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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 13

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TEtTRSDAY. JAlq. 29th. 1959 TU A A MI ZA R amLq. OIBU a IJ ONARI Be.O.Ce fStar of the Week <T ART RENNICK - When upeedy Art Rennick is at his best, he is crie of the most valuable players on the B.O.C. roster. Art's fine performance against Lakefield, when he scored two goals, earned hixn this week's B.O.C. Star of the Week Award. 1His first goal was the nicest to watch, during the whoie gaine. Art was really fiying, as he dashed down the right boards, and fired a beautiful shot over Wasson's shouider. On the second tally, Rennick used Keith West as a decoy, and circied from behind the net to rifle home the clinching marker. The Bowmanville Surplus Store Award, therefore, goes to Art Rennick. Brock Tops Ail Bowlers Elton Birock won the high prize of tht nigbt, hitting the deadc woad for a 325 gamne. Brocky had two other good games and boosted bis average £rom 237 ta 243 to head the Mer's Major League bowvers inî tht averages. Tom Cowan lasIt 'veek's leader. dropped froin 269 ta 231. Russ Halîman hals down the runner up spot wita 240. Pete Dobbins had th2 se- cond high game with 321. B"Il Westlake 311. Bruce Milne 3101 and Reg Hearle 302. Pete Dobbins won high tri- ple with 833. Bill He!arle bowi- ed 792, Elton Brock 76",. Georgc Stephens 761, Ed Leslie 744 Hap Palmer 737, Reg Hearle 731. Russ Hailman and Bruce Milne 720, Bill Westhake 712, George Piper 711, Si Trewirn 710, Gord Sellers 708 and Dr. R.B. Rundît 700. Elton Brock's team won al honors with high single score e 1301 and high triple 3597. Russ Oke's team mis&2d the pins noast of the night and finished on the bottom for low scores. Tfht team bowled a record low triple of 2744 and a real dandy single of 836. Karl Biokell1 had a low single gamne 116 and Morle *v Et cher1 hit an ahi lime low triple 391.1 Bickel1*s three game total was1 442. Ailey Chatter Bruce Milne's team taok over top spot in tht team standing1 with 8 points, Dutch Halhman's' blockbusters have 7 points. Pan-1 py Bagnell's outfît has oniy1 won ont game this schedule. J We bave some more low tri-1 pIes Ia report thanks ta same1 of aur top bowlers. Russ Oke1 ,,ad 559, Frank Samis 481, Jim1 Levett 558, Morley VanstoneJ 649, Ah Piper 537, Bob . Wil-C liamis 560, Doug Tay lor 578, Bill1 Bates 570. 43 bowhers now haveC 200 or better average and we1 are improving every week. 1 Standing End of 3rd Week 2nd Schedule Team w Milne --8 Halîman L --- -.- ---- -- OsbOYle.-4 j Larrer 4 McKnight4 B. Oke ------3 Rundît*e - IR. Oka -X-- Bagneil ----1 Features High Single-This week. El- ton Brick 325, This schedule, Tom Cowan 366. High* Triple-This week, Pete Dobbins 833: This schedule, El- ton Brock 853. Low Single-This week, KarI Bickeil 116; This schedule, Si Trewin 89. Low Triple-This week, Mor- ley Etche-' 391; This schedule, Etcher 391. Highl Team No. 1-This week, Brock 1301; This schedule, Brock 1301. High Teain No. 3-This week Brock 3597; This schedule, Hall, man 3715. Low Teani No. 1-This wee, R. Oice, 856; This