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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1959, p. 13

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-i w W'r WWWV- ~ - - - -.. - - - - - - - ~-----------. ~-----..................- - .. -..... 1 TMM"rnn 'V" om o PA" 1 - - A Adu l lS Aw n A 5 A US A w "A tt ~'~ * m . iti 1959 WTMfl.KIA]' TAL'4A.LLaEO1a~ouN.' SOW74YLZLNvILsLEr>, J %~I »i Locals Win Two Games Y*sng Canada Nîght k J% hockey fans were given the '9. rtunity to see the re- sults et Bovmanvilles Minor Hockey set-up, as Atom, Pec W-ce and Bantam N.H.L. AIl- Star teams from Port Hope and Bowmanville, plaved at the Memorial Arena. Saturday inight. Bowrnanville won the Atom and Pec- Wee games bv score3 of 2-1 and 5-2, with the visitors claimnian a 3-2 decision in the Bantam battie. Atoma Take Opener Aller playing tirough a score- less opening period, Dennis O'Brîan gave lie Port Hope Atoms a 1-0 edge in lie second period, but Je! f Gilhooley came right back to tic tic score on a pass from Ray Reýndehi, two minutes aler. Rendell's unas- sisted tally midway« vlhrough tie final stanza proved te be tic- wvinner. Pee Wees in Action In Pee W.e action. Bowman- ville's Billv Depew opened ti": ,score early Ir. tic game. but an- other C B rian-Pat, knolted the count id th ý 10:2(0 mark. John Hughes counted on a pass fro-' Don McMurter. a minute aler, and Irîin ColweIl passed ta Pe- ter Werry for the eventual win- ner ta give lthe homesters a 3-t Hiome & School Bowling Ena Etcher outdid her, with two lovely scores o! and 247 fa-' a grand total 5312. Trhi.s alsa brought her thé head of the list witi average o! 191. Other 200 bo, crs-Joyce Lyle 235. O. F f ield 2b8, Alice Hodgson ' Helene Rundle 205 and B Courtney 204. The Sparrc took tw'o points frontice.J and tic Wrens lost bath poi ta the BluehDirds. The Canai took o',er bth points from Robins. Averages E. Etchier 0., Patield J. Lyle ---- ------ B3. Buttonshaw A. Hodgson S. Davis M. King-------- S. Bucknell -_____ B. McDonald A. Osmond ASK IYQURSELF.., ' W l , y present I s r n replace sny home, miy furr Ishingsanadi ersonal Po! sessions at today's prices if not, don't forget to mak an lnventory o! your hor and contents NOW, the bring your Insurance up1 date with CIA's BROA HOME PROTECTION PLA Ask your CIA representatii foi' details: Howard R. Foley R.R. 3, Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3277 CIA Co-operators Insurailce Association self 267 WI Pat- edge at the end of the firat per- bod. ILadies' Major Bowlini Larrv Perris and Rickv Gav fîred secondi session goals to send the locals into a four goal lead. while lI rry Rowden got one back for Port Hope on the onlv goal of the final stanza. Colwell picked Up another as- sist on Perris' goal. Visitors Win Final Port Hope was neyer headed :n the Bar'tam encouniter, ai- though Bowmanville tied the score hriefly in the last per- iod. Gr.eenaway and Douglas paced the winners' attack, as Greenawav scored twice and assisted on the winner by Doug- las. Greenawa ' gave Port Hope a 1-0 f irst pcriod edge, and ran the count to 2-0 in, the second, before Day :d Williams scoredi on Bob Shevp's pass at 11:15. With ' me running out Andy Matthews k"iotted the count on a pass from Williams, but Dougl3s<; goal a minute and a haîf hat.2r gave the visitors, their bace victorx' o! the nighi. Goodyear Hockey League A last minute goal, on a breakawayv, by Clint Fergusoii gave the Hose Roomn a tremen- dous come-frorn-behind 5-4 wixt, over the Fan B.el1ts, in the first Goodyear Hockey League play- off clash, Sunda.,y afternoon. The Fan Beits, who endedi up in first place, will play tha runner-up Hose Roorn a best of five series for the league charnpionship. 