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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 12

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PAGE TWELV! TEE CANADIAZ< STATESMAN. 8OWMAKVflLE~ O?4TA8!O THTJRSDAY. MAY l4th. 19NI Hope, Newcastle, Orono, Bak Forrn Junior ,ocBwail,3 IBantam - Cobourg, Port Hope, Kendal, Orono, Courtice, Bail L agu~ &rnaeile - Cobourg, Port At a Lakeshore Baseball Hope, Cobourg Training School, meeting Mondav nighOhw Newcastle, Orono, Bowrnan- -ghtOshaý.,a ville.o h and Orono Initermnediate bail With the exceptIon c h clubs joined Port Hope Ln the' Junior loop. ail team.5 wxl be newly formed Junior league.;ý allowed to use the umpires they The three Intermediate teams' wish. However, the newly form- wlll play a single home and cd umpires association will su:- home sehedule with each of the ply umpires for playoff games juniors. Oshawa, Newcastle, in ahl classifications, and also Cobourg and Bowmanville for the entire Junior schedule. niake up the regular league in The huge Lakeshore opera- addition to the Intermediates. tion, encompassing nearly 400 Thee ae sx ntres n cchplayers, will have until JUly cfthe othr thxeedivs ins, as st to enter players' certificates. olhos: th ivsona President Murray McKnight in- follows:formed me that ail schedules1 Juvenile -.. Cobourg, Port would be ready next week. Sprucemup SPECIALS CeIle "Give YuHoeSrngTim shns Ail Year Long!" C.I.L. HOUSE PAINT Colorful protection that beats any kind cf weather! *One coat does It *4-year protection *Saves work and money *Availabie ini a wlder range cf colors than ever before CILTONE . . . the paint that stays color freshý *Color won't fade *Washable *Odorless *Quick drying *168 Colors ONLY $9.00 per gai ONLY $8.70 per GaL CILTONE SATIN ... new kind of Latex paint! " Wonderfully waliable " Dries ln 20 minutes *168 Colors *Easy clean up ONLY per gl Malce This Your Decorating Supply Headquarters A fulllline of Paints - Varnishes Roller Coaiers B rushes -Etc. A1 HARDW ' AK Ordinary m.wers clump, skp-Ieeve motty e..ppings. New Te .Cut ev.nly, citons up ether <ppinga es watt Proved Best in the "X"putesf Wind- Tunnel Whirlwind out mows them a/Il ]Daring "X" Test proves _new Whirlwind rotary wil outeut amy ther. Wind tunnel under the housing creates powerful vacuum ta freeze every blade of grass upright for a sharper, crisper eut. See this revolutionary new Whirlwind today. " Ends cdumping " Bags cippings " No sculping *$99-95 " Easy lerms " No extras " Trims close CSwile wih bag. chute ond toW Af ulh (19" Whirlwind - Only $10.00 down) Asic aboutMte"XII tet ut SPORTopucs By Frank Mohun MA 3.7234 JUNIOR SOCCER Local soccer star Jack Baker would like any fellows who are 16 and under and interested i soccer ta be at the Memorial Park ready to practice, Monday night at, 7:30. Jack hopes to have a good turnout as Bowmanville returns tf0 the Junior Soccer Division this year. t. t i t tt SOFTBALL TO-NIGHT The first softball clash of the season finds Stephen Fuels meeting the Bowmanville Surplus Store in an exhibition tilt, 7:00 p.m. at the Centrai Sehool diamond. Regular Town League action will commence next week. The schedule should appear elsewhere oit the sports page. A complete list of the players on each team will b. in next week's Statesman. TEENAGE BOWLING Captain Larry Piper paced his team. to -the Teenage Bowl- ing title, Saturday afternoon, as the Piper pin-droppers defeated Doug Shirk's bowlcrs 3-0, rolling up a huge 453 pin margin. Larry had a big 713 total, including the high single game cf 254. The banquet