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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 May 1959, p. 22

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WAGE TWENTY-TWO 1~ CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMMiVILLE, ONTA~O TRTT~DAY. lIÂT '11h wEê THUSD-. -MAT ---s -lm r Births ABBOTT-Murray and Barbara ai'e happy to announce the ar- rivai of their son, Edward How- ard (Teddy>, at Memorial Hos- pitl, Bowmanvile, on Tuesday, April 28, 1959.-- A brother for Cathy.191 BOYD-Ross and Peggy (nee Stephenson) of Newcastle, are proud and happy to' announce thé safe arrivai of their second son Robert George (Bobby), a brother for Ken, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, May 2nd, 1959. Twentieth great grand-child for Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hiliier of Newcastle. 19-1 * BRESLIN-Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward J. Breslin, Toronto, an- nounce the arrivai of a son, Morris, in Mount Sinai Hospital, Friday, May lst, 1959. A broth- er for Glenna. 19-1 McGREGOR-Dou and Phyllis (nee Craig> are happy to an- nounce the ;ýrriva1 of their daughter, Catherine Anne, at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville on April 27th, 1959. 19-1* HOOPER-Lyle and Elaine <nee Burgess) are happy to annotince the birth of their daughter Laurie Gail at Memoriai Hos- pital, Bowmanville. on Friday, May 1, 1959. A sister for Anne ElIaine. 19-1* JONES-George and Joan (nee Wood) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Donna Marie, 9 lbs.. 6½/ ozs., on April 27th at Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville. A sister for Deb- bie and Bobbie. 19-1 MORTON-Jack and Patsy are pleased to announce the arrivai of a baby girl, May 5, 1959, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, a baby sister for Nancy, Lorna and Paul. 19-1* QUINNEY-Cyril and Doreen (nee Morris) are happy to an- nounce the safe arrivai of a son, Brian Alfred, 6 lbs., 14 ozs., on Saturday, April 25, 1959, at Me- morial Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Larry. 19-1 STOCKS -Allan and Eunice1 (nee Leask) are happy to an-! nounce the arrivai of David i Allan,. May 4, 1959, at Oshawa General Hospital. 19-1 Deaths 1BRANCH-At 711 Wilson Road .North, Oshawa, on Wednesdlay, May 6th, 1959, Elizabeth Bnaneh, in ber 98th xear, wîfe of the late Jacob Branch and dean mothen of Walter R., Oshawa. Resting at the new Morris Funeral Chap- el, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Friday at 3:30 p.m. Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 19-1 SCIHAFER-At R.R. 1, Ponty- pool on Tuesday. May 5, 1959, Theresa Sehafer, aged 82 yeans. Wife of the late George Schafer and dear mother of Theresa (Mrs. Peter Miller), R.R. 1, Pontypool, and Katy (Mrs. Frank Hafner). Edmonton. Resting at the new Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, unitil Satunday rnonning. Funenal Mass at St. Joseph's R.C. Church at 10 a.m.1 Interment Bowmanville Cerne- tery. 1- SEYMOUR - At South Haven Rest Homne, Newcastle, on Tues- day. May, th, 1959, Elizabeth Jane Laý ton, in lher 94th year. wife of the la'te Samuel James Se vnuîîri, nd dean mother of1 f'age(Mrs. A. Stuart), Orr Liýke: Ethel Maude. Alice Helen, I htttie (Mrs. Fred Armstrong), ail of Bo\wianville; and Alex- w'idler. Canmpbellford. Resting at lhe ncw Morris Funeral Chap- ei, Division St.. Bowýmainville. Service in the Chapel on Fridav i 2 oclock. Interment Bow- inanville Cenietery. 