.RUEDAY APIL 3rdM199 TE CNAD -L' STE A N ROWMM, jPVVIAN VILLE. ONTARTO I JL £1A f % a.Dr. and Mrs. Harold V. Sle- à, W>f, Toronto. visited his parents %ut week. Mrs. H. Nind, Windsor. spent the weekend with her mother. Mrs. Duncan Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ames and iii. Mr. Gary Bagneli, R.C.A.F., Aylmer, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and- Mrs. W. W. Bagnell. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Cox visited Mrs. J. A. Wylie and Mrs. S. S. Greville, Toronto, on Sunday. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denby were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stevenson, Niagara Falls, Ont. MT. Fred Anderson, Moose Jaw, Sask., is visiting his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. andi Mrs. J. S. Ames. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hoadley, Jackie and Davey, Flint, Mich., were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Max Brown. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Armis and daughters, Toronto, were Sun- day visitors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. H. Cann. Mr. Luther B. Nichols is spending a few weeks with his son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nichols in Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. T. Burneil and family, Richmond Hill, were ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Fourth Sunday Afler Easter HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL MORNING PRAYER Annual Church Service of Florence Nightingale Lodge No. 66, ....F. 7- EVENING PRAYER Runaway Horse Wrecks MiIk Wagon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mai-r, Liberty St. S., last!? weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens left by 'Plane thîs morning to at-i, tend the funeral of ber sister. Mrs. Walter W. Krauter (Greta Morris) in San Francisco. .r Mr. John Kent, Ottawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kent, To- ii rento, were weekend guests with j their brother, Mr. and Mrs.; Robert Kent and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lathangue and John were weekend guests ~ with his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lathangue, Brad-1 ford. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowland and family, Toronto, and Mr. and Mr. andi Mrs. Albert Pearce of «,z~ Newcastle visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Holmes, Eimpson Ave. Weekend visitors with Mr .. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar were their' son. M.r. and Mrs. Charles Hoar t Barbara and Tom, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kerr, Osh- awa.I Mr. Roy Jamison and mother, ,~ Mrs. Etta Jamison, Toront o, andi. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Purdy of Campbellville -w e re Sunday - Earlv shoppers were startled last Friday morning along K ing Street when guests of ivrs. S. J. Williams,; Temperance Street. Mrs. Joseph Kentner, Acton, visited her sister Mrs. Harry Smithi, Queen Street, last week. end. Mrs. Smith's nephew,I IMichael Marshment, Acton, wasi also a weekend guest. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James, town, and Mr. Stan Everson, Oshawa, were in TorontoSn- day as guests o! Mr. andMs George J. Bray at the Týoronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Muirhead, Peter and Stephen. Suidbury, s.pent an extended weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .W Dippeil. Mr. and Mrs. Mirhead were guests at the Findlay-Dale wed.ding last Saturday. Mrs. Mina Colwell spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. A. J. Lymer in Oshawa. On Sunday, Mrs. Col- well. Mrs. Lymer. Bill and Douglas Lymer. visited relatives at Beeton and Bond Head. fVisitors last weekend wt Mr. and Mrs. Alan Osborne. Brown St., were Mrs. Osborne'si mother, Mrs. F. T. Tig'he and her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harveyl Wright and d'aughters Susan and Patti, Aurora. Home with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gibbs, for the weekend were Miss Aileen Gibbs of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs -and famlly, Ajax and Mr. Trinity Unit ed Church Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Houslander, B.A.,B.D. Organst-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach, L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, APRIL 26th, 1959 11:00 a.