TNURS7~AY, TEE. 201h, 10& V~ A PIPA lit A P.? C'P A 'W@II A ~ m#'~wu.. A a,~m i rn ~a~p A u,~ - -- -. -.. .. 6~ - cm. ...,JcTaM.. d~N.~ fl V fl4C ~ C Oaa, rA .~Weekcly Utature FIFTHTEENTH WEEK $10000 WEEKLY UN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES $10000 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE AT FINISH 0F CONTEST Advertisers Mer-cha nts. on This They will Page, at al times be awarding .someone they will award give you the best value possible at the $10.00 j0 meone in Merchandise $1 00.00 Certif icates in merchandise Lowest Prices. Patronize your Home Each Week and at the End of 26 Certifi cates. DO NOT NEGLECT TO ASK FOR SALES SLIP WHEN DOING BUSINESS WITH ANY 0F THESE FIlMS - READ TERULES CAREFULLY fech week there wlll hou extra word Inserted lu a few of the &do appearing on this page. Read the ada, find the extra words, put them together and when properly arranged they wilI give you the title of thec cartoon. Write these words on a piece of paper and list the firma lin whose ads, you found each word, then sec If you can write a better titie. Send in your entry to CARTOON CAPERS. e/o THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, NOT LATER THAN MONDAY NOON. LU MB ER SHEPPARD A MD DIII LUMBER' 96 King Si. E. Bowmanville Does Your Organization Cater to Banquets and Ditners We bave a quantity of CHINAWARE AND STAINLESS STEELWARE sutable for this purpose at greatly reduced prices. HOOPIERS JEWELLERY & GIFT SHOP 29 King St. E. Bowmianville Far The lest.. Famous Reading Anthracite Stove - Nut - Pea - Briquets and Fuel Oil Flnest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil Cal STEPHEN FUEL4S MA 3-5410 Bowmanville WHITE SALE CONTINUES UNTIL SATURDAY, FER. 28th Push Button Defrost 10 cu. f t. REFRIGERATOR Reg. $389.95. White Sale $339.95 Automatic DRYER Reg. $279.95. White Sale $239-95 Cushion-Action WASHER Reg. $189«95. White Sale ____ n $129.95 adtrade-in Leunde.' Hardware 7 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774 MArket 3-5715 RUBBER FOOT WEAR for SPRING Good Selection Full Size Range for The Entire Faniily Lloyd Ellis Shoes 49 King St. West Bowmanville' "SERVES YOU WELL!" JURY & LOVELL MA 3-5778 "«SA VES VOU- MONEY!" DON BROOKS GENERAL CONTRACTOR "No Job Too Big. . . ..No Job Too SmallÈ We Do Them Ali PHONE MA 3-5602 For the Best in: New or Used - PLUS - Dependable Cars Service SEE RoBSON MOTORS 166 King St. E. Limited The MA 3-3321 The winner of last week's contest: Mrs. Allait Spencer Newcastle, Ontario Correct title: "Narne's familiar but not the face" Winning titie: "What d'ya mean it's yours - my naine la on it» Advertisements in which words appeared: Breslin's Ladies' Wear, Palmer Motor Sales, Hooper': Jewellery & Gift Shop. Ken'% Boys' Wear, Western Tire & Auto Supply, Lloyd Ellis Shoes. Improve Your Home NOW BUDGET YOUR HOME IMPROVEMENTS HERE You Can Now Buy Floor Tiles as iow as 81/2c See Back Page for Floor Covering Bargains McGregor's Hardware -95 King St. W. Phone MA 3-3386 à M The best oes elected eacb week will b. awarded $10.00 in merchandise eertihicatea, goed et any of the stores participating. IF TOU WISR TO COMPETE FORt THE FEATURE PR=ER OF A $100.00 CERTIFICATE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END OF THE CONTEST TOUJ MUST ENCLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH TOUR ENTRY or omnething te prove pou. bave don. business witb an, of the firnîs partlcipating, as the best titis ment ln during the content that han proot et purchaso attached, wlll win the $100.00. Winner will ho publis]hed eaoh weekt. If You Have Seen the Resi t Now See "ITHE