.0-' . --. TU SI&Y, APRIL 23rd, 1959 THE CAMA T>TN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE NUoeTEEN away. So added revenues thati the governiment counted on as 1 A- M cDuf » tta a Re ortit comniitted itself to higher1 A M cD ff ttwa eprtspending have simply o ma terialized.j MchiganWs annual budget is over $1 billion. twice what itc e he Delcate Artof tandng irm was ten years ago. It probably a isn't easy for a billion-dollar Canada'& frontiers reach out The broad streets are jam- bombed buildings, propagan da land Premier Joey Smallwood's _______________ a long way i this age of poli. med with traffic. At nlght, West posters andi banners, and dark anti-IWA legjsiation will be a tical îgxd,,ilitary alliances. «To Beerlin's lights shine like a bea- and deserted streets. East Ber- long time h ealing. Newfound- iprh Nesilelon thieett the Carradian fron- con to the 17,000,000 Germans lin la a dead city. Not a single land Liberals,, led by Jack Pick- «p t&erextends te the borders of under Soviet rule in East Ber- traffic light works; street lamps ersgill. in 'supporting Small- 3ta' Qtrhtanya and beyond, te lin and East Germany. are neyer replaced, and the wood, sent a shock rippling An enjoyable review of musi- ,Berln, the last outpost of free. Every day of the week, be- Russians have ripped down wir- through Liloral ranks from cal renditions as presented by dom mi the Communist world. tween 500 and 1,000 slip across ing froni the standards. And coast-to-coast. Party leader Cartwright Central Publie If ~n aggressdr violates the the sector bordier by subway, in the people have a beaten, de- Mike Pearso'a. was deeply hurt. School at the Peterborough Ki- *citer bôrderÈs in Berlin, Cen- a drarnatîc flight for reedom. feated air that is tragic to see. ** wanis Festival was held on d t-a;it is as though That is the reason Russian Tewsenwrdhsmd Statisties com. be read to meanThrayenignteAu- WpaSaherseif has been at- Premier Nkt rsce its stand against Communism almost anytIling. While the re- toriumn of the Blackstock Cen- tacliédi Because of our rnilitary wants the West out of Berlin.bfri h Mdl at n cession was rolling, in 1957, a ui -alliance,,,the Berlin crisiz has The Russians have wanted ther n mre recently in the Quemoy Canada's coi-set îndustry had a members of the Peterborough more pasigitrst tl out for a long tîme, and the anas sad ffthhi record year, selling $27,683,000 Kiwanis Cu rsne h Canad &for failure to reach bokd i14-9wsa na coast. This stand-fimPol- worth of fo-ntndationà. hall dozen or more trophies som o sandffhee bortîve effort9to-do us tat icy bas become known as brink- won by the children in the dif- wih medE. ofssan m _ean nu bWetve fottey do erîu ,manhî, ad s dpred by ***ferent classes of the competi- é"R ssa s me n n - W h v sa é i eri ,those who seek an end ta world Mr. Fraink M cGee ( . . in o e o e a k d u o Crsi i,,n o-erWorked.word, nThe aitbet h sbe-rbloadstrfYork-Scarb>cirough) didn't ex- many competitions there were1 butsi it -s foandtreastshadbrer attli But if ever brinkmanship pect te get. his legislation to and we answered that therec bu il.mMorain o eri i fo aros h brdrhaentwas needed, it is needed in Ber- abolish the death penalty in must have been two or more a1 .os uÔrtatement. Mac- made a dint in western sold lin. To pull out of West Berlin Canada thrceigh the Commons. because they won, beside iss Duffenott eln a ew r'y.W haetadbcus will represent a Western de- He is hoping the bill, present- a couple of second prizes. No wek og*efind out the cause we have every right ta stay; feat from which we may neyer ed by CCT'er Harold Winc'h fooling we enjoy lit more every of cris>u. and returned convinc- andi to leave would be to desert recover. last year, ,will find a Liberal year-in direct proportion to ed the iuain is the most ex- 2,500,000 West Berliners to the ** supporter n.%cxt session-so all the number of children we have 1plosiv4 'ýthe ctold war has yet horrors of a lii e under Com- Capital Hill Capsula three partitDs will have acted taking part. Produ1d. AuIsma rori n n The split in the Liberal party as sponsor 1o a very controver- A levy for fire protection in Berlth n ejf spring is a beau- hti sahro a e- that resulted fromu Newfound- sial bill.teTonhp aywlben tiful è 'ity. Her oid buildings, capable conclusioB to aflyonerdi the ruwshp of fireslb inh r -Ier'M shops, colorful sid2- who bas seen both east and rdowns hecotus. firstinthe walk Cafes, are a biend of al i west sectors of Berlin. It Is Swrtz bcntanu oes. aresofe a"d New York. Berliners, who from a bustling prosperous, 0f Mâny Thig **... Christmas trees, then a lire in have lveg under the shadow modern city to a nightmore