PAGE TWENTTTHE CANADIA ~TATW~MAM.RflWMAJVTlT. J ONTARTL TUSAY A 4t,15 Births COOMBES-Rowland and Wîl- mra (nee Richards) are happy to announce the birth of their son, Gary Richard, at Memorial Hospitai, Bowmanviiie, on Thursday, May 7, 1959. A broth- er for Wayne. 20-1* McCOY-Jack and Marilyn (nee Hall) are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Linda Lee, at Dartmouth, N.S., May âth, 1959. A sister for Debbie, Susan and Rickey. 20-1 IREAD-Clayton and Audrey. (nee Hay) are happy to an- TIounco the arrivai of their son at Peterborough Hospital on Monday, May 11, 1959. 20-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Gard- Iner, Millbrook, announce theý engagement of their -daughter, Audrey Jean, to John Raybourne Ogden. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ogden, Newtonvilie. The marriage wiil tako place in St. Andrew's United Church, _Miii- brook, Saturday, June 6 at z p.m. 1 20-1:1 Mr. and Mrs. Carman W. Bell wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Dorothy Joyce, to Mr. John Gordon Fer- guson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gord- on Ferguson of Port Hope. The marriage will take place on Sat- urday, June 6, 1959, at 2:30 pin., i.n Gardon Hill United Church. 20-1~ Marriage CARR - CRYDERMAN - On! Coming Events Articles for Sale Hampton Home and Sehool GIRL'S spring coat, sizo eight. Tea and Bake Sale, Friday, May Telephone MA 3-3406. 20-if 15 at 2:30 p.m., ini the Sunday Sehool room. 20-1j COLUMBIA berry canes; also 'Banties". Telephone MArket Tea on May 23rd at Lions 3-5803. 20-1* Centre, 3 to 6 p.m. Sponsored by Bowmanvilie Choral Society. ONE used 6.70xl5 tire and one Admission 50c. 19-3 Lîfo-guard tube, cheap. MArket Commnii ï irs.unrerk Dis- 3-3869. 20-1* play, Orono Fair Grounds, Mon- day, May l8th. Orono Band. 8 o'clock. ..Everyono welcome. 20-1 Annual meeting of the Lake- view Cemetery Company and Newtonville Community Hall, Monday. May 25th at 8 p.m. in the Newtonville Community Hall. 20-1 Olde Tyme Dancing: Friday, May 15, Coldsprings Hall. Jim [Fisher's Orchestra. Saturday, DM,-iy 16, Greenfield, Ontario. "B11onnie Gien Pavilion" (near Montreai). g20-l'* Attention Taxpayers! Bow- Imanville taxpayors interested in forrning a Ratcpayers Association are invited to attend a Public,' Meeting at the Memorial Park Clubhouse, Sunday, May 24th, at 8 p.m. 20-21 Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twcnty dollars; five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Ncxt Monday. 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf 2nd Bowmanviile Boy Scout Troop xiii colleet pop botties, etc., fromi householders from King St. N. and east to Temp- erance, Sa'turday, May 23, start- ing at 10 a.m., and wost from Saturday, May 9, 1959, at Port T1'mpcrance on Saturday, May Penny Parsonage, Mary Lor- 30. Proceeds for equipment and raine, daughter of Mr. and Mr.s. sumnmer camping. 20-2 E. Cryderman, Enniskillen, to. Tyrone Sunday Schooi Anni- Samuel Carr, son of Mrs. E. versary, Sunday, May 24th. 2 Carr, Oshawa, by Rev. E. S p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guest speak- Linstead. 20-1 er, Rcv. M. C. Fisher, New- castle. Singing by Sunday D eaths Schol with special instrumental EILBECK-At Memorial Hos- Quartette at evening service. pital, Bowmanviile, on Wednes-- 20-1 day, May 13, 1959, George Mur- DA C ray Eiibeck, aged 80 years. Son D N E - .nn1AI of the late Mn. and Mms. George Eiibeek, Newcastle and dean SOLINA CO1WMUNITY HALL son),1 Winona (Mrs. Bradford C ra , M ylEr Kay), Frances (Mrs. F. Haffner), Ji isesOrhta Florence (Mrs. W. H. Turner). I i ibrs rhsr Resting at the new MorrisFn Admission $1.00 per person oral Chapel, Bownianville. oy 20-2 ice in the Chapel on Saturday at The annual dinner and bus- 3 o'clock. ýnterment Bo"-man- iess meeting of the Trustees ville Cenietemy. 