în. -- MORNING WORSHIP "Consider The Lilies" 12:10 p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.rn. - EVENING WORSHIP "Did Jesus Disapprove of Wealfh?" A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL REHOBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Scugog Street, Bowrnanville MORNING SERVICE- 10:00 a.m. - English EVENING SERVICE- 730 p.m. - Dutcb SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE ti Back To God Hour" Broadcasi CKLB. Oshawa, at 3 p.nî. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Sunday, CFRB Firsi Church of Christ, Scienlisi OSHAWA, ONTARIO Invites You and Your Friends.. to attend a Free Lecture entitied "Christian 1The Pathway of Science: Spiritual Healing"' By FRANCIS WILLIAM COUSINS, C.S.B., of Manchester, England Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts ini NcLanghlin Library Theatre *Corner Bagot and Centre Streets, OSHAWA Tuesday Evening, April 281h ai 8:15 p... ALL ARE WELCOME Ulex. Deliver OBITUARY HERBERT A. VAN NEST Herbert A. Van Nest, a sales- man for the Philadeiphia Elec- tric Co. for 28 years, died Tue- day. April 14, at his home, 7109 Penarth Ave.. Upper Darby. Penn. He wvas in his 61st year.I Mr. Van Nest. a son of the late Julia Bray and John Van Nest of Sauina and Bowýman- ville. was a mnember of te Royal Canadian Air Force in the First World War and was a member of the Masonie lodge. He is survived bY his wite. the former Marion King, a daughter, Mrs. B. S. Reed (Bel- ty Jean), Randallstown, Md.. a son, Lieut. King Van Nest. now with the U.S. Air Force in Ma- drid, Spain and a grand-daugh- ter, Carole Reed. Also surviv- ing are three sisters. Mrs. N. E. Wright (Louie), Enniskillen. Mrs. L. M. Keith (Marion). and Miss Florence Van Nest, both of 665 Oriole - Parkway. Toron-; to. Burial was from Videon's, Drexel Hill. Penn., on Mondav, April 20th. . 3 -year -old Unhurt in they saw a horse, drawing a Crystal Dairy milk wagon, galloping west on King St. as hard as it could run. It is most unusual ta see a horse, Jet alone a runaway. Iti2 Fo t al ended its wild race between a hydro pole and a highway sign, with the wa 'gon 1 fwrecked and the driver-occupant Lloyd Stainton in hospital with an injured leg, T]LI Dainiv Leddy, three- The horse came through the experience almost unscathed. Witnesses state that it year-oId son of Mr. and Mrs. 1 was rigtend bya lrgecemnt mxin trck.Pat Leddy, Church St., must I ws fighend b a are crnet mxig tuck ihave al] the "aood Iihrk" charnis working for him. Dar- seconded by Reeve Higgoi, ny had the misfortunie to tum- .C har e C la ke To nship that the admini.strator, Mr. WUl- i e 20 feet from a second stor C ha ge Ci r e T w n hi Iins, be erpowered to act in ey bedroom window, but sf D ela i ng H os itathWe g etrcnHosil ssoa-ndeasfLeddy only five 'Minutes The start of the much-need-1 Hospital Commission that the'to ovninhl Dannv and his two- vear-old Newv York, August 24th t ed hospital extension has been provincial and federal govern-1 27th. brother Dougie, into bed for î held up because Clarke Towni- 1 ment grants for tht new wing1 their afternoan naps when Dou- ship Çouneil has se far flot, cannat be given under the re-; Dr. Siemon stated th.at the gie shouted to his mother that agreed te issue debentures to gulations until arrangements: mnedical staff of the hespital is Danny vas "out there". Vi~e