19-I WIALLACE. RÏev. Thonmas - At Lockwood Clinic, Toronto. Ot.. on Moiiday. May 4, 1959, RV. Tilornas Wallace. in his 8th year. dearýly belovcd husband of the late Anie Jones, and loving father of Georýge of Pelleville:ý Iliîda (Mi. lHlirb Alexandler), Fort Erýie. lslie, Turonto; Gracel (M\,rs. Harold Couch), Newcastle; RLiby (Mrs. George Beane), Greenbank: Douglas of Fen- -'vick; MaLbelI (Mns. Geraid Mat- tice ), of Haleybury. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott - Pana- baker, Pont Perry, until Thuns- day at 11:30 a.m. Funeral serv- ice, from Greenbank United Church ut 1:30 p.m. Interment Newtonville Cemetery. 19-1l WRIGHT. Martha May - At' l\arnwood Nursing Home, Bow- rnanville, on Sunday, May 3, 1959, Martha May Cobbledick, bîlIoveci wvife of the late William Aibert Wrighit, ini her 85th year. j R.,!ted ut Noirthcutt & Smith; Faneral 1liotit. .53 Division St., I whIerc service %vas lheld on Tues- day , May 5th zut 2 P.11. Inter- ment Bethescla Cexnetery. 19-1 Personal WH EE L -OLD? .Feel Vears Younger. Ostrex Tonie Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 69c. At ail druggists. 19-3 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber, goods) miailed postpaid in plain seaied envelope- with price list. Six saniples 2.5c, 24 samples! :,1.0 0. Iziil Order Dept. T-28. j Nýov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91, Hanm- fton, Ont. 1-521 Rest Home ACCOMMODATION for ladies and gentlemen at Orono Rest lUome. Telephone Orono 1771. 192' Articles for Sale FENCE posts, order now. MA 3-2126. 18-2* 17" CONSOLE TV. Telephone Newcastle 3025. 19-1 CHOICE lover alfalfa hay, large bales, 50c. 7 r 1 Orono. 19-1* BOX Plants for sale. N. W. Groot. Phone Clarke 1640, R.R. 1, Orono, 4th Line. 18-4* '37 CHEV., good condition; hound, three years old. Elgin Heard, MA 3-5145. 19-1* STRAWBERRY plants, Catskill, 2c each. Apply 125 Scugog St. Phone MA 3-3248. 17-4* BO0X plants, all kinds. Mrs. Williams, corner Base Line andj Hunt St. Phone MA 3-7167. 17-5 SAVE on luniber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kininount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. 13t1 KEYS cut automnatlcally, wbile you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, bard and soit, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf iCEDAR trees for sale, 35e each, 31 to 4', or bedges planted. Guar- anteed to grow. Telephone MA, 3-3073. 18-2* NINE b.p. garden tractor with four attacbments. Baby car- niage, bassinet, play pen, bcd. MArkct 3-5123. 19-1* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service to electrical appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing metbod, with rock wool. Workmanship guarantecd. F r ee estimates. Harny L. Wade. Phone Clarke 2420. 39-tf MIXED hardwood. dry, $18.00 per cord, resawed to 12" lengths; also Frigidaire, in good con- dition. Neil Curtis. Phone 8 r 10 Orono. 19.1* DOG kennel, two smail stoves, suitable for cottage or garage; ice box, hood for Cbev. car. Apply Mrs. Albert Parker, Maple Grove. 19.1* SEWING machines, new and used. Guaranteed and serviced from Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King St. W., Bowmanville. MIA 3-7231. 17-tf GARDEN tractor, complete with plough, cultivator and dises. God condition, $100 or best of- fer. Apply 84 High St. aftcr 4:30 ONE"full-length wedding gown with headpiece and veil. Size 12. Apply ta Mrs. Toni Diuvcsteyn, R.R. No. 3. Burketon or Phone 66 r 5 Blackstock. 19-1* USED washcr parts, 1/4 b.p. motors $5.00 up. Repairs ta al wringer type washers. Guar- anteed reconditioned washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055. 15-10* DO your own fonrs and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polîsher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) fnom Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanvile. