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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1959, p. 13

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TIUSDAY, MAR. 28th, 1959 THE CANAMAflAW YA99TEMAW mnBWIXAMY11.L&ON~TARIOl SDAME£ £n W,£.dr & fl A PSU %JIN A IMen's Major Bowling ~laIma n Mecond schedule is ove. and Russ Haliman's tcam fin ished on top and now, will mee Murray Larmer's team, winne cf the first schedule, for thi John M. James bowling trophy This match will tak2 place ai Vednesday, April 8th, 7.01 P.mr. The Reneral public is in Vîted ta sce these two teami battie it out for top honora. The winning teain o! the sec ond schedule is made up o Captain Russ Halîman, Dayi MvcKnight, Hap Palmer, Pa Yea, Don' Bishop, Paul Chan, and Carl Raby. In the averages Pete Dobbir. did it again winning the titil wVith 234 for 33 games. Peto %vas awaY off the pace he se li the first schedule when hý Wvon that title with a 252 aver ac. Congratulations Pete on tremnendous season. Thtis wcek Jack Park.er w'S high single gaine 329 and Johr Ford wan the triple prize 7É2 ]RolhY Coombes had low gamie 94 and Glen Lander did the hai trick winning low triple thrcî times this sehedule. Gien bowi. ed 424 titis week. Hallman's team had high tri. Pie score 3605 and Elton Brock', outfit had a 1276 single. Mc. Knight had low single garni 893 and Frank Williamj3's tean Iiad low triple 2940. - AlIey Chatter AU captains are requested tc InotifY their team members oi the banquet ta be held on Sat. urday, April 25tIt at the Cana. -dian Legion Hall on Queen St. et 6:30 p.m. sharp. We will not Aïssue individual invitations am sqas been the practice in tIte Following is a complete list of averages for the second scIte. dule Teem Standings Team W L - Hialîman - 25 8 Brock - 21 12 R. Oke 18 15 Mil-ne 17 16 William.s 16 17 Osborne - 15 18 Larmer 15 18 McKnieht 15 18 Bagneli 14 19 Iiundle ---- 14 19 ]B. Oke I~.l 22 Features Pins 37453 36636 36704 36341 36322 35234 36324 36218 34590 353866 35032 35139 Miîdgels laOnhmo Finas Ul*The Blownianville Lions out- j opener, returned ta action, and1 Don *Brough triggered three vv UfS .itie skatcd Collingwood Coppers in, although flot tested too severe-j taîlies. for the lasers, a Il assist- a gcod, fast midget minor "A" 1Iv.y was good when h~e had toi r Low Single (1)-Thîs week, gam?, at the- Memorial Arena' be. Ironically, the visitors' i ~b o etro, w Rolly Coombes 94; This sche- Saturday night ta in 11-4,1 goalie had ta be replaced bv i'YKen Shakes firing the remnain- t dule. Si Trewvin 89. thereby taking the twa game defenceman Gary Phillips, ing marker. r Lo rpe()hswe total goal series hl-11. The when ,Tcrry Black bounced one~ Hughcs took a nice pass from le Glen Lander 424; Thtis schedule, classy Lions will nowv enter the in off his noggin, rnid-way Wiseman in full flight and roar- Y.Clif! Trewin 387. - ' Ali-Oxtaria finals, passibly' throughi the final period. ed in to open the scoring b2fore ýn HighTa11)Ttswe against Stamford.j Brenton Hugrhes, a top per- a minute had been played. 10 Broc 1276- TItis schedule, Hall. Collingwood were no match former throughiout the ganie, Hughes banged In Black's relay 1-man 1394.I for the well-coached, fast mov- paccd Bowmanville with five, rîght in front aMt 129bt la High Team (3)-This week, irg locals, who led 4-2 at the! goals. while Alex Wiseman! Broughi dek2d Wright little Hahîman 36o5; TItis achedule1 end of the f irst, and ran their picked up a pair and singies' over a minute later ta , shave -Halîman 3715. * Mtrxin ta 8-3 In the second. went ta Doug James, Don Bag- the margin, as the scoring, came f Lo em ().s week 1 Goalfe Grant Wright who was' nelI, K-n Coverley and Terry early, Hugheh wvas servinx a 4e Knight 893; TItis schedule lijue in Thursday night's Bhac. tripping sentence at the time. tl 828.Tam ( - Wiliam Il W williwanam 8.