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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 22

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PAGE TWENTY.TWO AZ~ A ~ W W ~ V &A.Mi~ ~JLLtULW~J ?RUESDAT, APRIL 18r.3, 191, ~I~U! fIA *.? A 1%? A ~? ui A ~W~tD A W ~f%~IA~S*m V W q.~. *.~ . - I.<WL~f. I fl~1.. .!~ f~ il I W * I f I VVT~ A1 YXT~~1 .1 I 1EE... 1..1 I . t - - .:Il>l A.. BIGOS-Florence and Jim (nee Calver> are happy te announce the birth of their son James Paul, on Saturday, April 1 8th at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, a brother for Elaine, Dianne, Christine. 17-1 LARMER-Glen and Marion (McDouigald) proudly announcel the birth of a son, Douglas Glenn, Saturday, April lBth in Oshawa General Hospital. 17-1* METCALF-Harvey and Mar- garet wish to announce the birth of their daughter Linda Mary on Wednesday, April 15, 1?59, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Tmy Brian and Robert. 17-1 PEARCE-Brooks and Bernice are pleased to announce the arrivai of their daughter Chris- tina Lorraine, Friday, April 17, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. A sister for Carl. 17- 1 VAN CAMP-Richard and Rubyl <nee Morrow> are happy to an- nounce the birth of a daughter, Ruby Louise, on April 14, 1959, iPort Perry Community Me-1 monial Hospital. 17-1 WERRY-Roy and Teresa are hiappy to announce the arrivai of Trudy Christine on April 17.. 1959, in Ottawa. A sister for Debora. 17-1 Lingagjements Mr. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent of ]Bowmanvilie wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Gloria Grace, to Mr. Donald Herbert Badour, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Badour of Oshawa. Trhe marriage wii1 take place-on Saturday, May 23, 1959. at 3 p.m., ini Tyrone Unitedi Church. 17-1* Marriage WOOLLEY - STUBBET-The marriage took place quietly at Trinity Manse, Saturday, April l8th, ef Mary Elizabeth, daught- er of Mr. anci Mrs. F. J. Stub- bent, te Lalph Boyd Woolley, son cf Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woolley, aIl of Bowmanviile. 17-1 Deaths CAVERLY-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Thurs- day, April l6th, 1939, Louis S. Caverly, husband of the late Isabella S. Wright, aged 81 years, dear tather of Kenneth, H-ampton; Harold, Stoney Creek, anci Rena (Mrs. Eiwood Fen- nell>, Toronto. Service was helc at, the new Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, April l8th at 9:30 a.m. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery, Toronto. 17-1 COWAN-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanviiie, on Friday, Apnil l7th, 1959, William Henry Cow- an, Newcastle, in his 92nd yean, husbanci of the late Orena Lent and ciear father of Rena (Mms. Chas. Megit), Nora (Mms. Irwin ColwiUl), anci Rosaline Osborne, ail ef Newcastle; Ecina (Mrs. Lorne Kerr), Bowmanville; Flor- ence (Mrs. Rarry Clark), Stoughton, Sask.; Lily (Mrs. Wilmot Curie), Portland, Ore- gon, anci Bruce, Winnipeg, Man. Service was helci at the new Morris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manville, on Monday, April 2th at 2 o'clock. Interment Bow- manville Cenietery. 17-1 KLAUTER-Suddeniy, in San Francisco, Cal., on Wednesday, Apnil 22, Greta H. Morris, ho- loveci wife of Walter W. Kraut- er. Funeral service will ho helci 01n Fiday, Apnil 24th in San Francisco. 