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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1959, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVTLLE. ONTARIO THTYRSDAT. MAT 14~h IftAB No One Hurt 5,400 Acres for Parks j C~n.. IIeefsIn ccient Cost Counties -$ 5,400 There was a two car accident at 9:10 a.rn. on Tues, on My 5, 2 highway at the Gravel Pit The Unitedi Counties council Coundil had been previouaiY a n d C a b b a ase ]load. A 1951 Chevrolet hard- bas approved purchase of 5,400 a4dressed by Howard Johnson top drien y nni Beleacres of land-at a dollar an of the department of lands and By Bannie topurdveSlaynAhite Be 3 lla- e -ob. used aolely for forests who told council of the vlle, was maki.gR a left turn parklands and reforestation uses to which the 44 Parcels when Cyril Edwin Frenchi, projects. The purchase la belng could ble put. Oshawa, driving a 1957 Pontiac made from the Ontario Dej>art- While- most of the lantd was attempted to pass. Mr. French's ment of Lands and Forests. suitable onliy for reforestation, DO! RE! ME MAD! 1,where thev belong-in the nitr-1 have ta sing nursery rhymes ln' 1957 Pontiac struck te if The land, whîch comprises 44 some sections were eminently s'r.along with the rattîts and! school. But, believe me, its in-1 rear corner of the Siaunwhite prts..l40arsi uhm slal o erainlpr It cornes to- myltne-deaf eari theswaddling clothes.r portant to the half-grown chl.: car-. There was considerable anid 4,000 acres in Northumber- poses since they contained that certain Ontario elemeu.i- tary âehools set aside time eachi Meybe this musical situation di-en! If you want to whet their i damage to bath cars, but for- land county-adjoins thte exten- streams and were welI wooded. 'da toteeh ixh. evnthan dosn' eistinyou cilcs;musical appetites, (which I pre- tunately no oane was injured. sion of Highway 401 an-d was They wouid make ideal parka -eightotRh sairst. sivnth lyrîc s hoo Bt, areyour sut-e i*ssu me lathe whole reason of Constable Harte - Maxwepli. j riginaliy purchased by the de- adjoining the new highway. asghl "S iersino ion nd "yRoc ck osol Myb orba.o the thing) give thein lyrics la P.P., investigated the accident. partment of highways who Severai counicillors akdi A-be ab".Tha i. ftr hrydor a toterthn in ikeeping with their years andCntbeBuc isn deedeci it to tht department of some of the lots couid lie ex- A-be Bby" Til is trtht doin cutr hald' m inenak udrtadn: yisChoca nstaeBrce iln accdentlandsa andiforests for reforesta- cluded from the designated have learneci to trilth accon- i ', our id'sptinlil pa.udrtnig yiste jnPPi,,siae nacdn tion work. uses and thus be sald for other panyin rneldi,ý-sby th "te, e, tie inawithe oyouthfulul whichino cur unbaihai y1:15ularn. oturoffer, 1et awi The opposmti-ipu.rposes, butsetheutdte artmentn rears-ln ou d .axici cl ely - b ei- t fiap , eu w ,tr can underv rIf alldais i mplVae M o day on the single portion tion uintil W arden Garnet Rick- of lands and r S 0oficiai Said earslou andclerly be to indout?; moiV' then there is somnething df 401 near the juniction with ard reminded council that the that the department had ruled cau:ie m ten-year-oid. sixt.h I have a sneaky suspicion thatj the intter with tht rest of the 1No. 2 hlghway. A 1957 Oldsmo- offer hiad ta be accepteci or that there coulci be no excep- grade son has ta practice these most parents, Like m-yseif, have, in bile driven bv Peter Burna, R. re.jected in toto. tion.. nuseyrhms t aente inean robe ocurriculum. iR. 4. Bowmnaîville, andi a 1958 hme i di er oke i vr ec nursery rhymes a ae h i-eadtoubmle ta Alter the rernarks l've macle Plymouth driven by Sugie hoe i rdrt ke hs a er chrnub fr e e rymes 9t e r li ere so mne of you may fot b-! M e Weir. 125 Steeles Avenue, B~eUp.chldrn bfoe erolin thrnlieve that ours is a mutsical: Willowdale, were tht carsin If you've ever.haci the goi in kindergetrten. I feel 1 qhould ily tI.Alo sig ovd ohssandetn e i' ai y N g t than amnuseci when a ten-year- stupici lyrics te babies. 