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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 7

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r-r n - TURSMAT, MAT! I4th, 1959 THE CANADIAN STATISMAN, EOWMIVILLE, ONTAIO PAGE SEVEN Social Phione A *1W. T. Veale, Harrow i. e.~h her mother, Mrs C Aery 'Johtrton. Mr. and Mrs. George Thrash. eryhave returned after an en. jcybevacation in Florida. Mrs. Seward Dowson spen Mother's Day with the famil: t tter cottage, Scugog Island Mr. and Mis. Arthur Tayloi and son Kris. Oshawa, visitec h4s mother, Mrs. Joe Taylor last weekend. Mr. arnd Mis. S. R. James Nornm and Douglas spent th( W'eekend at tliei cottage neai Gooderheam. Mir. and Mrs. Abert Grahan and family, Prescott, were witl his parents, Mr. and Mis. Gec W. Grahiam Sr. eMi. and Mrs. Jack Yeomans Betty and Carol, were in Utic- last weekend visjting Mr. an( Mrs. Lloyd Ross. Mis. Myrtie Warren, Toron, ta, visited her sisters, Mrs. Ma. ST, JOHI'S CHURCH (Anglican) Whilsunday 8 and Il - *HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - *CHURCH SCHOOL 7- EVENSONG Trinity Uni Minister-Rev. Wm. K. Organist-Mr. Arthur Col 11:00 a.m. - MORNING "How Can Yc Immeas iTHE SUNDAY El wili be discontinued fi A FRIENDLY W REHOBOTH * REFORME[ Scugog Stree. BONIN SRVICE EVENING SERVICE 'SUNDAY SCHOOL AF9 ""Back To God CKLB, Oshawa, at 8:30 arn. every St. Paul's U Sunday Anniv Sunday,j GUEST PREACHER: The Rev. Hi. B.A. General Secretary oi of Christia *Music by THE JUNI a THE PRIX W».CARRUTHERS tiperintendent Eveuing Sor The Ministe The Rev. H. A. Turnt *Mrs. C. H. Dudley, A.'I Imhve returned from a two unusual experience last week. w. Iweek vocation in Boston, New p ciai p a e She was interviewed on a radio w, York City, Wasington Spe ke broadcast by the mayorofGa RItxod Virginia. venhurst, Mrs. Wanda Miller 7t aid were in Toronto> on Sattur- the Orillia station. The inter-bc JA33 0 day for thie Maclean-Hunter vie'w was taped earlier. but a ___________________ niWit saff owlng bnque atmany friends here heard Mis. e St.Adrwsl.Cu. Anderson when she spoke on Edgr astwek.Andews olfClb.various aspects of Easternl Star r ibel Babnell and hir. W. A& Mr. Don Cramp has complet-, Ede atwe.ed th~e third year of his D.'s- - activities. Eî Mr. and Mis. M.LReng ess Administration course and jMs .L ong eevdi -sPent the weekend with Mr. Plans to be with bis parents. a wonderful surprise last Sun- ar and Mis. H. T. O'Neill, Toron- rdndMs egCapfrcay at 7 a.m. when a eall came an to, at Stoney Lake. the uixnmer. thly, Dr mh o and Mr.J.P ay- v it Mi. Gore aryna, Vancou- Weed vstr ihM. throug Droman her sonJ.aPdMay- tc y eBCeorge Weekhad rs Fn end istas wit Mr. berry and Nicky, in Tokyo, lex 1.hi ver BC. e nd t wek lwtMrand Ms. FAI Deny wene Japan. Mis. Roenigk's smull of or. hisnrothrs.S anisise-in-aw, Mi. a M. aIniy a W.grandson, three and a haif yeai fth r Mi an Mi. S FaM.e Hnrn y antd Mi.and-,Mis. W. 1 old Nicky. wishied her "A Hap- yc d Mr. and Mis. Sid CasbourniMHeran MindMsH.p MohrsDy.Atug itt and fam.ly, Scarloiough-, were McCocomb, Toronto pwns terSnday m ltorngh tR weekend visitors wîth hi f- Mis. Charlie Clark, Port al Sudy mrigR sther, Mr. H. H. Cabun Perry; Mi. and Mis. Àl Elliottr, in Japan it was eight co o'clock Sunday evening. Mis. pi tr Mis. W. Minfie, Cobourg, Carke,; Mr.wnd Mies A. .Roenigk reports that the phone pii rvisited herdher and son- Clreconawr Upr .. l- el wes wonderfully clear. M in- law, duhe guests of MiU. and Mis. Ross tf i l h .