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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 11

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~- - -.~.- ~ - - -~ ________________________________ &TUE L.C.N A.LJLAIV IATI PN VIA IV P<JW V;ZA IV ViE .1.E NTAPM coulter shank should b. dut .M any IiT r~f~I ed until the coulter spaleA ri Meeting T a trP o sto the board.J Adjustd Imprperly hould be made before 0fhEbeneze is taken into the field. Then these adjustments can be mo- Â k Nie out of ten tractor plows measured on a bard surface, ius soil conditions. Hitch ad- are adjusted improperly. That's should be one-quarter of an justnients tan easily be made April Meeting ~what a survey made somne tixne1 inch for hard dry souls. and up i n the field. The April meeting of Ebene- &ago in Ontario showed to hal' an inch for sofitiimoist The instructlon book< obtain- zer W.M.S. was held in the S. Basiall. terearethre a- sUs.If the landside dots have ed with the plow should be fol- 1S. room with 24 present. Mrs. justments which can be madef a replàceable heel casting, thte lowed closely. K. E. Courtice, Stewardship to a plow, states Don Clark,' casting should leave a sIightl Secretary, spoke on "How to Be Department of Engineering Sci- mark in' the boto of the fur-; a good steward or are we catch- ence. Ontario Agricultural Col- row 1w-hen plowing. HIAMPTON 1 îng tht rigi-t bus." The most lage. These are the heel citar"- Th.-c andside oressure adjust- A' 1L crucial need of the world is acthe oler. eprsur.an ment when adjusted properly M.adMs utnBro the re-establishnxent of Christ- he cleraneitem on three-wheeled plows reduc- and Erylene spent the stneeke-cocetrtdn Heel learacbotsthe n1ed the draft by causing some of self-iscpin lo e adlly i t surement between the otm the side thrust of the plow t e wit.h Mr. and Mrs. Walter Law- selfdsipino eadllty. Siigtw of the furrow. If the Iandside: stead of being carried on the Mrs. Eliner Wilbur and Mrs. Courtice offered prayer. does flot have a replaceable landside of the plow bottomn. Sam DewelI were Saturday President Mrs. K., Hopkins heel casting. the clearance wheniiOn two-wheeled plows, as well guests of Miss Apha Hodgins, conducted the business. Corres- -as on mounted plows. there is Bowmanville. pondence from Dr. Hunnisett usuall-7 no special adjustment Mr-. and Mrs. H. L. Caverly was read thanking our Auxil- IF YOU IVANT TO EAT for landside pressure: the hori- Stoney Creek. were guests aij bary for clothing and quits re- TABLEzontal hitch of tht plow to the th e home of his brother Mr. and ceived, also a letter from a PRM1TABLE tractor or the design of the Mms Ken Caverly last week. litte sick girl who had been !REMUM TBLEbrackel that attaches the roll- MranMs.Bh ideob given one of the qwilts. Good, ing landside to tht plow bearni used clothing may be brought usuallv controls the Iandside onBltaddagtrCroyto fthe May meeting or given rssr. Oshaw-a. visited Mrs. S. G. Nid- to Mrs. Carl Down or Mrs. G. E G G S ;landscic pressure is checked bŽ1' Miss Dorothv Virtue. Bow- ing for dlean. white cotton suit-1 ;lyng a stra ight edge against avlevitdMran Ms.befo bandag~es. at the ieo eieytstrsth pon ae Buy thS EmatS distance fromn tht rear of thei Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon. through a film "ýVisit te a Stran- ALINSMET landside to the straight edge îs Bow,,-rnanvi]le. were Satulrday ger". This proved to be a verNi KIn~~ Street ~ ~ . cd. The rneasurienie.v. cirner guiests of 'Mr.s. .Toc Chap- rask n is neetn BOIVEN'S GROCF.RV should be between a quarte-r: flan. filin .