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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1959, p. 12

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?NE c!AMAnTAI ~TAT~MAN. BOWMMqVULN. O?~TAR!O THUR~DAY. MAW 1~l1~ loqe SPIORTropic By Frank Mohun MA 3-7234~ I B. O. C.'s Now that the Bowmanville-Oreno Combines have shunted the Minden Monarchs aside, they will hook up as everyone knows with the Napanee Cornets for the league titie. Last year the Combines swamped Napanee in the opener and then proceed- ed to drop the next four and the Cornets went on ta defeat George- town for the Ontario titie in the next round. Ail of which would tenç¶ to make a person believe that Napanee, with the same lime-up as last season, is the team to beat for ail the marbles. The B.O.C.'s just could do it too. For one thing if's possible that they were a little overconfident after the easy win in last year's opener. This tirne they were playing Napanee in a regular schedule, and know what they are up against. Secondly, the locals appeared to be hitting their stride In the last two games against Minden. Another factor i,; that the Combines, with the addition of Westfall and Germond and the return of Raye West and Robinson, are able to have a couple of good players in reserve. Finally, and rnost important, Manager Frank Jamieson inforrns us that the team is out to avenge last year's loss. It will take an ail out effort, and with this kind of determination, Bowrnanylle-Orono can turn the trick. Athough this reporter does flot mean ta criticize. we do think the defence, although Ross Hawe says they are giving him fine protection, is guilty of being trapped in the opposition end on occasion. We realize that they can*t be perfect, even the pros aren't, but mistakes against Napanee would be costlv. We'1l go out on a limb, and caîl the B.O.C.'s to win in six games, but if it goes ta a seventh game in Napanee, the predie- tion is that Napanee will take it. Now let's get behind aur club and give them the incentive to make winning worthwhile. ti t t t i. HOCKEY FANS Corne playoff Urne, hockey fans are usually loyal ta their ow-n team, particularly it seems, the people who follow the play- ers ta the away from home games. The referees. the opposition and the other team's followers are "for the birds", while the loyal supporter's club can do no wrong. In the heat of exciternent, unfortunately, at tirnes a person's over-exuberance gets the better of thern, and hot words or even insuits may be exchanged. It neyer should get that far, but ,when it cornes ta physical violence ail sense of fair play has been ls.When a Coliingwood fan cut a Bowmanville partisan for six stitches at last week's Juveniile game, it was the worst thing we have ever seen among spectators at a sports attraction. Let us hope that no Bowmanville supporter would ever be so fooiish. ]Hitting another persan over the head with a hockey stick is going a lot toa far to proving your loyalty ta a team. t t t i t LEGIONNAIRES When the Bowmanville Juvenile Legionnaires saw a 3-0 lodgo down the drain, this reporter began ta see the hopes for a championship go toa. But they bounced back tu down Coliing- -ocd 5-3 :ta take the opener of a series which bas been extendedi t') a best of three affair. It was a real crowd-pleaser, although4 the locals have played better. If they corne up with a big effort Tuesda 'y night, by the time this Is being read, Bowmanville will have a team in the Ontario finals. If a third game is necessary it wll i aso be in Collingwood. Whatever the final result, the boys deserve a lot of credit for *the way they play the game, bat-uing bard aIl the way. Considering the fact that the Legion- flaires have beaten out three teams ta reach the semi-finals. the crowd at Friday nigbt's game was a disappointnient. Tickets1 wîlnevertbeiess probably be in great demand for the finals. Abi Mavin told me that the locals will wrap it up ifl the second game. Lets hope you were right, Ab.i + t t ± t TOWN LEAGUE HOCKEY A real battle is in the offing in tonigbt's first game, wben the Blockbusters take on Brooks' Construction in their final meet-t ing in the regular scbedule. A Construction win would tie them1 MEMORIAL ARENA Bowmanville Friday, Mar. 13 PUBLIC SKATING 8 - 10 p.m. Admission Aduits 40e Children 25e SATURDAYI NARCH 14 