TRE AMADAN TATEMANBOWANVILI NTAIO TT!E CA?~AD!AN STAT~SMAN. DOWt(ANVlLLE. ONTARTO '~WT~Cr~AV ?A~.? 0041. *0* - Ct.J~fl4 ~ * UUç aveu The Criterion of . Christian Democracy Us How t Cares For ts Handicapped Sa ys Speaker at Men 's Canadian Club The criterion o! a Christian School for the Deaf st Belle-' betwveen the hard of hearing,*C democracy is haw it cares for ville fir man.v years. Mr. M.Nor- and the deaf. The latter are James Rickahy, Orono, sp2ak,- Bowni,-l High School. Iv afterwards. He said, how- C artwright C Into h ndiappe ditiznClab riSo el*f-Sup~porncipelvaerdeafat binhior bemeso short- on Wednesday evening, Jan. 21, 4. le has neyer found any child In St. Paul's United Church au- 4'ven if onlv considered 0on to be stone deaf. or totally I o g r lM ditonium. Presîdent Neil Porter a dollar and cents basis, thie deaf. There is usually some of Orono, presided. expenliturie of $2,000 a year for trace of hearing, but until re- The inaugural meeting of the Mr. Ili'ckaby, who is a n:-1 each child in one of our schoas cently instruments used to test new 1959 Cartwright Township phcxv of R. P Rickabv. of Rick- for~ thc dcaf %vould be worth hearing were not dclicate Executive was postponed fromn aby's Ltd., the Big 20 firm. is it. M r. Rickab * said. -We can enough to register this smail the fifth of January until the in charge cf il classes of deaf urt e fa hl secu-t r ace of hearing. Better audio)- foilowing day, because of the children in Sunnvview School, aged at ho me as wel. that we meters have opened up new weather, when it was carried Tornt. f frterlocl ntr-can get boN s and giris good jobs 'vistas ta eilîdren who former- out ai arranged. est is the fact that Mr. Rickabv at 17 or 18. Thev then becomc ýIv were considered ta have no Reeve Bruce Ashton was in began his work with the de-ifhoions and taxpaYers," hearing. the chair, Deputy Bert Gibson under the direction of jw-.J. he pointed out. Deat children up to age two and Counicillors Merrili Van Morrison. Superintendent of th-ý In a survev made of metra-1 or threhaentadheo-CmLwncMlomad -~politan schools for the deaf, reàhv a a h p CmLwec acl n e -ne ho ad onethrough, portunity of recognizing ian- Fred Trewin were present. ThL pvrvnewh hd on Iguage and objects. With nar- brie! opening ceremony a TUR uniu i the past trn .years was flcw;mai haaning, a baby makes ra- followed by Biblical advica either g-ainfullY emplo ' ed. o r i pid progress in recognizinq fromn Rev. P. Rameril who was 'h- case of the girls. married. sonsadwrsadietf- acting in the stead of Rev. mb oCash Mr, Rickab\v related fthe casa of iïug saject s andug eaingCnnChpriwh a n 1 1 ~~~~~~~a bov snd girl. both in excellenut igojcstruhhaigCnnCaeln h n with ibasisane.anhais parents and other children, able to attend. jobs~as ersagce, anotthee- and imitating themn. "At four, The Municipal Winter Works S TA E N A TEMAN Ti -aeagnttee-the chiid with normai hearing Incentive Prograrii application C L A S S 1 F 1 E D S ceptio'u'" can't be stopped talking. The as tendered in Decemberba Phone MArket 3-3303 Ha rd o! Hearing dea! child becames more sulent. been approved by the necessary Mr. Rickabv distinguish:?d Left to his own devices, hie will authorities and a' maximum cf neyer talk because he has nevcr 250 man days authorized, pro- UUUUUU~UUUUUUUUUUUUUUMUUUUUUUUUUUbheard speech. The child ap- viding that ail employees could pears ta be duil and is given quaiify and be cleared by the * Ata temper tantrums" National Unempîcyment Com- * ISpecial Schools mission. Also the water reser- V . ~ M II~ ~Now, In Toron::, children are, voir in the basement of the Re- V IT À M IN Staken inta schools for the deaf creational Centre bas been ap- at te ae o thee fte parents proved for Construction at an Take Extra Vitamins for uoou felh 'have attended clinics and heIn- estîmatedi cost cf under $500. cd ta prepare the