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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 21

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AL )USAT. MAT 14t4,1M5 TNt £~AWADTAM flI'A9'MAPI WViU7?IA ~NW i u~ r~w AWTP~ -- -------~., ~ -....... ..sa~ PAGE T'W'ENTT..OWI "'rono. ER.LRainey. Wanted. Apply H. C. mNurseries, between 2:80 and 1:3 .m. 20-1 ALESLAI3Y- for local store, and part time, experience ot nleceà$arY. Write Advertiser 419 C/0 The Canadian States- P.O. Box 190, Bowman- 20-1 UT of work or on shorter' ous. OpPortunity to sel con- ers Rawleigh Products ful rPart time. No experience Ceasary. Write Rawleigh's, ept. E-140-29, 4005 Richelieu GGRESSIVE men with carl en Our cosmetics, tonies, vita- and household and farm1 ecessities. Exclusive territory nt "Ur surroundings. Commis- Ion, bonus, etc. . . . With our ne, repeat orders and repeat ~rofit8. Details on request. amnilex, Dept. M-6l 1800 Delor- er Montreal. 20-1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE 1 REQUIRED 6enroil Motor Club member- ~ps in titis locality. The On- 10 Automobile Association ËOvides the finest in Motor Club enefits. Pleasant work that ~an be handled either full or ~art-tine. Rush your name and iddresi for full information as erritories are being allotted 10w. You should have a car ~d be from 25 to 50, maie orj .ale. Write Sales Manager, 3x 817, London, Canada. 20 2 FEMALE HELP WANTED APPLY PECIALTY PAPER PRODUCTS Z emperance St., Bcwrnanville LIGHT FACTORY WORK Permanent Empicyment L 20-1 $18,,000 IS NOT OO MUCH FOR THE MAN WE WANT cause we pay our top men ln thée cies trom $14,000 to ,M0 la a year, this openlng ln eBowrnanville ares is worth »8 ruch to the rlght man. you are between 45 and 65 eau make short auto trip- cail en arnail town rural and dustial propertw owners O nyou rlght ZIU#old L ,to have you us soon and stay for kog Urine. AUl replies confi- M. A. CANNING, President uther 011 & Grease Mfg. Co. Box 711, Fort Worth, Texas 20-1 Notices LC.Maton's Law Office clos- uLntil May 26 next. 19-3* Dr. Storey's office wIll be LadMay 13th te about the th. 19-2* Repairs 10,IO and television repairs. ymptt service. Pick-up and .George's, 85 King St. Phone MA 3-5713. 29-tf RANTEED television and o service, toalal makes. e day service. Televisien 'ce Co. Phone MA 3-3883. 49-tf Af IRS and rewinding, arm- es turned, te aIl makes of ajctrie motors. Hi ggon Elec- ic, 38 King East, Phone MA 3305. 7-tf PAIRS to al makes cf sew- machines. Free pickup and very. Laverty's Bargain tre, 5b King W. Phone MA '~1. 44-tf AÀIRS to aIl makes of re- 4erators, domestie and cern- rcial; milking coolers. Hig- Electric Limlted, 38 King E. Phone MA 3-3305. 7-tf Wanted to Bent EE or 4-room apartrnent. ern, self-contained, young e, no children. Write Ad- ser 940 c/o The Canadjan P..Box 190, Bow- ]Ile. 20-1 SEED Work Wanted Cards of Thcmks Tenders Wanted DUTCH girl, 20, desires house- Mr. ànd Mrs. J. Macnab wlshfl'r1TltI work. Phone 3851, Newcastle. to sincerely thank theirfriends NOTICE OFL .J TENJJDERL 20-10 and nelghbours of Hamp~ton and CONCRETE and masonry work. district, for their thoughtfulness Public School Box 1083. L. Turner. Phonea hstie 0 3-5820. 9-f We wish ta thank our many High Sireet PLASTERING repairs, basement fricnds cf Hampton Cornmunity parget; reasonable rates. Cail for the loveiy gifts we reoeived ~*n~î MA 3-5368. 18-tf at our shower. Bw avle nai Len and Grace Player. Sealed tenders, addressed te the PýLUMBýING, _heating, caves- I 20-1 p -.--.n... trouhln; fee estimatL-s., Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-1240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf WHITEWASHING and disinfect- ing stables, etc. Free estimates, ahl work guaranteed. Telephone Clarke 1321. Bert Tompklns, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 WîO scýhool girls require, odd jobs after school and on Satur- days. Phone MA 3-3901. 