TUE ÇSADAY, SFEU.MANtbWhLN1MLW UNTARI I 7/%e~.kea«x4e9M44& e lVie"Agaêw, LdlIO Ilewcas t/e Social and1 DPersonal..ti', *Mr. and Mrs. Adamn Cassie o! Brampton, spent the weekend1 'visiting with Mm. and Mrs. D. là. Bernard and Erie. .Mns. Peter Bradley of Osh- gwa is convalescing at the home ipf her sister and brother-in-law, ý&.- and Mrs. Arthur Rednap iollowing ber illnessain the Osh-j awa Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hedg-1 son cf Bowmanville were Sun- day visitera with Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodgsen. Despite the rough weather1 we have been having this win- ter the members o! the Sigmaj C group o! the United Cuc ,have been faithful in making1 their reguliar monthly paper1 collections. the ncxt e! which will be made on Monday even- Ing. Persens having old used papers te dispose of are request-1 cd ta tic them i bundles and leave at the curb and the boys will do the i-est. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffith and son Gary o! Bowmnanville were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Bernard and Erie. Mr. and Mns. Frank Hoar vis- ited in Toi-ente on Tuesday. Miss Alie Cooper is spending this week visîting wîth friend-s i Oshawa. Mms Fred Ceuch was In Te- nante on Monday visiting with her sister, Mrs. Robertson. Mr. and Mns. Perey Hare wcre in Toronto on Wednesday whce they attended the funenal cf Mr. Hare's cousin Mn. Fred Os- borne. Mm. and Mms. H. S. Britton were in Belleville on Sunday7 visiting with Mm. and Mrs. Neil Britton and family. 400 Special Blot fers For Newcastle Schools tour fesy Local W.C.T.U. NEWCASTLE - The regular ness period'plans were made to meeting of the Newcastle Wom- have a medal contest on Friday en's Christian Temperance Un- evening, April l7th. The mem- Ion was held on Thursday, Feb. bers aise decided to purchase 19, ln the Board room of the 400 blotters for distribution in ?eweastle United Chur-ch with the public schools in the dir- the President, Mrs. T. G. Sow- trict. Mrs. Hoar and Mrs. Sow- den presiding. den were appointed as a pro- The meeting opened with a gi-arn committee for the March hymn followed by the Lord's meeting. prayer and the pledge repeat- The worship service consist- ed i unison. During the busi- ed of a Scripture lesson read by Mrs. Clemnence and prayer Ioffered by Mrs. Rodgers. Mrs. Percy Brown favoured the greup DI, with two fine readings entitled tL.et'sLook B.ack 1 "The Wild Rose" and "The Man Who Sticks". The Clip Sheet entitled "Lest 10 Ts Ago In Newcastle We Forget Francees Willard", Februa.ry 24. 1949 was conducted by Mrs. Milîson The urha Loge A. &with several of the members TMh.eo.D66hemLdgeeannua taking part. In February we pay AM..No.66 eld her anualtribute to the memory of Fran- Ladies Night banquet in the ces Willard, declared te be "the commnunity hall. Bro. Austin foremost woman of the nine- Turner was the Wor. Master of teenth century, the most belov- the lodge. Bro. Donald Gibson ed character of ber time, and introduced the hpad table guests ne God a benefactor ta the including 52 persans, Masons and ud %àlaies.BTo.Jas Dye ledtherace." 2ades.Bkr. Js. yerledthe In December 1873 ln Fre- a. in san- donia, New York State Dr. Dio P Condilor ee. BonahanLewis made an inspired sug- Counillo Geo Bonthangestion that womnen should en- dropped quite a bombshell in ter a crusade against the drink1 couneil proceedings when he foe of their homes. They organ-1 informed council they had n o ized under the name of The authority for the gravel placed WmnsCrsinTmeac qon the roads the previeus fali. UnomnsCrsinTmeac Hie said there was no resolution In 1874 Frances Willard bc- on the books. The motion was came interested and was elect- evidently passed but nt i- ed Pres*dent of the Chicago W. corded asA Mi. Marsden of Port CTUShenrfsdtehn Hope, thq highway engineer, was.of e n resied t the nu present hen it was passed and. i stbStte onve to thei when contacted, proved that it Illinois in 1874, but consented bad ben pased.te be secretary. In 1883 after * * considerable werk by Miss Wil- A public meeting was called lard, the World's W.C.T.U. was by Reeve George