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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1959, p. 1

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AFTER PARING BUIDGET The third ind final budget meeting waa held by Bo*- manvile Town Council on Tuesday eveniing in the Coii-' cil Chamber-at the Town Hall. The Mayor and ail membèrs of the Council were present with the exception of Coun- cillor Lloyd Preston. The bud- get for 1959 was passed. Mone Services Needed "There is an increase ini the miii rate of 2.5 milis. The in- crease in the mil rate is due to greater services to the town, and the cost of educa- tion. The town is expanding and with the expansion morei services are rieeded, and this costs more money. The popù- lation of BowmanviUle in the ý- past five years has incrouàed by 1,010," Councilior Ivan Hobbs, chairman of the fi- nance comrhittee, told the Canadian Statesman. "A new form of budget bas been presented to the Town TAX Council, which clearly shows expenditures and reoeipts. I arn happy to present thiÉ bud- get to the Statesman, and the Council is in compiete agree- ment. The people of Bowman- ville will have a complets knowledge of our financial op- eration. In the next issue of the Statesman we hope to 'Pubiish a chart showing per- centage-wise how the tax dol- lar is spent," Councilior Hobbs said. A series of articles will be published in the Canadian Statesman in later issues re- garding the civic administra- tion of Bowmanville. The first will appear rpext. week. *Budget 1Ttals$69707 -The total amount of the budget is $699,720-77. The re- sîdential miii rate is 68.85 and the industrial is 73.00. This gives a taxation revenue of $511.907. Recoverable de- bentures amount to $60,288.77, Up provincial grants $86,214, a total of $187,813.77 which add- ed to taxation revenue of $511,907 equa]s $699,720.77. The cost of general govern- ment is $64,652.25. Protection to persons and property, $80.- 296.79; public works, $88.650; conservation of health, $3,930; unemployment relief, $21,100; education, $179,188.96; recrea- tion and community services, $16.335; debt charges $130,- 810.18 and provision for re- serve $ 1,000; capital expendî- ture out of 'revenue, $15,500; joint expenditures, $76,000, and miscellaneous, $22,257.59. The total expenditures are estimnated at $699,720.77. Final esti'mates are as fol- lows: Board of Works, $16.500, (1958 $14,903.48); Police Com- mittee, $44,798.30; Fire Com- mittee, $9.000; Cemetery Corn- mittee, $8,500; Public Proper- Durham County's Great Family Journal VOLUME 105 18 Pages. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THIURSDAY, MARCH l2th, 1959 lOc Per Copy NUMBER1il 20.5 Lote Sport 'FlashesI JUVENILES REACII FINALS Bowmanville Legionnaires jumped into an early lead alter 13 seconds of play and were nover headed as they beat Collingwood 6-3 Tues- day night ln Collingwood te take the best of threo semi- final in two stralght games. The locals will now enter the AiI-Ontario DMinor -A" Ju- venile finals. The hname team tled the score at 1-1 before thc open- ing period ended, but Bow- manville really turned it on, scoring five times in the sec- ond for their vlctory margln. The Leglonnaire goals were ahared by Bill Crossey, Bob Westhauser, Everett Lake, Gary McCulloaugh, Erio Car- B.O.C.'S BERE SATURDAT Don't forret the big Nap- anee -B.O.C. clash horesBat. urday nlght, as the two teame meet for the Eastern Ontario League titie. 0 * * 3MGETS PLAY AWAY TONIGHT The Bowmanville Lions becoinie th ctiond local teani to meet 'Colllngwood when they Journoy t. the abip- building centre tonlght ln the 11mbt game of a mldget seXài- final sériiez. The second gam« of the two ganme total goal set will bc e e.'a week frein Theatre Owner's Has -Both, Wrists Broken Nio aerlsîon was given following presentation o! an appeal on two questions M of Bowmanvllie's liquor vote last faill The judge reserved his fnig ni a later inm - r À c i e n t ate., artdiptin inthecorcaeaCooronTusyad ia w elf ~ ~ iht: Alan H. Strike, counsel for the Citizens Committee; Capt. Norman Coles, Mrs. Robert Gi suffered a sbooting across in front o! the ýVg shattered knee cap, two broken Gi car. Caffipaign Manager for the Citizens Committee; Glenholme Hughes, Campaign Man- wrists and forehead lacerations Provincial police from Brant- ager for the Community Advancement Association and their lawyer, Kenneth in a car accident east o! Pairis, ford investigated. It is thought Ross of Belleville. Ont., on Sunday night. no charges willi be laid because Mr. and Mrs. Gili, proprie- of. weat-her conditions. Mr. Glil tors o! the Royal Theatre, were suffered bruises but was other- on their way to Detroit for a wise unhurt. The driver and ~ 'IL rri akragftw days' holiday when the ac- passenger in the other car were M a y Voulng r g la iiscident occurred. The Gilis' car, also treated for bruisesan e 5ViJII ~travelling west on No. 2 Higb- leased from Paris Hospital way, was bit by