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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1959, p. 15

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. - 1. - . . .-. J, . . 1 ý. . . . . - IWTUMMÂY.. JAN. M& 19%m TM t!AIlAN TATMY. OWMA2IYffLK RMAMY inning, Public Speakers G~'eRepet derormances At Home & School Meeting f-ý An unusuafly amali crowd at- :teded, the Home and School jkAsociation meeting held in SCentral Publie Sehool on Wed- 15 esday evenlng, Jan. 14. A good Sprogram waa preaented by con- venor Mrn. V, Mathewson, and ~Included two of the. winners of the public apeaking contest in 1y owmanville public schaols, R~ athy Osborne, and Carolyn -~stacay. -Mns. D. Park, past president, preslded ini the absence of Pre- aj ident Mns. D. MeDonald and *Vice.Pr.aident Mns. RL Ames, an d welcarned members and leus. Miss Y. Chant cf On- anlo Street School, was asked ,'by Mnm Mathewaen to intro- du;<lce the Young speakers. Kathy 'Osborne who hI in Grade 7 at Central School, Lu the daugh- ter cf Mr. and Mns. Clarence Osborne. 121 High Street. Car- olyn Stacey ha in Grade 8 at Ontario Street School and Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Manaell Stacey, 26 Onchard View Blvd. Kathy was placed finît In the campetition for Bowmanville schools, but lost eut In the semi-finals held in SaUina. Carolyn was among five chosen at Solina to go on to tie finals at Orono. Both girls gave their speech- es in very fine manner on Wed- nesday evening, and the sub- '~jects were of real intenest. Ka- Wbat woId a ..rIus oceldeut do t. your budget? Witbout proper inaurance pro.ý .i tectioe, an accident could deal 7orbudget a liard blow. Our ~ ~ lilard Sickness and Accident .4 plan 8fr.. you the protection .you neod. It includes (1) psy-. ment of meat haspital bis; (2) assistance with major 4- miedicai expenbca; (3) incarne racqge eanuhngs blmthrough 4Vnk;(4) beneffts if you fW ata or cripping ijwiCs.ý ~ ~ Us for ail details. STUART B. JAMES INSURANCE .offie lA3-5691 Ring St. E. REAL ESTATE Residence MA 3-5493 Bowmanville 1 el VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. NEW 10W PRICES NOW IN EFC ]PREmIum QUALITY STOVE UIL 2 c p.l FUEL OIL 1162c FOR DELIVERY Phone Oshawa RA 5-1109 Uiy Osborne spoke on "MY TnIp to Riverdale Zoo" and Carolyn Stacey chose thc subject of "Camping". lI each case, the girls told ai actual expeniences i vivid manner. Miss Chant thanked the girls for giving thein speeches again. IIaw Music Ils Taught Another interesting feature of the evening was a talk bY Mn. Murdoch Beaton, Supervis- or ai Music. on how he teaches music li the junior grades. Li Kindergarten the children are taught ta nespand ta rhythm first by marchîng, running and skipping to appropriate music. They aie also given ear training which takes much time and pa- tience. "Many children starting school have no sense oi pitch1 at ail," Mn. Beaton said. Encouraged Ta Sing Going an into Grade One, children are cncouraged ta sing, even if they sing out of tun2. It is Mn. Beaton's belief that mast children .can Iearn ta car- ry a tune, and that those who are not encouraged and assist- ed ta do so lose much pleasure in life. To assist those to whomn pitch does not camne naturally, classes are divided with the tane perfect section seated next ta those who need somne help. This works remnarkablv well. Mn. Beaton asked parents ta do thein "Part by encouraging, and not discouraging. their children ta sing even if they sing out if tune. Tone matching is alsa used ta help in this regard. Mr. Beatan used tape recordings Mo illustrate somne ai bis points. Mrs. Mathewson thanked Mr. Beaton for a mast interestina talk, and M:s. Park also addcd ber thanks. Mrs. Park announced that a special speaker had been en- gaged for the February mee!