IEU MAT, ~APUIL- 23r& ,9W .. __________________________________________ iflAN~tAIM S~ TATZSAN, BOWMANVLa, 1Z4TA11U AG FV Senior Citizeios Enjoy Interesting lTuIlk on Art The Apnil meeting o f the ~ wnaniie Senior Citizens held oln Tuesday, -April 14 a. Lions Community Cen- w1th more than 50 mem- biW present. lfrS.'P. Passmore of Club 15, acted as M.C. for the evening, intro>ducing Master Doug. Firth Who delighted the audience by Singing, With actions, the apng "The Wise Man Bullt His House Ur-On the Rock", accompanied by his mother, Mrs. J. Firth, at th e Piano. Aiter thanking Doug fu r a very enjoyable number, Ii(rs. Passmore introduced Mrs. Hjward Jeffrey, BowmnanvilUe P-gh Sehool teacher, who gave a.most interesting and informa- the talk on art. >Mrs. Jefftey openied by say- 8ENESATIomu4kL VALUUE lâ TUO P.. IT Buy thif 34 piece service for 8 at recluIar price -499 29 King St. E. Bowmanvill. ig how pleaged Me wua b speak to the group, as ber own mother had been a charter member of the orgamzatin and had greatly enjoyed the meetings. Mrs. Jeffrey went on Wo say how bher owu interest i art had started ini High School, and had grown and de- veloped through University and Teachers' College, and was con- tinuing to grow right up to the present day. Throughout the talk, Mirs. Jeffrey ifustratedi her points with drawin, wa- ter colours and oü paintings.i done by herseif over the jrears. These included smre lovely oil paintingý rmade during the past summer. Following this nmct enjoy- able ta]k, hMir. Neil Mbitton an-' nounced that he had -been ask- edf on behaif of ail Senior Citi- zens Wo tender a vote of thanka to the Royal Theatre manage- ment for enabiing the. group Wo attend a special matince last month at he theatre.. He also expressed the hope, on behaîf of ail members, that ?&as. GIfi would soon be wefl again miter her recent accident. ., The entire group then Joined in sinrging a new song entitled the "Jolly Sixties", accompan- ied by Mrs. J. Crombie at the piano. This song was composed especially for Senior Citizens' groups by Don Shay <former Bowmanville Recreational Di- rector) with lyrics by Elizabeth Cordier. Mfter# this the meeting divid- ed into two parts, with a read-j ing group conducted, by Ms.I Ken Werry in the Green Room, and games of cards and crokin- oie in the hall. Thisà was follow- ed by lunch, and the awarding of an attendance tirize to Mrs. Neil Mutton. The next meeting will be held ah the Lions Centre on Tuesday, May 1lth at 8 pa. This will be the lAst meeting until next Fail. Lake Shore, Clarke The next K.S. and C. ClL meeting will be held at ti home of Is. Bey. Jaynes, Ap 29. Mr. and Mrs. S. Powell am Mies Donene Powell spent Sur day' with Mr. and Mmr..AI Holdaway, Port Britain. Mrm C. BedwanhIs home. gain egtr seringsaie weel visitingw eaies at Pont; pool and Lotus. With Mr. and Mns. Ross Ad anus were Mn. and Mrs. C. Dom ner, New Toronto, on Sunday. Mn. and hMs W. Adanus an Keittu visihed on Sunday wit Mr. A. Souch and Mr. and fr Harold Souch, Shiloli. Mr. andi Mr. Bob Rutherfor andi Douglas, Orono, were Suin day evening visitors with Mi and Mrs. W. Adaimi. Mr. and Mrs. Jack SkeldUNj Oshawa, visited on Sumday wlt Mr. and Mi-.. Bill Lake. ue pr. id ru- if. a- ks yi- id Ms. a- [r. (R e/ gion for cYfoda Y A Weekly Talk By Rey. R. B. Nicholson Let Us Rejoice Ih la deplorable that so many 91 Christians today have fergotten ththat rejoicing is an authentic mnark of a follower of Jesus Christ. They have overlooked -the commandcf thc Sci-iphures: 'Rejoice with those who - joice." <Rein. 12: 15 R.S.V.), snd "Rejoice lu thc Lord ai- ways." (PMIL 4:4). They put on a solemn air, as gloomy and depresslug as a tombstone, and go about with a lugubrious countenance as long as a stove- pipe. Life for them, lu this ominous day cf nuclear wea- pons, atomie bombs, ballistic missiles and brrifying sputniks, la altogether