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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Mar 1959, p. 5

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THRLAMAR. 12th, 193t-TH CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE PIVI 0 ~~~~~~~and Mrs. Wright, Janetville.1ito rs with Mr. Gordon yeo ari r n r.Fe o,~ mened e. rs Orangemmshîp 'm I li5 fami 1 . Anm' !rltvsg~e 221 Service Clubs Con duct jverced ets.Or3.ngmmsrhip Re -1 eect Club ~LeadersN..ard Mrs. W. E. Encjr. i hsLocige bfhonour o! Mee iî M,îr.i irs '.vas organized. As a token of j"'UAl..... Pdort Â\fl ooc.,- . aprcainfor the rnanv visits co iIc ng 4-H ieanquetiNI-. ïc - %~,~ ~ain and1 helo she has given this lodge II ~.wdiganvrrr: t&sterbSeal Campaignfor awo yearsGiven by Veparîment and John 0 c anh etis rentew, ispèth eay__fmd Mr aidvec~n~ M.a~ rs e oswr ,?!o A sis Crp p ed hil ren v.th a table lamp. At the close oiY ~: .ee StInc ia.v~iiwt of the meeting a delicious lun- An enjoyable banquet was'ý the outstanding parent of a 4 - iorsoMradMr. ate gîven for- the Durham 4-H Cluab, Cub member It w as feit tnit Oke. prnso uQy the xear sesonwas sre and a social Leaders at the Fly îng Duen- the attitude and intet show,-, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Brad- v- .I enra cpil physicians and surgeons from the closely related co-operation ty s fie' d nurses locate an.d visit Mrs. Albert Wright and Mrs. emeng bv mHoel ont ar De parenths 4 HoCfjbs-and rt- r. owm \,i]eMrs. Ho.]e r' .Stti nOh I4spitals that spec alîze in ortho - bet w~een te Socetý, and 221 er - crippled children , report their Ed. Harris spent a few c'ays with p arznme t of Agrcltu e n ap was decded to coo e a 4-H cl-t , isAr',qîîa Beckett."- a -a H i7l I D o-ig fc Paedic ser ices attende ci nu n'e r vce clbs ', hlicn each year con - needs and plan their attendance M rs. W m . Laurenson, Toronto, to precaton o th ex l en 'w r C ub P e t of he Y a .r eth M . an 1 us clinics held at strategic loca- duct the Easter Seal Campaicgn at clinie. On a planned day, for whom w-e extend sympathy on bigdn thesecletwr lbPrn te Year. - For e e th r n r.be knhp tosthroughout Ontario -for the 1 to help finance assistance to help instance, children from hundreds the death of ber husband. Miss 1 pe.Ail 4-H Club Leaders ineket benfito!cripld yunstes. crippled childi-on. In addition to of miles around acomnt Loi-na Harris also a tended the the county wore present. . . P~>TVTt>TMr and I:. Lorne Griffin o~rr~N" .\.