schedule, Williams 828. Low Team No. 3-This wee-k, R. Oke 2744; Thîs schedule, R. Oke, 2744. Averages Name Games Elton Brock -- - ------- 9 Russ Halîman -----9 Pat Yeo ,9 Hap Palmer------------ 9 Tom Cowan 6 Murray Larmer ------ 9 PrIe Dobbins ---- 9 Dr. H. B. Rundle -.9 Bill Hearle -.9 Ed Leslie .9 AI Osborne ___-6 Cari Leslie 6 Jim. Callan ---- 9 Frank Lewîns ..9 Jack Parker 9 Mel Dale ---9 Biul Westhake 9 Jack Gay ----- 9 Reg Hearle 9 Russ Oke ------ 9 Frank Williams --9 Ernie Perfect 9 Jack Lander9 Gord Sellers9 Bill Steven9 Glen Lander 9 Harry Gay ___-9 Bruce Milnt 9 Malt Harrison 9 Hank Janzen 9 Aîf Samehîs ----- 9 Dave McKnight 6 John Ford 6 Don Gilhooley 9 Si Trewin ---- 9 Bill Oke ---- Phil Cancihia 6 Ross McKnight 9 Hlarold Bennett 9 Ab Piper --- 9 Bud Moses------ 9 George Glanville 9 George Piper 9 Ave. 213 2 l 935 235 231 230 230 223 226 224 222 222 221 220 219 218 218 215 213 213 212 212 21, 212 211 210 209 209 207 207 207 207 207 206 206 206 205 204 204 203 201 201 200 I p I 4*****G**4s ,*~******f******,***I***,*4**~,*~ Mixed Leaigue BowlingI JIn Friday night's mlxed bowl- ing action, Marley Etcher', team downed Ah Hickling's crew by a 5-2 score ta main- tain their two point edge, atop tht league. Jack Bond's bawhers brake a second place tic with Hickling, and kept pace with the leaders, as the result of their 5-2 win over Art Spicer's outfit. Arnold Sleep was forced ta came up with a terrific 361 score ta avert a shutout, at the handes of Bob Mitchell's team. Sleeps effort gave his cellar-dwehhers the final game, as they went down ta a 5-2 setback. Arnold Sleep put together a 713 triple ta go ahong with bis big single, taking the honours aIl the way. Cliffi Evans had a 698 'total, followed by Boa Mitcheil 639. Essie Cox 628, and Morley Etcher 614. Other good single gamnes wei*-e registe,-ed by Ciff Evans 271. Pat Yeo 254, Essie Cox 241 and Morle.y Etcher 239. Team Standing W L Ptsi Etcher-------------- 7 2 171« Bond 6 3 15j1 Hickline -------- 5 4 121: Mitchell------------------ 4 5 9 Spicer ------ ------ 3 6 6 . Sleep ---------------- 3 6 4! Averages l G amnes Arnold Sleep ------- 9 Oriie Etcher- __._9 Pat Yeo --------- - 9 -Jack Bond ----- ---- 9 Cliff Evans ----- - __ 9 Pt's 217 213 213 200 Ladies' Major Bowling Cecil Mutton____ Art Spicer - -____ Morley Etcher ____9 Joan Brunt _____9 Bob Mitchell _____9 Joe Nowlan _____9 AI Hickling 9 Len Eldridge 9 Essie Cox--------- 9 Bud Edmandson -9 Dot Bond -____9 Fred Luxton 9 Jim Richards 9 Mary Nowhan ~9 Byron *'Duke" Brunt 9 Bilh Chantes 9 Carole Oke ~9 Pat Bai-tels ____ 9 Audrey Sheep 9 Em Stringer 9 Jim Cox ----- 9 Gord Stringer 9 Rick Gould 9 Jean Evans 9 Dorc Mutton -____9 Marie Yeo - -9 Ruth Mitchell 9 Muriel Hohroyd --9 Kay Luxton ----- 9 Amy Winacott 6 Pon Mutton 9 Doreen Charles ____9 Joan Eldridge 9 Marg. Hickling 9 Dot Edmondson 6 Ruby Spicer 6 Everett Winacott 6 Ladies High Single - Essie Cox ---- ----- Mens' High Single- Arnold Slecp Ladies' fHigli Triple- Essie Cox --------- Mens' High Triple - Four shutouts were regist ed last Monday night as standings were changed conm erably. When the pins had fallen, four teams remai: deadlocked astop the heap, wl. three ochers held down the rt ner-up position, one point hind. Last week's ca-leaders, bx went down to defeat. Lorra: Martyn's team posted their f. victory of the second schedi --a 3-0 decision over Lyý Bates' bowlers, and Doris Jo outfit edged Joyce Lyle's cri 2-1. 