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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1959, p. 16

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3'A~E UiXT~ IUMRWWWWA R4%903ffl U qjuw '374L M A-.. ....LA l.,- - A 7À - - - -- - - - - - Articles for Sale MIXED hay for sale. Telephone Blackstock 72 - 13. 11-1 HAY for sale, good quality, bal- ed. Phone MA 3-2964. 11-1 HAY for sale, 300 bales, High- way 2. Telephone MA 3-2380. 11-1* JUNIOR bed, spring and mat- tress, cheap. Phone MA 3-3594. 400 BALES mixed hay. Walter Lawrence, Blackstock 14 r 4. 11-1w RCA TV set, good running con- dition. Phone Newcastle 3136. 11-1 DIiU15l BENNETT - Heather, Wendy anid Laurie are happy ta an- nounce the arri val of their broth- er James Scott (Scott) at Ca- bourg General Hospital, Feb. 18, 1959. Ron and Mary (nee Pickard) are the proud parents. il-le LUNNEY-MI,. and Mrs. Harvey Lunney (nee Allison) are happy ta annaunce the birth o! their son, Jeffrey Norman, on March 6tb, 1959, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviile. 1- OSWALD-Art and Lyn are happy ta announce the birth of their daughter Laura Paye on March sth at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. 11-1 WARNE-Gerald and Shirley (nec Hamilton) are happy ta an- nounce the birth o! a son on March 3rd at Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba. 11-1w SAVE on lumnber, dIrect from mil ta you. Phiilps Lumber Cao, Kînnxount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS eut automatlcally, while you watt, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E, Bowman- ville. 46-tf ATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ELECTRIC stove, four-burner; heavy duty, good condition. Phone MA 3-3474 or afternoons MA 3-5542. 11-1 EIGHT-foot John Deere fertil- izer and John Deere tractor "40'l with scufflers. Bath like new. Phone Oshawa RA 3-9049. 11-1' 1ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and mlal Lande Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock woal. Workmanship gu aranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf BRIDESMAID'S dresses, size 12,' one Iight blue crystalette, one mauve flocked nylon, matching hat and gloves. Phone MArket 3-3079. 11-1w' BALED hay for sale-Alfalfa, Brome Grass and Timothy, 40 cents a bale. Apply M. A. Pickering, Highway 2, New- castle, Ont. 1- DO your own floars and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanv'ille. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf USED washer parts, 1/4h.p. matars, $5.00 and up. Repairs ta ail wringer type washers. Guaranteed reconditioned wash- ers. Paddy's Market, Hampton. MA 3-2055. 9-4 BOWMANVILLE Home Im- pravements features aluminum doors, windows, awnings and railings. We offer a variety of floor and wail tules. For free estirnates Phone MA 3-2753 or caîl at 22 Division St. 6-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e gist e rs, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs toa ah makes. Frank Office Equipmenit, 177 Church Street, Bowmanviile. MArket 3-3986. 3-tf 500 BUSHELS real good Rod- ney aats, free fmom mustard, 75c per bushel; 250 large square bales o! well cured timothy and alfalfa hay, also alfalfa and clav- er mixture. Ahl $20 per ton at barri. Moreland Parmn at En- field. Phone MA 3-2417. 11-1 TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Flooru otfa&l description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramio Supplied and Laid Hf. G. HEAL 1.1. 1 Hampton NA 8-2902 25-tf jArticles for Sale GOOD quality mixed hay. Tele- phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf1 BALED hay and straw. Ken' Lee, R.R. 3, Burketon. Tele-i phone 74 r 3 Blackstock. 