21,IAt one stage o! the game, tie cox 275, 262; Bernice Budayj .arb Fan Belts led by a score o! 4-0, 270, 258; Tielma Forrester 259 OwS but backed up by Vince Van- Kay Beauprie 251, 243. 209; avs stone's autIstanding goal-tend- Jean Luxton 251: Lou Lyle 251; iets ing. tic wînners camne roaring' Wilma Bates 247; June Baker cusback wti a goal in the second, tic and four mare in the final per- robbed John Mason o! tirce or M ercantile 191 four sure goals. although Mason 182 was able la score twbce. At tie 1791 opposite end, John Fowler Hockey 179 pulcd off tremendous saves on 177 Jerry Marjerrison and "~Mort" Oshawa Merchants, practical- 176 Richards, as tic Hose Room bly an ai-Bowmanvillc entrv 1-,2 came la life in thc third period. won their third game ia four 172 Aftcr baltling through astarts, at the Memorial Mrena, 162scrhs fis prid Bre in Sunday night's Mercantile 162 !Cale opened tic scoring at 4:38 ti o sTicnechaofths fe- lo th o!tcsecond session. John Ma- ice ads in cari o! tic se- l son m~ade il 2-0, on a pass froin rn n hr cid atk Jack Large, 31 seconds later, 1a 7-3 w in over Durno's lnaa and Mason found tic mark rough tilt. ti Terry Masters complcted a agai mi-way tirugi tirce-way play with Ron Bur- pcriod, Don Prout ran tic mar- gs n akMrhl ooe gin ta 4-0 a" the 15:23 mark, as gesadJcaril aoe ti a et ape aýtic escoring at 1:15 o! tic open- making a runaway a! it ing period. wie Price scorcd "Jiggs" Cowing picked up as- .i on a pass frarn Milîs ta end tic lasI opener in a 1-1 tic. sists on tic as two goals. Ron Burgess, Dan Girard' jGeorge Sellers took a pass and Lloyd Hamilton siot thc 1 from Clint Ferguson, 18 sec- Mcrchants irto a 4-1 second per- onds later, ta finalhy put onc lad edge becfore Cale replied ce past Fowler, after he had held witi an unassisted marker for themn scor-eless for nearhy 361IDurnos. ;minutes of play. Peter Staccv1 Girard! rîotched his second s-sent Reg Wilets in ahane with and "Mort", Richards and Don s? a perfect pass ta stan theccame- Masters added singles, as the back at 3:09 o! tie third stan- winners agaîn outscored Dur- za. Richards at Sellers scored no's 3-1 in tic final stanza, e w ithiri 59 secoands to knot the Price cashed in a Milîs' relay for I 1caunt, with nine minutes ne- thc lasers' last goal. rne maining in tic gamne. After A dozen penalties were asý- bath goabies (partlcularly Van- sessed, most o! them in tic third stan-e) iad pulhed off key saves period, as minor war!are brok2 to Fergusan grabbed a loase puck loase. Bill Lyhe collecled tirce at centre, ta go in ahane, and minors and a rnisconduct. wiile pull Fowler out o! position, be- Jack Marshall drew minon and %N ifore fiîing tie winner. Tic major fighing sentences, and Fan B-lts neyer iad a chance for Durno's, Mills pbcked up a ta ice a sixti attackcr. as tic minor and major and Cale tan- ive j igits went out with two