20-1* FOR prompt pick-up and deliv-1 ery cail MA 3-3842. 20-1* SEPTIC tanks completely in- stalled: 500 gai. tank, 250 feet of tile, $300; government inspected. 600 gal. tank, $350. John Bar- rett, R.R. 4, Bowmanville. Telé- Phone MA 3-5255. 20-2* Plaslering Repairs QUICK SERVICE 13TUCCO AND NEW WORK R. L. TAFT 54 K~ing St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf PLUMBING - HEATING EAVESTR0UGHIqG TONY BAARS Mor-Sun, Powermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - O1' 66 King St. W. MA 3-71271 BOWMANVILLE1 20-tf1 Anger Construction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK- BLOCK CHIMNEYS -CONCRETE! AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3373 BOT - MArket 3-2273 27-tf OIL BURNER SERVICE algo PLUMBING and HEATI1G STOKERS and WATER PlXMPS Norman Bofhwell 95 Ontario St. Bowrnanvllle Phone MA 3-5070 14-tf Harry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Also do Wet Wash - Dry. Etc. Pick Up and Delivery MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 16-tf LADI E S R AVE YOU TRIED... having your wardrobe made . .. ESPECIALLY FOR YOU? Rave your Wardrobe Made-to- Measure at "Elaines Formais" RING STREET. EAST, at the Cream of Barley Park or PHONE £LAINE herseif at MA 3-7192 Make sure of your size by havlng YOUR FREE MEASUREMENTS taken to-day. 20-1 * Real Estate Wanted LISTINGS on amnall and mnedi- um sized farins wanted. Clients with substantial dowvn payment waiting. Cail RA 3-7244 for Art Weinbergcr or write A. Weinberger. 60 Harris Ave., Oshawa, Sales Representative of Ed. Disney, Realtor. 20-3 Found A BLACK and tan maie hound, on Saturday. Phone MA 3-2193. 20-1 Rest Home. ACCOMMODATION for ladies and gentlemen at Orono Rest Home. Telephone Orono 1771. 19-2* CORN Why pay fancy prices when you can gel TOP CROP PFISTER HYBRIDS $600 Bu. b pon Pollinaisd Varlef ies ai our uaual Iow prices. STEWARTPS -SEEDS a DMVSION ST. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Sincere thanks is extended te Dr. Austin, Dr. Ewart, nurs- es and staff of Memoriai Hos- pital and ahi fricnds whe sent cards, flowers and fruit during my stay in the hospital. Fred C. Heney. 20-1 My deepest appreciation and sincere thanks to ail those whe sent me cards, fruit, gifta, flow- ers and candy and for the kind- nesses shown Bruce by our neighbors during my recent stay ln the Oshawa General Hospital. Ina Whitney. 20-1* 1 would like to thank ail who called te sec me, aise the nurses who were se kind to me and thanks for ail the cards, flowers and fruit. Special thanks to Dr. Hubbard and Dr. C. W. Slcmon for his visit. Sincerely, Madeleine Jensen. 20-1 * I weuld like te thank nurses and staff of Mernoriai Hespital, Dr. McKenzie, friends, relatives, students cf 12A and staff o! Honcy Hollow for their lovely cards, floers. fruit and mnany acta cf kindness dbring my stay in hspial. Betty Branch. 20-1w We wish te extend our heart- feit thanks te, relatives, friends ,and neighbours for their kind expressions cf sympathy and beautiful floral offerings at the time o! aur recent bereavement in the bass cf a dear mother; also our sîncere appreciation te the nurses and staff o! Memerial Hlospital, Dr. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Mace and staff o! South Haven Rest Homne, Newcastle, Rev. F. J. Jackson, Memoriai Park Association, and the Morris E'uncral Chapel for their kind- riesses. The family of the late Nin. Elizabeth Seymour. 20-1* f. a. Seed for Sale SIX bags of Rodney oats. Clean- cd and treated. Austin Wood. Phone MA 3-2388. 