-r---- y TBI.JEST3AY, APRIL 23rd, 1958 q'WN f!AYfAT>TAW ~?A'F1~MAY~ W~WMAMVIT1Z. ANTAMÔ U £ iIU qUI UMqUV.,~~UU ýýdz of Tixnki We wlsh to thank al the frIends of the Tyrone Commun. ity for the lovely gifta we re- celved. Thanks to everyane. Ken'-ad Verna -Chamberlain. 17-1* I wish to thank everyone who sent flc>wers, carda and were so kind to al of usni our loss of a dear father and grandfather. Mrs. Fred Holroyd and Family. 17-1* May we sincerely thank our friends and neighbours for the Inany kindnesses extended us duringour recent tire. Sincerely, Do n and AveriU Russel and children. 17-1* 1 wiah to express my sincere thanks to my family, Dr. Syl- Vester, Rev. Reed and al friends and neighbours who wcre so kind and thoughtful dur- ing my bereavement of a loving huaband. Olga Tompkins. 17-1 * 1 wish ta thank Dr. Sylvester, the staff and nurses of the Me- morial Hospital for their kind- neas and courtesy to me; also the I.O.O.F., relatives and friends for their cards and flowers sent ta me while i hospital. Luther B. Nichols. 17-1* Mrs. W. J. Martin, Orono, wishes to thank nurses an-d staff of Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, Dr. McKenzie, Dr. Arnold for their care, also to Orono United- Church organizations, Bebekah Lodges, relatives and -4eighbours for cards, flowers and visits. 17-1 We wish to express aur ap- preciation to neighbours and ftriends who visited our father while in hospital, also for cards and gits. To the nursing staff, IDr. McKenzie and Dr. Arnold; ta Rev. Fisher for his kind words. The Cowan Family. 17-1 The !amlly o! the late Louis a. Caverly wlsh te express their sincere appreciation ta relatives, friends and neighbours ion the Iovely carda, letiens and flowens sent duning their recent sad bereavement. A special ihanka ta Dr. Charles Austin, Miss Clive Bartan, Mra. Adams and Mr. and Mra. Joe Childs ai Strathaven Resi Home. 17-1* h would lk. ta take this op- r rtunity ta Uiank ail my fricuds and Iodgea, Bechive Re- bekah 125, Comp. o! the Forest, Ladies' Auxiliary, Evening Branch ai W.A., and Home League for Uic nice carda, ibaw- er d ruitsent ta me while een shut in. h appreciate much. Thanks toalal. Mrt. A. Wright. 17-1* Our sincere thankf ite+the *'Welcome Wagon" exiended ta us by Miss Crydemman, an be- bait oi Uic Bowmanvillc Charn- ber of Comnmerce and the Civic Conmmte. of thc Business and Protessional Womnen's Club, also the hclpful details concenning Bawmanville, and ta thc many merchants fon their gift coupons. Sincercly, Stan and Joan Couch. 17-1* We wish ta extend aur heart- felt Uianks ta mrlaives, friends and neighbouns for their kind expressions ai sympathy and >autiful floral offeningsata the crneof aur recent bereavemeni ic e s ai a dear husband and father. Also aur sincere ap- precation ta Uic nurses of Memonial Hospital, Dr. A. F. Mc- Kenzie and Rev. B. Long of Orono and Morris Funeral Chap- el for their kindnesses. Mra. John Moffati and family. 17-1 * HAMILTON-In the mnidst of my sonrow 1 wish ta exicnd my hearifeit ihanks and apprecia- tion ta relatives, friends, ncigh- bours tor acta aoficikndness, mes- sages af sympaihy and beautiful floral affenîngs received, in the recent lasa ai my beloved h us-1 band Leroy Hamilton. I especial- ]Y wish ta Uiank Rev. Basil Long ion hia consaling words, Officers and Members of Orono Lodgc A.F. & A.M., Heaiher Rcbekah Lodge, Independent Order ai Odd Fellows, Orono business men, Doctons MeKeiizie and Arnold, staff and nurses ai Me- marial Hospital, Bowmanville. (Mrs.) Sadie Hamilton. 17-1 Wanted PASTURE for 10 heifers. Tele- phone 64 r 2 Blackstock. 17-2 »EDFAD and cippled farm stock, ~ ckcd up prompily. Phone MA f-27.Margwilil ur Fanx- BOOM and board for Young man. Write Adveniiser 933, c/o Canadian Statesinan, P.O. BOX 190, Bowmnanvillc. 17-1w 1 Coming Events Bus trip to Buffalo, Victoria holiday weekend. Garton'a bus. For information telephone Mrs. H. T. Calmer, 1%A 3-3265. 