11-1 SCOTCH Pine seedllngs, 2-0 stock, $10.00 per thousand. Ap-g ply Sam Manetta, Pontypool,i Ont. Phone Bethany 20 r 111w. 8-tf COMPLETE smelt fishing out- fit, good wooden wheelbarrow1 for farm use. Rug, Axminster, 9xl5, good condition, haif price. Phone Oshawa RA 8-1505. 11-1* HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and 'cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf THE winner o! the new Sew- mor sewing machine given away at the Royal Theatre, March 7th, was B. J. Bruce, 96 Ontario St., Bowmanville. These machines may be seen at our store selling for $80 and Up. Murphy Co., King W. Phone MA 3-3781. 11-1* NOW Wrecking Faciory at Church and Division Sts. ALL TYPES 0F Lumber - Plumbing Heating Two Section Bolier with Link Belt Stoker Sleam Pipes One ta Three Inch Van Hamburg & Son SALESMAN AT JOB 10-2* ~ YOUR ESS essoÈ DTRIBUTOR FUEL OIL-GASOLIlNEH NIOTOR 011- - GREASE Livestock for Sale VEAL calves. Apply Z. J. Bens- chop, MA 3-2926. 11-1 SEVEN pigs, 10 weeks aid, and straw. Austin Wood, MA 3-2388. 11-1* TWO ten months' old Hereford buils, could register. Telephone MArket 3-2001. 11-1 RAISE Ducks - Muscovies - drakes ta 8 lbs., ducks 6 lbs.; $8 a trio. Phone Oshawa RAndolph 3-3445. 11-l* REGISTERED Landrace gilts and boars, four months old. Gilts due in April, bred ta imported in dam boar. Gray Bras. Tele- phone 3556, Newcastle. 11-2* EGG praducers - Dekalb Chix are bred for mare eggs - less death loss - more eggs per hundred pounds o! feed - mare profit. Buy Dekalb Chix now. Orchland Farm, H. J. Brooks & Sari, Bowmanville, Ont. 7-tf Mortgage Funds IMMEDIATELY available for first mortgage on improved town or rural property, $4,000, $3,000 and $2,000 in sepamate mort- gages. Pive ycar open; interest 7%, payable semi-annually. Le- roy Hamilton, Broker, Orono, 1 r 16. 11-3 Notices Cars for Sale '49 CHEV. haîf-ton truck. Phone MAýrket 3-2108. 11-1 '47 DODGE, custom radio, heat- er, cheap. Phone MA 3-5244. 11-1* 1948 PLYMOUTH coupe, good condition every way. 'Phone Oshawa RA 8-1505. 11-1* '50 CHEVROLET deluxe, new paint job, good shape, $160. Thor washing machine, $25. MA 3-5219. 11-1w THIREE-ton 1945 Fargo truck with good stake body. Best offer. R. Stenger & Son, Ennis- kiUlen. Telephone MAU 3-2824. 11-1 ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf '55 DODGE, spotless, royal blue finish, four new tires, motor as good as new. Special price for this week only $795. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Wýýhitby. For local rep. caîl John Stutt, A 3-3174 after 9 p.m. 11-1 '53 PONTIAC sedan, new dark green finish, automatic transmis- sion, radio, mechanically excel- lent, fully guaranteed, $595. Sea- way Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby. For local rep. cail John Stutt, MA 3-3174 after 9 p.m. 11-1 '55 BUICK, two-door, light green finish, just like new, automnatic transmission, motor runs like a dlock. This is a real beauty, special, $1345. Seaway Motors, 200 Dundas West, Whitby. For local rep. call John Stutt, MA 3-3174 after 9 p.m. 11-1 '53 CHEVROLET sedan, black with grey interior, excellent tires, motor in top condition, ,guaranteed. Special for this week, $595. Ceaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby. For local rep. caîl John Stutt, MýA 3-3174, after 9 p.m. 11-1 NOW-Run >'our car Without Spark Plugs Buy and tr the ail new SA FIRE INJECTORS-A ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Church St. Bowmanville Ontario '53 METEOR, two-door, riew -Banff! blue finish, four new tires, ultr excellent, custom radio. This car is in sharp con- dition. Special for this week, $695. Seaway Motors Ltd., Whit- by. For local rep. caîl John Stutt, MA 3-3174 after 9 p.m. 11-1 FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used Cars Cali JOHN STUTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 9-tf BUYIG OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Molors RA 3-4494 - les. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Juat East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf '57 MONARCH sedan, light grey and green finish, push button, automatic, radio and many oth- er extras. This is a very low mileage car and is in immaculate condition. Special for this week only, fully guaranteed, $2145. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas West, Whitby. For local rep. cail John Stutt, MA 3-3174, after 9 p.m. 11-1 '57 CONSUL six passenger se- dan, maroon and grey finish, like new, 7000 ta 8000 miles, styled exactly the same as a 1959, 38 miles ta the gallon. This car was driven by aur service manager, $1495. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas Street West, Whitby. For local rep. caîl John Stutt, MA 3-3174 after 9 p.m. 11-1 '55 MONARCH sedan, immac- ulate, damk blue and white fin- ish, autamatic transmission, radio and rear seat speaker, new white wall tires, spotless blue and white vinyl interior, motor like new, very low milcage. Pully guarantecd. This wcck only $1395. Seaway Motors Ltd., 2001 Dundas West, Whithv For Township of Clarke "" NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS Notice is hereby given te property owners la Lots 27, 28 and 29 in Concessions 4, 5 and the southeru ane-quarters of Lots 27, 28 and 29 o! Concession 6 lu DEPART1M the Township of Clarke that the Council o! the Township of Clarke propose passlng a by-law NOTICE T O Sý ta designate the sai area as an area of sub-dlvislon controlaind S PL t eknown as: U P Y AREA 0F SUB-DIVISION Separate sealed Bic CONTROL NUMBER 1 ilbreivdyt la accordance wlth Section 24 o!flbreivdy The Planning Act, 1955. This Port Hope, Ontario,i by-iaw ivili bc read out at theTU regular Council Meeting te be T E D held In the Council Chamber, Orono, on April 7th, 1959, be- Specificatians, Infoi glnnlng at 10 a.m. Any Inter- Envelopes may bec ested persan wishing ta discuss above mentioned adt this by-law in Cauncil may do is0 during the second rcadiung o! The lowest or any B the said proposed by-law. PoHo nt H. E. MILLSON, Cek otHpOtro n t, MA 11-1 Cars for Sale FOR NEW CARS or Guaranteed USED CARS See '"Siew"" Preston - at ROY W. NICHOLS Courtice MA 3-3922 or Oshawa RA 8-1370 11-2* '54 MONARCH- Lucerne sedan, original sharp, dark blue finish, with spotless matching interior. Motor is as good as any 1958 car we have. Power brakes, power steering, power seat, custom radio, automatie transmission, new whitewail tires. This car is absolutely a standout. Be sure to see and drive it. Special this week, $895. Seaway Motors Ltd., 200 Dundas Street West, Whit- by. For local rep. caîl John Stutt, MA 3-3174 after 9 p.m. 11-1 Repossessed Vehiele For Sale 1949 Chev. Pickup Serial No. 9131413312 1958 License Plates No. 14322C To be sold by publie auction to the highest bIdder at the STIRTEVANTS Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario, beginlng at 7:30 p.m. on March the 19th, 1959 ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Church St. Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customers 11-1* Repossessed Vehicle For Sale 1949 Dodge Sedan Serial No. 98009537 1958 License Plates No. C44957 To be sold by publie auction ta the hlghest bider at the STIRTEVANTS Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario, -beginnlng at 7:30 p.m., on March the 191h, 1959, ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Chureh St., Bownianville We - Build - Better - Customers 11-1* Help Wanted GROCERY clerk for Super- market. Write Advertiser 924, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 11-1 A WO)MAN or young girl ta mind three children while moth- er works. Anyone interested please contact MArket 3-3693. 