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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Mar 1959, p. 7

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?RIRSDAY, MAl. SOUS, 195 TW f%&1"1£%#&Nfli WJ5MNrW A.- WàA - ---- -Z - dK VEEf, .JN TLLRL Jr-i Pentecostal Church 21 Ontario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor 10 a.nt. - "1SIN'IS PRISON BlOUSE" (Easter Play presented by -various ages cf Sunday School) SUNDAY - il a.m. - 7 p.m. Rev. Charles Benn and 8 p.m. - Tuesday to Friday SPECIAL REVIVAL MEETINGS 8 p... - Saturday EASTER MUSICAL PRESENTATION Eastern Pentecostal Bible Coîlege Trio assisting in weekend services. WE WELCOME YOU REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowinanville MORNING SERVICE - 10:00 a.m. - English iEVENING SERVICE - 7:30 p.m. - Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcast CKLB, Oshawa, at 3 p.m. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Trînity United Church Minster-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Callison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.m. - MORNING WORSHIF "Why Easter?" SPECIAL EASTER MUSIÇ 7:00 p.mi. - EVENING WORSHIP "The Heart of God" EASTER MUSIC 12:00 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL % A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL ST, PAULS UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mns. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. Easter Services ai Il a.m. and 7 p... SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL at 9:50 a.m. IAn inter-church Choir wiH present thse Cantata "OLIVET TO CALVARY" IN TRINITY UNITED CHURCH ONf Goo? Friday ai 7:30 p... Count Resuits of Red Cross GEl FAST RELIEF witII GIN PILLS FOR THE KIDNEYS Reg. size 69c Econiomy $1.09 DR. HASE COUGH SYRUP OR TABLETS Another milestone for medical science - at last SAFE, speedy relief from iritating oougha due ta colds or smoking. Blitz cSocal & i -ersonal Phone MA 3-3303 Suveral citizerm have reported ited their grandmother, MT&. C. the presence of robins in their H. Mason. &rem. Wiriners of the Lions Club Stipping ropes and rafler N.H.L. hockey tickets for the Êkaes have macle their appear- play-offs are as follows; Satur- aice- a sure sign Spring is day, March 28th, Dr. I. Woolsey her,. and Jack Geddes; Tuesday, Special Easter services will be Maxth 31st, Fred Harding and held at ail churches this week- J. Mallach. end, Check the advertisements Miss Lynne Bagnell and Miss for details. Saily Price, members of Ship- Mr, and Mrs. Frank Williams stads and Johnson's "Ice Follies,"1 have retu.rned from visitmng their are spending their Easter vaca- daugnter, Mr. and Mrs. Loi-ne tion with Lynne's parents, Mr. Kliastiver, Daahwood. and Mvrs. W. W. Bagneli, and Mis Mary Lewis of the Hos- sister Gail. pitalfor Sick Children, Toronto, Miss Marilyn Wedlock, Sylvia vislted ber mother, Mrs. Agnes Hayes, Ethel Drury an~d Hazel Lews on the weekend. Webber of Peternborough Civie M.. and Mrs. Ross Clark and Hospital speut a w'eek's vaca- Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clarke, Bow- tion in Nassau recently and re- znanwille attended the âso<t- ported a wonderful trne. Ibey mnent Show, Toronto, on Sat- travelled by T.C.A. urday'. Overnight guests on Saturday R.gy Cooper, a member of the with Dr. anid Mrs. John Werry staf oftheOntaio raiingwere Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ewers School for Boys, BowmanvilleadRbrMne.Sdy la enijoying a motor trip through guests included Mr. and Mrs. Florida. Robert Philp, Bruce and Stevýen, Mr. and Mis. Lewis Truli Stirling and Fred Philp. Hampton, and Mr. and Mrs. We are most anxious ta in- Franklin Truil, Scarborougb, crease the size and scope of this visied r. nd Ms. has A.column of social items. Please vihsedMr. ndr. Ca.Aco-operate by telephoning MA Johnsan Suday.3-3303 if you have visitors or MIrs. N. C. Yellowlees has ne- have been away- or if you feel turned to Bowmanville aften you know an item which would spending