-bow]ng the probleras aix;d Scugog Rd. and thrzee-eighiths of an inch. Foec ei pn feelingts of our New Caliadians.3 FAIRWAY FOOD MrARKET The coulter adjustiment i15 11f Mis e lken ce With rs Serwood 1and the experiences shared 'o. KIn Stee potan. ht djutientot r1 Rurdie andi Jean, Bowmanvil]e. the viýit1n_- church ladies. This, DAVIS GROCERY rolIin, coulter is affected bv i verse "I was a stranger and " King Street the 1.odition o! the soul to b;e Mr.ý and MNrs. Harland Truhivihe nie",. tooki on nev mea.,î- plowed and the sharpness of; spent the weekend with Mr. and ing to these wornen. Mrs. G.; or eat them served at: the coulter itself. Tht coulter jMrs Allan Grahamn and family, Tubb ran the projector and 1 BALMORAL RESTAURANT can be adjusted three ways Feneo, als Mrs. Carl Down read thie coini-1 Thle first adjustmnent is the Mrs S. Kersey visited Mr. mentany. Mrs. Eric Courtice fa-! CORNATON RESAUANTI ept QIcn. Te enealset- and Mrs. Ken Pooler and famuly. voured with a piano solo. OLYMPIA, RESTAURANT tin- is one and ahatotoOsaa Stira. Mrs. H. Tink and Mrs. J. C. FLYING DUTCIIIMAN inchrs clearance betmeen t1ic r xd r.AturSlia Found were ln charge of the de-i RESTAURANT point oithte share and the cut- M.an r. ';ti ulia otional using the tiiene "The The ar th frshet tbleegg tiig dgeof ht oulerand daughters Connie ai-d Paula, Hope of a Warless World". Af- They are ~ ~ ~ ~ 1. the srsettbeeg igeg feo ulter brblade. Torotwr udyvstr' oi te aret- 'I te oi i vrvbador the rnto, re.una vste r singing "O God of Love.0 'n he arkt -couiter duli. it will be necessarv w h r and Mrs. Jot> Gallant King of Peace", Mrs. Tink of-' produred bi' to increase this clearance so thàat' and W. W. Horn. frtpae.Mr.Fudra K.tht plow xrill flot. "ridie" on. the Ni. Jack Niddery. Bowman- scripture foui-d ini Micah. Mrs. W. . NO WAK S coulter and thus flot allow the! ville, anid Mr. Niek Frynea, Osh- F ound recalled tlîat early in thti plow ico penetrate to the desired awa. -exe recent visitors with historv of the Israelite nation. CHICKEN FARM -depth. Mrs. S.. Nic]dery and Mary. tht folly of a was recognized. 'Wmners of three Silv er Cuppotin0 the cutro h h ekn with bis parents, beat their swords; into plouch 'Trophies and many îirst prizes ploxv bearn. Tne tusu-al position Mr. and -Mrs. T. M. Chant. shares ancd their spears into lor the best eggs at CNE. is to have the bearing of the Mr.M luno co pan puning-hooks and to learn war coulter directly above the point if nmore. Ail that God really Phone MA 3-2720 oftt hreied Mr. and Mrs. Higgins and 'sso i epei htte L.IBowmanvillef The third adjiistnient con- 1 Jirn b Toronto on Saturday. "dfo justly. love niercy and walk cerns the clearance betwe"u ReenaHrsatA W. Pres- 1 hurnblu- before Him". M,-'s. talegspeoialîzeifnirouhin : nu the coulter and the landsicle. T- cott's ,vere Mir. andi Mis. Gordon1 Foiind elosed the meeting wi f ii thbe mosi;lîygenic and sanitary ja.xet vav' to set tht coulter- Moore and chikciren. Port Hope;: prayec. way ini totally mechanized hien! to the land is to hold a board Mrs. R. Griffin, the Union; Mr. houses. We produce white shel 1 which, is three-eights to thre- « ad Mes. Wilbert Smith and .ggs only, graded under Canai-! q uarters of an inch thick. onj Dorothv. Mr. Phil Conlin. Osh-i YELVERTON Mon Government supervision. edge against tht landiside anud awva: Mrs. WiNl Ashton, Ennis- txtending forward beyond the killen: Mirs. McI.an, Mrs. A. Yelverton's Fan-iily Club meti point of the share. Then t!le Boyd and Gordion, Einiski]len, , on F'iday evening with aroudi