~ n ieaMi. and Mis. T. R. Clark, Town, on Sunday.A meeting of heleocal rane M hatwekn.Mis, W. C. Ives is attending of the Upper Canada Bible So- M Mi. fand , CMis.H.E. Pule ry the Dominion Couricil of the ciety was held at the home of o Mothr' an ay Cxpellvîlle, ere Wan's Association of the the President, Mi. G. Elliott ne s, ter' Ms.DayL. ess.ofber o- nited Church beiag held at Rev. J. F. Holliday, B.A., B»D. Thursday, May 7. The main ' ,, he, is L B Wlhaxs. Emnanuel College, Toronto, from business was the planning of t a Mi. and Mis. Don Mascon and May lOth to the l5th inclusive. who will be the special speaker the local Canvass from June R d family, T o ronto, spen't the Mr. and Mis. Milton j. El- at the week long Evangelistic 9 to 13. Last year $95400 was an weekend with his mother, Mis. liott and Mi. and Mis. George Services to be held in Bowman- collected in Bowmanville, and Ca 1C. H. Mason, King St. East aBigratne ovn ville Baptist Church May 17 forwarded to headquarters inida Mr. and Mis. M. Bocian,VaBigratne acov- to May 24. Toronto. This moyiueto the tiof the rCanaiScin Rev Hcolliday is the Presi- cover the cost of printing Bib- tel Tonto, r. e wtd ber pr-.ofAthLAmeiiga Waterworks dent of Central Baptist Sein- les in all languages. and to dis- iat entchs .an retls . . ivnge Assa. in Kingston last week. inary in Toronto. He has had tribute them in ail parts of the pi( )Jur.candtrtst eekon d.IMi. and Mrs. Oscar Jamieson more than 35 vears of fruitful world. It is hoped that this thý Mr.an Ms.Godo Fndayand Ross, Peterboroughi, were miiiustrv as a preachler, teacher year's cavs J wi1l he as suc- and Mis NorapaeTonto , in town last Sunday. They vis- and writer. cessful as last year's. ed wer wththirpaensMr-. ited Mrs. Jamieson's inother, His experience includes *ý heLaiexo Ttr and Mis. M. S. Dale, last week- ýMi-s. Norman Allun and M r. successful pastorates in Ontario, ThM S adites oe'4 noveWd1t end. I ~~Jamiesons iother, Mis. Herb Canada: overseas service inn~î t. . cs IMis. Ch-ares Hedley, Tilton- Jamieson.j Worlci Waî Il as an army diap a PotLuck Luncheon at the tic sville, Ohio, bas retuined home ' Mr. and Mrs. Denver Dawson lain the founding and editing of church last Tuesdlay. Mrs. C. fa, iafter vîsiting her siseti, Mis. l'had as SundaPY guests thneirLthe cofficiai Publication of his W. Slemon presented the Wor- i Everett L. Osborne, Church 1 daughters and tamilies. Mi. denoniination:, a large part in~ shsp Service assisted by Mrs. Mi Street. 