PAGE SIXTEEN TEE eANAD!AN STATFSMAN. Rn MAMVILT.U flW'I'AUTR ?HURSDAY, MAR. 28tI~, lUS j DJll=S CASWEL-Mr. and Mrs. Bnian Caswell arc happy ta nnounce the birth of their daughter, Bey- erley Ann, at Menioial Hospital, Bownianville, an Sunday, March 22nd, 1959. 13-1 CORNZ-A-POPPIN'-The Jack and Jill Club annaunce the an- rival of Cornz-A-Poppin' '59 in the Town Hall, Bowmanville, April 2, 3 and 4. 12-2 CRAWFORD-Harald and Manie are happy ta announce the an- rival of their son Michael Ed- ward, 6 lbs., 14 azs., at Commun- ity Hospital, Port Penny, on Saturday, Manch 2'lst, 1959, a bnother for Ben and Steven. 13-1' HARDY--Donald and Irma (nee Wade) are happy to annaunce the arnival of a 7 lb., 212 aoz. daughten, Kathnyn May, on Sat- unday, March 2lst at Oshawa General Hospital. 13-1 McLAUGHLIN-Roy and Edith are hapi:,y ta announce the birth of their daughter Debra Lynn, at Port Perry Hospital on March 23. A littie sister for Donna and Denis. 13-1* MURDOCH - Bill and Audrey Murdoch (nee Hadifield) are happy ta announce the arrival of their daughter Lyne Susan on March 9 at General Hospital, Winnipeg. 13-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McRoberts, Tyrone, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Verna Louise to Mr. Kenneth Albert Chamberlain, Oshawa, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chamberlain, Norwood, Ont. The manriage to take place late in March. 13-1* Mr. and Mrs. Melville Stuart' Dale announce the engagement of their daughtem, Janet Elinon, ta Mr. Gardon Stuart Findlay, son of Mn. and Mrs. Alexander Marris Findlay, Dundee, Scot- land, the manriage to take place Saturday, April lBth at 3:30 p.n., at Trnity United Church, Bowmanviile. 13-1' Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Strik- wenda, R.R. Na. 3, Part Hope, announce the marriage of thein daughter Evelyn, ta Mr. Sieds Vanden Meer, son of Mn. and Mns. Hans Vanden Meer, R.R. 3, Newcastle, Ont., on Saturday afternoon, Apnil 4, 1959, at 2 o'clock in Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, Bowmanville. 13-1 Mn. and Mrs. Alfred M. Johnston of Pontypool, Ontario, announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances May, to F'rancis William Clark, son of Mn. and Mrs. Wiliam J. Clark i>f Toronto. The marniage will take place on Saturday, Apnil 18. at 2 o'clock in East Chapel, Timothy Eaton M e mor ial1 Church, Toronto.13* ___Marriages SUNX - CRYDPRMAN - A- t Oshawa, Satunday, March l4th, 1959, Shirlie Lucille, eldest daughter of Mn. and Mrs. How- ard Cryderman, Maple Grave, te Charles Robert, eldest son of Mn. and Mrs. Ross Dunk, Osha-I Wa. 13-1*1 Deaths ALLIN-At Comox Hospital, British Columbia, on Sunday, Manch 22nd, 1959, George W. Ajllin in his Bist yean. Beloved fether of Mrs. R. G. Cartwright, Aibenni, B.C., and brother of Mrs. A. E. Gilders. Bowman- ville. Funeral services wene held in Vancouver with inter-. ment in Vancauver. 13-1* H IC KL I NG - Suddenly at Hampton, on Monday, March 23rd, 1959, Algernon Hickling, in his 48th year, belaved bus- band of Marguerite Frego and dean father of Mary (Mrs. Jack Baker). Fenelon Falls; Ann (Mrs. Penc. Caibenry), Lakefield, and Jim, Waterdown. Resting in the new Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, until Thursday morning, then ta St. Joseph's R. C. Church fan funcral service at 10 a.m. Interment St. Peter's Cemetcry, Peterborough, on ar- rivai of matons at 11:30 a.m. 13-1 ISON-At Camnose, Alberta, on Wednesday, Manch l8th, 1959, Mabel Atkinson in hen 85th yean, wife of the late Joe Ison and dean sisten of Jessiet Sculthonpe,I Port Hope, and the late Mary .jane Pearce, Newcastle. Service was held in the new Morris Fun- ejral Chapel. Bowrnanville. on Mdonday, March 23rd at 2 o'clock. Temporary interment L a n g Vauit, Onono Cemeteny. 