20-1 arnd latepayers Association wil - - bc held in the Recreation Contre, ILL, John William David-At'Blackstock, Wednesday, June Ontçirlo Hospital, Woodstock, on 3rd. at 6:30 p.m. Rev. J. V. Sunday, May lth, 1959, John Milîs, Toronto, will speak on Willamn David Hill, son of Henry School Assessments. Tickets IIiU and the late Mary Ellen mayr be obtained from any Hill, age 49 years. Rested at director or Mrs. Clame Allin,l 3Nothcutt & Smith Funerai MA 3-5074. 20-1 1-ome, 53 Division St., Bowman- ville, whero service was held on The Boivmanville High Scbool Wednesday, May i3th at 2 p.m. will present their Fashion Show Intenment, Orono Cemetery. "The Orientai Touch", Thurs- 20-1 day, May 28th at 8 p.m., in the iHigh School Auditorium. Silver LOGAN, Olive Nancy-Passed collection in aid of the Hospital away suddeniy on Saturday, May Auxiliary. The Industniai Arts 9, 1959. Beloved wife of John Depantmént will have their dis- Douglas Logan, R.R. 1, Ponty- Play. in the girls' gymnasium, pool; dean mother of Dorothy, opeIlifg at 8:15 and continuing <Mrs. John Stark), Newtonviile;j aften the F.ithion Show. Mon Joyce (Mns. Wesley Gilbank), may visit the Industnial Arts dis- Ballyduff, and sons Murray and1 play if they wish whiie their John. Interment Fallis Cerne- ladies attend the Fashion Show. tory, Manvers. 20-i1 20-2* Enniskillen Sunday Schooli LUXON - At hon esdence, AnniversarY Services will ho Orono R.R. North, on Tuesday, held on Sunday, May 17 at 2 and Uiay l2th, 1959. Jane Buîrgess 7:30) p.m. Guest speaker for the Luxon, aged 84 years, wife of the day will bo Rev. E. J. Kersey, lato Richard Luxon and dean ur Heights Chunch, S&ar- mother of Laura (Mrs. George bouo.ecilmscbyteSS Poilrd) MaianoandJams. Choir, assisted in the afternoon Restg at lien late resîdence for by the Kedron Maie Quartette servý on Thunsday at 2 o'clock. and in the evening by Mn. Interient Onono Cemetery. (Ar- Roland Coombes o Tyne. rangements by Morris Fumerai Supper wilho served on Mon-I Chapel, Bowm-anviile). 20-1 day, May 18, boginning at 4:301I ,p.m. There xiii ho races at MU'rTON-Suddenly, at R.R. 3 p.m. and a Senior football Bowrnanville, on Tuesday, Ma1Y!garne at 6:30 p.m. A Variety 12th, 1959, Poney Theodore Mut- ' Concert xiii bc givon at 8 p.m. ton, (former eniployce of Good- Ad mission-Aduits, tea and con- year Tire & Rubber Co., New, cent, $1,25: concert only, .50c; Toronto), in his 701h yean. Be- childreî-Tea and concert, 50c; ioved husband o' C.-1ia Bairrett concert only, 25c. 20-1 and dean fatho'r of Donald, Hawkesbury. Resting at the I e oiu new Morriýý Funeral Chapel, In____ _________________ Bowmanville. Service in the j BROWN-ln Iloving memony of Chapel on Friday at 2 ukclock. Mary lzbt Gan) h Interment Bowmanvîlle Cerne- y liabeh Hth, 1947 tory. 21- Loxvingl.,remembered by bus- Recepionsband ai.d i mily'. 20-111 - MARCHANT-In loving meniory Mr. and Mns. W. Chapmah 'af a dean son, Richard Jamesl Hfampton, wili ho happy ta re- Marchant, who passed away ceive their friends and relations, suddenly May 16, 1952. at their home on May 3th fnom, The years may wipe out many 2:30 to 5 and 7 ta 9 on the thitigs occasion of thein Sth weddung But this they wipe out nover anniversary. 120-i The renory of those happy days -When we were ail together. Notice to Creditors Gone but not forgotten.. AND OTHERS --Lovingly remembered by - - mathen and ahl. 20-1* IN .T4F'iS FSC'AT'5'nF 'D~ANTPTL LJ. l.