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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Apr 1959, p. 7

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THURSDAY, APEIL 3Oth, 1959 ___ I~LYL ~ T~ CANADTAN ~TATU~MAN HOWMANVfl.LE. ONTAHIÔ y. . r, - t.t.,.ne Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robb have-returned after spending the winter in Florida., Miss Pat Mari, bas accepted a position witb the Canadien Bank o! Commerce bere. Mrs. N. D. Smiith, Jackman Rd., spent the weekend with Mrs. D. M. Palmer, Oshawa. Mrs. A. W. Hanmond, Toron- to, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hamrnond and fam- Ily. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ames were ini Stirling last Monday attend- ing thie funerel o! ber uncle, Mn. Fred Anderson. Mn.- Hildôn Johnson, Janet- ville, wes dinner guest o! ber aunt Mrs. Seward Dowson on Manday. Mn. and Mns. Charles P. Smith, Oshawa, were guests of Mn. and Mrs. E. V. Hoar during the weekend. Mr. and Mns. Jack Hughes visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chow and family, Toronto, last weekend. Mn. and Mrs. J. Rooke, New- market, were weekend visitors with ber ibrother Mn. and Mrs. E. J. Fairey. Mn. and Mns. W. D. Hig.gon and family were in Pont Col- St. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Rogation Sunday 8 and Il - BOLY COMMUNION 10 and 11 - CHURCH SCHOOL EVENSONG borne last weekend visiting their parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. Garry Dilling, New Taranto, were weekend visitai-s with bis parents, Mn. and Mns. Forrest Dilling. Visitons with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith, Liberty St. N., Liet weekend wene Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harvey, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Bruce Furlong, Toronto, were weekend guests witli ber brother Mn. and Mns. George Graham and family. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Goheen and Dianne were in Fenelon Falls lest weekend getting their cottage neady for the sumnier. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, Taronte, who spent the winter in Florida, were guests of Dr. and Mrs. George W. James last Fniday. Mn. and Mrs. Fnederick Myers and family, Toronto, visited bis sister and brother-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Russell Hayes, and family lest weekend. Mr. and Mns. L. S. Densem and Scott Jr., Willowdale, were with bis mather, Mrs. W. H. Densem, and bis aunt, Mrs. Har- i-y Humphries, last weekend. Hi& many friends wiil be gled ta bear that Mn. Victor Han- cock j> B.T.S. is borne frorn the Oshawa General Hospital and making satisfactony pnogress. Mn. and Mns. Russell Oke, Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oke at- tended the Oke-Bolahood wed- ding in Oshawa on SaturdaY, Apnil 18th. The results of the quilt draw for the Cerebral Palsy School and Clinic are as follows; first, Mrs. G. Walkey, Newtonville and second, Mnr. George Veale, 90) Duke St., Bowmnnville. $350.80 w-as reshized. Mn. Edrward Z i m mennan, New York City. visited Miss Myrtie Brown and Mr,. and Mrs. T. Harness, Flett St., last week. Mr. Zimmernian wax also a guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Porter, Newtonville. Miss Dorothy Taylor apent last weekend with her grand- mother Mrs. Joe Taylor, 64 On- tario St. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Taylor were her brother, Trinity United Church Mnister-Rev. Wm. K. Housiander, B.A., B.D. Organist-Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 11:00 amn. - MORNIN6 WONSHIP ""Think, Then Thank" 1&10O p.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 p.m. - EVENING WORSHIP Service for Nurses A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO ALL 'REHOBQTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Seugog Street, Bowmanville MIORNING SERVICE- 10:00 am English EVENING SERVICE- 7:30 p.m.