CHEV' Ii's The B E.ST! Now on Display ai ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmobile - Chevrolet Cars - Chevrolet Truckt BOWMANVILLE COURTICE MA 3-3353 MA 3-3922 Phone MA 3-5487 Try our courteous pick-up and dellvery service LUBRICATION OIL CHANGE WASH JOB and F111 'er up wlth Cities Service Premium or Milemaster Gas or Rave it ail donc while 7ou de pour shopping ai PALMER Motor Sales Citie. Service Station Plymouth - Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks Simca Dealer for Bowinanville and District 20 King St. E., Bowmauville Family Size BARBECUE CHICKENS with dressing Try these large size chickens just full of stuffin'. $2.49 Please allow us four hours to fi your order. Regular Barbecues - $1.59 BOWMANVILLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM PHONE MA 3-5578 73 King St. W. Introducing the 1959 Frigidaire Appliances ULTRA MODERN Rlefrigerators B anges Washers and Drysrî MASON -& DALE 36 King St. E. HARDWARE Phone MA 3-540 Friday Night Specials 7 p.m. to 9 p.M. LADIES' HOSE 15 denier - 51 gangs Reg. $1.00 Special 43c pair Lc 7 King St. W. LADIES' NYLON HAàLF SLIPS Lace Trim Ail Colors - S., M., L. Reg. $1.98 Special 89C idies' Wear Phone MA 3-5854 Applionco Spodials Used 40" Moffat Range - - $95.00 Used 24" Westinghouse Range 65.00 Used 24" Heatline Range-----____-- 40.00 Used Westinghouse Washer ___ 40.00 Used Rangettes- $20.00 to $35.00 HIGGON ELECTRIC 38 King St. E. Bowmanville MA 3-3305 GLEN RAE DAIRY MILK - CREAM - BUTTERMILK Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Krimo Chocolate Flavor "If It's Glen Rae It's Good" Fresh Daily to Your Door or at Your Favourite Grocery Store Phone MA 3.5444 Special! FRIDAY AND SATURDAY BUTTER TARTS soc Dos. Store ]gourg: Open Alil Day Weduesday Ciosed Friday at 6 p.m. SEVERN'S BAKERY 93 King St. F.. Bowmanviile Phono MA 3-5654 Radio & Television Sales and Service Dealer for ECA VICTOR Radie aud TV JOIN THE BOWMANVILLE WORK CAMFAIGN ""DO IT NOW"* For your necesaary Paint and sorry Decarating Supplies SEE Paint & Wallpaper 33 Riug St. W. MA 3-5431 Expert Watch Repairs Authorized BILOVA Distributor 10 King St. W. For the Best Values . * Real Estate Broker Residential - Commercial Industrial -Farms 99 Klnt St. 9. MA 3-5868 É SEE. .. Plunibing 9 Division St. - eating Phone MA 3-5615 FREE ESTIMATES ON MODERNIZING YOUR PRESENT PLUMBING AND HEATING INSTALLATIONS Shovel Phone MA 3-5463 Bowmanville E/Caen 15 Kig St. E. "*Clothes of Quality for Bowmanv ille Young Men 6 Io 16"9 M M TOP QUALITY 1957 1956 1954 1958 VOLKSWAGEN PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN DODGE CONVERTIBLE MERCURY HARDTOP (Demonstrator) Low Down Payment Up to 30 months to pay Cowan 134 King St. E. Toots Phone MA 3-5689 ICE SALT Ibs. Ib.. $2.10 1.25 25 lbs. ________ '5 Vanstone Flair and Feed 116 King St. W. MA 3-5777 DON'? WAIT 'TIL SPRING Bring your car In now for Igmition, Exhanst System, Cooling System, Brakes, ete. a§ frAUTO $UOIFLY LTO. AflO(.AT, Stoss King St. W. Bowmanvile CREOPHOS le oz. stipped DRUGS Il Kint St. E. MA 3-5493 i TYRONE, ONT. I KNITTING WOOL Polar Wool - 0-»-"-m4 oz.S98c for the popular heavy sweaters HARDING K ROY - BEEHIVE NIONARCH WOOLS Everything for your Knitting and Crocheting Needs. Ri"ckaby's Limited "Big 20"1 PANTIES Guaranteed not ta crack .. . soft elastic in waist and legs . .. wili flot rhap. Reg. 256 eacb 5y«$ 1.00 These Town Weeks, Rules > 1 j PRESCRIPTIONS . - - - ;- - - - - - - - - - , 1 - 1- . :- 1 1 . - 1 1 1 f A 1 ;, . mm FCARlrOON C,&PER.S CONlrEsiri 1 1 ýTffuPMAY, nn. 2@th, inb. THE CAMADIAlq MqPATIF-quAlq- ptnwvANURII»P- M%"Alletn 1 ooys 1 9 Wear