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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1959, p. 1

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* ,, III "I I 4 ~Use Our l"'-las sif ied s .),n n.. Durham County's Great Family Journal T~n¶1T1EAWTXTTT T nrrmA DTPn rTTrnoT'tAV 't'DDTTA1:7 ' e4i., 195Q 7-. £' u ragesJ VYJ.Iti74V ÂLaLEUýkI, ý~JE~tilL.J L ýkl1QL/j .I.g £ LIJLfl,. I .min1, iaLUU% J ý 10fe Per Corv pied High on Main Street Residerits were again surprised on Tuesday morning when they encountered huge piles of snow on their way to work. The Dept. of Works crew had taken advantage of the night time hours to bulIdoze theý heavy f ail of snow into great heaps for easy loading and removal by trucks. This photo was taken at the east side of the Library Building and wiIl give readers 50 Or 100 years from now an idea of the pld-fashioned winter we encountered i early 1959. [LQ.D.A. Dinner In dustry Knows Importance ,-f Having Happy Workers, . Industry is conscious off the ner meeting from Bowmanvile Importance off having happv were Elmer Banting, president wýorke1*s, James A. Roberts, as- off the Lake Ontario Develop- ,le depu ty minister off trade ment Associ4tion, and chqirman < cmmerce. told the Lak loff the event; Councillor. A. K. %, D"levdlopmrent Associa- Sturrock, who repiresented Bow- ~at the dinner meetin.g heid manville Municipal Council, and nPeterborough last week. Mr. the following members off the -eob2rts pointed out that before Bowmanvilhe Chamber off Com- cstablishing new factori nm erce: Clarence Hockin. James an area, the industrialist looks Bell, R. P. Rickaby, and K. N. for adequate hospital, educa- Morris, secretary - manager off tional and recreational facilities. the Chamber off Commerce. Those %vho attended the diii- There were 225 members and guests at the annual meeting off the five year old association I- ,crmfIwhich represents 42 cmui '58 Mr. Stanley Wilkins, admin- t o fthe Memorial Hospi- »pânted out at tle board *mIeetng on Feb. 18 that the number off patient days for the ,,month off January 1959 were ~1,658 as compared to 1191 for January 1958. The average num- ber off patients daily were 53.5 which is an increase off 15.1 over january 1958. .The number off outpatient visits încreased by 33 making a total off 242 for the month. Laboratory proceedings increas- cd by 272 with a total off 881. The opinion expressed by the ,board was that the increases were flot due entirely to the new Government Hospital seheme but rather to the type off cases bcing treated at the present time. It is hoped that by the March meeting there wilh be more te report on the extension whicii iurgently required. $aturday is Deadline for Singing Contesi tics between Bowmanvihhe, De- seronto and Haliburton. It was reported that In the past year four new industries h-'we loca- ted in the area, and the associa- tion'à efforts have brought $500,000 in tourist money to the six holiday resort localities within its boundaries. Elmer Banting, the presidenit off the L.O.D.A.. stated that he is convinced that regional de- velopment is not only necessar-. but will in the future play aý large part in the building off solid foundations under the' area's economic growth. One Year Con tract Granting 5c hr. Boost Signed at Goodyear At a wehl attended meeting in the Legion Hall on Sunday affternoon the United Rubber Workers Union, Loçal 189, rati- fied a new Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company off Canada, Ltd., contract for the\ Bowman- ville plant. The members off the Union bargaining committee were D. Kemp, the preident; H. Cobbledick, Tom Yf -rson, Jim Coyle and M. Prou t. The contract, which became effective Sunday, February 22nd, will terminate on February i9th, 1960. A general wage increase off five cents an hour is given1 to ahl workers under the new contract. The hiring rates are aiso increased by five cents an hour. The eight and a quarter hour shifts will be discontinued, and employees formeriy working these shifts will work an eight heur shift per day. - The rates off pay wihh be increased in vary- ing amounts for the eight and a quarter hour jobs noW reduced to eight hours. The' rate for certain eight heur jobs wiil be increased per hour. Install 10 New Heaters Since New Rates in Effect Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers was off icîally welcomed as a 'new member by the chairman, M. J. Elliott, at a meeting off the Bow- manville Public Utilities Com- mission held recenthy. It waà moved by W. Ross Strike. se- conded by Mayor Carruthers that Mr. Eiliott continue as chairman for the coming year. Deadline for the "Stars off Tô- A letter was read frorn the mnorrow" contest being sponsor- Ontario Municipal Electrical ed by the Bowmanvihle Choral Association and the Associaton