1jand Mrs. Fied Huiitei, KarenI the establishment and develop- J. Leishman and Mrs. Jackson. he Mi. and Mis. Gordon 'jeSehn n ihel n r ment of one of Canada's îeacling Th-e Ladies Quartette, consist- bo and on R BantfGd, e' ephnd aad Mirce Rle, adlMi. summer Bible Conferences, ing of Mis. S. James, Mis. D. R aecn soRnBîatfor.,weand Mon. BueRly i fjyears of preaching, promotion Alldread, Mis. O. Richmond r MAretvtr sawith Mi.and ornt. and administration as North and Mrs. L. VanDriu, rendered en Mis. oArtu aniWv. Mi. and Mis. George Hilson, Aimericari cliairm-an and excýcu- two beautiful numbers. The of- an eyRa.Tronto, Mi. and Mis. Neil tive secretary of thle Slavie Mis- fering was ieceived by Mis. S. mi Mi. and Mis. P. E. Green- Britton, Janie and Tommy, sionai-y Soci ety, and as Moder- Wood and Mrs. A. Lobb. The se, field have returned from visit- 1 Belleville; Mr. and Mis. Allan ator of Home Mis,ýsions, Chiair- ladies were, indeed privileged Lo ing their daughter, Mi. and Prout, Shirley and Mary Lou, man and General Secretary -jf t0 hear the Rev. Philip Romeril ba Mrs. Hugh Anderson and son Oshawa, spent Sunday with the Fellowship of Independent of Blackstock. Rev. W. K. Hou- sp Douglas, Montreal. Mrs. T. E. Prout. Baptist Churches of Canada. slander intioduced the speaker, lu IDr. E. L. Ewart and Mi. Mi. and Mis, W. R. Edge'r iMs teaching ministry in two who spoke on "Jam-iaca", where George W. Graham attended Debby and Randy, 'eebr Baptist Seminaries included he ha'd spent five years. He the T. B. Campaign supper' ough; Mi. and Mrs. Tom De- professorship in Hebrew, in brought some enlîghtening andi meeting in Port Hope lest pew, Bill and Bud and Mis. W.]~ Pastoral Theology and in Sys- startling facts about the islançi ne TuA. weîeMotber's tematic Theology. H-e has thie end its people. Mis. H. Capp su] A. TusaEvelfg ger, to>ýv, ure MthesI sons ia the Baptist ministîy thanýked Mi. Romeril for bis fo: Mi. and Mis. John P.egan Day visilois with Mi. and Mrs and a daughter in the Africani _______________________ jJohn M. James and famliy. Mission Field. IMis. Harry Pollock, 34 Car- See Page Two for complete lisle Ave., received a Philips schedule of services and sub- C MEIIEPI ig radÏo last Tuesdiay morningj jects. CM EIIEPI ,from radio station CF'RB. Mis. ited C h urcli Pollock was a pxize wlnner in a EtesinWoîk in the Mission Houslander, B.A., B.D. 1 Canadian Radio Week. ilison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. is. Normian Allia, Centre MrGln olm Wlo- othaseturaed after a four. delk Bct r ok hestaifof- mnhsojouin in Califoinia Ontario Co'llege of Pharmacy, M L A Duiing the lest two weeks o Toronto, eanjoyed ail-exipense awonderful vacation Mis. AI- PaRidtrip tOuring New York lin isitd hr siterMrsCity foi five deys as chaperone Charlott Moe, Grat ~ to 60 students from the col- Montane. ~Mi. and Mis. Leslie Brooks,SECA VLU A Mesue hef ~.On May 21st, Mr. and Mrs Scugog St. Mis. WalVeLUDSGeer ou Measure the J.were bhosts at atrecepation hel -urable?" !ers from ~ail parts of Ontario, wat otsa ePinhl *will attend a Conference on onth Flylncg Dutchman Motel Nursing Homes at Wyniiiwood,, 0Dl'SaturdaYMaY 9tib, in hon- aeros frin te Roal OtarOurof their son and bis bride,TO RhUI IC :VENIN SERVIE aqeSs fro the oyai OtarioConst. and Mis. James DeGeer. Y U R GDS VENNG ERVCE usem, oroto.Appioximately 40 guests were 1 r the Summer mointbs. Weekend visitoîs with Dr. piesent frein Toronto, Dun. RECOMMENDS and Mis. C. W. Slemon were barton, Orono, Newcastle and