of Apchril 1, h hoedofthesHoo- f 175 * Riu-eian divisions since Apriey2sste mte aod.telma. the enid of. the war, live at a ei iitrs, yrte an, Vlma fast, .'e cpac. The Bible K eIN . I'ma e-iUII We trust accommodations will Bible rron-be fud de. '1ex are 110 miles froni By Ambrose His Mr. and Mrs. Frank Emer- West 'erm'ýany. Their only es-d son, Mary and Paula, visited cape ]ýut9s are three air cor- TodayThis is a serious tribute to the meercal profession, but M.r. and Mrs. Malcolm Emner- rios.fu ras n n I cant tesist beginning it with the gag about a newspaper son on Sunday, helping Frank canal. ý-M. 1 arounci them is an The Bible is the great book ebrthibrhdy1 alien - - l~.of Revivals. Wberever there reporter who asked an old gent for the secret of longevity, Mr. Norman Malcolm, To- aI$dowri, a street in West has been Bible Study, there has and was given the priceless answer, "Jest keep breathing, ronto, and Ross and Clare Beat- Berlin and you suddeniy en- followed a deqpened Spiritual son-keep breathing.". ty, visited Vic Malcolm's Sat- counte ,r barbzd wire, watch life, new missionary activity, raevnig towers; and armed sentries, bar- and fresh philanthropic effort. Inability to breathe freely is no j<êke, as thousands of ary evewdngiedh ring t e way ta, and more par- This bas been seen in history, asthrnatics W'.11 tell you, and that's why 1 want to pay tribute ss MrSewantedamherl tuaiy.- from, the East sector i h uiaeai England i'ight iiow to the medical doctors who have been encauraging ______ cf tbd- ity-tbe sector admin- and Amnerica; in the Pietist an experimenrt.1 full of promise for those who suffer from, istere&. by the Russians. movement in Germany, andi - . the l8th century Evangelica ire bronchial- asthmea. . #INMNSAND via in England. This last The egperinent began in - of ail places - the ~~~NUMENTS I alone, for instance, resulted in otelFrm seeo h audy îh okyBod dNE QLJALITY such a demand for Bibles that .fARKERtS the British and Foreign Bible casts, Society had to be founded Hockey players are desperate if anything goes amis...... 4 « Iw %v 1804. That the Society bas kept (RUL\ "mtee0 mmune h aihl hw iIste with the functioning of their breathirig apparatus. Plante, mendous record t aeo over for example, had a long struggle with his breathing. Goyette, BF650 million ecriptures issued et and even boom-boom Geoffrion had breatbing problenis. BRS. a cost af well over 80 million Fortunately, the famous Canadiens had a physiotherapist IWA?~ ncrase an th wok epane! superbly skilful in the art of keeping ýem breathing. D~W Truly, by God's Grace, this great Fortunately, too, Montreal had s medical doctor who Socetyposesss auniue .nd sometimes Watched hockey. This dctor had an acthmatic uneartbiy pwr £ Sggetedredins fr nxt patient, a problem patient aver whom Itte had been warrying. Siailora Bras. ugse edn fr ex week: Perhaps the physiotberapist wbo kept those players gaing Sunday Mark 4: 1-20 could beip a man with asthma! The doctor decided ta try it. Eflum na W rs Monday Mark 4: 21-41 That was five years ago. Tuesday Mark 5: 1-20 US8 Dundas St. E., whltby Wednesday - Mark 5- 21-43 That was the beginning of an expex-iment. Bill Head, the Phoo With Tbrsdy Mrk : 129 physiotherapist, with the supervision and encouragement of MO0hawk 89-3553 Friday- - Mark 6: 30-56 the medical doctor (and soon other d<)c*Iors, toa, were sending SatudayMark7: -37 patients and helping in the developixxent of the metbod), -~found that his ekili in manipulating tl-.ie rib cage of an athlete couid be used ta help asthmatics, somnetimes. dramatically, For outResifs.. neaiy~,eiayscerneidçrably. Soon tb:e. patient is able ta take TRY OUR over and do bis or her own exercises ta maintain the blessed 5CI~eE H6 F0140.A I. Lrelief. ,~ TIUSORrET Iutorfatic Sa far, onfly sports writers, inteinested doctors, and sanie ~O MA~4JABL$1ulm~one hundred reiieved patients have kyxown about this exciting CA R AS Hwork. Dactors are traditionally shy* of publicity; and Bill GREP400WOl> Te 13i Head, a trained pbysiotherapist, bul fnot a medical doctor, TBlw The car wash that gives you will need medical sponsorshîp and the fecilities of a medical ITS that gleamlng wax finish. school or unîversity if bis mechanica'î treetment for branchial LUBRIATIONasthme l e tacame into widespread use. 2' OIL HANGE1 have a notion that the spon sorship and the facilities -~ Nu")CAR WASH wilsa eoeaalbe armidian doctors and the FISK IRESCanadian people-have a reputation for sponsoring progress in .............................................................. anda.y area where health is concerned. 