will be held on May 23rd at the Memorial Park Club House. Results of the Ontario Teami Tournament are as follows: Junior Men - Doug Shirk (3405)-l4th; Larry Piper (3250) -42nd; Don Bagneil (3157)-56th; John Clarke (3069)-72nd; Howard Rundie (2998)-81st; Don Ellis (2959)--87th. Junior Ladies - Linda Brooking (3005)-28th; Helen Van- stone (3002)-29th. Junior Boys - Mike Charles (2062)-90th. t i. t t i. MIXED BOWLERS ATTENTION! Members of the Mixed Bowling League - don't forget the season-ending banquet, 6:30 p.m., Saturday night, at the Memorial Park Club House. [R ecreation (Reviews By Douglas ]Rigg Flreworks DlsPlay this part of Ontario will hold IMemorial Park Association a meeting in Port Hope, Hew- will hold their Annual Fire- son Hall, on Thursday, May wcrks Display on Saturday, 14th, in order to plan an enjoy- May 23rd, following an exhibi- able. picnic for Senior Citizens tion softball game between the this summer. Bowmanville Girls Juvenile Girls' Softball Tearn and a tean f rom either The Bowmanville Juvenile Port Hope or Toronto. Girls have received word that Anyone interested in donat- they hbavebeen accepted ln fthe ing towards the fîrcworks dis- Lakeshore Ladies' League. Oth- play is asked to contact Mrs. er'teams in the league will be Morley Etcher, 10 Fine Street, Bethany, Newcastle, Millbrook or phone MA 3-3419. and Courtice. They will play Senior Cîtizens Pienlo their first home game on May Wordhas ustbeenreceved2th at Central Sahool Grounds. Word thasjt eenrZeeifed Following the completion cf theattastetralZonessoa-the Lakeshore League the Ju- theOntrieReceaton ssoia-veniles will enter the Provin- tion are planning on holding a cial Womens' Softball Union picnic for Senior Citizens 0f playoffa. this area. A meeting of the zone execu- Minor Basebail tive and representatives froin The Recreation Department ail known Senior Citizens ini hopes ta again operate three Set Schedule For Darlington 'Soccer League Darlington Football League held their annusi meetings Apr. 1 28 and May 6. The executive for 1959 is President, Allan Thamp- son, Courtice; Vice Pres., Grant Werry, Enniskilcen Sec.-Treas., Harold Balson, Hampton; Sen- ior League refere în chief, Bill Nemis, Zion, Junior League re- feree in chief Junior Coombes, Tyrone. Amy Senior games postponed on accaunt cf ramn are f0 be played the following Monday nighf. Any Junior games post- paned for the same reason wil be played Friday night cf the same week. Junior age limit remains the same, 16 years cf age on May 24th, 1959 or younger. Gaines are scheduled for 7.30 p.m. E.D.T. inclusive cf Aug. 8th. AIl games after tItis date 17.00 p.m. E.D.T. The new entry in the junior leIague, Bowmanville, will play their games at Memorial Park, Bowmanvile. The followlng are the sched- 'ules for 1959: SENIOR SCHEDULE 1959 May - 18-Bowmanville at Enniskilln. 20--Salinsaf Maple Grove Zion at Hampton 23-Courtice at Tyran. Enmiskillen at Maple Grove- 27-Bowmanville 5f Slins Zion at Tyrone 30-Courtice af Hampton Maple Grave at Bow'ville June - 3-Enniskillen at Zion Hampton at Tyran. 