20-1 * REGISTERED and Commercial barley, wholesale and retail. Commercial oats and a full line Cleaners. Phone Blackstock 89 R il. 20-2 Regisiered -and Commercial Barley WHOLE SALE AND RETAIL Commercial Oafs and A PULL UNE 0F Grass Seeds Swain Seed Cleaners PHONE BLACKSTOCK 89 R 11 20-1, ENNISKILLEN Mis& Lynit Farrow Port Crè- dit Mr. Brian Lee, kedron, Mr. 6Frnnk Lee Oshawa MIrs. E.A. LWerry and Betty Jane, *Ennia killen, Ygiss Winni!red Cole, Miss Edna Gilbert, MIr. Ward Glibert, Toronto, were Sunday gucats o! Mr. and Mma. Allait Werry. Mr. and MIrs. Earl Trewin, Dôreen flnd. Donald, weme Sun- day dinner guests with Mr. and iMrs. Fred Toms and tea gueas Iwith the A. Wright's and F. Trewln's, Biackétock. 1 Miss Shirley MiUs, R.N., Kingston. with Mr. and MIra. E. W. Beghey and !am.ily. Mr. and MIra. JOe Swltzer, Gates Milîs, Ohio, with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick and Miss Nancy Wood. Mr. and Mrt. Arthur Wmight, Barrie, with Mr. and Mm. N or- man Wright. Mr. and MIra. H. McGifl and Gamth, and Mms. R. Virtue, et- tended Convocation o! Ryersan Institute cf Tcchnohogv on Thumrsday. May 7, which was held at Yormninster Baptist Church. Toronto. MIr. and Mýrs. Walter Oke, were Mothcr's Day guesta of Mm nd MIrs. Howard Oke, Oshiawa. Watch Comlng Évents for Enniakillen Annivcrsary Ser- vices. Thé fàfiily of MIrà. E. C. Ash. ton, géthered at the home o! ber youngcst son, Mr. and MIrs. Harold Ashton to observe Moth- er's Day. Miss Shirley Mille, MIrs. E. W. Begiey and Carole Begley. ai Ro Gode'sPart Perry, S.at- Mr. and Mr&. A. Henry, and cbildren, Gaît, MIr. and Mrs. H. McComb, MIrs. W. M. Hen- ry, Tôronto, were visitôrs o! MIr. and Mmm. Adami Shar. MIr&. John Griffin spent Wd ncsday with lier sister, MIrs. C. Smith, Toronta, whe has been 1 very ill.C Mr. Bert Norman and dau- ghtêr Sheila, Bowtnanvlle, 1 spent Sunday with Mr-. and 1 Mirs. Ed. Cox and !amnihy. Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Siemon, 1 Nfaydon, MIr. and Mr&. Earl Tre- i Wrin' Dome-n and Donald, werc 1 Sunday dirier guetts of Mr. 1 kfld MIrs. F . Toms. 1 Jim Muller, Cauttleton, 1Ron Clemens, Hampton; Miss Chery1 Ia Rowan were vimitors o! Mn. 't and Mrs. Edgar Wright and t, familv Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred e Sanderon's. Columbus, and Mr. 1 Pubiev Scnuul Bordr, Down ville, Ontario, will be recel by the undersigned, or by S. R. James. Secretary cf Public School Board, 24 18 Street East, P.O. Box 1030, B manville, until 4:00 pi. Tues., June 2nd, l9 [1511 -Ived Mr. the King Sow- 359 for the, construction cf a new six ciassroom school on High Street, Bcwiuanville, Ontario. Plans, specifications, instruc- tions to bîdders, and forms o! tender may be obtained on ap- plication by Generai Contractera, aftcr 4:00 p .m., Thursday, May 14th, 1959, frem the office cf the undersigned. A certified cheque in the amount o! $25.00 is re- quired as a deposit on plans. Plans wili be on view at the office cf Mr. James in Bowman- ville, and at the Toronto Build- crs' Exch ange. The Owner reserves the right te rejeet any or ahi tenders re- ccived. John B. Parkin Assoclates Architccts and Engineers 1500 Don Milîs Road Postal Station "J" Toronto 6, Ontario. 20-2 Wan"Led to Buy ALL. kinds ôf lve pou] wanted. Highest prices pa M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phc 7 r 13 collect.0 HIGHEST prices pald for ue furniture, appliances, televisi sewing machines, etc. Alsos and exchange. 59 King St. Phonet MA 3-7231. 4 HIGREST prices paid for li poultry, goose feathers, fea t] ticks, scrap ion, rags, meti and raw furs. Phone RA 3.2( Oshawa, collect. 48 try ald. one 9-tf sed ion, sell W. 2-tf her tais 043 Livestock for Sale LAYING cickens. Telephene MA 3-5311. 20-1 ONE pair big geese, laying, and with eggs; one trio o! guineaý liens, laying. Phone MA 3-3430. 20-i PUREBRED Hereferd b u ls. Brceding age. Reasonable. R. T. Currefly, Weicomc 2336. 