THUIRSDAY, FEB. Zth.. 1959 TH~ ~AT~AT~TAW ~TAW~.MA~ ROWMANVTT.T.P~ O!T'T'A1~TO UAV~U - - -.-- vaw £m~ SOLINA MWlnand ilMlrs. I)-aràuraylor and Wflia,~,y siedon unday with M&t Ts '5grandparen ti, Mr. and ; Iton Samnis, En!ieid, adwi h te relatives hon- ourMr Samis on his 79th ~'R~. Fraser is neceiving inedicaf attention in Toronto. M-lr. C. E. Shortridge is con- 'VaZescing at Strathaven Rest NOW beautifui spatter effects ,you. can DO YOURSELF Jk-T(one~ MULTICOLOUR PAINT deoeratlne effeet e won't fade, streak or pos- e omazlne one-cent spray <.verage oven ove, rough surfaces *con ho crubbed firne offer tîne Ideai fer won, woodwerk, Buy new Petal-Tone at... ~ ABERNETHY ;AND WALLPAPER 3nK.lgSt.W. MA 3-54311 Home, Bowmanville and will be happy to receive visitors. Mrs. Ralph Davis was hostess at a kitchen shower, Saturday evenxng. honoring her niece, Marilyn Davis, of Oshawa, whose Inarriage takes place in March. Guests ineludeG friends and several relatives. The Temperance program in Sunday School was arranged by Mrs. R-alph Davis. It includ- ed a story read by Pearl Leach, a reading by Peggy Milison and a vocal duet by Mrs. Murray Vice and Miss Donna Vice. The Solina Good Neighbors Club met Wednesday night. The program consisted of enjoyable selection.s by the Kedron Maie. Quartette, accompanied by Mrs. R.oss Lee, a reading by Mrs. Boyd Ayre and an interesting account o! ber recent trip to Chicago to attend the Interna- tional Congress attended by 4-H Club members of many coun- tries, by Helen Knox. The sewing course classcs under the supervision of Mrs. Wes Hills and Mrs. Ewart Leask have been held in thie hall. The finished garments were taken to Orono for Sum- mary Day on Tuesday after- noon. Synipathy is extended to Mrg. Walter Parrinder on the death o! her brother. Arthur Bromeil. o! Dearborn, Mich. With rela- tives Mrs. Parrinder attended the funeral on Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Bruce Tink and family, Mns. Addie Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox attended a surprise panty for Mr. and Mrs. Pency Dewell, Hampton, on their. 2th wedding anniv(er- sary. Their many !riend.s here extend best wishes to Evelyn and ,Percy on this happy occa- sion.' Congratulations to Dianne Tink on passlng her Grade II Theory exam with honors. Bradleya Community Club wilI have their social evening tonight (Thursday), Feb. 26. Mrs. A. G. Stocks, Brookln, visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pas- coe. Mns. 0. Lunn and childnen, Peterborough, visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. Rcy Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hilîs an.d children visited Mr. and Mrs. M. McCarrell's, Omemee. Mx. and Mns. N. Fice andi Keith, Tauntoni, visited Mn. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Broome. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright and Betty, Enniskillen, visited at E. Hockaday's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Knox, NGONEY AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGESI RALPH S. JONES Barnsiter and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 MEN'S 2-PCE. SUITS PANTS OR SLACKS PLAIN SKIRTS - - w Ail Round Enjoyable Evenîng' Features Lions Ladies' Nighf, A deliciaus dinner, outstand-1 ing extertainment with lots o! laugis and a very friendly at- -nisphene, topped of! with danc- ing added up ta a memonable Ladies' Nigit for thc Bowman- ville2 Lions Club memberstber wives and special guests.0 Tic event took place in the Lions Community Centre on Monday nigit, Feb. 23. As eacà lady entencd the auditorium sne wvas presentcd with a lovely corsage. The banquet tablcs were attnactively decorated with beautiful bouquets o! iris, daf- fodils and yellow 'mums, and mauve and yellow candles, ca:r- rying out the club colours. Seated at th2 head table with President Ralph MeIntyne and his wife Le, were chairman if the Ladies' Niglut, Bob Williams and is wife Rutb; Rotary Pre2- sident Rex Walters aind bis wife