Society, is this Saturday, Feb off Electric Utilities advising the 28. ýcommission off the annu ýh con-i Young singers under 21 years vcntion te be hehd in Toronto off age as off Jani. 1, 1959, who on March l6th and 17th. G. T. are resident.s off Bow'man',ille VanBrdger, manager of the, or students attending Bowman- ville High School, are eligibi- . eo p tii n, a d i ne s w Cl % h a i n a n be assistingz artists at the next n W r Choral Society concert and will b. paid for their contribution .i Th :cnpetition is open to T A I r 'groups in vocal and instrumen- 4C on aweIasigecnetns4classes from the high school. s0de e ,f'AXiudicatôrs are from Toron- rRobert Plunkett head off mu- The Retail Merchantq Section Western Technicai Schoni; off the Bowmanville Chambcr -K. 1. Bray, music department. off Commerce working with Po- MIalvern Colegiate: E. Sand, M. lice Chief Bernar~d R. Kitney E., Supervising Principal, Town- recentlv set up a warning sys- @I$p School Are!i No. i, Mark- tern that is working wehl, and ji~ and Vaughan. now has come te be regardcd jjpplication forms mav be ob- as a model for other c2ntres. 'Kljned from Doue Rigg. Recrea. The Financial Post in the issue tion Deoartment: Mr. D. C. Po-;off Fcbruary I4th carried a front ters. MuFî Snersrr Bow- pa2e ý;Irv' on this Bowmaa- *tnanvil1e High Schr'n,!: nr MJ,.-s ville titain re-artion systern. aid :MeIen Nelles, U Elîin St. ilauded its value. Adverse Publicity 0 'n Dailies Brings StatemntfromMayior Public Schools« Open House Next Week Education week Is being observedl throughout the coun- try next week. The three Bowmanville Public Schools will hold Open House during the week, A. M. Thompson, supervising Principal of the Dowmanville Publie Schoois, announced on Wednesday. H1e pointed out that pupil's woric w111* be on display i the ciassrooms. The Open House provides an excellent oppor- tunity for parents to learn utf the progress being made by their children, to meet their teachers and te, diseuss any probiems. Open House will be held at Centrai Public Sehool on Mon- day evening from 7 t. 9 o'eiock. On Tuesday evening Vincent Massey School wil have Open Bouse from 7 to 9. lVednesday eveninx the Open House wili be at On- tario Street School from 7 to 9 o'clock. Called to Texas Rcv. Wm. Spencer Rev. Wm. Spencer, son off Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer, Nonquon Rd., Oshawa, (formerly off Park St.. Bowmanvilhe), has accepted a caîl to the Crestview Evang- lical Free Church in Austin. Texas. Mr. Spencer was raised in Bowmanville, attending the South Ward and Central Schools and also Bowmanville High. He worked in the office off the Goodyear for three years, be- fore going to Prairie Bible In- stitute, Three Huis, Alberta. Alter graduating he served as a missionary in Brazil with the 1Unevangelized Fields Mission. Whiie there he married the for- mer Ruth Johnson off Winnipeg. His wife's health failed and they returned to this country. Alfter- ward he went to the U. S. and was pastor for two and a hall years in Alvwood, Minn., before taking up his duties Feb. 1, 1959 in Austin. Texas. They have Iwo boys, Philip 41/àanid Alan 3. 200 Attend Special Scout Service Sundayl Çi3ts and 9ÇAeces WHERE DO THIE HOGS GO? - Just when Durham is to corne under compulsory direction for Hog Mark- eting, Chief Justice J. C: McRuer upset the hog cart by declarîng invalid the vote held last July. Once again the marketing picture is in a turmoil until an- other vote can be held. Those littie pigs are certainly causing a great deal of confusion. No longer can it be said that "they just went to market". t t i .t tt HEARING NEXT WEEK - The appeal on the two liquor questions which were voted on last faîl and defeated here will be held in Cobourg next Thursday, March 5th. Evidence will be presented by a large riumber of witnesses concerning alleged irregularities in the voting. No information has been reheased from either the town or the Citizens Committee conéerning any defense which they may present. Hearing starts at 10 a.m. t. t t t t FLOOD DANGER - Port Hope is still very worried about the danger of floods in their community. They have set up a flood emergency committee, established an emergency cali of three 30 second blasts on the f ire siren and arranged for sand bags. It is a nice com- fortable feeling to be sitting on a mound between two valleys such as we have in Bowmanville, but with al the snow there is piled up in the north, we too could be in some danger if a sudden thaw, plus rain, should strike. 