min- ghcd witi Marshall in tic se- ules to go. cond bout, 'Ifrawing a major. S ACKACHE May ho Warning i Backache is offen caused by Iazy kidney action. When kidneys get eut of order, exceas acids and wastes remamn in the system. Then baekache, dis- turbed rest or that ired-out and heavys headed feeling may soon follow. Thats the ime to take Dodd's Kidney Pilli. Dodd's timnulate the kidneys t. normal action. Then you'feel h.eter-aleep jbetter-work better. Get Dodd's jKidney Pilla now. 59 The Next Kinsmen Club SUPER CAR BINGO in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE on FRIDAY, FEB. 2Oth 8:30 p.rn. sharp $6,000 IN PRIZES lncluding: 2 Special Snowball Bingo Gamnes (The Big Snowball Value of $1250 if won in 54 nunibers) (The New~ Snowball Value $250 if won in 50 numbers) -p L u S - The Big Game for the BRAND NEW 1959 FORD 31ANY MO0RE CASH PRIZES 715 T asiy Hams as Free Door Prizes Doors open at 7 p.rn. Corne early and assure yourself of a good seat. PHONE Riverside 3-33111 Bernice Buday's bowlers downed Lorraine Martyn's teamn by a 3-0 count, Monday nigit tza stretch their once slim lead into a three point margin. Onie Etchers s2cond placers dropped a 2-1 decision te Doris Joll's outtit, and Joyce Lyle's team sEpped four points off the Pace. as the result o! a 2-1 up- se-t loss to June Baker's bowb- crs. Of last wcck's top four, tic only other team to win besides the league-leaders was Kayv Beauprie's outfit, who hung a 2-1 setback on Lola Wright's; team. Norman Gay's crew, un- able ta stand prosperity, drap- ped back into tic cellar. after losing a 2-1 encouniter to Ensl Etchcr's team. Shirley Bickel defeated Lydia Bates 2-1 in ticl other garne of lie night. Ena Etcher xvas a double win- ner, rolling the higi triple -if 781 and the higi single o! 311. Lola Wright rollcd a 287 game, whihe Mary Wilcox iad 275 and Bernice Buday 27,1. Otier 700 triples were record- cd bv Bernice Buday 729. Mary Wilcox 727 and Kay Beauprie 703. 200 Gaines Ena Etcher 311, 248. 222; Lo- la Wright *287, 232; Mary Wil- I ,Çecreaion 9eî B! Douglas Rigg Minor Hockey the Coaches and RefereE The Atorn and Pee Wele be responsible for seleetl Leagues sponsored by the Re- winners. creation Department will take Bantam League part in a nation wide Robin In the first game of thi Hood Cats Trophy hockey pr- tam piayoffs the Tigers gram this scason. The Robin up with oeof their best Hood Qats people in co-opera- 01 th p season to tie the F tion with the Bureau of Indus- 2-2. Jc;hn Phillips'(Ted E trial Service (Canada) Ltd. wfll and Peter Tomlinson (Sc( award a trophy to the most del]) accounted for the valuab:e player in the Atom goals. David Woolner anc and Pee W,-f. Leagues, in Bow- Osborne (Donald Butler manville. In this case the most the goal scorers for the l- vauble player would not ne-Brd'Yorh(os cessarily be a top goal scorer ing) of the Tigers and Bi but would be a good ahl around brugh (charging) of th( "Junior Citizen". kies collected the only The Robin Hood Oats Trophy ties of the game. will be awarded on the basis of In the second Bantan the foilowinY code: 'of the morning the Cu. As an Athlete I will obey my feated the Lions 3-0. Art coach*ç trainiing rules and keep (2) and Dave Mann WE my body ht-iýthY by observing goal scorers for the Cubs al the rules of good, dlean