Mary; Lions International Councillor Herb (Deac) God- dard and his wife Neli; Kinsman President Charles Cattran and his wife Lois, Canadian Legion President Ed Ruridlc and ils wife Edytlîe; Lions Zone Chair- man Brentan Rickard and lus wife Jean. President's Welcome President Ralph Melntyre. gave a special welcome tathie widows o! Lions members, Mn.. Wr. H. Binks, Mrs. J. J. Browil and Mrs. C. A. Bartlett. He also welcomed new mcmbers and their wives, Bill and Pat Burk. Jack and Ev Dunn, Ivan and Dorotiy Woolsey, Ed anud Etlu- na Ewert. Witi Bob Williams taking aven, the toast ta Lions Inter- national was given by Jim. Bell and reesponded ta by Interna- tional Councillor Goddard. A nicely worded tnibute in bon- aur o! tic ladies was g«iven o,' Clarence Hockin and receivPd a neat and appropriate neply !rom Lee Mcîntyrc, who was Brougham, visited at John Knox's. Honnie and Marily n Kncx spent last week with the John Knox's. Miss Jean Cryderman, Mr. George Bittner, Oshawa, visit- cd at E. Cryderman's. Mr. 'E. Ormiston, Ebeniezen, visitcd at .Torn Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Glaspeil, Lindsay, visited at Isaac Har- dy's. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker wcrc- Sunday tea guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Sam Dewelî, Hamp- ton.1 Mn. and Mrs. E. Larm-3r, Blacks 'tock, wvcre tea gucsts with Mn. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and daugiters. Mr. and Mrs. Wcs Werrv visited Sunday cvening withi Mn. and Mrs. A. Muir and fani- ihy. Courtice. Mrs. Eddie Roberts and chlii- nen. Oshawa, visited Mn. and Mns. Stan Millson. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Mllson. nnd sons, we-e Sunday visita:;, witl \IrM. and Mrs. D. Coates et Wiitby.1 S~~~Lrn;==1 a 0 0 presented with a lovely bouquet With him, Mr. Mountford of red roses. had his son, AI, a personableý Don Allun and Byron <Bar- young man who played the of the luclcy draw prizes which bers in pleasant easy style were most attractive gifta, beau- young Scottish lass, Chris Es-ý tifully wrapped. The reciplents plin, who sang "The Road Toi were Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. the Isies" and other songs of Jack Roughley, Mrs. Bob Rey- the heather with plcasing man- nolds, Mrs. Ed Leslie and Mrs. ner and delightful Scottish ac- Joe Flett. A lively sing-song cent; her father, Dave Esplinl was led by Sam Black withi who acted as accompanist fori Ross Metcalf at the piano. the show and' played a fine Bob Williams in introducinX medlcy o! Scottish songs; and the evning's entertainment, ac- outstanding dancer and baton knowledged the assistance of expert, Zena Cheevers of To- his committee members, Vice ronto. President Joeé Cooper, Don Al- Amazmng Skill lin, Ralph Kelly, Cuthbert Me- Donald, Bruce Semple, Barne; Miss Cheevers who has led Vanstone, George Webster, Vie majorette exhibitions at Grey Mill2r, Howard Gibson, Sam Cup and Santa Claus parade. Black and Wally Braden. gave a display of the high'y Personality and Talent skilled art of baton twirliiiîg Iwhich left ber audience gasp- It took master of ceremonica ing. Particularly effective wvas Vince Mountford of Bramptorl, her routin-3 ith lighted batons, himself a Lion, about thirty sec-I red and green, in the darkend onds to have his audience iri room. the hollow of his band. He had Her Spanish, tap and acrobi- an easy, friendly personality tic dancing were top rank per- which made contact at once andfomne l.Aralyha- his jokes, songs <a little danc- jformaesd as.A eaydbilath- ing Ihoni o odma audience, but probably not as sure) and banjo playing were m hby h mrmt o th2 kind of entertainment that pucrf y ero impromptu o-n appealed to everyone. Further- iperformeeer Bb illrciahe more Mr. Mountford was ob-1 isChersntucdinte viouly njoyng imsef ~ hip-swingin.g intricacies of th2ý much that the atmosphere cau.