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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Feb 1959, p. 2

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M Arqv I H AAINSAEMAEWMVrmnNABOTUSATE Ot,15 1.E£T 'Appeasin.g SmaU Communities' Ex - Member Hits School Boc PORT HOPE -ThFe decision of Durham County district hîdIh sehool board to build three relatively small high schools is' lacking in both realism and ini- tiative, Dr. R. F. Richardsoi, a former Port Hope memnber of the board, said in an interview Monday, Feb. 16. Dr. Richardson. wha reSigiirid from the board Iast rnonth after serving about 15 months, described the decision a api-j peasement of srnall comrnuLn-i ties, and said that it resu ltedl from. board members being moi-e concerned with local sen- sibilities than with thc wclfarc ai the sehool childi-en ai the area. Last ycar the boai-d's decision ta bulld a 300-pupi school at O-ana was nullified by the re- fusai oi fout, municipalities ta give tentative approval ta the board's choice af a location. Clarke Township, in which IOrona is located, as well as Port Hope and Hope Township, gave their assent, but Newcastle, Darlingtan and Millbroak turn- cd down the Orono site, cach imunicipaiity claiming that i should have the new. sehool. Bawmanvillc's Stand Bowrnanville sided with New- castle and Darlington and witb- held approval, and Cavaxi iTownship, xvhile it neyer voted on the matter, presumabiv would have followed TlilbraOok%. Appraval aoftÈve municipalitii.s is necessary before the boaru cati procced with new construc- tion. Dr. Richardson said that while .-crxing on the board lie hadi ptLrsonali ' accused a xnember from Orco nt the meeting cf i appeising Millbrook by suggest- ing that the board recomniend a 150-pupil school there. The sugge' zion was macle only so that the Millbrook and South Cavan councils would assent ta a schrooi at Orono, Dr. Richardi- zon said. "If Darlington iiad igone along with the Orono site, they would probably have had a largo school in their munîcipality i xvithin a fevi vears," he saxd, "becausc the Orona school viauid onlv have taken the immediate pressure off the crowded Bow- man ville school, and another schooi would have been needed in the wcŽst b2fore long." "Standards Stay" "Now we will have no im. pravement in the standard of education," Dr. Richardson con- tinucd. "Goad- teachers are re- luctant ta acc2pt pasitions at small schools. Also the cost ai operating a small school is much higher per pupil than that uf operating a large ane." If, then, the cost, is going Vo be gi-coter, bath initially in con- struction, and later, in opera- tion, and the standard af cdu- cation is not going ta improvp, why should vie support a scheme which is contrai-y ta the recom- mendations ai the departmnent ai education?" "Until cach board member can look at the overail picture af the ai-ca impartially, and without consideratian o! the local prejudices ai bis own municipality, the members from Port Hope and Hope tawnship, 1 viho a-e in a neutral position l because fadilities ot the Porti Hope sehool are adequate for the time being, cannot cantri-ý bute ta an equitable solution, since they ai-e constantly out- votoéd, bY' the other members." Dalng Their Best Doctor Fichardson paid tri. bute ta tac unstinting work ai the Port Hope and Hope repres- entatives who, he said aie doing the best job possible under the circumstances, but wliose ef- forts are nullified by the "bick- ering"l amang the noi-thei-n and western inunicipalities and their representatives on the board. The former member said he had ria doubt the three-school recommendation, whic-x includes a 300-pupil school in Darling- ton, a 150-pupil sehool i Mill- brook, and a 300-Pupil sehool cast of the Darlington-Clarke boundary, would be approved by the required number ai mun- icipalities. "Milbrook and Cavan will vote for any scheme which as- sures them aif a ncw school in Millbrook," hie said. "Darlingtoni will approve because thcy ai-e gctting a school, and Bawmarn- ville xviii naw probably vote for any seheme which will i-e- lieve the pressure on the Bow- manville school. The necessary i vote fifth xvillcorne from Newi- castle or Clrke, dcpending on 1 whether the third school is ta hob located in Newcastle or 1Orono."