(3)_______-____Williams____________ 2940; TItis schedule, R. Oke a 2744. -* ~ e. le ie a n e n it Figh Single (1-TItis week, Jack Parker 329, TItis achedu4e Tom Cowan 366. HigIt Triple (31-TItis week, John Ford 782; This schedule, Elton Brock 853. -IEATINQ Final Standing Final Standing tnd Sehedule 1 Averages Namne Games Pete Dobbins 33 Rusa Haliman --~ 33 Elton Brock 33 AI Osborne ____30 Ruas Oke -____33 Bill Hearle _____33 Ernie Perfect 33 Bruce Milne 33 Bill Bates 33 Bill Steven 33 Jack Gay 33 Bill Oke 3o Frank Samis ____33 Bull Westlake --30 Ted Bagneli 33 John Ford 27 Ross McK.nightt 33 Frank Lewins - 33 Dave McKnight 30 Hank Janzen -- 33 Murray Larmer- 33 Mcl Dale ___-33 Pat Yeo 1____ 33 Reg Hearle ___ 33 Hep Palmer 33 Doug Taylor 30 Matt Harrison 24 Frank Williams 30 Ed Leslie ---- 33 Dr. H. Rundle --33 Jim Levett _____30 Jack Parker ____33 Jack Lader 33 Bob Williams 31 Abt Piper---------33 George& Piper 33 Dr. K. Slemon 33 George Stephena 33 Jim Cellan-- 33 Morley Vanstone -33 Bud Moses 33 Al! Samnellm -33 Cari Leslie _____27 Don GilItooley 33 Jack Bond -____30 Paul Chant 33 Harold Bennett- 33 Frank Blunt ____33 Don Bishop 33 Carl Raby -____21 Phil Cancilla ____24 Harry Gay -___30 Russ Lane -___33 Jack Munday 33 Tom Cowan 24 Fred Cole -.- -___33 Dr. C. Austin 33 RalpIt Kelly ____33 Ross Wright 33 Bort Englev 3o Clarence Oke ____33 Kari Biekell 33 Morley Etcher 33 Bob Kent 30 Jack Brough - - 3i Si Trewin-------- 33 Murray Tighe 30 Gord Sellers ___-30 Ted Miller 33 Dick Patfiehd ~3.3 Bill Sitotter - 33 Cut McDonald 30 Walt Baines 21 Bob Martin ___33 John Stainlon 3o Gar! Clarke 30 Gien Lader 33 George Glanville 33 Cecil Mutton --- 33 BYron Vanstone 33 Dr. A! Sylvester 30 Clif! Trewin133 Bill Oliver ----- -30 Rolly Coombes ---__33 Ave.'. 234 230 227 224 ") 4 221 220 220 219 2119 2181 218 217 217 217 216 216 215 215 214 213 213 213 211 211 211 210 209 209 2019 207 207 20" 207 206 206 206 206 2051I 205 204 204 202 201 201 201 2001 199 199 198 198 198 198 198 19 S 197 197 196 196 196 195 195 195 194 19.1 193 19.1 188 188 188 1814 183 183 183 182 182 182 180) 1 7 173 IlMIUAVU M uqAc uwU.IUqJ jIt's begin ning te appear that Averages the winner of the Mixed Lea-I Art Spicer 33 211 wo~i Joe Nowlan 33 q05 gue'a ?cnd chdul IArnold Sleep 33 201 be decided until the final week.I1Pat Yeo -.-- 32 201 For several weeks now, JackI Cecil Mutton 33 199 Bond's bowlers have held the Onie Etcher 33 193 lead, but always by a sîim mar- Morley Etcher m. 33 196 gnas the next three clubs re- Jack Bond --- 33 193 ginbnhd l hnsyn Bud Edmondson 33 192 maintsbuncheld, erIwths. ye Jim Richards 27 192 poitso! heleaer.1 Bob Mitchell 33 191 Bond'à front-runners were 1 Len Eldridge 33 181, subjected to a 5-2 setback at the Carole Oke 33 176 hands of Arnold Sleep's team, Joan Brunt 33 176 in an upset, when the wînners Dot Bond 33 175 took the opener by a slim 18 Fred Luxton 33 175 point margin. Art Spicer's out- Duke Brunt ___ 33 174 fit moved past Etchýer into the Jim Cox 33 173 runner-up position, as the re- Essie Cox ____ 33 173 suit of a 5-2 win over Morley Ai Hickling 30 173 Etche.r's club. Bob Mitchell's Jean Evans 33 172 fourth rankers missed a golden Gord Stringer 27 172 opportunity to move up, when Rick Gould 33 171 Ai Hickling's celiar-dwellers Audrey Sle2p -------33 169 pulled off a 4-3 upset decision, Clif! Evans ----- 33 169 one game by a mere five pins. Dore Mutton 33 163 Pac2d by Onie Etcher's 675 Marg Perris - .