Intermediate "A" HOCKEY NAPANEE BOWMANVI LLE ORONO COMBINES ADMISSION Adtilts - 75e Children - 50c WEDNESDAY,, MARCH 18 Intermediate "A" HOCKEY 9.00 p.m. NAPANEE vs. BOWMAN VILLE ORONO COMBINES ADMISSION Aduits - 75e Children - 50e p. Juven îles Win Opener Defeafing Collingwood ,ln Hard Foughf Baffle The Bowmanville Legion- lingwood got the draw in their naires saw an early 3-0 lead own end and slapped a pass evaporate, and then bounced across the ice. back ta defeat the Collingwood Doug McLean tied the score Kiwanis 5-3 in a juvenile min- at 5:51 when the Bowmanville or "A" fixture. played at the net-minder was fooled on an M2morial Arena bore Friday along the ice slider, after the night. The game was the first visitors had kept the Legion- in a best of three Ontario semi- flaires hemmed in their own, final series. The second game end. Collingwood's Scranage xvas played in Collingwood had just gat settled in the pen- Tuesday night, and if Colling- alty box, wben Dan Cattran wood won, the third and decid- took Paul McCullough's face- ing encouinter will also be in off pass at the blue line and the shîp-building town. coasted in ta fire the winneri The Legiorînaires jumped on a well-placed drive mid-way into an early lead wben Gary through the period. Actually McCullough put bis own re- the Kiwanis were two men bound into the net at the 1:01 short, as the fifth player just mark. The iccals completely came off the bench prior ta the dominatîng the play, ran t5e play. Gary McCullough pokedl count ta :3-0, as Frank West- Carletori's corner pass-out bauser banked a drive in off a through a defenceman and the defenders' skate at 8:53 and goalie, fromn in close at mhe Eric Carleton finisbed off a 18:36 mark ta make it 5-3. three-wa « vtbrust with Bill Os- The teams battled through a borne and Gary McCullough, acoreless final period. altbougb a minute and a hait later. Bob the Leg-ionnaires had a two Seraiage slid the puck into the mnan edge for nearly two min- corner irumi right in front, as utes on a couple of occasions. goalie Mike Murphy had no Particuiarly in the first in- chance to make the stop, stance, Bowmanville did everv- Collingwood came out strong tbing but put tbe puck into the at the start of tbe second ses- net. sion Io knat the count in the 'Mike" Murphy turned in a first six minutes of play, Bob' fine goal-tending chore, whiie McKeen roared the length uf up front Gary McCullough tvas the ice ta beat Murphy clean- the big tbreat with Everett Iv on a clear breakaway at the Lake right in step. The de- 22 second mark. The play fence corps of Bill Osborne, wbich tvas fromn a set pattern, Dan Cattran and Ron Pollard worked ta perfection, as Col- was outstanding. Th ree Goals in Overtime Give Decision to BOC's After waltzing through a re- mid-way through the middle gulation 60 minutes of close- stanza. Chuci< Armstrong gave checking, listless hockey, the the lead back ta the locals be- Bowmanville- Orono Combines fore the period ended, on a turned on the pressure ta ram top effort when he stickhand- in three overtime goals and led rigbt through mhe defence down the Minden Monarchs 7- ta put the puck into the cor- 4, at the Memorial Arena last ner. Copeland drew an assist Wednesday night. The Mon- on the play, arcbs had plaYed their best McGill was ail ahane at the hockey of the game in the final corner of the cage ta belt in ten minutes of the third stan- Dean West's perfect pass at the za ta score tbree times and 5:35 mark of the third period, bounce back froin a 4-1 deficit. and Gary Copeland hopped in Keitb West triggered the win- fast ta take a return pass fromi ner on a slap-ehot from the. Junior West -ta make it 4-1 five face-off cii-cie at 4:57 of the minutes later. Larry Lonsberry avertime session. Gar-y Cape- got that one back within a land intercepted a Minden minute and Dan MacDonald clearing attempt ta set up the capitalized on a poor pass by play. Ted DeGray rifled home Copeland, just after Germond a blue line blast, a minute la- got the gate for tripping. ter, after taking a relay from Hawe gloved Jirn Shrop- Dean West. Ra.ye West picked shire's drive, but Whit Mous- Up Jackie Germond's break- seau barged in ta wack in the awav- pass, just as Ross McGihl tying marker at 16:14, Only returned from a high-sticking Hawe's sensational goal-tend- penalty, ta