DO WNAN VLLE Chevrolel Trucks Phn. MA 3-3353 COURTICE Phone MA 3-3922 0 hat for your home: saves on redlecoratlng cest s " Burns silently and is fuel, bout suited taoautomatic controi " Payment after use. . * or by 10 equalized monthly payments " Modemn fumace styling is compact and attractive " Fastest, most dependlable automatic wat.r heating " 3 times fauter recovery thon other fuels " Lowest cost for moit hot woter " Cooklng lu faster-cleoner-best controlled " Modem gas ranges leud in stylino and automation " Canada'& leading chefs cook with gios OTHIR APPLIANCIS " Gas Clothes Dryers, Refrigerotors, Space Heoters, Fireplace Units and Incinerotors all bcd the woy ta moa living with notural gos. NATURAL GAS IQUIPMENT COUTS LESS TO ..... LESS TO INSTALL AND FAR LESS TO MAINTAIN. FREE SERVICE on cil equipment DEPENDABLE-no delivery or cut-off worriea ECONOMICAL-Most for your money CLEAN-no smoke - no film - ne residu. 59-14 A - - r q PAGE MT M" . fl Farmers' Ur Urges Sp lit Fr' Educatic Ontario Farmer's Union Local 78 held a meeting Feb. 3, at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ferguson, Enniskillen. President Otto Bragg was chairmàn. Mrs. H. Ccutts read a letter fromn Department of Agricul- ture, Health of Animais Divi- sionl, r2gcardcLng rables, Mrs. Coutts received a capy of thec Animal Cantagiaus Diseasts Regulations. It was painted out that in a recent shipment of cattle to th-ý stockyards from a neighboring caunty, one caw vas rejrcted and senit back to tb-2 farme bv the bealth of animal department inspec'or.- The caw later died of rabies. Members drew up a resolu- tion ta cantinu2 the request fj- compenîsation as a resuit of ra- bies. The diZcussian on the British North American Act whicil go,,Crno aur sehoal taxes re3uit- cd in the follawing rez.olution which wil] be forwarded ta H2ad Office: Whereas educational cost7 have becom,ý burdensome, and whereas therE2 bas been no evid- ence uver the years of any at- tempt ta change the Britis'i North America Act which forth the mý,thad of raising tax- es for educational purpases. and Whereas the price of real es- tate bas in man.v cases become s2riousl.y infýl&ted, due directy ta speculation in real estat values, and whereas the Domin- ion of Canada, and the Prov- irnce of Ontario,' have been found to ba rich in natural re- sources, Th.refore be it resolv- ed, the Ontario Farmer's Union. "urge" that educational costs be borne as fallaws: Th-: Dom- inion governiment one-third the Provincial gavcrnment one- third; the people an the ass-2s- sed properties one-third. A recent news items on rad'o and local papers was discussed cancernîng Pn expected increase in the price af bread and af bakers camv)laining of wheat cost as a resuit*of farmers re- ceiving an increase af 5 ta 6 cents a bushel on wbeat. After cansiderable discussion, members put forward a resolu- tion: Wbcreas the Ontario Farm Union people are determined ta have parity prices; Whereas the president of J.F.1 U.C. Caunicil stated at the 1958S cciii\b , \ wi avi %WA SOF1 \% -\77'% avings too. e yurs ýTh \\ ~ JACK DROUGHi PLTJMBING and flEATING1 Division MA 3-5615- Street South BOWMANVILLE the furid is grawing. The goil Lio sufficient monev ta buv m on L ca l cairs for the church hall, and in axe reached. The next social even- T x sIn:lwili be held on e.2,ac on Pur poses pins ladies and keep the mon- ey raliing into the chair fund. Farm Union Convention, 50 The sympathv af the com- cents per bushel risc ta thie munitY is extended ta Mrs. Be3- whcat farmer fan ail bread trice Ta vlar in the death of ber whcat would anly Up the