17-1 MOFFATT-At Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanviile, on Wodnes- day, Apnil l5th, 1959, John M. Moffatt, R.R. 2, Onono, ageci 8u yeams, beloveci husbanci of Edith Allen, anci dean father of Allen anci Gordon, Bowmanville, andi Doris <Mrs. O. Reynolds), Orono. Service was helci at the new Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Saturday, April 18th, at 2 o'ciock. Intermient Omono Cemetery. 17-i TOMPKINS, Arthur John-Sud-1 CERAMIC WALLS denly, at Hampton oncrsd Tue Apnil l6th, 1959, Arthur John ilTld Ficors of ail description Tornpkins, (formoniy of Salada- Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Shimnîf f Horsey, Toronto), be-Mableum Fexichrome, Mastic loveci husband ef Olga Tonip- Rd Quarry - . Ceramle kins anci doar father of Arthur Supplied and Laid J. anci George of Toronto; Eliza- H. G. HEAT beth (Mrs. John E. Rogers) anci Doris <mrs. Fred Holroyd) of R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-29021I Hampton, in his 8ist year. Lest- 25-tf oci at Nothcutt & Smith Fun- oral Homne, 53 Division St., Bow- nianvilie, for service on Satur- day, April l8th at 2 p.m. In- terment Hampton Cemetery.1- VAN NEST, Herbert-Suddenly, ~ ~ at his home, 7109 Penarth Ave.,j lUppor Darby, Penna., Apnil 14, Ir PAY6 TORT TUE sew 1959, Herbert A. Van Nest, son -'IOU SUE - cDf the late Julia Bray andi John (IN FUE TimispfiL Van Nest cf Solna andi Bow-r nianville. Beloveci husbanci ofI Marion King, in his 6lst yean.E Loved father of Mrs. B. S. Leeci'd (Betty Jean), Landallstown, Md., A and Lieut Klrîg Van Nest, Ma- 6, drid,. Sp ain. Dean grancifathen of Carole Reeci anci dear brother cf Mm N.- E. Wright (Louie),=Mm Ennislduen; Mnrs. L. M. Keith (Marion) andi Miss Florence Van noit, bpth cf 665 Oriole Park- g, way, Toronto. Burial was #roM0 Vldebs' Drexel Hill, PPnna., TlpoeES April20, 17-11fÉfS SO giJ Z _DSTRIBU O5 Pimo Tunfing F :i i 11 -CA.I 1N . ai - Articles for baie1 Sw oric w anteat ror tient MIXED grain for sale. Phone BALES of straw. Phone MAI FOR prompt pick-up and de- HEATED apartment for ent, MA 3-2823. 17-1 13-2745. 16-2*I live.ry cal MA 3-3842. .17-1* jaciults only. Phone MA 3-3408. I --~.- - -- I17-1 eH-OICE clover alfalfa hay, large bales 50c. 7 r 1 Orono. 17-1 DURO pressure pump and tank, 4 years oid. Phone MA 3-3757. 17-1* FOUR h.p. Waterloo tractor, plough and cultivator. MArket 3-2608. 17-1 * 1 102 MASSEY-HARRIS tractor.ý Telephone E. A. Virtue, Tyrone.i MA 3-2882. 17-1* 1 MATTRESS and springs for single beci. Like new. Phone MA 3-5075. 1-' TWELVE h.p. Elto outhoard motor (1957). Phone Bowman- ville MA 3-3689. 17-if APPROXIMATELY 50 bushels Irish Cobbiers,.10bushel. Pat White, East 'of Steven's Mili. - 17-i BOX plants, ail kincis. Mrs. Williams, corner Base-Line and Hunt St. Phone MA 3-7167. 17-51 SEBAGO potatoes, ini 50 lb. paper bags or bring containers. E. G. Power, Orono. Telephone 9 r 10. 17-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from mil to you. Phillîps Lumber] Co., Kinniount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13tfl KEYS dut automaticaIIy, while you waît, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard anci sofi, deliver- eci. Prompt service. Robent R. Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MAI 3-5805. 31-tf MECHANICAL tomate trans-1 planter, like new; 200 galion! gasoline tank. Clarence Aluin, Newcastle, 3366. 