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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 11

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- - ~qw.** p w ~ ~-. -e' ~ -V-~~ ~ ~ TMMUSDAY, ME. l2th, 109 THZ '.fANLIuD IANSArTMAN. UOWMANV[LLE. ONTARIOPAELVI' Mr. and Mns. Chas. Knox and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lewis return- ed homne last wcek following a rnonth's holiday ln Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose were ln Brampton last Wednesday where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jose and family. Mrs. William Baldwin and laughtens Kathleen and Barbara of Toronto and Mn. and Mris. Ronald Pingle and boys, Bow- manville, wene Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mns. G. H. Hodg- soni. Mr. and Mns. R. B. Rickand, Mn. and Mns. Fred Couch, Mr. and Mns. Frank Hoan and Mn. and Mns. Murray Paterson were la attendance at the Ladies' Night meeting of the Little Britain Lions Club last Thurs- day evening. Dr. Raymond Rodgcrs of Otta- wa visited with his mothen Mns. W. P. Rodgens on Sunday and Monday and was an overnight ~zest with the Rev. and Mrs. M. .Fisher and faniily. Mr. and Airs. Carl Gould and family spent the weekend in Newmarket visiting with Mn. and Airs. Harny Daly. The many friends of Mr. Kelth F. Aiken will be sonry to leara that he is a patient in the Me- morial Hospital iu Bowmanville and will joi with us in wishing him a specdy and complete ne- covery. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Farrow of Starkville spent the weekend visiting wlth Airs. Irvin Farrow and Mrs. George Smith. Congratulations ta AMr. and Airs. Leonard Jas. Lambert (nec Luella M. Bostock) who were manried in St. Paul's United Church Parsonage, Bowmanville, by the Rev. Harold Turner on Fniday evening, January 23. Highways Deparf ment Returns North Street NEWCASTLE - There was considerable discussion at the Febnuary meeting of the village council reganding the Depart- mient of Highways return to the village of North Street which formerly formed part of High- way No. 35. This street has been rnaintained ini the past by the Departmcnt and the council haave received notification that the Department will no longer be doing this. As North Mill and Manvers Streets wili In ail likelihood be used to a large extent by motorists as a connecting link from 115 to 401 East, council objecta to com- plete maintenance of these etreets. Council decided to meet with Dept. of Highways person- nel to discuss thîs matter. World Day 0f Prayer Service NEWCASTLY, - Tomnorzow, Feb. 13, The World Day of Prayer will be marked in New- castie by a service held at 3:00 .-A'clock ini he Parish Hall of St. Qj. &g', Anglican Chunch. This is a service conducted a=ayon the first Friday I Lent by women's organizations, in Protestant Churches thnough- out the world. Beginning i the Fan East in the early hours of the day, and proceeding west- erly around the world, prayers wilU be offered to God contin- ually. To make it possible In Canada's far north, copies of the Order of Service were flown in to the people last September. The Service was prepared by Christian wornen In Egypt. JLet's Look Back 10 Years Ago In Neceastle February 10, 1949 Dr. D. P. Sutton had openied a dentist's office ia the pnem- ises fonmenly occupied by Eve's Beauty Parlor in the Gateway Building on King Street. It was ncponted that Harold C. Allun, a well known band3- rnan and former Newcastle blacksmith, had died suddenly in Toronto. Mr. Allia had play- ed in many bands includlng Orono, Bowmanville, Oshawa. and the 48th H-ighlandaers in To- ronto. Dr. Geonie Miller of Bow- manville. spaoke ta thc New- castle Lions Club telling of his intcrcsting expeniences in In- dia. At the Newcastle High School Commencement a fine prograrn was prescntedi in addition ta thr pnize orese'îtations ending with a onc-act play presented by 