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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1959, p. 15

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?HURDAY MA. IEk. 50 NE CNADAIiSTAESMA, EWMAV!LL~, ?~TR!OPACI V!7mfl NE WTON VILLE ,Lffter o t e EdtorMussCanl Reichnath of Port Hope srettohtheekEditort wrena Chairman Takes Exception Acredin rs:. Raph Bou- gIhen is in St. Joseph's Hosptia, PetSorogh.not te ie ic Sorry! To "Filth y" Condition Charge Mise Anne Nesbitt commenced the spring milllnery season with Miss McDougal of Oshawa on Eowmaftvifle, Ont. and insurance for onie year la licized. It i. general kno- responsibility for the Arena's hur6d.aY. March 23, 1959. cOl over $6,00f0. Ag the Arena op- edge that a report was received housekeeping condition and Mn. Arniold Wade attended Dear Editor: erates for approximately six by the town from an outside, have no apologies to make. As the Ont. Basebail Assit. Conven- A recent article ini the Osh. months af the year, the recag- engineering firm regarding the! I arn retiring this year, I ex- tion held et Hamilton lest week. awa Times (Bowmanville nized cast for these twa itemrs condition ai the building, fu- 1 pect that new brooms irom an- Mr. and Mns. Clif ton Robb News) under the heading "M Ar- sver $1,000 per month. ture checks which shauld be1 othqr source will sweep dlean and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pea- ena 'Filthy' Say Workmen" To corne out on the right side mnade and possible changeat and and in alI likelihood goad im- son ai Montreal are spending a made interesting reading, but af the ledger. takes a lot ai improvements, yet the fact ne- pravement will be made-at a few days et the Rabb cottage. wa.a not particularly heiptul ta work. However, since the in- mains that we have seen no cost. However, the critics ai ua because it indiceted a lack stallatian of artificiel ice n statement in the local paper Arena Management will no Mr. Ernest Turner, wha has 1952,the Aena as ben abl fro an athoried prson ta-1doubtfindnotetienjoyedtongoodjoheago thhe for foruite ofekbleve this reporter ws' ta meet ail obligations and still ting that the Arena is et pres- 1 pick apart. sretm asdaa tOh We bliee tis epoterwashave a few dollars leit in the ent in a safe condition. This As for myself. 1 arn most ap- ewa hospital on Thunsday. The ti the arena on the evening ai kitty for depreciation. Bow- lack af definite information ta' preciative of the gaod sparts remains were taken ta Carle- March l2th wben I hed a ses- 1 manville is one af the few the public has tbemn confuaed who have helped, supportcd tan Place where the funeral ser- sion with the staff regarding Arenas in a town of this size and concerned with the resuli and con tributed mucb aver the vice and buril were held on thecodiionaith arna bthwhich bas consistently carried that attendance in the Arena years, flot forgetting The Cen Saturdiay. in.tîde and out. It appaars we itself financîally. This has only bas dropped sherply at variaus adien Statesman which bas al- Th sympathy of the people on léit ourselves wide open for been possible through the co- events. We feel quite sure thé ways been interested in Arene Newtanvilhe circuit is extended eaves-dropping and by sa da-; operatian and generous help af engineering firm wouhd bave affairs and accorded excellent ta Rev. and Mrs. Jas. Gay of ing, probably contributed ta tne many public-spirited citizens. recommended that tbe Arena support. Kipling, Sask.. un tbe passing of article. We assume this sameý Going back ta the "iilthy" be shut down if th.ev bad con- As for the critics, we will bis fathen, Mn. Harold E. G.ay ai reporter wes invited ta the' charge which bas been levelled sidered there was any danger alwavs have them eand gener- Oshawa on WediiescLay. Mr. Gay menate dyofte lath ea daheyenulesI mofi ota thea cleaninte aeth risgeebypan o ten hefn ut) and ice planing ta write aaantteAea nsIanai i t collapsing. unestn- havl seknthe m ar teo nesd reb ln t tedtefn atory. badlv misinformed, the aver- S hr sn iudrtn- h aetems asvader' 1l service an Friday. story.age housewife does