TRURSDAY, TEE. l2th. TUE CANWA 1%?A W bA 'PVC)1A W iuEMA14SS.IM t vi EW9' PGE EVUT ~Issufied ]Re tatefor Sale REAj4!j 'ATE FOR SALR rOZ~s Sou, Rented Managed and Appraisci L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2568 Newcastle, Ont.. Two blocks north af traffic signal - Newcastle 5-ti James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 9-room solid brick, hydro, sewer and water, basement, bot water heating, good lot on pav- ed street, close ta school. Im- inediate possession. $1,500 clown. Lot on No. 2 Highway, west of Maple Gi-ove, cernent base- ment with sub-floor, roof and well, $2,000. Lot 70 x 145, sewer and wat- er, $1,100. 47 Queen St. MA 3-5682 Box 941 Bowmanvllle 7-1* Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 8i7 Hgalesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Here is a real buY. 6 roomn brick bungalow wîth garage. Finished apartmnent in basemnent with private entrance. Priced to seil at $14,500-00. 4 room bungalow with garage and large lot, just outside of town limits. Only $7,500-00. 100 acre farm near Bethany with fair buildings. Priced to gMUjat $8,500.00. $1,500.00 dlown. PlTew 6 room bungalow with basement apartment. This is truly a beautiful homne. 6 roomn 2-storey home just completed. Carport. Very com- inendable workmanship. Priced for you at only $13,900,00. Terms. We require listings of good homes for waiting clients. , 7 -1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Mlembers af Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Farm and Land Bargains 216 acre farm with large Lake Scugog frontage. Well suited for cottage development. 8 roomn- ed house anc4 barns in good re- pair. $5,000 dlown will handle. $4.300 full price for excep- tonal 100 acre farm.Soibrc h-'%use, city conveniences, bai-ns 65' x 35', wing 50, x 30'. Trout stream, paved road. 20 minutes from Bowmanviile. $3,50o full price for 107 acres land, trout streamn, an good road, t,, mile from highway. ]Bowmanville 15 mniles. $6.00 buys 8 acres levai garden o&. building land. South of No. ýÉie j ust west of Bow- bfe soidbrick bouse, )rge b 401ntral location. $2,000 WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowma ville 7-1 Mortgages Morigages AND Agreements of Sale VIrst and Second Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought, sold and arranged on City and Farni iop"nry and Summer Cottages, lg,O.00 and Up. OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP. LTD. 112 Slmcoe St. N.. Oshawa Phone RA 5-3568 6-tf HAÀMPTON joy. Mi. and Mrs. Lewis TruIl and ,Anita attended the Ice Follies in Toronto on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo TruIl were Sunday visitoîs with Mr. and Mis. Roy Metcalfe, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Smith and famnily were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jin Smales, Osh- awa, on Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Quellette and family. Oshawa, visited Mr. ind Mrs. J. Gallant on Sunday. SMss M&nýe Prescott and Mrs. tohn Car _n attended the Ice Follies Ol.. (day evening and on SatuPtg!iY evening visîted their sister and brother-in-law Mi. and Mis. J. S.: Eddyvean at Orono. r. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, ] nto; Air. and Mrs. Keitb PfeerS, Oshawa, were visiting the salters, duriflg the weekend. Recent caliers at the Prescott homne were MINrs. H. McGIE, NMrs. E. Trewlfl. Mis. M. Gilroy, En- niskillen; Mrs. Geo. Gilroy and DoUglas, Colunibus; Mr. Oliver Hubbard and frlend ,Mr. and Mrs. WIll Ashton, Enniskillen.' Mr. and Mms. H. Peters, Mr. and Mis. Keith Peters and Mrs. Harald Salter were at Port Per.' i-y on Sunday owing te the death of Mr. John Davy, nephew of Mis. T. Salter. Sympathy is ex- tended. Mis. L. B. Williams, Dr. and Mis. George