- Dutch SUNDAY SCHOOL AFTER MORNING SERVICE "Back To God Hour" Broadcasf CKLB. Oshawa. at 3 p.rn. every Sunday 8:30 a.m. every Suuiday, CFRB MEr. and Mm .Wmile Uonind Toronto. Mr. Doug Rigg, Recreation 'Director, Linda Brooing, Bar- bara Brown, Greg Cooper and John James Jr. attended a Teen Town conference held ini Barrie last Sat&irday. Plan are being made to hold a similar confer- ence here next Fali. Mrs. L. T. Brandon, Midland, was a guest last week witb hei daughter and son-in-law Mn. and MIrs. Jack Lander and f ar- ily. Mrs. Brandon and Mrs. V. Kennedy, London, Ont. left Tor- oto, on Wed., (yesterday) for a thiree-rnonth tour of Europe. Mrs. Isobel Reynolds spent the weekend in Streetsville vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Falls and Wendy. While there she at- tended a recital at the Royal Conservatory of Music, Toron- to, on Frid-ay evenmng in which ber daughter Fae participated. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gould Jr., Oshawa; Mr. Brian and Miss, Beverley Gould, Birmingham, Alabama, and Mr. Patrick Gouid were dinner guests lest Sund-ay of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gould, Oshawa. Miss Carole Oke was also a guest. Messrs. Nelson Osborne, Bob Watt and Jiin Croxnbie attended the Ontario Hockey Association annual meeting and dinner in the Royal York Toronto, last weekend. On Fridtay and Satuir- day nights they attended the Allan Cuýp finals between Whit- by and Vernon, B.C. Mrs. J. B. Staples, Miss Lena Haddy, Miss Agnes Haddy and Mr. Charles H. Haddy, Toronto. visited relatives here on Satur- dlay. They were accompanied by Miss Patricia Shields and Miss Olga Salmond of Sydney. Aus- tralia. Mr. Hadd!y leaves in the near future on a plane trip to the west coast. He wiil be stop- ping aloxig the way at verious points to, visit friends. Last Sundiay Mr. and Mrs. A. Masters entertained at a birth- day dinner in honour of Mrs. Masters? niotiher, Mrs. L. Mc- Mahon. Mrs. McMahon resides with Mr. and Mrs. Masters. Those atendiing were Mrs. Mc- Mahon's son, Mr. and Mrs. P. McMah-on and Bob, Toronto, and grandsons, Mr. and Mrs. Doald Masters, John and David, and. Mr. and Mrs. Tenry Masters and Kim. Eai'ly last Thursdiay morning Mn. John (Jake> Lunney had thie misfortune to fail down the stairway ini bis home. He was taken to Toronto General Hos- pital suffering from a slikht concussion. He bas returned home and has recovered suffic- lently to be able to get out for a walk but has not returned te work. Mr. Lunney la on thie ne- ceiving end ol some goodnat- ured ribbing because o! the beautiful "ahAner' he's sporting as a resuit of the accident. Mn,. J. VafiNeet, Mns. B. lies- vysege, Mrs. H. Saunders, Mrs., L. Welsh, Mrn. C. McDonald and Mns. Stan Dunn were guests o! the Canadian Cancer Society at heir Daffadil Party held at McLaughlin Hall, Sirncoe St., Oshaw. lmt Wednesdey. Mrs. O. D. Priend of Oshawa and Mrs. Bert Syer, Chairman Wo- men's Services Bowmanville Brench pouned tea from 3 o'- dlock to 4 and Mrs. L. Gifford of Oshawa and Mrs. A. C. Mac- Kenzie of Beaventon the ne- m'ainden o!flthe a!ternoon,, President, Mrs. D. McDonald o! the Homne aid School pre- sided at the Executive Meeting held on Tuesciay evening at thie home of Mrs. K. Suniersfard, Prince St. Plans w-ena finalized for thie May meeting to be held in Ontario Street School on Mqy 6tb. 7The programme "From Public ta High School" is of special iiitenest ta parents of Grade 8 students and Mr. L. Lucas will addIness the meeting. Mns. D. Park will install the of- ficers for thne coming year ad Mn. M. Beaton will direct te "ýspeciaI choir" ai Bo>wmanville Public Schools. Mrs. R. KentI will be gocial convenor. Miss Lynine Bagneil, wha han- ded in lber resignation early this year ta the Tee Follies, left the show in Minneapolis last week- end and is at home with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Bagnell and Gail. Prior ta leav- ing the show, the cast ai the Ice Falles held a nîammoth suir- prise party for Lynne last -week. Lynne was the recipient o! mray lovely and useful gifts testifying ta her popullarity with the other members o! the cast. Lynne looks for\7.ard to same restful weeks after trav- elling tbe length and breadth of thle Unite<l States for ovei- three years. Tt is elso hopedt that a prolonged rest %vil re- stilt in lier complété recovery from a knee injury sustaîned some months ea. Mnr. and Mrs. Ra v Coleman Dud]ev visitedc his parentsMc. and Màrs. C. H. Dudley, Satur- day. On Sunday night 1a ly ed Piano Concerto No.3lC minor by Beethaven in a caast ta coast broadcast with the C. B. C. Symphbony Orchestra, Toronto, to a capacity audience î with the femous Incien Con- jductor Zubin Mebta, wiho w-as born in Bomnbey, 1936, o! Parsi Indian parentage. His fether is Indie's