child for in- Mr. Clarence Mariow was giv- strctin.Chidrn poced ,~en the verbal contract with Wampole's Extraet 15-.5 Meads sthe age cf 13 or 14, whcn t.0 certain suggestions. TriIl-ol 1.55-.0.0 ar placed in special secondarv The Curling Club were vated scott'a Emulsion 1.00-2-00 <1 ' ed col o ie oato a t wrdship of the nink but ta 2.0-350-.0 ~PoIv-Vi-Soi 1.95-3.45-4.90 I training in crne of several spe- keep the sehedule as in form-er Paramettes _20-.060 cial schcols in Toranto. vears, with the samie usual - tTri-V'i Tabs ---- - 1.50-4-25 The object at the beginnlng, free skating for the children. Mead.q bD Cod Liver Infantol Liquid 1.25-3.50-6.25 is ta build up a fund of under- The bill cf McDermott-Pani- 011----- -- - 1.00 - 1.25 1 staod wordg. This is done bv abaker for the interment cf the '~Infantol Drops 1.502.30-4.10 talking ta the child about thue late Roxanna Burr xvas again Neo-Chemical Food-Hairae 1.9.9-49 atitheiegad i discussed and since Ronald has Capsules __ 1.95-3.4-.5 as rolling a hall, repeatinitle sl h rpryaddfut Haliborange Tabs. 1.20-380 word in as many different wavs ed on his promise ta pay the Llquld _ 1.85-3.q5-6.85 Cadol 1.00-1.65-2.90 as possible. These children do- $135 a motion by Bert Gibson Aipametes 1.*l.8-3.0 AC Dops~ 160-.85 not learn ta speak as you and 1 and secanded by Merrîli Van Alphrnetes .001.853.5 AD Dros --- 160-.85 do, said Mr. Rickaby, but thev Camp authcrizing payment cf Hlgh Test C.L.O. 9tc-1.50 Ferinsol -----------1.00-2.25 are understandable, and the samie. important tbing is that it opens The Clerk was appointed Fox up the mind. The child îearns Bo unty Officer and instructed Kold-Ease Coldene Brome Chase's first ta understand verbal Tabiet for oîda uinin ColdTaba. symbols, then ta tinderstandOBTU Y Tablet for olds uinin ColdTabs. what others say to him. and fi- O IU R 1.25 1.10 - 2.59 49c- 79c 59e- 1.49 nallv ta make himsel! under- stood to others. MRS. J. ERNEST RINCII Hearing Aids Following a cerebral hemnorr- I earing aids are used and hage suffered the previous Sat- SPECALSSPECALSteaching is al cral. The old sig-s urday ni1ght, there passed to à9 ie89e COLGATE PASTE language is net used. Hearng lber eternal rest an Thursday. 89c izeaids will amplify the lower re- Jan. lSth, 1959, in ber 80th WITH HAIR BRUSII gister of the voice a littie bit. vear, one of Newcastle's devout EGG CREME SHAMPOO Men's voices therefore. can be Christian womnen in the person Both for 89c heard more easilyv by these of Mrs. J. E. Rinch. who for Fe 3cchildran than women's. '*The close te 75 years had lived in. 73c size haigadwl n h hl or verY near the boundar.y, cf 1 te know wvhether you are uising the Vlage of Newcastle. WILDROOT CRF.AM OIL voice or net." said Mr. Rhc- Br 10 oz. size Noxzema ---- .. Bon Mary, Adah Allun, at aby, "and this will help in lini Whitby,, Sept. 15tb, 1879, shie Brylereem and Comb _ 69e I;ow- 53c reading. te, develop the abi1itv was the only cbild of the late -ta speak in syllables. and te Richard B. Allun and Elizabeth monitor his own voice." AnClil hnsxya, Mr.iicab., sid hatadvr-old, h2r parents purchased and G E R I T O L tisements claiming, that the oedt terfarinoehl Fast-acting Iron Tonic and surh a bearing aid, are not te tlueir own parents' farms ta be helieved. If one is hard and situated on the road crm- 1.5 -32 - 5.49 of hearing, he max' be able -te monly known as "Alun*s sidc- hear quite well witb a heariag road". aid. But net a deaf persan. The deceased attended the -Lef t Te Die Newcastle Grammar School, 1In ancient times, and in somne which xvas located on the sm PHON dre notnoral i cerainSchool, and was taii.ght by the MA .595 RU ST REWE FIT ways. were left te die and the'-e late Mr. L. B. Davidson whose MA -595 RU ST RE TRUSSES are those who present an argu- stcrn measures of discipline mlent for this even in present w;ere ;uost tcurifying and