r .. - -- - - -. ?HUPSDAY, MAY 7th, 1959 TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnLE ONTARIO PAGE MiNEf A Weekly aFeatu re CARTOON CAPERS CONTESTI Twenty m Fifth Week *$10000 WEEKLY IN MERCHA&NDISE CERTIFICATES $10000 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE AT FINISH 0F CONTEST Advertisers Merchants. on This--Page, They at al w ii be. awardi Weeks, they times give ng someone will award you the best value possible at $10.00 someone n Merchandise $1 00.00 the Lowest Prices. Certif icates in merchandise Each Week Certif icates. Patronize your and at the End Home of 26 DO NOT NEGLECT TO ASK FOR SALES SLIP WHEN DOING BUSINESS WITH ANY 0F THESE FIRMS - REA» THE RULES CAREFULLY Each week there wiIl be au extra word inserted ini a tew of the ads appearing on this page. Read the ads, find the extra words, put thern together and when properly arranged they wlI give you the titie of the cartoon. Write these words on a piece of paper and list the firms in whose ads vou found each word. then sce if vou can write a better titie. Send Iin your entry to CARTOON CAPERS. c/o THE CASADIAN STATESMAN. NOT LATER THAN MONDAY NOON. SHEPPARD JmD AO III LUMBER 96 King Si. E. Bowmanville Plan to have your !Lummer activities n movie film.. -We carry a coniplete selection of - MO VIE EQUIPMENT Kodak, Bell & Howvcll. Etc. imeras, Projectors, Screens, Films, Etc. HOOPER'S JEWELLERY & GllFT SHOP 29 King St. E. Bomnanville For The Desi t Famous Reading Anthracite Stove - Nut - Pea - Briquets aiid Fuel Oil Finest Quality Stove and Furnace Oil Cal STEPHEN FUELS MIA 3-5410 Bowinanville Look For Your . 9 SPRING and SUMMER HARDWARE CATALOGUE For the Best ini Hardware Needs, Paints, Gardening Supplies, Etc. Lander Hardware 1 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774 NArket 3-5715 EXPERT Guarantecd Serv'ice Quality Materials Uscd Wc Aise Repair ALL LEATHER GOODS Lloyd Ellis Shoes Trying 49 King St. West Bownianville "SERVES OU WELL?" JURY& LOVELL MA %3-5778 "SA VES yOU MONEY!" No Job We Do Them Ail! PHONE MA 3-5602 Too Small l For the Best ifl: New or Used Cars - PLUS - Dependable Service SEE ROBSON MOTORS Limited 166 King St. E. The winuer, of last week's contest: Nrs. Joan Burns Courtice P.O., Ontario MIA 3-3321 Correct titie: "Anyone in the audience untie knots" Winning titie: "Here two wrestlers ail tied up. How do you tell who's end is up?" Advertisements in which words appeared: Vanstone's Flour & Feed. Glen Rae Dairy. Breslin's Ladies' Wear, Cowling's Drugs, Robson Motors Ltd.. McGregor's Hardware. You Can Now Purchase a Power Lawn Mower IAs Low as ....$37.46 McGregor's Hardware Limited 95 King St. W. Phone NIA â-3386 The besi. one selected each week will be awarded $10.00 in merchandise eertlficates, gond et any of the stores participating. IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEATURE PRIZE 0F A $100.00 CERTIFICATE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END 0F THE CONTEST TOU MUST ENCLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH YOUR ENTRY or sornethinh to prove ouoshave done business with any of the f irnis participating. as the best titie sent in during the oontest, that lias proof of purchase attached. w111 win the $100.00. Winner will he publIshed eaoh weel. If You Have Seen the Resi Now See "ITHE CHEV"#I If's The B ESl Now on Display ai ROY W. NICHOLS Oldsmobile - Chevrolet Cars - Chevrolet Trucks BOWMANVILLE COURTICE MA 3-3353 MA 3-3922 Featuring The New Quiet Flite Corne in and look over our selection. 