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf. CABIN trailer, nearly new, com- piete with space heaten, table, ciothes cioset, bcd, built-in ne- frigenaton, propane gas cook stove, cuphoards and sink and wash noom. Caîl MA 3-2793. 19-3' BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provernents features aluminumi doors, windows, awnings and: railings. We offer a variety of « floor and wail tules. For free1 estimates Phone MA 3-2753 on cail at 22 Division St. 6-tf GREENHOUSE plants, raspberny canes., strawberry plants, tomato, cauliflower and cabbage plants. Mix cd variety of treated giadioli bulbs: large, 60e doz. or $4.00 pr100; medium, 40e doz., or 1$.üper 100. C. deMooy. Tele- $300e Oroijo 18 n 8. 174' YOUR ESSOU A ISTR IBUTOR I 9II <>1-C 2OI I 1 Articles for Sale Cars for Saile MIXED grain for sale. Phone GMC truck, haîf-ton, reasonable. MA 3-2823. 19-1*1 Phone MA 3-5321. 19-1 CEDAR trees, any size. Phone MA 3-2298. 19-1 GOOD quality mixed hay. Tele- phone MA 3-2403. 8-tf WATER for sale. Delivered. Phone Ciff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf CHINA cabinet; stroller; 6-piece kitchen set. Phone MA 3-7227. 19-1 GIRL'S C.C.M. bicycle, like new, $20. Telephone MA 3-3364 after five. 19-1* TWO bicycles, one gentleman's, one girl's. Reasonable. MArket 3-5473. 19-1 * ONE 14" Beaver band-saw, com-. plete with motor. Phone MA 3-7008. 19-1 NEW grey nylon cord air-foam chesterfield. Phone MA 3-7149, 9-4 p.m. . 19-1 TWO ladies' bicycles. 45 Con- cession St. East. Phone MAi-ket 3-3352, evenmngs. 19-1* SEED potatoes, Irish Cobblers and Sebagos. Nei.i Malcolm, Blackstock 66 r 4. 19-1* PEAT moss, $1.00 per bushel, $6.00 per cubie yard, deiivered. See Baker, MA 3-2180. 17-tf '42 CHEV. dump truck, used;. Johns Manville white slate sid- ing. Phone Clar-ke 4702. 19-1 GENDRON baby carniage, com- bination carrnage and bassinette, A-1 condition. Phone MArket 3-2954. 19-1 INTERNATIONAL potato plant- er, fertilizer attachment, first ciass condition, piced to seli. M. Thexton, Millbrook. Phone 217 r 32. 17-3 ONE fuil-length wedding gown with headpiece and veil. Size 17. Apply to Mrs. Frank Viieger, Nestieton R.R. No. 1 or Phone 34 r 2 Blackstock. 19-1* GARDENERS: For the best value in Lawn Secd, BuIk Garden Seeds, Gladioli Bulbs, Potatoes, Fertilizers, etc., vîsit Stewart's Seeds, Bowmanville, Ont. 18-tf MERCURY Outhoards, used, Mark 25, Mark 20H, bath tuned up and rcady to go, A-i con- dition. Lander Hardware, King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774. 19-1 HEARING aid service. Testing service and compicte stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limitcd, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvillc. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7-tf POLAROID-LAND camera; Fair- Isle knitting machine; RCA port- able radio; record player mech- anism; two 60" venetian blinds; high-back sink. Apply 187 King St. East. 19-1l NEARLY new chesterfieid suite, 3 Wilton rugs, 9' x 12', 9' x 10', 8' x 10'. Late model electrie range <Frigidaire), excellent condition. Reasonable. C all RA 3-7244 or 60 Harris Avenue, Oshawa. 19-1 FOR Mother's Day -Rose Be- gonias - white, pink, rose, red; Philodendron Ivy; African Vio- lets, single, double; Baby's Tears, etc. 50c up. Friday evening. Saturday. Mrs. Abrams, 26 Division St., over Bowmanville Auto Parts. 