17-P1 EIGHT-foot Universai display cooler. 512' x 6 1,1' walk-in cool- er, Toledo meat -scale, cash reg- ister. Phone MA 3-5327. 17-2* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electnical appliances, large andi smail. Lancier Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf SCOTCH Pine seedlings, 2-0 sc k, $l.0peË thousand. Ap- ply Sam Manetta, Pontypool, Ont. Phone Bethany 20 r 111w. 8-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf SEWING machines, new and u s ed Guaranteed andi serviced fron- Laverty's Bargaîn Centre, 59 King St. W., Bowmanville. MA 3-7231. 17-tf USED washer parts, 1/4 h.p. motors $5.00 up. Repairs to al wringer type washers. Guar- anteeci reconditioneci washens. 3-2055. 15-10* DO your own floors and rugs- Lent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo methoci> from Lancier Hardware, 7 King St., E., BowmanviUle. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provoments featunes aluminium doors, windows. awnings and railings. We offem a variety of floor and wail tules. For free ostiniates Phone MA 3-2753 on cali at 22 Division St. 6-tf GREENHOUSE plants, aspberry canes. strawberry plants, tomato, cauliflower andi cabhage plants. Mixeci variety of treateci gladioli hulbs: large, 60e doz. or $4,00 per 100: medium, 40c doz., or $3.00 per 100. C. deMooy. Telo- phono Orono 18 r 8. 17-4* HA Y 100 Tons Available 4-ton order (or over) delivered FRED MOORE Phone Napanee 911 r Il or Bowmanville MA 3-3938 14-4* TJLEWORK GUITAR, like new. Apply 35 I OUN CIR I Ei nCimBauIry wurk. Lambs Lane. 1.* Box 1083. L. Turner. Phone DRESSMAKING and aiterations it women's and men's clothing. Phione MA 3-7228. 17-11, FRAME and trimming, additions, alterations, kitchen cupboard and general repairs. Phone Oshawa RAndolph 8-0310. 15-4* PLUMBING, heating, eaves- troughing; free estimat..s. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-1240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf CERTIFIED Garry oats. J. A WHITEWASHING and disinfect- Rosevear, Tyrone. Telephone ing stables, etc. Free estimates, MA 3-2868. 17-1* all work guaranteed. Telephone Clarke 1321. Bert Tompkins, PHEASANT eggs for sale. Order R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-271 now. Ted 'Buttery. Telephon e'- ______ SEPTIC tanks completely in- MA 3-3447. stalled: 500 gai. tank, 250 feet of FARMALL Super-A tractor with tile, $300-, government inspected. hydaulc suffer ndplough. 600 gal, tank, $350. John Bar- hydrulicscufierandrett, R.R. 4, Bowinanviile. Tele-i MA 3-2335. 17-1 phone MA 3-5255.t 15-4, ,SEED uotaon,. Irish C(½1..-I --- and Sebagos. Neil Malcolm, Blackstock 66 r 4. 17-2* LARGE bales of oat and wheat straw. aiso Rodney seeci oats. Tele phone MA 3-2341. 17-11 PEAT moss, $1,00 per bushel, $6.00 per cubie yard, delivereci. See Baker, MA 3-2180. 17-tf1 QUANTITY of cedar posts, poies and clothes-line posts. Telephone MA 3-2436. 17-1. ONE refrigerator, 9 cu. ft., gooci condition, suitable for home or cottage, $50. MA 3-3945. 17 -21 18" REO deluxe reel tyDe pow-1 er lawn mower in excellent con- dition. Phone MA 3-3867. 17-11 IONE reci Italian rug 91 x 12', $70,1 also one red Italian rug 6' x 91.1 $40. Phone Newcastle 2641. 17-1 STRAWBERRY plants. Catskill and Dunlop, 2c each. Apply 125 Scugog St. Phone MA 3-32*48. 17-4le ONE seeci potato cutter. Cut in 2, 3,, 4 or 6 pieces. James A. Werry, Enniskillen. Telephone MA 3-2525. 