13-1 WrEVENS-At Memoniai Has- p ital, Bowrnanville, on Monday, March 23rd, 1959, Iva Worden, aqed 54 yeans, beloved wife of Lorne Stevens and dean mother cI Ruth (Mrs. Murray Grant). Srice wvas held in the new Xorris Funeral Chapel, Bow- ianville, on Wednesday, March 25th at 2 o'clock. Interment 4PWmanviiie Cemnetery. 13-1 Notices Dr. V. H. Storey's office will be closed fram April 1 te April 9. 13-2' The regular monthly meeting ot the Municipal Council for the Township *nf Cartwright has been postponed fron A pri I st ft its usual date - Monday, April fth at 1.00 pam. Clork, Victor sweool. U1 HAY for sale, good quality, bal- FENCE posts, 35c each. Phone cd. Telephone MA 3-2964. 12-tf MAU 3-2822. 13-1 LADY'S C.C.M. bicycle. perfect condition. Phone MA 3-3962. 13-1 GENDRON carniage, $13; bas- sinet $5. Phone MA 3-3477. 13-1 QUANTITY of baled hay. Apply Eber Mlîson. Phone MArket 3-2263. 13-2* TOMATO transplanter, in good condition. Phone 3-5207 or APPROXIMATELY 1,000 bales of hay. Apply A. Zekveld, MA 3-2669. 13-1 GIRL'S spring coat, three dress- es, size 10, and one coat size 12. Lke new. Phone MA 3-3817. .13-1 SAVE on lumber, direct fnorn mili to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tf1 KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf ELECTRICAL Repairs-Pnompt service ta electnical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf AFRICAN Violets, a large selec- tion, named varieties, in bloom and bred. Oughtred, R.R. 3, Port Hope (Wesleyville). 13-1 SCOTCH Pine seedlings, 2-0 stock, $10.00 per thousand. Ap- ýply Sam Manetta, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 20 r 111w. 8-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Warkmanship guaranteed. F r e e estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (sharnpoo methad) fnorn Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanviile. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf EIGHT-foot meat counter, $225; pop cooler, $125: scales, $30; slicer, $30; candy show case, $10; boat and out-board moton $100; one boat $45. Apply 871 Ontario St. 1.* BOWMANVILLE Home lm- pravemrents features - aluminurn doors, windows, awnings andj railings. We offer a variety of floonr and wall tules. For free1 estimates Phone MA 3-2753 or caîl at 22 Division St. 6-tf ADDING machines, typewriters, cash r e gist e rs, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furnîtune. New and used. Repairs to ail makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowrnanville. MArket 3-3986. 3-tf SPECIALS--Sealy buttan-free mattresses, $3995; Regina va- cuum cleanens, full honsepower moton, $64.50; G.E. polishers, $42.95; trade-in allowance on chesterfields and chrome kitchen suites. Used refnigerators, ches- terfields and anc only 6x9 Ax- minsten rug. Murphy Co., King West, Bowmanville. MA 3-3781. 13-.* TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS, Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Piastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboheum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramia Supplied sud Laid H. G. HEAL E.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-tf COTTAGE, complete with lot, $50 down and the balance on lowest ternis in Canada; $30 monthiy, plus interest. Pnices ange from $1.995 ta $3,995 for cottage or retirement home coi- plete with lot, on your choice of Ontario's best lakes-Sturgeon, Pigeon, Chemong, St. John, Dal- rymple, etc., also Otonabee, Trent and Fencion Rivers, etc. Also, cottages only suppliid any- where, pre-cut or erected. Free book of designs on equest. Hundreds of satisfied purchas- ers and aur yeams of expenience are your guamantce of satisfac- tion. To be sure of early spring posesion, write todav for free Ctaes Ltd., P.O. Box 222, Ca- boýurg, Ont., or Phone Oshawa RAndolph 5-6359. 10-4 GOOD quality mixed hay. Tele- phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf DUMP box and hoist, $65. Tele- phone MA 3-2788. 