Mi. and Mis. Alex Young, Mai- BOwnnille. TO A~I Iough. Recent visitais With Dr. MreiaduMm.eK.and fa iysi. uhD IE~l m a ret, Bob an wc, r oer- Mei. dand Mis. .nCox isitedr so, rad Ms. H. we e tei adMis. Alan Greville, Dawn MULTIPLE VITAMINS ___________________ mon Dro ndio . e-and Vikki, Oakville, lest week- mon, and end. Mr. and Mis. Jack Wylie IVisitai-s with Mi. an Ms.and son Biock, Haniton, wr C. . HyWalld sw a; Mi. A b aiso)guests of Mi. and Mis. C RISTIAN C .Wls siw;Ms hGieville. Mi. and Mis. Cox also M West, Mis. Raye West and fain- visited theirson, Mi. and Mis. lly, Orono; Mis. .D. Miller and Don Cox and famly' Downs- I ) CHUGrRCH Tobrroo. rs. W.L. Rowe, Toronto, t, ownanvil.Miss Bev Cowlin~g is home Hmphies aid Mis. W. Hl.* IfollOwing the completion of her1enelswek Mi d ,.îtoas7 Second year at University' of Mrs. L. Scott Densem, and Scott a llegntu7 Toronto. Bey. is teaching at Junior, Toronto, spent sunday M"e' VItOlDiOS Cubt 10:00 a.m. - ngflsh the Higtx School here until the witih bis inother,'Mis. Densem lmndme4c a da>. end of the terna and then will and his aunt, Mis. Huraphiies. 7:30 p.m.- Dutch l'e with thc local Recreation TIieir nephew. Mr. Bienton S. ]ER MORNING SER'IICE , Mr. and Mis. W. Huffinan, .'ng thera. M IEAS Mi. aid Mis. . Joyce, MI.s-s Mi. and Mis. Lucas Nicholls V- ----- i.uu.e at nrew' Culvn rv- w0ith a 60 voice choir, trained M aceytSt Adrw7 CurbCo-and conducted by Tom Park, M a 7 hbourg, Sunday eveang The won second -place. They are to membrs o CoourgLode er- sng aainat a concert in the a.m. ed aturkey dlnner in thiodge- Oshawa 'Collegiate later in the roolliaLanda David and for ky vToi- TheB rder. Mr and Mis. Ed McWatters, r B rk oler trctRed Shield Appecal of h C. Burholder Salvation ArMY is now in ful onto; Mi and Mis. Tom Bur- swin, an th totl t1dat iMi.ws and Mis. leGlt ennst'f ý.,B.D. $400-00. The response ta the Hill, Hor. andd M ur G ynnef Reula S ef ,wo onlgeneral canivas which begai 1os0HwMadMury utttSz the ntaro CMayi 4tah is verencouragingWillowdale; Mi. and Mis. BillCOOM m Eucaio an Itisfel tiattheloal b-Brooks, Sherron aid Karyn, Li ON O jetie i 415 wllberac- ovisited with Mi. and Mis. 4 PACK ~~e o 415 ilbeîe Leslie Brooks, Scugog Street, SAIATNPNSEUPCGI [OR HOIRSunday visitors with Mi. and bîated father's birthdeay. , ind JMms. Gordon Martin and Doris Dr. and Mrs.* Thomas R. [ARY CLASSweie Mi. and Mis.-Alec Mar- DeGeer and franiiy, Wilow- $ . ARY CLASStin, ToW nwysd Donny, Ncw- clie, were weekend visitors , K. E. BRAGG 1cast)c, Mr. aid Mis. S. F. Bing- with their parents, Mi. and Imm n ad Colleen, Toionto. Ail Mis. Walter DeGeer aid Mi. Sec'y-Treas attended thie dirlstening Of and Mis. Mac Moore, Ontario _________ COlleen in Newcastle United Street. on Sunday Dr. and Mis. Oiurch at Ule zmorning ser- DGeer's twins, James Mal- -vic - 7p.m.Vice. coin-i and Janice Marie were vice 7 prn.Mr. Ted Colwell has- l'n ciristened in Trinity United wllh bis n»ther, Mis. Bent Col- Chsiich aid afterwards Mr. ýeBAB.D., Minister jond year General Ais, Univer- a lucheon for the immediate A I e x . r wiil pw.ach weityfflTootcco.ply T bsc- ai M. Môeetranda 7.C.M, LC..M.,Organs sity o! orn to ay