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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Apr 1959, p. 3

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T - - ?UI tSDAT,. APRIL 23rd, 1959 rInstal Officers ~M. Grove W.I. ne annual meeting of Maple 4 Gov Women's Institute wa: eld on April 13th with Presi- (lt Mrs. Howard Cryderman w-.ýducting the business. Mrs. eIyderman gave an overail re- port of the activities of the year. Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Morley Flintoff reposted an av- erage Rttendance of 36. Members, average, 26. Meetings opened with the W.I. Ode and Lord's Prayer and closed with the Mary Stewart Colleet and were held lb the church basement. Mrs. Chas. Greenham, public relations representative, report- ed cash donations during the year of $152.93 for humanitar- ian purposes. Reports of stand.- ing committee were given by Mrs. C. Milis, Mrs. Stepher Jeffrey, Mrs. W. H. Brown and Ms-s. L. C. Snowden. Auditor's report was given by Ms-s. Wm. 64edica1 Mirror 0 Sunglass Habituates Q. Doeasthe wearing of darA glaises harm the eyes? A. No, but don't wear dark glasses while driving at twilight. To further dimf the fading eve- ning light is just invîting trouble. i It's strange why some people who hbave perfectly good eyes appar- e *ntly don their smoked spectacles i~' as conscientiously as they shave, brush their hair, or apply make- up. Perhaps some people want ta sce without being seen. It is their privilege of course, and wearing dark glasses would have no more medical justification than many other things we do by compulsion or habit. Answers do not necessanily relect the opi *nion o ail doctors. The diag- nosis and treaiment of disease is the function o! the patient'sç per- sonal physician. Questions directed go Science Edîtors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Sq. Sta., N. Y. 10, N. Y. willI be Incorporaied in these col- amns when possible. I£ ~STORE BOWMAN VILLE BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-5778 PAINT 33 King St. W. & WALLPAPER MA 3-5431 BOWMANVILLE .1 'M HECANADIANSTATESMAN, EOWMAIqvni wtoNTAm AG Soi Lights and' Quiet Furnishings Give Bez and Solemnity toý the -Spacious Chapel auty Laird-. Mrs. J. Hurrie reported Ifor' Good Neighbours' Commit- tee: 46 get-weil cards, 17 baby Icongratulations, 21 sympathy and seven Valentine cards were Jsent. Flowers for a diamond e!wedding and funerals. and flow- ýs ers, baskets of fruit and box of [_ chocolates were sent to shut-ins n for Valentine remembrances. . Ms-s. C. Greenham, Mrs. Stu- as-t Morton and Mrs. J. R. Met- e calfe were appointed to arrange Ldinner for District Annual Meet- ing to be held at Maple Grove on May 2lst. Five dollars was voted ta 4-H S Home-making Girls' Club wos-k. TA motion was carried ta gîve Iprizes ta Grade 8 pupil in Maple Grave and Base Line "Schools cshowing most progress during e the year. Mrs. Stephen Doyle and Ms-s. -W. H. Br-own were appointed to arrange cancer canvass. A mo- tion was carried to thank Don Brown for making and donating Ssmall trays on. whîch ta serve cream and sugar. Ms-s. Harold Cooney reposted for the nom- inating committee. Mrs. C. Greenham presided for election and installation of offices-s. 1959-60 officers are: President, Ms-s. Ken Hopkins, lst Vice, Mrs. Howar-d Bradlley; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Morley Flintoff; Secretary- Treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Brown; District Director, Mrs. L. C. Snowden; alternate, Mrs. Cecil Jeffrey; Disectors, Mrs. J. R. Metcalfe, Mrs. S. Morton, Mrs.I Harry Wright; Convenors of standing committees: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs. John Noble; Citizenship and Education, Mrs. Harold Cooney; Home Ecônomics and Health, Mrs. Cecil Mills; Hir&torical Re- search and Current Events, Mrs. H. Cryderman; Public Relations Rep., Mrs. C. Greenham; Audit- ors, Mrs. Wm. Laird, Miss Susan Laird; Pianist,, Mrs. Win. Laird. President Mrs. Hopkins took the chair for the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. I. Munday spoke on the motto, make good use of the present, it is the key ta the future. She said that ta make good use of the preésent the necessities of life for mental and physîcal health are a must if work is ta not be drudgery and weeds m ust not be sown in theî intellect. A few minutes each day devoted ta some fos-m of education or exercisîng imagina- tion in the right direction make good use of the present just as f pursuit af happiness does flot bring it. Happiness in 'the future is apt ta be the product of life well lived each day. Mrs. Mun- day concluded with a quote