what is ing, it rnight be well ta mention contribute the least ta any pro- Wbile not wishing ta indulge known as "spring houseclean-1 that in the Bowmanville Arena iect. M'r. and Mrs. Richard Bren- in a rnud slingmng campaign ing" once evervycar. She looks the trusses are entirely differ- Future succcssful Arena op- naiî of Brampton have moved ,with citics, it wauld eppe3r after the sections ai the hou.se ent from thase whicb were used erations are my sincere wishes into the Ormiston cottage. Mr. that à iew facts fromn the are- which are considered ber res- in the Listowel Arena which and as e future paying custom- Brennan formerly an employee i'a's vîewpoint should be re- ponsibJlitY while the man ai collapsed recently. They are er. I trust my criticism (if anv) ai the A. V. Roe f irm bhas secured cardel. the house does bis cleaning in what is known as an Arcb Teca will beofai a constructive nature work at the Harold Burley gar- (1) The Departrnent of Works the bas--ment, attie and garage. Bow String Truss made af B. and not destructive.- age. Was requested bx' the Arcna ta The junk and dirt one finds in C. Douglas Fir, bolted tagether. Once again, ta those who On Gaod Friday. Marcb 27th give the necessary co-operation the corners, etc., is cuite amnaz- They were supplied bv Timnber have contributed mucb aven et 2:30 p. m. there wilI be an in cleaning up the accumulated ing and yet normal. If aur Structures in Peterborough. the years in supparting the Easter Service with Bey. A. E. paper cups. etc., on the sur-, "friends" responsible for the Lîstowel used trusses made ai Arena, many thanks. Çresswelî as the guest speaker. rounding property aiter six article consider the Arena "fil- laminated wood. Sincerely, Then on Sundey, March 29th lnanths ai operatian.1 thy" because corners, cracks in As chairman ai the Arena R. Watt, et 10 arn. we will have aur Eas- (2) A carpenter and electri- the iloor, etc., cantain dirt and Mana' ernent Cammittee for the Chairman Arena Man- ter marning service with special ~an were hired ta do some du.st or what have you (it past se'veral years, I accept full agement Committee. music by the chair 'fý'pair work bv the Arena and amounted to quite an accurnu- flot bv the Works Depatment lation because it is e big build -________________________________________________ as indicated. ing) then I go along with them, (3) The Arcna is swept each' provided they are of the ex-Ai _ngbt by an hourlv rated care- ceptional variety who have a .1akr ndth an2e rom'perfect housekeeping condition Ad ress by Dominion Stores Head ..nd dressing rooms are swept in the home and place ai woi-k 'frequently, depending on the (cellar, eitic and garage includ- amnount ai activities and candi- icd). I imagine one wouid have tohodur in hepoucie k eeg a A eainfrst lass P r tianA. !ug h prduti ep ge a heaipfrb lmais P o r s n t e Pc g (4) The basis an whicb the! condition is cansiderebly maie o r s n t e Pc g Aréne has aperated is accord- difficult than in the average ing ta funds available. Ahbhorne. TRNO-"hssaei esî htpcae od ih n ath ugse moneys for operating casts, wa- Wbile on the subject ai Arena TR NT-Tissaei Headtatpcadiod sgb an tseh suese gès. etc., are deîrived solely' matters, it is difficult for me man's progress shauld nôt be were f r e s h e r, purer and that an attractive package from Arene ectivities, ta understand why e stetemrent calied thc Space Age or the cleaner, partly because ai thieI could edd ta the intrinsic value It may be interesting ta point concerning the safety ai the Atomie Age, but the Peck prot"ecbtaon eao the package provid-ncresin otthet the autlay for hydro Arene bas nat been well pub- Thomas G. McConmack, gaP c, utasobeaue i the a Uc ouct bjyieent o dent ai Dominion Stores Lim- packa .ging made possible et ail it. "A good package should bave ited, told the Packaging Asso- levels ai productioh and distri- nat only eye appeal. but eye- ciation of Canada here last bution. taste appeal, cambining the two DmIV CARIFRE! AP OMFRTSL week. Mr. McCormack referrcd ta senses ta produce e mare de. Mr. McCanmeck cleimed that recent newspeper reports