10 sfudents unde- the direction off tbe Principal R. W. Goheen. Thp Valedictory address was giveri by Miss Jovce Martin a mcem- ber off the 1948 eraduating clas3. Mn. and Airs. A. R. Randali had arrived ta take aven the gnocerv business formerly own- ed by Mnr. H. S. Britton. Advcr- tised speciais included bread at 12 cents a oft and soap at 5 cents a bar. A skating4 carnival was ad- vertise-d for the Outdoon Rink in the Comniunity Park wherm pnizes wcrŽ. offered for best costumes, races and fancy skat- ing. The admission ta stand in the cold and watch this carni- val wqs 25 cents. The ollowing appointments wcre made by council: Airs. Ai. C. Fisher to the Memonial Lib- rary Board; Mn. Sain Brereton ta the Memonial Arena Commit- tee- Air. Ed. Barchard as dog catcher for 1959, and Mn. Gea. Meadaws as Building Inspector for the village ia 1959. Fînat and second readings were givea by-laws ta: 1- Licence Nursing Homes la thc village; 2-Regulate and contral taxis; 3-For the prevention of Rabies; -4-Ta prevent and can- trol air pollution. f111 eut a forin regarding assess- ment and taxes in the village- during the past five years. This la ta answer a requcat from the Dcpartment of Municipal Affairs with reference ta the application made ta the board by the village with regard ta the fiaancing or installation ai waterworks la the village. 18 Brownies Receive Their Service- Si-ars NEWCASTL-Mn. Jim Love- kmn, Newcastle native and aow teacher of history in a Toron. ta Hîgh School was the guést speaker at the negular dinner meeting of the Newcastle Lions club on Tharsday evening. Intnoduced by his brother, Lion Dick Lovekin, he spoke on the early history of the vil- lage and Durham county. Air. Lovekin has gathcred quite a library of aid books relative to bis subject and gave a veny intcrestiag talk, quotlag from a number of these books which he laten showed ta the membens. Lion Frank Rickard voiced the appreciation of the mcm- Health is Topic WMS Meeting NEWCASTLE - The regular meeting of the Woman's Mis- sianary Society of the United Church was held in the Board Room of the Church on Thurs- day afternoan, Feb. 5 with the President, Airs. Gea. Allin pre- siding. Airs. Allia opened' Uic meet- ing withta.Sciptune quotation, "e arethe light of Uic world, let your light sa shine befare mca Uiat you may glorîfy your Father which is ia Heavea". She sald wherever a truc Christian goca his life should be an in- spiration ta others. This was followcd by a hyma and prayen. Airs. Allia spoke of the bass the Society had sus- tained through the death of anc af its taithful mcmbcrs, Airs. E. Rinch, and a hymn was sung la her memony. The devotional service "Racial prejudice exposcd" on God is no respecter of persona, waa in charge aofGroup 1 under Uic leadership of Mns. J. Brown. Ara. Carvcthread partions main the Book af Ruth and Airs. Bnown made comment. This was fallawcd by a hymn and prayer. The Study Book, dealing with health pnoblems in the Dominion of Canada, was coaducted by Mns. Fisher and Mns. Clemencé and revealed that thene arc sevea hospitals i Canada which areý operated -bY the United NEWCASTLE - The regular Church of Canada-anc la On- meeting af the Newcastle taria, three i Manitoba, two la [Brownics was held iu the cOin- Alberta and anc on the Pacific munity hall last Wednesday. Coast. The meeting opencd with the The President coaducted Uic Brownies Sixth sang and prayer. business peniod with Mns. W. F. Their Fairy Gold was collected Riekard acting as secretary la aften the singing ai Uic Brown- the absence aofAirs. A. Gleny. jes sang. Airs. Fisher and Airs. Allib were Tweve roaie, rprsen- aponted te arrange fan the igte telve o iths ai steEastcn rThankoffcning meeting, yersa i the e nter of the and aîl members wenc urged ta year Fatin he cnte of .heattend the Pnesbytenial in Osha- iairy ring while 18 Bnownies wa on Fcb. 17 and the World danced around thein to reccive Day ai Prayer meeting la St. their service stars. The follow- George's Panish Hall on Fniday ing 16 Browuies rcceived their afternoon, Feb. 13. 