two weeks with her be of interest ta others. daughter and son-in-law, Mn. Mrs. Geo. S. Patterson, who and Mrs. Ivan Ellicott, Peterbor- has been spendmng the winten ough. with her aunt, Miss E. Hellyar, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mason, Tor- sisten Miss Harriet Bartlett, bas onta, were weekend guests of returned to ber home in Novat Mn. and Mrs. Nelson Osborne. Scotia. Sbe stopped on the wayr Debbie and Barbara Mason vis- to spend a few d-ays with ber Shakespeare Course Anticipating the Stratford Shakespearean Festival, the Bowmanville Recreation Department bas just an- riounced that under the leadership of Mr. E. J. P. Morley, a new course "An Appreciation of Shakespeare" will open on Wednesday, April 8th at 8 p.m. and continue each week until May 27th. Following the very successful "Great Books" discus- sion group, this too will follow the same plan which bas been s0 popular in Bowmanville for the Iast three years. Since the registration is limited, we suggest that you contact Mr. Douglas Rigg at MArket 3-3335, Exten- sion 6, as soon as possible. brother, Prafessor Fred Bart- hett, Queen's University, Kings- ton. Arrangements are underway for the finst annual Canadian 'Library Week, Apnil 12 ta l8th, when a special invitation is ex- tended ta visit and join Bow- manville's Public Libnary or any cf those in the surnounàding com- nsunities. The slogan fer the campaign is "Wake Up and Read". IRay Preston of the Guelph Z"Biltmores" Junior "A" hockey tam, who spent over two weeks ini hospital due to an injury ne- ceived diuring a game is now convalescing at home. Inciden- tally, Ray is sporting a new Eas- ter suit- a plast.er cast ta pro- tect bis iback injury. Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery Ray. Bownianville Cleaners have added another piece of modern equipment to their new plant in the way of a steam air form finisher. It is adjustable ta any size, shape or form of jacket or coat, ta înstantly take out al wninkles and keep garment ta size. More evidence that this business bas faith in the future of a growing town. Mrs. Ralph Ames, vice-pres- ident of the Bowmanville Homne and School Association, and Mrs. George Stephen, a member of the executive hiave been appoint- ed delegates from the local Home and Scbool Association ta the 40th Annual Convention of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations ta be held at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, on April lst and 2nd. Aimong hose attending the recent W.M.S. Conference at Peterborough from Oshawa Pre- sbyterial were past president Mns. J. H. McKiihey, Brooklin; Mrs. L. Kemp and Miss Marion JBelh-nan, of Whitby, ns. E. Moun- tjoy, Kedron, Mrs. F. Reed, Hampton, Mrs. Ivison Munday, IMrs. K. C. Hopkins and Mrs. Carl Down of Bowmanville, R.R., Mrs. J. L. Pegg, Oshawa and Mrs. M. C. Fisher, New-5 castle.1 It bas been brought ta aurI attention that some teachers and1 parents bave the misconception that the Public Speakîng Con- test being sponsored by the Can- adian Legion Branch is for the cbildren of veterans only. This is not so, it is open toa ah pupilst in Public and High Sehools inN Durham County. The Bowman-c ville ibranch of The Canadian1 Legion is sponsoring this pro-t STe JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) HOLY WEEK WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m. Mlssionary Service THt RSDAY 7:30 p.m. Moly Communion Good Friday 12 te 3 P.m. The Three Heurs Devotions EASTER DAY 8, 9:30 and il ar. HOLY COMMUNION 3p.m. CHILDREN'S EKASTER SERVICE 7 p.n. EVENSONG gram as part of their public service prognam. Parents cf dhildnen wbo wihh be attending public sebool this faîl shouhd acquine proof of age in the foi-m cf a birth centifi- cate for them as soon as possible. These are available for $ 1.00 fnom the Registrar General of Ontario, Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Torante. The chilctren will be registered for school from Apnil 13th ta l7tb Further detaihs will be