on U. sirable sensation," Mn. McCor- "the package iz tbe symbol ai S. government experiments ne- mack stated. modemn western civilization, leted ta space trevel. "In total He urged tbe pecking industry N O W the symbol of plenty." Modemn derkness. research workers ta, strive for lawer-cost distri- peckaging lied made possible could not tell the difference bution ai goods. This, combined 'eau!ffl-mass distribution and mass con- between bec! and pork, or be with bigber productivîty and % % É N .sumrption, without which low- tween white bnead and brown," increased purcbasing power for [-Zr acast meso production wouid be he neported. Based an thisaep- thc Canadien people. wilU resuit r71 - ;. impossible. he said. parent relationship between in "more for ail." We Specielize in Electronic Wheel Balancing Takes the Shakes Out. Makes for Smoother Driving Many More Miles From Your Tires SPECIAL .50 erWhe ]PIuCE . - WEIGHTS FREE COMf'LETEID WHILE YOU WAIT! Repairs Io AilNakes of Cars R. (Bud) Virtue Garage Texaco Products Gag - 011 * Grease -Wash 218 KING ST. E. MA 3-3432 WESLEY VILLE Duririg the past week nainy trips have been mode by botih high sdiool and public school students ta the Kiwanis Music Festival. On Mondmay. Donnas Oughtred, Bannie, Pearl anc Marie Austin were among the menibers oaiheUic h ischool Glee Club anid on Tuesday Bill Ben. rowclough went with the P.H.H. S. Band. Bath groupa wcre suc- ccssfuh in abtaining 2nd place standing. On Tuesday aterncon Manch l7th et the home of Mme. R. Best, twclve ladies gatheredi and quilted e Red Cross quilit. After they enjoyed a delicious St. Pat- r ick's tee served by Mrs. Besi a nd ber W.A. gnaup. Proceeds ai the tee went into thc centennial fund. Stewards Clarencoe Nich- ais, Allen Clarke and John Gro- eneveld attended the achool for stewards and eiders held in Cronk Hall, Part Hope, on Wed- nesday. Mns. A. Thorndyke and Mrs. E. Barrowcloigh attended thei evening sessions. Mrs. H. Ree4,e spoke et Mor- ris'h W.A. Wednesday eftei-noon. Her subject was "Birdis." At thc Port Bitain Motber's JClub ecore party held at Mns. R. Sculthorpe's Thursdey even- ing, the wlnners ot tlic craws were; Mrs. McNamee won the quilt, Mr. K. Dinner the crib quit an.d WiimaNichais thc pair of giaves. Mm. E. J. Barroweîough let by plane on Saturday for Brit- ish Columbia ta visit her son, Haward, daughter-in-law and thein three ohildTen. Mr. anid IMn. Hiry Fraser spent Sunday with Mn&. and Ma-. ArIod Austin. ENNISKILLEN 1Saturday evening. Mardi2lst r1959, waB fthc date, ani Ennus- Skillen Commun.ity Hall was thie trendezvoua for rnany frieiids, f neiglibou.rs and relatives ai twa, 1behoved couples andi thcir fam- Silles. Ibey gathered in a tare- weli party before thie departure ai Mn. and Mn.. Ted McLeugh- lin, Pet, Jim and John viho are ta take up nesidence on thein farm et Columibus and MT. and Mm. Bil Page. Patti, Don, Val- crie and Steplien who are ta live in Hampton. Rev. W. A. Logan was M.C. for a prograrii consisting ai vocal salas "I Believe," and "Always" by Miss Nancy Wood with Miss Elenor H'eerd as pianist. Twa lively piano duets were ncndened by Mns. Fred Griffin and Miss Lettre Fielder, Mrs. Harold Ash- ton gave a bumorous neading "Mothen's Spectacles." An orchestre camposed ai Mn. Wallace Stainton, Taronto(vio- lin) Mn. Leonard Stainton, (ban- jo) Mn. O. C. Ashton (piano) piaycd same popular tunes in- cluding sarnie ppnopietely 'sea- sonal Irish airs. A skit directed by Mesamnes J. Sieman and O. C. Ashton, which liad in its cat Edgar Wrigfht and John Slemon posing as Mary and Ted McLaugbuîn, Rossaend Orville Ashton as E. and Bill Page, Mrs. E. Wright as Patsy McL.aughin. The stage setting was "Many's New Home" andi the time a few months bence nhe skit closed with a parody "Carry me back ta Enniskillen." The Ennishillen maie quar- tette, and accampanist Mrs. E. Wright, sang some verses ta the honouned guests whicb were composed by Miss Betty Knox anid Mns. W. A. Logan. They also escorted Uic two couples ta the stage. Corsages and boutonnicres werc presentedi totahUicfotrsonie tnt Mesdames A. J. Werry and Keith McGiii. Mm. J. A. Werry