Lin- democracies, the speae known te aur present day sys- stated. But with proper cr tem of teachîng. At one tirne and instructIon, many of the j manv parents rose uip in rebel- landicapped can become uise- lion over the reign of terrer in BOWMANVILLIS fui citizens. "What about He- exi.stenc2e,-t the School and a IR I] YL .1-MA 35589len Keller' *"lue challeng-ed. Iu large mass meetinug xas beld. MA3489conclu.sien Mr. Rickaby recaîl- in protest. WTben bier parets - - - - ~ ~ed a poemn in whiclu chiidreti registeied their complaints, Mi-, """ """'~ TO- 2 31 were campared with coins, sarne Davidsoîu gasped in surprise, for THIS TRURS. T SAT. JAN. 29 3 b aving flaws or raugh edges, hie stalted Mary was bis faveur- but "ahl stamped with the image ite pui. AND NONDAYI FED. 2 e! the King." Music was hier chie! interest IMr. RickabN, ,was introduced and nuanY hardships she endur- TENSE WITH NUMAN DRAMA ... I , ndfttngythanked for taking instruction in lier early VIBANTWIT vnîTuuuhis instructive address by Mr. years on a littîn 5-octave melo-- New Executive took place around the musical Thencwexcutve o! heinstrument in neighboring PARKER club is camposed af Neil P or- l rewe utuie n WAI.T DISNEY'S ter, Orona, presidcnt: Alvin cuisaliie nfra Davis Bwavle vc-rs evening's enteirtainnient to b-ýr JW i l dent: T. O'Neill, Bowiaîville accomoranimenit. Shie later lie- I e-Treas. Past presidents - are eegns f h ecs a iso executive members. The bd5 Cuc whcups î ~, Membeérsbip Commi __tee is en sht, held until lber nuar- mfubrasac7ll) also jo:ned ils work-esi hl rieii S quaa ni Clda Treicfa ate ata 0 urp M rs. Wn. Porter acted gas t.i eilneraî s 'rv1e i-vs heid ;r Lst comite show t 9:25 it fer the meeting. the Marris Funeral Chapel on j A vote of thanks te the Even- Satu r a , J n rY 1 , n th ing Auxiliarv o! St. Paul's who prdav, .Jafnuarge 17,in th Coming Events catered for thue dinner was mcv - opreeaieso!andlargengatHen ed by Mr. Stan McMurter and cfeast .vsM.and Fiîns.her f 1 accepted an behai! of the la-cpatrev. M. C. sherGoff i- AT THE ROYAL THEATREi dies b', Ms Florence Gardin- cAtedn. Palibearerswere George er. IrwiwaCowinlchGegr. Sat, Feh. 7 at 6 and 9 (Two show-s) j e wh e waingcharge.csl Graha-rn, Wellington Farrow, and Mon. -;We d.,Fb. 9 Ilat 8p.m.nlyTecex tng %v l ffi n t iks nt" tas RIe'L te moîîrn he:- Io'sa- Bride onthe iverKwai (Colr) -eprec.11 1 er' bereaveri, twv. nest picture of the year 1958 :a:îve for Vcot and Halibu. ý- damzgners. Irene and -Marîaîu *on Ceuintias. wti1iî seak oun fMrs. Char!es Gike;î, or.i _________________________________________agricu: tur. Mr. Brown îàa a grand daughter and thrte tive cf Durham. -an a dsons. -ouncil Holcis eet for 1959 to accept fox tails and have applications f iled for the pay- ment of the $4.00 County Boun- ty. Mr. Osmond Wright had com- pleted the new floor in the dressing room cof the skating rink. An extra 3000 feet of snow fence was purchased fram the Department of Highways and is Up. The resignation of the care- takers was presented by Hector Shortridge and the Council flot deslring to, accept it passed it on to the Parks' Board. The Road Commissioner ex- pressed his wish that automo- biles when parked or stranded on a Township Road be left as far off the road as possible and unlocked because abandon- ed vendces constituted a haz- ard and a delay in opening the roads. Council unanimousiy r- solved that ail vehicles aban- doned or parked an the towli- ship roadways are there at their owner 's risk. Bis were pre- sented and estimates o! the ne- cessary funds required to pay' ail 1958 debits. Motions for the barrowing o! $24,000 against taxes was ap- proved and bis to the end of the year ordered paid. Nx regular meeting at 1.00 ]pm.o February 2, 1959. C.W.L. Decides' To Purchase . New Equipmenti The Bowmanviiie Sub-divl-' sion o! the Catholie Women's League held a meeting on