---- 18-- a 168 trpl ad28 snge te a Pat Bartels 33 165 dtrile adi285sigvethe munBill Charles 33 164 a lesson in bowling, as Jean Aumy Mitcheli 30 162 Evans carded a 284 gamne and MRt iYe------29 1«2 Joan Brunt came up with a 278 EMringYer ------- 27 12 mark. Other high score, went EMar on3327 1621 to Jim Cox 263, Pat Yeo 22 Muriel olroy 33 160 and Fred Luxton 257. RMu ttl on yd 33 153 Jack Bond put together a 659 Doreen Charles 33 152 triple followed by Gord String- Kay Luxton--------- 39 142 er 638, Jean Evans 635, Joe Joan Eldridge 33 141' Nowlan 634 and Fred Luxton Marg Hickling ----- 31) 13 4 626. Everett Winaeott 27 116 Team Standing Ruby Spicer--------- 30 110, Ladies High Single WLPts Q nie Etcher 283 Bond 19 14 46 Mehs' High Single- Spicer 19 14 44 Jim Cox ----------- -263 Etcher_____- 18 15 43 -Lacies High Triple - Mitchell ____ 17 16 40 O nie Etcher ---- - 675 Sleep ___ 15 18 34 Mvens' I-igh Triple - Hickling il 22 24 Jack Bond --- 659 BOC's Gef Off Fbi To Beat Napanee The Bowmanville - Orono; outshot Napanee 15-10 In eaeht Combines captured their first of the first two perlods, and game on Napanee ice since the held a 23-15 third period frnar- teams met for the firat time! gin. in a pre-season exhibition con- test which te locals won in 1957. The 5-3 win eouldn't have corne aI a more opportune turne, as the locals, trailing 3-1 in te league final series Itad ta upset lte Comets, to slav.a off elimination., The B.O.C.'s turned In an inspired team effort night down the line. Rosa Hawe came up wilh several important key saves, while lthe defence were particularhy outslanding, and lte forwards continued b play fine hockey. Only lte speetacu- lac play o! Napaee goalie Nom Parrisit kept thte game close, as Bowmenville - Orono AVAILABLE FR11 PANTS!!! i AFREE Pair of Boys' or Young Nen's GABARDINE PANTS with every SPORT COAT o Comploe range of sizes and colours 6 to 16 years -- KEN'S BOYS" WEAR 15 King St., E. Bowmanville Only four penalties, two to! each team were handed out in the cleanly played contest, as the top clubs in the regular schedule treated a large crowd ta a tremendous ç.splay of hoc- key action. Alter battling through a scoreless opening pe3riod, Ted De Gray's blue line blast found the mark at 3:15 of the second. Brady got that one back, but Art Rennick completed a nice passing play with George West- flU ta restore the Combines' lead before the end of the per- iod. Rennick scord just 50 sec- onds after Brady had tied the count. De Gray notched his second on a solo- runs at the 7:14 mark o! the final session, but Gerow scored in less than a minute and a hailf to put th~e homesters right back in the game. The goals continued to corne in a hurry, as Junior West set bro- ther Keith Up perfectly ta make it 4-2, a minute and four sec- onds later. Whcn McKeown converted Brady's pass at 14:58, it began ta look as if the Com- bines wer2 going to be caught fromn behind again. But the bo- cals dug in anid gave everything they had, collecting their re- ward with littI2 over two min- utes to play, when playing- coach Syd Arnold parkced a back-hand shot into the cage. Junior and Keith West drewv assists on the play. Frank Ifooper was dressLed for the first trne this season, but only made a brie! appear- ance on the ice. Junior Weit and Arnold exchanged positions in what proved ta be a sound, move. The Rennick-Raye West- Westfali lîne continued ta play wel as did Dean West, who turned in a fine effort. Gerry Robinson was a tireless work- er and the Copeland-Walker. Mercer-DeGray defence corps gav'e Hawe great protetion. Coverley belted home à blue- line drive but the Brougit- Westbrook fîrmn came back ta mak2 it 3-2, with Brough scor- ing wvhile Collingwood was shorthanded, Hugches back- handed a shot into the rigging. from