±XJa~rJ1~LJ ~ -_____ KAUFMAN. lato of the Town of RUNDLE-In ioving memory of Bowmanville, in the Couinty of matI er. S. Ann, who passed D:unhani, retimed rnuachinist, who away five years ago, May l8th. died at Bowmanville, an or And while she lies in peaceful about the i2th day of Manch, sleep 1959. Hon nîemory \VO shal, always THE TRUSTEE ACT, R. S. O., keep. 1950, Ch. 400, Sec. 51. --Ever remembered by daughter Creditons and othens having * Mol McNlty) and Jack. 20-1 claims against the above estate' are requinod ta send particulansiRUNDLE. Mns. George-In loy- and full proof thereof ta theling me.mory, of mother and dean undersigned on on befone the Nanu xx'ho died May 18, 1954. second day of Juiy, 1959. after Remexnbrance is a golden chaîn which date the assets of the Death tries ta break, aIl in vain; estate wil be distribtîted having jTo have, ta love, and thon part,I regard ta the Will and the Is the gneatost sarrow of one's i claims that bave thon been ne- heart. ceived. The years may wipe out many DATED nt Bownianville, On- things, tario, the 8th day of May, 1959. But this thoy wipe out nover-- LAWRENCE C. MASON, The momory of happy days .O. Box 29and30oingS..-oito hngly rerembl oere P.Boxiste -and0Soii tor W. Whevngly e-neaIl eher.b Bowmanville, Ontario, daughten Lola <Fioida) and Sollcitor for the Executor. granddaughter Heather, Ilinois. 20-3 20-1 MAN'S bicycle, in good con- dition, cheap, $10.00. Phone Newcastle 3001. 20-1 BOX Plants for sale. N. W. Groot, Phono Clarke 1640, R.R. 1, Orono, 4th Lino. 18-4* CERTIFIED Garry oats. Just a few bushel left. Phono J. A. Rosevear, MA 3-2868. 20-1 BOX plants, ail kinds. Mrs. Williams, corner Base Lino and Hunt St. Phone MA 3-7167. 17-5 * HURON seed potatoos grown from certifîed seed. High yield- ors. Phono Blackstock 82 R 1-1. 20-1 * POWER lawn mower, 18" reel type, self-propelied, excellent condition. Phono MA 3-3867. 20-1 SAVE on lumber, direct from miii to you. Phillips Lumber Co., Kinmount, Ontario. Phono 17 r 11. 13tf KEYS eut automatically, while you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf WATER, hard and soft, deliver- ed. Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805.31-tf SPECIAL one week only, De- licious apples, $1.50 per bushel. H. J. Brooks, Bowmanville, MA 3-3961. 20-1 ROYAL Enfield motorcycle. 125 c.c. New condition, 3-spoed gear. Very low gas consumption. Phono MA 3-2969. 20-1 ALSCO - Canada's outstaniding convertible storm - screen win- dows and doors, railings. Lorne Allin, 1 Prince Street. 20-1* ELECTRICAL Repaira-Prompt service to electrîcal appliances, largo and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blow!ng method, with rock wool. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phono Clarke 2420. .39-tf SEWING machines, now and used. Guaranteed and serviced from Laverty's Bargain Centre, 59 King St. W., Bowmanville. MA 3-7231. 17-tf USED washor parts, 1/ h.p. - motors $5.00 up. Repairs to al] wringer type washers. Guar- anteed reconditioned washers. Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055. 15-10* COMPLETE dinner set for 12~ (80 pieces) in attractive pattern. Splendid condition. Write Ad- vertiser 939, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, floor polisher or rug cleaner (shampoo method) from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanvsile. Phono MA 3-5774. 20-tf CABIN trailer, nearly new, com- plote with space heater, table, cloth 'es cioset, bed, built-in ne- frigerator, propane gat, cook stove, cupboards and sink and wash room. Caîl MA 3-2793. 