leading Violinist. He bas atudied in Vienna Acaderny, also in Siena, Italy and Tanglewood, U.S. He hms recentiy been con- ducting The Royal Liverpool Philarmonie Orchestra. Ray re- turned Monday ta bis home and the University in Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A. Hia next con- cert w-il be playing wîth tAhe Detroit Symphony O-chestra. Mr. Noel Dudley attended the Concert in Toronto, Sund«y ev- ening. Invariably when en item ap- pears in I7% Statesman relerr- ing to the "Oid Bigade" em- Ployees o! the Dorninion Orgaîi and Piano Ca. iectory, such as wuas nentioned la lest week's inue abSet Abwt Cm and~ erable interest in softball and g t la hoped that four evenly 'Man Attnd O enin matched clubs will play in the Of Ne Moris C apet tacted, should notify either of the following: Jim Coyle, Fred The beautiful new Morris, funerai services. It bas a pri- or Ted Fairey. The next nieet- Funeral Chapel was officialy vate entrance from the parking ing will be Tuesday night, 7:30 opened on Thursday evening lot, and is perfectly furnished. 1 p.m. at the Lions Centre. 1 with an impressive service. The To the left of the entrance to1 Although the sponsors are BowanvlleMbiteral sso th chpelis he ffie ad r- et unknown, judging by the ciation had been invited by Mn. ceptian room. Here a famlly first meeting. this shouldn't C. G. Morris ta officiate at the can discuss funera] arrange- pose mucb of a problem. Plan event. Rev. A. G. Scott, the ments in the pnivacy of a lux- to attend the next session and president. and Rev. Harold'urious living-room. There ls ai lp gtsibllgigsnn Turner represented the Bow- antique Jacobean settee. h an cl.again in o w rnftanlle.in tr manville Ministerial Associa-;carved and upholstered in rose, 1Grs otalPatcswr tion at the ceremony. Mr. Scott and an artistic gold wall dlock I irsSotalPcieswe la the minîster of St. Andrews' bas been much admired. ; outlinied by Coach Jim Rich- Presbyterian Cburçh, and Mr. In fact the soft ligîiting, ards who reported a large tura- Turner is pastor o! St. Paul's lovelv frshgs bUtiu u o h first practice last United Church. drapery, the colour scheme of week, and also announced plans Many people from Bowman- the walls and harmonizing for future practices on Satur- ville and the surrounding dis- 1 woodwork, have created an at- day at 1:00 o'clock and Monday tniet attended the openîng. The j nosphere of serenity and su b- and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m., al new chapel, a distinguished dued radiance throughout the at the Central Public Sehool. stane building. is on Division1 chapel and ather roams. It was unanimously agneed at Street. The original plans were 1 Off the entrance ante-room a, Lakeshore Basebail League 'drawn by C. G. Morris, and! are twin carpeted stairways meeting Tuesday night. tbat Herbert G. Cale, Whitby, wa.s leading ta two attractîvely fur- Port Hope Intermediates be al- the architect. He incorponated nished smoking lounges. wash- lowed te enter a Junior League Mn. Morris' iceas in fis design. Iraoms, and the casket dispiay comprised of teams from Bow- From 7.30 p.m. ta 8 o'clock room. Here fine craftsmanship manville. Newcastle, Oshawa Mis. Albert Cole gave an in-1 is exemplified in the beautiful and Newtonville. spiring necital of organ music - caskets displayed at a wide The Bantam and Pee Wee in the spaclaus chapel where! range of prices. The rest of divisions have six teams each the large cathedral glass win- 'the basement la utilized forad the Juvenile league is dowr and lovely stained glas washrooms, storage area and ade pa iecus aide windows added ta the the ruechenical room for the dignity af the setting. The a il heating and air condition- Lai-e entries will be accepted chapel is lighted by effective1 ing units. AI] the stairs are uP to Monday. May llth at 8 iGothie brass lantenns with; made of steel, and the entre 'p.r.. when another meeting amber cathedral lass panels building bas been canstruecd 1will be held at Newcastle's suspended tramn the high arched ta be as fire proof as possible. Elmhurst Hotel. ceiing, whicb were especiallyl designed, and by matching side 1 OFCUS A bracket lights on the walls. The 1H11pe ReamDA comfortable oak pews accam- H pe 4 T' m WASHED OUT BY FLOOD modate more than 100 people, Southview Golf and Country andth IpnEnterfldngClub lest ius water