James, Bowman- ville; Mr. anid Mrs. Roger Crook and Mr. Mark Turner, Oshawa, were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mis. Sam Deweil. The Women's Institute annual open meeting was held in theI ehurch base ment on Thursdayj night and was qulte well at- tended. Mrs. Wilfrid Smale Vice President was in the chair and conducted a short business per- iod after which Douglas Dewell favored with piano mnusic and Misses Marlene Randal and Lin- da Smale favored wth vocal selections. Mr. Albert Rundle o! the Run- dle Garden Centre. Harininy, was guest speaker. He chose for bis talk, "Spring !lowering bul- bs," tulIps being in prarninence. He showed pictures of the rnany new varieties a! these and other lovely spring flawei-s, and gave rnuch valuable information on the planting and growing af them ail. Later we were privil- eged ta view on the screen a great rnany pictures taken in Hoiland showing the beautiful public tulip gardens and also ai the "Parade Festival" of flawers. These were very enjay- able, and seem ta give ane a lift. After an expression of apprecia- tion ta AIbeit (a former H-amp- ton young man) and te those n0ho provided the insie, lunch was seîved and a pleasant so- cial hour enjoyed. Mr. and Mis. Bruce Clarke are enjoying a holiday in Flor- ida. Mis. Mcrwin Mountjoy spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mis. S. Kersey were supper guests at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mi-s. Harold Ashton, En- niskiilen, on Saturday. Later part ai the Kersey fam!ilyari-y ed by surprise ta help their par- ents celabrate theur 36th wed- ding anniversai-y. They were the recipients ai a set o! stainless steel cutlery. The evening- was spent in visiting and cards aiter which refreshments weîe en- joyed. "Congratulations" froin theur Hamipton friends and we hope they mnay enjoy miany more annivei-5aiy occasions. Recent visitors ai Mis. J. W. Balson, Mrs. A. Balson. Caledon East; Mis. Jack Hooker, Kin- sale; Mr. and Mis. Chailes Fer- guson, Oshawa; Mi. and Mirs. Leslie Hoskins, Thornton Cor- ners. Mis. Ferguson bas been confined te ber borne for sever- ai weeks, result ai a very bad faîl and this was her first trip out. BROWN'S Homne and Scboal Club meet- ing bas been postponed unti Tuesday evening, Feb. 17, on account ai the weather. Busy Becs meet on Thui-sday cvening, Feb. 19. The hostess will make a special effort ta remember the date. Mr. and Mis. Jack Call, To- ronta. spent last week-end witii Mr. and Mis, W. Call and fam- ily. Mrs. Caîl has been spending a weck with her daugbter, Mis. R. Simpson, and while bei-e has been taking in several card parties and bingos. She spent last Thursday with Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. W. Caîl and iamily, had supper on Saturday' evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Page, Enniskillen. Mi. and Mis. A. Langley and famnily bave maved into the Simpson cottage, iormeîly oc- cupied by Mi. and Mis. W. Benne tt. Mr. and Mis. R. Page and !am-. ilyEnniskiilen, with Mr.. and Mr. Roy S. Swindcils lias been transferred froin Sales Manager of tihe Pepsi Cola Com- pany of Canada Ltd., Toronta Bnanch, ta Vice President and Genenal Manager of the Capital City Bottling Company Ltd., in Edmonton, Alta. Information of Mr. Swindells promotion was receivcd by the Pepsi Cola branchi office in To- ranto ini an official letten from the head office at Montneal, Que. I-. Swindells left Jan. 3 ta, take up bis new duties in Edmonton, and will be joined by bis wi fe early i March. He bas been sales manager at Wcs- tan for about tbree years. After serving five yeaîs inî the Air Force dnning World War 1l, Roy was with Palmer Mtai Sales in Bowmanville for a short timne before joining Pepsi Cala a', Leaside. He is a son.o! Mis. J H. Swindells , lia Concession St. West, and thc late M\1. Swindells wlîo was freigbt agent, for the Canadian Pacifie Railwav Comnipa ny, here for niany yceans. Rov was a charter memnber af thie Kinsmen Club ai Bow- mnanville, ivas a member ai the Canadian Legion, and the local badminton and tennis clubs. Since aîrivingl in Edmonton he has joined the Kinsmen Club there and is also playing Bad- min ton. Priai ta bis departure for the West, Roy and bis wiie were prescntcd with a beautiful wall1ý dlock by about 20 Bowmanvihc rnien&~. Fiierds in the Toron- ta office prèented him wvith aà dcs&k set and allier iovely igits. 1 HAYDON Sunday visitors at Mr-. and Mis. Clem Rahm's were, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Tyrane; Mr. and Mis. Dean Hodgson, Bawmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Lea- nard Wilson, Lake!leld. Mr .and Mme.Earu Thompsan and family, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mis. Franik Osrnond, Bow- manville; Mr. Lloyd Thompsan, Toi-onto, were Sunday visitai-s at Mis, W. Tbarnpson's. Mr. Peter Singer and Miss lHedy Sigrist were married at j Uic Catholic Church, Bowman- ville, on Tuesday. Feb. 3. nhe wddln reception was beld at the Flying Dutcbman Mter Ho- tel. The wed.ding party was en- tertained in the evening at Mr. and 'Mis. Don Cameron's. Mi. and Mis. Peter Singer are enjay- ing a trip to Niagara Fails. Mis. Lloyd A s ht on spent Thursday afternaan at the scbool when Explorera were org.anized and the following afficers were clected for 1959: Prcadent- Patsy Ellis, Vice President- Ca- rol Blackburn, Secretary-Rena Graham, Press Secretary- Gail Thampsan, Treasurer- Clark Piggott, Libraian- Birdie Ber- trim, Pianists- Doreen Trewin, Lynne Read, Rena Graham. A short programme followcd. Al sang "Jesus Loves Me," wlth Ly- nne Read as pianist. Mis. Lloyd Ashton led in prayer. Mis. Lloyd Ashton rend thc first chapter af "Here Cames Diîk," for the pii- mary class. Ahl joincd in singlng a hymn with Rena Graham as pianist. Miss Knight îead a staîy for the Senior Class firn the book, Ten Pairs of Shoas, Jirn- mie's Catch. The offeîing was received. Closing bymn was sung with Dareen Trewin nt the piano. All enjayed a treat ai apples. Next meeting will be hcld Febiuary 12th. Congratulations ta Mr. John James, Editer ai thc Canadian Statesman, who was elected dii- ector o! the Ontario Weekly Ncwspaper Association an Sat- urclay. W.A. Februaiy meeting was held at thc home ai Mis. D. Ca- meran Thursday afternoon. Prc- sident Mrs. L. Slemon presiding. Mrs. Lloyd Slemon presented the devotional. Mis. W. Thomp- son presentcd the iallowing pro- gramme: Readings, Mis. J. Jon- cs, Sala; Mis. Lloyd Ashton, Mis. Cowling ,a short contest. Meet- ing closed and aIl enjoyed lunch and a social time. Mi. and Mis. Lloyd Siemon called an Mr. and Mis. Reid, Orono. Sympathy Is extended ta Mis. ~Lloyd Slernon in the passing af ber aunt, Mis. Weatherilt at Bowamnville Memorial Haspi- tal, Saturday .The burial was at Orono on Tuesday. Sympathy Is extended ta Mis. Fred Toms in the passing o! ber sister, Mis. Weatherilt on Satur- day in Bawmanville Memorial Hospital. Adiult Bible Class will meet In the churdi on. Thursd.ay even- ing Fcb. l9th. History Of Valentines Day St. Valcntlne's Day bas long cballenged histarians ta explain how a Christian saint became idcntified with a pagan cu.toma o! cxchanging tokens o! lave. The answer may be simply that somebody got bis ABC's inixed Up. The research department of The World Book Encyclopedia points eut that at anc time the lettens "Y" and 44g" frequently were interchangeable in popu- lai speech. Among the Normans, the word "«galantin" reierred toaa lover ai the fair sex-probably a wvolf, according ta present- day terminolagy. But the. word aiten was wîitten and