19-1 * FOR Mother's Day - Hassocks, lamps, pictures, magazine racks, floor mats, floon polishens, vacuum cleaners. For cottages- Trade-in three-picce bed chester- fields, $39; washer $19.50; buf- fet, $10; rug, 6'9" x 9', $25.1 Murphy Company, King West, Bowmanville.19* 50,000 GALLONS PAINT %This bankrupt and cle-arance stock of paint is suitable for in- side or outside. It is fresh paint and mau factured by C.I.L., Sherwin- Williams, Lowe Bros., C.V., Glid- dens, etc. Our Guarantee - Try a gallon - try a buiidred. If you are not complete]y convinc- ed that it is the best then re- turn the empty can or unused portion for campicte 100% re- fund. Shipped imnicdiately any- where in Canada. $2.99 per gallon INSIDE PAINT Suitable for wails, woodwork, plaster, over wallpapen, etc. Colons: fiat wbite, gloss white, jonquil yeliow, mint green, banc ivory, sky blue, blossom pink, shadow grey, fali beige> tur- quoise. OUTSIDE PAINT Suitable for steel, cement, woodwork floons. Can be thinned down for shingles. Colors: white, primer white, black, ivony. yellaw, battleship gncy, peani gney, shutter green, apple green, chartreuse, barn red, bright red, turquoise, coral, dutch blue, brown. Send 50% deposit. Balance shipped C.O.D. . . . on you mv~ remit in full and save the charf- es. S H E R M A N 1 8 Dept. M3 337 Queen St. West, Toronto, Ont. (Established 1908) gents Wanted - No financial uarantee certificate and onder ~rms for your area. Only anc aent allowed to a district... hurry! Lost 31S Waverly Rd. MA 3-394-1 19-1 * ANY MATERIAL priced tram Work Wanted FOR prompt pick-up and deliv- ery caîl MA 3-3842. 19.1* CONCRETE and masonry work. Box .1083. L. Turner. Phone 3-5820. 9-tf PRACTICAL nurse would like day nursing. Phone MArket 3-5745. 19-1 * PLASTERING repairs, basement parget; reasonable rates. Cal MA 3-5368. 18-tf PLUMBING, heating, caves- I troughing: free estimatus.1 Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-1~240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf '51 CHEV. sedan, in good con- dition, $325.00 or best offer. Tele- phone MA 3-3649. 19-1* '51 CHEV. bardtop, radio, white wall tires. In good condition. Phone MA 3-5035. 19-1 '51 ýAUSTIN, reconditioned mot- or, good tires, new battery. Reasonable. MA 3-2562 after 6. 19-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insurane Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home cail Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used Cars Cali JOHN STUTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 9-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motor s RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.> OSHAWA 10-tf Repossessed Vehicle For Sale 1949 Oldsmobile Coach Serial No. 9350704944 1958 Licence Plates No. A16529 To be sold by public auction to the highest bidder at the STIRTEVANTS Auction Room 33 Hall St., Oshawa, Ontario beginning at 7:30 p.m. May 14fh, 1959 ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Church St., Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customers 19-1 Used Car Specials 1957 METEOR 4-Dr. Radio, low mileage. One owner. 1956 FORD CUSTOM UINE Low mileage, sharp 1956 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-Dr. with custom radio 1956 MONARCH 2-Dr. Hardtop Low mileage, very sharp 1955 DODGE 4-Dr. 1954 DODGE CONVERTIBLE Recently overhauled, 1952 FORD 2-Dr. Cheap transportation 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 1956 INTERNATIONAL 3-ton 1955 FARGO %-ton Use Our Finance Plan LOW DOWN PAYMENT with *Sinal Monthly Payments GOOD boarding place wanted for young man. Phone MAnket 3-3933. 19-1 * DEAD and crippled fanm stock, picked up pnomptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwiil Fur- Farm, Tyrone. 13-tf GARAGE, single or double or a barn. Apply 54 King E., or Phone MA 3-5030. 19-1 ELDDERLY couple desire un- furnished, heated nooms. Gnound floor preferned. Phone MAnket 3-5886. 