17-1I QUANTITY of Cobbler anci Se- fieci seaed. ppy ru rce stn bago ottes, gpy runeomAceti-n, Blacksto ck 76-11. 17.1* QUANTITY of mixeci grain, oats anci baleci hay, also a 13 % ft. boat, motor, trailer, nearly new. Phone MA 3-5353. 17-1* GAS stove, large automatie oven, 1 year old, Moffat 4-bumn- er, 30". 37 Odeil St., or MA 3-3787 Saturdays only. 17'-1 ONE pale blue coat and; hat, size 5, aIso a number of sum- mer dresses, size 5, ail in good condition. Phone MA 3-3859. 17-1 STRAWBERRY plants-Prem-. ier, Paymaster and Dunlop, grown from virus free founda- tion stock. Phone MA 3-2234. 17-1 * HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries anci cords at Higgon Electric Limiteci, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf INTERNATIONAL potato plant- er, fertilizer attachment, first class condition, priced -to seli. M. Thexton, Millbrook. Phone 217 r 32. 17-3 INEW davonport, sectional chest-' erfielci suites, 3 pieces, $199; 3-1 pioco bedroomn suite, bookcase beci, double dresser, $139; Regina vacuum leaners, $54.95; button free spring-fiiled mattresses, $29.95. Murphy Co., King West,i Bowmanville. MA 3-3781. 17-1 ' Grass Seed Mixture FOR BACKYARD Speciaily formulateci te provide a strong endurance grass. 2 lb. bag 85c; 10 lbs. 40c, 25 Ibs. 38e; 50 lbs. 35e lb. TERRACE BRAND LAWN SEED A blond of hardy grasses for a, thick permanent lawn. (Reg. 89c lb.) lbM. 60c; 10 lbs. 55e 25 ibs. S5celb. SUPER GROWTH LAWN SEED Righest gracie fine grasses for dense velvety iawn. (Reg. $1.15 lb.) 1 lb. 80c; 2 lb. bags $1.55 oa. 10 ibs. 75c; 25 lbs. 70e lb. Gardon and Lawn Fertilizors Bulk Gardon Seeds -STEWART'S SEEDS BaOWMANVILLE - ONT. . 1 1 7 - 1 Tenders Wanted TENDERS FOR CONSTRUCTION 0F Boys" Dressing Roon* at Bowmanvlle Hith Sehool TENDERS FOR j Decoration of Classrooms For details, ueo L. W. DIPPELL at the sehool Tenders to be la hands of Mr Dippeil bî Friday, Mar 8,1959:i Î7-1 APARTMENTS for rent, 3 and 5 rooms. Heated. Phone MA 3-5578. 16-tf NEW 4-room modern apartment, heated. 105 King E. Beatrice Annis. 17-1* ONE nice bright room with board. Elderly person prefer- red. Phone MA 3-5813. 17-1 HEATED apartment, five rooms and bath, in Tyrone. Couple preferred. Phone MA 3-2530. 17-1* FOUR rooms and bath upstairs, heated, separate entrance. Avail- able now. 175 Liberty St. N. 17-2* SELF-contained, ground floor apartment, two large rooms two- piece bath. Phone MA 3-3735 17-1 FOUR roomed apartment; ga- rag~e and small garaen. 82az Plaslering RepairS Church St. Phone MA 3-395. QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND -NEW WORK1 SIXTE EN acres workable land, r n w ~im Iail pioughed. Gladioli bulbs for Rl. L. . In sale. ahl colours. Telephone MA 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030;330 71 16-tf'TWýO apartments with separate bathrooms. children welcome. AIR-COOLED North of Bownuanville. MArket ENCINES REPAIRED 3-37-1- ANY MAKE APARTMENT for two adults. Phone MA 3-5692 or apply 82 J. ATE YIuog St., between sixan J TE Ysvnp.m. 17-1* 93 Queen St. MA 3-3296 N NWATE oe et ed apartments, one and three C.i bedroon-s. Rent $50 and $65. Anger ConstructionC. Phone1 MA 3-5589. 