1Bernice Budai's bowlers pu cd Norma Gay's winless tri diers further ino the celiar, Ena Etcher's team defeal Shirley Bickell's bowlers, bc by 3-0 scores, as the winne jumped into the first positiol Onie Etcher's team down Kay Beauprie's bawlers 2-1 alsa claim a part ot the leag A'P"s G4JMâ0êbI4~' VAUEnYALUEUISSBAoe... PRODUE SPECILS! Now At Thoir Seat -California Naval Sunkist, A&P Fancy Grade ORANGES 5-lb colla pkg 59C Pltat For Cookine, rpaey Grade, on, Northern Spy APPLES 3-lb cello pki i9c ÀANNI VERSA R Y SPECIAL1S! Skim Milkc Powder Rg. box 99c--SAVE 20o A&P INSTANT MILK 3-lb box 79gc JeweI Reg. pkg 33c-SAVE 13e SHORTENING 21-lb pkgs53 c Regular or Quartera Reg. 2 pkgs SSo-SAVE 6c Monarch Margarine 21-lb pkgs 49c Cordon Bleu Reg. tin 31oý-SAVE 6ec MEAT BALLS 12a1ztf25c Johnson's Hard Glass Reg. quart 95o-SAVE 6c GLO-COAT' 12c off deal qt 89C Jane Parker (S", 24-az Pie) Fleg. 59o--SAVE 4o MINCE PIE *ach 5 5c Jane Parker (S", 24-oz Pie) Reg. 49o-SAVE 4c LIMON PIE each 45C loris Reg. 2 tins 29o--SAVE 2c GREEN BEANS 220 ai tins 2 7c Henley Choie. Quality Reg. tin 21c-SAVE 5c WHOLE PEARS 2 28-,z tins 3 7c Choice QualIty Re. 2 tins 45c-SAVE 6c A&P TOMATOES 228-oz tins 39c Fancy Quality Reg. 2 tins 25.-SAVE 2c A&P APPLESAUCE 215 ai tins 23 c SUPER-RIGIT A T rSPECIAL! GRADE A OVEN-READY YOeWE lINS 10 to 14-ké A VERA (GE TU RKEYS lb49c W-1 -_ HI me cmiATIANIC à PACIFeC lIA COUPANT Ce. Prie@ In This Ad Guaranteed Through aturdoy, January 31#t, 199. [Goodyear- HockeyiLge.-Il when bath players drew ulash- ig sentences. Before hi, first bout, Prouti opened the scoring an an un- assisted effort at 13:05. Tom Johnson belted John Mason'si pass into the net to give Fan Belts a 2-1 edge. Ferguson rîarrowed the gap, after takinc a Hamilton pass, but goals by Erv. Brooks and Mason, less than a minute apart Put the game on ice. Ham- ilton scared the final goal at 26:55, as bath teams battled on even terms for the balance of the game. Team Standings W L T Pts Fan Beits 9 3 3 21 Hose ___ 7 4 4 18 Office 5 7 3 13 Mat --------4 10 2 8 G A Pts Don Masters (O) - 18 19 37 Ted Fairey (O) ----- - 14 13 27 "Mort" Rhrds (H)_ 7 17 24 Bill Lyle (M) 14 8 22 "Buck" Cawle (H) - 13 9 22 B. Marjerrison (O)- 9 13 22 Don Prout (FB) - 15 5 20 L. Hamilton (H) - 9 7 16 C. Ferguson (H) - 9 6 15' At the conclusion ai Sunday's double-header, ahl four positions had beca decided, wîth tht Fan Belts as league leaders. In tht first game, tht two clubs who won't make tht phayoffs play- ed witb nathing more than third place at stake, Tht Office, led by defencemani turned farward, Dan Girardi, walloped the ce'- lar-dwelling Mats 11-3. Tht Fan Belts clinched first place, when they bandcd the Hase Room a 4-2 defeat, in a pre- yiew of the league finals. Scoring leader Don Masters gave the Office a 1-0 lead after seven minutes