- ing which will be Feb. 4 at On- tario Street School. This is Dr. W. F. Kocrber. inspectar of spe- cial schaols, organizer and fir.st principal af Vaiety Village in Toronto. Mrs. Park urged those who had nat dane so ta join Home and Sehool by payment of the 35c. membership fee. Member- ship is down somnewhat this year. Mrs. C. Henning asked for support in catering ta the Lion~s Club Ladies' Night banquet on Feb. 23. Mrs. Henning is con- vening this money-raising ef- fort. Parent-Teachen Count was won at Central by Miss M. Hall, nt Ontanio Street by Miss Y. Chant, and at Vincent Massey by Miss B. Roddick. During the business peniod, minutes wcre read by Secretary Mrs. J. Cuddahee, and report given by Treasuren Mrs. J. C. Burdctt, Jr. Corresponding Se- cretary Mrs. K. Sumnensfard read a letter ai thanks framn Capt. Norman Cales of the Sal- vation Army for a donation made at Christmas time. A film, "Social Sîxes ta the Noisy Nines", was shown with Mn. D. Kennedy at the projec- ton. It was pnacured through Mn. Douglas Rigg, director oi the Recreation Departmnent. The OBITUARY ISAIAH STRONG Following a lengthy illness, Isaiah Strang dieci at his home in Bethany an Wcdnesday, Jan- uany 21, ageci 87 years. A farmer al bis lifetime, he bad just recently moved frorn bis home on 7A Highway into the village. He was born la Mani- vers Township, one oi eleven childncn in the family oi the late Robert Stnong and uis wife Mary Staples. He was an aciherent of the United Church and memben of tbe Loyal Orange Lodge 1022. Immediat*ely surviving are his wife the former Vercy Challice; four sons: Gardon Stnang, Pontypoal; Elwaod Strong, Wilberforce; Roy Strong and Ronald Strong, Bethany; tbnec daughters: Mns. Mansel Finney (Mary) Betbany; Mrs. Richard Armstrong (Rita) Pan- typoi; Mrs. Edwand Rase (En- ma) Peterborough; alsa 31 grandchiidren. A son, Lloyd Strong predeceaseci himn several yeans ago. The tuneral service was held from the Mackcy Funenal Home li Lindsay on Satunday, with the Rev. R. R. Bonsteel officiat- ing. Palîbearers were Walter Row- land, Alan Cochrane, James Spearing, Bert Porter, Raîpla Prestan and Bart. Pyle. Buriai was li Ballydufi Cern- etery. COtJRTICE HMPTON - The Woman'si Mssionany Society met in thej Sunday School room on Jan. 20 with Preident Mns. F. J. Reedi in charge and 21 present. Meet- ing opencd with a hyin and prayer by Mm. Reed. Many g.- pressed thanks for cands whlch they received. Plans ane being made for the Februany meeting w1th Mrs. Hodgson and Ms.. H-ewson ichargeoaithie Study Book, also plans for the World's Day ai Prayer and the Oshawa Presbytenial iFebruany. 1 Ail 1958 reports were preset- cd and were very encounaging. Ms.. ,, Clemens was l charge af thc worship, and pragrain from Uic Study Book, the Wor- ship being taken from Uic Monthly and assisted by Mis. Salter, Mn.. L. Trul ad Mrs. Axiord. Miss Werry gave a talk an the study of Trnidad. Mn.. Reed foilowed wlth her talk an the Federation of Cuba film held much ofiterest for parents. Miss Leta Bragg presided at the piano for apenlng and clos- ing exercises. Mns. Bob Evans convcned the lunch and social haif-houn which concluded the evening. TYRONE The sixth meeting of Uic Ty- rone Tip Top Tallons was held at the borne ai Mrs. A. Young- mani, Tuesday. The members watched Mrs. McLaggan restare an aid skirt. Mns. Youngmnan demonstratcd turning a hem. Plans for Achievement Day were dlscussed. The girls wil clean and presanc ai their eld àkirts and wonk on their pro- jects befare thc next meeting on Feb. 3. Mn. Ernest Gardiner, Miss Florence Gardiner, Mn. and Mrs. G. Byam, Bowmanviile, Mn. and Mrs. L. Phillip and Ste- yen, with Mn. and Mns. T. Phil- hip. Mn. and