and Mrs. O. C. Ashton read ad- dresses ta the couples, Mn. I. Sharp and Mns. F. Beckett pre- sented each guest ai bonoun with e git aifrnoney in persan- ahly monagnrammed w ea11I c ts which werc bandm-ade by Mrs. J. E. Giffin on behahi ai Ennis- killen Comniunity. Mr. and Mns. Bill Page and Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaughlin made speeches af appreciation. Lunch was served and the party closed with a square dance witb Mr. Ted Mc- Laughlin "calling off." Mrs. 1. G. Travell, Miss Bethl Tavell. Mr. David Wehdon. Osh- awa; Mns. E. C. Ashton, Maple Grave. wcre with Mn. and Mrs. 0 r. A--"'_ were visitons et Mn. and Mrs. J. Gemera, Scugag Island. Mn. and Mrs. WiIbur Toms wcre Sunday visitara et Mn. and Mrs. F. Torne. .Mn. and Ma-g. Fred Biilett, Scarbonougli Bluffs, were Sun- day cahiers et Mr. and Mns. Roy McGill's, MnI. anid Mn. Leonaird Stain- ton and Doris wenc witii Mn. C. Mils and thc Roy Hope feiy, Part Penny. Mn. and, Mns. Gordon Beech, Bannie anid Janrice, Maple Grove, wene with, MT. and Mmre Harold Ashton. Mrn. dMm. L. Fewns, Port Peirr, were witti Mr..and Mr. E. McNair. Mn. and Miu. Cfn@dey Bennett and Heather, Mms. E J. Dickin- son, OshawiR, were Sundey visi- tors et Mn. and Ma-a. S. R. Peth- Ick's. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bottreil and f amiiy, Haiuptork, were re- cent visitors of Mr. mnd Mmi C. Ferguson. Mrs. A. Perigoe and Marilyn, Caesarea, were weekend guesta of Mr. and Mns. Ted Werry. Mn. and Mns. Allan Werry, in Company witai Mr. anxd Mns. Rosa Lee. attended the Sunday Ser- vice et the Ontario Agriculturgl Collefe et Guelph and visited with Bian Lee et the College. Mrs. Bertha Yeo, Mr. Jim Col- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colla- cutt and Joanne, Bownanville, wep, callers at Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Yeo's, Mrs. Albert Oke. in company with Mr. and Mrs. Cameran Oke of Oshawa, attended the funeral af the late Mrs. Thomas Mc- Laughlin on Friday at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and Linda, were visitors af Mr. and Mrs. Walter Loveridge. Haydon. Mr. Alan Wray, Bowmanville; Mnr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Lamb were visitors at Lorne Lermb's. Mr. Bill Key, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrn. Ross Sharp. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and Sandra were Friday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley, Peterborough. The service Club, ladies wil hold their next meeting on April lst et the home af Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Oke and family, Oshawa, were Sunday visitars oi Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. Wallace Stainton. Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Orr JeVery, Port Perry, were Saturdav evening visitors at Arthur Brunt's. on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Childs of Bowmanville were with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Measles is stili around aur town, Gail Stainton and Laura Griffin are ill with them and Mr. Harry GrubIb has a bad cold. We wish them iail a speedy re- cavery. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Mur- ray and Helen. Mr. Graham Hughes, Toronto, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormistan. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family were Saturdavy evening tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. McGill. MOMISH The regular mosithly -aeting af the W.A. waa leld en Wed- needay, Marci Bth aet Uhahoe af Mns. Wm. McHolm et 2:30 p.m. there were 17 members, thme.visiton and tJiee ohildnen PresenIt. Tlii President Mns. Hel- n McHolrn cond.ucted Uie meet- ing which opened with a hyrn fallowved by a poemn "Ahane" by Mrs. Lloyd Manvin, Uic Scripture verses were read by Mrs. Harold Oshorne, iessort "Thought" and prayer by Mxrs. Vera Anderson. A hymn conchuded Uic devation- ai part ai pnagram. Mns. Henny Beckett read a very interesting hetter from Mrs. Wright aur missianary friend in Nigeria. The secrctary, Mns. Anne Herness called the rail elso the minutes ai the lest meeting, these were adopted as read. The president announced thet the Anniversary dinner of Morrish Women's Institute will Ibe held in the Sunday school on June 2nd, et 2:30 p.m. the menu ta cansist ai cald turkey.bot vege- tables, jellies, pies and tee, flow- ers, candies and other table de- caratians wiil be supplicd by thc W.I. 