of play, but John Lunn knotted tht count 55 sec- onds later, and Raye West put tht Mats out in front aI tht 12:35 mark. The Office took over, rifling ten goals past Johni Fowler ta a single reply, again by West. Masters scored three more times and added five assists. Dan Girardi moved up to tht, forward line to keep pace with'] Masters. scoring four times and collecting five assists. Ted Fairey turned in a bat trick effort, and Ron Burgess garner- ed four assists. The nightcap - produced the roughest game of the season, as referet Tim Cox banded out 28 minutes in penalties. Reg. Wil- lets and Alex Alexander stag- ed tht main event before any of the prelirninaries gaI under way. Bath pugilists were award- ed major penalties for theïr efforts, with Willets drawing a slashing sentence and Alexan- der getting the gate for an ad- ditional cross-checking penalty. Don Prout was involycd in the three preliminary bouts, none of a very seriaus nature. ter- leadership. Lois Wright's team sentenced to two minutes for the registered their first victory. roughing, after Sellers had been sid- downing June Baker 3-0 ta move nabbed for tripping. Clint Fer- ail out of the ceihar. guson and Prout engaged in R ned Jean Luxton and Ena Etcher high-sticking waltz, and Lloyd hile wound up with identical 677 Hamilton broke his stick over 'un- totals ta take high triple hon- Prout after the game was over, be- ours. Eva Whitehead rolled 671 and Onie Etcher had 670. >oth In the single race, Ena Et- iin ch s22garnenosed out Mary G oodyea r iule Lydia and Wilma Bates cardedBo ln ,da 266 and 265 respectively. ll's200 AMESThe centre alitys held the rew Ena Etcher 282, 208; Mary spotlight in Thursday night's h Wilcox 281, 212; Lydia Bate' Goodyear Bowling ac tion a 266: Wilma Bates 265; Joyce the Hose Room handed the andTnnn ~; enLxtn21 Combines a 5-2 defeat, with first Ld209. 207; Essie Cox 250; Helen place at stake. Both teams were ted Vivian 249; Joan Mutton 246; tied at fine points apiece, , h Eva Whitehead 246, 221, 204; prior ta this week's bowling. ,ers Doris Holroyd 244, Eilecn HoI- M S. royd 243; Onie Etcher 242,, 240; Meanwhile, back at alleys 5 ned Joyce Major 242; Dot Brooks and 6, the Office was blasting ta 240; Joyce Lyle 227, S adie ouI a 7-0 victory over the last ue Bucknell 226, 217: Vel Miller place Fan Belts, ta .iump into S224: Norma Norris 224, 209;1 a* tie for the league leadership * Au,::-'v Osmond 221, 216;' Helen with Hase Room. Parks zi-.: Peggy Haynes 217; The Lead Press pasted the Duaine Pl~ 215, Helen Machine Shop by a 7-0 counit Dunn 213; Lorraine Martyni to maya past the Combines into 212, 206: Doris Joli 210; Bernice third position. The machinists Budai 209, 208; Donna Preston were only a point behind the 209: Mabel Lewis 208: Theinia leaders. before the lop-sided Forrester 208; Ada Richards lo0ss. 207; Evelyn Woolncr 202. Arnold Lobb led the way in High Scores bath depai'tments with a 737 High Triple - triple, including the night's high * Ena Etcher ______ 677 single of 330. Bill Shotter rolhed High Single- 713, followed by Jack Potts 655, EnaEther_________ 82Pal Armstrong 647 and Bill HighAvEcerge8- Holroyd 644. ni AerEtcer ___20 Follawing Iobb in the high Onie tche 220single race were: Frank Mohun Team Standing* 309, Pal Arm.strong 251 and E. Etcher-------- 6 841() 249: Bull Shotter 247 and Jixn J. Lyle 6 8281 Allun 246. Lefthander Allun had O. Etcher . 