17-1 LTD. MODERN three-rooxn apart- COMPLETE ment, four-piece bath, bulit-in BUILDING SERVICE icuphoards in kitchen, separate BRICKWORK - BLCK 1entrance. Phone MA 3-5067. CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE _________ 71 AND CARPENTRY THREE-room heateci apartment, DOUG MArket 3-37 one b e di r o o m, living-room, ROY- MArket 3-2273 kitchen, bath. Built-in cup- 27-tf boards, tile fîqors, central. No children. Phone MA 3-7201. OIL BURNER TRFrnpl SERVICE also PLUMBING and HEATING STOKERS and WATER PUMPS Norman B oihwell 95 honie St. o3-5070 l 9" hona"o BMA 3-5070 14-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Aiso do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. Pick Up and Delivery MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 16-tf ii.nzz-rooUea neateUt part- ment, heavy wired, separatel entrance and bath. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-2436. 17-tf FObtR-ROOM house. ail con- veniences, centrai. $55 ruonthly. Available June * 1. Write Ad- vertiser 934, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, l3ow- manvie. 17-1 FREE house, garden, hydro, three miles from Bowmanville, in exchange for board anci care of gentleman. Middle - aged couple preferred. Telephone L. Squair, MA 3-2223 after 7. 17-1 LARGE bright furnisheci room on grounci floor, heateci, central; contai ning new breakfast suite, sunk, hot andi colci watem, electric stove, electric refnigerator, dish- os, 'pots anci pans, beci-chester- fielci, new wardrobe. Available May 2. Phono MA 3-7201. 17.1* Uars for Sale '51 MERCURY, perfect dition. Phone MA 3-3623 6 p.m. '57 CHEV. sedan, onec like new. Ray Preston.1 MA 3-5135. '39 BUICK sedan, good portation. Apply afterE Prospect St. '55 CHEV. sedan, V8, powe fully equipped. Good coné Cash. Roy Corden. '55 PONTIAC hardtop, V8, andi white walls. Very Cali MA 3-3231. ALLSTATE Auto Insui Save 20%. Six months to For personal service at home cail Oshawa RA 5. collect. ton, '51 Ford haif-ton, '50 two-ton with front end hois Monarch car; 16 - 8.2_5 tires new. Phone MA 3-5756. 1950 FOUR-door ChevrolE dan, good appearance insid, out, mechanicaliy Al, tirE most new, including two year Suburbanites, radio, tional signais, back-up 1 windshieid washer, slip-c( etc. Phone Orono 174 1, -A. r monci. FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used C Cail JOHN STUTT SEAWAY -MOTORS LTI RA 3-4683 Os] Residence MArket 3-311 BUYING OR SELLIN( SEE Ted Campin Mofc RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5. 607 King St. East <Just East of Wilson Rd OSHAWA Wanted to Reni 75 to 100 ACRE pasture1 Phone MA 3-2885. TWO or three bedroom h( Abstainers. Caîl MA 3-228' ELDERLY couple desire 4-r heated apartment, unfurnisi Phone MA 3-5886. i Seed for Sctle WHITE Blossom sweet cho Phone Blackstock 96 r 11. l' REGISTERED No. 1 Larainc registered No. 1 Brant Bar J. W. Boyd, 3 r 18 Orono.1 HIGHEST quality Alfalfa,1 Clover, Timothy, Permar Pasture Grasses, etc. Inld newest varieties, For loi Seecis, Bowmanville. 1 prices buy nowv at Stewa Lost Repairsing a Billeti RADIO andi television repairs. mtd oBuWHT Prompt 'service. Pick-up anci GOOD useci stroller. Phone answe. dellvery. George's, 85 King St. MA 3-3438. 17-1 bies ta E. Phono MA 3-5713. 29-tf belevi - BABY carniage wanted, in gooci Rewar GUARANTEED television anci condition. Phono MA 3-7234. radie service, te ail makes. 17-if - Same day service. Television Service Ce. Phone MA 3-3883. BABY carniage, twîn, in gooci TE 49-tf condition. Phono MA 3-3874. - I REPAIRS and rewinding, arm-1 atures turned, to ail makes of1 electric motors. Higgon Elec- tric, 38 King East, Phone MA 3-3305. -7-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of sew- ing machines. Free pickup and delivery. Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King W. Phone MA 3-7231. 44-tf REPAIRS to ail makes of re- fnigerators, domestic and com- mercial; miiking coolers. Hig- gon Electrie Limiteci, 38 Kin- St. E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7 -tf ALL kinds of live poultry wanted. Highest prices paici. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 r 13 collect. 9-tf HIGHEST prices paici for useci fumnture, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Also seli and exchange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther tiçks. scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone LA 3-2043 Oshawa, collect. 48-ti Articles for, Sale SPECIAL OFFER 50' structure including 4 10' seclions self-supporling lower wilh 10" of masling. With Double B213 All-Wave Channels designed and lime-lesied for this area. GE stnipeci orange cat wý areci collar. Mary J, t, MA 3-3252. il 'E German Shepherd ers to name "Silven". ;g No. 35527; brown col ied in Darlington or Cli ci. Phone MA 3-3916. enders Wanted TEiNDER.S will bie received the undersigneci until 5 p.m. 'Monday, May 4th for paint the exterior woodwbrk of Counties Jail. Tender foi may be obtaineci from Clerk's Office. Lowest or tender not necessarily acc'ept Uniteci Coi.mties Nonthunîl lanci and Durham. Ken Symons, CIE Notice ta Credito] AND OTHERS Estate of Aima Mary Witi idge, deceased. ALL pensons having cli against the estate of Alma M« Witheridge, whio dieci on or ab( the 7th of January 1959 are quireci to senci the undersigr at either of the addresses bei full particulars of the same or before the lSth day of M~ 1959. after whieh date the ass, of the deceaseci will be distr uteci having regard only tot claims of which the Executric shail then have notice. RUBY JACKMAN, 89 Sherwood Ave., St. Catharines, Ont. GRETA HUNT, 143 Vachon St., Ottawa 2, Ont. ý ompleiely inslalled and guaranleed for 1 year 1 Livestock for Sahe $ 19.50 Regular price if boughl separateiy $154 1Double B213 - $55.00, 50' sî ructure - $99.50 TOWNE TV MA 3-5522 BILL LEÀSK 1.501 WEANER pigs for sale, 7 ta weeks olci. MA 3-2052. 17-: LAYING hens, white Leghor: three Gýunea hens; incubator f 100 eggs. Telephone MA 3-703 WE RAVE THE FOLLOWIN PULLETS ON HAND j200 DoKALB 101 Hatched December 4th, 1958 These pullets wil begin te la at 22 weeks of age. Write or Phone for prive H. J. BROOKS MArket 3-3961 Diiwmanville MA 3-39e 17-2 1 1zixîicies ior baie1 -dress and telephone numben. Contact: rn; Reply te Department HN, Ad- for vertiser 935 c/o The Canddian JonF DeWt G7. Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- Jh .D m 7-1 manvilie. 17.2* Realtor and General Insur "iep _____________________Newcastle -Phono 3341 qG Saiesmen: Personal Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvit MA 3-13950 . WHY FEEL OLD? Feel years Bosn Davidson, Bethany younger. Ostrex Tonic Tablets Phono 21 r 6 revitalizo thousands past 40. Beatty Fee, Ida Oniy 69c. At ail druggists. Phone Millbrook 224 r 2,1 HYGENIC supples - (Rubber gocis) maileci postpaid in plain ln Canada the neturn p sealed envelepe with pnico list. dollar investeci is highe, ;1 Six samples 25c, 24 samples sheep tl'an any other farm an;- $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, mal. Sheep are the only fa..n 61 Nov.