1t t t t t PLAYOFFS STARTING - This weekend, the Comn- bines wil open their Intermediate playoff series with Minden, starting on Saturday here. They played their first game in Bobcaygeon Weclnesday night. Third game will be here next Wednesday. Ail games at 8:30. The teamn is in great need of support, not just moral, financial as well. So, let's be on hand to give them a lift. Incidentally, the Midgets and Juveniles appear to be well on their playdown trail after knock- ing off ail opposition which has reared its head to date. Their games, if you haven't seen any, provide plenty of pep and excitement. Keep an eye out f or the next one. t t t. t t FIR&- FIGffTING- HELP - -ý-ýBowmnanvillets Fire Brigade will have help in the form of additional, much-needed water at the next blaze in the west end *off Darlington, if arrangements work out. as planned. There is a volunteer group in the Varcoe area, formed somne time ago, who have acquired a truck complete with a 550 gallon water tank. If they are notif ied, they * will rush their.truck to the scene, filling up at the hydrant just inside the Oshawa border. It might be worthwhile cutting this bit out and putting it along.. side the telephone. Numbers to call in this order are Jim Castie RA 8-1006, Gerald Estabrooks RA 5-9959, Tom Iliffe RA 5-5437 and Guy Chambexr1in RA 5-4925. If you receive anf answer at any of those numbers, the truck will soon be on its way. i. t t t t NEWCASTLE WINNER - This week, Mrs. Allan Spencer of Newcastle wins $10 worth off merchandise certificates for her submission to the Cartoon Capers contest to be found on page nine. Each week, more and more people are enjoying this contest and earning certificates which may be cashed for goods at any off the participating stores. You might as weIl be the next winner. It's easy. Look at the cartoon, check through the advertisements for words out off place, piece them together to make a titie for the cartoon. Then, compose a brand new title which you think is as good or better. That is the one that wins the prize, but you must have the other one to qualify. Attach a sales slip from one of the participatine stores and your entry may win $100 in certifîcates at the end of the contest. Receives P.UC..wasinsruced o mke More than 200 BoyScus arrangemes ntfrcthdoe wno Girl Guides, Cubs and Brownies airanattensfr Bomanvlle.paraded to St. John's Anglican will offethefffolowning c- Church on Sunday afternoon. Pa~~mentThe special service in observ- counts was authorized. Electric ance off "Baden-Powell Sunday" Department - November, $23,- was held at 2:30 o'clock. It was 265.04, Eectrie Department -- an impressv eeoy Deparment-$No4eme.0 $12.- The Co lour Parties advanced Deparment- Novmber$12, up the aisie off the church and 903.91, Water Department halted at the head off the con- December, $5,850.34. Igregation with the flags hehd A letter wus receivcd from at the carry while ahl sang the Ontario Hydro approving theiNational Anthem. During h proposed lower fiat rate s for1 singing off the hymn "All Come water heaters. The manager, Praise Your Lord and Saviour", Mr. Van Bridger, advised that the Padre, the Rev. A. C. Her- 10 newv heaters have been in- bert, received the cohours from stalled. the standard bearers, and plac- cd them in the sanctuary. Elizabeth Herbert. a Brown ic, M repeated the Brownie Law, Cub: ýing S 's terr Scout Robin Virtué repeated the Cub Law, Elizabeth Cale, a tS Guide, repeated the Girl Guide Law, and William Cobbin, a erchant Scout, repeated the Boy Scout Lawv. Then ail the Scouts, Guides, Cubs and Brownies ini a M ode I turn, each group in unison with Last Friday the secretarv- A prayer and the recitation off manager off the Bowmanville the Apostles' Creed foilowed. Chamber off Commerce. K. N. The lesson was from Corinth- ., Morris, was visîted by a mcm- ians 12, verses 12 te 27. The f ber off the Public Relations De- hymn "O, Son off Man"' was partment off the Bell Telephone ,un'. Company off Canada, who -tod In his inspiring address PadreA Mr. Morris that he is writiag Herbert refferred te the beauti- At an impressive cerernony last week, Scout Ji Michael Charles and Wayne Hannan is on the right, hold.. an editorial on the warnin% s I fui stained glass window in the McDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald, Sivr ing the Troop flag. Bowmanville's newest Queen's Scout tem for the companyv paper. goutheast corner off the church. I St.. Bowmanville, -%vas presented with bis Queen's Scout has been ini Scouting for six vears and in 1957 attended Through the Chamber' H4- e% plained that it had hen4l Bad2e, thc' highest. award in Scouting. Scoutmaster, tht- American Sentit Jamborpte at Vile Forge. He is now CoreTe Retail Merchant te i, me<nnriaI windonw to i ae (Cotinlue* on page seven)3 (Continued on page seven) J Charles Biggs is shown presentmng the badge. At left 1 studying hairdressxng in Oshawa. DaJiy papers reaching this area last Friday publish- ed a Canadian Press story concerning a private bill sponsored in the Ontario Legisiature by Hon. John W. Foote, V.C., member