Walton for fonned. The first Dominion W.j March Il te discuss the p055i C.T.U. was organized in Mon- bilities cf building an arena. treal on October 2th. 1883. The committee had been chang- Min Wllard said "The pur- "ed àseveral times during its two pose and aim of the Women's years in operation. but ne agree- Chistian Temperance Union is nment had been reached on the te help ta forward the coming type of building or a suitable cf Christ in aIl departments of site. It was heped this meeting 11e."» would decide what the citizens The meeting was brought to a wanted, te give the committee 1 close when aIl members cf the a shove in the right direction. 1 T1.Aon repeated the Mizpah * * * IBenediction in unison. On Wednesday the membersI of the Ladies' Softball Club ga- thered at the home of Miss Mar- garet Ash. They weme entertain- ed by Cecil Carvcth showing a film taken by Dr. McKenzie on his trip te Florida. After a short business period the mnem- bers were gerved delicieus re- freshments by the hostess. Notice DOG OWNERS on and after Narch 1sf, 1959 la acordance wlth the anti-rables by-law. Given third reading and paaged at a speclal meeting or Newcastle Village Council held Friday evening, Feb. 20. DOGS FOUND AT LARGE WTLL BE DESTROYED AT ONCE. Round Robin Tournament Planned NEWCASTL-'m0 Newcas- tic Badminton Club is planning for an cvening cf fun on Satur- day night whcn thcy are cm- gani.zing a Round Robin tour- nament commencing at 8 p.m. The executive who have plan- ned this get-together will be contacting the members t1is weck and are hopeful cf having a good turnout fer this fimst big night cf competitions wi!h big night cf competitions with nefrcshments following the games. Norîh Nesileton Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Emer- son Visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Stutt. Mrs. Emerson and daugh- ter Gladys attended Kinette din- ner at Flying Dutchman on W& ý- nesday evening in Bownianvillt. Mns. Ivy is coming along well in Oshawa Hospital alter ber operation. Mr. and Mrs. Hareld Aimas. Waterford, visited Mr. and Ms. Ken Minshall and boys for weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright, Toronto, Mm. and Mrs. Rae Mal- Newcastle United Church Rev. M. C. Fisher, B.A., Minister Mr. Normian B. Williams, Organist 10:00 a.ni. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 arn. - Sermon Series, The Lord's Prayer No. 3 "Thy Wil1 Be Done" 7:30 pn. - "The Three Crosses" Irffl-en vfw e oum$d the»m' ovie" Ph.. mi2 Fi ne- Displays Feature Skating Hockey Night NEWCASTL-A fair erawd ft local citizens turned eut te evening last te sec a very fine he Memoriai Arena on Fia display cf childrcn's figure ska- ting and miner hockey games prescnted by the young fry o! the village. The program got underway about 7 p.m. when twa Pee Wez teams met in a game et hockey te show the resuits of their sea- son 's play. In this game the Greens 'upset the Reds by a score o! 3 te 1. 'me crowd was mest impressed with the way these youngsters are picking Up the game. Following this gamne a very fine skating display was pi-es- cnted by the pre-school age skating ciass made up of about 35 youngsters who have been trained in skating by Charle.3 C. a v. The cblîdren appeamed iii varied costumes and skated around the rink in single file, then in doubles and completeci their display with a race beth ways the length o! the rink. Dogs Should Beware NEWCASTLE-If wc have any dogs ameng oui- neaders we want to issue a warning te them, that due te the epidemnic cf rabies thrcugheut the province the village ceuncil in speciai session on Friday evening gave third and final i-eading ta an anti-rabies by-law. Acconding te the by-law l degs must be kept tied and net allowcd te wanden about the streets and inte othen people's yards, on and after Mai-ch lat. Dog Catcher Ed. Banchard bas been alertcd by the council and he wiil be armcd with authority te destnoy any doga found at lange. Board Seeks Approval for 2 New Rooms NEWCASTLE - At a apeclal meeting on Tuesday. Feb. 17, the Public School Trustee Board met with the School Inspector, Mr. C. A. Holmes, te discuss the crowded condition cf the school this coming term. After a full evening's discus- sion and with the outlook cf approximately "0 children start- ing in September. the Board and the inspecter came te the conclusion that another addi- tion would be the only way te solve the overcrewding. Fail to Locate Foxes NEWCASTLE - Despite the bad weather on Saturday, the Newcastle Spomtsmen's Club held a Fox Hunt during the a!