17-1 Fourth Bowmanvlie Cub Pack are holding thein annual POP bottie drive, Saturday, April 25 at 9 a.m. Boys will cali ai the door. 16-2 Brown's Home and School Club annual Euchre and Draw at Brown's School, Friday, May lai, at 8 p.m. Good prizes, ne- freshments. 17-1 Home Baking Sale sponsored by the Guildettes will be held in St. John's Parish Hall on Fnl- day, June 5th, commencing at 10 a.m. Coffee 5c, and dough- nuts will be ser-ved. 17-1 Starting Satunday, April 25 dances wiil be held every two weeks in the Orange Hall, Pontypool with Clara Nesbitt's Music Makers in attendance. Gents 75c, couple $1.25. 17-1 You are invited ta attend a highly necommended film show;/ ing cntitled "Centreville Awal- enîng" at Bowmanville Baptt Church, Nelson St., Saturd y evex.ing, April 26, 8 pm -Y Woodview- CommunitY Cejtre -twenty dollars; five gam thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, ý two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday. 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf The Woman's Christian Temn- peranoe Union are sponsoring an Elocutionary Medal Contest in the United Church Sunday Sehool Auditorium, Newcastle, Friday, May lst ai 8 p.m. Ad- mission, adulis 25c, children under 12, 10c. Contestants free. There will be a good program. 17-1 DANCE at SOLINA COMMUNITY HALL Saiurday, May 2nd Admission - $1.00 per person JIm Flaher's Orchestra 17-2 Notices Ladies' Major Bowling League banquet will be held at the Legion Hall on May 4th. Dinner ai 6*30 p.m. 17-1 1, Charles Bonathan, New- castle, will not be responsible for any dcbts contractcd in my naine on or after January ist, 1959, without nny witten con- sent. 16-3* All players and executive of Bowmnanville Soccer Club and anyonc interested in coaching on playing ibis year, report ta Me- marial Park, Sunday, Apnil 26ih ai 1:30 p.m. 17-1 THE CHANE0F NAME ACT, 1950 TAKE NOTICE that thc appli- cat ion of Rudolph Werner Schlingcnsiepen, 118 Church Street, Bowmanville, Ontario-, ta change hia name ta Rudolph Werner Shine, and thai of his wife, Gerda Margaret Schling- enaiepen, and thein two daught- ers, Monica Heide Schlln4en- siepen and Ursula Heike Schhing- ensiepen,, ta Gerda Margaret Shine, Monica Heide Shine, and Penelope Heike Shine, respect- lvely, will be heard by His Hon- aur Judge Moore Armstrong Millier ai thc County Court ai thc United Couniies ai North- umberland and Durham, i Chambers ai thc Court flouse in Cobourg, Ontario, an Fiday, the fîrst day ai May, 1959, ai 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon, Daylighi Saving Turne. DATED at Bowmanville, On- tario, this firsi day ai April A.D. 1959. STRIKE & STRIKE, 38 King Street West, Bowmanville, Ontario. Solicitors for the Applicani. 15-3 Auction Sales Cattle, hens, turniture, saine equipment, properiy af Onr Ven- ning, Lot 16, Con. 3, Cartwright, 1 mile souih and 1 %A miles cast oi Blackstock on Thursday, April 30th. Terms cash. Sale ai 1:30 o'clock. Ted Jackson, auctioneer. 17-1* The undersigned auctioncer will scîl by public auction ai Pcthick's Auction Shed ai Ennis- killen on Saturday, April 25 the household effecis of the laie John Argue, including Frigidaire refrigerator, two-piecc chester- field, four-burner electric stove, two bedroom suites, dining-roomq suite, add chairs, dishes, cook- ing utensils, garden tools and many other items. The above articles are al l excellent shape, like new. Terms cash. Sale ai 1:30 pan. Clif Petick, auction- er. 17-1 IThe potat, grown i Canada from coast ta coast, rapks f luth ainong the Domlnionis field crpa in grm f tanvalue. NO0T IC E HAMILTONS INSLJRÀNCE SERVICE Having wrltten, some years ago and pasaci wlth honore thei rcquired examination of the Ontario Insurance Depart- ment, 1 WILL BE CAItRYING ON THE INSURANCE BUSINESS tu whleh 1 was associaci with my late Imabani, Lerew Hamilton.1 To our many