from Ella Wheeler Wilcox- Like the winds of the sea and etc. Community singing was en- joyed with Mrs. Laird at the piano and Mrs. Cryderman, sang leader. May meeting in charge of Mrs. Milîs' committee, Home Economics and Health. W.M.S. -Guests 0f, St. Paul's Baby Band St., Paul's Baby Ban-d Eastes- Thank-offerlng meeting was held in the Lecture Room on April 15th with members o! W.M.S. min attendance. A varn welcome was ex- tended by tise Supt., Ms-s. Gea. Grahan, who opened tise meet- ing with a hyhn. Ms-s. Gr-aham offered prayes- followed by children's prayer. Thse cisilds-en repeated the member's Pus-pose.' Eileen McQuarrie took up the offes-xng. Lee Adanms celebs-ated a birthday, ail joined in singing "H-Iappy Birthday"l. Motion sang "Sunbeams" was sung by the children, Ivfs. J. Colville as- sL-.tin.g Ms-s. Graisanm. Elleen MeQuarrie gave a s-e- citation"igaSn fSx 1onoa e o eednD>dao Beauty, dignity and unde rstanding have been miade to work hand in hand ini the new Morris Funeral Home with modern conveniences such as complete air con- ditioning being feit and experienced without being obviaus. The color scheme of the walls with has-monizing woadwork, floar lexsgth drapes and soft-toned- flooring, combined with moÊt effective lighting arrangements, al tend ta create the desired effects. Seating accommodation of the main chapel is for WEDDING FINDLAY - DALE Before a beautifully arranged backgr-ound o! candelabra and standards o! white cas-nations and chsysantlscmums thse mar- iage taok place o! Janet Elinor, eider daughtes o! Ms-. and Mss Melville-S. Dale, ta Ms-. Gos-don Stuart Findlay in Tsinity Unit- ed Chus-ch, Bowmanville, on Saturday, April 18th ai 3:30 p.m. The groom is thse son of Ms-. and Ms-s. William lVL Findlay, Dundee, Scotland. Rev. William K. Houslander performed thse cesemony assisted by Rev. T. A. Mor-gan. Ottawa, and Ms-. A. Collison was os-ganist. The bride given in mas-nage by hes- father, was radiant in a SIWTH BEY EXAGES LTD., IL24 Church St, BowmanvMfe, Ont. starlîght. white gown of eorded silk taffeta and Alencon lace !s-asted with leafy panels of ap- pliqued lace motifs. Tise short- sleeved bodîce was fashioned 1with a ports-ait neck-line andi 1the bouffant princess skis-t feli into a ohapel train. A matching ta! feta bonnet-b-im etclsed wîth pearis helsi her waist- lengili veil and she carried a cascade o! white carnations, pale Pink aristocrat roses and mauve heather flown from Scotland. especiaily for the bau- Miss Norma Dale was maid o! hono- for hes- sistes- and thse bs-idesmaids were Miss Anise Mierzwa, St. Catharines, and Ms-s. Clifford Smythe, Toronto. Theis- identical gowns were o! impos-ted pink Swiss cotton de- signed with short-sleeved bo- dices and full pleatesi street length skirs-t. They wore match- ing Pink net iseaddresses trini- med with minute Pink velvet bowknois and carried nosegays o! deep Pink carnations and white 'mumb with fluted edges o! white lace. Groomsaman for is brother was David Findiay, Toronto, an-d the ushers wes-e Morris F'indlay, brother o! the groom, and Stephen Ratkay. bath of Toronto. Receiving ai the Lions Corn- munity Centre, the bride's moth- er chose a cocktail length pure silk shantung sheathin i Dior blue fashioned wiih an empire waistline offset by a so!tly draped bow and a -Pear-l sun- bus-st. Red roses formed her cas-sage. For their wedding trip ta tise Laurentians, thse bride changed ta a spice brown cashmere suit, dark bs-own sisces, white hat and gloves. To comnplete hes- en- semble she cas-nsed a brown bag andi wore a corsage o! yellow roses. Prior ta lie- narriage thse 1 bride was a Public Health Nurse 1 for tise City o! Tor-onto and tise groom, a jous-nalisi, is a zneîn- ber o! tise Toronto Scottiss Rugge- Club. During thse reception a ves-y unexpected and happy surprise< for thse bridal pas-iy was a tele- >hone call te the groom's par- ents in Dundee, Scoiand. Thse ca11 had been placed by a guesi 5 from Tor-onto who has been a friend o! the gs-oomn's f anily or many years. Mr-. andi Mss. Findlay will re- c "in mToronto.