11-1 MEN-Pleasant outdoor work. Average $2 per hour. No ex- perience necessary. Write Raw. leigh's, Dept. C-140-VV, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 11-1 LARGE United States and Canadian Manufacturing Com- pany requires Field Representa- tives for Clarke and Dariington Townships. Exceptionally high earnings. Guaranteed repeat business. Automobile essential. Agricultural or farming back- ground most important. Sales training given. Reply ta Box 84, London, Ontario. 10-4 SALES REPRESENTATIVE REQUIRED To enroîl Motor Club mnember- ships in this locality. The On- tario Automobile Association pravides the finest in Motor Club benefits. Pleasant work that can be handled either full or part-time. Rush your name and address for ful ,information as territories are being allotted now. You should haVe, a car and be from 25 ta 50, nhale or female. Write Sales Manager, Box 817, London, Canada.' 11-2 $18,000 IS NOT TOO MUCU FOR THE MAN WE WANT Because we pay our top men In other cities from $14,000 to $24,000 In a year, thîs opening in the Bowmanvllle area ls worth just as much ta the right man. If you are between 45 and 65 ... can make short auto trip- can eall on small town rural and Industrial property owners... 1 hope ta hear trom you right away. I would like to have you1 start with us soon and stay for a long tîne. Ail replies confi- dential. S. K. SWALLOW, Presîdent P.O. Box 789, Fort Worth 1, Texas 11-1 Tenders Wanted O N 'T LNT 0F HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO ýUPPLIERS 0F CEDAR POSTS CONTRACT No. S 58-3195 Is mamked Supply Contmact No. S 58-3195, the District Engineer, 138 Hope Street North, until 12:00 o'clock Noon, E.S.T. AY, MARCH 31sf, 1959 wmation ta Bidders, Bid Porms and Bid obtained from the District Engineer, at the [dress. 3id flot necessarily accepted. DEPARTMENT 0F HIG}LWAYS R[eal Estate for SaleI Real Estate for Sale1 Real Estate for'Sale' Leask Real Esial e 6 room bungalow, brick with stone trini, 3 bedrooms, extra cupboard spaoe, ail furnace. Thermopane picture windows in living and dining-room, recrea- tian raom in basement, circular drive. This is a beautiful home on Frederlck St. Terms. 5 room bungalow, new, 3 bed- roams, 3-piece bath, full base- ment, ail furnace. On 1 acre o! land. Cash $7,000.00 or easy terms. 5 room bungalow an east boundary o! Oshawa City, 3 bed- raoms, 3-piece bath, ail furn.ace, recreation room and garage. will trade for Bowmanviile prapcrty or sel autright. We have fanms, good build- ing lots, bouses too numerous ta ls. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Bgoker 6Ontanlo St. Bowmanvllle .MA 3-5919 i«S 011-1 McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and DistrIi Real Estate Board $ 14,300 full price for 100 acre farm with solid brick house, 8 rooms, rurining water, furnace, Barrns 65' x 35', wing 50' x 30'. Trout stream, paved road. 15 miles north of Bowmanville. $2,500 buys 10 acres of land with gravel deposit north o! Bowmanville. $2,750 down buys modern 2- bedroom bungalow. Balance payable $50 monthly. Why rent? $65,000 full price for one of Muskoka's finest resorts. 1,200' lake frontage, main lodge, 20 cottages with ail facilities, al furniture, boats, etc., included. Why work ail year when you can make a good living in the summer months? Reasonable down payment and terms, WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 1.1-1 Pel er Kowal-': REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. E. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 35 acres with a new bungalow. Smail barni, 4 acres orchard. On a good road. For price and terms cal Mr. Barton - MA 3-3098 100 acres with fulll une af buildings. Heavy wiring, furri- ace and so!t water in house. Will accept trade. Cal Mr. Kowai - MA 3-5868 6 room 2 storey modemn home very centmally located. Oul heat- ing. Hardwood and tile floors. Asking $13,900.00 with reason- able down payment. Beautifully kept 6 room 2 storey home on Duke St. Hot water beatîng with ail. Garage. Terms ta suit. 4 room bungalow near town on large lot. Garage. Asking $7,000.00. $2,000 down. We have numerous other prop- ,erties at variaus prices for your Inspection. 