Thurs- fa Miy. '.C.M.,~~~~~~ LCCMOgnt damonn(t-a)TdlfMsEaeAnderson, Pastj\/ [ for North Bay where he wl Grand Matron, the Order of the We eliver qend tAi aummer dOing Ciurvh BAstern Star Mn Ont.ario, had an - vonderful add-ress. M e eing -as closed with Prayer. On Tbursdey eveniny, May 'th, Mi. aid Mis. H. G. Fice- Lai and their daughteis, bus- >ands aid famnilles, also Mr. aid Mis. Leslie Jackson, gath- 'ced at the borne of their eld- st daughteî Mr. and Mis. Den- is Piekard (Mae), King St., iast, ta help tbem celebrate heir silver wedding anaivers- y; also another daugbter, Mi. id Mis. Morley Flintoff, Lyra) c celebrate their china sai- ,rsary. After ail had assemb- ed and, the brides and grooms 4 25 and 20 .years bad takea heii places o! honor, their ,ungest sons pmnned a hou- onniere on their fathers. Mis. ton Benaett, (Mary). pinned a ws,,agae on ber mother, Mis. ickard, aid Barbera Flintof! dned a corsage on her mother. Ir. Ernest Gilbank explained he cause of the gatbering ta .ae and Dennis and on behalf , those present thei son Way- ýpiesented them with a love- vwall mîrror, after which the wo made suitable replies. Mi. tosa Allia explained ta Lyra ni Morley why they were alied ta take chairs. Their îug'htcr Marilyn presented cm with some chinaware. Af- rw they bad cxpiessed appiec- tion o! the gîft, a aumber of etures were taken to preserve e historie event for posterity. rarrv and Lola wei-e then ask- Sto take a place of honor. Mr. .-nest Gilbank explained how ieir 451h anaivcisary had pas- -d in Dec., without a celebra- in because sickness in the milv pievented any recogni- >n of the event at the time. iss Jean Flintoff pîesented er grandmother with a Iovely ouquet of flowcrs and Mi. oss Allin, on behaif of those reseat, presented their par- Lts with a small wall mirror id two candile holders to latcb. Harry thanked ail pie- at for the lovely gifts and ola also thanked them. 7he alance of the eveaing wasý ent in a social time aid a nice inch was served. Statisticians figure everyl ewborn Canadian will con-: ,me 302 tins o! baby food be- )re reachiag its first birthdey., I.D.A. Brand - V's - Reg. 29«! Seidliz Powders - Aàv.'. Wovker (Continued frora page one) been received and welcomcdi here. Mi. Milligan wished us to cx- 'Press his sincere appreciation to those wvho have helped and also to the fine staff, ail oi whom have agrecd to stay with bim in the business. George Cawker, the îet-a proprietor, plans to spend bis full time expanding his busi- ness with the National Moor League witb which he bas been conaected for six yeaîs. The Cawkeî family 's record in business here gocs back to 1848 wl-en George's great- grandfather John Cawkeî saîled froin Devonshire and set up al butcher shop at 105 King St. E., Bowmanvîhle. He had a family o! 14 childien. At that time he bad to follow blaze marks to îeach Bethesda where a relative, Roger Cole, lived. John Cawker died in 1861 aid bis son, Charles M. Caw- ker, carried on the business. It was moved several tures until it reached its prescrit location. Charles M. Cawker died la 19321 at the age of 84 and bis son T. Wesley Cawker took over. In 1951, bis son George became the propnietor. Libary uBd. - - - 23c I.D.A. Brand - Reg. 98c, 1.89 Idol-Agar - - - - - 79c, 1.49 Tri-Sodium Phosphate - 1 lb. container Washîng Compound - - - - 19c Liquld PALMOLIVE LANOLIN PLUS RAPID SHAVE 2-ounce size plus SCHICK plus SAFETY AO 79c trial aize IA 1.89 2.29 value 1____ .50 value 1.19_____ J & J -Reg.S3for 44e Baby Soap -- - - 3 ror 39c WHITE RAIN DUCHESS CRYSTAL (JLEAR PICNIC KIT contains SHAMPOO6 8" embossed plates SHAMPOO6 serviettes. 