bazard on doors on the sides o! the cha- WVill Ene Tuesday evening due ta the pel provides space for sevenali beavy nains. hundred mare. jj. On Thursday evenig toîîow- ofbal oo Shortly after six p.m. the dam ing Mms. Cole's organ recital, on, the praperty gave way, pour- Owen Nicholas sang "1Blesa I At a meeting Tuesday night, ing tons of water and debris This House" as a solo. Mn. Tur- initial plans were made te férin~ down througb the course. ner read the Scripture lessons. a Mens Town Softball League, Repairs. will be effected as Ris first text was John 19- which would be compnised o! quickly as possible. The incident 38-42,, and his second text wai four teams. George Stephen was will have no bearing on the taken frein Corinthians 3: 10- elected as president. with Ted opening dlay. 17. Mnr. Nicholas' second solo Dadson vice-president and Jim Incidentally, as a prelude ta was "Holy City". There were Clarke secretary-treasurer. The the season's activities, about 30 prayers by Mr. Scott, who alsa rest of the executîve will be would-be golfers on Tuesday, said the prayer o! dedication. rounded aut by a representative attended the first night o! a The front o! the cha¶iel is from each team. four session golfing sehool at tastefully draped in a Roman There appears to be consid- the Badminton Club here. striped silk damask of antique'-___________________________ gold and a soft geraniumn shade, which will provide a beautiful I background for casket and i COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL S flowers. The front entrance ailte-room to the chapel is deeply carpeted in green wbile the eliapel itself bas a soft red carpet. The entrance ante-room' has ormolu xold leaf wall ta-I bles and matching chairs. * A To the ight of the entrance la the main slumber room aven 32 fect long. It bas attractive French Provincial furniture. The graceful chesterfleld and chairs are uphalstered i bro- cade of an antique gold shade. SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR TI Alabaster lamps witlh white and gold parchment shades, and gold leaf wall scories for e1er- trie Candiles are nmost effective. Iliere -la a gold ornilu nror and accessories. Here one whole wall la covered with exquisite YOUR PRIIGGIST drapery blending from pale pink through lovely shades of RECOMMENDS rase and soft naspberny te deep geranium. There lsaiseo an in_- D.A. Brand- Reg. 35c, spiring pictune, W. e. Sallman's-d . . "Head of Christ',O IV I le! t sîde of the chape! is fur,- 1OLTIPI E VIAMI#MINS Bad- 00s-_1/4 cohe ntou cais moettee. ThTAB sofas are nmade o! teakwood +,SI ACCH>fAnRIN T with upholstery in a favoritei shade of green with touches of 79e size gold. On the other side othe cbapel there is a room for the pnvae seo!failesduin I ,,,1iimvt,~s,. ~LYSOL privae useof failieIdur.. OBITUARY MES. ANNIE VANCE ELLIOTT Af ter a lengthy iilness, Mrs. Anaie Vance Elliatt, died et Douglas Memonie] Hospital, Fort Erie, Ontario. Friday, April 24tb. A daugbter o! the late Wil- liam Vance and Elizabeth Ewing, the deceased was born in Miilbnook, Ont., on Decem- ber 31, 1872. Mxs. Elliott made her haine et 12 Queen St., Fort Erie, and she had been a resident of Font Erie for the past 60 years. Mrs. Elliott was e member of St. Paul's Anglican Church. Her busband, AIbert T. Elliott, a former druggist. predeceased ber. Ms.Elliott leaves two dau- ghters, Miss Helen M. Ellit and Miss Kathleen V. Elliott, bath of Rochester,. NY. Also surviving are two sisters, Miss Charlotte Vaîîce, Toronto, and Mrs. James Colling, Peterbar- oug.. iRev. W. B. Iliin COnduceted the services held at Baecheer Funeral Home. Port Erie, oni Monda. April 27 at 2 P.m. En- tombnient was in Ridge Mau- sale um. Wesley Ker, some of aur read- ers rend in names af other em- Iployees wbo are qualified ta be Iplaced in this "Roll af Honor". It is in truth a rail o! honor for those wvere thie days befare the turn af the century, iwben fac- tory !ývokmen toak a ceai pnide in their work. which was befone thxe deys O! mass production. As proaf o! this statement many "Dominion" organs and pianos, Manufactured as long, as 80 yeens ago, may be found in scor., es o! homes today la !irst class condition being used by the thirci and fourtix generations. But let's came beck ta the for- gotten list o! D.O.