20-2 lBusiness Opportunity YOU can make money raisin Chinchillas. Write Stonehouc Chinchilla, 111 Haddington Ave Toronto. 1 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Colion. Teiephai MArket 3-3900. 36-1 Room and Boarrd ROOM and board for businem people, separate rooms. 20-n Ing ise ce., ;tf nie 4tf ne and Mms. Arthur Wright Bar. o e, were chers with the wrighta 's. Mr. and Mrs. Raipli Virtue, wcre visitera on Sunday witl Misses Viola Williams and Ruby Virtue, Toronto. Mtrs. Ivan Sharp and Llnda were recent visiters with Mrs W. Bmawnlee, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. Fergusai visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Bot. trell, Newcastle. Mr. anid Mms. S. R. Pethici were wlth Mr. and Mrs. HXow- ard Pethick, Uxbridge. Mr. and MIra. Allan Martin and family, Mr. and Ira. Cari Bruni and family, Bowman. ville, MIra. Dave Harrison. Mr. and MIra. Orr Jeffery, Mr. W. Mark, Mrs. Harry Shomtt and family, Port Perry, were with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt. Bert Hunter cf Monk, visit- cd witli Carl Ferguson's. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley and MViss Shirley Milîs at Mr. and Mrs. Bob Barton's, Whitby, on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemnon, Haydon, Mr. and Mis. Fred Toms were with Mr. and MIrs. Cortney Graham, Purpie Hill, Miss Winnifmed Cale, R.N., Miss Edna Gilbert and Ward Gilbemt. Toronto, Mr. Allan Stainton and Mr. J. A. Wer.-Y were with Mir. and Mrs. E. A. Wé rry. Mr. Allan Wray, Bowman. ville, Mr. anid Mrs. Lomne Lamb, Misa Ruth Lamb, were with Mr. and MIra. RAlph Lamb. Mr. and Mni. Keitl McGtlI and Da.le, were Sunday dinner gucats o! Mr. and Mr@. Roy McGill and callers et Mr. and ?&s. Lyal Breck's, aise attend- ed the Chrlstening Service ai St. Paul's Church, Bowmanville, wherc a piece. Patty Vanmeer and nephew Ronnie Haass weme chrigteried. Mr. Wallace Stainton, Toron- ta, spent the weekend with M<r. and Mm. I. Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stain- ton, Toronto, were Sunday calhcrs at H. Stevens. Mr. Arthur Stainton anid Mrs. Rloss Lee, Keiron%, wére wltli MIr. and MIrs. Allait Staiiton'a. Mr. and Mrs. John Griffin, Robert and Muniel were vis- tors on Saturday evefling wlth MT'. and Mrs. Jin Bennett, To- ronto. and Mr. and Mrs. W. ]anka, Weston. Gordon Werry, Torontô, was ISaturday visiter ai R. Ormis- ton'.. Mr..and Mes. R. ormia- tn were Sunday diriner giiésts f Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. 1 Ray don. la ri Early TV Predicaments CaIIed for Ingenuity Director Tells Lions Hunter Safety Course Starts Soon, Join Now Thei local organizer, Mr. John iMeachin, and qua]hfied instruc- tors, E. Bethune, Lyle Hooper and F. L. Smnale, presented Hunter Safetv films at the High School auditorium on Tuesday, May 12, te 46 interestcd bunt- crs, parents and students. Mr. S. C. Simons, formeriy o! the Lindsay office o! the De- partmcnt e! Lands and Foreats and now working frein Toron- te bead office, was in charge cf the films and lecture. After the lecture a question and answer perîod solved sev- eral important problems asked by hunters who were present. Twa very interesting celer films were shewn. The fîrst, "Trigger Happy Harry" an ex- cellent film, showed the most common mistakes made by hunters in the field-imprope r gun handling, careleas shootin-g, <Net being sure of the target or where the bullet might tra- vel. The distance travelled by a 22 long rifle is one mile, a 30.30 ane and a bal! miles, a 30.06 twe miles). The care and storage of rifles and aromuni- tien wasalase demonstrated in L ightning I-lits Tree At Hendry's Many p'eople in Bewman- ville heard the hcavy ciectricai stemm in Uic sinal boums o! Fmi- day înemning. A nuniber wil remember the final terri!fie