&IctCokeY 0O,2y". Bob waq a good and ie ad v~ryne ingn~1sport, and thie duo act brougrit such old songs wjtà him a3 ol f agtr "Let Me Cail You Sweetheart", Foll,)wing the entertailiment. "Golden Slippers" and "My Old chairs ivere cleared away andU Kentucky Home". If anyona dancing vas enjoved to the mu- needed the blues chased awav, sic of Ron Tomlinson of Ajax. Mr. Mount!ord accomplishe,1 Tommy Masterson called off the job in no time flat. His 1 for square dancing. "patter" o! jokes and commen-1 The delicious turkey dirnnerj tary was free o! the rather force was catered by the Home and ed style o! so many MC's. School Association. !)ecreati*On §keveiç,s By Douglas Rigg Minor Hockey Due to the Skating Olub*s Annual Carnival there were no ...or .Hockey games playcd last week. Gamies schcduled for thi.j wcek a-e as follows: Saturday, February 28th Bantam League 7:00 a.m.-Lions vs. Pirates 7:45 a.m.-Huskies vs. Brav-s (Clean Ice) 8:40 a.m.-Tigers vs. Cubs Pee We2 Leag-ue 9:20 a.m.-R. Wings vs;. Bruins (Clean Ice) 10:20 a.m.-Giants vs. Cana- dians 11:05 a.m.-Hawks vs. Rangers Lions Midget League 3:30 p.m.-Raiders vs. Orph- an s 4:20 p.m.-Ciencrals vs. Corn- ets Manday, March 2nd Atorn League 4:45 p.m.-Barons vs. Rams; The Pee Wee game schedulecd for Wednesday, Mardi 4th be- tween tic Giants and Hawks bas bcen cancelled and will bL, played at a later dat2. Atom Leagut Ii the Atom League playof t gamne played last Monday after- noon the Barons scored t wo goals early ini thc !lrst perioci, Lo defeat the Hornets 2-0. Ash- ley Osmnond and Donald Rogers accounted for the Barons' twvo goals. The win movzd the Bar- ons int'o first place in th-zý pla*y - off standings one point ahead of the Rams. Teenage Bowling Larny Piper turned in a ter- rific one mari show last Satur- day aftcnoon ta pace hus lea- gue-leaders ta a 7-0 shutout in I over Ray Twist's second-pla- cers. Piper rolîed up a big 819 triple on gam2s a! 309, 269 and 241, as bis teanu turned baci- Twvist's first place bld, and movcd in front by 13 points. Lowvell Hi ahi!ield's outfit downed Bob Riciard's cella*..- dweîlers 5-2. ta move into aI Feconri place ti:!, while Jinu Moorcraft's crcw' were droppir-., a 5-2 decision ta Ben Tbamp- son's tcam. Don Weish came witlain a sin - gle point o! a 300 game, and Jim McKnight racked up a 2941 single. McKnight was second to Piper witb a 633 triple, fol- lawed by Alex Wiseman 624, Don Bagnell 623. Don Welsh 619 and Ray Crombie 616. Connie Osmond's team took aven firat place by two points, wien they defeated Virginia Browvn's outfit by a narrow 4-3 margin. Barbara Bnown's bowl- ers, continuing to, slump lost a 5-2 contest ta Linda Brooking's basement holdens, ta drap out of first place for tic first tirne since the stant o! the second schedule. Virginia Brown rollcd a fine 280 game, whicb paved tic way for lien higi triple of 593. Othen liglu totals were negistered b7y Linda Brooking 565, Barbara Brown (550 wlth a 234 single) and Charlotte Hooper 521. Boys' Teamx Standings Pins Points Lanry Piper 23362 41 Ray Twist 22323 28 Lowell Highfield- 22267 28 Jim Moorcraft- 22053 27 Ben Thompson 22099 26 Bob Richards 20920 1ai ,, .., &.. aa div u*Yis» TeAm~I Cannie Osmond Barbara B-own Vinginia Brown ILinda Brooking buuin5s Pins Points 17363 35, 17é766 33ý 16-d-4. J.J 16307 17 Stars of Tomorrow Contest Anyone intcrested in enteringr tie Bowmanville Choral Sa. ciety's "Stars of Tonmorrow Con- test" arc reminded thiat ail ap- plicatians must be retturned to the secnetary, Miss Helen Nlc1 les, by thîîs coming Saturday,! February 28th. The cantest is open ta al ne- sidents o! Bowmanvillk, whici includes any students attend- in.& Bowmanvillc Higli Sebool, Whio are under 21 ycars o! a.