liv- Bradley trîpping of the ing. and Neil McGregor (ki As a Sportsmnan 1 will play ot the Cubs iicked up tl the game according to the rules penalties of the game. nf lp on- (iqnlainizat la Inhe third and fina Minden Goalie Shines As Combines Lose 5 -4 Des pife RaIly in Third limes fa:r play and a respectitami garne rf ticernornbng tie the Lions Centre or from MvissArum fo tc bi1ities and igils of Pirates defeated tic Brayes 3-2., ee els 7 li tet others. Bill Buday, Steven Burns (Lar- 1 Tic contest is open toalah re- As Stden 1 vil carv utry Perris) and Peter Werrv j sidents of Bowrnanvbhle, iaclud- my cadrni asignent . otn(Billh Dpew) wenc lie gaa:,, :ng any studcat attending Bow- in schooh aand at home and scarers for tic Pirates. Albe .. manyjîle Higi Sciooi. wio M issi obe myteaher an oter n-Goodwbin and Doug Nichaios ac- j under 21 vears of age as o! irobev myteachliers.d thr counteri for tie Braves' t w 1.Januarv lst. 1939. A-ruaton t 11 til esec V goals. No penalties were hand- Tere wbl hbe two classifica- parent sndI hl trsec ny e out inth gae.lions i tiec onlcst anefor MvR. JÀ an- icd lciradviceistu na. at al l mes. Pee W'ee League An plcandon e.formistrmustal.fom th'G As a 'Junior Citizen, in train- Inlatic first Pcc WEee g Ameirlurnapp i s st e fleths îng for adtult contributions ta a! lie rnarninjg tie Hawks camebvS'ra.Frur2th mv% conmui:t.v ai-d country, 1 up w%-i t icir second win aI Iy Sa ed tiFbrat 8h . ba religion at a1 limec; ard asso- Red \Vbags 1-0. Paul Luca-3 tic Cioral Socet'vs Annuailo a sk ciate v\-,ti -outi gi'aups in ni" <Jeff Ghio *v)scared earlY ti Sprinf Concert. comrnaty ta leai'n worthx' ro- tic fcrst pcrbod -for tic Hawkt _______ __ _____ , cial attitude,ý and to contrbbute Ia thc second Pce We? gamp O IIl n ta tne tommunly's social we- ofticmoraing tic. Rangers W A NT ED F i f are.! continued lhiu wianing ways W A1 As a Can3dian. whetier ai-tiv defeaing lie Leaf.s 3-0. R0'11 D-ad, Old and Crippled tive or by encive. I will bear in Hoope:', D.oa M7ýurp'.'. and Rand, FARM STOCK rd conr'an ocdutmsUjfric anesJi Ktny!d thie proud icritage of m-,- l Dewýell wcî-c tic goal scorersj Picked Up Free o! Charge as ta éidd ta il. tic Rangers colccted two pen- 4Hu evieier J All pha;'crs in tic Atom an.1 allies and Marris Hoacyman o' Phone Colleet F b u Pee Wee leagues will be issued tic L2~afs rjicked up. a siasi: I Cobourg FR 2-3721 v 'h .tia.r -ds\lO ine c..v Peterborough RI 2-2080 j: r<,- 11 ri - ho ea i)n% e .. P.a\- Tir' e 1n rda nd f: ra:P e-' NICK PECONI Tce xhnewl crz (:-ce': - \" 7,a r' (ý! iý mo-ne ~Pet erborough - Ont.TietEhae il APanel'of judaes macie u.ai Brtuu diteâted the Canadians 1 ________________ ýopleted a three- ion with Syd Ar- ,y Walker at the JJackie Germond fquickies 15 sec- Dpull the Cern- ýgoal of the lead- it minutes of the George Vestfal h. Germond goals, cst picked up ati second markep'. )enalties to West- d halt.ed the rall ' v ie was renîoved a sixth attacker nds remaining, At vho came close ta ames which the in eight days had effect Saturdav ie big gunis-A,,- itii West lackin.4 spark, from the e.Dean West con- ,well, and Jackie )ving the benefit ýlay-off was th2 r. Junior Wcst, nd a possiblv r"ý- Robinson didn't 244, 243; Doris JoIl 241, Sadie Buckr-ell 242; Ada1 ards 239; Babe Brown 238ý Miller 