crash of thund.r o! the storm whlch. was followed aimost in- stantly by a speciaily briglit flash o!f.ightning. A tell birch tree nexite Dr. John Hcndry's house on the east side o! thé building was struck by this final flash o! lightning. Thé tree was split in three places. The liglitning went dewn it ta attached hydre wlres. then aheng the wires into a fuse box in the bouse. Ail the fuses werc blow'n and Uic glass sliattered. Apparenthy the lightning left the heuse via telephone wires. Dr. and Mrs. Hrendry and their f amiiy were fùrtunate by1 escaping injury, and alt~o luckyj that there was net any sericus1 damiage te the lieuse. When an electrîcian came later in the day te make repairs lie found that a wooden tag on thc fuse box bied smouldercd. Hie said that it was lucky that the house bad net caugît fime. Sudbury Fivm the film. This film cauld be summed up in three short phrases, (1) Watch that muzzle; (2) Ia that gun safe? and (3) Be sure of your target before you shoot. The second film, «ITomor- row We Hunt", showed bow the combined efforts o! a father and son, local conservation of- ficer, interested citizens and service erganizationa workcd together to form a target shoot- ing club and train the youth o! their community in safe gun handling. The film ended with the father and son awaling their first deer hunt together- I'Tomorrow We Hunt". Registration forma w111 be avaîlable from the Hifgli Scliool, the two license offices end from Deug Rigg. These forms, sign- cd by the atudents and parents, mrust be returned te Daug Rigg. Classes wiii be formed and commence wlthin two weeks. Students will be notifîed as to the date and place where the course wili be hcld. A registra- tien fee o! $1.00 wlll be charged te take care o! expenses involv- cd. bad a more recent beginning I4 lias been a story o! stcady pro- gress and expansion until to- day, Evans Lumber and Buiid- crs Supply la considered one o! the kcy Industries e! Narthern Ontario. Their present site lnt Sudbury, comprisng about eight acres, is practicahly ln Uic heart o! the city. It prevides sufficient space for the stock o! up to 4,000,000 feet o! lumber carried annually, along with the of- fices, warchouse, storage sheds, millwork plants, etc., necessary to eperate the business. Ini 1955. this enterprising firin opcncd aà tlrceestorey, modern building ln Sudbury, one o! the finest o! its kind ini -Canada. It inchudcd offices, re- tail display moins, a basement devoted to builders' hardware and mnany other fMatures ta bear out the company's mette "Everytbing for Builders". At that epening, the Sudbury Daily Star devotcd an eight page supplement to d-escribing the building. At present, Evans Lumber and Bulders Supply arc p laying a major part lnt suppi ying matemials for Uic ex- tensive building developmnent going on eti "fabulousl' Elliott Lake. Throughaut their history, Evans' executives and employ- ees have been active in the community affaira o! Sudbury. Until lis death in 1931, W. A. Evans, the founder, was parti- cularly interested in the youth o! bis community, encouraging dlean sport and heaithy corn- petitive gaines. He also took a leading part in mnany commun- ity betterment programa, an ec- tivity wbich hlas been carricd on by those wbo succeedcd him. (Contlnued frein page one) fine traditions ôf both the Evans He said lie was alse extremnely organization and Sheppard & 1 pheased te lcarn that the n'ew GilI will now combine te pro- owners planned to retain ai duce a new, eggresLqive mer- *o! the present members o! the cliandising teain iliat will con- *Sheppard & Gi staff bere. He tinue ta grow aloftg wlth this stated that there had been ne community. *announcement concerning f u- turc plans for the brandli in II Bowmaville othr thr tha the Company will