&P. Ca. "old timers"l whose nemes were sent i this week by Frank Williams and Stuart Candier. These "eold timers" wiio live in Ibis com- munity are: Fred Downey, Ce- cil Osborne, Clintan Lunney, Sid Morris, George "Mick" Iemptiiorne Herbent Moyse and F'rank Bottreil. Lest somiebody has still been overlooked we will keep this hat open for ail deserve honorable mention in havîng a part ln turning aut musical instruments that be- came internationally faxmous in World Nir conipetitiooe. LONE APIL SHOWER SPINKLES JOY HERE The lone April showen an Tuesday dropped aven an inch af welcome nain on the district, it was reported by Durham County Agnicultural Representa- tîve A. O. Dairymple. "The land wvas neponted ta be fan drien than one would have iniagined aften ail the snaw o! the past winter," he said. "Many graw- ers wene seriously cancerned. This week's nain greatly eased the situation." It was reparted. that some local farmers were even seen ta break into smiles when the nains finally fell. B.ack Up Distrct (Continued tram page one) ment o! Education and one scboal inspector. This commit- tee will submit its findings and recommendations ta the United Counties Council meeting in early June. The plans must be finalized before the end of Junte, so they could be effective at the first of next year. Rether surprisingly, there %vas no major abjection negistered by1 the representatives o! athenl ,member municîpalities of the Durham District 111igb School Board. Reeve Higgon, Deputy Reeve John Brough of Bowmanvilie. Reeve Roy W. Nichois of Danl- ington and Reve Budge of Port Hope spoke in favor of the pro- posai to set up the committee. Each stated they knew that the Ipove might cost their munici- palities extra money in the initial stages, but feit that the separa- tion would eventually work to the benefit of ail concerned. PENTECOSTAL CHfURcHf 21 Ontario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Pastor 10 a.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL (Ail ages incltiding aduits) ia.m. -, Rev. W. B. Greenwood (District Superintendent) 7 p.nx. - TUE PASTOR "The Cburch Where You Are Neyer a Stranger"' Dowmanville Daptist Church Nelson Street, near Liberty Pastor - Alfred C. Beil Assistant - John Tangelder Welcomes you to meetings ta be hcld MAY 171h Io -AY 241h Sunday to Sunday (Monday night exeIuded) REV. FRANK HOLLIDAY President of Central Baptist Seminary A cordial invitation extended ta al SER VICE FORESl M1 S WEEK L1 9IA:W 55e - - 29c, 44c1 gr., %,i gr.- Reg. 79c. 98e .ETS 59c, 79c Richard Hudaut Egg Creme more $175 Drugs IN FOUR COLOURS I PINK, BLUE, YELLOW, GREEN :" es welI as white 1 18C #4WY Realar ie 48 CO NOMY 8PACK SANITARY NApKfiNs PPAAE!tx% »wè.,dot $18 5 # #Y / * Rt . Tft .%D< àm Alex. McGregort We Deliver Store ~hone MA 3-5792 41 1£ .1) En eh ftbhe~o.unhs 7 mmemticd vilomins.6 Coma 6e, u fm4a .day. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rex'. Alex. G. Scott, Ministen Miss Leta Bragg, Director of Music Anniversary Services Sunday, May 3rd MORNING - Il o'clock EVENING - 7 o'clock Celehratmng the 34th hnniversary of the fondig Of Sthis congregation and the 122nd of Presbyterial~sm in Bowmanville. GUEST SPIEÂKEIR- The Reverend J. D. Jack, B.A. rMinister of St. Andrew's Church, Cobourg .0Mornmng subjeet, "NEW TESTAMENT LOVE" Evenmng Subject "THE CHURCH 0F THE RESURRECTION" M Cellulose Sponge Slampoo 79c 75eg._____59C TAME CREME RINSE Rteg. 1.3 - 1.19 NESTLB IQI Baby Hair Lanolîn Plus Treaimeni 1.50 site plus plus Baby flair Brush "eCtrial sise value J11 fol1.50 Val-U Brand ABSORBENT COTTON --Ib79c & &J 3cakes BABY SOAP reg. 44c ----39c 'BABY NEEDS i & i A qua Seal Baby Pants 39c, 59e BABY POWDER Children's Aspînin, 24's 32e 43Baby's Own Tablets 43c, 94e Bayswater '73e 89C Diaperash Ointment -95c, 1.89 Castoria--- - 53c, 85e Q-TIPS Chix Diaper Liners, 72's-- 1.29 For Baby IChux Disposable Diapers.-- 2.19 Care Dennison Diaper Liners 49c, 1.50 39e - 59c - 9se Mead's Dextri Maltose 1.15, 2.'5 HEINZ Mennen Baby Magie 79c, 1.00 Strained Nivea Oreme 39e, 69e, 1.25, 3.30 BABY FOOD Sottie Rinse -- 5C. 1.25, 2.00 tMany brands of Nipples, Nursing 6 for 65e Bottiez and Nurser Units wIll be found at our store. PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Your Local I.D.A. Drug TRURsDAY, AmiL 3oth, me TE£ CANADIAN STATZSMAN. BOWIL&NVILI.& ONTAPJO 3-57921 va Phone MA

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