11-1 Pedwell Real Esie Large and es, service stlores, etc. smali farms, bous- stations, general1 VICTOR MANOR FOR SALE 7 suite apartmcnt bouse with store and 4 garages, room for 3 mare suites, located on main street o! Bowmanviile; revenue aver $4,000 yearly. This is a good investment at $32,000. Will cansider a bouse or $4,000 cash as down payment. 13/4 acres with new ranch bouse, on No. 2 Highway be- twcen Bowmanville and Osha- wa. House bas ail canveniences, attacbcd garage, large poultry bouse. Asking $12,000 with $4,000 down. 30 acres garden land an Na. 2 Highway and backing on 401 Higbway. Large barri, founda- tion for new bouse, water, hydro. This prapemty is on a corner and could be sold off in lots. -Asking $18,000 with $3.000 cash dawn or would corisider bouse in Oshawa. 10 acres on No. 2 Higbway, nice bouse, large chicken bouse, small barri, good garden land. $16,000 with $5,000 down. Would consider bouse in Toronto. Supcrtest gas station at Carn- cran on 35 Highway, daing 100,000 galloriage, repairs, liv- ing quarters and snack bar, no opposition for 5 miles. $22,500, neasonable down payment. Feed business in good village, large turn-ovcr. A rare appor- tunity ta get into a liye business. $15.000 with terns. Country general store with gas pumPs, living quarters, no apposition, doing a nice business. Property and stock around $25.000. Easy terms. 6 acres ganden land planted in all small fruits, solid brick bouse, close ta highway, poultryl pens. First time ofcred. would considen bouse in Bowmanville. $12,000. Money ta boan on first mont- gages. Salesmen: Maurice H. Pedwell Phone Newcastle 3851 Win. A. Heron Phone 12, Brookllu E. Jeffery Phone 238, Coîborne IR. C. PEDWELL, BROKER N.wcatl.- Ph~m3856 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Attractive frame bungalow at Maple Grove, bathroom, cup- boards, etc. One acre of ground. Low taxes. Full price $7,000. Ternis. $3,000 full price, 4 roon-s and bathroom, garage, clapboard. Low down payment. Here is a start for a young couple. $7,500 - $1,000 down, at- tractive white frame, 7 rooms, heavy wired, new oul furnace, 1of acre. Newcastle. Several Oshawa stores. We have several excellent properties suitable for sub- division, in Bowmanville and Oshawa. We can show builders an excellent proposition. 52 King St. W, Bowmanvilie MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesmen Len Blbbard, RA 8-1022 Ron Beatty, RA 5-2156 Jno. MiIS, MA 3-2495 Peler Feddemai REAL ESTATE BROKER 134 acre farm - 8 room house, large barni, implement shed: hen house, garage, trout stream, nice view. Price $22,000.00. Terms. 15 acres near Orono - 10 room bouse, large L-shape barn, gard- en soul; on pavement. Price $9,500.00. Terms. 4 acres on Highway No. 2, level. Price $1,500.00. Two acres, 2 room cottage, hydro, stream. Give us an offer. Owner must sell. Bowmanville - 5 room bunga- low, bath, full basement, oul furnace, garage. Price $7,000.00. Terms. 4 room bungalow, large lot, hydro, well. Price $4,200. Down $500.00. Several lots as low as $300.00 per lot. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3644 11-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 5 room bungalow, Liberty S., featuring large kitchen, living- room and 3 bedrooms. Oak and tule floors, hot water heatîng. Weil fenced yard for children. Lovely shrubs and fruit trees. See this one for a gaad buy. Edsall Ave., owner transferred, offering almost new most mod- ern bungalow, ail conveniences. Oak and tule floors featuring four large thermo-pane windows overlooking lovely grounds. Newcastle east on highway, aider 7 roomn on large lot. New ail furnace, oak floors, cup- boards, close ta school. This praperty has N.H.A. possibîîities. Business block, central, three stores, twa apts. and 7-room ad- joining house. Above properties ready for your inspection. Spring is almost here, friends. List vour property with us. 11-1 De Wiih Real Estate 20 Acre farm on 35 Highway, ideal for nursery, market gard- ening, chicken fanm, etc.; 7 roomcd bouse with running wat- er, 60' x 36' bank barri, drive shed, etc. Price $9,000 witb $3,500 down. 100 Acres near Newtonville, 95 acres workable, ceek, ideal soil for tobacco, L-shapcd bank barn, etc.; 10 roomed frame bouse, beavy wiring. Price and terms arranged. 100 Acre farm, 75 acres work- able, 15 acres bardwood, 2 streamns, 75' x 32' bank barn witb running water, drive shed, ben bouse, double garage, silo; 9 roomed home wîth all modern convenicrices, bardwood floors throughout. Asking $17,000. Ternis aranged. 100 Acre fanm, 70 acres work- able, 2 barns witb running wat- er, drive shed, pig pens; 8 room- cd home with 4-piece bath, fumn- ace. Asking $ 17,500. Terms ar- rariged. 200 Acre fanm, 140 acres work- able, 60 acres wood, creek, large bank barn with running water, also..in pig pen and hen bouse, machine shed, silo, etc.; 8 room- cd home with all moderncari- veniences. Asking $20,000. Ternis arrangcd. 1'/2-Storey, insulatcd, solid brick double home on main street, Bowmanville, wlth 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, gas furn- ace, running bot and cold water, etc. Asking $14,000. Tenms ar- rariged. 6 Raomed, new, brick home on 10 acres land with ail fun- ace, 4-piece bath, kitchen cup- boards, clectric water heater. Price and terms arrariged. 5 Roomed bungalow in New- castle with modemn conven- lences, niew ail furnace, etc. Ask- ing $8,500 with $2,000 down. 4 Roomed home with garage on 5 acres land, locatcd east Newcastle. Asking $4,000 with terms arrangcd. 7 Roomed home with ahl mod- crn conveniences with 5 acres o! land, located on a bighway. Price $8,000. Terms. 5 Roomcd brick veneer bunga- low in Bowmanville with all modern canveniences, and ga- rage. Price and terms arranged. Contact: John F. De Wilh Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phone.334 1 Salesmen: Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvllle MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phone 21 r 6 Dan Boehm, Garden Bill j Phone 6Br 11 ài - 11-1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE, Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appraised - L. M. 'Allison Real Estate Droker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, OýL. Two blocks north of trafflc signal Newcastle 5-ti. Auction Sales The undersigned auctioneeir will seil by public auction thé- balance of stock of Hampton General Store on Thursday, March 12th, the property of! E; DeLuca. Sale will be insidé'b. Sale starts at 7 p.m. Tertmi cash. No reserve. Cliff Peth. ick, auctioneer. 1- I have received instructions from Mr. Frank Devine of the. Park Plaza Restaurant and serv-' ice station on Highway 115, one mile north of Orono, to selI by public auction on Saturday, March 28th at 1 p.m. sharp, his entire household effects. SeC, bis. Terms cash. No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioneer; Lawrence -. Harris, clerk. 11-2- Mr. Marshall Chatterton, Lot, 32, Con. 6, Clarke Township, on*.., mile north and a haîf mile west o! Orono, bas sold bis famm and will scîl by public auction on Saturday, Marcb 21st, bis eri- tire berd o! Halstein milkers and springers, rime choice Hereford ycam-olds, McCormick-Deering combine, neamly new; baler, bale elevator, ful une o! tractor mia- chinery, 1,000 bales o! bay, 1,000 bales o! straw, grain, patatoes, furnitume, poultry, etc. Sale of furniture and tools te commence~ pramptly at 1 p.m. Pumtber pare ticulars see bills. Terms cash.