1943* BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements features aluminuni doors, windows, awnings and railings. We offer a variety of floor and wall tiles. For free estimates Phono MA 3-2753 or eaul at 22 Division St. 6-tf GREENHOUSE plants, raspberry canes, strawberry plants, tomato, cauliflower and cabbage plants. Mixed variety of treated gladioli bulbs: large, 60e doz. or $4.00 per 100; medium, 40e doz., or $3.00 per 100. C. deMooy. Tele- phono Orono 18 r 8. 17-4* TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Plastex, Rubber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramie Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-2902 25-tf IArticles for Sale SKILL saw. seven inch, $25. Phone MA 3-5376. 26-1 * MAN'S sport coat, 36-8, $12, perfect condition. MA 3-2706. 20-1* 400 BALES No. 1 hay. R. W. Pascoe. Phono MA 3-2881. 20-if WATER for sale. Deiivered. Phone Ciiff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf FOURTEEN-foot codar strip boat and boat trailer. MA 3-2363. 20-1 BERKEL meat slucer, excellent condition. Phone MA 3-3911. 20-1* ELECTRIC refrigerator, 14 cu. ft., excellent condition. Phone MA 3-2432. 20-1* PEAT moss, $1.00 per -bushel, S6.00 per cubic yard, delivered. See Baker, MA 3-2180. 17-tf 1957 B.S.A. motorcycle. 650 c.c. twin cylinder. For further in- formation telephone MA 3-2540. ____________20-I * SEVEN-piece dining-room set, $50.00; two 24" venotian blinds, $3.00. Phono MA 3-2690. 20-1 20-1 ONE Massey-Harris b i n d o r, Beatty washing machine and boy's bicycle. Blackstock 66 R 3. 20-1* ONE L-shaped barn with metal roof and heavy timbers, in ex- cellent condition. Phono MA 3-2793. 20-3-1 COMBINATION gas and coal stovo. Also 1,000 watt strap-on heater and thermostat. Phone MA 3-5863. 20-1 CASEMENT window, 48" x 27", complote with storms and sereens; chesterfield chair. Tele- phono MA 3-5403. 20-if SOME eight foot 2x4 cedar scantling and eight feet of 2x6l joists. Baled hay. W. E. Am- strong, R.R. 1, Nestieton. 1 ALUMINUM b a b y carniage, grey. Excellent condition. Large two-door metai ice-box; one lady's bicycle. Telephone MA 3-3352. . 20-1 GARDENERS: For the best value in Lawn Seed, Buik Gardon Seeds, Gladioli Buibs, Potatoes, Fertilizers, etc., visit Stewart's Se.eds, Bowmanviile, Ont. 18-tf OUTBOARDS - Used Mercury Mark 25, Evinrude Fastwin 14 h.p., both tuned up and roady to go, A-i condition. Lander Hard- ware, King St. E., Phono MA 3-5774. 20-1 HEARING aid service. Testing service and complote stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electrie Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MA 3-3305. 7t NOW-Run your car Without Spark Plugs 't Buy and try the all new SA FIRE INJECTORS - At ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Church St., Bowmanville We - Build - Better - Customers 20-81 DE W WOR M S Telephone MA 3-5034 20-1 TV ANTENNAE .INSTALLED Rotor Antennae, reg. $95.00 Sale Price $79.50 Ail Wave Antennae, reg. $55.00 Sale Price $45.00 40' TOWERS, reg. $115 Sale Price $78.50 CALL LOU MAYHEW LEN & LOU'S TV 31 Waverly Rd. MA 3-3942 20-1 ]FREE MAKING OF DRAPERIES ANY MATERIAL priced from $2.98 GOODBRAND FABRICS 28 King St. W. MA 3-55511 20-tf Wanted PASTURP, wanted for 10 accred- ited heifers. Gordon Barrie. Phono MA 3-2197. 20-1* DEAD and crippled farrn stock, picked up promptly. Phono MIA 3-2679. MargwilihFur Fanm, Tyrone. 13-tf Personal WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years' Younger. Ostrex Tonie Tablets revitalize thousands past 40. Only 69e. At ail druggists. 19-3 HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) niailed postpaid in plain seaied envelope with price list. Six samples 25e, 24 saniples S1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28, Nov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, Hami- ilton. Ont. 1-52 Cars for Sale '53 FORD, automatic, radio, etc., $795.00. Phono MA 3-2706. '59 AUSTIN in perfect condition. Appiy 5 Nelson Street, after six. 20-1* '49 STUDEBAKER ½ý-ton truck, good condition. Phone Oshawa RA 8-1505. 