231, 203; Norma N 227; Norma Gay 226; Hilda nick 222; Dell Vinson 221 Hooper 221,; Dorc Hutton Eleanor Larmer 219, Be Partner 215; Evebyn Large Essie CoxO 211: Kay Ster 211: Evebyn Embley 210; P Ha ' nes 210; Helen Dunn Ollie Patfie!d 206: Gin Elhis Audre ' vBickehb 205; Heler vian 203; Myra Cooper Onie Etcher 203: Nancy Bi 200; Jean Harness 200. Team Standings Points B. Budav -----12 K. Beauprie 9 O. Etcher ----------9 E. Etcher ------------- 8 D. Joli -- --------- J. Lyle ------------ 8 S. Bickeli 8 L. Bates -------------7 L. Martyn -- -----6 L. Wright ---- 6 J. Baker - ----5 N. Gay------------------ 4 High Scores Higi Single - Ena Etcheýr- Higi Triple - Ena Etcher High Average- lOnie Etcher------- Averages Narne Onie. Etcher---------- Maryv Wilcax - ------------- Bernice Buday --- - --- Kav Beauprie---------- Jean Luxtoni---- Ena Etcher --------- June Baker Lydia Bates ---------- ----- Doris JolI ----- Norma Norris------- Shirley Eickell Dcll Vinson --- ------- Joyce Lyl'-c ------- Olhie Patfield -------------- Wibma Bates ----- Sadie Buckncib--------- Shirlev Davis --------- Peggy Haynes ---------- Lorraine Martyn --------- Jean Musial--- Dot Brooks .------ Kay Stephens - Vel Miller----------- Eva Whitehead -.--..---- Audre ',rOsmond ---- - -- -- Joyce Tennant Donna Preston ---------- Norma Ga v Ada Richard.,;---- Betty Westlake Helen Piper ---------- Helcn Dunn.-------- ------- Jean Harners Myra Cooper ---------- Audrey Bickell------ Li] Hoaper -------- Lola Urigit Dorc Mutton ------------ Helen Vivian Nancy Bryans---------- Dot Crombie ----- Grace Blackburn ---- 'Baie Brown - ---------- IEiîcen Holroyd ----------- Essie Cox ------- Lou Lvle ------- Joyce Major -- Bernice Partner --------- Marg. Perris - Hilda Simniick - --- Thelma For'-ester .- V . U . WThe Minden Monarchs ran up Keith West c a 5-1 edge, and survived a Bow- 1 way combinatio manville - Orono Combine third nold and Micke period rally to hand the B.O.C.'s 4:32 mark, and a 5-4 loss, Saturday night in fired a pair of - I Minden. It was the Bownan- onds apart to v'île-Orono team's third loss in 1 bines withiii a. athe last fiv2 garnes. ers, after eiht M en sGoalie Bob Shropshire was third stanza. 9 11 aior B ow lng htter than a firecracker, hold- was in on both 203; n h obnst igeadRy e Rich- Rusi DthHamaha Giho. Jack Gay had a goal b-j Raye West, as the Io- assist on the s tVel games of 247-276-280 for a total even 300. cals held a wide margin in the Successiv- pe Nori of 803 pins to win the high triple Mel Dale's team had high first period. Thanks to Shrop- faîl and Arnold ( ris of the night. This three..game single score, 1313, and AI Os- sh ire. the Monarchs shared a and ivhen Ham 1; Lil total bumped "The Dutcher's" borne's outfit had high trile 1-1 tie on a goal by Jack Gra- in favour o! 1 2;average from 234 ta 240 and put 3557. Ross McKnight's tea ham. The B.O.C.'s had a two with .90 seconc 220;c him on top o! the heap. Elton won aIl low prizes with a single man edge for nearly haîf a min- was Minden wl ~rieBrock dropped from 245 ta 236 game 983 and triple o! 1193. lite, but couldn't put the puck scoring. e25,to hold down number two Bill Oliver had no trouble at Tno he four. ýphenspsii. ahi winning low triple score, 447. NichaI n ore amd T... h ayedr 1Peggy Oth er good triples