JMrs. Edgar Prescott, 'Mai-vin, ý 23 members. two visitors (Mn. Dav-id and Diane, Enfield. ad Mms Harold Kyte of Black- PLAN TO ATTEND . . Sympathy is exttnded to Mr.stock) and some thousand and Mrs. Ken Caverly and famn- children judging by the racket "~ ~i--i ~ o ~ ile they put up (on.ly a couple of O sha w a iO . L. S. Caverly. Also to Tom-I dozen actually). President Art pkins. Mrs. Johrl Rogers (Sr.) Rowan presided at tht business * and-d MIrs. Fred Holroi'd in tht session which consisted primar- sudderx passiîîg of hisband. and 'il3' of setting up the niachlinery Home Builders' Fai r faer. e ~-~~eto hold a fl-lde uto Sundaychuch ervceswer sae.This sale. sponsored by le be beld inte arl el.atede.Oubaso Family Club. will charge 10% 1arl commission for "seling, the auc- , A . 1presented asplti-dýidi message at tioneer donating his services al Osawa rmouries - theTnorning "riean h for tree, wiIll be tlîat genial "Wil- «hý seetO a ýIOafe-bur Nebb" ofYelverton-Ted THV fHURDA Y - FRIDAY - SATURDAY iated. The beautiful basket of Spenceley. Ted recently tom- I flowes which adorntd tht alter1 pleted a course on auctioneering A pr l 3 , M y ' &were from *wbe averly faimily,-1 down in the U.SA. and bas E A pri 30 M a 1 2 TmpknsHolroy and Roers1 aquird amodcur ofexpier- S farnilies- i memory of their1 ience as well at Lindsay Sales Sponsocred annually b 'vloved one recently deceased. alsoi Arena as part time auctioneer Oshawa Junior Chamber of Commerce from Mrs. Chant i memory' of land is now making bis debut at her father recently deceased.1 this auction. Contact any of' Juliette will b. present April 30 at 3 p.m. Thankoffering Service will be 'the foilowing immnediately to get 1 heldon SndayMay rd a-id your articles listed on tht sale Thursday and Friday - 6:30 t Ol ~ ti nsa Sevicewillbe cnd:bilîs. Nothing toc big, nothing - - . . - a1:0atetism0alm.Sorvipeastor on-aytoo small -. furniture. imple- Saturday ' - - - - 1:00Oo 10:3IZES. ducted by ,ur astor n ymtnts, antiques (no mothers-in- LUCKY DOOR MIZES 10tlh. Parents who haekIrnlw, please) but NO livestock or Adujeson - - 4 - - Adutsto be baptized are requested te fowl. Committee ini charge of S . . . . . . . Adults fic get ln 'bouch wltiiMr-. Reed or ilistingis: Art Rowans, Howard Children Fret ont of the Elkiers of the cburch., and Murray Malcolm and Ted jTht Service Club will make: Spenceley. Watch the Auction Parking directly acress tht street a canivass of. the, village early Sales colunun the week prier to __________________neft week for the Cancer Fund. tht sale for piàrticu1ars. We h - ______ jsolicit the support of ail adjacent A communities li thîs interesting1p experirxent with profits goingI toorcommunities' bettermetj iMore particulars in subsequent1 . âf -l news budgets with te kind co- and very dlean car. 1953 Olds. "88" 4-Dz. Sedan girls. bd eprr a 1956 Olds. "98" 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 Pentiac Sedan ;revoir" te Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeI 1955Pontac Cach Bennett who have rnoved to 1955Pontac Cacb 950 nteratioal TuckCadmus district te the home of' 1954 Ply'mouth Sedan 4-ton, complete with hoist tht late Meredith Fallis and ex- Dark bine. in A-1 shape and dump. .tends the welcome mat te the new proprittors of Yelv;erton G service station, Mr-. and Mrs. Morris (Mor - as in "the mor we get tegether") Mani-le and Mr Outstanding Value!! and Mrs. Ken Mantie and tam- 1957 OIds. Super ""88" 4-Dr. Deux. 