continue te ier i prvie umer biler'sup -O plies and service o! higliat g n z quality to the many Sheppard O g nz & UIc Shepprd GllCen-n GThe Steppr . lCo-For ciection pany in flowmanvihhe dates back te 1932 when it was pur- A rePrésentative gathering dhased fmom McClellan & Co., attended thé organization meet- but the histomy o! thc local busi- lng of the Bowmanville LIberàI es goea back te James and Association held on Mjonday John McCicilan, whar!ingcrs ecning in Uic Ceuncil Cham- and liarber masters in the mid ber etthfe Town Hall. X. R. 1800%a. Betw'een 1850 and 1900 (Ted) Woodyard, the Libemal and for severai years a!ter- candidate for Uic Durham rid- wards, thé McClellan name w as ing it the provincial election, closely connected with ceai was warmnly aPppaudcd when le shipmenta and other trading at was lntrodueed by JOhn M. Bowmanvillle' busy barber, James, the former memnber o! ,now almôàt unused. Except fer parliament for Durham. considerable expansion and ah- People are'juatly annoycd et teratIan, the up town location the mlshandling the education of the organization on King pollcy ini Ontarlo by Froai'g aStreet lias remained undhanged Conservativé gevernment ai aine those early days. Herse- Queen's Park, Mm. Woodyard and-buligy photos o!flice build- stated. He asaerted Uni 'the ings appeared in the Centen- munlcipalluegs are bearing toc niai edition last year. aieng large. a slare o! the cont or wlth photos showing the flew, educat!on, and said hoMe Own- môdèmn sales office cf the comernrs sauld be rcliéved o! thit pany. lieavy tax burden bv~ the prov.- While thc Evans company incial governmont aauninig a 73Richmond St. West, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sir: I amn currentiy writing a book, "Our Great Canadian Dis- asters", for Thomas Nelson & Sons, and one chapter will deal with the forest lires of Onitario. I would like to hear from any of your readers who mighit have any personal reminiscen- ces, anecdotes, escapes, or even hearsay lore, about any forest lires of the past that have oc- curred near vou in Ontario. Gratefully yours, Frankc Raskv * Editor of Liberty The object of art is to crystal- lize emotion into thought, and1 Delsarte. It is difficuIt to divest one'sa self of vanity; because it is im-o possible to divest one's seli f o self-love.-Horace Walpole. d Police 77- -1 listrict. USED CARS 1958 Plymuouth Savoy 2-Dr. V-S, Demonstrator, Power Flite with white wall tires, 2-tone paint, paddcd dash, fender mirrors, windshield washers. Only 7,000 miles. Ncw car warranty. 1956 Plymouth Savoy V-8, Power Flite 1955 Plymouth Plaza 6-cyl., Power Flite 1954 Chrysier Windsor 4-Dr., Pawer Flite 1953 Dodge 4-Dr., 2-tone, good condition. 1952 Mercury 2-Dr., radio, 2-tene, very dlean 1951 Chev. 2-Dr. 1940 Plymouth 2-Dr. Runs good and hhm new tire&. Palmer Motor Sales CHRYSLER - PLYMOUTH - FARGO SIMCA DEALERS 20 King Mt. East Bowmanvlll, MA 3.5487 9 1 . 1 An entertaining and humer- 1 Ames teld his fellow mnemb>ers eus address on "Early Problems !of the Lions Club. Mr. Brown was in Television" given by Lyle born in Med.icine Hat, Alberta, Brown, speciai assistant toe Ui and ia a graduate cf Montana director fer Ontario and the State University and o! Uic English networks of thc Cana- University cf British Column- dian Broadcasting Corporation, bia.4 was enjoyed by the Bowman- In relating the trials and tri- ville Lions Club at the dinner bulations cf thc early days of meeting held at the Liens Cern- television Mr. Brown told of sev- munlty Centre on Monday eral. amusing incidents. At that evenîng. time television was such a new Ralph Aines introduced Mr. medium that anneuncers, actors, Brown and told of his extensive and technical crcws had to sub- experience as an announcer and stitute quick-thinking