~n'l ,h u-lnie service P:oi- epf;acotfteamn such as Kirkland Lake %viil ga- funeral service in Toronto Fni- Daîr.ymple, the agricultural r--- ed by the far fiung facilities of c r i p p 1 e d childi-en from their ther there. To meet them will be day evening. presentative for' the district,f were Sna-v îoswith i.I'i '"k ~'byi 1the Ontario Society for Cippled cammunities, the service clubs specialists in orthopaedic sur- 1 The Service Club ladies are and IVrs. Russe'l Griffin an S Clde -opt-i e ___________ Mn. and Mrs. Russel Motint- welcomned guests. havingada for an alum inum Miss Mai-v Griffin.j hb'nape'rcociy - help ivith th-e clinics by trans- gery and othor branches of mcd- joy spn a couple o! days with Aftcr%%ards, thc annual meet- tr g mda ==î poting youngsters and hclping icine w-ho. together with local ber sisten, Mrs. Cccil Ferguson, ing o! the Durham 4-H Cl' b -atthvevenAincararcht1 .on Mr ande Mrse thurB-n t to pi-avide accommodation for doctons, diagnose their condi- and the Sidney Fergusons, New- Leaders' Association was held Stra vnn ac 4a cddte3t wedding ani- thorýe that cannot neturn home tions and presci-the treatment. If castle. a he . i'ithe hall. The tray xvas donated versai-v celebration of Mr. a.d immediatel%. the latter ca-n be provided local- Ms oniatr Bneo, igSretbrvD1yp Mrs. W. E. Bcgley. and is on Mrs. Oî-r Jefierv, Port Perrx- The Socictv and the service Ily. the local doctor then super-' a wody as ekw t tho Agd dricutheralectOnffcsb-7P rc n spentîwoth lii ule ,. dacys at ek il5peiddduihth letonadspl atSemn sts tre Ant M is adnGîi clubs raieteciic ne ie :ifteteîi eu red Ed. Darcy. fficers for the coming year. jlt a ensta h ae and Patti. Caesarea, were w~ ia niedicai committee which en- in a big citv hospital. arrane n and Mrs. Roger Dorreli, The entine executive was i-e- for- our Spring bazaar. Watch Mi-. and Mi-s. P. Ellis and famiiy ae t roIs the volunteer spccialists mnsaiemdefi tasorta- Mantyn, Valenie and Brenda, Ot- elccted for a second term Cm in vntaozpriulr. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werrv ndi The latter include litcrally cvery tion and hospitalization bytetaaspnth eedwth ofo:Prsen Bx'Giv! Service Club xviii meet at the family were recent calIons t.)pit s top spec;alist in the field o! mcd- it.IhsfteM.En o-uadGre Ili: Vice-Presidenltt home of Mrs. R 1. Lamb on theMi.ndMsRosLs Td-e icine and surger- which are ne, OVer- the vears, thousands of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Don-ell and Fi-ancis Jose, Newcastle: Secre-! evening o! Marcih 18. ron, Pnd Sund&~- cflers at MIN. M ec i cplo mcen at. the idtors orettram clinics. have r eed retmen girls and Mn. and Mrs. Stuart tai-y Lloyd Kellogg, Welcome: Mr. and M-%rs. Ed Cox and and Mrs. Clark Weirv's. Toront.aiotîcSne..rprsha met h-edcoscoefo.clne.hvercie tetetDon-dll. Tr-easurer A. O. Daîryýmpl.,, familv visited wt Mr. and Mrs. iaiso M~ infe aea VI onHuea hts-ol e TororAo. Ottawa, Hamilton and and have benefitted from the Miss Dianne Blair, Oshawa, I omnil.Tetwoadtr lk o.Oln.lo, d 4le. - Wioca 'en fl~ ater(ities Iecatcd near the cli- tflo,-u rgrmepoifdset the u.