-Lubber Co., Box 91, Ham-1 animais producing a prime pro-. 4f Mlon, Ont. 1-52 duct-wool-from graus alone. CEDAR posts and table pota- toes. MA 3-2126. 17-1 * GOOD quality mixed hay. Tele- phone MIA 3-2403. 8-tf WATER for sale. Dellvered. Phone Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736:. 45-tf BLUE baby carna-ge, also girl's winter coat, size 10. Phone MA 3-2609.----17-1 Real Estate for Sale Reai Èstte oISale con- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 after Properties Sold, Rented McQluay and £K1UU 16-2* Managed and Appralsed REALTORS owe, L. M. All4son M~'embr f Oshawa and Dlgtii 17-1 * Real Estate Broker Farm Buya Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont 120 acre farmn nearly all work. trans- Two blocks north of traffic signal able. House has ail con. 6. 26Newcstle 5-tf veniences. Barn has stable room 17-1* for 100 beef cattle. Cernent silo. w Bowmanvifle 6 miles. $19,00» er a J. Van INest with $5,000 down. dition. REAL ESTATE BROKER 217 acre farrn wlth frontage 17.1 *j 118 KingE. MA3_3230 on Lake Scugog. Insul brick ng -ieuse. Hip-roof bar. Must be radio Odeil Street, duplex, 9 rooms solci at once. Price and easy dlean. of brick construction. ternis arranged. 17-1 Ecisall Avenue, almost new - modemn brick bungalow. Trans- Choice ? acre building lot wfth irance. ferreci. Anxious te sell. well in Pickering Township ;0 pay. Beech Avenue, to close estate, Choice building sites in L aw, your large 12 room brick. of Bowrnanviile. -2802, Business block on King St. E., 3 Bedroom Bungalow 2-tf of three stores, two apartments 3 yeans olci, on large lot, Bow. __ andi 7 room adjoining house. manville outskimts. $11,500 witi1 on, '53 No. 2 Higfiway, east of New- $3,000 down. c one- castle, six-room 2-storey, new Moving te Toronto. Must SFord oul fumnace, pressure system andi seil modern home at once. ist; '51 toilet, on one acre of lanci. Reas- Only $2,000 down. Easy ternis. s, like onable. Income home, 1 block from 17-1 Caîl in anci talk it over. shopping amea. Priced te sell. ~t e-17-1 We have a large selection of et se-farmns, acreages, summer proper. le anci ties, homes anci busînesses. God Leask Real Esiate WALTER FRANK direc- 7 room 2-storey brick house, 17 BochSt.v A 3l98 ights, oil fumnace, 3 bedroomýs, hard-Bomnio ýovers, wood floors, insulateci, garage. 1- :)rum- $13,000.00..Pe rKo a 17-2 33 acre farmi on paved, roaci, - near Hampton, 4 room newPe rKo a ~as modern bungalow, oul fumnace, REAL ESTATE BROKER ,as 4-piece bath. Cernent block GENERAL INSURANCE building 30 x 36, with wash- 99 King St. L. Bowmanvi. room. Cmeek anci woods on ephnMA356 '. property. Ideal setup for swim- Te Bpoe A8157 D. ming pool anci picnic park. Easy Bo,1 5hawa termis. Salesman - 3. A. Barton .74-t2 We have choîce building lots. MA 3-3098 9-t 2 creplot on paveci roaci at Lot 80' x 210' in Rilicrest IPrestonvale, 1 acre at Zion with iHeights Estates. Oniy $900.00. well anci cuivert, 1 acre on Scu- 4-room bungalow in Kendal. gog Road with well anci garage, Only $4,500.00. $1,700 down. jlot on Liberty St. N., besides 6 rooin 1I ½-storey home in im- Dr others. maculate condition, with garage, i-55741 Consuit us before buying. on ioveîy groundis. Only $11,500. I M. E. LEASK Terins. 1. Real Estate Broker 4 room bungalow. Ail con- . 