'Sedan leasthasa head strt n T slow-pokes with ont field of Hydramnatic transmission, customn radie. One owner sar, ýgrain already sown. Snow G 2-ton. in ceral and ivery. In lovely shape. however, as last year. still per- sists in a number of fence places. Many Yelvertonians t o o K ALL RECONDITIONED - READY FOR THE ROAD French leave of spring work on Saturday p.m. te attend tht' AUl Privately Owned Cars Mostly One Own.rl fax-m sale of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Timms. Attractive prices pre- ývailed, 'tis said. Leonard, Carl, Roy, Gordon of ROY W NIC OLS Reaboro were Sunday visitors atteHarold Stinsons. Oldsmobile and Chevrolet Cars Officiai figures show that DOWNANILLE Chew.JioTruhi COUI9TICERa Partof158wre p arly ff Phone MA 3-3353 Phono NA 3a322 Inance cmaisfatrta 1,he ere taking on n bor-1 i rowina. 1 Cheaper to Bigger Packc Many fruit growers buy spray chemnicals in small packages despite the fact that the smaller the package the higher the cost per unit of weight. says Ento- molDgist Dr. James Marshall of the Sum-merland, B.C., Experi- mental Farn-. DDT. one of the Iess expens- ive chemicals, costs about $2 less when bought in 50-pound bags than when purchased in cartons containing 12 four-pound bags, he points out. And the saving on malathion, a more expensive chemiàcal, is about six per cent. An example-using a mixture of DDT, malathion and suiphur: With a machine that sprays three acre 's to a filling, nine bags of DDT, nine bags of malathion and seven and a haif bags of suiphur, would have to be indivîduýally opened and shaken into the spray tank-an opera- tion that takes tirne, leaves 25 empty bags and two empty cartons to dispose of and, in general. is a nuisance. Using 50-pound bags: 1Determine the capacity of a large bucket by weighing it filled with each chemical, thus substituting measuring for weighmng. If it contains 12 pounds of DDT. three buckets woulcl be talzen froni a 50 poundl bag and actclddto tie spray tank. A similar practicc would be fol- ]owed w~iti Ithe othier chenîicals -ma.kinig the operation simipler. and speedier. If a fraction of a buckietful lias to be addcl. ani estimate of the qutantity .vould be accuratel RLeal Valuie Aylmer - Fang Cocktai )elicious on toast t. Williams 2 Fruit Tender and Sweei Golden Cream St,) Stokely Serve with £resh:1 Sh redded Wheat 3for.59C ldds zest te any meat 'ure Tomate Im oi. bottie Lleinz Ketchup Zfor43< pkg. PAGE ELEVEI Pu rchcase ages DDT renough. Recemnmendedspa dosages should net b e n casually, but i-bey are flot so precise that a slight variation would produce a neticeable change in results. "In my situations," adds Dr. Marshall, "a 25-pound bag mnight be even better than a 50- pound bag. Doubtless such a package would be provided by spray chemîcal formulators if the demand justified ut." Bragg, Bowmnanville; Laurie S'tapleton. Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner. Mvr. and Mrs. M. Smiley and childx-en, Fruitland, spent tht weekend with hem parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rahm. Mrs. Smiley andi children remained for a week. Air. and Mrs. Ray Paterson and f amily, M£aPle Grove; Mrs. Joyce Sellick and Darlene. En- niskillen, spent Satumday even- in at C. W. Woodley's and James Woodley's. Mr. and Mrs. F'rank Werry visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rowan. Be-h any. Mr. C. W. Hunt, Belleville, ding at Trinity United Chur* on Saturd-ay. Mr. and Mrs. R. Perfect and, Richard, Bowmanville. were dinner guests of Mr. and Airs. J. Gibbs. Mr. and Mms. E. A. Virtue; were Sunday eveninýg cahIers of- Mr. and Mis. Earl 'Masters, Bow- manville. Mrs. L. Jones, Mrs. Leon.,. Moore, visited Miss Mary Ellea>m Hill, Kendal. Mr. and vmrs. Nelson Bickle and family, Bowmanville: Mlrs. M. Smiley, Kelly and 1Rlak visited Mr. and Mrs. Dýonalý" Davey. ~PUDf~Tt'Mr. and Mis. Howard Philp, LIflUNL Miss Jean Philp visited Hon. and Mrs. W. A. Goodfellow. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Moore, Codrington, on Sunday. M ORTGAGE Paul and Grace, attended tht Mr. axnd Mrs. Leon Moore, family gathering on tht occasion Mis. V. E. Moffati- attended the of M-I. and Mis. Arthur Wann. funeral oft iht late John Mof- J< amaker's 45th wedding anniver- fatt. Orono, on Saturday. j L0AN S sary ai- Wellington. Mr. and Mrs. Huglu Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare and fan-ily, Bowmanville, visited visited Mis. Bessie Kilpatrick Mrs. Edith Murphy. at Cedar Creek and also visited Mr. Jack Hatlierly and dau- We loan on flrst mortgages. Mis. N. Col]acott, Bowmnanville. ghters, Newtonville, visited his MVr. and Mis. Harry Spragg, mother, Mrs. Annie Hatherly. on residential property, good Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. Horace Mr. a-id Mis. A. Youngman mrvdfmsadwl Hall visited Mrs. W. T. Worden, attended tht Meikît-Rice wed- xnrvdfrsad~'l Nt-wcastle. rdx-ie. ding at St. Paul's Presýbytenban located' business property. Mr. and Mrs. edPre, Church, Oshawa. Long Sault, visited Mr-. and Mis. Mr. and Mms. R. CoSmbes S. Goble. ted -h ida-l w - Mn. and Mis. T. Scott anda t h ida-aewd V.Edwards, Wella don Suni- Air. Rail or Steamship Vcn; day. when, a [ai yg athemhug T I C K E T S was leld to celebrate hem. par- TO EVERYIVHERE j TRUST COMPANY eiit*s 43trd weddiing anivemsary. Coxsult 1 437 GEORGE ST. Her bu'otlîer Albert Edwards me- U R Y & L OVE LL PETERBOROUGH turred bhorne ith tiitm for a J15 King St. IW. MA 3-5778 Miss Sanidra Bragg., Phillip. omnil _______________ ýcy20ai fn Cut Food Costs at Dominion îi Alc fo .9 len'. -Vitamized 20 oz. tin 48 oz. tin ilJicto Appleiuice 2for29c 31c 2oz. J Richmello - Creamy 16 oz. jar Marmalade 33c Salad Dressing 35c yle rps Corn fruit m5 or. tin 4 for 59C [ontmagny - Fiesta 2 lb. celle o4ssorted Biscuits QUALITY PRODUCE Enjoy that Juicy- Fresh Picked Flavour Controlled Atuiosphere - Fancy Grade - 6 qt. bask. Mclntosh Apples 75c Snowy White - New Brunswick - 50 lb. bag Potatoes 99C Texas No. 1 Grade - Washed - Ready to Cook .Spinach I celo gs29c California - No. 1 Firm, Crisp - Size 30's Head Lettuce 2 large 3 3 c Crisp, Red Icello Radishes 2ki .3c GARDEN SUPPLIES uaranteed to Bleom This Summer Sure te Grow ?ose Bushes 99c 1.49 àe Famous Steele Briggs ATTRACTIVELY arden & GrassSeed PRICED Richmello - Handy 8 oz. pkg. Cheese Suices 31c Sandwich Spread 27c Betty Crocker 40 oz. pkg. Bis quick - 53c Ifandy for Sandwiches 12 oz. tin BurnsSpam 49C Mb. pkg. 59C 24 oz. Medium Prunes cellekg Assorted Flaveurs 3%/2oz. pkg. Shirrif f Lushus 3for Shirriff - Goed Morning 24 oz. jar Marma fade Angelus - White lb. pkg. Marshma llows Christie's 13%/ oz. pkg. Graham Wafers Christie's - Plain or Salted lb. pkg. Premium Sodas Margarine - Regular lb. pkg. .Margen e Pienlc Brand - Sweet 16 oz. jar Mixed Pickles Fine - Egg 12 ez. pkg. -~ ~ u..re....st.. Carry Il Home and Save S liced White 24 oz. loaf ~ J~Richmello Bread lac ,wwdantdisu od of pou Do.imovisiOf GOU0COlditOOValues effective at your Dominion Store Limited gan. 10 iv ,- in Bowmanville until closing time, April 25, 1959 59< 29C 51c 35c 35c 37c 33c 25C 100% SATISFACTION ,DOMINION 00"SOf MINO Igl MT ?HUESAY, APWD Urd. Mn 69C Early Morning Coffee qmm- OUAWAI%,rà,» jq'ý - Giant

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