'Me April meeting will be lield at the home ai Mrs. Harny Beckett, lunch cammittee Mns. Dawson Beebe and Mrs. George Harness. Several bills were au- thanized ta be peid, the meeting was then tunned aven ta Mrs. McHolm who in turn introduced the guest speaker Mrs. Harold Reeves ai Wesleyvilie, tbis lady is weli knawn as e field natun- alist and chose for ber subject "Bird Watching." Mrs. Reeves emphasized the pleasure ai "Bird Watcbing" and thlibeauty ai mnany transient birds seen only aiten hours perhaps ai careful and patient watching by bird loyers. An invitation ta join Wil- lowbeach Field Club was ex- tended ta the W.A. iby the speak- er. Mrs. McHolm prapasd a vote ai thanks ta Mns. Reeves for lien delightful talk and also ta Mm. Edina Berrowclough wiio gave up preciaus tirne to b. prescrit that afternoon. A hearty ciapp- ing ai hends was thie respons. A "Bird" cantest was condouct- cd by Mns. Reeves and wan by 't 't 't', r -I * You Neyer Saw Your HOME TOWN PAPER Thrown bIte, the gutter or waste basket befor. I% wus r.d, did y«.? But waste baskets and gutters are constantly being £illed witli unop.a.d expensive direct advertising,, salM esnpnpeiiqgon shot. iitothe akv. A newspaper always tommanda an audiene with prospective custonms ht is neyer thrown aside without first being r.ad from cover to covem. Thon it is borrowed by the n.eighbors. That'. why Intelligent, attractive newspaper advertising M. aceepted as the most effective formn of advertising your business An advertisement hi tuis paper wifl reach over 90 per cent of the. buyers in the local trade territory. The cost is very smaU and bauides we do tii. mailing and pay the postage. Duirham County's Great Fanilfg Journal LUI 1 nmay garnbol a.a. lBut 1 neyer, neyer take a chance on ginger aie. 1 aIways play safe with Wiison's Ginger Aie. How about you #7l'il bet you're a Iamb and atways play it safe, too.- l'Il bet you always serve the smooth, sparkling ginger aie... .WIIS@n'S TNE CAMADUN STATESMAN, BOWIL&NVfflýZ ONTARIO THUItSDAY, MAR. "tàlý 1959 ýi Mn. F. CornLqd. Anogier côn- test IHow well do you know C.F.R.B. Ada,"' conducted by Mrs. McHolm was won by Mm. Reeves. During the social half hour a dainty lunch was served by Mrs. McHolm and Miss Beckett. A vote of thanoe to these ladies and ail takng part in pragrama was proposed by Mrs. Dawson Beebe and carried unanimoûsly. Before separating we wished God speed to Mrs. Edna Barrow- clough who wvas flying ta Van- couver the next day, T'hursday 19th on a visit to their son and family also ta Mra. Vera Ander- son who was leavlng by bus Fr1- day mornrng the 2M th t visit her brother Mr. R. K. Holdaway in Detroit, U.S. On Saturday evenlng March 2lst an engagement party was given by Mr. and Mrs. Jan Egas for their eldest daughter Agatha and fiance MT. Michael Kloostro, Codrington. Sorne thirty young people arrived by 8:30 p.mn. light refresi.rents were served bpFt- wieen games and onftests Midi au coffe, soit drinks, cookies, rLtI cocktail and ice cream. At 10l:30 the happy couple were called te the centre of the room and pre- sented with many lovely giftz as is the "utom in Hoiland, a large cake with 18 candiles was brought in, Agatha and Mike blew out the candles ana eut thie cake. Incidentaily the young lad.y had a birthday the follow- ing dýay, Sunday 22nd wtien the adult members of each family were entértained te aupper and more gifts preeàtented. We wish aur young friends evefy hAppi- ness in the years ta corne. Mrs. William McHolm, Mis. iHelen McHolym. Mrs. C. Best, Mrs. George Harnes& and Mrs. Calvin Harness were guestsaet a trousseau tea in honor or Miss Betty McHolm, Welcome, on March 21 st given by ber mather Mrs. M. A. McHalm. Turn OId Furnilure lui@ Cash with STATESMAN C L A SS 1F 1E 0 Phone MArket 3-3303

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