13-1 WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf FINDLAY gas range; Quaker space heater. Phone MArket 3-2958. 13-1 AXMINSTER wine rug, 9x6, good condition, $20. Phone MA 3-3688. 13-1 GIRL'S spring coat and hat, size 6. Good condition. Telephone MA 3-3400. 13-lf A QUANTITY of mîxed hay in large bales. Apply C. E. Allin, MA 3-5074. 13-1 BOY'S three-piece brown suit, size 16, excellent condition. Tele- phone MA 3-5414. 13-1* BALED claver hay. Rodney oats. Automatic oven controlled nangette. MA 3-2351. 13-1 FORTY tons choice quality, early cut baled tirnothy, alfalfa hay. Phone Newcastle 2354. 13-1 MASSEY-HARRIS tractor man- une spreaden No. il; Holstein springers, vaccinted. Apply Wm. Jewel, MA 3-2987. 13-1l* FOUR hundned bales, well cur- ed, permanent pasture, clover mixture hay. $20 per ton or 40c per bale at farm. Telephone MA 3-2417. 13-1 HEARING aià service. Testing service and camplete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf NOW-Run your car Wlthout Spark Plugs Buy and try the ail new SA FIRE INJECTORS - At ART'S CAR MARKET 194 & 196 Church St. Bowmanville Ontario 13-4* Cars for Sale '48 FORD haif-ton pickup, $175. phone MA 3-2788. 13-1 ALLSTATE, Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used Cars Cal JOHN STUTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 9-tf SEE Ted Campin Molors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf COME ON IN! Be considenate of those who ride with you and rcward yourseif by buying a sharp, used car from ART'S CAR MARKET 194 and 196 Church St. Bowmanvulle MA 3-5064 13-4* Livestock for Sale TWO young sows. Cali MArketj 3-3051. 13-lI HOLSTEIN cow, due Manch 30. MA 3-2502. Stuart Lamnb. 13l.*~ ELEVEN young pigs, seven weeks aid. Phone MA 3-2038. 13-1 19 PIGS eight weeks aid. Tele- phone MAnket 3-3709, H. L. An- derson. 13-1* GANDER for breeding purpases. Mns. Ivan Farrow, Orono. Phone 34 n 2. 13-1* HOLSTEIN caw, due ta fresh- en immediateiy. Phone MAnket 3-2682. 13-1 YEAR-OLt) boan, purebred, without papens. Aiso some saws. MA 3-2052. 13-1 REGISTERED noan Shorthorn bull, two years old. MAnketi 3-2754, E. R. Knowlton. 13-1 LANDRACE boan, eligible for registration, ready for service; from imported sire. Harvey Malcolm, Janetvîlle. Telephone Blackstock 83 n I-i. 13-1 EGG producens - Dekalb Chix are bned for mare eggs - less death loss - more eggs per hundred pounds of feed - more profit. Buy Dekalb Chix naw. Ç rchland Fanm. H. J. Brooks & aon, Bownianviiie, Ont. 7-tf Wanted to Rent SMALL ganden lot, close ta tawn. Phone MA 3-3242. 13.1* HOUSE with 5 ta 10 acres of land, or srnall fan,. Telephone MA ý3-7179. 13-1 GOOD pasture farm with run- ning water. %arvey Malcolmi, JaneiviUle. Phone Bimkotook a r i-1. 18-1 RODNEY oats, power cleaned and treated. Stanley Taylor, Burketon. .13-1* NOTICE to farmers: Aif alfa, Clovers, Grasses, etc. Prices have increased on shipments now arriving. We suggest farm- ers who have orders booked, pick thern up before April lst when higher prices will be in effect. Stewart's Seeds. 13-1* Mortgage Funds IMMEDIATELY available for first rnortgage on improved town or rural property, $4,000, $3,000 and $2,000 in separate mort- gages. Five year open; interest 717, payable semi-annually. Le- roy Hamilton, Broker, Orono. 1 r 16. 11-3 Recd Estate for Sale Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKEIR Independence and a home! Rural hardware store, 5 roomed apartment, priced ta seil at $6,5001 with only $1,000 down. Attractive 2-bedroom bunga- low, Maple Grave. Bathrooni, cupboands, heavy wired, garage. Yeu will like this home and its pnice ai $7,000 makes it a real buy. Ternis. Businesses, fanms, homes and sumnier properties. 