1 year star; Breuda Brown, Janie Zweir, Judy Alldread, IHilda Ten Dam, Beverly Al-'C r P ry a Idrcad, Canal Gibson, BeverleyCard P y t Rickard, Sharon Barchard, Ca- thy Alldread, Caady Stanks, 'Jf IDarlene Bowcn, Susaa Flintoff, St.Ge orge s BehPowell, Eleanor AicCrack- en, Sharma Ferguson and Iso- bel Parce.Weil Arrended Tins Kozub reccived ber se- cond yean star and Elizabeth NEWCASTLE - A well at- Kozub her third ycar star. Ser- tendcd card party of bridge, vice stars are won by a 75 per- cuchre, 500 and cribbagc was cent or more attendance at sponsoned by the Evcniag Brownie mectiags. Bnanch of St. George's Woman's A few Bnawnie mothéns attend- Auxiliary on Wedncsday, Fcb- cd the meeting which always nuany 4th, give th Brwnis alittie cx- mAe lucky n umben draw was gives te romidsaef with Airs. Bcnnett of tra bost.Bowmanville, being the luck-y A relay game was cnjoyed winner. Another draw made at by ail and the meeting closed the panty for a well-filledbas- with the Brý)wnies farming a ket off groccnies was won by Airs. pow-wow ta sing a fcw Bnownme Jack Wade. sangs and thein clasing taps Winncns at carda were: Miss Ruth Gardon, Orona; Airs. E. S. Barchard, Air. Ray Brown, M.Alf. Graham and Mir. Ed- Couples L.I"jo mund. Major consolation prizes werc won by Mrs. John Fergu- soMiss Doris Spencer, Miss Skating Party ,Cora Butler and Air.Walc NEWCASI'LE-The members. A maost enjoyable social even- of the Mcmvý Marricd Couples' ing wvas brought taon close with Club of the Newcastle United the serving of delicihus ne- Church held a skating party at fneshmats by members of the the Memorial Anena on Wed- Evening Bnanch. nescav venV 2FerP r v 4t~ih. 1 Although the attendance W83 amail ail thrse present enjayed a veny plea-,ant evening. It is the hope of thc club that more of the members will turn aut .', the Aiarch meeting. Aften the skating the mcm- bers and thein guests adjourned ta the boo:hI whene delicious rcfrcshments wene senved by the cammittee in charge and the president conductcd a short business period when plans wer"i discussed for a dance ta be held la April whien othen Couples' Clubs woulà be invited ta at- tend. Fire Caused By Open Flame Thawing Pipes tNEWCASTLE-Fast work by Ithc Newcastle Fine Departmcnt t in the midat of Aionday's îain storm i revented what might have been a seniaus fine at the home of Air. Albert Mitchell on Mill Street South. The Mitchelîs had been thaw- .ing out frozen water pipes witlb an open flame whcn fine began buruing between the floors at the base of a wall, out ai sight. Tealarm ivas sounded around The.m and in appraximately 20 mntsfirernen had retunned ta teh ih t h fieextinguish- ed, with the use of a soda-acid extinguisher. According ta Fineman Albert Naylon, wh o was in change, dan.age ta the home was 1 negligible, though the fine was so situated that in a veny few minutes it could have develop- cd into a very serious fine. Moral-Do not use open flame ta thaw frozea water pipes& bers ta Mr. Lovekin for his most interesling anid Informa- tive talk and said it was wan- derful ta sec a young man 'take sa much intercst in our history. The business of the meeting was conducted by Lion Presi- dent Chas. Gilkes and included a report by Lion Bill Starks of the visit to the Kingston Club fon the last meeting. The club was informed that the Lionette3 Club had very generously pur- chascd 15 matched pains of ho- key stockinigs for the Lions Midget Hockey team and mcm- bers wcre nsked to attend the games on Saturday in Onono and at the local anena on Wedae.s- day ta sec the team in action. MAPLE GROVE The "U and I" Circle of Wo- men's Gnoups met at the hame a fMrs. Morley Burgess on Feb. 3. Thene were 20 members and two visitons present. Presideat, Mns. Gardon Beech conducted the business, thc main issue be- ing the St. Patrick's suppen to tbe hcld in the chunch basement, 1 Airs. Edwand David was el.