- temnoon. More than 25 merm- bers spent several heurs look- ing for foxes in the Crooked ville. The wind and snow were on the side ef the foxes se th& hunt did not have a kîlI. It was the last fox hunt cf the winter for the club as the season closes this Saturday, February 28th. Plans for trout fishing in the coming season are being made by the club. The president cf the Newcastle Sportsmen's Club [s J. H. Meachin, Waverly Road. Bowm an ville. coIn-. Janctviiie, were Sunday visitoms o! Mr. and Mrs. Vic Mal- colm. Mr. and Ms-s. Mei-win Mount- joy, Hampton, visited Mr. and Ms-s. Ken Sameils during the week. Sympathy cf the community to yeung family o! the late Mi-s. James Gay, ex-resident o! Nes- tîcton. Welcome home te the Nestle- ton correspondent, Mrs. Grant Thompson, whe bas been recov- ering fi-cm an accident. W.A. a.nd W.M.S. The Febmuary meeting of Nestieton W.A. and W.MS. was hcld at the home of Mms. Geo. Bowers with 22 ladies and some children present. The meeting opened -with the Theme song, folicwed by a devotional ead- ing and prayer by Mrs. E. Mains. Sciptume xvas nead by Mrs. A. Williams. Minutes cf Iast meeting weme ead and approved. Business opened with a motion by Mns. A. Wilson seconded by Mns. Bowers that $1.00 wbich was the cast o! the World Day af Prayer pain- phlets, be sent to Mrs. J. Hamn- iton.A motion by Mrs. Adel- hei-t Beacock seconded ijy Mrs. B. Heaslip that Mrs. Wilson get an estimate on ncdccorating Church ceiling wvas aise cai-ied. Mrs. lleaslip thanked Mms. J. Hedge for sendiny a smali gift te Mi-s. Romneril, in appreciation foi- ber kindness in mnaklng aur yearly progrinis. It wua zoved by Mm .ME.Sa=- Th e second hockey gamne, which followed, displayed the abilities o! the Bantam age boys and presented many a thrill tu the parents and friends as the Whites emergedthe winners of a 3 te 2 contest. over the Greens whe gave it aIl they had. Following the Bantamn gamne a most beautiful display o! fig- ure skating was gîven by Miss Marie Alldread and Mr. Chas. Gray and a precision drill num- ber given by the members of the two classes o! figure skat- ers instnuctcd by Mr. Wallace Couch. As a finale to the dis- plays of figure skating Walter Eibler's class o! eight girls did exercises in training ending witb a number presentcd byý Marie Alldread and Jacqueline Alldread. Te bring a most enjoyable evening te a close the Newcas- tle Lions Midgets came up with a 6 te 3 win over the league Ieading Bowmanville Liens tea;n in a hard fought and thmilling hockey game which thril.ied the large audience. ellm, seconded by Mns. Mackie' that we send Mrs. Adelbert Bea- cock te the Bay of Quinte Con- ference, Marci 10-11 that we pay $5.00 as part of ber expen- ses. At pi-osent we have 24 paid membens. Collection was $4.35. Mrs. M. Emmenson thanked ladies for plant received during her illness. Cet well cards were signed for our sick friends, Mrs. Ivy Heoey and Mrs. Grant T"ho- mpson. We were deligbted te hear, foui- o! oui- members have received cards frorn their Cap- sule sisters. An inspining paper on Christ- ian citizenship was given by Mis. W. Steele, poems by Mrs. B. Heasiiip and Mrs. Mackie were enjoyed by ail. Mrs. Mairs con- ductd a contest on gaines wbich was won by Mrs. Leyland. Mrs. Adelbert Beacock thanked oui- hestess Mrs. Bowers and Mrs. Mains fer a fine meeting. WESLEY VILLE High winds of Iast Friday night piled di-ifts on sections cf the sidcroads made them n impass- able again-, allihough the gneate- Part was ba-e. Snow was bard and was difficult te meve but made great play banks for cbild- i-en. Church service was witb- drawn on the 22nd but Sunday School was beld with diminished attendance. We were gladte t see Murray back te f111 bis usual place