clients 1 appreclate yaur former business iland trust io wil favor me wlth your continued patron- age. My expenlence la the past miii enable me te gfN te y« thebb service you au enetitied te expect. (Mrs.) Sadie Hamilton Orono, Ontario (Continucd from page one) castle 5.3 per cent, $22,500. The architecis' estimate the entire cost oi the ncw wing ln- cludîng ail equipmcnt wiil be uiearly a million dollars, but grants from the provincial and federal gaveruiments will caver a large portion of this amouni leaving $480,000 ta be pald li thc district, Mr. Wilkins told bis audience. A Separate Project The speaker stated that pub- liciiy. la required sa that the people ai Clarke Township wiil have complete information on Uic situation. and their repres- entatives in Clark. Municipal Cauncil may understand that thc hospital extension la en- tirely separate froin Uic High Sahool question. Patients lu Corridor Min. Wlilkins said that the board ai directars ai Memonial Hospial two ycars ago consid- crcd Uic need. ai addiiional fu- ture accanrdation. for pa- tienits, and later a building cam- mittee was set up. Due ta Uic rapid growth ln the use of the hospital's facilities Uic need bas lnâcreascd evien mare quickiy than was anticipatcd. During Uic lasi lhrce moniha a number o! patients have been. quarter- cd daily in the corridor. The anchitects' plans fan the new wing were outlined by Mn. WàIklns. i wfll run easi and west frmnthe souih end o! Uic present hospitaL i will be a double corridor plan on four floons. The plan bas been de- signed se that if and when ne- cessary il can be cxiended ai minimum cost. Miss Ethel MeKague moved a vote ai Uianks te Mr. Wilkins for his enligbtening address. She remarked on the necessity ai support from ail four muni- cipalities, not juui Uic threc that have almcady agreed and illustrated her point by saying Uiat humanity's greatest han- dicap is lack ai agreemqnt. Mis-s Velma Gay, who had in- traduced Mr. Wilkins had toid of bis extensive expenience in bospital management bath in Canada and the United States. Miss Frances H-earle, chair- man oi the nominating commit- tee presented the slate ai ciii- cens and the new executive for 1959-60 which were given an acclamation. Other members of the naminaiing caoittcee were Miss Mary Jewell and Miss Helen Devitt. New Off icers For Ycar The executive ai the Bow- manville Business and Proies- sional Women's Club fon 1959- 60 will b. as iollows: president, Miss Madlyn Wilcox, lst vice- president, Mrs. Pauline Stanks; 2nd vice-president, Ma-s. Vic- toria Frank-, correspon-ding se- cretary. Mss Helen Nelies; re- cordlng secreiary, Miss Ailcen Turner; treasurer, MIrs. Mary Gill. The commnittee chairman will b.: Pmogram, M-s Elsie Holdstock; Ways and Means, Miss Veirna Gay; Sunbine, MIrs. Reita Hobbs; Internation- al, MIra. Noreen Laird; Civie, MIra. Beryl Hughes; Bulletin and Telephone, Miss Dorotbv Virtue; Histonian, Xrs. Mabel Bagndil; Membcrship, Mra. Me] McNulty, anbd Palait Miss Mlyrile HaIL The minutes ai the previaus meeting were nead by the se- cretary, MIr. Audrey Cookson. A reminder ta the inembers thai it was National Library. Week was given by Miss Apha Hodgins. wbo urged ail ta visit the Bowmnanville Public Li- brary. lIi was announccd that th. Regional Business and Proies- sional Woam'a Conférence in Memoria GRUnFlIN-In loving memory of a dear husband and tather, Richard Bennett Griffin, who passed away Apnil 29, 1957. Looking back with memoeries Upon the path he trod, We blesa the hours we had with you And leave thc rest with God. -Even remembcred by wif e and farnily. 17-1 OTT, Elrner Louis--m loving memory af Dad who passed away in Bowmanville, Ontario, April 25th, 1953. "Forever in my thought". --Sal. 17-1 Help Wanted MEN ta work ,in nursery. Ap- ply Bnookdale-Kingsway Nurs- ery. 16-3 INéREASE your income-You can earn $2.00 per hour selling Rawleigh ?roducts, full, part time. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. D-140-AA, 4005 Richelieu, Mont- real. 17-J FEMALE clerk-typist for muni-' cipal office; permanent position for the right persan. Apply in writing only, stating age, ex- perience if any, qualifications and salamy expected, ta W. E. Rundle, Cterk, Township of Darlington, Hampton, Ont. 17-1 A WAY to make money? That's' what you are looking for? Just sel aur daily necessities in youn surroundings. No risk. High commission. Sales aids pmovided. Write for particulans and we will tel you how to proceed. Familex, Dept. 79, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 17-1 LARGE United States and Car.adian manufacturing comn- pany re quires field representa- tive in Clarke Township. Ex- ceptionally higli earnings. Guar- anteed repeat business. Auto- mobile essential. Agricultural or farrning background most !im- portant. Sales training given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ont. 16-3 lnfowms B.&P. Club, (Continucd froin page one) grants for the renavatian of old buildings, so the idea was abandoned. The management committe. rcporied thai plans for having up te 150 pupils from soutb- west Dariington attend Dono- van Collegiate next year la me- lieve overcrawding ai Bowman- ville Higlu. Sehool had been an- rangcd. A leiten la ta b. sent ta all parents ai those pupils equesting their co-operation and iniorming themn transporta- tion wil.i b. pravided by Uic board. The sccreiary, Mn. Reynolds, was instructed ta write a letter ta Mrs. L. H. Winslow express- ing the sYmpathy ai the board in Uic ls aio,,Mr. L. H. Win- ,Slow, Who had bec na vcry val- ued unember ai the board for miauy ycara. i was decided to ask for ten- ders for a bay's dressing-room ta e uit jusi souih oi Uic new gyna&sium ai Bc>wman- ville High Schoal. The proper- ty cammitice were given pow- er ta aci wben the tenders are received. The restoraion o! -the brick of thc Bowmanville Hîgh School was discussed. i was decided ta accepi ithe tender a! thc A. C. Horn Company ta do Uic whole project, but ta have Uic work divided into twa halves. The firai bahf, the old 1890 section ai the school ta b. donc this Ycar, and Uie 1929 section ta b. donc next ycar. A pnice was reccived irom the Tremco Company ion ne- trcading the. stairs la the. old Part ai Bowmanville High Scbool. neh.sec-retary was ln- Strucied ta accepi Uic price and Legion Ladi .est Night Delight fui Occasion Staged'by Branch 178 will be held li Trenton on May 2nd, and 3rd. The president of Uic local B. auid P. Wonicn' Club, miss MMlyn Wilccx, an-d several other mnembens wil at- tend. It was rmovcd by MIra. Pauline Starks, seconded by Miss Mary Jewell that Miss Ethel Murray be again noMiLn- atcd as Regional Adviaor. Revlew Year's Activities Mmr. A.nna Watson, chairnman ai the International commriitee repomted on thc sucoeasful, UNI CEF Tag Day held in Uic au- iumn, and statcd thai members ai Uic Bowmanvillc Club were guesis o! the Oshawa Business and Prafessional Womcn's Club for International Nightinh Feb- ruary oi ibis ycar. She also spoke ai thc comute. carmes- pondence, and oi Uic Margaret Ashdowui International'-Scholar- 1 hip Fund. M.rs. Marion Jeifcry, co- chairman with Miss Ethel Lay- cock of the Program commitice, reported on Uic programs dur- ing Uic year. She stated that in June MIrs. Mamsh, Toronto, spoke on "Bird Waiching": in Sept- ember Uic club members en- musical "Salad Days"; Rev. P. Romenil, Blackstock, was the sp aker ai the October meet- in , in November a "Get Ac- q inted" meeting was held and v. William K. H.ouslancler poakie at the club's Christmas party. MIrs. Jeffery reported that a talk on India was given by Mrs. E. J. Pinto, Oshawa, in January, the club members at- tendcd International nýight in Oshawa in February, and in March M.iss Leslie Luffman gave an addrcss on her Europ- ean tour. The chairman