6-Salins at Courtice Bawmnanville af Zion 10-Courtice at Maple Grave Tyrone at Enniskilen 13--Sauna at Hamiptan Zion at Courtice 17-Maple Grave at Tyrone Hampton at Bowmnanville 20-Enniskillen at SaUina Courtice at Bowmanville 24-EnniskWlen af Hampton Tyrone at Solina 27-Zion at Maple Grave BowmranvWle at Tyrone JUIF - 4-Enniskilen 5f Courtice Zion af Salins 8-Hampton at Maple Grove Enniskilen at Bowmanville I 1-Maple Grave at Solina Hampton 5f Zion 15-Tyrone at Courtice Maple Grave at Enniskillen 18-Sauina at Bowmanville Tyrane 5f Zion 22-Hampton at Cqurtice Bow'ville at Maple Grove 25-Zion at Enniskilen . Tyrane at Hampton 29-Courtice at Solina Mon atBomnie Auguat - 1-Maple Grave at Caurtice Enniskillen at Tyrone 5-Hampton at Solina Courtice at Zion 8-Tyrone at Maple Grave Bowmanvflle at Hampton 12-Salins at Enniskillen Bowmanville at Court ice 15-Hampton at Enniskilleni Salins at Tyrone 19-Maple Grave at ZMon Tyrone at Bowmanville 22-Courtice at Enniskillen Salins at Zion 26-Maple Grove af Hampton JUNIOR SCHEDULE 1959 May - 21-Courtice at Tyrone Enniskillen at Hampton Bowmanville at Zion Maple Grave at Salins 28-Maple Grave at Bow'vile Zion at Enniskillen Hampton at Courtice Solina at Tyrone June - 4-Tyran. at Maple Grave Bowmanvfllc at Enniskillen Zion at Courtice Hampton at Solina Il-Maple Grave at Hampton Enniskiflen at Courtice Bowmanvllle af Tyrone Salins at Zion 18-Tyrone at Zion Enniskillen at Maple Grave Hanmpton at Bowmanville Caurtice at Salins 25-Zion at Hampton Tyrone at Enniskillen Court ice at Maple Grave Solins >at Bowmanville July - 2-Bawnianville at Courtice Maple Grave at ZMon Hampton at Tyrone Enniskillen at Salins 9-Zion st Bowmanville Hampton 5f Enniskillen Tyran. at Courtice Soins at Maple Grove 16-Bow'vjlle at Maple Grave Enniskillen st Zian Caurtice at Hampton Tyrone at Solina 23-Maple Grave at Tyrone Enniskillen at Bowmianville Court ice at Zion Salins at Hampton 30-Hampton at Maple Grove Court ice at Enniskillen Tyrone at Bowmanville Zion at SolUna August - 6-Zion at Tyrone Maple Grave at Enniskiien Bowmanville at Hampton Salins at Courtice 13-Hampton at Zion Enniskillen at Tyrone Maple Grave at Courtice Bowmsnvile 5f Solina 20-Courtice 5f Bowmanville Zion at Maple Grave Tyrone at Hampton Solina at Enniskilleu Lady Bowlers HoId Enjoyable Banquet To Con clude Season The Ladies' Bowling League sing-song was enjoyed by the Banquet held at thc Legion Hall members and their gucsts. The an Monday May 4th was a gala attendance prize, which was event. More than 120 members donated by Lander's Hardware, and guests were welcomed by was made and the fortunate the president, Ena Etcher, who winner was Kay Beaupre. The presided. Grace was sung by lovely prize donated by Hoop- all present, and Mrs. Etcher er's Jewellery Shop was won gave the Toast to the Queen. by Joan Brunt. After the deliclous turkey The memnbers cf the executive dinner Mrs. Etcher thanked the for 1959-60 were elected as fol- members of the Ladies' Auxil- lows: Helen Vivian, Doris Hol- iary ta The Canadian Legion royd, Joan Mutton, Nyhl Shee- and the convenor, Comrade han, Gladys Rahm, Ann White, Florence Knight, their président, Mabel Williams, Essie Cox, Joy for the excellent catering. A Coverley, and Jean Sellers. The president was i charge leages i Mior Bsebll. hecf the presentations of trophies leages n Mior aseaî.The and awards. Bernice Buday had leagues will be es follows: Ao the high single score and the under 11, May lat; Pee Wee high triple for the year. The under 13, May lat and Bantarn high average was attained by under 15, May lst. Doris Joll with Bernice Buday Ail Atom League games this obtaining the second highest ycar will be played during the average. week day mornings altern.ating The president, Ena Etcher between Memorial and Frank- presented the t'rophy for the lin Parks. Pee Wee and Ban- high team ta the captain Kay tam games will be played at Beauprie. The other members Franklin Park Monday ta of the team were Kay Stephens, Thursday evenings starting at Joan Engley, Audrey Bickell, 6:30 p.m. The schedule for the