-law, During the worship service a Mr. Peter Sowden of Osaca. hymn was sung and the scrip- The meeting was brought te ture lesson, Psalm. 146 was read a close by the Mizpah Benedic- by Mrs. Milison. A minute of tion. Rev. M. C. Fisher. B.A., Minister Mr. Norman B. Williams, Organist a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL a.m.-31ORNING WORSHIP "Almosi a Christian?"