-, be a better location for a scbaol. "The vihole plan, devisedi as an appeasement for everyafle, will be costly and without mer- it, but will be adopted, subject ta the approval ai the depart- ment ai education, against the wishes and against the interests ai Hope and Port Hope," Dr. Richardson said. "'Some time ago I suggested that the Port Hope council look inta the desirability oi breaking away fi-rn thc aiea," he said. ".1 wish they had investigated the matter, because it could ba very costly if we are foi-ced ta pay aur share ai operating thi-e SWhat Others Telephone Co. HnIr'lc Ànnual irc P an MetUing5VUD *~ NEWTONVILLE: The Annual inefficient units. aiter belng Meeting of the Port Hope T'èle- foi-ced ta pay our share of buildi- phone Company Limiteti was ing them at a cast o! hundreds hcîd in their bffice at Newcastle ai thousands ai dollars each." crn Bat. Feb. 21st. 'II feel more justified evei-y Telephones lncreased by 49 ta day In having resigneti from the 1157. Lhoss revenue Increased board," Dr. Richardson said. $229t 7,4.0Ttlast "lIt became evident last year $2,82.00.Ta he434.0ntal ase that we were getting nowhere $2582.0 heltretrt aiter a vihole year af work, in- as ncreascd from 5 % o ta6 cluding many special Meetings cammencing April lst, 1959. called ta discuss the location of The five cent calîs anti $2.0 a new schaol. flat rate fi-rn Clarke andi New- III would pei-sonally not wish castle ta Orono was discantin- ta be a part ai the folly whicà ucti. bas been foi-ced on us by nar- A delegation fi-rn the Orono rowmindedness in the west."-' Telephone Companry Ltd., Mr. Peterborough Examiner. R. R. Waddell, Mr-. Lyall Lowery S5ay High Schooî at Orono In commenting on the deci- sion of the Durham County Iligh Sehool Board ta build three small high sehools instead of a single one at Orono, Dr. R. F. Richardson, a former xnember af the Board, majde some telling points. .lt is going to be more expensive, both in capital cos' and opcrating ex- pendittires, to aperate three smnall sehools than ta build and aperate one that will do the job of the three. But the factor in the way of one school. at Orono is, apparently, insur- mnountable; threc af the coin- munities involved, Darlington, INe wcastle, and Millbrook want to go their awn way, and two vears' of discussions have flot changed their minds. Thus, in taking into account local pressures, the High School Board is making way for more acute problems in the future. 1Part Hope and Hope, when lac- ed, with additional cast towards wvhich they have no real inter- est, may well elect ta break away from the High School Board and aggravate the prob- lems of paying for the schools. There will be, mareover, addi- tional problems af staffing and because of these problems the three schools will be unable ta offer anything but a watered.- 1dowui high school program. There are advantages in the building of schools in Darling- ton, Millbrook and east of the Darlington - Clarke boundary apart from effect on local sen- sibilities. One will be the con- venience for students attendingr NE WTON VILLE The Newtonvllle Wamnen's In- stitute 'held a progressive euchre partY in the community hall Wrednesday evening, Feb. 18. uwing ta the poor road condi. tions, the attendance was not as large as hrad been hoped for, but there were 14 tables of players. During the lunch and social hour, the foUowing prizes were awarded: gentleman's high score - Mr. R. Alldread; ladies' high score- Mss O. Johnstan; most lone hands Mr. T. Johnstan. Besides these, lucky draw pri- zes were woan by Mis. Roy Hall, Mrs. M. Robinison, Mis. IL Wade and Mr. Morley Robinson. BETHANY Mrs. Harvey Fallis, Lindsay, visited with Mrs. Richard Fal- lis on Thursday. Miss Betty hone, Belleville, was the guest of Rev. R. R. Bonsteel and Mrs. Bonsteel dur- ing the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. MaurIce McGee lef t this week for holidays in Florida. Friends will be sorry to know that Mr. Sandfield Staples was taken ta Civie Hospital, Peter- borough, on Thursday. The Cub Mothers' Auxiliary catered for the Cub Father and Son Banquet on Friday even- ing, wbich was well attended. Sunday morning service in the United Church was in charge of members af the Young People's Union. The choir was composed af their members di- rected by Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel. Those