pronoun- ced "valentin." - By -a natural confusion ai names, the Christian martyr was establisbcd as the patron saint Champion country correspondent for àa weekly paper, Philip LaForce (left), 69, of Gibson Iridian Reserve near Bala, receives Ontario Hvdro's award of menit froma James ,A. Biay, 1-ydro's Director of Information. Preseiîtation took place ini Toronto during the annual convention of Ontario Weekiy Newspapers Association, iwhich selected Mr. Laforce for bis column in the Bracebridge Herald.Gazette. Schedule of Meetings Farm Accident Survey For Durharn County In pi-eparation for the Farni Accident Survey for Ontaria meetings in Durham County have been lined Up as follows for each Townîship-: Hope Township, Mondav, Fcbnuary 16th, at Campbell- croit Hall; Cavan Townshin,l Wedncsday, Februany l8th, 21 p.m. at Millbrook Town Hall; Cartwright, Wednesday, Febru- ary 18, at 8 p.m., Blackstock Community Hall; Daîhington, Tbursday, February 19th at 2 p.m., Departmnent ai Agricul- ture, Bowmanville; Manvers, Thunsday Feb. l9th at 8 p.m. Yelvcrton Chuîch Hall; Clarke. Manday, Febnuany 23rd, at 2 p.m., Orono Town Hall. Ail farim p2ople are uîgcd ta attend the meetings in their respective townships. A special invitation is cxtended ta the faim ladies b9cause il is feit that thnough their varions or- ganizations, they ivili be able ta give valued assistance in or- 'ganizinly, foi the praject. Township chairmeri bave* been mYaking plans for some time for these meetings in co- operatian with the Extension Branch of the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. The town- ship e-nairmen are: Cartwright, Earl Dorrel. Blackstock; Mari- vers, Lawrence Staples, Beth- any; Cavan, Robent Armnstrong, Ida-, Darlington, Mrs. A. Allin, Bowmaniville; Clarke, Clarcnc-2 Allin, Newcastle: and Hope, Ed- win Wilson, Garden Hill. A. O. Daîrymple, Agricultural Representative, Bowmanville, and the delegates from Durha-n County attended the Faim Safe- ty Coriference at the Ontaria Agîlcultural College. Guelph,! on Tuesday and Wednesday of' this week. Durhîam delegates at the conference wene: Mns. A1-ý fred Allun, BowmanvillcE, ar Dor,îl, Blackstock, Edwin Wil-ý son, Garden Hill, and Roy Mc-ý Holm, Port Hope. 1 Can* Contrai Rabies If Peopie Co-operate Officiai Tel An instructive addîess on the present serions situation regard- ing rabies xvas given by Dr. I. J. Woolsey, Veterinarian in Charge, Hcalth of An mal Divi- sion, Canada Department of Agriculture, Sub-District Of- fice, Bowmanville, at the Lions Club dinner meeting at the Lions Community Centre on Monday evening. Guests present wcre Jack Parker, past presi- dent ef the Ajax Lions Club, W. B. Hepbunn, Ajax, and Police Chief Bernard R. Kitncy, Bow- manville. The attendance chairman, Harny V. Crydernîan, presented a 15 year perfect attendane pin ta A. M. Thompson. Jack Biougb, chairman ai the com- mittee for the recent Lions-Ro- tai-y Stag Dinner, neponted that Uic net profit amounted 'n $991.97. The birthday ai Elmer Banting was obsenvcd. Winneîs o! the hockey dian, were: Satunday, Fcbrnary l4th, Ab Mavin, Roy Turner, Satur- day, February 2lst, George Vin- ish, Ken Maguine: Wednesday, Februany 25th, J. P. Carey, Ted Dadsen, Satunday March 7th, Harold Henning, H. Dyas; Wed- nesday, March llth, Ennie Mc- Coi-mick and Jim English. Victor Millér intnoduced Dr. Woolsev, who gave his classifi- cation lalk. Aiter a brief des- ciption of the wonk donc in ad- ministering the Animal Conta- gious Diseases Act, and the Meat and Canned Foods Act, a history and description aofi-a- bies followed. The film "Rabies in Youn Community" was shoxvn. A very lively discussion on nabies ensned whcn the meet- ing was throxvn open to a Question and Answcr period. The Sfatesman Sold SKitchen Shower1Ai-î-F-olÎÎowing