Muriel Holroyd, Sadie Bucknell three leagues will be released and Barbara McDonald. as soon as the teamns are organ- In t.he second schedule the ized. high single was won by Lor- Player's Certificates are av- raine Martin, who aise fook the ailable at the three Public high triple. Doris Jol had the Schools or can be picked up high average with Bernice Bu- at the Recreation Office in the* day second. Team standing in Lions Communlty Centre. AIl the second sehedule was as fol- player's cerfificates for the var- lows: 1. Ena Etcher's; 2. Doris joua leagues mnust be returned Joll's, 3. Bernice Buday's; 4. to the Recreation Office no la- Kay Beauprie's; 5. Lorraine ter than Friday, May 29th. Martin's; 6. Jean ?atfield's; 7. If any adults are interested Onie Etcher's; 8. June Baker's; in coaching one of the Minor 9. Jean Lupton's, 10. Joyce Baseball teams please contact Lyle's; 11. Norma Gay's and 12. the Recreation Office as soon Lola Wright's. as possible by felephoning MA The "300" bowleTs were Lor- 3-3335, Extension No. 6. raine Martyn, 393; Sadie Buck- nell 350; Kay Beauprie 330; The Recreation Department's Annual Community Picnic bas been planned for Wednesday, July ist, at Cream cof Barley Park. One cf the features for this Picnic wiil be a Children's Cos- tume Parade to be held in the morning followed by the usual Picnic events at Cream cof Bar- ley Park. Playground Supervisors The following have been em- ployed by the Recreation De- partment to work on' the play- grounds to operated by the Re- creation Departinent this com- ing sumnmer: Bey. Cowling, Verna Foran, Murray Walker, Doris Martin, He1ather Webb, Linda Brooking, Barbara Brown, Merridy Mutton, Mar- ilyn Houselander, Audrey Spi- cer, Connie Osmond, Alex Wise- man, Terry Black, Ray Crom- bie, and David Milne. There is the possibility that two new areas will be super- vised by the Recreation Depart- mrent this coming summer they wili be the arca below Van- stone Mill and the area adja- cent ta the Jackman property. The playgrounds will be open for a total cf seven weeks start- ing on July 6th and closing on August 2lst. The Playground Supervisors will again attend the skills training cour7se for playground supervisors held at camp Quin- Mo-Lac near Madoc, June 2lst to 26th. SwImming Classes It is expected that the Chil- dren's Learn To Swim Classes will again be a fcature of the Recreation Department's sum- nier programme. It will be* necessary for child- ren wishing ta take the swim- ming lessons to register for this instruction. The registration forms for swimming lessons will be available early in June. NONEY AVAILABLE FORt NORTCAGES DALPH S. JONES Barrister and Solicitor 65 Slmcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 Bernloe Buday 330: Lydia Bates 328; Shirley Davis' 323, Onle Etcher 322; Mary Harri- son 322«. Margaret Perris 318:1 Helen Brown 318; Lola Wright 318; Mary Wilcox 312; Ena Etcher 311; Joyce Lyle 309; Thelma Forrester 306; Betty Westlake 304; Lil Hooper 303; Muriel Holroyd 302 and Joan Brunt. The attendance prize, donated bY Cowling's Drugr Store was won by Elinor Lar-» mer. Prizes were donated by Bres- lin's, Hap Philp's, Cab 500, Hig- gon Electric, Ella's Gif t Shop, Hooper'a Jewellery, Brown's Bread, Goodbrand Fabrics, Cowling's Drug Store Glory Ann Shoppes Limited, Roy W. Nîchols' Garage, Cawker's I.G. A., Lander's Hardware, Lloyd Ellis' Shoe Store, Osborne's Sports Store, Oke's Smnoke Shop, Wanda's Be.auty Salon, Hollingshead Co., and Stephen'si Fuels. The entertaining a n n ua Spring Show produced by