Tues- day, Jan. 20th in the C.W.L. raoom at St. Joscph's Paris.h Hall, Liberty Street. The presi- dent, Mrs. Wilfrid J. MecLean,l presided. As the treasurer, Mrs. George. Young, was unavoidably absent,l Mrs. Stewart Chisholm rcadý the financial report. Mns. Jas-1 eph Cuddabee, the secretary, nead a letter fromn Mrs. L. Poin- ter, and showed a complimen- tary copy o! the new cook book publisbed by the Port Hope Sub-division o! the Catholic Women's League, which Mrs. Pointer had sent ta the Baw- manville C.W.L. The cook book is being scid b.y the Port Hope C.W.L. fan 75 cents a çapy, Mre. Painter's letter stated. Plans were discussed fan ca- tering for wedding receptions, banquets and other events. It was decide.d ta purchase dishes. stainless steel cutlery. and' kitchen utensils, if possible la- cally. Prîces are to be obtained and the initial punchase wil be for 150, or 200 dishes. it was alsa decided ta hold a social event on the eveniçg a! St. Patrick's Day, Mnnrch 17, in St. Joseph's Hall. The C.W.L. aise decided ta buy new sou- tanes for the altar boys o! St.' John's Roman Catholic Churchi, Newcastle. The winners in the aproru draw wene: Mrs. Bert Payne, Mrs. Joe Cooper and Mrs. T. Welter. Mrs. J. A. Trudeau made the dnaw. Follawîng the meeting a deliciaus lunch was served by Mrs. Stewart Chis- bolm, Mrs. Lloyd Quinton, and Mrs. J. A. Trudeau. ENFIELD Due to, very unpleasant wea- ther or W.A. meeting has been postponed twicc, with roads thet look like glass and are twice as slippery, the folk around here are net makirug uneccess ary trips. Everyone manages ta stay on the road, wvhIch seems sur- prising to those who try ta walk on them. There are a few cases of chic- ken pox in the community. jMany from here atten.ded the funcral o! Mrs. W. J, Ormiston in Bowmanvillp Mrs. Ormiston has been gneatly missed bince iii health made it neccessary for ber to leave her home here over a ycar aga. She recived. nursing cane in South Haven Reat Home I *ADS IN NÉ SPPM SURr, GE RESULTS, 1I14AC MY LOST 000 W ITý4I4 fVE 0UP& S-C WIN'TU ;VEPfl at Newcastle until her death. Her love of flowers made her". home a plesant picture outside - and in, and her mnany fric ai ways received a warm wiîmae.- Her home is now occupW by Mr. and Mrs. Milton Sambu and Misa Elsie Semis. Mr. Sarnis pur- chased the place recently. Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowm(dwA family recently had dirvijJeAtl the J. Bowman's at New'v-astè.; Mrs. R. Griffin, Mrs. P. Saemis. Mr. and Mrs. F. Griffin vlaited with Mr. and Mrs. P. Conlin and the L. Wottén family, Oshawa, Mr. an-d Mrs. K. Hobden, Gail and Beth, Kinsale, were Sunday visitors at L. Cochrone's., Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee and Judy vlsited at E. Cowlings, Peterbor. ough. For Best Reiulf.s ... TRY OUR Automatic CAR WASH The car wash that gives you that gleamlng wax finish. LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES and BATTERIES *1 I - t. ~T - PAGE SIx LitUle man you've had a busy day This littie spaceman is just back from a trip to Mars (out ini the backyard) ... and now bis leader is packing bim off to bed. Wbile he was away, she washed the floor ... the dishes .. . several large piles of cothes ... and stili there was plenty of bot water for this spaceman's bath. Reason? Because she bas a modern automatic electric water heater witb abundant storage capacity and quick recovery when more hot water is njeeded. Heating water electrically is safe, dean, modern and costs just a few cents a day en special Hydro fiat rates. You get more out of life wben you get the most out of electricity. live botter.. àELICTRICA[LY the safe, dlean, modern way j s - a.- ELEC'RTCITY1)0E SSO NI ( CI . .. COSTS SO îTIL Launder smali rubber- backed rugs In your washer, then tumble dry ln an electric dryer set at Iow temperature. VOUR HYE)RO TpnmnAv-.TAM- 20tis-. lau 01