Ingen- commercial wrltcr for several uity for the sure nîethods of radio stations ini Western Cari- experience. ada and Ontario before hie join- Somietimes, fertitîîde alone cd the CBC seven years ago. could save thc day, Mr. Brown He is also wcll known as a free said. He teld of Elwood Glovcr's lance contributor te newspa- rather remrarkable feat of self pers and is thc author cf many control during one commercial. radie and television plays. A few minutes before it wvent During his seven years with on the air a workman had been the CBC Mr. Brown's main work told to spray the set thoroughly has been in the field of pubhi. with fly spray. He had follow- city and public relations, ?&. ed these instructions ta the let- ter even dousing the luscieus COMPLETE 7th CLINIC looking pudding which was to be eaten during the commer- On Tuesday night, Chie! of cial. As Mr. Glover enthusias- Police Bernard Kitney and tically praised the pudding, he OPP Constable Pat Corneli started te eat it according te completed,~ their seventh traf- Uic sponser's instructions. Des- fic clinic here, with 31 grad- pite the horrible taste from the uates eut cf 35 studenta. The fly-killer the peor man neblv next course, already filled, ate every bit, while proclaim- will be on June 2 and 9th, ing its delicicus flavour. when they will be discontin- On behaif cf the Liofts Club ued until fail. Classes arc Sam Black moved a hcarty filled untîl Octeber, so those vote cf thanks te Mr. Brown for planning te enrol hould bis vivid acceunt cf the some- apply now. what hectic early days o! TV. more adequate share o! the ex pense o! eduCation ini Ontario The Ontario Municipal Ac is 35 ple= o ut o! date, the Lib. eral candidate pointcd out. Hi explaineci that wihile it has beer amended ,fromn time te timne. the amendments did not touch ha. sic Points o! the Act. The situa. tion is unfair to voters and tc municipal councils and muai be changed, the speaker said Mr- WoodYard told the niect. îng that the Ontario Municpa Board often overrules thic dcci siOns cf municipal councils un- der the present set-up. Wher by-iaws are sent te it from lo- cal councils for the approvai necessarY under the preseni Municipal Act, the board many times has turned clown a by- kaw because it prefers ta send the local councils a by-law drafted by Uic Municipal Board, These by-laws drafted by the Municipal Board do flot take- into consideration thýe fact thai situations differ in ach cern- munity, and the samne by-lavy cannot possibly be cither good or effective, for ail localities Mr. Woodlyard stated firmly. Municipal Councils are somne- times unjustly criticized be- cause o! by-laws which. have been drafted by the Municipal Board of 'Ontario. Provincial laws must net 1,1- terfere with municipal rights. Mr. Woodyard said. A proper plan for educational improve- ment and a fair distribution cf its cost is one of the foremnost plans that Mr. Wintermeyer, our Liberal leader, has for ac- tion," Mr. Woodyard stated. Glen Fry, president of the IBCwmanville Liberal Associa- tion outlined organýization plans Iocally. Many people volunteer- cd their assistance, and ethers offered to, undertake certain duties. , 1 ýi -1 ri. -1 1- Kinsmen Prepare For Elections Irvine, Brown, pat president o! the Bewmanvilie Kinsmen Club presided at thc dinner meeting held by the club at the Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel last week. It was nomination niglit for the club. Others et the hcad table in addition to Mr. Brown were Don Stutt, a vice-president; Mur- ray Larmer, a vice-president; Don Wilcox, treasurer, and Os- berne Williams, secrctary. The nomidnation cammittee was composed o! past presidents o! Uic Bowmanville Kinamen Club and waa as foliews: Chairman Lyle Parker, Don McGregor, Art