6 8201 246 after seven frames, but ran B. Buclai 6 8164 inota a lot of trouble, blowing the L. Bates- 5 8248 final three frames. K. Beauprie 5 8236 D. Joli ------ __ 5 8217 »11 Teams Standings S. Bickell ____ 4 7820- L. Martyn 4 78 îPs L. Wright -___ 4 7589 Hase Bloom _______ 14 J. Baker ___-2 707 Office ____________14 N. Gay------------------ 1 8045 Averages Lead Press _________12 Name Ave. Combines il Onie Eteher-______ 220 Machine Shop 8 Jean Luxton ______ 208 Fan Belt.s--4 Doris Joli --- _______201 Lvdia Bates ______ 200 Averages Jayce Lyle -_______198 Kay Beauprie 197 Arnold Lobb (110 217 Bernice Budai ____196 Bill Shotter (O) _- - -_ 205 Mary Wilcox 196 Farewell Blackburn (LP) 203 Wilma Bates 196 Jack Bond (C) -___2(13 Ena Etcrher 193 George Dadson (HR) -- 200 Norma Norrds---- 193 Ken Flint (HR) 199 Audrey Osmond -__ 190 Jim Houck (LP)-_ _ 198 Ollie Patfitld___ 19() Benny King (C) 197 Shirley Davis___ 190) Bill Holroyd (C) 197 Joyce Tennant _____ 190 Howard Bromeli (HR) 197 Ju .ne Baker _____ 189 Tara Graham (O) - 197 Shirley Bickeli _____ 185 John Stainton (O) - 196 Eva W-hitehead ______ 182 Jack Potts (C) 195 Jean Musial -______ 1801 Stu Carson (MS) _____ 193 Myra Cooper -_____ 180 Ai-t Spicer (MS) 191 Lorraine Martyn 179 Frank Mohun (O) ____190 Helen Piper -_______ 179 Tom Masterson (HR) - 190 Kay Stephesis 178 Pete Bathgate (C) -____189 Donna Preston-_ ___ 178 Murray Grant (MS) 188 Dell Vinson --Hwrd Edmondson (HR) 187 ---- -- 18 1Bill Joli (FB) -- . --186 Dore Mutton _______176 Maurice Bradley (MS)- 186 Dot Brooks _____ 174 Pal Armstrong (LP) 184 Joyce Major ______ 174 Howard Davey (O) 183 Betty Westlake _____ 174 Jim Allun (O) --_-_-- - 182 Peggy Haynes 17,3 Ron Maynard (C)- 181 Vel Miller --_---- 173 Maurice Conway (LP> 179 Grace Blackburn 172 Joe Piper (HR> - 179 IHelen Vivian ____ 172 Paul Chant (O> 178 Helen Duno 171 Charlie Wright (LP) -.16 Norma Ga\--------171 Fred Smith (FB) 17,5 Dot Crombie ---17() Ray Westlake (FB) _-___173 iSadie Bucknell 169 RÀliph Campbell (MS) - 173 Ruth Barclay-_____ 168 Glenn Prout (O) 171 Babe' Brown -_____ 167 Archie Cowey (FB) - 169 Eileen Holroyd 166 Jack Dunn (FB) ____167 Molly Hendersan ____ 165 Mike Kowal (C) - 167 Dolly Brooks ______16.5 Jack Honeyman (FB) - 166 Joan Mutton _____ 16.5 Dave Park (C) 166 Audrey Biekeli _____ 165 Art Farrow (FB) - -___ 165 Hilda Simnick ______ 164 Erniie Hansen (LP) 158 Marg Perris ----------- 164 Murray Bate (LP) 158 Bernice Partner -- . 