tee, sericus for amiles and laughter. In fact, their religion seems te make t hem miserable. Such esn give a false impression cf tbe ~religion cf Jesus Christ. Where in al bbc Scripturçs la there a commuand te ha miserable? Tne oommand in the Old Testament is: «Be glad lu bbc Lord, anc rejoice, O ighteeus, and shoul for jey, all you upright in heart." Carlyle said: "'Beware cf the muan who cannot laugb. The man who cannot laugh is nol only fit for reasen, stratagems. and spoils, but bis whole life is already a treason and a stra- tagem. I love honest laughter as I do sunlight."1 'God neyer gave a 'nan a greaher gift," raid Maishai P. Wilder, "than thbe power ho make othens laugh, unless lb is the privilege cf laughing hlm. self. We houer, revere, admire, our guicat soldiers, statesmen and men cf lethers, but we love tbceuman wbo makes us laugh. The laugh-maker is a public benefactor, for laughher la the salt cf life, sudl keeps tbc whole dish sweet." But, alas, many pensons look upon religion as a for exbracting pleasure from their lives. They hhink cf the many things they will bave te give up, if thsey become a follower of Jesus Christ. They dweil upon the self-denial involved. Te hhem religion is a dolefuli thing, Tbey will have none of IBut this is net true. Chris- ianîty is net a fast. It is a feasb. The Christian shail be abundantly satisfied wihh the fatness cf God's bouse, ami shail drink of the river cf Bis picasures. (Ps. 36: 8) The Christian religion i a religion of joy, cf suxlshine and of good cheer. Now what we rejeice lu is a test cf characten. Many people rejoice lu their automobiles. Othens rejoice lu their race herses, and in their pets. I saw a lady lu Toronto carrying in her ai-ms a long-baired dog neanlY as large as berself. She rejoiced lu ber dog. Many ai lady today rejoices in ber ab ionable gai-ment, ne longer 'a hhing cf beauty and a jey fox'- ever', but a hideous tontueus contraption, designed te con- cei al the grace and beauty of the 'human foi-m divin4 Farrnens rejoice lu their tho- r'ofgbbred cattle, lu their crops and lu bheir fertile farrus. Mény people rejoice lu social gather- mngs and popular sports. They anticipahe with giester pleasure Uic Bingo game, the Bridge parhy, a ganue cf golf, and othen Castimes, than they do Uic up- iting service cf wonship lu the church, on the holy Sabbath. Many parents rejoice lu their childi-en. Thene la no baby In all the world so clever, so in- telligent, se beaubiful, so mai-- velnua as theirs. That is right. ythey should rejoice lu theirj n cbjîdren, but they should not Ic forget Wo rejoice in the Lord, is whc gave themn. 'd If we rejoice only ini tem- poral things oui- joy wil soon vanish. Riches have wings and ,quîckly fly away; friends die -and others desert us; health tt fails and disease tortures us; d power, fame and honor vanish d lilce an iridescent bubble on a$ S silver stream. But, when the -foundation of our joy is *lu God Snothing can rob us of it. Jesus -said: "Just now you are in soi-- crow, but I shail see you again ,and. your heart will rejoice- 'r with a joy that ne one cati take t, fi-cm you". John 16:22 (Jas. e Moffatt's Trans.) s The coming cf Christ broughh ejoy luto the world. The message' c f the angel cf the annunciation i te the shepherds was: "Behold' I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shail be ho ail people." The world was ful tof sorrow before and there was lne comforter; but Jesus went' about dispensing joy.. Everycue Dwhe met Hlm went on bis way ea littie happier. He comferted tthe sorrewful. He healed the s sck. He gave sight to the blind. e e cleansed the leper. Be cured -the cripple. Be made sunshine rfor the poor widow cf Nain; i He gladdened the sad beart of Jairus the ruler cf the synago- gue, and in the home ah Beth- ank HBe turned the mourning of Mary and Martha into rejoicing. The religion cf Jesus is in- deed a religion cf joy and sun- shine, and geod cheer. 