price sister-in-law, Mrs. Pearl Wea- of Bread ane cent per loaf; therilt. in Memariai Hospital, And whereas the consumer Bowi-anviile, on Feb. 7. is about ta bave bis loai price The High Tryers C.G.I.T. increased by one cent withaut group met at the home af Mr!3. the bene2fit gaing back ta the Howard Abbttaon Feb. 4, witui producer, 11 girls and thrce leaders pres- Therefare be it resalx'cd, the ent. Alter repeating the pur- Ontario Farm Union locals be pose. I he meeting was called tg apprai.sed of this wrangfui ac. wuorship by Audrey Cax'nochan. and cive as mucb publicity as A short business session foliow- possible ta this injustice at batri ed the worship period. presid- consumer and producer level. ed ovper bv h2 president, Car:il Members we'-e informed af Abbott. The girls were urged price of wheat in diffcrent coun- ta ts 'v and secuse their middies tries with Canadian wb2at the and skirts as so'îî as possible sa lawest, $1.64 per bushel for No.' that they xvould ail be in uni- 1 Nortbemrn; Nctberlands $2.0« formn for the affilliafion ccse- psbushel, United Kingdorn rnany with the W.A. wbich takes $2.06 per bushel, United States place iii May. The mission study $2.08 per bushel. France $2.25 eevc ai saisabumn per bushe], West Germany $2.87 ai the churcbes under study by per bushel.1 the gsoup, and the girls were A iriemb2i read this news, eminded ta be on the aient far item fram a farm papes. A P. an.' ictumes. staries. or mater- Gleave. chairman ai Inter-Pro- ial thit xiii belp them in thein vinciaI Famm Union Council and mission studv. A film is to be Pres'dent af the Saskatchewan shown rit the next meeting. The Farmýr's Union said that US. fim vil epict svmbols and sales cut intn, Canadian expomts. customs of one af the churches Canadian wh2at exparts in the that the graup will study. Thiere, August ta Navember periad of will be a film ariown on each 1958 drapped ta 98,200,000 bus- af the tbrec churchcs. The other heis accasding ta DBS, he said, two films will be sbawn late,. which is 6,f00,000 bushels le.s The noxt meeting will again h2 than 104,20a,000 iin the samp e hc] rit the home af Mrs. How- pe-iod af 1957. At thie sam? ard Abbatt an Feb. 18. timc. the United States baost- Mr Aidn I-ubbard accam- ed its exparts ta 138.1.00,000. up panie»si Rex-. W. Logan ta Dan- 6.800.000 bushels fram the 131,- das on Thursdav ai last week, 300.000 in 1957. w;\here thev visited a Regalia Further information at thr campan.v ta purchase a cam- meeting was that Canadian em munio.:i'table for Burketon Uni- part saces ai wbeat are 17 mi 1- iled Chusch. They were suc- lion tans oves this point in 1958 cessiulý in pracuring anc and and may show an incscase af ili is expected ta arrive in a 30 per cent oves last yeas when xveek or twi. the year ends. The church service was fair- Lewis Wood read letters, anc ý vel, attended on Sunday. dcal'ng with a plan for Defi- Tesro.ette Iittr ciency Payment.s.aiThst'mo. wasnstle Iisis Next meeting ta be held at an i- edL1ewam os isi.n M-. and Mrs. Lewis Wood, Bow- Man il-,are osno manvilie, March 3sd. spent the weeke-id with bis var- ent-, MsI. and Mrs. E-aadLs Mn. Fred Castes, U. ai T., Ta- monta, Ms. and Mss. Leonard Coates, Mr. Ted Coates and Miss; Baird, Scarbasougb, wcrc Sun- day visitars at the hame af Mss. John Cartes. Mr. Lloyd Slingerland, Nia- gasa-on-the-lake, vi;sited with Mitssrs. Chester and Wm. Hos- kmn an the iveekcnd. Mr. and Mss. Don Parker an-1 famiiy, fainmer Busketan resi- dents, now living in Trosonto, visited with Ms. and Mss. Gea. Allison on Sanday. Ms. and Mss. Earl Howardý wcre Sanday guests ai