%eekcnd wiithlier electcd wei-e Gerrv Brown, hI1Mi-. and M\rs. Bill Cochranîe Mr. and Mrs. Jae SvvL', s.ccssu! -il enre.1snusing services. grandmothcn. Mrs. Gea. FIcir.-. 14. Mill-andl-o N - - Plri f'- -inc relai scor vte ofi 'nur pcilytiaIn- Mr. ai-d Mns. Chas. Vxiining Brok, .w R . ovanville. B Or onvd i îs G-e:'Mil nnh Rin, Tc ~12 iarAi-ne.Trough l oý-aI offi- eï in orthoaedics follow upc"-Mî-s. Or- Vonnin'z, Mr. and Mrs. Tho 4-H- Clubs' piagi-arn for1v-Pie ci-?Ilers; atM. and M\rs. tonto; Mi-. andMi. C. M. Jonc e-s i h 'iv !np; dc1; (f i-ealth, public hcalth mli-- eny cse, tonch tih,2mothei- ho',,'John Vnigvsie i.Or"r the coing year w-a.sdiscussed. jRalp.-h Vu-tue. Mr.Newtonville, veie ',isitors 'tij okwihî-:cedHu- ta carry on the therapy pi-escrib- Vcnning in Lindsay Hospital The following clubs a'id leaders f îdlsCi1F~~oi Mr. and Mr-. S. R. Pethick anP" i &neardCt.T2~ Y c~~~~~d h.v the doctors and see that Suaday, and report hirn pro- %vere suggested: 4-H Swii' e M.vsiiswihWllc v Mi,;; Np* nv Wood.a1oto th opi-utv ! LL is anvthing requiied such as braces gi-ossing fa\,orby Club, Gien Lai-mer Basock r. cidrn arILJL.Jean ar crutches are provide'J fan the Mrs. Charlotte Foi-don, Mr. the Dur-ham 4-H Bec! Cal! Club. , OPrtPtn' and rd Mn n]Mst. Wlf-cd Bnksd'sc\' ,Uhildi-en. Do1ad For7-dot-. i-r. a n a 'iVP z.Bey Gi-av, Gatrden HilusnHspe 9vanMir..and EiMîrst on. we"e 'in o "be' vtiîietah Hope nd r.I-oadBra-le',- r.ad' -.JhE.Gifn lthi-i.o- Csmths D.F aeciie CPX. fStudy Topic Ei h e ase elC--Gi-o tiiokar hlio,4HCmal! C'eî, aRov GrcH and i n, - Mi- 2ldMie. tiM1" i'e sacedas os-H '1lie Public Accoiintan-tsCoui- i oaign. l,hich is hed fi-rn Feb- Eowýrnaiiville: Mi-. and Mi-s. Gar'ý, 4-Ho ,les1e, Cd eyGrx' a PBnage. ToronGov ee , MitS i Hlen Turner o o-IL;èivscn~e ',M~ cil fan11w Proince cfOn M O - 'Sht Mic 9t.te- Hancock. Npvj(-rsile: ý,Ir. i-rl aF'sistar.t leadce-: Du--nr HC;-a ag.Tooto wr x h îaOsa' ere v;sitorso!C enn 'ft om aj Tri ~ ~ ~ P mr-irnmof S"17f)001) reeder Mrs. DenWih n d ianCli AIYBo,~. s . ae '. and Mrs. Frank Donland. SholAoc.înadaco- 8announce the O'-. i aIorMr.i- D y W M S. cryon this and other sr- Camip Ce 'Fa;! aP'-~~ ,;'- R. 4, Bowmaaviite. leader-, aiic1Mr. and Mi-s. D. Yeo and Loi--1 i-. Wilfied Williamns. caz mts ! ritat e as cKcits Pred- oft, t i ed -o- P.Pry tede1o-ic ,lor, Enni-kî'1 ,Žas- ,r.a. Oshaw-a, ',verv' Saturdav vis- 'sarea. t-as a Satundav visitaio i n e ir W. J. Ayeri-,, ~~c~.Ti:ni1,x W. M" uîla - e s'. Taono.Ot~i eùcrl&ee n noc Arn'uidav at v ii theUntd Ciiurca Sun -a_ sistant Ici-don: Du;rhian-i4-H i Toront.