16'31 Charlie Nesbitt <MS>) -1.55 Dualne Paliner - 161! Alex Cameron <LP) ---- 154 Ada PRr'a-diz---- ----- 161 1Ted Clarke <(MS - 14C,) Jean Marnes;: 1611 Bill Harrison (MS)---- - 1471I Bernice Trv l,' l ParFsNesbitt (HR _-----_-142 iMLariel Hoiroyd _____ 160 s John Henderson (FB) - 1 4Ô0 Goals in -Final Minutes Give Lindsay 5 M 5 Tie, Over lst Place Juveniles Thie Lindsay Juveniles, kept displaY, as the Lindsay teani their hopes alive of overtaking led 1-0 at the end of the first. the first place BowmanviUle The locals scored three times Legonnire, wen heyraliedin the middle session without Lorewgoa swhn theyfinallied a reply, and held a 5-3 margi, for two alsih fnltOand almost certain victory, unl- iues ta gain a 5-5 tie, here tii the bubble burst in the fi- Wednesday night. nal two minutes. The Legionnaires had an edge The Legionnaire scoring was througtîout the fast. crowd-, spread out among Bill Crossey, pleasing game, particularîv in Bob Westhauser, Everett Lake, the opening period. The visiting Brian Hughes and Eric Carle. goalie lurned in an outstanding ton. Teenage Bowling (Intendcd for iast week) Ben Tbompson's team bah aa close 4-3 decision aven Bob Richards' cellar-dwehlers, but the four points were enough ta put the winncrs back into first place. Jim Moorcraft's club, who had taken oven thetotp spot hast week, dropped a 5-2 contest ta Ray Twist's outfit, ta slip ino second place. In spite of Iosing a 4-3 ganue ta Loweli Highfield's crew, Larny Pipen's ttam beld on ta a se- cond place tie, a single point behind tht leaders. Don Bagnell's 714 total took high triple honours, including a 279 game tq nail down Satur- day afternoon's high triple,j alsa. After Bagnell, came Kanj Park 676, Larry Piper 653, Rayj Twist 648, David Milne 642, Ben Thompson 627 and Bob Richards 605. Althaugh anly five points se- parate alI six boys' teams, It is a different story in the girls' division. Barbara Brown's bowl- ers took, their second consecu- tive 7-0 shutout wîn, this time aver Cannie Osmond's team, to extend their lead leadership Margin ta 19 points. Linda Brooking's ccllar-dwellers won their first cantest of the second scheduhe, 4-3 over Virgin!a Brown's team. Barbara Brown captured bath high single and triple honours with marks ->f 259 and 627 respectively. Boys' Teamn Standings Pins Points Ben Thompson 8369 13 Larry Piper 8809 12 Jim Moorcrait 8322 12 Ray Twist--- 8297 10 Lowehl Highfield - 8153 9 Bob Richards ---7945 7 Girls' Team Standings Pins Points Barbara Brown- 6898 19 Virginia Brown - 6510 10 Connie Osmond - 6171 9 Linda Brooking - 5994 4 The manufacturing industry provides tht largest single seg- ment of Canada's labour income, about one-third of the total.- THE DOOR -is alwaus opuen Meet lea" CorleMt manager of the King and Francis Streets Branch of The Toronto-Domnion Bank in Kitchener. Though young in years, Jerry has nearly 30 years of banking experience gained at' all lees i branches throughout Ontario. Outside of "nhe Bank", Jerr serves his comniunity well- as treasurer of the Boy Scoutsand a membe of Kitchener's Chamber of Commerce. Friendly, and keen in judgment, Jerry Corlett is another good ezample of the courteous, efficient people you'll find at The Toronto-Domiinion Bank near you. Drop in, soon and se why .. . people make the difference at TORKONTO -DOMINMION TH4E BANK THAT LOOKS AHEAD B. L BUILK, Manager, Bownianville Branch 1- 9mwr iq à m à M à v ai" À nomme à w lbolemg à www v Ip #%wm à mvl%,

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