20-1* '55 DODGE truck, 3%-ton dump, new V8 motor, 4 new tires, fuily reconditioned. Phono Biack- stock 44 R 21. 20-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months to pay. For personal service at your home eaUl Oshawa RA 5-2802, coilect. 2-tf '53 CHEV. Belaire, Powerglide, reconditioned m o t o r, radio, white walls, dlean interior. Private sale for cash. Telephone MA 3-3226 after 6 p.m. week days. 20-1 FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used Cars Cal JOHN STUTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 9-tf BUYING OR SELLING SEE Ted Campin Motors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Used Car Specials 1957 'METEOR 4-Dr. Radio, low mileage. One owner. 1956 FORD CUSTOM LINE Low mileage, sharp 1956 PONTIAC DELUXE 4-Dr. with custom radio 1956 MONARCH 2-Dr. Hardtopi Low mileage, very sharp'- 1955 DODGE 4-Dr. 1954 DODGE CONVERTIBLE Recently overhauled 1952 FORD 2-Dr. Cheap transportation 1950 PLYMOUTH 4-Dr. 1956 INTERNATIONAL 3-ton 1955 FARGO ¾1/-ton Use Our Finance Plan LOW DOWN PAYMENT with Small Monthly Payments1 Cowan Equipmeni - Co.- 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 20-1 Auction Sales 4 Auction sale o! negistered Landrace, 65 head at the fanm, Millbrook, Ont., Satumday, May 30, 1:30 p.m.; 30 bred gilts, 15 open gilts, 20 serviceable age and youngor boars. Every animal guaranteed. E. C. McDowell. 20-3 The bousehold effects of Mrs. Robent Stewart will be sold by Publie Auction at the Durhami County Sale Amena, Orono; this Friday ovening, May 15, at 8 p.m. Bedrooni, living-room and kitch- on furniture; conibination coal and electrie stove, oul space heater; glassware, etc. Ternis cash. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 20-i Plan ta attend the auction sale sponsored by Yelverton Fani1ily Club, at Yelventon Cburch Hall on 7A Highway, Saturday, May 16 at 1:30 p.m. Furnitune, im- piements, tools, appiiances, an- tiques, clothing. If yau have anything ta soul "bring it". 10% commission cbarged. Over $100 5%. Ternis cash. Lunch avail- able. Clarence Page, clerk; Ted Spenceley, auctioneen. 20-1* The undersigned bas received instructions froni the executors of the estate of the late H. H. Dilling ta soul by publie auction on Saturday, May 23, cani- moneing at i p.m., at bis late esidenco, 89 Quoen St., Bow- manville: bedrooni, living-room and kitchen furniture, Frigidaire nefigerator, olectnie washen, vacuum cleaner, sewing ma- chine, stoves, two extension lad- dors, bedding, dishes, giassware, etc. Terins cash. No reserve. Propenty for sale. Jack Reid,i auctioneer. 20-21: Articles for Sale GOOD quality niixed hay. Tele- phono MA 3-2403. 8-tf ARBORITE, coffee and stop- tables, $9.95; General Electric ketties, $9.95; General Electrie polishers, $39.95; spring-fiiled niattresses, $19.95. Trade-in:1 Norge rofrigerator, $99.00; rang- ette, closed elements. $37.50; chrome drop-leaf table, 2 chairs, $19.50. Murphy Co., King West. Phono MA 3-3781. 20-1*j Aluminum Windows and Doors WINDOWS SELF-STORING STORM AND SCREEN $15.00 up Doors, self-sioring $47.50 INSTALLED CALL MA 3-5522 Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Salei Real Estate for Sale James Nixon REAL ESTATE BOE 4 room frame cottage, not fin- ished, another cottage on same lot, 78x243 ft., well with puxnp, in village, close to stores, church- os and transportation. $2,500 with $500 down. Balance month- ly payments or less for ca'sh. 7%i acres, 30 minutes run froni Toronto. Lake frontage, 4 cot- tages and à cabins, furnished; washrooms, showers, nice