- thcVî fc-sieri.c. di-n ~th a fi-hi- daafttanA oi-n ing iw-hen Patr'cia A nnî Tractor Maint'-nance Club, -- , X. MacGillivnay, F.C.A., of Ham- Mi-s. Eva B.:aggs Croup proe- BLACKSTOCK ',,irds ',vre dinner gLmiest2 o!f ar -H DiM al iuj1, harn 4-H SherCo l Club, ms'.-- ilton, Secrctery - i-. fHamish jsented an inspiring Warship iand Mrs. lFov',-rd Forc.er &Ili Fiances Jose, Newcast!o; Dur- f2 ~ >~Ç . Macinaci FC..,cfToonof oivieassisting wer2 Mrs. A. St. John's W.A.me in -he flixli ombe11s, R. R. Clubom esit-' ~'t Tr2asurer - Nlr. G. B. 1Liac-Doni- G . Brooks and Mi-s. H. Couch. P&rish Hall an Feb. 26 with 13M i. and Mrs. Gi-i-et Wriiht, oobsR.R 5- -ýavIlý a!,!, C.P.A., o! Toronto. Mrs. H. Capo srng a beautifil prcl-:ent. After the Dovot-ional Port Fei-rr-ay, i i -zjDran - oat lb - The Cauncil ctri',vs tacthe j tlted AGre Hl",exrissin w'iîîh -s. J. Sc-ott Wright. Oh v.-, .sited Mr. ai-d v'inJIocNlbokDra- ~Tlet ianoite uci vý othal~e 4-H- - PR.3. owrnanvlub, MilI- " l accompanicd by Mrs. R. Hol-- i-ad u-s. NIcAithur took part. T-vu-s. Will Ford<,ei Sua-i.-a','. 4HPutr lbURnBok,- 7>' thsexvo r-LtiseaspbcI- the presidont wevlcomed the vîsi- cogauaions ta Mrs. oo 4- Ca! luMvî"" > iiccre- un-ici ~h~ ~ Au- y Ms. . e i-a's.E. W.V' ludcdm inuH.tes, ror.ts i ie.-r own or on e,). 'itha. M tae"an FmoabeA'-' ' . countanc'r Act (O itare> 1951). Ss a ni-cdcae1b Msxarious comniitteos iad Plans Mi-ch HL 11.mes !ti rofîmCin'r Allmt lagavewnarmteening o! Api-il 16, Mn'. Fulle~r Winnipeg Trte-day t it e aching staff a Bo',vranvlitl BO P Ethe Counicit. AnV infoý-rma- I intcrest-'ag pi-pot fr eo! Port Ferry ta be gueat saealk- sorn timie with her i-aughter High School, were pi-osent, an-I OE E Sà E Ûon rcgardingsg these matters ai-id Stud - vBook. -The Caribboaneix andi an 'invx'.L-':an s 10be Shit-e, son-i-w and 'nov~ ro'ra,4-H Poat t ise , rain îieL I. ( thepealiesfc nt-a 1v-Lflands iad Thir Pcopie'. M!z. cxtended the.,W.M.S. a' tne Uni- gr-nIliot,4n.Hand Mrs. ,i-radnL.. i aeothAt drc4ltosjAC.Boks brought a report te Church ta attend the iWrein ib- Polato Clubs t', ii be foi-rnrUl2d ~J& I z,,a-y bc obtainc-el fi-oa i- ,I. P. 1f:omli te Osha',','a Presbyterv. 1 meeting. A numbet- a! quil W uanc n. ut t e taîypi ddes A cceu aic-at:'m r i) r ndJ rs eih Eý , uncil1 orfi--t the j rýs n an , ubject Pa 'c i ithv how.ed a (,nd. s -,coppcr metal colois tai!iorer j-bnse Rg~î- . hePuli E-. r1ýs. rom t k Te chr tpS,. ebr se i~b ',,î~it"'sîi- i e esud 'rn iveornlie NckIciandeariast- ins a ind er rne Pr-ovinc-e cf ai-o Pr 2.1ern, fa-ntev1as Pu- cit frc b oeofbei- GlRd ta report 'i'. ea. El.\;*,e fora 'n-iito! thE 4-H CIubý. .- '--i-ol and balatini finish.