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle veniences. Only $7,000.00. Ternis. 10-tf MA 3-5919 5 rooni bungalow, ail con- 17.1 veniences. Only $7,000.00. Ternis. 5 rnoonis, 1%~-storey brick in Pele 1~1 iveny nice condition. ,Rot water heating. Only $8,000.00 down. ,an. et r edaema Ternis. 16-21j REAL ESTATE BROKER 50 acres with large bouse, IWili seli or trade on house, 185 near town. Very ideal for three iouse. acres, 2 homes in good con- families. Termis to suit. 2*7. dition. 2 bans, Ai soi, nice 100 acres ncam Bethany with - stream.I fulll une of buildings. Only rooin 100 acres, 7 room frarne house,j $8,500.00. Ternis or trade. shed.1 large L-shape barn, implement 6 room brick home very 171 shed,. very productive farm. Price centraily locateci. This is a real $14,500.00. Ternis. nice home. OnIy $4.500,00 ~ I83 acres, 9 room insulbrick Easy termis on balance.- * Ilhouse, harn 92 x 30, impiement We urgently requie~~ -Ished, near a town anci school. anci farms for waiting 'chentl,. over. Price $15,000.00. Termis. Please iist with us. l7tl 7-1* 20 acres, 9 room house, large --___- - barn, gooci garden soil. Nic xats, view. Price $11,000.00. Ternis. Defî hRelEil 17-1 2 acres at Mapie Grove on1 DAIRY FARM, 200 acret witli - pavement near school. Pnice 12cilqoa.10 5'bn Red $2,000.00. Ternis. 1b wiqth aer.1o0'sx 42cansZ foent 3 bedroom bungalow, fully bar ihwtrbws 2cn iding modern, full basement, extra buik cooler, locateci on paveci roac, leel lnc*,e;6roomeci west lot, garage. Price $6,800.00. Lowbunalow witlailoemtcon pamet veniences. Asking $20,000 wîth ,art's era lots pniceci vemy reas- dw amn ragd - onabie. 50 Acre farin near Kendal, 40 Lot on Ontario St. A real acres workable, 100' x 30' bank bangain for cash. barn with water, hien house,,etc.; rear- Saiesman Bill Coulson, Toronto 7 roomeci frame home with bath- Jean Phone OX 4-1858 room, running hot anci colcl wat- ý7* 189 SCU90g St. Bowmanville er. Price $7,500 with small down - Phono MA 3-3644 payment. dog, 17-1 20 Acre farmn on Highway No~., Ra-. 35 with 60' x 36' bank ban~ llar; f sli water on tap, drive-shedi, etc.;.% r . Pe welI Real stte roomecihome with munning wat- 171 140 acres al seedec, floing er. Price $9,000 with $3,500 i- well, we]l fenced, brick liouse, down.AceLe bank barn needing some ne- 10AcewitnarRceLk pairs, $9,500 for quick sale. ih 2 barns, water on tap, Ternis. drive-shedi, etc.; 8 roomeci frame by 100 acre farm noar Milibrook, home with new bath, running on oodbuidins,18 acres fali water, etc. Asking $16i500. ting wheat, lanci rolling. $12,000. T100isAcren far ner wtn the Haîf down. vil cefam er etn rnis 10 acres pears and apples, fulVil le, aimost ail workabie, creek, the earng;las yer'scro 2,00 -shapeci bank barn, drive shed., any bus. poars, 1,500 bus. appiest. ;10roe hm, av No uy wireci. Price andi ternis ber- $6,000. Haif cash. aT.lei 7. acres close to Newcastle, 7 6 Roomeci, almost new, brick erk rom slidbrik huse banvener home on 10 acres, good 17k2 rorc oibick house, b an, landi with all modern con- L7- chinhse, goocfritgardon,0anci, veniences. Price arangeci or S alkîst small fTri. $20 rtracie for home in town. betrf efs.huea- a8 Loomeci brick house, located 13/a4oacressha6a, clsebtessop ims~a Moe o a.pigcntre wlp uith cna modem LARG '17H r-6AvAntÀv wrà9m-4mwAw MVMANUlg.T.V d%%"Alre%

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