as superintendent. Scrip- turc was read by Carol Thorn- dyke and in the absence cf Ber- niecé Best, the pimary class was in charge cf Mns. Thorn- dyke and Donna Oughtred. Paul Austin bad a nasty bout with 'flu this past week but bap- pfly he was suf!iciently recever- cd. te go with bis Boy Scout trip te Rice Lake on Saturday. Sevenal o! the bigh schoolers including Donna Ougbtred, Bill Barrowclough, Roy and Pearl Austin and the Port Bnitain pu- pila attended the teeners dance in Pont Hope high school on Sat- urday aftemncon. Congratulations te Bonnie Au- stin on ber standing in the pub- lic speaking contest sponsoned by the Lions' Club at Port Hope High School necently. Bonnie's topîc was Beethoven. Ladies were quilting another quîlt a.t Clara Damke's last week and finished it Thumsday and in- tended te i-est needies this week and allow fingera te gnow some new akin. Mrs. E. Barrowclough attend- cd the executive meeting cf Cc- bourg Presbytcry Weman's As- sociation at Salem last Tucsday. Nola Holdaway of Toronto, visited with hermomther and un- cIe last week; Mr-. and Ms-s. Car- i-cil Nichols weme in Peterbor- ough on Sunday te visit Mms. Nichoîs uncles who are in Pet- erbomough hospital. The crokinole party planned to be heid at MVrs. Arnold Thorn- dyke's on Thumsday night was withdrawn because of severe coid. but in spite cf sub zemo wcathcm spming must be coming, wvc haven't scen the horned lar- ks but we have heard them. Muriel Austin spent the week- end witn hem friend Dos-cen Mil- iscm cf Oshawa, and thev wcnt to Niagara Falls te sec the ice dispiay. Ma nvers Buys Fire Equipment General accounts amounting te $1,064, and oad accounts off $1.618.19, we're appmoved and authorized for pay ment at thz meeting o! the Manvers Town- ship Council heid in Bethanv recentiy. A by-law was passed appointing Alfred Johnston te the position cf building inspcc- tan for Manvers Township. Approval was given te thc praposed develepment road. This s-oad wvas sponsomcd bv Cartwright Township and will be located on the commen boun- dary fi-cm 7A bighway te the county noad on the north. The Council aIse appreved the ap- plication fer a debenture issup for HÏigh School purpeses by' Victoria County, and agi-ced te pay its share. It was decided te place no- ties at prominent places with- in the township calling for ap- plications for twe Wamble Fly Inspectors. Their duties wil will consist of the operation of the tewriship sprayer, ins ecting cattie. collecting fees, and keep- ing the necessary records. Ap- plications must be in the Town- ship Clerk's office on or befoe Mai-ch 2nd. It was decided to purchase fine equipment from King Sea- grave Company, Ltd., as recom- mended by the Pontypool Fimc Chie!. It was agreed te send an account that had beetn received fremn Becker Equipment te the Dominion Road Machinery Com- pany because the grader is still under guarantee. I W yi'M. A " Y A1 FASMTISA rniAPIWAP A 'fq i .. . Get acquainted offer Pine Fresh - New Dutch Cleansi Add variety to your table McCoy Brand Pickled Sliced Beets Economical Spread Yellow Quick Margarine Blue Bonnetf Stock up at this price Society Brand Dog Food 'bby's in tomato sauce Beans with Pork Green Giant Brand'-- Fancy Niblefs Corn York Brand - Choice Tom atoes Aylmer Fancy Applesauce Del Monte - Fancy Fruit Cockftail Haydon Church Supper Most Successful Event The Haydon United Church Supper held in-the Darlington Cominunity Centre, Hampton, recently was a most successful event. 'me commnittee in charge et arrangements was composed the Stewards ef the Cburch and their wives as follews: Kenneth Graham, chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tnewin, and Mrs. Arthur Read, the secretamy-treasurer. Valentine decorations were at- tactively armanged about the Community Centre. The tables weme lighted by tall red tapera in crystal candlesticks, and cen- tered with beautiful plants through the courtesy cf the En- niskillen Greenhouses. There were two sîttings for supper with 170 people each time. Af- terwards the 35, who served had suppers. Roy W. Nichols, the Reeve of Darlington, and his wife, brought 100 guests te the sup- per, Reeve Nichols' g u e sts included the' members of Darlington Township Council and thein wives, the Township Clerk and Mrs. Walter Rundle, the dhiinan -of the Planning Board and Mrs. Morley Wyrnan, the Road Superintendent and Mrs. Thomas Stewart. Building Inspecter and Mrs. E. A. Varcoe, and other municipal employees and their wives. Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers of Bowmanville, Mrs. Carruthers, and Dr. and Mrs. George James, were aise _guests cf Reeve Nichols at the HaydLon Tobacco Growers HoId Series of Wi nter Meeti ngs The elghth annual series of the 'Me program is being present- Flue Cured Tobacco Growers' ed by the Provincial Tobacco winter meetings are to be held Extension Service in co-opera- again this year in Ma.rch. The tion with. the Canadian Depart- organizations meting in this dis- ment of Agriculture Tobacco trict will be held in the Town Substation. Delhi. The latest re- Hall, Orono, on Thursday even- commendations will be present- ing, March 12th, at eight o'clock. ed, and coloured slides will be During the month meetings will used to illustrate tlie various aise be held in 10 other centres, points under discuission. Burferd, Simcoe, Delhi, Tilîson- The most modern fertilization burg, Mount Brydges, West Lor- practices and proper soul man- ýne, Aylmer. Leamington, Cast- agement will *be discussed. Aise leton and Alliston. on the agenda for each meeting 2 Clayton Brewn. lb. pkg. Cut Lenien Food Cosîs at Dominion 35 c Christie's - Plain or Salted' lb. pkg. 10oz tnPremium Sodas 37c 2 for 29C 15 oz. tin 2 for 37c 14 oz. tin 2 for 37c 20 oz.ti 2 for 39c 15 oz. tin ' 2 for 33c 28 oz. tin Farm Fresh Produce CoId Storage - Fancy Grade Crisp, Juicy - Eating or Cooking - 3 lb. poly bag Mclntosh Apples 29c Florida No. 1 Marsh Seedless Grapefruit 10 for 55c No. 1 Grade - White Fluffy Cookers - 50 lb. bag PEU. Potatoes $139 California No. 1 - Green Pascal - Size 48's Celery Stalks IforI3c Ontario No. 1 Grade - Tender - 3 lb. poly bag Washed Carrots 19c Richmello 16 oz. unit3 Peanuf Butter Ambrosia 15% oz Creamed Rice lforsey Brand 15 oz Grapefruit Section. Clover Leaf - Fancy Red S..ockeye Salmon Imported in Oil14e tyjar z. tin 25C z. tin s23c ,s tin 49C Billionnaires Sardines2 for 39c Lib' in~ T.S. 15 oz. tin iCooked Spaghetti 2 for 31< 33c 33< 29C 35< 29C [in 35c Values effective i Bowmanville until closing tirne, Saturday, Februar-? 28th, 1959 DOMINION STORES LIMITED OMINION SOum blON 1mB rA1U Kraft - Plain or Pimento 8 oz. jar Cheez Whiz Richmello 16 oz. jar Sa lad Dressing Richmello 8 oz. pkg. Cheese Slices Ayim~er 16 oz. jar Sweef Gherkins. Short Grain 2 lb. pkg. Regal Rice Pantry Sheîf 7 oz. ti Bon eless Chicken a will b. uuggestions fethe.con.e ti-ol of nemnatiodes ln tobmcco, the importance of selectn a suitable v'ariety, sterilization of tobacco seedbeds, and trmporte ant factors that affect quality. LONG SAULT Mn. an'd Mns. W. Vaneyk were Sunday suppen guests at Mr* and Mrs. Jake Van Damn, Nestie. ton. Mr. and Mns. Bill Johnsoni and Linda were Sunday visiters at Mr. and Mrs. John Wotten, Burketon. Margo Murphy spent Sunday night with her grandinather, Mrs. Murphy, Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwanden and Anne and Mrs. Lucy Pen- Iwarden were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. R. Cain- eron's. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker were Friday evening visitons of Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameren. Mn. and Mrs. R. Cameron and Mrs. Lucy Penwarden were 'mua- nsday dinnier guests of Mrs. Ha* zel Cornish and Mn. Jack Cor- ish, Port Hope. Mrs. McLaggan attended 4H1 and Club 50 on Tuesdiay evening. Mrs. McLaggan and Murray were Wednesday evening visi. toris at Mr. and'Mrs. Art Young- mnan's. Mr. and Mrs. McLaggan and faonîily were Sunday visitai-s with Mr. *and Mrs. David Craig. Mm. and Mrs. Charlie Penwar- deil and family m-ere Saturday evening visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Earl Penwarden and SundaY supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs. -THU MAT, M. 2fth, lon TR É"AVA"TAV -QOPAMWelffAW IUMIW"A%"?"TV ^V9PAIDT^ .-- ibAmw.ý f