Heoper, Ken Nieks, Jack Land- jer and Stan Dunn. Kin Lyle, Uic chairman, pre- scntcd a iist o! nominations on behaif o! the cemm.ittee. There werc aise several nominations made froin tie floor. There was a lively discussion indicating the keen interegt lu the forthcoming club elections which wîll take place at the dinner meeting te be held on Tucsday, May 19th, at the Flying Duteliman Motor Hotel. t 1 s(Continucd frein naze onei i sa death trap, with an increas. sing amount of "traffic." The cloverleaf wvil be the eniy one between Oshawa and Bew. nianville. The proposed everhcad bridge wili cost the township apprexi- mately $5,000. Remainder o! the cost wili be shared by Uic de- partment e! transport and the CPRý Reeve Rtoy W. Niohois said the oerheadi railway pass wll be "mandatory", whcn the clô. verleaf is completed. "It la dan. gerous cnough new, witheut the added traffic,"' he said. Road accounts e! $9,000 and general accounts o! $5,474.89 were approved and passed for payment at the meeting cf Da:- llngton Township Council held at Uic Township Hall, Hantp. ton, on Thursday afternoon. Reeve Roy W. Nichais preslded et Uic meeting and all memberu cf the Township Council were present. The council lnatructed the Township Clerk, Walter Run- die, to iay charges against the owner o! a truck, who lied dumped garbage on a publie roadway. Council discussed this matter et length, anld flrmly decided that such actions wll net be tolerated. The memberu of council unanimously egreed that whenevcr such dumping of garbage occurs chargea wlU b. laid against the person, or per- sans responsible. Concern was expressed re- garding grass lires. Mr. Rundi. was askcd te investigate the causes o! these flic.s with a vicw te the laylng o! charges under the by-law whieh bans the lighting cf any lires unleas th-ey can be kept under control by those who start thein. Deputy-Reeve Garnet Rlck. ard and Councillor E. B. Truli werc aPpointed te represent, Darlington Townahip on the Lake Ontario Developmnent As- sociation. Douglas Kernp waa named a member of the Dar- lington Township Planning Board, Councl Iinstructed Mr. Ruri- dýle, the Township Clerk, te write the Durham Côunty Dis- trict Higit School Board and inform the members that ini vicw o! the pror>osed division e! tlhc Hlgh School district board Darlîngton Township Council feel it would be un- wise ta proceed with any build- ing at Uii.s time. An application was received froin the Board cf Trustees af Solina Sciiooi No. 20 asking permission ta creet a one reooi addition to the school. Council gave tentative approval te this project subject te the apprevai of the Ontario Municipal Board. Third rcading was given to a by-law regardlng the issue of $45,000 for debentures for a new school in South Courtice --.0 -,ý TM CANADUN SrATESUAlq- ]%OWMAWVM2-V- nWAWM 9 <Contlnucd frorn vage one) ' charged with breaking, enterlngf and thcft. They pleaded and were found guilty by Magis- trate R. B. Baxter in court here later the same morning and were remandcd for sentence. Constable Freethy's recent Identification training at the RCMP school in Ott.awa pald off in tyin.g this triaoi wth several other thefts in the area. At an earlier robbery o! gai f rom R. E. Hendry's, Conces- Sion St. he had made a planter cast of a rubber boot print. When the three youths were picked uP, twao o the homes wcre searchcd and boots whlch. matched the cast were found, bringing confessions frein those involv'ed. In ail, six or neveu unsolvcd robberica were clear- cd up, including thcft of molie3r frorn the high school, damage te autos at a service statiôn. and the theft of a flashlight. For sorne cf the effences. anc or twe af the Yeuths denled guilt Davlm*ngton Bowmanville 3-SM

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