1 doii't not well. perhaps - but with sive damage. tob. heard through a lockeci or more. That'. h Id~sing because we're sad and want 1 .N.R. Enjoys 'Final Sho win bathroom door then you'Ul un- terested in an explanatian troîîî ta le hpppy. Furthermore, we' OTEL-Oeai dertan wh I rin th ma- tosewhodo.spend tnuch time îistening to' OTRA -Oer CngNI . derstn fowr1d in h at hs d. musc on tht phonograph. the 1venues of the Catiadian National . ao owiap r ler forward. ~~Persana.hly, 1 think the teach-: radio andi the television set. ISystem. for the month of Feb-1O akT w ,C p r Now, I've got nothing against i.ng of music Is outside the prev- acldruaxy, 1959. arnounted ta h arua FmlyNgt"va hsawysbe ammr siliging in school. Nothing, inet of our elementary schools t a id spent eighit years 227.000, Expenses. taxesand Te nulFaiyNgtyarhslwsbe am o- apart froni tht fact that I don't system. 1 believe schools are learning t play piano and six renta totalled $59,229,000, re- helci bv the Ladies' Auxiliary, able occasion. Tht concensus o! tend My chiidren ta school to for teacîuing reaciing writing, year learning to sin.g (Riahl) sulting ini a net opeî-atitg iin- t the Canadian Legion last 1 opinion tht other evening was leaeaor ing tatla.I inngyarthtetc ndothr.ubec1 tkearnen cyryacndro conedelc-nc fr tt onh hurda eenig n heohethttthesesoi Faul believe l ,choc] chilciren of groufldiflg for the minci To ake essons in music ef any o 0 0Legion.-lau asay v .mosi tthscea- Ni ht" w asos ejoable Mhuc ievie nead Y rnmd, the time spent teacfl- kind. My two littît girls are to l gin al$4,002,000.tl asth os ejyal tou guchpatroticeocearaionas , colro ui cudleyaung to start such rg- u,ýîIn February, 1958, aperating flevn.Appr oaey25io i, n ht"akTw to uc pariti delaaton s ngtchbett msi coldbetraining-or, so I fel. M on-revenues wre $52,242,000; ex-aui ets And oin ere 2251 ofCapels" ad tht besToSwrng "O Canada" andI, or, "Goci Save put to ter use revieinga has only an apprectative inter- penses, taxes and rents wee dtn.anejd h t Auxiliaý rve Shoprsenatetade yt htpi Tht Queen" (Uni not getting geography text, but that's a est ln M.usic and I can see no 57,982,000 andi the net aperat- SpindSho, Darthea Auxi lias ho ry.ne odaeb h into that argument right now). purely personal opinion. Simil- pîgSo,"akTw a uiir, Butta y md, akin yan~-arly, it seems te me that par- resn to spoil this by burden-lrng incarne deficieocy wvas $5.- pers', which was specially pre- At the end !ttso h atrsabv gad otstnciugents wishing to provide tleirmg imwt tr-holes7400.Tqefge oîi sented for themiý. entire cast remaineci on the ta sing "Rock A-bye Baby" and eidren with a musical back- sosta a nefr iiî-oîd n rvso o xc pplause for the various acts,, stage after the finale, andI Corn- "Little Jack Horntr' is a mat- groundi shouici seek professional goigae i ossetycags the singing dancing andI skits.! rade Gladys Etcher on behaif ter smacking mare af torture instruction outside tht cîas- achieves in bongfide school sub- was tremen-dous and was a' af ail who had taken part pre- than of learning. Especially rooms of a public sehool. jecs.As a result it annoys that Twûmthirds of Canada'q an- warm indication o! the enjay- stuted tht directar. Comrade when resuits are gradeci right However, if those better hiis coo houlembr en him nual $200,000,000 fisheries take ment of tht audience. The Aux- Millie Bates. with an attractive along with marks in history, versed ini matters of education s-gixl "iml Smo" is exported. iliary's "Family Night" each gift. In making the presentation spelling and tht like. thinit differently 1'1l go along I May be wroaig. I often am.