a seramble at 17:44, while Shakes was still off. The Lions nctted a pair et quick mark2es nt the start ot the second, as James complet- ed a Bagnell-Ross Turner sel- up at 1:52 and Bagneil, und,3r a full head of steam. shat as he hit the defence ta make it 6-2, exactlv a minute later. Wise- Street la end lte Period in a one al l ie. Ted Fairey notched bis second, and Howardi Quin- ney and Calvin Blake also! found lte- mark in lte aplurge i as the winnens went out in, front 4-1, Bert Perfect fired the IBlock-i busters' final talhy, Itefore Ron IPollard scored for lte lasers at, 5:47 and Hughes a.dded his seu- i ond et lte 7:34 mark. i j jTeénage Bowlinc In the girls' division, Connie place encounter, winr Osmoad's Ieai defealed Bar- climb tol within a si bara Brown's bowlers 5-2 in a o!ftird. first place batlle la draw evea Howard Rundle rcl with lte 'lasers at 52 points of 225, 308 and 213 t apiece. Virginia Brown's leam wilh lte Iigh tipl took advaatage of lte situation, Lawell Highfiehd gr. doiWaing Linda Brooking's lastIhigit siagle honoursv place club 1-0 ta take a firin 313 effort, whicit help grita on lte third rung.i a 693 total. Otherg Coanie Osmond carded te, wene registcred by Saturday aflernoon girls' higit (633) and John Rund triple of 606 on games a! 160, Girls' Team $tan 235 and 211. Jean Allison and Linda Brooking lied et 248 for Barbare Brown the Itigit single. Caron Beau- Cannai Osmond prie had a 208 game. Vingina Brown _ Lowell Hlgli!iehd's outfit blast-1 LindU rooking ---- ed out a lop-sided 7-0 win aven y*' Teamn Star Bob Richard's cellan-dwellers laoi knock two points off Larry Larry Piper.---- Piper's eague-leading total. Lowell Hîghfield Pîpers teara handed Ray Twist's Ray Twvist crewk a .9-2 setback. whihe Jim Jim Mooncraft - -- Moorcrafl's bowl%,ens defcated Ben jBen Thompson - Thomnpson's club in a lourtli1'Sob Richardà ning 5-2 tla sing le point olled games ta welk of! hoe aI 746. rrabbed lthe with a fine' ped hum ta good scoresi Ken Park Ale (602). ndincs pins P. 27133 52: 26627 5 25010 3â! 24003 26ý andlngs pin: Pt. 35290 571 33961 50ý 33404 421 33190 4U 1,1156 .37 31690 25, CHECK OUR PRICES THE BEST VALUE ANYWHERE ASK OUR CUSTOMERS man made nto mistake after taki.ng Black's breakaway pass, and Hughes scored again with Coveriey of f for tripping, before Shakes threaded bis WaY in ta score CollingwoodIs third at 17:59. The visitors playcd %well !i the third stanza, but Boman- ville continued ta get the goals, as Hughes notched bis fifth,. Wiseman his s2cond, andl Black's caioru shot off the goalie. Brough scored for Col- llngwood, aftcr Wright had1 stopped a couple of hot ones.i scorcd lwice in ecd period to defeat the Cornets 4-3. Leigh Sommerseahes ves lthe big gun for the Gen-rals seoring three of the goals. Don Masterso-ný (David Werry) accounted for! the otiier General goal. ion Hancock (Paul Mutton), Andy MVatthews (David WilIiam.3) and Graydon Colville (Jon Hancock) were the goal scorers for the Cornets. Each teain picked up three penalti3s dur-- ing te geme. In lthe final game o!f the Midget Mug Seriecs the Geji- crals defealed the Dodogers 4-3 after titree minutes o! sudden death overtime. Walter Gibson (2), David Werry and Jorin Dykstra were the goal scorers for the Generals. John Twist (2) and Don Smnitht were the goal scorers for the Dodgers. By defeeting the Dadgcrs the Gencrals win tite Art Hooper Mug. Atom Mug Sertes In lthe Alom league Muc Ser- les played last Monday 'after- noon lthe Indians scored once ini eac period ta defeat the Hornets 2-0 and win the Bob Stephens and Ah Mavin Mu-- for the third straight year. Jer- ry Falls and Wayne Barrett werelte goal scorers for thie Indiens. Richard Wiggans