Mrs. W. Park, Cc- cile and Douglas, spent Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. James Park, Peterborough. Mn. and Mns. H. Philp, Miss Jean Philp, Mn. and Mrs. D. Phasey and Wayne, Mrs. Roi- ald Philp and Karen, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson, Peterborough, Sunday. Mrs. Don Real and Louis,. Greenbank, spent the week-end with ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. W. Taylor. Twenty-five .'Young People enjoyed a sleigh iding party Friday evening. Lunch was served in the Sunday School raom. Mr. anid Mrs. M. Smiley and children, Hamilton, spent the weekend with ber parents, Mn, and Mrs. W. Rabm. Mns. Smil- ey and ebuîdren remained for a week. and Trinidad, Mn,. Clemena shawing thc map outUine. Rev.-F. J. Reed then conduet- ed the. hnstalation of 1959 of- ficers as follows: Preident-Mns. Y. J. Reed; Vice-Pres. - Mrs. Blanchard; Rec. Sec'y-Mrs. H. Truli; Asst. Sec'y-Mrs. L. Clemens; Treas- urer--Mrs. A. BUiett; Corn. Sec'y -Mm. L. Truil; Assoc. Memnbers -Mrs. Knox, Miss P. Wenx-y; Christian Cltlzenship and Temp- erance-MiUss L. Reynolds; Sup- p1y Sec'-Mrs. Kersey.- Salter; Communlty Ficndshp- Mrs. Caverly, Mrs. Blanchard; Planist - Mrs. M. Mountjay; Mlssionary Monthly and World Frlends-Mrs. Axford; Litera- turc and Press Sec'y-Mrs. M. Mountjoy; BirthdayadGf Box-Mrs. H. ,mthCards- Mrs. L. Trul;- Leader Baby Band-Mss P. Werry; Ass tanit -Mn.. Clemnens. Croziei consuli Ana gathen meetin AUl fin factory resigne ard Fo place.. cd ta main year. invitat Two held i room< ren pn Mrs. S- and Y peated was ai Hymnr Huntir was fo nhe withi and M' ge. Re ta was lad aT second Missicl ka. VWl planer. Ameri closedl Satu planer. panied jayed heavy icap a RichaT bot-lw Camp Thei snowb Grade Friday Elaine ai Gi withà S quai( enjaye ter su music. Boxn'y spot-c andp winnir Mr. af T.i IGordxc IMiss tlngs, endm Swair. wnight Jan,. was È Howar vice-CI P. Roi with s er. Boardl McArt man ( Carnaf The regular meeting ofith DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 1 apporn 18th Scout Mat.her's Auxiiiary 2 ;n t Office Board. was helci at the home af Mrs. Office Hours: E.- owayilete Cameran Thompsan, mrs. Char- 9a..ta6p.. aly hghi lesArcerpneidng.Senetry Closed . Saturday and Suiiday been1 Mrs. Haroldi La Chapelle gave Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 holidt, ber report and Mrs. George Rey- d- a.a naldsgaveUic teasuer's epor. lan The prga thconsated airecart.Laegi th The rnadicnasped fe tgake ___Th______ oe from a reortin "sehe omte RJE n TRK owr tudyaCeorei",heC eceystrste Iesd SlTRs hicoum Uic Y.M.C.A., Toronto. Notarles Publiec and MI Plans aie ibeing made for Uic W. R. Strike, Q.C. Sinci spring tes andi thc Father and A. A. H. Stnike, B.A. to, Mn Son banquet. Refrcshments werc 40 King St. W. - Bowmnanvlle on ýh serveci by Mrs. Thompson and Telephone MA 35791 Shaw Mrs. Archer. Next meeting la ho -hr be helci at the home of Mbs. Har- LAWRENCE C. MASON: B.A. boee1 oldi La Chapelle on Wcdnesday Barnister, Solicitor The evening Feb. Il at 8 p.m. Notary Public cil Hi Home and School King St. W. - Bowmaaville .. The regulan meeting ofithe Phones: Office MA 3-5688 gainn West Courtîce Home and 5chool Residence MA 3-5553 pital. Association was helci rrcentiy. - PA~ HDIS msa The President Mns. Victor Cut- Barnisten, Solicitor spent ting presideci. Minutes ai the last Notary Public lage. meeting wenc read by Mrs. Wil- Teprne t owavle Atit son Nefl. Treasure's report was rmeac t.-Bwa elda given by Mns. Donald Tbomp- E. RICHARD LOVEKIN Swain son. The Grade Prize was won U.E., B.A.. LL.B. the Mz by Mrs. Snider's Grade 3. Gucat Box 9, Newcastle a dac speaker af the evcning, Mn. Go- Phone Newcastle 2246 Mns.1 ange Wilson was intnoduced ly Consultation by appointment The ic Mrs. Len Bradley. Mn. Wilson aniy. es.