191' REWARD! Q u i e t working couple require dlean two bed- roomn apartrnent by May 30. (No cilidren). Phone MVA. 3-7164. 19-1' IMMEDIATELY, apantment in Newcastle on surnounding dist- rict, young working couple; modern conveniences. Phone Newcastle 2171. 19-2 Wanted to Buy TRICYCLE, large size, in good condition. Phone MA 3-3867. 19-1 * ONE nug, sîze 7½ iý t. x 12 it. or 9 it. x il ft. Phone MA 3-2200. 19-1'* ALL kinds af live pouitny wanted. Hlighest pnices paid. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phone 7 n 13 colleet. 9-tf HIGHEST pnices paid for.used funnitune, appliances, television, sewing machines, etc. Aiso seli and exehange. 59 King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-tf HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose icathens, feather ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3-2043 Oshawa, caileet. 48-ti Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison.. Telephone MIAiket 3-3900. 36-tf G 0 O D B R A N D Business Qpportunity F A B R I C S IYOU can make money raising 28 Ring St. W. MA 3-555 Chinchilla, 111 Haddington Ave., 19-1 Toronto. 16-tf Help Wanted MEN wanted. Apply H. C. Downharn Nurseries, betweeni 12:30 and 1:30 p.m. 19-1l ABLE person for housecleaning walis, ceilings and floors. Cal MA 3-3200 after 6 p.m. 19-if COMPETENT belp to clean one room apartmnent one morning a week. Write Post Office Box 1493, Bowmanville. 19.1* MAKE money at homease - ling our items. Experiencfree- essary. El ko Mfg., 515 N. Fairfax. Los Angeles 36, Calif. 19-1* GIRL wanted, book-keeping, payroil expenience, some typing. Phone for appointment. New- castle 3106. Weyrich Wood Specialties. 18-2 MEN, women. Pleasant, full or part time work. Make $35.00 a week in your spare time selling Rawleigh Produets. Fuil-time average $80.00 to $100.00. Wriite Rawleigh's, Dept. E-140-7, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal. 19-1 CREAM of Barley Park will re- quire summer belp. Lifeguard and caretaker at pool to begin weekends as soon as weather permits and steady position after school closes. Preference given to person with Red Cross quali- fications. Apply at Park. 19.1* AMBITIOUS! M ake extra xnoney! SelI in a protected area oui- guaranteed necessities such as: Vîtamins, Tonies, Foods Products, Cosmetics, Household and Farm Specialties. High commnission, no risk. Familex Dept. M-5 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. 19-1 HELP WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned in the cant'a own handwritlng 5 o'clock p.m. MAY ZOth, 1959 for the position of appli- up te IWHITEWASHING and disinfeet- Iing stables, etc. Free estimates, ail work guaranteed. Telephone Clarke 1321. Bert Tompkins, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 COLLEGE man, 19, desines sum- mer cmployment. Any reason- able offer considered. Write Advertiser 938, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 19.1* SEPTIC tanks completely in- stalled: 500 gal. tank, 250 feet oi tule, $300; government inspected. 600 gai, tank, $350. John Bar- rett, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Tele- phone MA 3-5255. 19-1 IPLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS MOR-SUN DEALER GAS -OIL 66 King St. W. MA 3-5112 ZOWMANVILLE 19-1 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 King St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf Anger Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK- BLOCE CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY 1 DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MArket 3-2273 27-tf OIL BURNER SERVICE also PLUMBING and REATING STOKERS and WATER PUMPS Norman Bothwell 95 Ontario St. Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-5070 14-tf Harry Lee LauÜndry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Also do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. Pick Up and Delivery MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 16-tf The Executor of the aac Winler EsiaJ offers for sale the sltuated at the corner of Main and Cobbledick Streets in Orono Inspection by appointment with ROY WINTER 19-21 Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. 9. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Beautiful ranch-type bunga- low.in Maple Grave. Ail con- veniences! nîceiy decarated. Recreation room i basement. Alummnum storms and scneens. Asking only $2,500.00 down. 4 room bungalow in Hampton with ail conveniences, oifered at oniy $7,800.00. Lovely 5 raom bungalow in tawn with ail conveniences. Garage. Only $11,000.00. Low dawn payment. 100 acre farm with ail build- ings. Hydro, furnace, etc. Only $8,500.00. Trade or terms. 50 acres north ai tawn with two dwellings. Veny good land. Somne fruit. This is very suit- able for tbre amiiies. Tcrmns. 19-1 Bee Page 14 Real Estate for Sale BUILDING lot for sale. Avail- able in the North Ward. Phone! MA 3-5119. 19-1* INCOME house, $5,000 cash re- quired. Making 10 per cent. Phone MAi-ket 3-2383. 18-2 J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER Two $8,500 bouses South Ward. One 6-room brick with two building lots, double garage. $2,500 will handie. The other, 7 rooms with upstairs apartnwnt, self-eontained, separate meter. garage, lot depth of 550 ft. $3.500 cash wîll handie. Reai Estalte for Sale 200 ACRE farmn, 850 lb. milk quota. Plenty ai watcr. John Verhoog, Cannington. 18-3' FIVE-room house and garage, must be moved; excellent for year-round cottage. MAi-ket 3-5123. 19-1' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sold, Rented Managed and Appralsed L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf ofurnaces. an1 Peler Feddema Sec thes-e and otiiers. 118 King E. MA 3-3?«'0 R* L ESTATE BROKER 19-1 General fanm, 100 acres with modern bungalow, fullune af Annan & Cook machnery. Price $12,000.00 or REALTORS Dairy fanni, 200 acres, with Representative modern home, steel barn, milk MARVIN NESBITT quota 450 lbs., bulk tank. Pnuce Nestleton and terms arranged. 50 acres, 6 room bouse, lange 100 Acre farm $9,600. Hydro barn, buildings in excellent ne- water system in bouse and barn, pain. Pnice oniy $9,500.00 Down creek. $3,000.00. 175 Acre iarm, brick bouse, 50 acres, înastly bush, nice bydro, bank barn. $1,500 down. stream, low taxes. Pnice $2,500. Full pnice $ 13,000. Terms. 100 acre farm, brick bouse, 1 acres with 2 raom cottage, hydro, new bath and ail furnace, nice stneam, hydra. Must be gaod barnr, $13,000. soid. Give us an offen. 100 Acre farm, stone bouse, 2 acres at Maple Grave, nqar bank barns, creek; .$8,500. sehool. Price $2,000. Tern*. 200 Acre iarmn, $15,000. Good 3 bedroom home at Hampton, barn and insul brick bouse, iuily modern, extra lot, garage. hydro. Pnice $6,800.00. Low down pay- 100 Acre iarmn, hydro, $18,000. ment. Good barn, insul brick bouse. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Creek.PhnMA364 Store and gas pumps, large PhnoMA3-61 lot, on good highway, $7,500.11 Phoe laksoc 4Rl 1-1Pedwell Real Esiate McQuay and Kidd .REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Dairy Farms of ail sizes and pnices, in the Bowmanvil1e area. $9,500 full price, buys 200 acre iarm with stream and pond. 60,000 Scotch Pine planted. $4,000 down buys 130 acre iarmn; 7-room insul brick bouse, bank bar-n 34 x 90. Ail work- able land, ideal for tobacco. Ful pnice $14,000. 