quiet place; hydro. Immediate posses- sion. $16,000, $5,000 down, or $ 15,000 cash. Good buy. 47 Queen St. Box 941 Dial MA 3--5682 Bowmanvlle 20-1* HOUSE FOR SALE The Executor of the Isaac Winfer Esfie offers for sale the 7-roomed brick house situatod at the corner of Main and Cobbledick Streets in Orono ]Inspection by appointment wlth ROY WINTER 19-2 Annan & Cook REALTORS Representative IWARVIM .TyEgIT' J Nestleton j50 acre fanm, insul brick house, hydro, ail furnace, good barns, 40 acres workablo. A Snico place to live, $5,000 down. 175 acre fanm, brick bouse, hydro, creek, good barn, $1,500 down. 100 acre fanm, stone house, good barns, $4,000 down. 200 acre fan, 'insul brick bhouse, good barn, hydro, $8,000 2down. Furnished cottage, bydro, fire- place, 3 bedroonis, $1,000 down. Store and contents with gas pumps, on highway. Phono Bhackstock 44 R il 20-1 Pedwell Real Estate 100 acres on No. 2 Highway at Wolcome, brick house, bath, ail furnace, 2 barns, gardon soil, $18,000. Ternis. Stogk axid nia- chmnery can be bought. 10 acres full bearing peans and apples. Close to Newcastle. Last year produced 2,000 bus. pears, 1,500 bus. apples. 56,000, haîf cash. New 7 room bouse, ln New- castle, flowing well, ail con- veniences, extra large lot. Close ta sehool. i3/4 acres with good bouse, at- tached garage, large chicken pen. On No. 2 Highway between Oshawa and Bowmanville. 10 acres with good trout streani. Make a nice buildingj site. Close to Bowmanville. 55,000 with good ternis. Money ta boan. Sahesmen : MaurIcé 11, Pedwefl Phono Newcastle 3851 Wmn. A. Heron Phone 12, Brooklin E. Jeffery Phono 238, Coiborne H. C. PEDWELL, BROKER Newcastle Phone 3856 20-1 For Rent APARTMENT for rent, 5 roonis, heated. Phono MA 3-5578. * 20-tf ONE haîf duplex, heated, mod- ern conveniences. Phono New- castle 2376. 20-1 MODERN self-contained apart- ment. Appiy 200 King East, Bowmanviile. 20-1 IN Newcastle, modern heated apartmont, $50 monthly. Phono jMA 3-5589. 20-1 PASTURE for ront, 50 acres. Apply Ken Fraser, R.R. 4, Bow- manville, Saturdays. 20-1 LOWER four-room and bath apartment. Avaliabie June lst. Phono MA 3-3772. 20-1 IN Newtonviiie, three rooms and bath. Aduits preferred. Phono Clarke 5 r 03. 19-2* FOUR roonis and bath upstairs, heated, separato entrance. Avail- abie now. 175 Liberty St. N. 20-2 I FOUR-rooni apartment, central, immediate possession, heated.' Apply Jack Randail, 12 Divýision Street. 20-1* STORE, heated, Division St., suitabie for real estate, dry goods, etc. Appiy Jack Randali, 12 Division St. 20-1 * APARTMENT, three roonis, kitchenette and bath, heated, $60.00. Phone MA 3-5996,' 63 King W. 20-1 SPACE suitable for offices or shop. Central location. Will alter to suit tenant. Phone MA 3-3669. 20-1 THREE-roomed heated apart- mont, heavy wired, separate entrance and bath. Immediate possession. Phono MA 3-2436. 17-tf THREE-room beated apartmont, one bedrooni, living-room, kitch- on, bath. Built-in cupboards, tule faonrs, central. Telephone MA 3-7201. 20.1 * INCOME house, $5,000 cash re- quired. Making 10 per cent. Phono MA 3-2383. 20-2 200 ACRE farmn, 850 lb. miik! quota. Pienty of water. John Verhoog, Cannington. 18-3* REAL ESTATE FOR S5ALE Pi-opertles Sold, Renited Managed and Appralsed L. M. Allisoln' Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle" Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf Charles Rankine Pel er Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKEIR GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. FL. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Bartom MA 3-3098 6 room 1½4-storey home ia very nice location. Living-room with firepiace. New furnace. Garage. Pnice and ternis an- ranged. Beautiful 5-room ranch-style bungalow near sehool and church. Hardwood and tule floors. Oil heating. Aluminum stonnis. Recreation room. Large REAL ESTATE BROKER reaobe jdown paymont. Wellington Street - 7 rooni 100 Acres with fulli une of brick, double garage, new oul buildings. Hydro, 2 wells, etc.. furnace, beautiful lot. Asking Good stable. Priced to soul. $ 13,000. One mortgage to vend- 50 Acres north of Bowman- or aftor down payniont. ville, very suitable for three 3 bedroonis in this highway families. Choice land. Terms home. 2 acres choîce gardon available. soul. Only $4,000. 6 rooin 2-storey brick senil- Cottage at West Beach, six detached homo in good con- rooms, winterized, heavy wired, dition, very centrally iocated. partial bathrooni. $3,000. Ternis. Priced to soul. 10 acres gardon soul, new 3- We roquiro homes for waiting bedroom brick bungalow. All clients, somo with cash. 20-1 conveniencos, 2-car garage, barn( 20x3O. $14,000 on good ternis. Close to Oshawa. McQuay and Kidd 50 acres, pine and hardwood for sale cheap. Price and ternis REALTORS arranged. Menibers of Oshawa and District 40 acres, modern bungalow, i Real Estate Board new steel barn, creek. Oniy $27,000 buys this exceptioî4i 511,50. Trms.150 acre farm. Must bo sold at 52 King St. W. Bowmanville once. 8 room bouse with run- MA 3-2453 or 3-276Z ning water, L-shaped hip-roof 20-1 barns 30x50, 30x40. New drive, shed, 20x4O; hon bouse. This is a very productive fanm. Trout Leas Rel Esate stream and scenie pienie grounds. Bowmanville 15 miles. Easy 6 ternis and reasonable down pay- 6room bouse on No. 2 Higb- ment. way on outskirts of town on '/2 Blackstock Camp Site acre land, insulated, 4 bedroonis, $3,500 buys 107 acres of camp- 58,00 ground. This property has ' 3-storey brick house with in ever-flowing spring-fed creek i seif-contained apartments i running through it. Cedar bush central part of Oshawa, new ou1 and workable land. Don't miss furnace, 3 stovos, 2 refrigorators,I this bargain! good garage. Income of $200 or $6,900 full pnico for this brick more per month. Easy ternis, home in Bowmanviile. Lot 120' 3 room cottage on %A acre, xl 10'. Don't miss this one with iandscaped, in Hampton. Extra only $2,000 down. sleeping.cabin. Suitabie for. ne- e12,500 buys 12-rooni brick tired couple. Full price $2,100. bouse in Bownianviile with lot Easy ternis. 100' x 136' in nice residential 6 room senii-detached brick area close to shopping. bouse. Centrai; oul furnace, 2 Bedrooni modern bungalow modern kitchen, $9,000 full price. on Jane Street, Large garage, Easy terns. $ 10,500. Ternis. We have choice building lots We have many more homes, besides business locations, bous- fanms, businesses and iots. os and bungalows.-.1 Consult us before buying. WALTER FRANK M. E. LEASK 177 Church St. MA 3-3910 Real Estate Broker Bowmanvi 65 Ontario St. B2»m0vl1, MArket 3-5919 201 Peler Fedde-ma ~ De With Real Estate DAIRY FARM, 200 acres on paved road with 12 cana quota, 150 acres workable, 25 acres wood, 100' x 52' bank barn, ma- chine shed, etc., 42 cans bulk cooler; 6 rooniod bungalow with ail modemn conveniencos. Ask- ing price 530,000, Ternis arrang- ed. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with 81/2 cans quota, large L-shaped bank barn with steel stanchions, water bowls, steel boxes, 2 cenient silos, 42 cans bulk cool- or, machine shed, etc.; 10 nooni- ed brick home with canyon- loncos. Asking $30,000 with $10,000 down. DAIRY FARM, 100 acres with 4 cana quota, almost ail work- able land, 100' x 30' bank barn, machine shed, bulk cooler, etc.; 8 roomed brick home with running water. Asking $16,500. Ternis arranged. 