-d spake on Mental Retardetian Pe. and how 1h can affect anyone at W. AY LYCETT, B.A. - Ela any age, none ai us arc immunie Barrister andi Solicitor sie Gu ta this illness. lI Uic offices ai naghai The recent canvass In thc an- R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Fruit- ca for Uiis cause was most nue- Main Street, Orono, Ontarlo es- cessiul. As a result ai these don- Friday, 7 p.m. ta 10 p,m. jean1 ations there la ta be a school Satunday: 9 a.m. o 5 p.m. ers- . buiit la Oshawa ho hclp these -MeLs people ta be a littie more inde- M orfgag8S Een pendent. With the help and un- Or age lan dcnstanciing ai al ai us they can gin lead a hapier andi more useful LEROY HABMLTON - ORONO lufe. Mn1. Wilson answered ques- Pbane 1 r 16 tians asked by thc mothens pre- Finat Mortgage Funds sent. Mns. Donald Snlder than- Residences - Farms keci Mn. Wilson fan is nfoma Business Prapenties GE1 tive talk. oA m Arrangements are being m-ade 0 p 0M etfrvy citizen ta have asleghing partyInhthe AProut, vcry near future. Rcfreshments KEITH A. BILLETT at Wh were sex-ved by Mns. William Ophometrist Geni Epworth's gnaup. 141 King St. E. - Bownanville bon : Theno will b. several "Mardi- Office Haur: By appointmeat United ing Mothers" lI this ares next Telephone MAnket 3-3252 the yc Monday night, Feb. 2. Turn an Monday ta Satunday Mr.& vour porch light and welcome 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. ,~ Follow the canvassers for the March of jWednesdays: 9 ta 12 learnet BLACKSTOCK The heavy raln Wednesday evening held the attendance at the Fariners' Union card Party at a minimum but thet was no indication of the pleasant even- in~g enjoyed by those brave en- ough to corne out. Mrs. Percy Van Camp and Mrs. Edna Glb- son tied for top honors for the ladies, Mr. Les Taylor won the men's finst prize with Mms. A. Wilson winning second. Miss Business Directory Accountancy RAT J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street. MAnket 3-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditons Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. -F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners: J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B. Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Tnethewey, C.A R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. C h ir op ra c f1c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofc: Ghiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St.* Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointmenti nDental - DRt. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.' daily Phone MA 3-5604 0 a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Sunday OBITUARY NEVA MAUD PROUTT well-known and respected i of Caesanea, Mrs. George tpassed away peacefufly aitby an Jan. 2, 1959. neva Maud Piatten was la Part Penny nean the ýd Church on Jan. 4, 1877, oungest chiid ai the late and Mrs. Austin Platten. wing ber education she ed drcss-making and hall- Ja f«.nj ParqUIm Xlii Rev. F. J. Reed Instalis New W.M.S. Officers OBITTJARY Anne Baso.thm me with ber rnother to Toronto where she. wuaemployed wlth T. Maton Co. On June 1. 