ai the Ways and Mîeans Commitice, Miss Velmia Gay, reported on the successful projects hcld during the ycar. She told of thc Fur Fashion Show, and also ai the Cen tennial Souvenir pragrama sold by club members. Miss Violet MeFeeters, chair- man oi the Civic Commitcee reported an the adventisîng fan the Centennial booklet sald, by thbe club. 5h. also reported an thc succesaful Registration Cen- tre operated by the B. and P. Womcn's Club.durnng Old Home Week when 35,000 visitors were registered. She tald af Uic Wel- came Wagon activliies under- taken ai the requesi ai the Chamber ai Commerce, and of the judging of Christmas home and shop decorations in the tawn. MIra. Mcl McNulty, Uic club'a nepresentative in thUicBowman- ville Branch of Uic Can.adian. Red Cross reporied that this branch has collected $2,501.08, and asked that the B. and P. Women's Club make a contri- bution. Suue also asked the members to attend the Red Cross meeting ta be held at the Legion Hall, Friday evening, Apnil 24th, and urged that as many as passible offer their services to assisi with Uic wonk ai Uic Blood Donons' Cluric ta be held li September. Mrs. Mary GiU moved, aeoonded- by bMusa elen Nelles, that a don- ation, ai $10 be made ta the Red Cross and the n-aine of this or- ganization b. addcd ta the ciub's lit;i:For axinual contribu- tion. Thisa was carricd unani- mously. MIra. Anna Watson ani Miss Mry Jewdll were appointed audîtors. The presideni, Miss Wilcox, on behali ofai aithe mem.bers especially welcomed MIrs. Mary GlU and expressed their pîcasure ai seeing how well she la recuperating from. her injuries in a inotar acci- dent. MIrs. Gili, who plans ta visit Paris, Ont., on May 7th was asked ta take the local club's official grcetings ta the Paris Business and Professional Women's Club. Before the atari af the busi- ness meeting, Uic club rnem- bers had the pleasure ai hear- ing Miss Margot Rankine'a lovcly singing vaice. She sang several beautiful seleciions and was accompanied on the piano by Miss Dixie Gml. One of Uic most enjoyable events of thc scason was Branch 178 o! thc Canadian Le- gion Ladies Night held ai thc Hall on Satunday cvening. The 240 people who attended the dinner and dance 'wil long ne- member the delightiul occasion. Commade George Graham wau thc M.C. The attractive decorations were effective. On the wali be-1 hind the head table two Union Jacks toppcd the Legioui Creal wh.lch wus tlanked by Uic Le- gion colours o! blue and ycllow. A gorge>us bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums and blue car- nations in a ceramIc bowl cen- trcd the head table, which was lighied by blue and ydllaw ta- pers in sUlver candlesticks. The top of the stage front was cov- ered in ycllow., and huge blue letters bore the message, 'Wel- came Ladies." This was cen- trcd by the Legion Crest, and at c-ach aide of the stage blue and yellow streamners were sus- pended. "The Toast to The Queen" was propased by Comiradc Ed Rundle, the president. who also welcomed the guests. Grace was said by Rev. A. C. Herbent, the Padre of Branch 178. Those at the head table weme: Prcsident and MIrs. Ed. Run- die, Dr. Charles Catiran, pre- sideni af the Bowmnanville Kin- smený Club, and Mrs. Cattran, Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Herbert, Comnade Ab Mavin, past pre- aident of Branch 178, and Nira. Mavin, Walter Rundle, presi- dent of the Bowmanville Lions Club, and Mrs. Rundle, Depuiy District Commander Jim Firth and MIna. Firth, Rex Walters, presideni af the Bowmanville Rotary Club, and Mrs. Walters, Commrade Jack Kmýght, presi- dent ai the Bowrnanvillc Le- gion Pipe Band, and Mrs. Knight, president of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Le. gian, Commade George Grahamn, give this firm authonity ta pro- ceed with the work. Accounts amounting to $6.414 wcre ap- proved for paymeni. A Code of Ethics presented by the Ontario