- ected Cornesponding Secnetary, Airs. Tom McGuirk gave a Scrip- turc reading and Mrs. Arthur Burgess gave several readings an the theme of Valcntine's Day. AiMrs. E. David gave a reading on 'Love."i Airs. D. C. Bailley. and her group wene in charge cf the pro- gramn and also served lunch. Those scrving were Mns. Tomn McGuirk, Mrs. Moarley Burgess, Mns. E. C. Ashton, Mrs. Arthur Burgess and Airs. Ed'ward David. Maple Grave United Church Choir held a social evening in the chunch basement on Wed- nesday evening. Dinnen was ser- ved by thc W.M.S. Evening Aux- ila,.There were 34 members and former memnbers present. Choir leader, Mn. Douglas Chute welcomed those present and invited others ta join as the choir is always open ta ncw menibens. Officers wenc elcted as fol- lows: President. Miss Mildned Saowden, Secretany, Mns. Ccdnic Russell, Gown Cammittee- Miss Susan Wilson and Miss Dorothy Foley. Mn. D. Chute thanked Uic ladies for serving a lovely din- uer and4 an enjoyable- singserg, was led by Mr. Jake Laird. Mn. Chiarles Snowden spoke cf the values of Uic choir to Uic church, and ta, those who formed. it. Chair practice followed ta bring a niost enjoyable evcning toaa close. Air. andAirs. Tom McGulnk and fasnily visited Air. and Airs. George Hall, ani Miss Margaret Leipen, !slington, on Suaday. They also, ealled on Air. and Mrs. Ed Sacigrove. Toronto. Mr. and Airs. H. E. Gould were weckend visitons with Mn. and Airs. Donald Alexander. Cause- con. Airs. N. Alexander returned home ta Consecon: atter a mon- th's holiday with Air. and i r H. Gould. Mn. and Airs. Melvin Holnies called on Mr. and Airs. Menvin Etonie, Manchester, Sunday af- ternoon. Sundey guests af Mr. and Mns. Cedric Russell were her parents, Mn. and Airs. R. L. Westaway, Cameron, and Air. and Airs. Mur- na y McKlanoa, Cambray . Mr. and Mms. Jack Brownt and Chenyl Louise, Oshawa, called on Mr. and Airs. Manford- Good- murphy on Sunday aîtcraoon. Mr. and Airs. A. Umibel and son, Gore's Landing, wene Sun- day aftennoon visitons at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Sam Sey- mour and farnily. Sonry to repart Airs. James Cookson la a patient in Bow- manvilie Memori 'al Hospital. Miss Joyce Cookson and Mn. Jin Cooksou, Seagrave, visited Mn. James Cookson on Sunday and also called on their grand- mother, Airs. J. Cookson in Bow- manville Hospital. Air. and Mrs. Sami Castle and Radger. Peterborough visited [VIs. L. C. Snowden and family on Wedxiesday afternoon. Mn. Castle a former member off Ma- pIe Grave Church Chair, a'- tended the'social evening in the church basement on Wedncsday evening. Air. and Airs. Jack Morton and family were Sunday suppen guests of Air. and Airs. Clare Allin, Proyidence. Mn. and Airs. S. S. Morton have returned home from holi- daying in Flonida. Binthday greetings ta Ronfle M4acLean who celebrated his 7th birthday on Saturday wlth seven ittle guests. Mr. and Airs. John MacLean and family visited hen brother, M4r .and Airs. Ellis AicGnath, Toaronto, on Sunday. Maple Grave Women's Inatitute will meet next Monday evening, Gordon Âgnew, Edifor Phono 3621 ~thý When you buy meat at DOMINON you can býe absolutely sure of complote satis- faction. You can bo sure because DOMINION's experieuced meat buyers go right iuto the packing housea, and carefully select only the choicest mats. DOMINION's traiaed butchers skillfully cut and trixa rigltitnl the store, ensuxlag yau of the utmost aality and economyj You can ho sure U~eause ail meat at DOMINION is 100 % guaranteed. Swatchi to DOMINION tbis week. Devon Brand p b Bacon Caldwell's ilb. p ,Wien ers Caldwell's i Mb p Sausages pkg. pkg. pkg. Swift's 6 oz. pkg. Cooked 'Ham Bologna B h ic Real Value! 