complote the scor- ing stopped Minden from net- ing. ting the xinner, as the Mon- Germond scored the onlv archs suddeni.y sprang ta life. goal of the opcning period, sid'- Lonsborry missed tbe net by ing *,fe dise past Shropshire. a countdry mile, aftor roaring from close-in ta finish off a in alone on a breakaway, and nice Dean West-Gerry Robin- thon Armstrong carried right son set-up. Bob Growden dre;v back and fired a sizzler which the puck back from a scramble rolled across the goal line, after ta loft a floater past the fallE-n ho bad boaten Shropshire with Ros:s Hawc.. knotting the count the shot. w th for first place with tbe Murdoch and Welsh crowv. Front Street, who bad their unboaten streak snapped last week, will play thé' )ept. of Works, who broke a winless streak last Thursday, in the nightcap. t t t j, j. MIDGETS' Althougb no official word bas been received as yet, It appears almost certain that Collingwood will play Bowmanville in the Ontario Midget Semi-Finals. If we have anything definite before the paper goes ta press, it will appear elsewhere. t t t t1- i B.O.C. - NAPANEE PLAYOFFS The first five games of the scheduled hest-of-seven semi- finals bav-e been agreed on by bath clubs as follows: B.O.C. vs. Napaneo -- Wednosday, March 11 Napanoe vs. B.O.C. Saturday, March 14 B.O.C. vs. Napane - Monday, March 16 Napaneo t-s. B.O.C. Wednosday, March 18 B.O.C. vs. Napanee Sat., March 21 (if necessary) t t t t t RAY "WHITEY" PRESTON We wore sorry ta bear about Ray Preston's injÙry suffered in a play--off game Iast week hotween Guelph and the Toronto Marîhoros. "Wbitey" who was carried off the ice on a stretcher will be lost ta the Biltmores for perhaps the balance of the season. After being deait ta Guelph, Ray has devoloped into the teamn's top defenceman. His loss will not only be a seriaus blow ta the team, but also a disappointment for his many supporters in this area. B, OC, Sftar of the Week THE B.O.C.'S We'Il leave it up ta Ca-Mahagers Hesper Dean and Frank Jamieson ta decide wha gets the Bowman- ville Surplus Store Award this week. As far as we're concerned-the team as a whole was aur collective choice as the Star of the Week. The Bowmanville-Orono Combines, after drap- ping the opening game against Minden, came back to win four' straiglit gaines ini eighit days. Particularly inl the last tw tncutnters, the Combines turîîed ini fine tuani eI'ioiît, as etrNI player in the line-up dug in and cld l is Ibcst. Tlherc-foîe here ar-e the stars of the «veek: Svd Aruuld. Keith West, Junior West, Dean West, Rave W'est. Ger- Ro binson, "Chuck" Armstrong, Ross Mc G;iil, Art Rennick. G;eorge Westfall. Jackie Germond, Ross Hawe, Don Mercer, Mickey Walker, Gary Cape- land and Ted DeGray. "MAKE OFFER SALE" â*ie USED CAR Check fhese Robson Mo fors *advanfages * Dependable GM Dealer Ob Reconditioned Units *b GM Goodwill Guara ntee 9b Low -Low Mid-Winter lb Convenient Prices GMAC Terms *Honest, Courteous, Prompt Service Before and After the Sale Selection - 60 Units to choose from 0 Fair Market Value Trade-in Allowance * No Hidden Charges or Gimmicks Look iat these Genuine BARGAINS"' e.. For Example 1956 FORD CUSTON COACH Gleaming Green Finish A Real I3eauty - OnIy License No. A17178 $119,5. 1955 DODGE CRUSADER SEDAN Custom Radio Dark Blue. A Honey - OnIy License No. A17634 $9950 1954 DODGE STATION WAGON Blue and White A Terrifie Buy at OnIy License No. 5727X Remember $895.ý 1955 OLDS 1118899 SEDAN Heater, Radio, Hydramatic, Power Brakes - Only License No. J28873 1953 CHEV. COACH You Can't Beat It at License No. C45900 1950 METEOR COACH It. RealIy Runs License No. A22522 m When you Buy a Used Car from Robson Mo fors for $495. or over you aufomafically qualif y for the FREE VAUXHA&LL DRAW I. 108 names - fhere are only 42 chances Ieff TRY NOW! ROBSON Pontiac 166 King BUY NOW! MOTORS Cars LIMITED - Buick eVauxhail St. E. "WHERE Bowmanville CUSTOMERS SEND THEIR FRIENDS t to be held very shorfly .-..- - r .-.- - *-U~i'~--' 'n '~ -~ w--' 1: IlIx .2. 't ,1 I 1* I s s f a il t i s; i t s 1' g s t ~4* t ~1 v 14 $1545. $6950 $49. -%m we now have *GMC Trucks MA 3-3321 STILL - i 1 . 1 ON"'@-il l 1 1 1 1 *0 Excellent ý.w- ri -,a THE CANADIAN STATES?&ffl, BOVfBIANVffLLF, ONTARIO TMMSDAT. MAPL 12& ion If you are considering fhe purchase of a

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