Ms. and Mss. Wm. Stephenson. The W. A. will meet at the home ai Mss. R. Banc on Thurs- day aiternoon at 2.30 p.m. Mss. Audrey Smith, Toronto, visitcd witb ber brathes. Ms. and Mrs. Fsank Holsayd on Saturday. Mss. E.sther Camnochan is spending a iew days in Ohws where she will undlergo trea:,- m.eùt for a back ailment. Mss. E. Mullen, Port Perrv, is spending a few days withi ber sister. Mss. Pearl Avery. The Social cvening beld at th-: home of Ms. and Mss. R. Banc ýon Friday evening, Feti. 6, was- quite weli attended in spite. of the cold weatber. The evening1 was spent in playing cuchre, cribtiage, darts, crokinale, check- ers, bingo and several other games. The cuchre winners were, Mrs. Mary Dean and Mss. Dinati Abbott. Ms. Leslie Argue and Floyd Argue. The winner af the bingo xvas Miszs Jane Turnbull. The proceeds were added ta those garnered froýr previaus social evenings and ZION The W.A. nmeeting had an, at- tendanc'-e ai 22 members and sox-en chiicren Roil cail tapic wvas "Christian Fellowsiuip". It was decided ta bave a bazaas ini June. TIhe gsaup had planned a program 'but for vaniaus rea- sons it bad to be canceiled. The graup Mss. Percy Devidson, Mss. Sayeau. Mss. Charles Nay- lor. Mss. Robert Killen scrved a deliciaus lunch and evcr'one en.îoyed the social time together. Mr. an.d Mss. Lorenzo Tral. Hampton, visited at Russell Peskins. Ms. -.nd Mrs. Henr v Dent vis- ited et William Dant's, Wood- ville. Mr. and Mss. Wilfsed Fsank and David, Toronto, visited at Robent Killen's. Mr. and Mss. Ivan Cochrane andl Eex-eriey, Courtice. were supper guests et Wes Cameron's. Ms. and Mss. Roy Thomas nd Kim, Scarbonough, were supper guests at Russell Staintan 's on Sunday. Miss Louanne Ayre has had a Mroutndiths. Steve Sobul and iamily, Columbus wene Sund-ay supper guests at R. C. Stainton's. Mr. and Mss. John Gerrv and Phillip, Toronto, visited Mss. F. B. Glaspeil. Mss. Ray Scott and Linda, Kedron: Mss. F. B. Glaspeil, Mss. Alex McMaster visitcd Jas- eph Hinds, Bowmanvillc. Msr.and Mss. Ray Scott and familý-, Kcdson, Ms. and Mss. Ralph Glaspeil and iamily, Ty- rone visited Mss. F. B. Glaspell. I 4 If you are in 1957 Olds. 1956 OIds. 1956 Olds. 1953 Olds. the miarket for a good used car .. here is your chance to buy at clearance prices. 968V Super Sedan 2-Dr. Hardtop 4-Dr. Sedan 4-Dr. Sedan 1955 Chevrolet Coach 1953 Chevrolet Sedan 1952 Chevrolet Sedan AÉL RECONDITIONED Ail Privately Owned Cars 1958 Chev. Biscayne Sedan 2 - 1957 Chevrolet Coaches 1957 Pontiac 2-Dr. Hardtop 1955 Pontiac Coach 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1950 1951 1953 Pontiac Sedan Chevrolet Coach Vanguard Sedan -READY FOR THE ROAD - Mostly One Omner ?NE CA!NADIA STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO Stars His Own Bowling Green 'Newcastle, Mss. Fred Bowcn and Mss. James Tamlyn, a',- I tcnded the apcning ai the AI- The O ono ews Ian A. Màrtin Junîior High Schaol-nanîed after a former Telephone 127 Clarke citizen in Part Credit on Mrb. and Mss. Perc Lunn are in Lubbock. Texas, attend ing the Ms. and Mrs. Earl Taylor and cd home iraini visiting hLs dau- i fanerai ai lier mother, Mss. H. son Robert uepnt the weekeid I ghter, Ms. and Mss. Mac Gould, 'R. Pbillips. with Mr. and Mss. Ross Taylar!1 Woadstock. iM.adMs oetGae and amiy, Otaw. ICongratulations ta Mr. and Markham, Mr. and Mss. Lloyd Ms. and Mss. O. S. Cawan IMrss Ervi ne F. Brooks, the for- Ransbes-y, were guests at the spent Wednesday visiting M_. mer Marion Yvonne Boyd, Ki--- Muider-Gatcheli wedding at and Mss. John Connally and1 by, on their marriage, Satu~- Centre Street United