100 Acre fanm near Orono with 95 acres workable, large U- shaped bank barn, drive-shed, hon bouse, etc.; 8 roomed brick bouse. Ail buildings in excellent mepair. Price and ternis arnang- ed. 85 Acre fanm on No. 2 High- way, oast Newcastle with 2 bana, water bowis, garage, etc.; 8 noomed bouse with ail furnace, 3-pioce bath, hot and cold run- ning water, modemn kitchen. Price $15,000. Terms. 5 Roomed, new brick veneer bungalow with oul furnace, 4- pioco bath, modern kitchen. hardwaod floors, electnie water heater and 6 acres land, located west of Bownuanville. Asking $14,900. Ternis. 8 Roomed home in Pontypool with new garage and ail] modern conveniences, new gas funnace. Top natcb condition. Pnice $8,500 with $3,000 down. 5 Roomed brick veneen bunga- low with ahl moderncaone- iences in Bowmanville. Garage'i and double lot. Asking price $10,000. Easy down payment. 6 Roonied, almoat new, brick veneer bungalow with aillnmod- ern canveniences, on 10 acres good gardon land. Located close to, Hamipton. Asking $14,000. Ternis arrangod. 8 Roonied home with furnace, bath, modern kitchen, bot and cold running wator. Double garage and 5 acres land. Locat- ed on a highway. Price $8,060. Ternis. 9 Roomed brick incoie borne on main street, Bowmanville, witb 2 bathroonis, ý2 kitchens, new gas furnace, etc. Down .2,000. Price arnanged. -Contact: John F. De With' Realtor and General Insurance Newcastle Phono 3341 Sahesmen: ýDonald MountJoy, Bowmanville MA 3-39501 Ross Davidson, Bethany Phono 21 r 6 Beatty Fee, Ida Phone Mlllbrook 224 r 2 2-1 REAL ESTATE BROKER 100 acres, new modemn bungao. low, no barn, full lime' ofnma- chinery. Asking price $12,000. Ternis. 50 acres - 7 room bouse, large barn, hon house, very good soîll Prîce $9,500.00. Easy ternas.. 32 acres with nice Streami, 29 acres workable. Price $3,200. Terms. 20 acres' near Newcastle, 8 acres workable, pond. Owîier must soîl. Give us an offer. 10 acres near Orono - 10 building lots. Price only $3,000. il acres on No. 2 Highway, nîce gardon land. Pnice $4,000. 4 acres, near Newcastle, pkice view, good soul. Price only $1 ,200. Commercial lots on 115 High. way at $20.00 per foot. One acre with trout Stream. Priced to seîl. 7 room fram-e house in excel- lent repair. Oul furnace, bath- room,' full basement, Al loca- tion. Price $ 13,000, Terrns. Newcastle - 7 room frame house, oul furnace, garage. Price only $7,000. Easy terms. Bowmanville - 3 bedroomn bungalow, bathroomn, gas furn- ace. Price $6,500. Easy toims, 4 rooni bungalow on High- way 2, nice lot, hydro, good weIll Price $4,200.00. Down $1,000.00. 189 Scugog st. Bowmanvilie Phone MA 3-3644 Salesman: Bill Coulson, Toronto 20-1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOST FOUND ETC. Cash Rate. . 4c per word with a minimum of B0c Must b. paid by date of insertice Il charged, an additional 25c wili bo odded. A charge of 25c wilI ho nmade foi ail replies directed to this office NOTICES - COMING EVENTS AND CARDS OF THANKS 4c a word with a minimum of $1.00 for 25 words or less. DIRTHS - ENGAGEMET MARRIAGES DEATHS $1.00 per insertion IN MEMORIAMS $1.00 plus 10c a lino foi versé, Display Classified ai 31.50 per inch with o minimum of one inch, Additional insertions at the sa rates. Ail Classilied Ads muni b. this office fltite n 12 o'clock non ej l Send cash. stmps con> '14 and save mon Clip this out for handy rOference OFFICE HOURS Monday ihrough Friday 8:30 o.m. 10 5 p.M. j Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 12 Noon The Canadian Statesmaii Dial MArket 3-3303 tor Classified Ad Service FUE OI-US>INFIIul I ot TOR 11l -r iRUS0: PAGZ TWENTY MIURSDAY, MAY 14th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATF.SMAN. BOMLANVILLM ONTARIO