o! thte Indians collected the only penalty o! the geme for holding the puck. Golf Lessons Anyone interesled hn laking golf ing lessons is advised to pick up application forins either !rom the Recreation OE- fiee or Mr-. Ken Nieks, as only a limited number o! people cati be accommodated. Il is hoped ta get lthe first lesson started on April 21st under profession- ai instruction. No furtiter applications will he acceptcd aften Frlday, April lotit. Piayground Supervîsors' The Recreation Departinent is in receipt o! several applica- tions- for playgrouad supervis- ors for lthe summer months, but the application forms are still available for anyone interest- service into your project. SHEPPARD m DAN OD III L'U M BE R 1%06 King Si. E. eowmanvillo NArkei 3-5715 ed in applyinx for a aummner job. Application torms are avail- able at' the Recreation Office in the Lions Centre or f rom the Town Clerk's Office. All applications must be ret.urned ta the Recreation Office no later than March 3lst. Ballet Examinations The Royal Academy of Danc- ingé, London England, sends an Examiner each' vear. who tra- ve1s across Canada taking the Ballet Educations examina- tions. The Royal Academny Exa'w- iner was at the Harvey Danc- ing Acad?ni in Oshawa on Sat- urdav, March 7th and several pupils from the Recreation De- partment's Dancing- Cla&sse.ý took their Ballet Examninations. B21ow are the resuits of the Bowmanville punils recived by Miss Irenie Harvey, Balhut Instructor for the RecreatioL Denartment. Honours - Louise WhitneNr. Rozanne Starckaruk; Commen- ded - Shelley Bothwell. Su- zanne Presson: Pass Plus -- Frances Anger; Recommendcd -Wendy Anderson. the Roy al Ballet is as follows: honnurs 8ri-100: Recomrnenderi -î6-85: Pass Plus-71-75, and Recomnmendcd-60-65. Peterborough Memorial Centre presents LBtecrea1îon qÇJeV1eKVs By Douglas Rigg i Minor Hockey played twclve minutes of!lover- Last Saturday morning mark- time before Danny Wilkins rd thll caînipletion o! theitc c scored for the Wings ta give vreation Department's Mqin-or titer the gaine by a 2-1 score. 1-Teke-, ceason fa:- all tcams James Homcniuk open thte scor- wtio did not make Minor Hoc- ing for the Wings early in th- kyNighit. final period only ta h ave Da- Iorder ta add a îittîe more vid Tonkins <Gary Butler) of excitement ta the Mug Séries the Canadians score the tieing playoffs they wvere run in the goal in the hast minute o! play. form o! an elimination tourna- 1 Ini the fourtit and what we Iment. A total of nine games itad hoped would have been th? were played in three leagues. 1last Pee Wee game o! the day In five out o! the nine games: the Bruins and Red Wing s overtime was played in order played ta a 2-2 tie after thirty- ta déclare a winner in eacit five minutes o! overtime. The league. Overtine Plus the regular three Pee ee MÉ Setes two teams played a total o! In the first Pee Wee gamne cighty minutes witItout getting o! the morning the Canadians a winner. The two teams pley- scorcd the winning goal after ed on last Mondey afternoon to eight minutes of overtime. try ta break the tie and declare Leon Carr (Gary Butler) and a winne" for the Ducky Neadis Garry Butler were the goal Muir. The two tea-s p'lved scorers for the Canadians. John sixty minutfs o! scorless loc- Russeill<David Puk) account- ke'y then had an, hour's rest and ed for the Leafs' lone goal. Da- went back at it for another two vi*d Rogers of the Leafs and ten minute periods. In the Brian Forscy and John Russell third ovCttime period Larry o! the Canadians collected thé I Hellam and Danny Wilkins only penalties o! the game. gave the wings a two goal lead In the second Pee Wee gamie only ta have -Ivan Milîs anid of the morning