52 King St. W., Bowmanvlflo MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesmen Len Hibbard, RA 8-1022 Jno. His, MA 3-2495 Ron Beatty, RA 5-2156 Work Wanted TOWNE TV ANTENNAE FOR PROMPT, EFFICIENT AERIAL REPLACEMENT OR REPAIR CALL BILL LEASK MArket 3-5522 NOTICE TOWN 0F BOWMAN VILLE NOTICE TO OWNERS 0F NEW BUILDINGS BY-LAW No. 1714 0F THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF BOWMANVILLE ADOPTING THE NATIONAL BUILD- ING CODE 0F CANADA OUTLINES THE FOLLOWING RESPONSIPILITIES TO ANY PERSON OR PERSONS CONTEMPLATING THE CONSTRUCTION 0F A NEW BUILDING OR ALTERING ANY EXISTING BUILDING. Section 1.5: Dufies of the Owner The owner of the property or bis agent shall; (a) prior te the commencement of any ef thé works described ln Section 1.2: (i) file with the administrative officiai a slgned application lu the prescribed form which shall include a statement ofthte intended use of the building, together with dupli- cate copies of specifications sud of drawings te scale of the building or buildings iucluded lu the proposed work and showing whatever information is required by the administrative officiai inciudlng the dimensions of such buildings, the desiguated uses of ail rooms or floor areas, the dimensions of the lot to be built on, the grades of the streets and sewers abutting, the position, belght, horizontal dimensions of ail existing buildings on the lot, and any other information which ls required by this By-law; (1l) obtain from the appropriate autberity permits relatlng to building, zon'tug, grades, sewers, watermaius, plumb- lng, signs, blasting, street eccupaucy, eiectricity, high- ways, and ail other permits required lu connection with the proposed work; aud (ili) give reasonabie notice to the administrative official of the intention te start work; (b) ebtain the written approval of the administrative officiai before doing any work at variance with the documents set out in Paragraph 1.5 (a) (i) aften the permit bas been Issued;, (c) natif y the administrative officiai during the progress of any of the work described in Section 1.2 as foiiowu ...... When: (a) a bVii1ding is built this By-law shaff apply ta the construction of the building; (b) a building is moved in whole or in part this By-iaw shail apply ta the whoie building or al parts and associated buildings whethen moved or not; (c) a building us wreckcd in whole or in part this By-law shall apply ta any nernaining part or assaciated buildings and ta, the wonk involved; (d) a building is altened this By-law shaîl apply ta the whole building except that it rnay apply only ta part if such part is coîpletely seif-contained with respect ta the facilities and safety measures nequircd by this By-law; (e) the occupancy of a building la changed this By-iaw shahl apply toa a parts af the building affected by the change. APARTMENT for rent. MA. 3-3573. 13-1 ROOM for rent. Telephone MA 3-5543. 13-1 THREE roams, heated, on On- tario Street. Phone MA 3-2383. 13-1 FOUR roorn apartment for rent, no conveniences, $35 month. MArket 3-3986. 13-1* APARTMENT, 3 roorns, central- ly located. Available April 15. Phone MA 3-3562. 13-1 APARTMENT, upstairs, three roorns and bath, heated. Adults. Available May ist. Phone MA 3-3186. 13-1* SPACE, suitable for store or office. Central location. Will alter to suit tenant. Telephone MA 3-3669. 13-1 BASEMENT apartment, f o u r large rooms, one bathroom, suit four aduits, oil heated, reason- able rent to right party. MA 3-2460. 13-1* FIFTY acre farm with good house and barn. Nice location. jAvailable April lst. Henry Eik- ens, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Phone Orono 5 r 11. 13-2 THREE and five-room apant- ments with furnace, buîlt-in cup- boards, tile floars, new bath- rooms, separate entrance, lawns fand gardens. Available im- rnediately. Phone Newcastle 3891. 