% Bloon St-ont Eust, Tarn"a ht~ ' ebir. Meii ome foi' a qiltin.g Mich Sli Mai-\Ng i-l-hiPr c h- o h edn adA-htîinp vF1D xiigsy Onta i. 'o'ed xx th te M zpah Ben ce- 1brginaig at 10 ar. A shont i-v HosaittI.u'S piagri v-a va; o\ aed consiscmng* Messr-s. TorCarn'i-boîî Laur - .t0-c C-o.- r-nJusxi'x o! a s Mis. .b.\ i i-- ne cLîhl, Coi-aid'As:-e1- f ions xx-rc a-o discusseit - ' ai ,-anta 'go bu1 many -set tome aside Camp, accomPiied by Mi-s. H. ' iine and 1-Ismo!d ary attend- Dates for file Durhama Coîintx- fui-' fuci is. Taylr an a V.lenine oý11ezl iuescc . udging CarnacU',o. Taylr i-d aValetireconert cia leadet-slin tr-,Inir!z c-ir-t t ,<, set for NI-29 S P E clA'L! pi-pi-iet-iby Mns. Fanc. Pr-yýet- fri Cube., at Ci-tnp Samai Fridayav f-t- bx- Cano Ci-erin bruhdtaS'dl i l-e Coic-binu f,- i on Chîý________________________ .Mi-y 22?id. Bolb ',ill b? h?<d & th0 meeting t l ti onHlOoo i- acose. 0___P__E_______ Ele'.en gii-ls iad the t',o loi-IathTon al.i--n.'-- C 5 haEc tl fers vWord resent i-t the Mission naIvedt -r.adsNgh JEWELLERY & GIFT lHO C o g K of metig uedaaleti' ovmc dae orAxvrd Ng sohol Uis Sîar one HoI y Name ' i vmet'26:1 I --Ki ng %S t.BowmanvilleMA 35 7 Bccomeetig TuDesdi asafto As-ugestin w' c,-en t,)' in cliqrge Piirt took as the sub-* -clicir egvnt -- - .I~~~~~~ec-t for v-oishin -Let the Litll)ICu s s-c-- -- ------------ *Chilciren Came- Unto Me." Tlle Dicute chapter fi-rn studv book was1 C ~ ~~~~entilleci "Dlt-k's Bi-thdi-v Par-FUI HII Sy li-.frci ii 9oh-t n c y u AT-forth child-on %w'hchIl he.v wore There w,'a a cood attendance E L L1 N G A'T:hiIhteine ta fthe stai-*v and ei-t t c ot.ngai thch!- ai"nie a'ffer. ,viile pyinLb tle gai-neos Locielv heldin E&t Jo:eisea L E 3à Â AN C a Si '"Àdescribed ia th'e story. Lorrinie 1Hi-ll onMonday evenir. tic (WHILE STOCK LASTS u'c-icda nmia uyp-c.eî Nra in May he purhased h~ eparate uits AH l i p.it in. ala.\inlatheraiand 'le i.,n- May c puelhsed y sparae uits llsigipire a c-i-ci ta be sen+ ta utes of the îi "t meeting x\ve'e or ..Diarune Tavmloi-, a little membrr i-ccd o.' Ber'Pa.i e, the secre- CamoiliicKjt'lrO i-Si .fta-Y. The f4lanc al rn"pait PNw ENi _____________________________________________ -'Il" Fnloersmet 'Ti-uîs'tiv given b', the treasurer, Josreph -~af'i- Mý,'t sv n C. Maernse. h nriitn EXTRA SPECIAT, ~o' -t ovagîf udie ï-n1 e-er pesnt.Mr.. Mebes f te omnain_1For- the Annual S TAINE HAI -i P'uhrd VPýnCamY t', asin ech -r"". cammittec for t'he electian next - Xm r iT\Mar-et Car-qghan ',ith tii" lowýs: the Rev. F. K. Mal-ne S CleaiiniuO'Stock"7t ai';ei-rîr-e of ý-au-v Do'-ell 1tII I oscp-h Cuddahee. Mar'tin 1 i iE- i"Is i 'etheheCjt':' - lov. iad oin H na,',a;- Lttw P rice of -,- - ----------Helen Sv, a1. Du-ng he b"- -amaxtain Brakfat. I c * a'iiiPomm n it Mi-c 25 Bct j namc C e made far P Ho!