of Durham. The bill authorized the Town of Bowmanville's issue of debentures for sidewalks, sewers and watermains. The story carried a statement bý- J. W. P. Carter, Deputy Municipal Affairs Mînister, that the bill was need- ed to legalize projects ordered by th& town clerk without a by-law. "He just went ahead as though he was running his own back garden. He was replaced hast fail, and now they are uncovering his commitments", said Mr. Carter in the Canadian Press story. His Worship, Mayor Wilfrid Carruthers, gave the following statement on the subject to The Canadian Statesman. Alick Lyle, the former Bowmanville Town Clerk, could not be reached for comment. The Mayor's statement: "In view off the fact that a private bill was passed by the Ontario Provincial Legisiature to authorize the $46,640 deben- turc issue for local improve- ments in Bowmanville, and a Canadian Press release on the subject received some publicity, an explanation may be in order. "This procedure was necessary because the local improvernents in question had flot been sanc- tioned, or approved, by the On- tario Municipal Board beffore construction took place. The debenture covering the cost could flot be issued until ap- proved.__The paymentsby the property holders on these local rimprovements (sidewalks, sew- ers, etc.) dating back several years, have simply been defer- red. In the meantime the town has borrowed money at the cur- rent rate of interest. No Question of Integrlty "Council regrets that thIs should have happened as it is not good publicity for the town. In defense of the former clerk. Mr. Alick Lyle, and in order to clear up 3fly rumours which may be circulating, it should be stated that Mr. Lyle's honesty or integrity is flot questioned on any matters relating to his form- er position as town clerk and treasurer. "Some things were done which did not conform to the rules and regulations under which munici- palities must operate. Council realîzes we may be criticized (Continued on iDage seveili Two Local Men Injured In Three Car Collision Two local men were injured in a three-car accident on Sat- urday evening at il o'clock. It happened on No. 2 Highway, one and a hait miles east off Oshawa at the Prestonville side- road. A 1955 Oldsmobile, driven by Adoniat Dorval, age 27, Elgin Street, Oshawa, coming east, and a 1951 Ford driven by Alvin ,Qufinney, age 20, R.R. 4, Bow- manville, sideswiped. The Quin- ney c&iý which *as west-bound-, went out of control after the col- lision and hit an east-bound 1956 Chevrolet driVen by Richard Andrew Lawrence, age 18, Bess- borough Drive. Oshawa. Reginald Willatts, age 22. 2 Liberty Street, Bowmanville, suffered lacerations te his face and head. He is a patient in Memorial Hospital. Mr. Wil- latts was a passenger in Alvin Quinney's car. Mr. Quinney sustained a broken leg and head cuts. He is in Oshawa General Hospital. R. A. Lawrence, whe received a lacerated forehead and abrasions te his left knec, in also a patient in Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. Constable Patrick Harte-Maxwell, O.P.P., investi- gated the accident. Three other men were injur- cd in a highway accident on Sat- urday afternoon. It occurred at 2:55 p.m., one mile east off New- castle on No. 2 Highway., The cars in'olved wereh k 91#31P,'- mouth coupe driven by Ernest Quance, Brooklyn Avenue, To- ronto, and a 1957 Dodge driven by Ferne Nevill, Vienna, Ont. Mr. Quance was driving east. When he topped a small knoll he saw the Nevili car coming toward him in bis lane, out off control. He applied his brakes but was unable to avoid a col- lision. Ferne Nevili, age 24, and his brother, Donald Nevihi, age 27, (Continueci on vaLle seven) Mass Survey for T.B. WIli Be HeId in June An organization meeting was heid on Feb. 17 in Port Hope and plans formed for *the Dur- ham County tuberculin test and mass TB survey which will be held the latter part off June. Doctor T. W. Hawke off Co- bourg, president off the Not7th- umberland-Durham Tuberculosis Association, and general chair- man off the survey, chaired the meeting. Present were Mr. Gordon Stokely off the Tuberculosis Division off the Departmeint of Health, Toronto, who will direct the Durham survey,' Mrs. Mar- j orie Pewtriss, executive secre- tary off the Northumberland- Durham TB Association; Mr. J. S. Laurie, Mvr. Mack Irwin. Mr. Alex Carruthers and Mrs. C. M. Harrison. Clinics will be hehd in June in Enniskillen, Hampton, Court- ice, Bowmanvi]he, Newcastle, Orono, Pontypool, Garden Hill, C a v a n, Bethany, Yehverton, Biackstock and Port Hope. For the first time, ini Canada. tiiberculin tests will he used in this county survey. Snow Statesm a n Telephone, MA 3-3303 Â1IVÂ.riJ% i ^Admissions Up Over Hiis Queen's Scout Badge 9 a .1 Q

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