for the Cuth. McDonald had a single ia second period talhies to give a damaging is 205; night went to Dr. Keith Shemon game 101, Frank Blunt 107 and Minden a 3-1 edge. as the home night, with tli and Frank Samis. both with 792; Bert Engley 114. tearn came back strongl1Y. Forbes nold, and Keil n20i- Ernie Perfect 787, Don "Scoot- Ailey Chatter and McGihh were given the gate their uisual s 203;n er" Gihhoohy. up with his best Our top bowlers did it again! for fighting, near the end Of heavv schedule. raseffort, 754; Ted "Pappy" Bag- with sorne low triples. Ah Os- the period. tinued to play nelI came out o! his slump, -144: borne had 548. Dave McKnight Wiliarns lit the red light, just Gerrnd, suio' Dav MKnîht730 Jck ay546. Dr. Howard Rundle 579,1 as the two pugilists emerged o! a two garni Pins 722, George Piper 717, Brother Mel Dale 541. Bilh Westlake 581. frorn the sin bin. early in the top performner. 138h11 Ab Piper 71.5. John Ford and Bruce Milne's team is holdingi third. and Ron Rowe's goal ten Art Rennick ar 14290 Jack Lander 714. down first phace with Il points,. seconds hater gave the Monarchs tired Gerrv 13492 George Piper had a strcak o! while threc teams are right on a cornmandin% four goal lead. make the trip. 1.3863 strikes and ran up a score o! his tail. Dale, Hailman and - 13539 3,39 toaxin high single prize. Brock ail have 10 points each. 1334.- Clarence "Tax Coihector"' Oke Ted Bagnell's tearn did flot im- 13242 had 120, Frank Samis 3 10. Three prove this week and still is on 13544 bowlers hit 305 right on the the bottom rung. 11071 nose, nameiy Ernie Perfect, Dr. Fîfty-three bowlerg are now V II II lI 12722 Keith "Slip" Slernon and Donlaveraging 200 or better. R EAALL MR U 12151 Averages R X L N UI 1472-1. Henry Koov (James Mc - End of 5th Week - 2nd Sched. Donald). and Bruce BarretU Naine Games Ave. 311 (Peter Vanstone) were the goal Elton Brock 1.9 236 a e Medical Discoveryi Russ Halîman ck15 240 scorers for the Bruins. Gary Pete Dobbins - 15 232 -781 Butler (Leon Carr. Phi1hip Frank Lewins - 15 230Musua Bragg) accaunted for the Can- Ernie Perfect 15 229 M s ua Aches anduu 217 adians' loac goal 1 Mrra Larmer 15 229 Av. Lions Midget Leag-ue 1 Hap Palmer -. 15 228 Av. In ilie stMidgcet leaguei Pat Yeo- 15 1_221 217 gai-ne phayvea hast Saturday af- Bill Hearle 1.5 2'20 206 ternoon t he Dodgers came up Tom Covvan 12 1119 --206 with their best game of lie r Frank Williams- 15 218 2061 season by d.-feating the Cornet-, rMel Dale---------- 17) 218 2()03 6-3. Johin Twist, Robert Hager- Dr. K. Slemon -- 15 '217 202 man (2). Don Smith, Grant Joh Ford - - 12 217 -198 Flintoff and Ailan Cale wer2iBl Bates.---- 15 216 196 the goal scorers for the Dod- I Don Gilhooly . 15 215 195 gers. Gord Rundie and Ran Ed Leslie - 5i 2 15 1931 Bryant each collected assist3 Bruce Mine - 1.5 215 189 for th- Dodpers. Rae Pickelh Gord Sellers ~ 15 21 -189 (George Kennedy), Jon Han- Jaçs k Ga 1.9 215. 18 cock (Paul Mutton) and Andy Druss. Oke 15 215. 18" Matthewvs (Gcne Balson) ac-A aneî 1 1 183., coun ted for the Cornets' thiree Frank Samis- 15 '11;1 irety --13goals. The Dodgc"s collected a'] Bill Westlake 15 213 1th"ec penalties handcd out in Jack Lander - 1 21 ]s h arne. lJack Parkcr 15 213 'H UJ ES I 181io In the second MUidget game Ross McKnight 15 178 o the afternoon the Raiders Carl Leslie 1 1 deetdthe Generals 5-2. WVe!n- Hank Janzen-.. 