6 forks and 6 spoons 1.25 9c 9 size982c Gleern- plus Naij Brush Tooi hpaste - - - - - - - 63c VINYL BAIN COAT OnIy 1.25 with carton fromn Noxzema Shave Laiher 79c Instant 19c Brushless 89c .e**. *..p ..e -------------------.* .. * *HOLIDAY NEEDS : Bronzta-1.25, 1.50 Coppertone Cream __ 1.50 Lotion- 98c, Dixie Cups, 6 ounce, 8's .....-----15ecý Noxzema Suntan Lotion _ _55c, 1.00, 1.50' Picnic Thermie Jugs, 128 ounce 6.25, 7.95 Photo Supplies - Cameras, Flasholders, Films,: Movie Films available at our store. 6-12 Repellent Stick or Liquid - 69c Bomb 1.19 Sta-Way, tube . 29e Squeeze Bottle -- _69c Sun GlasMeu Polaroid, Sunrite and others from 25c to 3.98 PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY McGregor, froma Central Public School visited the Junior Lîbîary. I told the older childien some- thing of libraries in general, and ours in particular. I also suggested books they might en- joy. I showed picture books to the .3mallei childien. and told them a littie of the stories. Quite a number îetuîned, join. ed thc Junior Library, and ask- ed foi' the books they had seei during their visit" 85 Years OId Erinest Benjamin Watson (Contiaued froin page one) A dinner parts' was held last ior Library' was submitted vi' Satux-das', Mav 9th, to mark Mrs. M. J. Hutchiason as fo.-. Ile 851h birthdav or Ernest lows: Circulation April 1959,ý Benjtiimin Wat-mon, now living 1,568: Circulation April 195 ,atoth -lvnRsHnce: 1'011; Increase 557, Circulation Newcastle. Ris two daughtcis, Jaauary lst, 1959 to end of; M:-s. R. MeIntosh of Agincourt April, 3,971, Circulation Janu-!and 'Vrs. R. Callan, 68 Ontario ary lst, 1958 to end of April St, Bowrnanville, gave the par. 19 58, 1,550; Increase this year itY for their father at the lat- 557.f ter's horne. Mr-. Watzson wmis La April of this' vear 167 neur 1bai-ci i Southampton, Englanci, inembers joiaed. La April, 1958 and camie 10 Canada about 50 the number of new members years ago. He resided in To- who joined was 49. This gives ronto for several years and an increase for this y-car o! 118. rnovcd to Bowmanville in 1933. Total membership to date is A baker bv profession, he tra- 510, of this total 126 joined velled foir a bakcry supply firm, duiing Book Week. From until, his retirernent about 10 weîe 259 new membeis. and eajoys sitting out-side when Book Week was very success- weathei permits. Mrs. Watsoal fui. Durimg the week 14 classes predeceased hlm ini 1935. .ES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IRU S11TLl lU I ND REMNERS FOR THIS WEEK s 1/3 more spay $7 Drugs Yo u r Local LD.A. Drug StorePhone MA 3-5792 I M"9 : ' I IIAS Store Your Local I.D.A. Drug Phone MA

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