Trustees Coun- cil ta govern the actions of school boards lIn ngaging teacn- ers was adopied on a motion by Bruce Tinic and Carlos Tam- blyn. Thnee Jettera ai resigna- tion were received andi accept- ed with regret. They were tram Mna. M. Munday and Mn. Mc- Intyre, Bowmanvflle, and Mur- ray MaQuire, Pont Hope. E. K. McKay of the Ontario Safcty League spoke on driver education. Hie urged Uic board ta consider sending onc or two teachers ta the Driver Eiduca- tion School. Torornte,, suer -the close of local achoals for the summer, with the vicw of start. ing driver education courses in the achools here. - iu-~ -~ Jw~ E - - ~ ~ - - W~ -~ ~ "April Showens" and pcnfonm- cd a rhythnc tap damce. Later In thc program ashe presented a breath-takig acrobatic num- ber. Nick Brown, a master ai the accordian, delighted the audience with his repertaire af music. Ted Taylor and his orchestra, Ajax. played a varied prognain of music for dancing during Uic balance o! the cvenlng. Dr. and Mrs. Charles (Chuck> Cal. tran sclected thc lucky spot ion the Spot Dance. The prize win- ners in ihâs numben wcne Miss Audrey Fletcher and Gary Venning.- The prizes for thc Elimination Dance were won by M. a.nd MIra. Jack Rice, Hampton. Comrade Jack Miller presented Uic pnizes. Red Cross Gets $2.500 to Date The Bowmanvllle branch of Uic Canadian Red Cross Society held a meeting April l5th li the council chambers. Treasur- cm M.rs. Wn. Burk reported thai ta date receipts ai the can- vasa were $2,501.28. Representatives from the Newcastle area wiil serve on each cammitice: Mns. Herb Gibson on the boan cupboard committee, Mr. Brenton Rick- ard on the water saiety com- mitice. Representatives on other committees will be nam- cd later. Mn. B. Bagneil, water saiety chairman, asked that the num- ber of swimmcrs be reponied, ta hlm, so class schedules and arrangements could be finaliz- cd. Regular meetings will be hcld Uic second Wedncsday ai cvery month in Uic council chambers. The disaster cammittce wilU continue ta deal wîth emer- gency relief only. Welfare work wiIl be donc only ai the reference ai the municipal wcl- tare depaniment. A cupboard will be buii ta store loan cup- board articles ai the Memonial Hospital. The blood bank cern- mnittee will hold a meeting, open ta the public, on April 24th ai 7:30 in the Legion Hall. chalrman of Uic special events committee, and Mur. Grahamn. Comrade Jin Firth, Deputy District Commander, called on ail presenita join ln a toast ta a unique onganizatian, anc bas- cd on service and sacrifice, which ai fers layaliy, service and fellowship, and is thc bear- en of the torch ai reniembrance kindlcd by Uiceflames ai war, Uic Canadian Legian. I pnoposing "The Toast ta Uic Ladies", Camnade George Grahamn stated - thai gratitude ta themin l ct 365 days of Uic year ion "making aur homes aur casties, and bringing up aur children. As veterans we offer special thanks ta ihem for their regard for aur commades, and aharing in the work oi the Le- gion. The Ladies' Auxiliary ta the Canadian Legion docsaa wonderful job for aur branch. W.henevcr people say tluat Brancb 178 is anc of Uic best in the district aur Auxiliary rightly shares this praise." Hie also spoke of Uic ladies' loyal- ty, devotlon, admidration, cie- gance and sincerity. Comnade Graham asked his co-chairman ai the commitie in charge ai arrangements for Ladies' Night, Commade Jack Miller, ta prýesent a bouquet ai mcd rases ta MIrs. Ed Rundie, wife of the president ai Branch 178 on behali ai thc members of the branch. Mrs. Rundle expressed ber appreciation ai the lovely flow- crs and tbanked Commade Gra- ham for bis kind wamds. She replied ta Uic "Toast ta Uic Ladies" with an aniginal poem written b yherself which beau- tiiuily cxprcsscd the sentiments ai the Legion members' ladies. Comrade Jin Fair, seconded by Comrade Rass McKnight, moved a vote ai thanks to the Catholic Women's League