taking part in the ser- vice were Thomas Currie. Ross Neals, Murray Henderson and Miss Eleanor Rowan. The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church spon- sored a successful pot luck sup- per on FridaY evening. Mrs. Aiban Sisson won the lucky draw prize. Progressive euchre wvas enjoyed following the sup- per hour, with prizes for high score going to Carl Parteous and William Jordan; consola- tion awards to Donald Scott and Mrs. Ross Davidson. At the W.M.S. af the United Church meeting this week a life membership certificate and pin were presented to Mrs. IWinnifred Spencer, who Is the current president ai the society. Mrs. Herb. Coppins read a letter of appreciation ta Mrs. Spencer for her cheerfulness ndr vqlued cointribultions o! and Mi-. Robt. Moi-ton, attendeti on invitation fi-rn the Company. 'Me saine Officers vicre i-e- electeci Mr. H. S. Britton, Prs., Mr-. Geo. Finnie, Vice-Pres., Messrs. H. E. Walkey, H. Jase anti C. M. Jones, Directors. these scbools; Orono, for some, would be a great distance ta travel. But does this outweighl K N A the disadvantages of a drop in K N A educational standards? We IM.adMs akNaNi think fnot for the reason that sha andKeun Jackspentalew ay the problem of transportation is han eysntafwds easily overcome and throughout with Mrs. G'eorge Mercer last Ontario tiiere are plenty of ex- week. amples af students having ta Some frorn here attenrded the travel great distances without. John Deere program in New- any gross incanvenience. it i castie hall Friday evening. ta be expected too, that if a Mrs. Eddie Couroux and Ray, school were ta be built at Orono, Mrs. George Mercer, Mr. Carl relieving pressures on. Bowman- Langstaff and Mis. Gardon Lau- ville, a second higli school in gstaff spent Saturday aiternoon the Durham County Area wouid -i Peterborouh, alter encounter- becoîxie a neces.sity in a year or ixîg difficulties on Brimacomb*s two.1 Hill due to the blinding drufting This might be advanced as an ai snlow. argument for building the iMr-. and Mis. Carl Langsta±ff schools now, but without know- and daughters were guests of îng how a new school. obviaus- j Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Metealfe ly needed, as. Orono, will affect uuy the area, the site af another Mr. an.d Mrs. Allen Foster and cannot properly be decided. Dr. hsmteMs .E otr Richardson, wha resigned over lfbis a ,Mors. M.te. ser, this question, has examined the hltidaymohrnlainvestandspen situation fairly and impartiaîîy; hiaywhretveanfre- bis opinion should be cons ider- dsin f Virginia. ed well before the decision be- Another euchre party was cames inrevocable. - Peterbor- I held Friday evening at the home ough Examiner, ai Mr. anid Mrs. Eddie Couroux with five tables in play. The winners this time woere: ladies- E NFELDMrs. Gordo'n Langstaff and Ms ENFIELDMartin Manders; gents-.- Russel Mr.andMis EiierLee* Savery and Dat Mercer (on a iMr. and th Hr. EMeowne's-dgent's card). The lady winner K.e Lees th H. MKons aiofthe last party should have K. Les ofWhiti-cradi Mrs. Jack Stark iristead of Mr. and Mis. A. Abernetby, Mis. Jim Stark. As usual a iboun- Glenn andi Ellen, Mr. and Mis. tiful lunch was enjoyed. Another F. Abernetihy, Manilla, Mr. and euchre party Is being held, in Mis. Don Taylor andi William, two week's trne at the Uame Solina; Miss Corslna Samis, Osh- place when the lucky ticket will awa, wcre with Mr. and Mis. be drawn an the Auto robe. Milton Samis andi Miss Elsie. Last Monday evening in spite Mi. and Mis. R. Cowling, of the inclement weatber MrS. Whitby; Mi-. and Mrs. L. Wotten Z. Scott oi Millbrook conductedi andi children, Oshawa; Mr-. andi a paxty andi demonstration (at Mrs. N. Smidth and cbildren, Col- the home af Mis. Eddie Cour- umbus, were with Mrs. R. Giif- Oux when 18 ladies were present fin Sunday. Mis. Couroux and her helpers Mr. andi Mrs. D). Prescott. Jan- serveti a tasty lunch. 