Stforeês: Features Party At St. Joseph's An enjoyable euchre party ivas hcld by the Caîholie Wom- en's League at St. Joseph's j Parish Hall on Monday even- ing. Il was also a showcn for kitchen and pantry eqnipment for the new hall. Each guest brought a gift which served as admission ta the party, and a varici array af useful articles rwas received. Mis. Wilfrid McLean, the president, Mi-s. Joseph Cudda- hee, the secretary, and Mis. Stewart Chisholin weîe in charge ai arrangements for the event. Seven tables ai cuchre and one ai bridge were played. A number a! people, who do not play cards, were present and enjoyed a social cvening. The piu winners were Mis, G. W. Lee and is. Lea Gon- iab. A deliclaus lunch of sand- wiches, cookies, tea and calie was se-ved Iby Mts. Lloyd Quin- ton. and Jaistanta. Reg. Edmnnd's Store, Bethany Johnson's Ding Store, Newcastle T. Enwrigiît, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Poiter's Gen. Store, Newtonvillc C. Pelhick, Enniskillen T. M. Siemon, Enniskillen F. L. Byain, Tyrane G. A. Barron, Hampton Tîull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Bunketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Pqntypool C. B. Tynrell, Onono Wm. Turansky, Kendal Henderson's Book Store, Oshawa Hanse That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - Bowmanville Rickaby's Ltd. - "~Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack's Smoke Shap Rite's Sinoke Sbop Golîcens Handy Store Jury & Loveli Oke's Sinoke Shop The Flying Dutcbman The Statesmnan Office fîsLionsquesi At this lime manyqusin wcîe asked which scnvcd toi claîify in the Inembeîs' minds how they shoula behave anà what they should expect wlîen; coninonted with *suspecled i-- bid animals. During his speech, Dr. Woolsey dcfeîîded the ac- tion af the Municipal Counc:l ini its passing a Dog Control Bylaw and pointed out the var-: ious reasans why such' is ne- ccssary at this lime. Many members, having heard the fulli detailed explanation, were coin- pletel ' satisfied that theiy Couneil had taken a step i h ight direction. Dr. Waolsey's iemarks were completed on the following statement: "It is not oui inten- tion to cause hystenia or fear with respect ta rabies but we do wish ta infonm the people that rabies is a senbous deadly discase, which can casily be contioled if people will permit establIsLîment of, anid accept suitable control measures and Icarn enough about the disease ta kno v what te do when con- fionted with a nabid animal." Clarence Hockin moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Woalsey, and Ralph McIntyre, presidentI of the Lions Club, also express- cd appreciatian or Dr. Woolsey's informative classification talk. This was a test between two groups of students. Gîoup "'A" students were given portable typewriters ta do their classwork; Group "~B" used regular pens and pencils. In addition ta these great educational values, it mnust be reniembeîed that in learnirig to tithese students learned one of th% *ïnost practical skills of al-,a rikill that is neyer forgotten. World Series Films Can Cla rke to Inves.tigcite Building 'O'wn ýHospital B1 e Clarke Tom.rn-hip Council de- Be O btained c:1 at the meceting hicld last . 1 uc0: to hold in eibeyance -the Once again througb th'e court- req'iest of the Board o! Direct- esy ai A. G. Spalding and Bros., ors ofMrona Hospital, Bow- Spotîn Gods anuactrer, nrtVlLLto st:pply their per- 1 SortngGoPs %ýInuact.