1-1w, to Go Broké tcne fs TtIt ecustomary toesumi cal year last Juiy. By Novem- Canada and elsewlihse, tbat'ber it had no funds for the Un- SERV R ST TIOgovernments always bave, or ivenefty of M.chigan and Mich- can find, rnaney. Evidence ta igan), State University. Bath the contrai-y: the state of Mlch- scu oûls borrowed from banks À * aw-#i igan, which ranks ceventh in aga test student fees, but by AaKrwKLnt- w IL Peý, theGovenor aleosought Rate ... nas abL FREE J i w taxes, somnetbing that the FREselegislature bas denied hlm quick recovery ASK OUR m& do pr ESTIMATES iga the past even though it bas CUSTMERS* GIEN nerally and gladly approved needed. rMichigan's present plight le You get more oi Lhe recuit not only of tao-free Épending but aiso of a hostility mnost out of eleci We re rgauze t buld ualty nd to.businessethat bas dlscourag- W e ae oganzed to b ild quaity anded expansion of industry. l.ic safety, on education, on service into your project. wiealfad seriesan te theahiadse ovits rand oter -ahcad of the average for other states. But Governor Williams Umm has be'en a close ally of Walter SReuther and i CIO political EU apparatus. Tisalliance te N .blameci for Michigen's "unifav- SHEPPARD m NO 0111 hlin 'idsty I h only 3 wereestablishcd in LUMBER chigan. A few months ago a Detroit manufacturer closed 96 Kiug si. E, Bowmaavills N ket 3M715I that a steel plant projected for tearea hies decided osa I and Grant, for the weckend. Eva Campbell le in Port perry Hospital for a check Up. Mr. and Mrs. e Malcolm, Jenetville, and Lenard Jablîn, were Wednesday supper guests of the MWacolm's. Ccmetery Board meeting was et Ken Semell's Wednesday eveniug. The April meeting of the W. A. and W.M.S. was held et the home af Mrs. Allen Wilson, with 22 ladies and some child- i-en present. The meeting op- ened with the theme, followed by prayer by Mrs. Bowers. Devotional and prayer an "Love" wes well presented by Mrs. G. Johns and a hymn was eung. Minutes of the lest meet- ing werc read and approved. On Aprîl 3 we head a Church family pot luck supper, whiclî was enjoyed by all and $22.00 was rea]îzed. Our~ business op- ened with correspondence un- viting aIl members ta attend the Oshawa Presbyter-v to be held et Tyrone United Churcb on April 23 at 9:30 a.m. Several ladies planned ta attend. Port Ferry Hospital Auxiilary aeked Your for financial help ta assist in their annuel spring penny sale. Moved by Mrs. Bowers, second- ed by Mms. Sadien, wc donated ta00i this worthy cause. The church interior redecor- ating was again discussed. Mov- cd bY Mrs. PcCoy, seconded by Irs. A. Wilson, the standing committcc be given authority te hire a painter to peint the church wafls, and all paint be purchased et- Wîlson's store, also thet the Church board hclp ta finance the cost of refinish- ing the floor. It wes dccided the Church interior be lef t in the same colour tone. Moved by Mrs. McCoy, seconded by Mrs. Wes Ceampbell, we acccpt aur invitation ta the parsonage. Moved by Mrs. K. Samelîs, seconded by Mrs. G. Campbel cachi group will send Clara Johnson a nemembrance eech month. Clara is at present et Cooper's Rest Hope, Mount Al- bert, and wc know she would aprpreciate and cnjay, letters from her old friends and nel- ghbours.* Get well carde were signed for Bruce Heaslip and Una. James Cairns of VIew Lake. Mrs. Cairns la undergo. ing eye surgery in St. Joseph'ii Hospital, Peterborough. ?&a. M, Emerson thanked the ladies for carde and sympathy extendd during their recent bereeve- ment. Mrs. Allen Suggltt dorated $5.00 te aur trcasury. Thank you Mis. Suggitt. Two dollars was donatcd ta aour 'Dot luck supper. Our rall call, namne a missionery, was wcll answer- ed and mpgst interesting. M.ra. K. Semells, aur missionary con- vener, gave us an intcrestlnt talk an doing Missionery work at home, elso living our hymna. Mrs. Johns rcad. e beautiful poem on "prayer". Mrs. Allen Beacock gave us the l11e of missioner.y Dr. Mary Virgelles. "Spring-time"l, was reed by Mrs. Vic Malcolm and hymus 405 was sung. Our affering of $5.46 was given ta Missions. Mrýs. Wesley Campbell thank- cd Our hostess, Mrs. Wilson, for ber hospitality. We wcre aUl happy ta have aur new friends and neighbours attend this meeting 0 0 0 CoDDIOD TIRE Opening IHE MOSI OUT 0F ELECTRICITY appy time for the kids! And ie for a mother, too, with an rie water heater to provide al ecessary to look after a grow- n electric water heater 18 and economicai... costs only lay on a special Hydro Fiat undant storage capacity and yr when more hot water is )ut of life when you get the bricity! aaed7Lc 'cbe4 A40 40 UcAi ~ &t in Bowmunville Very, Soon!- 4k{44ýe Oý-ùw OQa&4-: To remove grease and wax crayon marks from wall- paper, place a blotter over the spot and press. wlth a warm iron. PAGE NniVrUM