Churcn, iamily, Toronta. i day. Janiuarlv 3lst, at King Oshawa, Jani. 31. Rev. Warre:îl Mss. Ray Carl2ton, Miss Ber- Street Unit,,d Church. Oshawa. G. Dizkson, B.A., oiiiciatcd. tha Ciin and Ms. C. H. Lowe ,Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D., Mr. and Mss. Kennedy G ray ai O-ano Public School staff oificiat2d. l and David, Cadi-us, visited Mr.1 attendcd the the First Primasv Mss. M. H. Stapies, Mss. James' and Mss. Reg. Sutton. Reading Warkshap in North Tambivn anid Mss. Don Ten-1 Wamcni's World Day aif Prav- Simcoe School, Oshawa, last nant, attended the Osbawa and* cm wiil tic beld on Fridey, Fcb. Friday ai-d Saturday. Miss M. District Musicale, et the Mc- l3th, rit 3 p.m. in the S. S. Au- K. Harvle, former rcading can-1 Laughlin Public Libsary, Oshl- ditorium aif Orano United sultant ta the Toronto Baamd jea enTmlnadBvs Chusch. This is an undenomin- ai Eucaion deiverd lctuely Tennant. played the piano. ational service and ail womèin at cach mceting. Miss Cain xvas mslarivtdoate. chosen as. anc ai the leadc.-s 11.1. and Mrs.Gea. 1ms r nvtdt ted fo- the discussion gmoups belti have return'ýd home after spend - The annuel meeting af tle each day. The deiegates xvere n tw-o weeks witlu their Oshawza W.M.S. Preshyterial seve àn,-erFrdâ ieig Gog radMs ipowîll be held in St. Andrcw's syesvldies of Nday eving Geoges Jr. aiMs. SnpaCburc:i, Oshuawa. an Tucsda.%,, byite diesaiNotbint WstHii.Februarv l7th. Registration it Unicd hush.Mss. M. Sbcswin, Ms. Lau- 9:30. Aftcmnaan speaker Miss Mr. and MsIs. Chas. Knax, Mr. rence Sherwin, Mr. and Mr3. Vera Bayd, R.N., Central India. and Mrs. Tom Lewis. returncd Jack Brysolî w-esc in Cabourg From 5-7 o.m. C.G.I.T. Rally hame last w eek iram the Sauth- Satusday and Monday' toa.a. and Tca with Miss Boyd. High- cmii States. tend the fanerai ai their unce, îights o vnn asinwl Mm. Keith Wood bas rcturn- the lat? Ms. Robert McCul- - tic an addEvcning Sessio wil cd hame irom Menioriai Haspi- laugli. Laurence was a casket Seccetary ai Home Missians ai tai, Bownîanville. bearer. j Doninion Board. and a chais ai Ms. and Mss. Fred Sis, Osh- Mss. W. Halmes, Bowman- members irom ail the 15 Even- awa, Ms. and Mss. Chas. Cool)- 1 ville, Mss. Marie Gartsbao, ingc Auxiliasies. er visited Mr. and Mss. O. S.' Cowan. Mr. and Mss. Rabert Homner.------ Oshawa, Mr. and Mss. Robnrt Gilmer and Tamîuîy, Coustîc, visited Mr. and Mss. Roy Bar- rabali, an Sunday. Mss, Fred Lycctt is suaDplx'ing at Antiach Sehoal. due ta Mss. Gardon Atkins baving the mca- ses. Margaret Mitchell celebrate:l be3r 11h birtbday on Satasday. Mrs. Harry Roive and Mr:, Wm Martin, both had a nasty feu scecently. Mr, and 'Mss. James Lamnb. Scasbo'-oagh. spent the week- end witb ber mathes, Mss. Thonnton Wilson, wbo eturncd with them fan a week's visit. Mrs. Wesley Wood is a p-a- tient in Memorial Hospital, Bawmanvillc. Congratulations ta the Editar, John James, on lis election as a directos ai the Ontario Weck- ly Newspaper Association. .Ms. and Mss. Victor Manning visitcd hem parents, Mr. and Mss. M. McKinnon, Toranto. Mr. and Mss. Russell Ras- borauzh, Niagara Falls, Mr. and Mss. Lonne Thompsan, Black- stock, visited Mss. Wm. Cotbile- dick. Mss. Reg Sutton visitcd Mss. Jack Cox and Mss. I. Tnenouth, *Botmanville. a few days last wcek. Mr. Cox is in O5hawa Hospital. Ms. and Mss. Lloyd Myles, Arlene and Sharon, Whitby, sp2nt Sunday with his mother, Mss. D. N. Myles. Miss Carolyn Joncs, Oshawa, spent the wcekend at ber home. Mss. Jahn Morris, Miss Ruth Gardon. 