15 211 1,78 dell Fisher lead the Raiders at- !Ai Osborne - 12 9-101i -176 tack by scorîng four goals. The Reg Hearle -- --- 15 210) 17- 61 other Raider goal was pickedj Ralph Kelly - 15 2091 175 Up by Ra% Cromnbie. Leeý Rack- Jim Callan 15 209 -- jham (2),. Larry Piper and Lar~- Bihl Stevea . 1 2M IL9 15ry Welsh coihected assists for Dr. C. Austin 15 20 teRaiders. Lee Sornrerscales Bud Moses 15 207 17 acole far bot-h the Generals George Piper --1,5 207 Z13goals. oajo i ealties Ted Bagnell .... 15 207, 173 were lianded out with the Raid- Bob Williams ----207 13I'107 173r rscolccin fur ! hen. Glen Lander - 15 2051 172 Atom League Bill Oke-----15-ci 205i 163 In fic Atom 12ague phayof! Bob Kent ------- -- -- 1,5 -041 4eua ce 163 game held last Mondav after- Ab, Piper - 15 204! ISU~ah -163 noon tie Rarns defeated the Matt Harrison 15 2031j *Stiffness ands 167d Hornets 6-2. Phihhip Manduck Doug Taylor 15 2031e 167; was tie big scorer for the Rams Harry Gay . 15 203ý -166 i scaring four goals. The other Si Trewin 15 202l ipeNuii 16-- 16 Rarns goals were scored by Jirn Levett------- 15 2011 ~ ipeNuiî 166 Rickv Woolner and Paul Char- George Stephen - 15 2001 uclrLm -163 bonr.eau. David Wright (2). Harold Bennett - -1. 20W0 usuarLm -165j Danny Nowhan (2) and Paul Russ Lane -- 15 200. -16.5 Chaarbonneau collected assists Standing of Team 1e iorhunt 165 on tie Rams' goals. Paul Mea- Teain W L Fins Pts.1 OnIy 164 dows accourited for bath the Milne - Il 1 16771 Ilý -16' Hornats' goals in the final per'-l Dale - 10 5 16899 10 $ 4 16i iod. Halman - 10 5 16868 10) S160 Games scheduled for th;s Brock 10 5 16817 10 THRU-RealU'8 nemç *160 week are as follows: Osborne - 7 8 16695 71 Friday, February 13th Larmer 7- ' 8 16326 7 trating analgesic-acts di Bantam R. Oke. 7 8 16091 -, 1 50 prn-irte v.Tier.Williamns - " 8 15985 71i akin. Brings quick, positi S ~BOe. 6 9129aturday. February l4th McKnight- 6 9 15608 61 where it hurts via the circ'. Pee Wee League Rundle 5 10 16032 5 7:00 a.r.-Giants vs. Leafs Bagneil 4 Il 15824 41j TIrRU is a cool, sootling iqt ~j7:45 a.m.-Hawks vs. Bruins Features (Chean Ice) This Week This Schedule scented. Will not burn, redden ori S8:40 a.m.-Rangers vs Cana- High Single- si.Tr-.sadacd e i dians George Piper 339 si.Tyti dacdnwd es wili atm egeTomn Cowan 366 Backed by Rexall's famous money-bi .ng thcBna ge High Triple-- 9:20 a.m.-Tigers vs. Braves Russ Hallman 803 10:20 (Clean Ice) Elton Brock 853 A xlsv .aIP 120aa-.-Cubs \,s. Pirates Low Single-AnEcuieR xl r ie Ban- 11:05 arn.-Huskies vs. Lions C. McDonald 101 - Si Trewin 89, scarne Lions Midget League Low Triple- Sgaines Bull Oliver 447 Huskies 3:30 p.m.-Dodýzrs vs Gn Morley Etcher 391 Brown) ierals Hi gh Team 1- ý' liquid pene- lirectly thru the. bive relief right dlatory syster. juid, pleasantly irritate normal scovery today. back guaratitee. oduct cveII MA 3-5779 ub's I.L j- \,- * ~ m w A-a WITH ýRONWYN BROTHERS AND IAMES HUTCHINSON lelph College Figure Skating Club ALSO atin g stars and choruses ville Memorial Arena iy and Saturday ury 2Oth and 21st 8 P.M. open at McN iïysF., Feb. 13 to Thurs., Feb. 19 1 - 1 - - -- -- -_ -77- -- . NCES to Relieve Pains 1

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