1h does' not remeve ail sorrow, B3ut 1h! takes the bitterness out cf i tears, and puts into the beart~ the new song, which sings in the darkest -night. Let us rejoice. It will de us good and make others happy. "A merry hearh doetih goodi like a medicine." If we havel >net learned te be rejoicing r Christians, we have missed onel cf the bighest pnivileges cf al follower cf Jesus Christ. Letl uà rejoice, and as St. Paul; sas "Reo lu i the Lord ai-! LISOBITUARY LUSSHERIDAN CAVERLY 1%&. Louis Sheridan Caverly, whe was confined te bed only a few days, passed away in Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, on Thursday, April 16, 1959. 1%&. Csvenly was lu bis1 82mi year. A son cf the late Mn. and Mrs. Jefferson Caverly, he was born in Madoc cn December 15, 1877.! In 1898 the firm cf Jefferson' Caverly & Sons was forrned Iwhen they moved te Bowsman, Man. Thene they operahed a 'lumbering business, hotel and' 'general store. Retiring in 1920 Mn. Caverly moved Wo Bowman- ville with his brothers William and Clifford, where up Wo 1933' he conducted an insurance bus-! iness. Be then moved ho Toron- te where he resided untll 1957 when he sold his home ami inove b o Bowmanville. upaniille lu 1920 Mr. Caver1yl bock an active inherest lu town! affairs. Be was chairman cf the Board cf Education, treasurer of thc Ancient Order oi Fores- bers and à member cf Trinihy «United Chitreh Board. On bis return te Bowmanville lu 1957 Mr-. Cavenly became a member cf bbc Senabe Club and many plessant hours were spent eachi week in ii s son Ken's store Initiated Here Miaple Leaf Circle 143 of the Companions5 of the Forest held a eting at the Union Hall on Thursday evening, April lflth,. The Worthy Chief Companion, Rena Bathgate, presided. , Six new members were lui- tiated in an impressive cere- mony. They were Companion M. Wiseman, Companion Heýlen AlIin, Companion Stella Carp, Comýpaniori Joan Vance, Com- panion Edith Hllditch, and Companion Beryl Hughes. Plans jer dissussed for a Buchrebe he]d at Memorial Park Clubhouse on Tuesday evening, May 5th. Companion Charlotte Clarke, Companion Alice Mittchell, and Companion Dorothy L-eaman will be in charge of arrangements for the event1 Turn OId Furnilure 1i1o Cash with STATESMAN C L A S SIFIE DS Phone MArket 3-3303 I meetng and chahhlng with old TwoMen On a Missin n1Taen one pleasure h. greatly enjýoy-, e&. His wife, Isabella Shearer Wright, predeceased him in October, 1946, and hiii brothers William Clifford and Clarence. aiso predeceased hun. . . . . .Mr. Caverly leaves a daugh- . ter Rena (Mn. E. Fenneil), 'ro- r.ronto, and two sons, Kenneth, Hampton, and H-arold, Stoney Creek. ALgo surviving are his i'I' ,step-mother, sisters Laura (Mrs. Tom Scowcroft), Mabel (Mrs. Ernest Jong), Pauline, all of Bowsman, Man., and Irene * . (Mrs. Blackw'ell), Saskatoon, S Sask. A brother, Briggs Caver- ýé ly, of Bowsman, Mn., also sur- Funeral service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, on Saturday, April l8th at 9.30 a.m. Rev. Wm. K. Houslander officiated and Mrs., Albert Cole, sister of Mrs. K. Caverly. presided at the organ. The beautiful floral tnibutes showed the esteem in which the deceased was held and includ- ed in these were those from First Church of Christ Scien- tist, Oshawa; Hampton United Church, Salada-SheSiff-Horsey Co.; Olive Barbon Rest Home and the Senate Club. Friends attended the service from Ham- ilton, Stoney Creek, Toronto, Napanee, Peterborough, Port Hope and the Bowmanville- If these two young men have not, to date, called at Oshawa districts. yourdoo inBowmnviletheyproabl wil wihinthe Pallbearers were three grand- yourdoo inBowmnviletheyproabl wil wihinthesons, Douglas Caverly, Bruce next few weeks. Theyare Eider C. DeLain Thompson,l Caverly and Don Fenneil, and right, and Elçler Melvin Paul Gish, members of