12 acres of garden land. Full price $1.100. 10 scenic acres with gravel deposit, $2,500. Modern brick bouse, central location. Oniy $ 12,000 with terms. Modern bungalow, very scen-] le location, 8 miles north of Bowmanville. Only $8,750 with $2,000 down. Cottages and lots on Lakes Scugag, Sturgeon, Pigeon, Rice and Ontario. Businesses, lots, acreages, farms and homes too numerous to list. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 19-1 De With Real Estale DAIRY FARM, 96 acres, on paved road, with aven 6 cans quota, bulk coolen, good 62' x 50'ý bank barn, waten bowls, cernent' silo, drive shed, etc.; 6 roomed home with furnace, running hotý and cold water. Asking price $16,500, down. $5,ý000. 200 Acre farm. with 175 acres workable, lange L-shaped bank barn, steel stanchions, water bowls, drive shed, etc ., silo;,99 roomed brick home with 4-pieceý bath, bot and cold nunning wat-I cm. Asking price $21,000. Terms a.rranged. 85 Acre farn on No. 2 High- way, east Newcastle, with L- shaped bank barn, water bowvls,I drive-shed, garage, etc.: 8 noom-, ed farne house with oul furn- ace, 3-piece bath, running hoti and eold waten. Pnice S500 Terms. 125 Acre farm, ioeated mile fnom No. 35 Highway, 85 acres workable, 18 acres hardwood bush, 3 springs, 94' x 45' bank barn, water on tap, steel stan-i chions, drive-shed, etc.; 9 rooln- ed brick bouse, furnace, running water. Pnice $14,500. Tenms. 50 Acre farm near Kendall with 100' x 30' barn, drive-shed, garage; 7 room fraie bouse; 3- piece bath, runnmng bot and cold water. Price $7,500. Terms. 4 Roomed bouse on highway, east Newcastle, heavy duty win- cd. Price $3,700. Down, $500. 6 Roomed, aimost new, brick veneen home with ail modern conveniences, on 10 acres good ganden land. Pnice arranged or trade for home in Oshawa. 5 Roomed brick veneer bunga- low with ail modemn conven- iences in Bowmanville, with double lot, garage. Asking $10,000. Easy down payment. 8 Roomed home in Pontypool with new garage and ail modern conveniences, gas funnace. Top notch condition. Pnice $8,500 with $3,000 down. 5 Roomned home, east New- castle, with ail furnace, beavy duty wiring, some cupboards. Pnice $4,000 with $500 down. 9 Roomcd bouse with running water, barn, drive-shed, and 20 acres land, located on No. 351j Highway. Pnice $9,000 with ,$3,500 down. Iý Contact: John F. De Wilh Realtor and General insurance Newcastle Phono 3341 Salesmen: Donald MeuntJoy, Bowmanville MA 3-3950 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phono 21 r 6 Beatty Fee, Ida Phono Millbrook 224 r 2 19-1, Brick and stucco duplex, upper and lower apartments 4 rooms each, tule and hardwood floors, double garage, conveniences, large lot situated in Bowman- ville close to 401 Highwray. $11,900 wîth terms. New clapboard bouse in New- castle, 6 rooms, ail conveniences, lange lot and flowing weil, close ta sehool and new Highway 401. Asking $14,000. Reasonable down payment and terms. 7 acres with good brick house. small barn and chicken house, good garden soi, i mile north of Newcastle. 10 acre pear and apple orch. ard, full bearing, $6,000. HaIt cash. We have a Large number of good farms. Money to lban. Salesmen : Maurice H. Pedwefl Phone Newcastle 3851 Wm. A. Heron Phone 12, Brookila E. Jeffery Phone 238, Colborne H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phone 3856 19-1 I6 room ncw brick witb stone trim. ranch bungalow, attached extra lange garage, 4-piece tilcd ibath with vanity, tiied kitchen, sdouble stainless steel sink, 3 'bednooms, bnoadloom. and tile tthroughout. Drapes, landscaped, 1acnial tower. Many extras. LOwner moving out ai tawn. Ternis. 