'ce andi Dianne, visited with the Neil Elliott has been In Tor- R. Smith's at Newcastle. onto this past seven weeks at- Glenn Prescott and Andy Mc. tendiuig Vocational School where Leod, Kemptville Ag. Schoal be has been completing his home weîe weekend visitors with the course on Diesel Mechardcs. E. and D. Prescott's. Mi. andi Mis. Ray Moore and Mr. and Mis. F. Sarnis andi sons, Taronto, were . Sunday familY visited, at L. Wotten's, guests ai Mr. and Mis. Eddie Oshawa. Couroux. We are glad to repart that Mr. and Mis. Bert Thompson Mr. George Moore, who was in hadi an enjoyable outing Sunday hospital, is at home, mnuc'h im- vihen Mr. and Mis. Ken Soper proveti. taok them over for a birthd-ay Friends oai Mr. andi Mrs. Will dinn-er ta oelebrate Mis. Thomp- Gray will be Sorny to know that son's birthday. The day vias Mi. Gray is ini hospital in cal- lavely and sunny but the roads gary, critically iii. viere a different matter. They Congratulations te Bruce Bow- ti-avelled iby car ovihile, then on man on bis perfect judging Score foot, andi finishd by taking the in the cantest held lu connection farmeî's com.muter train (thc with the AU-Canadian Hol- ti-actor) on te the bouse. How- stein show seasan., ever it all added spice to the occasion. V- -- - -Tiir i With many roods filled Inl by NELWT UN VILLE Mr. Douglas Ravie undcrwent a major aperatian et Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Thur- sday. Mis. Laura Hickey, Toronto, was a recent visitai wxth Mis. Wm. Milligan and Miss Beincice Milligan. Mi-. and Mis. Lermox Vasey, Port MeNical, spent tac wcek- endi vith ber parents, Mi-. andi Mis. Wm. Stapleton. Mr-. Sheldon Davis o! Egan- ville visited Mr-. andi Mrs. Mel- ville Jones on Sunday. Mrs. Sid Browin andi daugbter Judy bave been spending a fcw days with Mr. and. Mrs. Lcn Green a! West Hill. Mr. Brown wcnt up for them an Sunday. Miss Gloria Laine spent the weekend with Miss Jean Row- sell ai Hamilton. Mi-. andi Mis. Sld Lancaster attendeti the Massey-Fci-guson Convention helti at Detroit i-e- cently. Mrs. Wm. Nichols andi son Alfred. Port Hope, lookcd aiter taings at home during their absence. Mis. Chas. Hancock of New- castle viho passeti away on Feb. l6th of this year was the fl-at President ai the Newtonville Women's Institute back in 1912. Mis. Roy McKay o! Bronte, spent the weckend with Mi. anti Mis. Murray Porter. Mis. Joel Woikman who has been a patient in Mernorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, for the past moxt.h passed away on Saturduy in ber 88th ycor. The funci-al service wos belti on Monday fi-rn the George Funeral Home. Since ber husbanti's death some years ago, Mis. Woîkînan andi doughtcî, Miss Lily Wox-kran have remaineti on tbe faim noi-th af Nevitonville. The sym- pathy o! the commuunity is ex- tende t t those remaining. Day of Prayer About thurty ladies represent- ing ail Protestant Ohurches join- cd the W.M.S. lu thc World's Day ai Prayer service. Mis. Rev. R. C. White gave an insplring address. Mis. C. M. Joncs and Mis. Don Vinkie sang a duet "Goti Answcis Prayer." AU pre- sent cntcrcd into thc service in one way or another. Assurances that shut-in memtbers wcre fol- lowlng thc service at homxe help- cd ta make It tac truly worsbip and prnyer nm#ptng it Wrp.. Saturday's gale winds, flot so many were able ta get out. ta chiurch Sunday. Rev. R. C. White preactied his first cf a series of pre-Easter sermons. Mrs. Argus Curtis asslsted at the piano. The lovely baskets ai flowcrs were placed there in memnory a! Jas- eph Gordon by bis daughter, Mrs. Roy Littie. Friends of Joseph Gardon were saddened, ta leas-n of his passinin l Port H-ope on Mon- day Feb. 16 lu bis S4th year. Fun- ci-ai services were held, fi-rn the Jex and Smith Funcral Par- lours on Thursday Feb, 19. Mr. and Mis. Gardon were highly respected residents ofai " for many years before rao¶i, ta Port Hope in 1954. Mrs. Gâr- don predeceased him aebu h. years ago. Otu sympat~ tended ta his dau owat~ M rs. Roy Little, Kend al, aI *.e Walter, Oak Hill. and thýeir ilies in their bereavement Planning ahead is the mark of a good chess player ... and a good father. As the head of the household, a father plans the future provides for bis farnily whatever might happen to hlm personally ini the years to corne. This is why every father needa the protection of good 111e insurance. 7he Mutual Life of Canada can give you that protection with a low-cost life insurance programme tailored to your family'a needs and budget. The Mutual Life of Canada is the company with the outstanding dividend record. 189-ninety yearsof leadership in miut ual lii e insurance, --l seu 'MOp 1 _____ 'w. ' REPRESENTATIVE FLOYD H. 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