the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Cana- dian Legion, "'Dark Town Ca- pers", was presented. The La- dies' Bowling League members and their guests were an appre- ciative audience, and warmly applauded the sangs, dances and skits. Comrade Millie Bates was the director cf the show. At the end cf the evening the members cf the Ladies' Bowl- ing League and their guests went ta the Coronation Cafe where they were served sand- wiches, coffee and tea with the compliments of Tom Seta. Home & School Bowling Attention ail bowlers! Ban- quet on May 28th at Memnorial Park at 6:30 p.m. sharp. Please be on time. 200 bowlers were ccrtainly in the minority this week with S. Davis taking two out of the three, 262 and 206. M. King had s 205. Only one more week of bowling. The points were split ail the way down the lime, with each tesm tsking one. The Sparrows could fie with the Canaries by taking two points next week. Averages S. Davis ________191 J. Lyle --__________187 O. Patfield ________185 A. Sleep 182 E. Etcher ________181 S. Bucknefl_______172 M. King ________171 H. Rundie ________164 Town League Softball Schedule Team names are: Stephens Fuels, Kens Men's Wear, Works Department, Bowmanville Su- plus Sales. 1959 Tentative Sohedul, May - 19-Stephens vs. Kens 21-Works vs. Surplus 26-Kens vs. Works 28-Surplus vs. Stèphens June - 2-Stephens vs. Works 4-Kens vs. Surplus 9-Surplus vs. Works Il1-Kens vs. Stephens 16-Stephens vs. Surplus 18-Works vs. Kens 23-Surplus vs. Kens 25-Works vs. Stephens 30-Stephens vs. Kens .Iuiy - 2-Works vs. Surplus 7-Kens vs. Works 9-Surplus vs. Stephens 14-Stephens vs. Works 16-Kens vs. Surplus 21-Surplus vs. Works 23-Kens vs. Stephens 28-Stephens vs. Surplus 30-Works vs. Kens August - 4-Surplus vs. Kens 6-Works vs. Stephens Playoffs Teams No. 2 andl No. 3 play best 2 out of 3 series, Winner plays Team No. 1 best 3 out of 5 for championship. AUl games to be played. at Central School grounds on Tuesday and Thursday. Start. ing timne, 6:45 p.m. TYPINO FOR TEEN-AGERS Speciai Classes for students f rom Grades seven, elght, High School, and Aduits ivili commence at the Oshawa Business Collego. MONDAY, .TULY 6, 1959 and wlll continue te Friday, August 28 Two hours per day Speciai arrangements for vacation wlth parents. Learn to type... You'l be glad you dtd! Enroil at once Get Free literature SRA 5-3375 10 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 8AFETV~CUKEK4mgApy,.m 'roua VA<AIIW UsêdCa; 2"' a Certif ied Dealer 1957 Buick Super 4-Dr. Hardtop Fully equipped. Locally owned, in very good condition. 1956 Olds ""88" 4-Dr. Sedan TwQ%-tone paint, custom radio, white waII tires. Locally owned, in A-i condition. Special This Week 1954 Morris Oxford Station Wagon One owner, custom radio. ) License No. 41455X__ _-$ 9 This Week Only.- 7 1953 Nercury 2-Dr. Hardtop Automatie transmission, custom radia, two-tone paint, new tires. A-1. Cars Robson Motors Limited PONTIAC, BUICK, GMC TRUCKS & VAUXHALL DEALERS 166 King St. E. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3321 & 3-3322 I il"' E It Pays to Buy from Ail Laie Nodel Cars Sold Are Guaranieed -4 1958 Pontiac Stralochief V-S Sedan Automatic. Locally owned ear, very low mileage. Exceptionaly good shape. 1956 Bel Aire Cheire 4-Dr. Sedan V-8, automatic, radio, two-tone painit, locally owned. Low mile- age. 1955 Pontiac Deluxe 2-Dr. Two-tone paint. Locally owned. Perfect condition. We have 50 more Good Used from which ta choose Y v m , -lu PAGE TVrELVE TM CANAMM STATISUM. BOWMANVffJ.Z ONTAPJO THO SDAT, MAT 14th, 1059

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