1905, ahe niannled Wni. George Proutt and settled with hlm, on the Proutt home- stead anc mile cast cf Caciarea. There threc daughtcrs were born: Laura <naw Mrs. P. V. Woodward> of Pointe au Baril; Margaret (Mrs. Stanford Van Camp), Nestletan; and Dorothy (Mrs. Jack L. Purdy), Toron- t.Mrs. Proutt attended chureh rcgularly at Nestieton and la- ter nt Caesarea and was for years a member cf Nestleton Wamen's Institute. In 1920, the Proutt farm was exchanged with the. late John Watson for his home in Cie- sarea, where Mn. Proutt died in 1935 and Mrs. proutt moved across the street to her recent home beside Caesarea Church. During the ,çummers. ah. lived here, but spent the winters witli her three daughters uritil rM- cent failing health caused her to b. hospitalized. Five siters and two brother. pre.deceased her; onc rematn- ,îng brother, Wm. J. Platten, Ilves at Daytona Beach, Flonida. Besides three daughters, she Is mourned by fine grand-chul- dren: Misses Gail, Esther, Shar- on, Jean and Joan Woodward, Mr. Richard and Miss Doreen Van Camp, also Mrs. Sylvia Banker and Mrs. Sonia Galla- gher. Beautiful floral tributes were sent from friends and neigh- bours. Rev. P. Romenil conducted the funenal service at the cha- pel of McDermott and Panaba- ker with interment at Nestietan Cemetery. Palibearers were Richard Van Camp, John Banker, James Gai- lagher, Ivan Proutt, Lloyd fsun- ter and Ralph Sadier. A lufe-long acquaintance sum- med up ber life with thii tri- bute, "She was a wonderful wife and mother and I know she will be greeted with open arms Over There". fS1o - la 01 bile Wao s100 lai Durhar *ityaon*. W. get a cbucle ot o regltratlon tom 0cfu Lacombe bo&r-the new bree<f recently developed at Laoomb% Alta, The originator cf thia Par- ticular breed were narned bv mre humorist (yoied ziever igu"a) Adam and ZE".-OUri Adam 364. Mr. and Mm. Geo. Bennett have returned from a mator trip through U.S.A. with Flor- Ida their southera point of caIL. Glad to set Mrs. Bennett has recovered her former good health. Our reeent January thaw wua heartily welcomed by local farmers who have been plagued by water shortage this winter. Master Garry Bristow Li re- cuperating ln hospital from a minor operation and hopes 4o b. home titis week. A speedy recovery. 1 'eiSERVICE co MA.3883 BOWIiAN VILE What ma .kes'BUICK er anid Mro. B. Gray won tation pnizes.j average number ai officens ýed for Uic circuit board rig ai the United Church. inanclal reports wcrc satis- ry. MT. Hecton Shortridge cd as treasuren and How-. ýorden was appointed li his An invitation was extend- Rev. Phillp Romenil ta ne- on Uic change for anothen Mn. Romeril acccptcd Uic tian. ro childÉren's meetings were Li the United Church S.S. on Jan. 20, with 13 child- Sesent and was lIn charge af Stuart Danrel. Aiter gaines Mission Band purpose ne- iK in unison, Uic rail cal nswered by "My Favorite n". The Chapter "Kirk Goes ng", framr the study book, llowed by worship peniod. eExplorers met on Jan. 22 eight girls in attendance NIns. R. Van Camp lI char- Lepeating purpose and mot- is followed by business per- and worship service. The A Exploration la an "Our >nary Expedition" on Alas- rork was bP-gun en the Ex- .rs newspaper «'Te North rican Missionary". Meeting diwith Explorers prayen. trday afternoon eight Ex- rs and anc visitor accomn- ic by their two leaders cen- 1a toboggining party. The y snow starm. was no hand- and ail retunned ta Mrs. ,rd Van Camp's ready for Lneh servcd by Mns. Van pand Mrs. F. Butt. ere was a good crawd at the ball dance sponsored by , 9 ai Uic local high sehool, iy n.ight and arranged by te Mountjay, nepresentative radie 9. Hall was decanated snowf1akes and snowman. re and round dancing was cd with music for Uic lat- Lipplieci by tape recordeci cElimination, dance was by Ly Snooks and Colin Hayes, dance by Garry Sweetmân partner with Dave Kyte ng the bnoom. dance. .and Mrs. Don Sinclair, wa, Mr. Ralph Strong, U. .Student, and friend were ,nd guestsofai Mn. and Mrs. >n Strong. ss Deanne Wheeler, Hiast- .visiteci during Uic week- with Mr. and Mns. Ernie n. eBoard oi Education Cart- .t Public School Area, met 14. Mr. Wallace Marlow elected chairman. andi Mn. rd Farder was re-electeci 'hairman af thc board. Rev. omeril