35< Thompsen Brand - Ontario No. 1 - 2 lb. celle bi White Beans Real Value! Oakleaf - Choice 20 oz. tin Tomatoes 3forà Stock Up at This Price! Picnic or Arrew Brand Std. 28 oz. tin Hialves-Peaches 3 forn Coleur Quick - Nucoa Margarine Breakfast Cereal ,Muffets lb. pkg. 2pkgs.ol QUALITY PRODUCE Arizona - Garden Fresh, Mild Green Onions 3bunhe2.5c California No. 1 Crisp and Crunchy - Size 48's Celery Stalks IforI3c From the Fanxous Indian River Florida's Finest - Marsh Seedless No. 1 Sweet, Thin Skinned and Bursting with Juice Red Grapefruit 4 for 35c Tasty, Sweet and Julcy - U.S. No. 1 Jumbo size 90's Anjou Pears 5for45c Ontario Fancy - Eating 3 lb. poly bag Mclntosh Apples 29c Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store Limited is unconditionally guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction. Values effective in Bowmanville until closing time Saturday, February l4th, 1959 DOMINION STORES LIMTED bers <v e 1 c orne. Mr. '"Mick" Brown will show films take* of his recent trip to Nassau and commentator wiII be Mrs. W. H. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Edwards and faniily were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Conneli, Toronto, and also called on Mnr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Toron- to. Mr. and Mns. Cecil Milis and famlly enjoyed the Ice Follies at Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto, on Friday evening. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mns. C. Milîs wene Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stainton and family, Enniskillen, and Mr. Charles Milis. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope and family. Port Penny. Mrs. T. Colliss spent last week with Mrs. Charles Best, Ponty- pool. Mrs. T. Colliss, Mr. -Ernest Col- liss and Mrs. C. Best motored to Toronto, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Howell and famiiy were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonkin, Oshawa. Miss Mary Jane Laverty spent the weekend with Miss Tray Ta- ggart, Orono, and attended the skating carnival, held in Orono Arena on Fniday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Perry,1 Oshawa, were dinner guests with Mn. and Mrs. Percy Flintoff and family, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Brayley and family visited his ibrother, Mn. and Mrs. Sid Bnayley, Osh- awa, on Sunday. The Maple Grove Girl Guides and Brownies held a skating Party at the sehool las.t Tuesdayi evening. Girl Guide leaders,i Mrs. Ken Staiker and Miss Lois1 Staîker and Brownie Leaeers.,( Mrs. W. Bothwell, Mns. Jim( Colliss and Mrs. J. W. Noble. were present. About 40 girls en- joyed skating anirer.n1 consisted ot hot do.-s and hot chocolate. Country Couple3 Club A good cnowd attendcd the first meeting to be held this year in Map le Grave Chunch. Presi- dent, Howard Cryderman took charge of th~e business- perîod. Secretary Elmen Dov,-i rr' a detailed report and offcned tick- ets for the dance taoce -'ci t the Oshawa Ainport on Feb. 12. Senipture was read by Mrs. W. H. Brown and a reading given by Mrs. Don Brooks. Don Brooks then stated that Mr. Elgin Gre- eniham would show films of the Bowmaaville Centennial parade. These wene muech enioy!ýd, as were the Iavely shots of flowers taken at '"The Rosery'l gardens. Mick Brown thanked Mn. Gre- enhani for the films, a lovely lunch of sandwiches pie and cof- fec was served a&M a social timé enjoyed. COURTICE The Ebenezen Explorers met an Saturday afteraoon for a skating party at the Gay skating Pond. Siyteen Explorens with thein leader Miss Joanle Mackie cnjoyed the outing. Following the skating the girls were enter- tained. at the home of Barbara Brown for refneshments and games. Young Canada Night, Satur- day night at the Bowmanville 1 Arena, saw several young up and coming hockey stars along with their parents and. fans from here. These young lads pliy everv week at the Arena and Our community has its share of fine hockey players on aIl teanis ln Prom S&usage lb Sirloin ..ALL M RATS- abre DDAMNTEED. 