6 Models fromn which to choose 18" to 21" çut PA LMER Motor Sales Cities Service Station Plymouth - Chrysier Cars Fargo Trucks e-0 King St. E., Bowrnanvjlle Look Ahead! Save on food costs this summer something HOME FREEZERS $249 up or rent a LOCKER at less than 3,I~c per day BOWMANVILLE FRIGJD LOCKER SYSTEM PHONE MA 3-5578 73' King st. W. Yard and Garden Helul AuK OORUtM^jji (eut uFing MOWU %4TTM U CO ND ASON & DALE HARDWARE Phone MA 3-5408 FOR WOMEN ONLY... We cater to the woinen and young ladies witb clothes that are fashion-wise, flattering .. . and oh, îo easy to wear. We have the loveliest and best in COATS - SUITS- DRESSES - -ETC. right here in Bowmanvilla 7 King St. W. 3dies' Wear Phone MA 3-5854 WE CARRY A FULL LINE 0F MOFFAT and GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES HIGG@N ELECTRIC ,38 gS.E Bowmanville MA 3-3305 GLEN RAE DAIRY MILK - CREAM - BUTTERMILK Cottage Cheese, Skim Milk, Krimo Chocolate Flavor '«If It's Glen Rae It's Good" Fresb Daily to Your Door or at Your Favourite Grocery Store Phone MA 3-5444 Enjoy a Treat! GOOD ASSORTMENT 0F PEAK FREAN COOKIES DIFFERENT SEVERN'S BAKERY $3 King St. E.. Bowrnanville Phone MA 3-5654 CHBECK! OUR WVINDOMI DISPLAY FOR BARGAINS in PAINT Abernethy Paint & Wallpaper 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 PRESCRIPTIONS Alex McGregor Drugs Phone MA 3-5792 We Delbver _________________________________________________________________________________ e MYLES Radio & Television Sales and Service Dealer for RCA VICTOR Radio a"d TV NA 3-3482 Plumbing 9 Division St. MARR'S JEWELLERY Expert Watch Repairs Authorized BULOVA Distributor is 40 King St. West Phone MIA 3-5463 For the Best Values See PETER KOWAL Real Estate Broker Residentîal .Commnercil Industrial -Farina 99 King St. E. MA 3-5868 Bowînatnville - eating Phone MA 3-5615 for FREE ESTIMATES ON MODERNIZING YOUR PRESENT PLUMBING AND BEATING INSTAALLAT1ONS ,lfe n -s 15 King St. E. of30 i ' Vear Bowmanville "Clothes of Quality for Young Men 6 Io 16" SPRING TIRE DEAL 05 BRAND'E S w95TIRES 9 6.00xl6 - 6.70xl5 Witb Your A-1 Trade-in Tire JAMIESON TIRE King and Silver Streets ALUMI NUM DOORS and Col 134 Kin and WINDOWS AWNINGS CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATES wan Equipment Co. og St. . Always Phone MA 3-5689 USE ECLIPSE FLOUR For Cakes and Pastry Manufactured by Vanstone Flour and Feed 116 King St. W. MA 3-5777 POWER LAWN MOWERS 2-cyl. Low as $37.50 4-cyl. Low as $57.95 Hand Mowerx S13.50 up e il bAUTO bUPPLY LID t o. King St. W. Bownaxville NyaI CREOPHOS 16 «a. $150 Cowling's UitUtGS Il King St. E. MA 3-5619â TYRONE FEEDMILL (just(>n Grinding - Rolling -Mxing SHUR-GAIN FEEDS General Wood Worklng Shop TYRONE, ONT. PHONE MA 3-5316 MOTHER'S DAY CARDS AND GIFTS Large selection from which to choose Wear a Carnation on Mother's Day . . . they look s. real! White - Red - Pink Rickaby's ite "Big 20" LINEN TEk TOWELS 59c a et flowmanville These Town Rules DON BROOKS GENERAL CONTRACTOR HE "No Job Too Big. . .0 SEE. .. JACK BROUGH m 1 mm