a car travel- where Mrs. Giil is receiving ling east. It was snowing at the treatment for her injuries. time and the road was slippery. Damage to Mr. Gili's car, a Judgent eser edrt is believed the driver of the 1958 De Soto, was estimated at Ju g n n e e v dother-car had gn off on the :round $900,- and damages t sholdr o te radand swerv- the other car, a 1959 Buick, On2. Question Appeal M U rebtra Judgmetit was reserved by tained in 65 paragraphs of the Returning Officer in South Ward WS E ecs P e b t r Judg J. ,de N. Kennedy on Fni- affidavit. This included 226 jr- lB. He testified that there was *day 'at the conclusion o! the regularities. After four witness- ne Bible in the polil until 5:0o f ie s o e r 1 .9 heae'Ing in County Court, Co- es calied by Mr. Ross for the 6 o'clock in the afternoon. Hei e s ro e r bou, of the motion te set aside Relator had testified, Mr. Strike said he was awarc o! the oath o! Mrs. M. C. 'Fisher of New- the Lesuts on twe questions o! adxitted the irregularities in the office, but just hact is pu castle convened the post-presby- fi'~Ae 'liquor vote which was held remaining paragraphs o! Mr. cierk, Gordon Beith, sign bhis terial executive in Alpert - Bewthanville on November Hge'affidavýt with the ex- naine on the cover. He, stated Unitcd--Chr~rn bIIè bII 1D-J58. This motion was cp1n:~n dealingwlth-im- that- thêe w -,ere' fivê'*bàldts in* &Us. F. Reed o! Hamptôn led the t 'by Glenholme Hughes, due influence. The irregular- the election, one white, and tbe devotional- eëiÎod, based on an ,s. ca »lâin manager for the af- ities in these remaining para- rest coloured, and pointed eut episode in the life o! Moses . fiini~va ide asRelater. A. J. graphs ameunted te about 110. that it was bard te distinguisb fieswr iteue n Lye~tu RtunigOfficer, was The tot al number o! irregular- the colour as tbey wee tee sim-d the Respondent. ities admitted by the drys was ilar.teprsyrilvauedCo *Kenneth A. J. Ross, Belleville, 336. In this total was one that Put Ballots On FIoo~r fencbrchm tsiGoge was counsel for the Relater. A. actually contained 1,575 breach- "Around 4 o'clock the ballot Street Churcb, Peterborough on March 10, Il and 12. Future A. H. Strike was the counsel fer es o! the Election Act, anîd an- box was se full I could net stuffmetnswrarngd Ws- the campaign manager o! the other wbich included 942 breach- any more in the box, se I open- cmn Rally at Columbus, Oct. 27 negative siçie of the vote, Capt. es o! the Act. ed it and I took eut three or and Eastern Rally at Enniskil- Norman Coles, Salvation Army. No Bible At Poils four handfuls from the box and lno c.2.Pcpebtra Admit Irregularities Herman Westaway was teptte ntefori the executive wili meet at Newcastle. When Court opened the drysifirst witness called by Mr. Ross. corner," Mr. Westaway stated. on Jan. 27, 1960; Presbyterial at admittéd the irregularities con- 1 Mr. Westaway was tbe Deputy (Continued on Daze seven) Simcoe Street Cburch, Oshawa, Best Ail - Round Showman I.....an...Ç..ecs 7- ENCOURAGING RESULTS - Bowmanville and district's newly formed Red Cross Society members Mns. M. C. Fisher were considerably encouraged this week by reports Feb. 24, 1960, and ps rsy from Port Hope that they had collected $2,100 during terial at St. Andrew's, Fn .Mar. a one-night blitz. The big campaign here will be held 4. on the evening of March 23rd. No quota bas been set asPridn-Mrs. K.C. as this is the first effort of its kind in recent years (Continued on vage seven) for the Red Cross. t t t tServ ACQUITTED - His many friends in this community_______ will be pleased te learn that Gerald Purdy, 31, o! Bow-- manville, was acquitted by a Supreme Court jury last wcek on a charge of fraud. He had been charged with misuse of company funds to the amount of $3,000 when he was Hamilton Branch Manager for Interpro- vincial Building Credits. -. t j. t. j Ed. Kowal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal Sr., R..2, Bowmanville, a first year student at the Oentario .Agricultural College, was declared the best ail-round showznan at the recent College Royal, the outstanding event i the student life of the College. Ed. piled up more I nis than any other student to win this coveted award. r e is seen in the photo, left, receiving the trophy donated by Year '57, and presented by Jack Tanner of the O.A.C. ataff -on behaif of his year. Hockey Night Receipts Sto Listowel Families f7' Th2,ntire procceds o! Minor Slfockd&*Night, March 25th at th, Arena, * will be given to the famli~cfthe boys killed in - thet~~~Listowel Arena ac- eidnt ý was decid2d at tiir, Lions Centre on Thursday \ et>iin&. Tickèts will go on sale prior te the garnes'iAdmission wifl b'o 50 çenth for aduits, and 25' cznts for ciildren. In addition! tq) the *dmisse4ofl lecs forMi<c 'ocke Nig#t, donations fur j thie fund fer the Listowei vic- tims families can be given te members o! the Recreation De- paresent a h eeigwr prment.a h eeigwr the chairman, Jack Lander, Cliff Samis, A. H. Sturrock, Paul Chant, Claude Kilmer, Miss Dora Purdon, the secre- tary, and Deug Rigg, director o! recreation for Bowmanville. 