openeci Uic meeting scripture reading and pray- i Cartwright High Sd=oo dmet on Jan. 21. Dr. J. A. rthur was re-elcteci chair- of the Board. Mrs. John 'ghan was wclcomed as the ritee ai Uic Public Sohool d. Rev. P. Romenil apened Lcting with. a reading andi nr. Newr starm. windows and ig lin two claiss roams haci Installed during Christmnas sys. The Students' Caunicil ming an "At Home" fonin- Uic spring. emarrled couples club en- San evcning of bowling i nanville Jan. 24 and a de- i lunch at Uic home of Mn. [ns. Jim, Marlow. Dere sympathy la extended s. Oscar Shaw and Leanare ie death ai Mr. Shaw. The i amily werc well known wvhere Uiey kept a store for time. emany iniends af Mi. Ce- il1 are glad ta know she is ig strength li Oshawa Hos- sa Diane Blair, Os hawa, and Masbel Van Camp, Oshawa, the weekend in the vil- the Annual O.N.O. meeting at the home ai Mrs. Connue nplans wcre compîcteci for lanch ai Dlmes canvass and nce ta be held Feb. 6 wlth Mauntgomery's Orchestra. followig officers werce el for '59: P66«*aw The pure pleasure of dnlv- lng is -naw fuily realized . .. as you'il finci out when you drive a '59 lBuick. Neyer before have spirit and obedience been put together in a car in such generous quantities. Yet mile mter luyuriaus mile yon become mare and marc aware of aperating economy unequalled in Buick's hlstory. QM*G As soon as you step Into the new Buick you will be aware that noth- ing has been spared ... titis la the ultimate in fine car ownership. Buick's superiority extends ta structural design, engineering and manufacturing, too! Buîck la built to laat and time wlll prove it. LE SABRE INVICTA ELECTRAý The thriftieat Blck The moat aplrltoe ulck 7TMèemod fuxurloueBu/ck m- 1O09b Robson Motors Lumited Pontiac 0 Duick - Vauxhail Cars Dowmanvilhs 186 King Si. E. a GNC Trucks MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 Here la dlean, uncluttered sirmplielty' that wiil neyer f ail ta compliment your superb good taste. And la evcry swceping Buick line la a quiet excitement that wili stir your imag- ination and pride af ownership whercver and whencver you and your Buick are together.., NAIGAIET 3. NBOElYT Tii. death occurred la Orillla Hospital of Margaret Blanche Prout, wlfe cf the late eog Nesbltt and daughter cf the. late'John and Nancy Prout. Deceased was borai Cart- wright Township la 1877 te youngest of a famlly cf eltee chlldren. ln 1903 she marntcd George Nesbitt and they farmed In Cartwright until his death in 1932. Shortly atterwards she moved to Tarante and later te Onu.li. She was active incomm. munity affaira and a faithful znember eoftth. Anglican Chunch. . Mns. Nesbitt i survlved by two daughtcrs (Mabel) Mis. Robent Doak, Orillia; (Major. le) Mns. H. B. Morrison, Lea- side, and one son Charles Han- old oi Bowmanville: asa five gr andchildren. Dorothy Doak, Nancy and Heather Morrison, and Garry and Ross Nesbltt. A brother, Mr. Ierb Prout, and a muster (Lou) Mrs. PL J. Bar. ton. reside In North Vancouver. The remains rested in th* funenal panlour at Onillia until Thursday when they were re- moved ta St. John's Church, Blackstock, where Canon P. Chaperlin conducted the fun- eral service, with Interment In St. John's Cemeteny. Thene were many beautiful floral tri- butes. Palibearens were four neph- ews, Lloyd Hunten, Charley Morton, John Ncsbitt, Frank Malcolmn and two grandsans, Garry. and Ross Nesbltt. YELVERTON 1 ý Mr. Ray Robinson had the misiortune recently ho lase anc ai bis best cows from rabies- have yet to bear anyone even admit-(no reflectian on Ray) that they even lost thein paon- est one. We still maintain that the Government has a moral obligation ta, pay compensation --.f Depyx

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