-- 14 -?'v aen i-t - f-î'V o s t b" pr#-sentem 0,-i1 -ast. I aV!o f -e t0stvn - ievo tll a - Ix-1 t il ho h "1d la S t. .Tosen h'. < i ic r U~~~~Sç~~ ~~ j "ri-,~?=ný a r'a"-ar.n for the i-ff-Pts il nStdiM-, ~ ~ - ici i-n r"' 3nd. Tho 'C2tholic Womeiî's /Y3 cup UIhoppieÈ1ci lnu'Ls tin mc a 5c1is e b- Here are a few of the things that the Rotary Club Entertained 19 yur-sst tnrAnul'rsma i- l oe Ap:al 1, 1959 ta shia,-u- h a.%ea %-vi-ditih loe wth the hieli of your Easter Seal donations have PryfrCipe hlrno h itit k M arjsho! hihrd es-c i Of on M ai-rh 13, l19'ý. iîcconpl*,slcd in the pi-st yt'ar.* L o ed a ert e fl wi g 1 Prcs:ci'n A. L. Bi:shopap t--*ý Proviled transportation to both «Merrywood Camp okdatrhefli 1'2 cp Soar C-eam i tha'a.; a nosult of the tCmýn- (('clou Rae Diirv%) -a srmii gisu i -an 'cE'fnom this district. orOeatn.---------- 7 1 Zae n 1954 and thie rec-eîp1 MajorL. eraq. or 72 W'upr noCaage anha-Lu:- * Ie have20chilsulOflon our activeliîst and during (Glen ae Darv) -as ~ iPSR te Cart-ian,- u ,>Y th pastyear-e have mnade expenditures on 9 of Seer-I chidreri supplidwt ruce n h-c-Cntable 10 c'mga-c' itn a !().i tlien. correctiv e cquii ent. 3/4 cup Syruip from Ppache,, , rm îi-Ie.ir i\- r,')et-vàc 1. i 12 fo16 Peach Slices *xvit h u s-m-olrnl- ty -e U V .I l-iat ls; poanam oth-iEa tr easaneU eTh m Dissolve gelatin in boiling water.- Add 2 tsp. lenion juice and ciicî:'ýoas in -ive toi-s lias na- my es e e7s G-I s 3j clip svrup. Cool tili thickened. Add chopped nuts. Arrange pcach tentail-.' -acreased 1tb'- Corn- slcsand maýrasclh;io cherries in rnold tin, cover with 1 cup of gelatin. pas ai d z' ra a-!-i ,o -~ ChîIl until firni. To remaining gelatin add orcen or cottage chieese, r-l a i-e*eabei it tore--P T YO R D N TI N I H ma onnaise down r entre. decorate with whole walnuts. F isa1-r4es iad frnge beiim? COTTAGE CHEESE available daily at Dairy, King St. W.. Bo%,%,.ufti-',. t ::s e-t ing'ltoi- UL 'nville. and drivers. Aise fron: Dominion Stores and Tate's Red & tco'x- f aver 100 Ontario co:n» - M *m k *PIN K W~thite Grocery, Bownanville, and Tom's I.G.A., Newcastle. m'i.e.j -*WW M JLa 194) Consumons' di%-idnds i ve'-e reduceci ta 20 cn*s q aar- IPR I ftoi-rI. i-ue ta dect'emzed oai-n:iigs ANiM IL V ...utig fi-r . loszs o! sales tof UN ail iad electr'citt' ad imcei- 98 KIG T W M 54 [ng taxation iad cost o! man-u-A eep wilb sntoyufrh KJNG W. A ~~~~~~~~~~ j, !~~actut-irg gi- during and afterARcep wIIb sntoyufrIn meTxp poe the mwar.i CAINADIAN STATESMAN., BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE FIVII 'for 17

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