for eatcring for Uic delicious tur- key dinner. Comnade Graham called on bis ca-chaimman, Comrade Jack Miller, ta draw Uie door prizes. The first pnize, an cxqulsite blue and gald table lamp, was won by Mmir. Ed. Runbdle. MIrs. Don Morris won Uic attractive floral arrangement and ccnamic bolder tisai graced the hcad ta- ble, and MIra. Sam Brereton, Newcastle, also won a prîze. Ail preseni joincd in singing for Uic tirsi tim-e "The March af the Legiannaires" ta the tune ai "Scoiland Uic Brave". Camrade Ab Mavin, Uic pasi president led Uic sing-song with MIrs. George (Susie) Gra- ham ai the plana. Comrade Ma- vin also introduced the enter- tainera. Firsi there waa Uic well known stage, radio. and TV star, Doug Remnain, an ex- ceedingly clever comedian. Ris jokes, sangs, and atonies evok- cd gales ai laughter. Penny Nichais, a pmtty and lithesame young lady, sang U~w 0~mubiu ~W$umu1 How This Newspaper Helps Advertisers.., By ~jED 4~ A well known symbol is like a good reputation-dfiMculi to establish and even more, difficuit to maintain. During your daïly aetivities-in your store or in your home-you'corne into contact wîth many trade marks that symbolize an assured measure of performanos or quality. They may range from initiais on an ulectrical appliance to words like "steling' or "prirneY Like its counterparts, the membership symbol cf the. Audit Bureau cf Circulations* provides you with a reliai,!. measure of our circulation performance, based on thé. highest standards known for eîther print or brodca auda The A.B.C. symbol cannot be purchaad-lt must b. earned through performance. Continued use cf this symbol à predicated on our ability to maintain thes hghest standards of circulation value. Whenever you think of advertising media, it will pay ySi to ask, "Does it ineasure up ta A.B.C. standards?" YOU ca bee mit does if you use the advetising columna of-,~ WiII Organize New Hunter, Safety Course The Ontario Departinent ce Landsana-d Foresis, have an- nourced a New Hunier Safety Training Course to be ln effect in the province of OntarW"*h year. EverY local newapaper and radio station reports of soins youngster; teenager or hunter bcing accidentally shot, whls hunting, target - shooiing or cle-aning a gun. "I did not know the gun was Ioaded" or 'lit se. cidentallY diachanged", have become poor excuses for some Person's camelessness. The Hunier Safety Training pragram, is based upon the Na- tional Rifle Associaiion's aim, ilar course in. the United States. This is naw compulsory in 18 states and in thc Province of Ontario. This course la intended ta provide the new huniers of Our community wiih the knowl. e-dge of ae and propen guit handling. Primarily, the new hunter means any boy who hea just reached the age of sixte« and wanta ta obtain lus tirut hunting license. This course la designed to give the knowlcdgc af guns and encourage the care that ca avaid gun accidents. Proper gun handling, good shooting, and the hunier's responsibili- ties are ail essential to sais hunting. The minimum length af this course la tour hours di. vided into tour anc hour ses.ý sions. Arrangements are being made to hold a public meeting, at whîch an officen of the Dept. of Lands and Foresta will ghow films and sides and explain in more detal, this ncw course. Separate meetings are being arranged for nesidents of Bow- manville and Newcaatle. &De "Bits and Pieces"' on page one for dates. earning this symbol o .4 52) Canackan cStatesman *TMS ncwsape b a umber of thc Audit Bureu of Cireulations, a ncnprofi, cooperailve as.ociatio f publlahoeu advueiboema adv.rtuig aMm"iu. Our circultion la audied at rogula intervel by expMedu A.B.C. irculation auditoms sd iheir reporta are mma& availabis te our advurihurswithout oâtMimon MEASURU OP seRVieCU... MARK OF, INTEORITY Wanted by Studonts.a..d ip-&ale Irw TEMMAT, APItM 23r& 1959 1 TEM CANADIAN STATESMM. BDIVSL&NVUJ..& OWAPM