pay its share o! the cost of the .for tht district financing have arranging ta employ an internl window, which was only par- new wing, Harry V. Cryderman, been complet-ed. ta serve at Memorial Hospital tially raised. had an outside chairînan of the building con-! Those present at the meetingi from June lst until after La- s creen fastened by inside hooks. mittee. told the meeting of the of the board held at Memorial 'hu a.IDnvsmhw mngdt Memorial Hospital board of. Haspital, Bowmanville, were: It was nmoved by Mr. Hughes, i open it and crawl thraugh. diirectors held on Wednda h e chairian, Ivan Hobbs, M.scne y r.Cdrm i . ews uhdt opt esainAri 5t.y det MîHaryJos.ecoddbwr-rdrai H a uhdt optl evnnArllt.Cydra.HryJs.Nw that accounts amounting ta $7,-!I but X-rays failed to indicate Mr. rydrmanspoe ofth~castie, Reeve W. David Higgon, 766.78 be paid.an eîuinr. excellent plans fi'a Mrs. L. W. Dippel], Dr. Keith wing wlUh forve he p,-Slemon, Glenholme Hughes.! win whc thaeeOnari pHosit-lMrs. Bruce Mutton, Mrs. A. L.; erbic e Com tision.HosialHooey, Ray Dilling, the secr'e- O PT IV PRCS LU PE ON I Sh ervices C omsin.Htghsid tary-treasurer, and Stanley Wil-.C PEIVE RCSPLS ESO A S that e. Genhole Huheskins, the administrater. and Stanley Wilkins, the ho- ý pital administraior. hdagm Dr. -Siemon. the medical staff gant ta conter xith the On- representative on the board, re- tario Hospital Commiiiss;ion duc-i ported that the seriaus ever- ing the week. cocigi h hospital lias macle it necessary ta increase j Ht pointed out thal. it had the Laboratory and X-ray staff. been explained by tht Ontario!I It was moved by Mrs. Dippell, 14-H Poultry C lubs Elect SEILVLE DRMNESFRT Jerry Hasiukc President SEILVLE N EIDR O The second mieeting of tht ed Tom Kiinney, Dekalb Chi-t. Diurharn Count.y 4-H- Pouhtry'salesnian who spoke on Pou!-; Club was held on April ISt'n, t at 8:00 p.m.. at the Orchiland ty Man-agement" and also pre- Farm Hatchery, Bowmanville. Iete is on "InbreedigaZB. teDekalb Chix" 1and "Triec i Tht election of officers are andlbYarstike as follows: President, Jerry eabYrsik.rl o W w4eih Tink; Secretary, John Aliia; Feeds added a few comments . I.D.A. Brand - Fast Relief F Press Reporter, Abrahamn Hof- and stated that lie would be IfLfIE Iaa all stede, pleased to help the poultry club; M E -slTalt The club leader. Roni Brooks, members with the project. - then called on Jerry Hasiuk. Mi.-s. Harvey and Mrs, Ron P the new president, for a few Brooks served lunch to thte I.D.A. Brand - 4 oz., 11 remarks. Ron Brooks introduc- boys. B baby' tender skin So ah Pw e Harold Gibbs, Toronto. Miss When Mr. Albert F. Cox, BabyIM T Audrey Billings, Oshawa; was Oshawa, wvas in town on Tues- powder DUU' I.D.A. Brand also a guest. day. in referring ta tht obituary Th id-ppryfrte i ast week's issue o! Mr. Frank D MAE Cold Cream Soap Tht ind-up art fortheDowns as being one of the oId-- Marathon Bridge players will be est former employees o! the R 2fr2e o 5 heid in the Lions Comrnunity Dominion Organ & Piano Co., Reg. 2 fr 29c.UWfore85 Centre at 8 p.m. Thursday, April he said that he and Mr. Wesley I AI 23rd (tonight). Don't stay awav 1Kerr, Toronto, qualified for that even if v()Ur partner can't came. distinguished group. It is inter-2Fo27 6 79 There will be plenty o! others esting ta note, too, that bath ~____________ the same way. of these gentlemen were mem- bers o! tht famous Organ fac- SIG 10o«. Mr. anid Mrs. W. H. Bates and tory band, Mr. Kerr playing the MospITAL sE 9 Noxzema Skin Cream their daughters, Misses Lydia cornet and Mr. Cox the ciarinet. and Wilma Bates, were in Brant- A further sidelight to this story orM 0. ford last Saturd'ay attending the is the fact that Mr. Cox, al- NURSERY sîz, 39çc~ 16e Off - Reg. 65e wedding of Mr. Bates' niet, though in his 82nd year, is stili Mviss Helen Whittield. They weme in great demand as a Piano