-i--, cenIace etftiemunicipalitiesf thc Toronto Bzisebail Club has cost o f t'e construction o! tUic the exciting 1958 Woild Senies new wngta the hospta-l. Film. This wonderful 40 minute It was; stateà ttxat -thc propos- film, wbich was produced by cd s-iare of the cxpenscs for Lau Fonseca on behali of thc Clarke wc.uld amount ta $SG,- Amnerican and National Leagues, 200, this being 20.32 on an as- la now available te all servit~e sessnent basis. Clarke Council clubs or other organizatians on did not question thic necessity request, at no charge. foi furtiier facilities, but waý, disturbed over the cxperiditure1 Not only does the film show Iof such a sum in anotIier mun- you the thrils and tense mom- iciDality i;without obtaining the ents of the series, but it brings action of the ratepayers. There these te you in full calaur. That's was some discussion on the pas-î right- the 1958 senies is brougbt sibility af staitin'g a hospital in1 ta you in ail its splendid colour Clarke.C by this terriifie film. Ceuncilloîs E. Dent and R. AUl organizations wishing ta Savery wcre appointed toaa have the film are requcsted ta committee ta work with ather book it well ahead ai the de- interested pensons ta study the siied showing date. A 16 milli.- problem and te investigate the metre sound prajector and op- possibillty af staîting a smal ci-aoi are ail that is nccessary. liospital in Clarke township. Address for ibooking of the film Membens af Uic Clarke Town- is: Pubiicity Department cane ofî ship Aiea Sehool Board ivere Toronto Basebail Club, 1 Lake- present and îequested Council shorec Blvd., Torante 2B, Ontar- il ta plass the necessary by-lawv ta io. ~allow them ta buildi a foui roorn school at Newtonville and a twO roon school at NO. 9. Harry Wade, chairman. sa&d that the board had lowel'ed the mili rate last year and predicted it would be reduced furtiier this year. He suggested that, the area nig'ht, be enlarged. Lawrence Greenwood stated that anc large sebool should b. built instead of several arnaller schools. M. Pedwell asked that a school be built in No, 9. R. Osborne pointéd out tbat this là the Iast ycar No. 9 pupils could go to Bowmanville. He was OP- posed ta one large central school because of transportation cests. Colville Evans stated thât all sections should either b. in the schoal aiea, or out of it Busing the children is too expensive, ho said. Three petitions were ag111 re- ceived by Clarke Couneil asking that Antioch No. 9 and Port Granby be allowed ta withdramw from the area. Reeve J. T. Brown utated that the matter must soon be cam- pleted. No definite action wau taken by Couneil either ta pass the school by-law for the with- drawal ai the scbools, or ta issue debentures ta build the new schools. Downtown Oshawa 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH-RA 8-1617 DOWMANVILLE-MA 3-2130 This test was continued for two years. Complete records were kept of the quality and quantiiy of work done in each subject by each group. Main Office enid Showroom COURTICE-RA 8-1611 AJAX-ZEnith 2-9600 In Composition, too, Group "tA" students did better. They wrote more, they wrote more clearly and conciseiy. One student said, "It'a casier ta think on a typewriter." Se& yoajr jo<ei REMINGTON RAND DEALER for thià FRSbookw.t, "Type Rigbt w L 1IM 1Iy 1 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA Available at your Remington Rand Headquarters R#P QYÏau it 'arn n - I OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS "lI'm glad we',ve been so help- fui to you', but 1 assure you we ofk4'er this serv;ce to every- one.11 Yes... our FREE PLANNING SERVICE is available to .v.ryone whether it be a NEW HOME, an AUDiTON, a RECREATION ROOM or ANY home remodeling. ln additon.. TWO modern showrooms to assist you. DUILD NO W-NO PAYNENTS 'TIL APRIL 30 UP TO 3 YEARS TO. PAY BUDGET TERMS MORTGAGES ARRANGEÔ HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOLJR BUILDING NEEDS OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LUMITED e7 PHONES TO SERVE YOUO pAmc szvvqTm. WHÙ SDAT, M. 12th, 1959 qwv. CAVAMAW IkIrATVCMAlq- inimwvAvvffýLr- ÔNTARIO,