published in an aderisesent jin next week's Statesman. Oui- deepest apologies for an erreri hast week's Statesmnan. In the Classîfied section, a Work Wanted advertisement nead "Cu- stom ch'ain-sawinýg. Phone bath- room. Available Apnil lst."' It shouhd have read Custom chain- sawing, P¶hone Oshawa RA 5- 5959. How the bathroom get tied i with the chain in this modern ýage we'll never know. Another mistake almost slipped, through this week. Under the Wanted ta Rent 0olusnn somieone lied plac- ed the following advertisement: "Holstein cow, due Mai-ch 30th." So many people 'have expres- sed a desire ta see thse intenion of the new Morris Company's Fuiieral Chapel on Division St., that special arrangements bave been made for Easten Sunday. The Chapel wil be open ta visi- tai-s. after the il a.m. church services unitil 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Plans are now in pragress for an official Open House at a later date. Having been prîvileged ta see the build- ing already, we can assure you that it is on~e of the m ast beau- tiful structures wie have ever seený. Ta-nigh-t (Tlvursday) Is the annual ehection of afficers of the Durhama County Cluib of Toron- to. This Club bas tihe distinction cf being the first club of its kind ta be arganized i Toronto over 6! years ago. It bas been a continous going concern with the exception of sevenal years during the Wonhd Wars. The speaker on this occasion will be Mr. Thon Hansen, famous Art Director of the British Ameni- can Oih Co., whose subject wîlh be "Hand Wrought Happiness." Music will be supplied by the Osborne Quartet and Mrs. Glen Pickehh of Ebenezen. Mr. and, Mrs. Bill Steven re- turned Tuesday fi-rn a four week holiday in Flonida and other southern United States. Passing througb Jacksonville, they found a tauch cf home in the Jacksonvilhe Journal which featured a photo of former Bow- xnanvilheite, Mrs. Eugenia Fi-a- zien, on the front page. She was shown oehebrating lier 93rd birthday at Springfield, Vt., by parading ahong Main Street clad like a soldier, complete. with rifle and steel helmet. Every year, Mns. Frazier perfonms somne unusual stunit te mark yet ana- ther milestene passed. Our one regret- and bers- was that she was unable te attend Bow-. manville's Centenniiah cehebra- tion last year. Our thanks te Mr. and Mrs. Steven for delivering the copy containing Mrs. Fraz- Len's photo to us. Golf Course (Continued from pnage onel ate with adequate financing. The last few days bave seen1 heavy buying in shares, accord- ing te Mr. Nicks, who explained that they will net be available from tneasury stock aften March 31. He also stated that very few shanes of treasury stock are lef t te be sold. Organlae Golf Clinle A golf clinic is being organiz- ad umdu *a dumm ciEw- manville Recreation Dept. in co- operation with the Southview Golf and Country Club, starting about Apnil 2lst. It wihl be an eight week course for bath be- ginnens and those golfens wbo wish ta get the kinks out of their game before the season stants. Golf professional Harley Tru- deil, who openates a dniving range in Oshawa, will bead the contact Doug Rigg, Recreational Director or Ken Nicks. The last day for registration is April 10th and interested parties shnnld ennoil soon as the numbens are, limited. Loetchfïeld Passes (Continued from pagg one) board chairmanship as chiet executive officer until April 1956. He contmnued on as Chair- man cf the Board until last Oc- tober wben he was named Hon- ourary Chairman. Under bis leadership and guidance, Goodyear grew from a smail bicycle and carrnage tire sbop ta the world's largest rubber company. He was the leader in the devehopment cf tires and brought aeronautics into the Goodyear onganization. Mr. Litchfield established the "Wingfoot Clan" in 1912, and the -Goodyear Service Pin As- sociation in 1915. He pioneered in many auxiliary activities and benefits which are cammon- place throughout industry w,- day. A monument ta bis life-long interest in development and