tun- rl Shm o wekedguss fMr ndMs.1er, which has become aInmost al .BT. Baby Powder Prl Sh po - Wm. Whitfield. lost art.j Congratulations to the Bow- I. .. Richard Hudnut manville Rotary Club bowling 'For guitar students al-d loy- ' __ 1.25 size tam which recently won the r !gia nui eoal LIGHT AND BRIGHT District Championship. The occasion will be tht appearance _________________ tam is composed of tht follow- of Segovia, rtputed ta be the plus 2-ounce ing Rotary Club rnernbers, Dr. wvor]d's greatest guîtarist, ini the CREME RINSE H. Rundie, Dr. K. Siemon ai-d Eaton auditorium on April 28ti Messrs. W. DeGeer, Bill Steven. at 8:30 p.m. Tht performing si-- 1.651 14el Dale, Ai Witherspaon and tist Segovia bias recorded many v 1.25 M!orley Vanstone. 1 beautiful numbers and bas the Value ------------ I. t- 'r j' H il Mr. and Mu-s. Albert F. Coxý Iand son ArLhur, Osiv-wa %weu'e fin town Tuesday vrisitingï Mrs. Cox's sisters. Mrs. Samn Glai- Iville and Mrs. Jack Glanvilie. (They paid a visit to the Cex homestead on Bmadsh ax Street now owned by Donald Russell, uwho had recently modemniztd tht home and which was des- tro.ved by fim0 on Mondiy after- noon. Somtthing new and different! tThis year, for tht first time. the Girl Guides and Brownies are trying a new twist in connection with their Cookie Sale. During- the next twa weekçs tihev will cý-nvass tht town tor advanct cýdedas, but delivery and pay- ment will not be until May 3th. B.doing this it is hoped tht number of surplus boxes will be cut ta a minumu.m. Give them a warm welcome and a GENER- SOUS order. Trinity W.A. met ini the Sun- day School room on Tuesday, April l4th. Group Nine was in charge o! tht Devotional Serv- ice with Miss Mary Jewell and Mrs. E. Laird assisting. A very informative pragram followed when three members who had attended tht Five Oaks Con- ference at Paris, Ont., gave in- teresting reports: Mrs. Hous- lander, "Bible Study and Wor- ship"; Mrs. Stuart James, "Christian Education" and Mrs. Buttery. who gave a gentmal ac- count. The meeting was then turned over ta the president who conducted the business. gu itar and orchestra written. for him by composer Castelinueva- Tedesco. t iil readily be ack- nowltdged that the guitar in thîs instance is an instrtument of btauty in a higher sense than we are accustomed ta ini modern music. A lasting impression wil ihe macle on al Who are fortun- att tnough ta attend. t is un- derstood that. several guitar students fram ibis district are planning ta attend. Surprisirig and interesting 1 itemns corne to light when house- 1 cleaning or renovating. Some have been Iost or flot used for years, but few would be quite as old as the& remnants of a pos- ter ncovredduring the mod- Not even "Barb" Pethick, who owned and operated the shop for more years than most of us( remember, will be able to recal j when this event took place" It is advertising a theatrical group and the words are stili quite~ distinguishable, reading "Kotze- bue's play in 5 acts .... Sept, 1861 entitled Stranger"l. On another line the words "dance-Lizzy, Irving" appear and stili lower. -Reserved seats 50c." At the j very ibottom the name of the ±irm printing the poster, "(The Stateý'man Print - Climie)". is proof positive that nhe States- V~ mani bas 'weathered many a W àtormr through the years. Oshawa Coun cil Ups Pay Apparently sharing the oPinion that inflation is here ta staY, Oshawa city coun- cillors have given them- selves radses in pay. The mayor's salary has been in- creased 81,000 to S5,(0()0Il year, while the other mem- bers. of council svIll lOW get 81,200, a boost of $300. Before approving their own rmises councillors heard finance chairman Edg'hr Bastedo warn that the city couldn't afford to pay high- er wages. Later he ignored his own warning and pro- Posed the $1,000 increase for the mayor. Bowmanv'ille town coune- illors adjusted their salaries Iast JaVuary. Remunera- tion for the mayor ivas in- creased from S500 to $1,000 a year while other members of council were given $300 increases to $500 a year. Members are fined $10 for each council meeting they fail tu attend. 