12-2* Auction Sales I have mceived instructions fram Mr. Frank Devine of the Park Plaza Restaurant and serv- ice station on Highway 115, anc mile nonth of Orono, ta scîl by public auction on Satunday, March 28th at 1 p.m. sharp, his entire household effects, bcd- room and living-room furnitune, 21" TV, elcctric refnigeraton,, stove, washer and sewing ma- chine. All like new. For furth- er panticulars sec bills. Tenras cash. Na resenve. Jack Reid,ý auctioneen; Lawrence H1arnîs,ý clerk. 13-1' The Durham Farmers' Fifth Annual Spring Stockers' Sale will be held an Thursday, Apnil l6th at 1:30 p.m. at the Dunham County Sales Arena. The keen competition nesulting fram these sales assures the consignor that his livestock wiil be disposed of' ta the best possible advantage. 778 head of feeder cattle wene sold at aur 2 (two), Stocker Sales last faîl and wene punchas.. cd by buyens from, Kitchener an the west ta Cornwall on the East. Your consignient whcth- cm lange or small will be given aur prompt attention and ef- ficient handling. Our experience casts no mare. Anyone wishing ta consign cattle ta this sale con- tact Jack Reid, 5 r 18, Orono, on Tender TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTONI Tender for Two-ton Truck Sealed Tenders, plainly mark- ed as te contents for the supply of a two-ton truick wiil be re- ceived by the undersigned until 12 Noon, APRIL 6tb, 1959. Tenders must be on forms supplied by the Townsbip. Forms and specification sheets are available at the Clerk's Office, Hamipton, Ont. Lewest or any tender net uecessarlly accepted. W. E. RUNDLE, Clerk, Township of Darlington,1 Hampton, Ont.i Lost MALE hound, 19 inches high, black and tan, smali white spot on chest. Phone MA 3-3197. 13-1 Piano Tuning Reci Estate for Sale PARTY interested in trading ouse in Bowmanville, 5rooni bungalow constructed anc year ago, as down paymnent on farrn in this area, preferably iight land with buildings. Telephone Bawnianville MA 3-3242. 13.2* REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed aud Appralsed L. M. Allison Real Estate Breker Phono 2566 - Newcastle' Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf 1Pedwell Real Esiate- Lange and es, service stores, etc. Maurice H. Pedwell Phone Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brooklil E. Jetfery Phone 238, Coiborne B. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phono 3856 13-1 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Odell Street: duplex, 9 roorns of brick construction. Edsall Ave.. Modemn brick bungalow. Beech Ave.: To close estate, large 12 roorn brick. Five raom bungalow on Lib- erty St. South. Business block on King St. of thnee stores, two apantrnentsi and seven-room adjoining house.1 House lot, 60x132, Durham St. Call in and talk it aven. small fanms, hous- stations, general JLeask Real Esie 6hoome 4brick semi-detached 1 hose t 4Liberty Place; 3 bcd- roonoul furnace, hardwood floors., In excellent condition. Central $9,000.00. Reasonable terms. 5 roomn bungalow, new, 3 bed- rooms, oil fu.nnace, 4-piece bath. $10,000.00. Terms. Brick house ini Oshawa, three 3-roomed self-contained apant- ýments. Insulated. Oil furnace. Partially furnished. Garage. Immediate possession. This is an excellent incarne home, $2,400 annually. Reasonable. Terms. Bungalow at Maple Grove, 3 bedrooms, living-room, kitchen, heavy.wiring. $5,000 full price for quick sale. On No. 2 High- way. Consuit us before b'uying. M. E. LEASE Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 13-1 De Wiih Real Estate 100 Acre farmn near Mill- brook, 75 acres workable, 15 acres wood, cneek, bank barn with water on tap, lange lien house, drive shed, garage, silo; 9 Roomed home with aillrmod- ern canveniences, hardwood floors throughout. Ask in g $ 17,000. Ternis. 200 Acre fanm, 140 acres work- able, 50 acres wood, creek, bank ibarn wxth running water, drive- shed, pig pens, hien house, silo; 8 Roomed home with aIl mod- ern canveniences. Asking $20,000. 145 Acre fanm, 120 acres work- able, 20 acres wood, 100' x 40' bank barn, drive shed, 2 hien houses, pig pens; 9 Roomed brick house with furnace, nunning water. Asking $14,000. Ternis arranged. 