'Mss. Wm. Mitchell, Mr. and Mss. Gea. Morton, at- tendeci the card pasty last week nt St. George's Parish Hall, Newcastle. Miss Haskin who is assisting in Dm. R. J. Taggant's office. is staying with her sister, Ms. Ivison Tamblyn. Mr. Jack Wilson, Dawnsview. spent the weekend wîth Mn. and Mss. C. V. Wilson. Mr. Herti Burgess has return- MORRISH Mr. and Mss. Ethan Jones of Port Hope, wese supper guests ai Mss. William McHolm an Sundav, Feb. 1, Master Johni Egas was home fsam schooi ail last week witn toathache and badIy swoilen face. A visit ta the dentist looms abead-we tbink. Miss Sharon Wright is home again and checnfally bopping around on cratches. Mm. Daw- son Beebe kîndly brou.ght Sha- son home from Peterbarouglb by car. Mss. Marv' Simpson, Toronto, mpent the wcekend with ber sister, Miss M11innie Beckett. Mss. F. Cornisb and Mr. Jack Cosnish vis-*ted with Mrs. Wm. McHolr nci Miss Beckett an Tuesday, Feb. 3. fan supper and a pleasant evening. The children ai the Mission Band are looking forwamd ta a Valentine Pasty in the Sunday Schoi on Fridav, Feti. 13. Tbýs is open toa aU parents and friena& home hecting woter hecting cooking w oe appriancê USE NATURAL GAS for home hoting, water hoting ond cooking BLÂCKSTOCK Mr. and Mrs. Normnan MeNal- ley, Coiborne, and Mr. Roy Gray. Sask,, called on. their cousins Fred, John and Cecil Hamilton and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mrs. .DeLuca ,Toronto, is spen- ding the weekend with Mr. andi Mss. Wxn. Taylor.' The Girl Guides and Boy Scouts enjoyed a skating party this week wvith most af thcm pre- sent. Gamnes of Snow Bali, spot and Haky Poky were played with Nancy Staniland and Da- vid Ballingali wvinning the 'spot' skate (a large onian weli wrap- ped) and Canal Rabm winning the elimination skate, Mr. and Mss. Neil Malcolm, Gardie, Mary Lou. and Jamie are holidaying in Fiorida. Owing ta bad roads the O.N.O. nirl wbo canvassed Cartwright Township for the Marcb of Dîm- es fund couid flot campletex- caver the tersitory. However $212, xvas collected and the girls are vesy grateful ta alI for this respanse. Sanry ta report that Mr. Jack< Berry oi the Higb Schooi staff injured his back while referee- ing a basket-bail garne. He is in Oshawa Hoqpital. Mr. Cecil Hill is under a doc- tars case with an infection in bis band. Miss Carol R.Phm suent the weekend with Miss Brcr.da Ml colm, North Nestîcton. Rev. Clarence Fere-uson, Lan- don, an'd Mrs. Merrili Ferguson, Toronta. calied an Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill at the 1i.ome of their daigbter Ms. and Mrs. Stan Rassns Lyiida and Barbara IFulton, Oshawa, suent the wveek- end -w-ith t.beir sister and tira- tiîer-in-laxv, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sni.wden. Eightyý-fiive oun9 peonle en- jayed a skatinq party at Cast- wrigbt Amena Tuesday evening sponEored biy Oshbawa Psesby- tery Young Pcople's Union. Lun- ch ai tomnato souo and crackers was served in the Recreation Centre. The evening closed with devatians. There was a fpiir rrowd at tbe Community Hall Thussda *v ex'- eninga when Dr. I. J. Woolsey. sub district Veterinary for thr Fedemal Gavernment, insoector ai Bawmanville divi4ýon. showed a film and gave a t.alkç on Rabies. wbich is a discase at least 5000 years ald and is warld-wide ai- iecting% the nervous systemn. It was iirst recognized in 1804. By 1821 it wPs realir-ed that ta can- troT the diseasýe ail doqs must be tindes contrai. In 1880 Louis Pasteur discovereï the vaccine that immunized bumans. In R W. Craig. question period Dr. Wooisev sai4"the vaccine was supposed tob effective one ta three years -but this was not guaranteed- At the Farmers' Unionoi t- ing wbich preceded the f1n address there was a di -ussioxn on 'Deficiency Payments non Asseistine thanked the.