9Oth Birthduuyf (Continued from page one) on the Toronto Fire Depart- ment at the same time as an- other Bow.manville boy, Jack Roach, was a captain in the same organization. MT. Dunn retired fromn service in 1936 and is now living in Bowrnanville. Bill, another son, was with the Goodyear laboratory depart- ruent for several years, later transferred to the Toronto Post Office where he is stili employ- ed after 36 years' service. Gl1adys, (lVrs. Moran Lawson) died in. 1955, and was survived by her husband and three chil- dren. Durin-g t-he celebration on Sunday - actually two days prior to the honored guest's McGregoir, Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store ;ERVICE [ORES RIS WEEK Values! From Pain- 300's. reg. 89e « 59C 16 oz., reg. 95c, 2.45 -- 79c, 1.89 I.D.A. Brand Paper Napkins '70 Embossed White 180 16c, 2 k,., 31c *Reg. 69e 2 or 99C - - - - 49C PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE 1.SAFETY RAZOR value 1. 19~ SPRING TONICS AND BLOOD PURIFIERS Dr. Chase Nerve Food------- 89c, 2.23 I.D.A. Beef, Iron and Wine ------- 1.00 I.D.A. Idafer Liquid ---------------------------------- 1.50 I.DA. Idafer Capsules - - ------- - ----------2.00 I.D.A. Idaphas ------------------------------------------- 1.50 I.DA. Health Saits ----------- ~ ---- 59e 1.D.A. Idatone ---------------------------------- 1.00 Ena Fruit Sait - ------------------------69e 109 Andrew's Liver Sait-------------- ----- - 49è, 79e Waînpoie's Phosphaiecithin ---------- -- ---------- 1.501 I.D.A. Moth Killer 59C Paradichlorbenzene Moih Crysials 2 lb. bat 59C GET& W OH EN WFiT O R D R YeSIEC A USI e irs MELOBONDED! RIGULAR MAN.SIZi PHOSPHOPLiX The n"Every 0ev" WaY 10 tEST 1U»DNERVE Iit/fisa esvn ara .Iuw ttake POHOSPHO-PL.IK .snia ai petty annovanc'a" l's Iru.' PDHOSP»HO- PLEX IVE W is du-wvcry day wu * y£0 Mrelu', r Wr, 0W? frflJ l1oc)PNOSPIIOPUX TABLETS Wih B <ompeund vifemins $4.25 50 TARtÎTS $2.50 H, OUNCES $2.50 A îUtLTN@E( 5.1KiN EATHEINI Rffl K. Wnom & tC.ap Lâ. tdPu*, Ot. Drugs >hone MA 3-5792 1 F <1~ s. -~ -I 4 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVMLE. ONTARIO 1PI&É,-v Qlltuv-%r birth date-relatives and friends. attended from Toronto, Willow- dale and Swansea as well as Bowmanvile. John Goodall was. in charge of tht presentations which includtd a bouquet of American Btauty roses shown in the phato and other gifts. Eighteen great grandchildren and six grandchildren attended the memorable *"Quten for a Da.,,. event. During the cele- bration, a birthday cake. cern- plete wvith 90 candîts and a smaller cake mnade by eighi- yen r-aid great grandchild, Jili Nichis. adorned the table. 1Thos;e xwho attendtd in addi- tion ta Mrs. Dunn's two sons. Stanley and Bil., were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dunn and two children. Willowdaie; Mrs. Ken- Nichais (Betty) and twNo child- ren of Bowmanville: Mmr. and Mrs. Russell Dunn and three children and Mr. and Mrs. Wmu. Dunn. Toronto; Mr. ai-d Mrs. Cal Barchard and six children, Whitbv; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allin and four children, Courtice, and Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Lawso.n and ont child, Toronto. NOTICE, IGirl Guide Cookie - Day During the next two weeks, tht Girl Guides and Brownies ivill be canvassing tht town for orders for their special cookies. -Delivery and payment of the cookies will flot be until MAY' 3Oth, but it is hoped that by taking orders, the number of left-over boxes wiIl be cnt to a minimum. The girls are counting on their customary warm re- ception and a generous num- ber of orders. TRUMDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1959