-", No reserve. Jack Reid, auctioné cer; Lawrence Harris, clerk. DISPERSAL SALE PEEL COUNTY HOLSTEI1rl.4' DISPERSAL AND PIRE SALA>- MARCU l 6tb at HAYS SALES ARENA, OAKVILLE, commcnc. ing at 1 p.m. Complete Disperse ai of rcgistered berd owned b3r John H. PearFon, Strectsville. Mostly Central Ontario Unit breeding, brcd ta a bigh record son o! "Treasure Model." The barns of DR. I. R. SPARLING, Brampton, rccerktly burncd rie.' cessitating sale b! manymik,- ing cows and heifers due,,ta September. A bigh classâ>vodIî -; Sale of!ering of 70 he UD I'. ;" > 100% Negative. HAYS FixlS- LIMITED, Sale Managers, Eoy( 490, Oakvillc, On tamia. 11.1.0 û Tenders Wanted ., Darlinglon Townshilr Tenders for Two-room School Sealed tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by the undcrsigned until 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 24, 1959 for a praposed twa-room scbool. Concession Na. 1, Darlingtont Towniship, for the Darlington School Area Board. Plans and specifications mag be obtained by general cafe.. tractors only, after 4:00 .d Tuesday, Mamch 10, 1959, fô, the office o! the Architects and Engineers, on a deposit ofa! $50.00 certi!ied cheque, payable ta Architects and Engineers, which will be returned when plans and specifications are re- tumned in good condition. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Jackson, 'Ypes & Assoclates Architeets and Engîneers, 24 Northtown Shopping Plaza, 5385 'Yonge Street, Wlllowdale, Ontario. 11-1 Business Opportunity WE need people ta raise Chine chilla (they are not rabbits). Write Stonehouse Chinchilla, 111 Hiaddington Ave., Toronto 12. 44-tf CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE ORLIVESTOCE FOR SALE FRRENT . H<LP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND - ETC. Cash Rate . . . 4c per word wtth a minimum of 60C Muni b. paid by date af Insertion If charqed. an additionai 25c will b., add.d. A ichairgeaf 25c will b. made for al replies diracted ta tht. offic. NOTICES - COMING EVENTS AND CARDS OF THANES 4c a word with a minimum of 31 .00 for 25 words or lot. BIRTHS . ENGAGEMENTS J4ARRIAGES - DEATHS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus loc a lino for vers. Display Clasified at 1.11 per inch with a minimum if wnch. Additional insertions al ,b Al Classified Ads must' in this office not lter than' 1 12 o'clock noo, Wednesday. Send cash. qtamps or maney order anci %.ivp roe Clip th's ouItloi rindy zeterene OFFICE Houas Monday through Fr;day 8:30 Car a o5 p.m. Saturday 0:30 a.m. ta 12 Naon The Canadian Statesman Duai MArk.t 3-3303 for Claaifiîed Ad Service r f.- 4' Il 'j 'j t-. 1-.' i e WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf FORTY feet of stove cable, two years aid, $15. Phone MArket 3-3755. 11-1 BALED straw, 20 bags of Pontiac red potatoes. Richard Rowan, MA 3-2745. 11-1 FORTY tons choice quality early cut timothy, alfalfa hay. Phone Newcastle 2354. 11-1 MANTEL combination record player and radio. Electric guitar, reasonable. Phone MA 3-5100. 11-1* ANYONE interested in sending old wooilens ta Pair! ields for blankets Phone MA 3-2388. GOOD chesterfield, newly up- holstered. Must seil. Phone MA 3-7178 evenings and week- Deaths GEBOERS-Suddenly at R.R. 3, Bowmanville on Sunday, March 8th, 1959, Bert Geboers, aged 21 years, beloved husband of Betty Potter and dear son of Mr. and Mrs. John Geboers. Rested at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Tuesday mnorning, March lth. Funeral Mass was held at St. Joseph's R. C. Church at 10 a.m. Inter- rnent Bowmanville Cemetery. 