«2 as of January l½t,1959. - - ;$1.00 50C - - -50C lows: Bowmanville 10, Central 8, O.C.V.I. 8, Donevan 4, and Pickering 0. Boys' Basketball The boys' teams travelled ta Pickering last Friday evening and. came up with their best showing o! the season againât their arch-rivals. The Bantams Ipasted thein opponents 61-7, al- lowing the Pickering teamn only one point in the second hal!. IThe Juniors de!eated their op- Iposition 43-35 to give themn an even chance ta take the league lUttle. The Seniors were defeat- ed bv only a few points 47-31 and certalnly gave the high- ranking Pickering boys a scare. %Confidence is wonderful, cape- cially if the other team bas to) mucb of it. Last Saturday in the New- castle arena the B.H.S. teachers went down to a close defeat in a inter-sehool hockey game bv a score of 2 to 1. The other teamn came from a Toronto high school and the B.I-LS. teachers almost scored a number o! goals ini the last, five minutes. Thc star o! the game was B.H.S., 1 10A form teacher Mr. Sheridan who did a great job ail night and picked up the only B.H.S. goal, as well as a beautiful black eye. This Friday four members of the school wi]1 go to Saltfleet high school which is seven mile's from Hamilton, to take part ini the Ontario Student Council conference. This is the second annual conference and those students representing B.H.S. are Marg Vanstone. Connie Osmond, Howard Rundlc and Charle~ Trii. ich "had to be" win the Junior.- Boys' basketball teani came up with against Pickerin.g, cornies an even more important garne this Fniday evening ini Whitby. To tie up first place, held by Whitby, B.H.S. has to win this game. If a lot o! sup- port ;s on hand this team cao do just what it did last year and have a good chance to bc the C.O.S.S.A. nepresentative in the AIl Ontario tournament that will be beld in Oshawa this year. Now, ta guarantce better sup- port for the teanis a busload o! sp2ctators will be leaving with thie teams at 3:00 p.m. on Fnl- day afternoon. It will cost al those interested 50c and the buses will return at about 9:00 p.m. Juvs. Take Round The-e ill also be a special Bowmanvillc Legionnaine Juv- Gnoup competition for Hi.,, eniles downed Thorni-ilîl 7-3 in Sebool students. the second gamne o! Tuesday A total of Fifty Dollars wi1î night's double-beader ta take be divided amnong tic top tirc tic round 17-7. By winning the winners in tic contcst. serles, tic locals continucd tai A panel o! adjudicators f romu advancc in the Juvenile Minon Toronto will select tie winncrs. "A" playo!fs. Tic judges for tic co'îtest arc Gary McCullougi was tic big as follows: Mr. Robent Plunkett, gun in tic Legionnaire attack Ilead o! tic Music D.sPartncrt with tirce goals, while Bnian Western Tecinical Sclîool Tc- Hughes fired a pair and Bill Os- ronto; Mn. C. I. B-ay, Music De- borne and Eric Carleton added pantment, Malvenn Collegiat" Isingles. and Mr. E. Sand; Master oi 1 Bill Hogg, Don Anderson and Education, SupervisinZ Princi_ Gary Stamp scorcd for Thorn- pal for Markhuam and VaugIiin ill. Towvnships. Leginnares Midgets Beat Capture Tidle Lida 7-0 The Bowmanville Midgets E astrn O t. nade tiuein initial start alongi Easte n O nt theplayoff trail an auspiclous ~ ~ .~. nc?2?. andinc Lindsay a 7-0 de- Legiorunaires trounced Trentoni Flyers 10-2 ini the airport dity Saturrlay niglît toa viuitic round 24-4 and capture the Eastenj On.tario Juvenile Minor "A"' ThLeeïoPairesfaund theni- Felves on the losing end twi'ce, as L2avcy scored ini the openiing ten seconds, and after Roui Po- land luad eveîied things up,, Jamieson pût tic Flyens ahead again. That uvas ta ,b2 the last tume tic homesters led all nigluht, and caoticir final goal, as Bill Osborne and Jrv 'Gill scor- cd bz'ore Uic period endcd ta r4îiake it Bownualiville 3 Trento.i Bill Cnozscy, Osborne and j Bria Hughes sco"cd ini tic mici- die seSsion, and the sanie tlîrec- soinebit again ini th,- third p2r- iod to run th? margiiu ta 9-2, before Paul McCullaugh fired the final goal of tlie garne. AI- tliou_,'i it wasn't cuite aýs baà as thc game lucre, there xvas still a big differcrnce ini the shuots on goal, as the Lgoî nanes outshot Ilîcir nivals 32-19U. &creechi Barbara Brown and John JamesJ Tic scnipture reading was donc this week by Betty 1 Branch, Banb Brown. Myrn'a Petenson, Carol Maguire, and Enic Carlcton. Girls' Basketball Last Fniday at the