100 Acre farrn at Bailieboro, 75 acres workable, 15 acres wood, 2 barns with nunning wat- er, drive-shed, etc.; 8 roomed home with 4-piece bath, furn- ace, etc. Asking $17,500. Ternis arranged. 100 Acre tarin near Newton- ville, 95 acres workabie, streani, L-shaped bank barn, drive shed; 10 Roorncd home. Land suit- able for tobacco. Pnice and ternis ammanged. GENERAL Store in country with a net profit of $3.500 year- ly. Gas pump and oil. Pnice $8.500. Tennis. INCOME HOME on main street, Bowmanville, with two kitchens, two bathnooms, etc. Pnice and tennis arranged. 6 noomed, almnost new, brick veneer home with ail modern conveniences and 10 acres of land, iocated near HIampton. Pnice and tennis arnangcd. 4 Roorned house with garage on 5 acres of land, east New- castle. Asking $4,000. Ternis. 7 Roorned home on a highway with al] modemn canveniences and 5 acres of land. Pnice $8.000. Trms arranged. 5 Roamed, almost new bunga- low with attached garage and ali modern conveniences, west of Bowmanvilie. Asking $10,500. Trnis arranged. 6 Roomed insuiated frame homne in Bawmanviile with .4- piece bath, eiectric water heat- er, modemn kitchen, hardwood and tile faonrs. Garage. Pnice $9,000. Tenis. Contact: John F. De With Realtor aud General Insursuce Newcastle Phone 3341 Salesmen: Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvllc MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson. Bethany Phone 21 r 6 Dan Boebm, Garden EUH.- Phom 6 r 111 ý 1 rpgr VJ%ýè a McQuay and Kidd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 280 acre dairy fanm with al workabie weil drained clay loarn soul. Painted hiproof barns 96 x 65 with - wing 70 x 40. Stable noom for 100 cattle. Daily quota 650 lbs. milk. Owner's house 15-roorn brick with al canveniences. Two.othere6roorn houses in AI condition*ïgved road, close ta tawn. nd terms arranged. Trout strearn with l'ri acrj af bush and pastureland. Fu cash pnice $3,500. - Lot 80 x 350 on No. 2 High. way, $1,300. 8 room house, centrai, ini Bow. manville; large lot, $2.000 down. $14,000 full price. New bungalow with ail con- veniences, near Tynone, $8,750 with law down payment. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3980 Bowmanville Pefer Fed3-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER'e 30 acres with trout stream shade trees, nice view; suitable for park. Pnice $5,000.00. Terms. 32 acres wîth small strearn, 24 acres wonkable, near school. Price anly $3,000.00. Terms. 15 acres - 10 room house large L-shape barn, excellent lo- cation. Price only $9,500.00. Easy terms. 3 acres on Highway 2, good ganden soil. Pnice $1,500.00. 5 naarn bungalow at Countice, fully modern, lange lot. Price $12,000.00. Down $3,000.00. 4 room bungalow, nicely dec- orated, well, hydro, on High- way 2. Pnice $4,200.00. Down $1,000.00. Gnocery store in Oshawa, $64,000.00 turnover. Price $14,. 500.00. Easy terms. Fine building loti in Baw. manville. Priced very reasan. able. 189 Scugog st. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-364t 13-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ]RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCE FOR SALE FOR RElIT . REL? WAMME CARS FOR SALE LOST - FOUND ETC. Cash Rate- - - 4cer word with a minimum of soc Muat b. paid! by date of insertion If charqed, an addjtjonal 25c will b. add.d. A char o f 2.5c wlU b. made à»i cril repLu sdrc.d ta ibis office. ROTICES . COMNa EVEMT AND CARDS OF TRANCS te a word with a minimum et 81.0 for 25 words or loue. BIRTIIS . ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES - D. TH $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMI 01.00 plus 10c a lino for vers. Diaplay Classifi.d ai $1.50 inchwth a mnmum aio. j; Additional insertions ai the e rates. AD CIassjined Ad, muet b. is thia office flot later thon 12 o'ciock faon. Wednonday. Bond cash, stamps or mon.y orcfo: and gave rnaney. Clip this out for handy relerenco OFFICE 1(0175 Monday through Frjday 8:30 a. ni,5a SP.m. > Saturdoy 8;30 arn.. tn 12 Norin Te Canadian Stateuman Djal MArket 3-3303 fier Clussiflsd Ad Servie (e) obtalu an eccupancy permit: (1) prior te the Initial occupaucy of auy building or part thereef or additional construction heresfter; or (il) prier te a change lu the clasa of occupaucy of any build- ing or part thereof. Section 1.6: Responsibility of the Owner Neither the grauting of a permit, uer the approval of the drawiugs sud specifications, uer the Inspections made by the administrative officiai during erection of tbe building, shail in any way relieve the owner ef such building or bis agent from full responsibiiity for carrying out the work lu accordance with the requiremeuts eftbtis By-iaw. Section 1.7: Documents of the Site The applicant for a permit shall: (s) keep posted in s censpicueus place on the premises a cepy et the permit applicable thereto, or a poster or placard in lieu tbereof; sud (b) keep a copy of the approved drawlngusud specifications on the premises at ail times duriug construction for Inspection af-à*£ proposed work. Section 1.8: Penalties Ai persous wim contravene sny of the provisions ef this By-iaw shail upon conviction shah forfeit sud psy at the diacretien et the convlcting magistrate, a penalty net exceeding the snm et MO0.00 for each offense, exclusive of costs. l.IR. QUINTON, Du12-1 Pets for Sale COLLIE pups. Lassie type. Phone RA 5-5959. 13-1* HAMSTERS: Ideal Easter gift fan childnen. Easy ta cane for. MA 3-2434. 13-1' TWO maie hound pups, eight months. John Carnaghan, Biack- stock. Phone 13w. 13-1' COLLIE pups, 10 weeks, fnom good heeler. Appiy ta Ken Clark. Phone Clarke 2333, 13-1 Personal HAVE you a drinking prablem? 'Write Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 371, Bowmanville. 10-4' MAKE good incarne clipping newspaper items for publishing firms. Sanie clippings are worth $5 each. Panticulans free. Newnians, Dept. 37, Box 176, Penticton, B.C.lae HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with pnice' iist. Six samples 2.5c, 24 sampies $1.00. Mail Onder Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co, Box 91, Ham- fitnr Ont. rt (d) notify the administrative 'officiailu wrltlng wlthln 304) y ARTHUR Collison. Telephone ef completion of the work described lu the permit; aud MArket 3-3900. 36-tf lp;"Uds 1 C-- C-1- . 4^v- tzerLa 1 -CLZMA ft-%r -qrflýa 1 1 Articies tor baie PAGE gnrr£M TM «NADL4» STATESMM. BOWMANVffà.ýZ CMTAMO 1 Rrticies ior -àcue Real Estate for Sale James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER 9-roorn solid brick *noi homne, bath. hydro, water atnd sewer, basement, hot water heating, large lot, immediate possession; reduced for quick sale. $1,000 down, balance in monthly payments. Owner carry mortgage. 7-room frame bouse. sunroom, oîl furnace, hydro, 3-piece bath, basement, garden, garage, close to post office, stores, church and 1school. Highway property suitable for motel or service station. Lot on No. 2 Highway west 01 Maple Grove, cernent basernent with sub-floor, roof and weIl, $2,000. Lot 70 x 145, sewer and water, $1,100. 47 Queen St. MA 3-5682 Box 941 Bowmanvme Pefer Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King st. E. Bowmanvill Telephone MA 3-588 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Bartout" MA 3-3098 SPECIAL FOR MARCH One year old 6-roorn ranch. type bungalow in nice location. Featuring the latest in design; best materials; expert workman. ship. Oul forced air heating. Pierson windows. Hardwood and tile floors. And a formhai self-contained apartment in the basement. We are instructed to offer this tremendous value to you at only $14,500.00 and $4,000.00 down. Balance on on@ mortgage. First corne - first served.