11-1 THOMAS, Clarence IE.-Sud- denly at Orilla on Tuesday, March 10, 1959, Clarence E. 'Shomas, in bis 78th year, belov- 4ed husband of Mabel Argue, loy- ing father of Margaret (Mrs. 'rhomas Houston) of Orillia, and Kenneth of St. Catharines, and six grandchildren. Resting at the Mundeli Funeral Home, 79 West St. N., OriUIia, for service on Thursday, March 12 at 2 p.m. Interment St. Andrew's Ceme- tery, Orillia. Funeral private. Plowers gratefully dedlined. 11-1 Cards of Thanks I wish ta thank Dr. Hubbard, nurses and staff, also the many friends who sent cards and treats during my stay in Me- mnorial Hospital, Bowmnanville. Chester A. Hoskins, Burketon. 1 wish ta tbank myy many frîends for cards, flowers and gifts 1 received while ini Osha- wa and Port Perry Hospitals, also nurses, Dr. Sturgis and Dr. Diamond. Ivy Hooey. 11-10 We wlsh ta express our thanks ta ail those who sent flowers and expressions o! sympathy during our recent bereavement, alsa sincere thanks ta the nelghbours for their acts of kindness and a special thanks ta Rev. W. Logan. The Butson Family. 11-1 1 wisb ta thank ail my rela- tives, friends, neighbours anid Velverton W.A. for cards, fruit and gi!ts and those who visited me while in Part Perry Hos- pia.A special thanks ta Dr. Kandel, nurses and ministers. Jacob Van Dam Sm. 1 would like ta thank ail my friends and relatives, also xny p lay pals, Maurice and Lawrey MeDonal d for candies, gifts and cards while I was in hospital. Special thanks ta nurses and staff, also Dr. Austin and Dr. Gill for their splendid work. Dale Willis. 11-1 Sincere tbanks ta staff of Me- marial Hospital and Dr. Rundle for excellent care during my recent stay. Rev. Leno joins me in saying many thanks ta neighbours, friends and Pente- costal congregation for many cards, gi!ts and acts o! love shown ta us as a family at this time. Mrs. G. E. Leno. 11-l* We would like ta express aur thanks and appreciation ta al the people o! Newcastle, Bow- rn-anville and Oshawa for their kindness when we lost aur home and belongings in the fire. A special thanks ta the Lions and Lionettes Clubs of Newcastle, Vic Garrod and Tom Brown. Thank you. Jack and Betty Lees and famîly. 11-1 I wish ta express my sincere tbanks ta the nurses and staff o! Memorial Hospital, Bawman- ville, for their many acts o! kindnessarid also thanks to Dr. McKenzie and Dm. Arnold, and ail those who sent cards and gifts and visited me. Robert Pals, 153 Lynhumst Ave. Lyrihurst Lodge, Toronto. 11-1* PersoncùCOTTAGE, complete with lot, Personal$50 down and the balance on HAVE you a drinking prablemn? lowest terins in Canada; $30 Write Alcoholics Anonymaus, morthly, plus interest. Prices Box 371, Bowmanville. 10-4* ange from $1,995 ta, $3,995 for - - - -cottage or retirement home com- WqIy FEEL OLD? Feel years plete with lot, on your choice o! '-ene.Ostrex Tonic Tablets Ontario's best lakes--Sturgeon, v.ricthousands past 40. Pigeon, Cbemong, St. John, Dal- c Y. 60c. At ail druggists. 10-3 rymple, etc., also Otonabee, - -Trent and Fenelon Rivers, etc.j MC *C. utupiics - (Rubber Also, cottages only supplîcd any- * -.jm'.iedpostpaid in plain wheme, pre-cut or erectcd. Free i e wei\clcpc with price list. book o! designis an request.i t, 2 .24 samples Huna.reds o! satîs!ied purchas-1 il,'~j Order Dept. T-28, ens and aur years o! expenience v -Fubbocr Co., Box 91, Ham-aeyu guarantee o! satisfac-j iht. t. 1-52 ti. be sure o! eariy springi pssion, write today for freei Piano Tuning iterature ta Pitts Homes and - - --- <ottages Ltd., P.O. Box 222, Ca- ARTHU.- Collison. TelephoneI bourg, Ont., or Phone Oshawa MArket 3-3900. . 36-tf RAndo1pà 64309, - 04 Il1 fi1-j r< ~ - ~. 5-4. 1 1 9ý- lMrAMEM IVrATIENEM. BeWItAWVW.X& MWAIM qmFmýAw %ram - IM96 *bamft--

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