1It was announiced that 125 Psople are attending the swim- tming (-lasses cenductcd by W. W. Bagniell at, the Ontario j (Continued on Page sevol;) NOT NICKS - Ken Nicks who recently returned from Florida with his wife and daughter has been taking a ribbing from friends and acquaintances. They thought he xvas the unnamed husband in last xveek' s Bits and Pieces item concerning a poor wife who was lef t in the bath while he and the bell hý_p changed rooms and took her clothes. We would like te state that Mr. Nicks was flot the man involved. t T j t t NEAR PERFECT - Sam Black and son Terry almost equalled the perfect cribbage hand at' The Senate mentioned last week. Terry came up with a 28 hand, four fives and a Queen. t t j. t. j MORE ON METERS - We can't resist one more quip concerning parking meters and their use. This week a new and somewhat novel advantage came to light. A lady about te enter one of the town stores tied ber dog te a meter while she went about ber business. We were unable te check if she had put money in the box and wondered, first, if the by-law calîs for coin in a case of that kind and second, if the new dog by- law would consider that her dog was under proper control or could legally be picked up by the non- existent pound-keeper and taken away. t t j. t 1 NO CADETS - WVe understand that the Boa rd of Education in-Peterborough bas decided to delete cadet training from schools in that area. Considerable dis- cussion has developed over the situation. Tbere is no indication at the moment that the Durham District High School Board will adopt the plan, although it certainly has menit in view of world devclopments in arms which some feel have virtually eliminated the need for foot soldiers except for Civil Defense. t tt t IN THE FINALS - As a resuit of their 6-3 win in Collingwood on Tuesday, Bowmanville's Legionnaire Jux'eniles is the first local team to enter tbe Ontario finals tbis year. Congratulations! Kilied Instantly at Paris Must Plan For Growth ln District o!The annual general meeting ofZone Two, Lake Ontario De- velopment Association, was held in Cobourg on Monday, March 9th. Bowmanville re- presentatives attending the meeting were Elmer T. Banting, LOIDA President; Councillor A. .Sturreck; and Industriai Cern- missioner Ken Morris. Darling- ton Township was represented by Deputy Reeve Garnet Rick- ard and Councilior Ailan Thompson. The a!ternoon business ses- sien, beld in the Town Taîl, was devoted te the reports o! cern: teeg--and layift,ý 'tâans for tefuture. Mayor, Burnet of Cobourg reported« on a comýpre- bènsive survey o! regionali tourist facilities and attractions, wbich indicated that the Asso- ciation's advertising and exhi- bits at Sportsmen shows in Cleveland and Harrisburg had attracted an aciditional bai! mil- lion tourist dollars into the area in 1958. This year LODA will exhibit at Syracuse, Harrisburg and Toronto, and even better results should accrue if resorts owners improve their faciities and services. Reeve Budge o! Port Hope, reported on industrial promo- tion. His committee is planning te compile a list o! ail raw ma- teniais, semi-finished and f in- ished products available in thc Lake Ontario region witb a view te stimulating inter-cern- pany buying within the area as well as ýattracting new indus- tries. The nominating committce, under the chairmanship o! Ken Morris, proposed a slate o! Zone (Continued on page seventeen) ie Lambertus GeboeSm Toronto Man Remanded On. Negligence, Charge Following Fatal Crash' Lambertus Geboeru, age 21, 18 King Street East, was in- stantiy killed in a motor acci- dent early Sunday morning. The accident happened on No. 2 highway a mile west o! Bow- manville. Mr. Geboers was drlving west in a 1954 Ford when a collision occurred witb a car prooeeding east. The east bound car, a 1955 Buick, was driven by Herbert Bauer, age 28, Toronto. Mr. (Continued on nage seven> Geboers died Instffntly froma a broken neck. The Bauer car was apparently on the wrong side o! the road. The collision happened at 1.50 a.m. ConstabÀ Bruce Tilson, OPP, investigat- ed. Herbent Bauer was a patient in Memorial Hospital, Bowman. ville until Monday.-He sustaine cd facial lacerations. A passen. ger ini bis car, Earle McKeeri, Turkey With Al The Trimmings The ladies o! Kirby W.A. have establisbed quite a seem tobe enjoying the tedious task of wagb$na te dirty reputation for serving sumptuous and delicious banquets dishes. From left to right, Mrs. Lloyd RbWV r, rs. in their area of operatiens. Last week, they again Jae Lowery, Mrs. Archie Lunn, Mrs. Ernest T.aiuan excelled themselves at the Durham Farinera' County Co-op and Mrs. Lawrence liarui& banquet in Orono. Thes mezDbera of tha group eveni Take Part in Liquor Vote Appeal Lt d e Il MýIîLS Wife a ÀM À& a a

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