5 room. brick bungalow, 3 bed- noms, 4-piece bath, hardwood and tule. Montgage under N.H. A. with 41/ % intenest. Terms. 6 noom bouse on ½h acre on tNo. 2 Highway, just outside Bowmanville, 4 bedrooms, in- slated. Garage. Ternis. I3 noom marne bungalow on 1/ acre landseaped garden in Exmtr Havycabin $,1insu- fou nc. Er ay er. $Suit-0 able for netined couple. We have an excellent selection of houses and lots. Sec ours before you buy. Two bungalows, attached but entirely self-eontained, on Wel- lington St., near centre of town. Ownen moving ta city. Terms. M. E. LEASK RelEstate Broker 65Onaio St. Bowmanvllle MArket 3-5919 191 L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lld. 43 Park Rd. S. Oshawa $9.500 Full Price 6 noom 1 ½,-storcy home in spotless condition thnoughout, 3-piece bath, Ma acre landscapcd lot, double garage. Easy ternis and anc open mortgage. Farms 65 acres, lange modemnized farm house, 2 barns, hydro and running waten, lhen bouse, im- plement shed, orchard, over- ioaking and bordening Lake Scugog. 100 acres, modern and spot- lessly dlean 8 room 2-storey home, 2 barns, painted; piggeny, implement shed, garage, adjoin- ing waters ai Sturgeon Lake. Asking $19,000 with termis. 154 acres, modern dwelling, full uine of barns, 12 miles from Oshawa. Asking $17,500 with $5,500 down. 49 acres. $1,500 down. 6 room 2-storey frame home, gaod bank barri with aluminum nooli hydra throughout, piggery ari d garage, overlooking Lake On. tario, near Cobourg. Ajax 5 room, 3 bedroom brick bungalow, oak and tule fiooxéý ultramodern kitchen, 4-pie' bath, full, high basement, nicel~ landscaped lot. For furthen particulans please cail Sid Martyn or Keith Peters RA 5-8761 or RA 5-4162, or HRA 3-9810. 19-1 Probaiionary Police Const able Qualifications requlred: 1. Proof ai age, bctween 21 and 35 years. 2. Canadian Citizen or British Subjeet. 3. Education - 2 ycars ai High School an its equivalent proven by certificate. 4. Healtb - a certificate from a legally qualificd medical prac- titioner that yau are physically and mentaily fit ta do police work. Height 5 f., 81/?menhes. 5. References from thrce pen- sons as ta chai-acter. Duties to commence .Iune lst, 1959. 40 hour week. Salary $3,200 per annum to start and benefits, Biue Cross. P.S.I., Lîfe Insurance and Pension Sehemes. Signed, BERNARD R. KITNEY, Chief Constable. 19-1 Real Estate for Sale Cowan Equipment Co. 134 King St. E. M4 3-5689 19-1 Livestock for Sale PIGS for sale. Austin Wood. Telephone MA 3-2388. 19-1'* THREE calves for vealing. Ap- piy Z. J. Benschap or Phone MA 3-2926. 19-1 NINETEEN Landrace York cross pigs, eight weeks old. Bill Jewell, MA 3-2987. 19-1 REGISTERED yearling Hereford bull. O. Mitchell,' Pontypool. Phone 8 r 22, Bethany. 19-1' ONE pair large geese, laying, with eggs. One trio Guinea hens, laying. Telephone MA 3-3430. 19.1 * TWO Shropshire ewes and four lambs, also Muscovy drake and two ducks. Phone MA 3-5157. 19-1 YOUNG rcgistened Landrac-e boars. Vogehs and Vervoont. Newtonvilie. Telephonie Clark:e 28 r 14. 18-21 Seed for Sale FOUNDATION Cobblcrs and Chippewa potatoes, size B. Harvey MeGill. Phone MAnket 3-2357. 19-1 GRADE No. 1 Red Claver seed. Ivan Mountjoy. Phone Biack- stock 87 r 4. 19-1 INSTALLED Rotor Antennae, reg. %95.00 Sale Price $79.50 Ail Wave Antennae, reg. $55.00 Sale Pnice $45.00 40' TOWERS. reg. $115 Sale Price $78.50 S ýNGLASSES, prescription lens, . t quaise bloc marnes. Beiee I on Temperance Street. Tee- phne MA 3-3573. 19-1' PAGE TWENTY-T.WO TEM-CAMADUN STATESMAN, BOIFIL«VMIAr,,-ONTAIUO

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