re- search, the $1,500,000 Goodyear, Research Laboratory equipped with the Iatest and best equip- ment for research was opened in June 1943. His interests outside of Good- year wene many and varied. Chief among them was bis en- couragement of the Boy Scouts. Fon aven fonty yeans, he vaca- tioned at bis cottage on an is- land in Lake Temagami, and thene he establisbed a camp for Boy Scouts selected from tnoops in the United States wbich wene associated witb the vanlous Amenican plants. Many hundreds of Scouts bave enjoy- ed his hespitality. Mr. Litchfield visited Bow- manvile Plant duning 35th- An- nivensany Celebrations in 1945. He was a frequent visitor at the Annual Service Pin Dinnen at the Royal York Ilotel, Toronto. His last visit ta Bowmanvîhhe was Nov. 3rd, 1956, when be expnessed keen intenest in the plans for the new beit building and the lange new beit pne8ss On hatocasion, he had lunch at, tef Blmonal Hotel wbich be recailed as the Goodyear'ence,. Club of eariy days. and in -the ý ters. I4~ evenmng was present ait the! r.H ~ Service Pin Dinnen iin Toronto. exMns ta. Survîving are bis wife, Flor- pathy in theiïe GIFTS For EASTER Boxed Chocolates, Fancy Nuis, Cologne, Perfume, Lipstick, etc., are always acceptable. DROP INTO OUI STORE. SEE OUR SELECTION. You'll find Shulton Toiletries particularly appropriate. BUFFERIN 6Ss -*Reg. 1.23 ___ 98 Reg. 75e size White Rain Loion Shampoo 1.50 size LIquId LANOLIN PLUS plus 7ge trial size BOTH FOR___ I 1.50 2 For 99C 10e OFF Liquld WILDROOT CREAM-OIL 73e 3 value63 I D.A. Brand - 8 oz. reg. 49e COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO 39r 1 I.DA. Brand - 300's - reg. 89e IDASAL TABLETS Fast relief from pain 59C 16 oz. - Reg. 89c Evelyn Howard Theatrical Cold Cream 69c Regular 65c HINDS Honey and Almond CREAM 2/98c BEAUTY FOR SPRING NIVEA CREAM 39c, 69c, 1.25, 3.30 I.D.A. COLD CREAM SOAP 2/29c, 6/85c1 ITALIAN BALM 39e - 59e - 1.09 DEEP MAGIC 75e - 1.25 TRUSHAY Bland Lotion 37e - 99e Cutex Hand Cream---- 39e, 49c, 69e Enden by Helene Curtis 1.69 Quick by Richard Hudnut 1.25, 2.00 Hazel Bishop "Ultramatic" Lipstick------1.75 Evelyn Howard Hand and Body Lotion -__ 1.00 Toni --_-_-_-_--------_-_--2.00 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY v t~ h EASTER SATURDAY O Full length film - Cinemascope "DEMEIRIUS AND THE GLADIATORS"1 (Moving sequel to "The Robe") TRINITY UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL AUDITORIUM NARCH 201h ai 8:00 p.m. ADMISSION FREE - EVERYONE INVITED SPonsoredl by The Salvation Army, Bowmanville Good Friday Evening 7:30 o'clock the choirs cf St. John's Anglican, St. Andrew's Pres- byterian, St. Paul's United and Trinity United Churches will present the sacred cantata "OLIVET TO CALVARY" li the TRINITY UNITED CHURCH The soloists will be: Mr. Don Williams, baritone; Mr. Ross Metcalf, A.R.C.T., tenor; Mr. C. J. Evans, A.L.C.M., organist.- The massed chairs will be con- ducted by Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. Those in charge of the first Red Crass drive in the area were delighted Mon- day night when the receipts started rolling in generously. At latest count, the total had exceeded $2,100. At headquarters in former Mayor Nelson E. Osborne's residence Dn Loyers Lane, Bowmanville, the count tDok place. This photo shows, from left to right, Bill Burk, Ralph Ames and Mr. Osborne. -Photo by Rehder I COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE eIA IRU SI IITORESI'i SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK *ET~ LSTRONOER TO@O WiWfflWwu OR DRY UCAUSU oMELOBONDEDI alo W.AI MAN-ShM ni. "Every Day" Way Io Hctie p geta Sreli fé up Smle at pctty anoy~ Ita ruem PmlOSPIO-PLUx nU id thne euery doy wy go NWrelieu ve ÉlwUateuioe 100 _M p $4.25 M TAOLM $ 2.50 % aoswo $2.50 am IL Wqé a bu"unoI - * e. .o» Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs Phone. MA 3-5792 IIUP-"AT. MAIt. 28th, MU THE CANADIAN STATESMAN- linwwàwýjrjw nmmàlevn v u b y si 4ý-.

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