the Church Don Cole, Allan Thompson and of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, more familiarly known1 Edsal (Bill) Oliver. Interment as Mormons. They are conducting a two year mission in was in Park Lawn Cemetery, the owmnvile rea hoingto iscss hei fath ithToronto, where Rev. Geoffrey the owmnvile rea hoingto iscss hei fath ithParke Taylor read the grave- as many people as possible. They are not selling anything. side service. In their church, there is nô paid ministry, each member has a part to play and these two men are doing their part by supporting themselves on this mission field. They are 6 Companions staying with Mrs. Alice Paterson, Concession Street. à -0 -Rà- Spe-cialsI Screec.4 By Barb Brown and John James Preparations for the Cadet Inspection are going along at full sPeed. The date has been set for Tuesday, May 5th. Al- though the School Board made Cadets volurihary this year, few have dropped out. This Friday night features the annual Talent Night Wo be held at 8:30 p.M. in Pickering Hiigh Sehool. Tickets are 50c. covering admission and bus lare. Tuesday evening a bus load Of Latin students journeyed to Toronto for a grouP of Latin Plays. The group w-as. under the supervision of B.H.S. teacher, Mr. Sheridan. Two new sports have been introduced inho the curriculum of B.H.S. by Phys. Ed. teacher Mr. Munday. Af ter instruction, in P.T. classes, a Badmintoný tournament bas been arranged for inter-school players and a team was sent to Pickering last Friday. Besides Badminton we are being instructed Ini amateur wrestling. Poor Fifth form, are into ih again.- They- start- writing ex- ams on Monday.. Any one who manages to catch wind of any news would be greatly appreciated if they would pass it on te the wrîters of this oolumn. NATIONAL BALLET 0F. CANADA Comipany of 75 - Full Orchestra Directed by CELIA FRANCA with DAVID ADAMS AND LOIS SMITH Cobourg Opera House SAT., APRIL 25th' Matince 3 p. % Tickets: Matinee 1 - . E vening Evening 8:30 p.m. *ee$2.00 and $1,00 **e$3.00 and $2.00. Obtainable at Strong's Store, Port Hope Phone TU 5-2013 or TU 5-4566 Cobourg - Ewart's Tobacco Store *Preented by the Soroptiniist Club 1cf Cobourg and Port Hope, Governor General and Party wiIl b. in atteudance l'o Extra Lean MINCED BEEF Sweet Pickled, Vac Pao COTTAGE ROLLS &mail Link, Tray Pack, 2-Ib f PORK SA USAGE pROXO ESpEOALS CaIf0,Îa ~rsh ~aOYGrade Real Value I A&P INSTANT COFFEE" 2-oz jar 6-oz jar b43c 35c- 89 A NNI VERSA R Y SPECIAL1S Mapi. Leaf fReg. 2 pkgos 38.-8AVE 4o LARD 2 -b pks2gÇ Dr. Ballard'$ Champion Reg. 2 tins 27o-4AVE 5o DOG FOOD 415..ztfl49c White Swan Reg. pkg 41.-BOAVE 4o TOILET TISSUE Pkgf 4451 Nab aco Rleg. pkg 21.-BSAVZ * Sbredded Wheat 2pkgS 3 9c A&P Meal & KibbIe DOG FOOD Jan* Parker RHUSARB PIE .Reg. pcg .1 1 Î-BAVE 5o fies. O-BAVE 6k AM Prices ln This Ad Gusranloed Throuoh Saturday, April 25th, 1939"' PERMANENT WAVES LWived by: L MARGARET SMITH JOSIE DEMAINE FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY. iReg. $10. 00 9 Reg. $12.50 9 For __.9__ Reg. $15.00 For -_____11.95 SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mr. Huyck will be her. on Tues., Wed. and Fr1. to di the steam sud regular waves Phone lMA 3.5703, FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's Hlairsiyling Studio 67 King St. W., Bowmapvllle "<'t -4 4~f~ ~ * . j ---t; f -Jr YOU oiEr THIS FR11 Dur lr ui, Of 20 extra pioes n b, eouwul Moj.stk drower <ci COrdnts of druwe: 8S-5 'cfOclSs, à soaidt orks, 2 t.blespoon% 1 cold mot fok, 1 gsrnvy Iodle &1.M. of ONEIDA LTD. Hoopeir ps Jewellery & GifI Shop "SIX GUESSES"g 0*CHAPE e LEMON-LINE e *ORANGE e CREAN SODA e IROOT DEEIR e GINGER ALE No motter whot flavour you pick . . . you're ossured of o delicicus, ref reshing, wholesome drink. Buy a cor- ton *... today. Ma* a.nd Dotti.d by... SITH. DEVERAIIES Lin IOWMAN VILLE lb43c 149C ,.re quEm ONAWAVWAW à%ww»Aýý Il