59<C Florida Sw eetened 49C - 49< 49< 25C Sunklst - Concenftatte Cut Lenten Food Costs at Domin ion Kraft - Salad Dressing Miracle Whip Pantry Shelf - Light Meat Brunswick or Fairhavcn ¾'8 titi Sardines in Oit 3 for Ingersoil 8 oz. jar Cheese Spread the different age groups. Cour- tiee .5 we'l no1 nfor its champ- ioD' e~r i every sport, nerari sumincr, ind it looks as if we will still be producing championship tezms in the fu- ture. tDisaster sýrur-k this commun- fity the j7ast wveck in the om o f three fires. Mr. N. l3utte:'s ot Lawson road lost 400 chickcns in a brooden house fine Fniday mon- ning. Mnr. and Mrs. Epworth and two small childen lost ev- ercyting in a fine that bunned their home to the ground 'on On Wednesclay cvcning- a land Imark on the highwýay at Cour- tice the big ned barn with the name "Elderslie Farm" owaed by Muir's %vas completely des- troycd with heavy loss of cattie. Farmers and fricnds have hclp- cd whcrevcr possible to assist1 the Muir boys ini the terriblej Ilorsey Brand Orange Zo .tin 2 for39c Juice a 0&tin 45c Grapefruit 2oi. tini Ifor 3 5c Juicea 0& an 3 7c Blended 20or. tin 2 for3 7c Juice a oz. Un 43c oz.x tini 16 oz. jar 7 oz. tin Clover Leaf - Fancy Cohoe Salmon %/'s tini cornmittee ini charge of makixg plans for the Cooking SChoul in September. AIrs. R. Hawke-re, ported for the Commuruty Friendship. Citizenshlp Secre- tary, Mrs. C. Elliott, asked that everyone read any articles in the- paper on "Broiherhood Week". On a motIon it was decided ta send $5.00 and any other dona- tions to the Epworth famiuly whose home was recently burn- ed. World Day of Prayer was an- nounced for Feb. 13 atPýbeneS.q Church nt 2:30. Mra. R. Hawke gave an interestIfig resumne of the chapter on Canada in our Study Block, followed by a piano solo by Mrs. J. Pearce. Mlrs. Ken. neth Courtice gave a nice tFlk on 1the theme of the meeting "Co'mmunity Friendship". Sre passed out several questiors which she discussed.one by 'on-& nd based some of her talk on~ portions of Pat Boone's book I'Twixt Twelve and Twenty" Lovely refreshments were set. ved by the ladies in charge. The Brotherhcod Meeting w'ill be held Thursdqy (tonight) at Maple Grove Church. New mem- bers welcorne. Evnossuxllr T evFbuametlg uing plr n he brary meeting plean- neMArs. Rconad Haelad Mrste.hoA. ofMacDona wahe Osat wa. home-PArs acdearcMis An HaIt presided at this meet- ing. Airs. MacDonald gave a very fine devotional using "Friend- shiP" as hen theme anîd rcad sev- enal passages fnom the Bible wherc mention is made of "Fni- ends". Ana Hait read a letter from Airs. Fisher asking that we ap- point three of aur menibers to be present ta take part in choir to sing at the evening session of the Annual Presbyterial ta, be held in St. Andrew's Chttrich, Oshawa, Feb. 17. Airs. Danford, Airs. H-. Nicholîs, and Airs, C. Elliatt volunteered ta do this. flewcas t/e cSocal anc1 fPersonal Lions Hear Address on History of Durham By Former President Macaroni and Cheese 71,îoz. pkg. 49c Kraft Dinner 2 for3lc Richmello - Handy 8 oz. pkg. 79c Cheese S lices 27c Heinz - Condensed 10 oz. tin 31cVegetable Soup 2for 29C 31C Heinz - In Tomate Sauce 15 oz. tin 3 Cooked Spaghetti 2for33c 33 Heinz - Vegetarian 15 oz. tin Oven Baked Beans 2Zfor 3,c McCormick's 12 oz. pkg. Club Crackers 33c Richaiello Crcamy 16 oz. jar Salad Dressing 33c Newcastle United Church Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A., Minister 1\1r. Normani B. Williams, Onganist 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL Also a Class in Church Membership 11:00 arn. - Sermon Series: THE LORD'S PRAYER ."How do we hallow His Name?" You are invited to attend these services 47c 29CH 39c ~ I '~ qmw INA le à vT AU no" A fflwes» A iLq ispvvm* A %"ý 9 m -.-. -.- m Citrus Juices!,ý

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