the Bruins and Casey Denhertog score the tie- Hawks played twcnty minutes ing goals for the Bruins. Each o! overtime before Gavland team onlv picked up anc Pen- !Trull o! the Bruins scored the altv in te eighty minutes o! winning goal. Htenry Koov put hockey. the Bruina in the lead carhy in ITn the special game playcd the fîrst period ornlv ta have last Mondayv aftcrnoon between Robert Large of lthe Hawks tie thei Red Wings and Bruina the the gaine up late in the fîrst Bruins scored carhr in te first rirod. Thte Bruins picked iip peri.od ta de feat thte Rcd WincIs four o! the five penalties Itand- 1-01te, wine the Ducky Neads cd out in te game. Mug. In the third Pee Wee tzame It took a tata! of 125 minutes te Canadians and Wings to declare a winner for the Pce Wee Mug. Raymond Adcock (Gayland TrulI) scored lthe winning goal for the Bruina. oor Bantam Mug Sertes In te finis game of the Ban- tam Mug Series played last Sat- urday the Pirates defeated the 5 - 3 Lions 4-0 taernolle into te final gamne for the Mug. Larry _________________________Peiris (Don McMurtcr), Bill Depew (Peter Werry), Don Me. ____________________ -Murter and Bucky Hughes (Da- vid Werrv) were the goal sean- ers«for the Pirates. E'aci teamn Town Leag ue picked Up two penalties in the i. In the second Bantam Game Hockey te Cubs scored twicc in the first period to defeat the Braves The playoffs got underway 2-0 ta advance into the finals in Thursdey nigit*s double-1 against the Pirates. Paul Peter- header. witit the Dept. o! Works! son (Don Riekard, Glen Clarke) downing Construction 5-3 in a lar Don 1lickard (Paul Peter- first game upset, and Murdocht son) accounted for the Cubs' & Wesh locbuserswinning' two goals. Dan Marshtall o! the by the saine score over Front o!uspikdu the fo ly hin. Street in lthe nighteap. Tle altyoftei fr lsng winnrs hus avctak a i n lte titird and final Ban- wtinesthu bs havetaken la big tam gaine the Cubs defeatecl step -inatheres. !tre egelthe Pirates 4-1 ta win the Har- semi-inalsenis. Irv Hughes Mug. Leo MeLean, Vine Vanstone was te star Don Rickard, David Mann o! the opener, as he comple.te- Bîeyne Flint) and Peul Peter- hy stymnied te league-Ieading son' (Don Riekard) were the Construction tearl' scoring op- goal icoer for the Cuba. Pe- .portunities throughout the con- ter Werry seored thé Pirates' test. "Chuck" Kilpatricc open- ]one goal earhy in the final per- ed the scoring at 2:45 o!flthe sec- iod The Cubs collected five o! ond peniod on a pass from Pos- the* seven penalties handed out ter, after bath Vaais had bat- during the game. led, through a scoreless open- Mldget Mug Series ing session. "Bun" Wclsh coTa pleted a titree-way effort wvith nthe firât gaine o! the Mid- Jim Richards and. George Sel- get Mug Series lthe Generals ]ers ta make il 2-0, but "Mort" __________________ Richards shaved the margin ait 14:24, onhy ta have brothe2r Jim gel il back 23 seconds later. Bill Lyhe added a pair o! Ihird peniod goals, with "Mon'"' Richards and 'Hank" Lane ne-1 plving for Brooks Construc- tion. Three second period goals, aIl within a spano! six minutes 1 gave the Blockbusters the sec- ond garne victory avec Fronit Street. Ted Fairey sent Mur- docht & Welsh out in front at 8:25 o! the first period, while Brian Hughes rcplied for Front, For flest Resuits TRY OUR IMMGNATIONMI$ SOMETMIN&!ut* ai iT TS1 UP WITI4 À WIFE, uo ai (IDT00AEý CAR WASH s 55 an' e YOU TOO ARE IVELCOIME TO USE OUR BUDGET PLAN FREE ESTIM ATES GIVEN We are organized to build quality and plus an ALL-STAR REVUE ln a BIG SHOWV AND DANCE Wednesday' APRIL i -Show - 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. *$14-95

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