à 100 people but.the openîng of folding doors on the sides of the chapel can provide space for several hundred addition- al. Also adjoining the chapel je the room designated for the private use of farnilies during funeral services. It je shown in the lower photo. This room has a private entrance from the parking area so that members of the family are not obliged to meet with. others ckiring the service. &1,Ibeaue !Ilness, was uale H arnpton H & S ta be present. Many worthwhile suggestions whioh make for gooji Plan M anycitizenship were sts-essed. Citi- Plan M anyzenship she said begins in the home, therefor a great respon- Improvements sibihty rests on the parents in ibsinging up their children in the right way. The children of The regular meeting of the today are the men and women Home and Sohool Association of to-mosrow. The subi ect was was held at the new sohool on well handled'and had a spirit- Wednesdayi evening, April 8th, ualtOuch, with a very good attendance. The national anthem conclu- Ms-s. Fred Payne was in charge ded the meeting, followed by a of the m~eeting which opened social haîf hour and lunch ser- wit the ineipr n -0-rmnmin"ved by the committee in charge. w vi -Le "ning oi -- aJLdtaJd.. Secretary Ms-s. Clarence Yeo read the minutes of the previaus meeting, and the treasurer re- pas-ted $129.50 on hanid. It was decided ta hold a bake sale in, the Sunday Sdiool roam. Ms-s. W. Fowler and Ms-s. MeNeil were appoiraed as a nominatlng conm-ittee. Miss Kellar's s-oom andi Ms-s. Hall's room were aw- arded thec attendance prizes thîs month.- Mrs. Caulter, Ms-s. Earl Luke and Ms-s. MeNeil were ap- pointed in charge of the May meeting. It was suggeste& a duplicating machine be secured for the school; a hall tree andi drapes for the office a street liglit near thse sdiool. and a bicycle rack are ail needed. The sohool'iboard is ta be consulted regaiting these ibefore thse Association takes any fus-tier steps. "Open House" was held at thse new school on Mas-ch loth with 66. present and et the Old scisool Mas-ch 12th with 32 ini attend- ance. It was alsa su'ggested plans be made for a tour- o! the Dun- lop building ini the near future. Mrs. Wilfrid Smale, Mss W. Fowle- and Mrs. Jack Rice ai- bended tise ans-mal convention of thse Home and School Associa- tion at tihe Royal YorkHotel, Toronto, and Ms-s. Srnale ps-e- sented an inieresting report on this which' was enjoyed. Ms-s. Percy Dewell was In chSge of thse program. Misses Diane MacNab and. Darlene Powle- favored writh vocal sel- ections. Ms-s. Reed was guesi speaker andi took for hes- sub- ect *"Eve-yday Citizenship"1 ç'hich was niuch apps-eciated, as die kincily consented ta f111 lin on short notice in thse place o! KMu Arkleu cd O*Mwa Who, ir Your Baby's First Shoes Did you know that we can BRONZE METALLIZE your baby's first shoes or anything that lu a keep. sake, giving you a priceless heritage of that loved on* Shoes ean be mounted and metallized. on-& lovely walnut ash tray for as low as $13.50 com- plete or they eau b. set on Black and GoId Onyx book ends. Please drop in and see the many attractive forms in which we can make these up for yo* mARR'IS JEWELLERY King Street West Bownmanville NEW MANAGEMENT Complete 'Sto ck of HOOPERIS LADIES WEAR Right toBAE.WLS the BRE W LS THIS QUALITY STOCK ~STORE NGW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT SHOP and SAVE eut 31 King St. SALE WILL CONTINUE TILI STOCK IS DEPLETEDI zi-- m i EM JURY & LOVELL PAINT BARGAINS GUTSIDE WITE___ SPECIAL $445 LATEX PAINT------ ALL COLORS $4 50 Quarts - $1.45 gal MANY OTHER UNES AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES A BERNETHY'S R 1 chlldren a atory,' "The Mail. man". Mirs. Ken McQuari showed the children a film e#- titled "Betty and Bobby", vtir fittinig for spring-tlme. All the childrén repeated a verse on mite box giving wlth Ronda Hethermngton, Lee Adge~ and Ann Graham each recitig a verse on same. A social hoor was enjoyed at the close.> If You'reàTIRED AIL THE TIIË Now and thon everybody Rets w "tired-out" feeling, and may b. bothered by backaches. Perhaps noth. ing seriously wrong, just a temperary condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder diaconilort. That'a the imne te. tako Doddsa Kidney Pilla. Dodd'u help. stimulate the kidneys to relievo thiar. condition which may olten cause back- ache and tired feeling. Thon you fée] bettor, rest bolier, work botter. Get Dodd'à Kidney Pilla now. Look for the blue box with the red band et aIl drug. The playboy was trylng, to date the manleurlat but she turned ~ ~ do"n his invitation to dinner and a show. «I1 don't thlnk 1 should," she sald. "I'm marrled." "ODh corne on," said the playboy, "1we'lI. have fun. Ask your hus-. band If you cau go." "«You ask hlm," said the girl, 'lie's shavlng you." That's what you'd eall a "close shave". Close shaves remind me of razos- nicks and nicks s-e- mind me of blood and blood can be one of the hardest stains ta get out of any fabric. Dip it in cold water immediately and get it in ta us as soon as possible. Ed. Leslie Support Cancer Drive During April ?~ La g.p. ?N .W. M . ' < a 1 ' ýl STOCK m SELLI- NG SALE WILL CONTINUE TILL IS DEPLETED!

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