1¶IUSDA, TE. Gth 199 TT~ ANAITA STTESA?<J WANIyjT VTTXllY .dU£.flTt J.AE H? Îan gers Enrolled in Lttle Optimist ressive Ceremony i' ~Tuesday evening, Febru- M-,17 a very special event took bIÂce in Orono when the First Rânger Company for this dis- trict was enrolled. The meeting Wai held in the Sunday School Auaditoriumn of the Orono Unit- ed -Church, where approximate-1 IY 150 Guides, Brownies, lead- ers and friends gathered. The Guide Companies of Newcastle and Newtonville were present as guests. Mrs. G. M. Linton spok-i words of welcome and Introduc- cd the Orono Local Association Who were the hostesses for the evening. dledical Mirror Questions stubmitted by readerj are aPpreciaied and ansi'ers to those of general interest nill be Incorporaied in thcse columns :<'hen possible. ,Q.;"Claldren allen have colds oed luis hard la decide if and srlaen a doctor should be called. .4ny suggetions?"--êA reader. A. Yes. Medical advice should always be obtained if a "cold" is accompanied by persistent fever, soreness on swallowing, carache, cough with colored sputum, or chest pain. Such symptomns are oten associated with bacterial Ineton. Note to Mi'. X: Your husband's more or less recent Ioss of sex- lial abiity is flot likely to be zolved without niedical help. I cil probability the situation is flot due to something pizysical, such as prostate trouble, although a jin;dical checkup is certainly in j#der. Your sympathetic and un- *"'estanding approach ix a favor- able factor. This, plus profes- #lonal guidance, may improve the - ituation. Mrs. Ross Gilbart, Di strict Comm-ssioner, was chairmen and called on the Orono Guide Company who performt.d an in- teresting cendie isht c2remornv after which Linda Pears- was enrolled as a Guide. The Orono Brownies then came forward with their Flying -up c2remony when Margaret Mitchell and Mary Tennant flew int Guides. Margaret Mitchell was also presented with her Golden Hand badge. Mrs. Gilbert then cald on Miss Mary Horncastle, Provin- cial Ranger Advisor, Toronto, who in a very pleesing manner enrolled the following girls in the First Bowmanville-Orono Ranger Company: Beverley Bradley, Donna McGuire, Lil- lien Miller, Lynn Bradley, Con- nie Tyrreil, Joan Aluin, Marilyn Cobbledick, Heather Ruther- ford, Marilyn Major and Nancy King. Miss Horneastle, in h-2r i-e- marks, gave the new Rangers some very xorthwhile edvice and encouragement and stated sht- felt it quite an honour to enroli a Ranger company and especially the First Ranger Company in eny district. She closed her remerks by leading aIl the Guides end Rengers in the Guide Prayer. The girls of the Ranger Com- pany sang their Rangcer song which ahi enjoyed. The film "Guides ail Guides" was shown which was teken in 1957 at the Centenery Camp et Doe Lake. It wes most impres- sive to see the differerit nation- alities grouped tog-ether, al teking part like one big heppy f amily. While the L.A lade-s were prepering lunch the guests vis- ited the displav of dolîs dress- ed in Guide uniforms of differ- ent lands. Hot chocolate, sand- wviches and doughnuts were served to the younger mem- bers present with coffee for the~ edults. bringing to e close a very memoreble evening._ ýSMAltT HOSTESS! She knows today's trim moderns prefer light refr:shiment. neyer too s1weet, it refreshes withiout *filing. Plan to serve it at yuur party. Buy it in the handy 6-bottlc carton SMITH BEVEILAGES LTD., 124 Church St., Bowmanville, Ont. Deborah Mary Raynsford bas a happy smile as she looks out on life from the age of 20 months. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Raynsford of Newcastle. -Photo by Campbell's Studio, Oshawa Has Great GrandDarents Georgine Burn who p)redecees-, cd him April 12, 1957. 