-,~ ker for bis splendid addre ' e id the ladies served lunch. Mr. Glen Giovez, Xray teck- nician with thie TB van. Toronto, visited with bis cousin Mr. Gor- don Paisley at Mrs. Wm. Van Camp's borne. Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin.- Burke- ton, is spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bradburn, Toronto, soent Sunday %with hlm mother, Mrs. W. Bradburn. Dr. and M,%rs. J. A. McArthur and Ardis. visited Stratford friends during the weekend. Mr. qnd 'Mrs. Johnny Griffin, Enniskillen, visited Sundayý with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Farder. Mrs. Oakley Carley. Wbitby, snent R few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Mariaw. SALEM Mr. and M'-s. Ken Shackleton and family were Sunday visitors with ber s4ter, M-ix and Mrs. Bruce Litt 1'e Agincourt. Glad ta ~port Miss Doreen R'chards is I.ome fram Westerni Hospital aril f2eling much bet- ter. Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and family wer'e Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman, MNaple Grave. Me5srs. K. Shackleton, Gera!d Shackleton. S. Buttery and L. Weish attrded the implement show nt tle Coliseum and the Hoistein b-rFders' meeting at the Ro ' al Yrrk last Wednesday. About t ov f aur yout.g peaple attýnded the skating partv at Biackstock Tuesday night. Mrs. W. Craig, Mrs. D. Re)." nolds, Mrs. Boab Craig and Mi ss Bea Craig aitended a shower at the home af Mrs. Tom Philips, Toronto, an Fridav evening. Sal3m iad'es are invited ta attend the Xorid's Day of Prav- er mt'eting at Tyrone church next Frida.v. Feb. 13. Mr. znd Mrs. Farewell Black- burn accompRanied a bus laad of Forestc-'s" tram Bwmanville ta se the ec Follies at Mapie Leaf Gardens last Wednesdair cx' flin.g. Svmpatby 15 extended ta Mni. J. Delanev ,ind family in the death of Mrs A. Delaney, Hamn. ptan. Mr. and ' 'Is. Bruce Lehmant and farnily, Braak]in, were Sun- day x'ýstors with Mr. and Mrs. r fo other fuel can offer you aill these..., TAKE NOTICE that the annual meeting of the producer members of Durham County Group of the Ontario Reg Producers' Marketing Board be convened at 1:30 p.m. E.S.T. on Tuesday, February 17 at the Towvn Hall ln the village of Orono, for the purpose of the conduct of the proper bus- iness of the annual meeting and thc election of represen- tatives (delegates) to the District Hog Producers Committee. Erie Fallis, Chairman Howard Malcolm, SecretVjr -'r NATURAL GAS advantages Outstanding Values! 1958 4-Dr. Chevrolel 1958 Chevrolel Sedan STATION WAGON Custom radio. One owner car. 2-f one, white Equlpped with overdrive. walI tires, excellent con- One owner car. dition. ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars CONSUIT TOUR APPLIANCE DEALER, PLUMBER OR HEATINO CONTRACTOR ON HOW MATURAI OAS WILL BRINO YOU NEW CONVMNENCE ... NEW SAVINOS or visit the nearest office of TEURSDAY, nM. 12th, 1939 à --j 1 q_ ............. Obviously, this photo taken at Kingston, is not of recent vintage or this scene would show high snowbanks. However, next summer, the moisture now accumulat- ing will probably assist Doug. Nichols, sonl of Luther, better known as "Toot" Nichois of BowmanviIle. Doug. buit this new house and, because there xvas quite a bit of room alongside, wvent to work putting, in three lawn bowling greens which he and the neighbors have put to good use. He and his father have had considerable exper- lence with bowling greens and next year look forward to having even a better and smoother green for their friends' enjoyment. i,