tourna- ment in Donevan, the Senior,~' wcrc nal able ta win tiir games. Tbey bast ta PickeringJ 8-5 and ta Central 15-14. In the. f irst game Marie Cooney scored four points and Barb Brown one point. Elva Reid scored 5 points and Marie Caoney four points ln the second game. Tic Senior standing is as !allows: Central 10, O.C.V.I. 8, Bowrnanvile 5, Pickering 4, and Donevan 3. Tic Junior games were cx-j actly the opposite. Tiey defeat- cd Central 17-13 with Donna Bragg collccting eignt po ints and Linda Rackhamn six. Jarci Treibal scored scî'en points and 'Donna Bragg six ta win the scc- ond gamne against Pickering 21. j 1 5. Tic J union standing is as fo". ietUiAiiere e sut '-iursaav ÂLkigii.i 55 KING ST. E. at 1 6c for 24-oz. IThe decisive victory gives the locals a commanding lead inth two game total goal miinor "A"' series. The Bowmanville team didn't appear to have a weak link, as they displayed a fast-brealcing, smoot.b-openating attack, back- ed up by a steady defence corps, ta completely dominate the play. Brenton Hughes notched the anly goal of the opening period, on passes !rom Terry Black and Alex Wiseman, while the visit- ons wene shorthanded at 1:55. The winners extended their margin to thnee goals, when Ron Johnston and Doug James rapped in a pain o! quick tallies mid-way through thie middle session. Johnston walked right in front from the corner to bag bis. and James slipped the puck under thc goalie, after Nelson Yeo had fired !rom the blue- line. Joe Bothwell picked up an assist o! the first goal. Wiseman fired a bullet ta thc top corner from 25 feet out, a!ter only 43 seconds bad elapsed fi the third stanza. Bothwell had carri2d the length of thîe ice1 before whipping a corner passj out back to Wiseman. Johnstor' got the draw in the Lindsay end and Bothîwell proniptly picked the corner on a risiiî'- drive to send tlic locals into a 5-0cde Following tic most potent at- tack by thîe visitons o! the whlîoe game, Hughes broke away and bulled bis way througli th2 defence to notch lus second goal on a flip to the short side rt 12:30. Wisenman xvas also ini the play. Wisenman put Black into thec dean for thie final goal a mnutc and a hiAlf latt-r. Hughes started the play wlth an accurate pass ini the centre zone. Midgets Defeat Tren ton Bowmanville Lions Midgets turned it on with five third period goals to down Trenton Lions 11-3 in thc !irst game o! a two-gamc total goal Minon "A" Midget senies here Tuesday night. The locals ran Up a 4-1 first period lead, and bath teams niatclîed a pain o! second pertod talles, befone the Bowmanville crew opened up in the final pcriod. Alex Wisemuan ucored tour tumes and Brenton Hughes turn- cd in a bat-trick performance ta pace the winners' attack., Don Bagnell, Ross Turner, Tenry Black and Ron Joinston added singles. Ken Taylor, Lloyd Koss and Reg. Mitts scored the Tren- ton goals. En joyabIe Dance -at- Legion Hall The regular monthly dance held by Brandi 178 o! the Can- adian Legion at flic Legion Hall, Qucen Street on Saturday even- ing was an enjoyable affair. Ted Taylor and bis orchestra, Ajax, provided a varied prognani o! popular music for dancing.. Special plans are ibeing nide for a gala St. Patrick's dance ta be lîeld by thc Legion on Satur- day, Marci l4th in the Legion Hall. James Fair, chair- man of thc entertainnment coin- mittee, wiîl be in charge o! ar- rangments for tic event. Aunt BRE THIS WEEK 0NIn2fi LO.AVES$ -90R 00 BO WMAN VILLE Lf b"? Uj A nnouncement CLIFFCREST CLEANERS opening at 71 King St. E. Bowmanville SATURDAY, FEB. 28 ALL TYPES 0F DRY CLEANING SHIRTS A SPECIALTY Opening Specials! ONER WEEK ONLY LA4DIES' PLAIN DRESSES $1000 PHONE MA 3u7061 FCïk PICK-UP AND DELIVERY Operafed by LOUNE McBUARRJE IN FUTURE AUNT NARY'S BREAD WILL BE SOLD EXCLUSIVELY AT TATE'lS RED& WHITE STORE Special circulars are in the mails offering an aazing array of hargains ai Taie's Ihis week. THE CANAIDIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO '%% ^161 il PACM REUR mory"s