1 While in Toronto Mr. Pur-* don sang first tenor in the Cen- edien NeLionel Exhibition Choir! and also the Alexander Choir. He was e member of Trinîty United Church, Bowmanville. Surviving are one son, Har- old of Toronto, two daughtenz, Dore and Margaret of Bowman-! ville, elso- six grendchildren and two greet-grandchildren. Mi-. Purdon rested at the North- cutt and Smith Funeral Home,i -53 Division Street, Bowrn-j ville, until Thursday nîorning,1 Feb. 19, wheni the body wes removed to Trinity United Church, for service at 2 p.m. The Rev. Wm. K. Housiandcr conducted the funcrel service and Mr-. Arthur Collison wes at. the orgean. Cremation took pflace* et Toronto Crematorium. The' carillon et Trinity Church was: tolled for Mi-. Purdon's funeral which was the fi-st since it wes instehhed end dediceted. Among the beautiful floral' tokens were those of the Nor- thumber-land - Durham Healtli Unit, Bowmenville Recreatiron Depertment, the Staff of Rose- bank Road School, Business and 1 Professional Women's Club, the1 Staff of Rouge Hill School,i Hedges Furniture Limited, Bow- manville Choral Society. Pallbearers were grendsons, Kenneth Purdon, Theology stu- dent at Queen's University, Kingston, John and Burn Pur- don of Toronto; Blaire Reh- koph, Toronto, a grandson-in- law: nephews John Burn of Janetvilhe end Rev. F. James Burn of Sharbot Lake. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Feb. 16 - 22 Admissions------------------- 51 Biiths-3 maie, 7 female 10 Discharges -------- 56 Major operetions - -- __14 Minor operations --21 Emergency treetments ---18 Vîsiting hours 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. and 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thet is the most perfect gov- ernimcnt under whiclh a wrong to the humblest is an affront to aUl.-Solon.L jMORRISH Guiders Bri *The regular monthly meeting of the W.A. was held on Wed- EI I.J nesday, Feb. 18, at 2:30 p.m. at 1 l IQ V VIIit Mrs. F. Byers with 14 members f present. The chair was taken by the president Mrs. Helen Mc- Back in October when the Holm. Bowmanville - Orono Rangers The meeting opened with Company was formed, the girls hymn and prayer. Sci-ipture ver- discussed the possibility of ses ere eadby Ms. ~01~SPending a winter weekend et seswer rad y Ms.Harldthe Provincial Girl Guide Osborne. Lesson Thoughts and Tann etea o ae Praer y Ms.Frak Ade- 20 miles north of Huntsville. son. Vocal solo "I Wiil Be True", On Feb. 21, the possibilitv Mrs. Harry Beckett; reading, bz.came a fact when five Ran- Mrs. George Harness. A h3rmn gers, Heather Rutherford, Con- concluded this part of program. nie Tyrreli, Marilyn Majo',, The roll was called by the Marilyn Cobbledick of Orono, secretarT Mrs. Ann Herness. Lillian Miller, Bowmanville, and She also read the minutes of two Guiders, Valerie Bound, the lest meeting. The treesurer Ranger Captain, and Mrs. T. Mis. G. Herness reported the Buttery, Division Commission- vacuum cleener recentlY Pur- er of Girl Guides, set off by car chased for use in Church and for Doe Lake. Sun.dey School was in use anld on ai-rival. ehl dressed in as proved quite satisfactory. many élothes as possible and The business of catering for a set out to explore the camp, banquet early in June under the but soon found that snowshoes auspices cf Morrish Women's or skis were essential in the Institute was left to a committee deep snow. Getting used to - Mrs. H. Beckett, Mrs. Lloyd walking in snowshoes was na Mai-vin, Mrs. H. Osborne, Mrs. small matter, and most of the G. Harness and Mrs. Calvin party took et least one dive, Harness. into the snow. Mrs. Lloyd Marvin asked if They found that the outdoor oui- W.A. would send an entry tasks of fetching wood and wa- as a group to Port Hope f al ter were much more difficult in fair, and listed if so the articles. the snow and cailed for some The president thought the ceiling of the Sund-ay School should be fixed before the ban- quet elso the floor needs some Party HeId repairing. Now was a good trne to get it sterted. The matter willT ee r t ber home for the Mai-ch meeting iv thday also would be responsible for programn and lunch. Mis. Helen HAMPTON - A combination McHolm gave a piano solo "Rock birthday and St. Valentine par- of Ages," and a contest in charge ty was held at the home of Mr. of Mi-s. Byers were enjoyed. The and Mrs. John E. Rogers, Si-., meeting closed with hymn and 'onFrdyngtFe.1,i prayr b thepreiden. Ihonour of five birthdays. Among The social haîf-hour was next Ithe guests were the ladies from enjoyedl during which a dýainty On taio Hospital who are stay- lunch was served by the hostess 1.ing with Mrs. John E. Rogers, and« committee. Mis. F. Cornish Sr. and those at Mrs. Terpstra's pi-oposed a note of thanks to 1 were also to have been pi-esent, Mrs. Byers, lunch committee and but were unable to attend. those helping in program.Th iegrsoteHap teenaes 0 orrish arerinw ton Ai-chie Club gave a wonder- PteeHoeospial or hapeinful performance, enterteining Por Hoe Hsptalforappn-the 22 guests who were most dictomy trouble. They are Miss aprcaieo terefrs Bety Rmi n arSmI The five birthdays celebrated Hutnyke. We trust ahl goes well wvere those of Thomas Rogers, and oui- young friends will soon Thelma Bennett, John Rogers, return home. Jr., Jimmy Rogers and one of Sunday Sohool was held as us- the Club girls, Darlene Hall. ual with 39 pi-esent. Assistant The show was directed by Dar- superintendent Mrs. Fred Mc- lene and her sister. After this Connell conducted the session, a social time was enjoyed with Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wil- refreshments and a birthday liam McHolm were Mi-. and Mrs. cake made by Mrs. John Rog- Clair Werner, Mr-. and Mrs. R. ers, Si-. Baker and Mi-. and Mrs. R. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Baker, Jr., ail of Toronto. TheyJ Thomas Rogers and four child- were ýamazed at so much snow i-en, Mi-. and Mis. John E. Rog- and ice down thîs way and really ers, Jr., and their seven child- enjoyed a short walk in the deep ren, Mr-. and Mrs. John E. snow. Rogers, Si-., Mr-. and Mrs. Fred A correction in last week's Holroyd, Si-., and the ladies news. Those mixed up lines from the hospital-Mrs. Floirri2 should hjave read- Mi-. and Mrs. Wilkins, Mrs. Thelma Bennett H. T. Ayres celebrated very and Miss Kathleen Bleckwood: quietly the 5Oth annivei-sary of also the nine young ladies of their marriage at their home in th1ici lb l a Chiltenham, England. wonderful time. TIUE STYLE ave Snows ?àr Weekend close teemwork. Afterwa-ds, some girls rLvisited the camp- site et Birchcliff, familier to meny Guides in this area, while others tried their luck on skis. Saturdey evening was spexLt by most, very close to the fire. talking of Guiding in meny hands and wondering how Think- ing Day, Feb. 22, is celebrated in other parts of the world. Those present s-eelizcd that had it not been for Guiding, the.v svould flot have had the oppor- tunity of spending such a weekend together in fellowship and fun. 1On Sunday the Urne went ail too quickly. Ail the household chores were completed and soma timne was left for more snow- shoe walks. Soon it wvas time to pack the bags and Ioad t.lie cars for the journey home. A somewhat tired. but stili high- spirited crowd arrived back in Bowmanville at 7 p.m., with firm resolutions to go for a longer weekend next year. The girls were very grateful to Mrs. Buttery for helping out as a' driver, and for volunteer- Ing to cook for the group so that more time could be spent outdoors. He who is afraid of being too generous hes lost the power of being magnanimous. The best man or womnan is the most un- selfed.-Mary Baker Eddy. Here are, childr.n'sshoes backed by a clear, simplà G UARANTE E .4NEW PAIR "FREE if tihe soles ê ear out within 3 mondai Just think, nov my children wil outgrow their shoes before they cau outear the.m1 IMMEDIATE FLEXIBWILITY and cofot... need no breaking ln. WEATHERPROOF SOLES ri.gged, resiient and ukid proof. SMARTLV STYLED and with all the Hewetuon quulity feature. Prfed $9 ASK FO R %4'j HEVETSON Lloyd Ellis Shoe Store 49 King St. W. Phone' MA 3-59141 E VENT 0F THE YEAR BRESLIN Ys Para de of Sprin g Fashions Under auspices of Club 15 at BOWMANVI LLE WEDO#* HIGH SCHOOL MARCH 1-1TH 8:00 p.m. featuring Top Canadian Prof essional Models including Centennial Beauty Queen JUNE WOOD l and starring as Comment ator CAROL STARKMAN glamorous CBC-TV singing and dramatic star i Bowmanville a . TUURMAY, FM. 26th, 1959 PAGE THREU THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWBUNV=E. ONTARIO 1 m