- ~. If childiren must taketm -like a lamb, yet. Hav k iee Mu i- But, there is the rernote chance .-- -- out from other subjects tolrnca'ntucinI shoaif YOU that 1 amn right. It seemas to nie singinz, what's wrong with a will. but at least teach the chil- quite safe te wager that thiel rouslng chorus of 'IL:)h o. dren sangs they can repeat for singing o! nursery rhymes by moud"., "Tht Church I The then, parents witliout embar- chilciren ten anid aver will do Wildwood" or "«On a Fidyrassrnt. Can Iyeu Imagine cal]- mare to drive thein away fromn__ Morn We set $ail"? Thost are ing a ten-year--old bey i-île tht music than ne music lessons at __ the type of sangs 1 learned in living-roomn ta sing his school ail. 1 wonder, what do other school And. despite the fact music assignmtent before neigh- parents th'ink? Ian~ ~ ~ ~~~br ec r o, tsem a ei ma n.ot s airnt qu7 SoIi thtI tlicn' in outside br hnalh' ere S Sry couldn't hear what fU the showeir staîl) 1 learneci tht "Little Miss Muffet"? It woulàdvusi.Hc m a-lg n every worud o! thtmn. Or. arn bis "ABC's". (Naturally, "ABC" ta 'Little Ba-reep"ý-even wlien fa,.m iremmo nmore sI eye wer - being aid fashioned? Oldfa-mksmresne) they are muffleci by a oked withoat nmusic, shou1d be lef t tage, that half-grewn chikiren Iblinkers. Just tar-pluga, la aul. 5J tiation offices be claseci ah day > i Coun cil Accepts Bids o tur:00 .. n h dih-i iiV I V" A repart ini coniiection with l rbage collection was rece iv- » For D g Po nd, ruis r edby the finance coniraittee. ForDogPou d, ruier T carcis are now being print- r The Iowest tenders foradq be purdiased from Cowan» ed. As sean as they are cern-i pounci and a new police patrWl Equipment for $1,100, pluis plete t.he arrtars,.wiii lie enter-î> car were accepted by Bow\man- $3 1.80 %ales tax. Other enders ed and stept taken to coflect ....... ville council Monday, May 4th. were: Palmer Mter Sales, them. The pound wil ho constructed $1,179: R Nichoîls, $1.475;1 Deputy-Reeeve Jack Brough ~.. by Anger Brothers at estirnated Robson Matmr, $1.9W0. cara ftebado ok coa of$3678 Fllytqippd, Several committee repor-ts subrmitted the report o h it is expecteci the cost will were subrnitted ta council. meeting helci an April l4th. It I reah clsete$5,000. Other Ivan Halba, tht chairman of thtestated tat Maor W'ifid Cr- biis an the job were as fol- finance comrnittee reparted o ruthers moveci, seconded byf \ A lows:- Fred DeJong, $3,799: Her- h meeting o! the commttet, Reeve W. David H-iggon that - anci U7etheringten. $5.695. ttacutnsmeigh n ment Company regarding the ... Tlle new police cruiserr wili tht Town Clerk, R. B. Rey- pucuso rctradmw ;~'. ~ ..: * nolds. had attended. er be accepteci. This was car- ............... W Air R il or te ms lpAt th t finance eerm ittee1ried. It was decided that the :~:: .:. .: T I C KE T ~ jmeeting the pension report was I cessary by-lwfrasl-i igiven andi thete proposais matIe. viders agreement b. prepared. P TO. EVERYWHERE Alter discussion the m-atter was Tht closing date by whichz Consuit referreci to a ýlater meeting. It plans were te be subnùtted for i Uj R Y L 0 V E L L was moved by Deputy-Reeve~ tht dog pound was extencicd to Bowmanville Hall office heurs lit Monday to contact consultants' regarding ..: . JFriday inclusive tram 8:30 a.m. the condition o! the Arena. .~....... B....a....... ..... Aletter from tht omn .......... ville Public Library Board was1 ..... .....2....... received rtquesting that a by-1 law b passed controlling thte~1~.q use o! ff-street parking arund I ëi VOU HO IDA the Library building and that 14 L Dtht space inimediattiy narth. eof the tnt rance te the Junior Li- 11 ~ ~ t. Cliffcrest Cleaners 71 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE Dry Cleani*ng - Shirts - Repairs PHONE MA 3-7061I PICK-UP AUD DELIVERY LORNE MeQUARRIE, Prop. At a m-eeting aof tii board o!f workson Ap il wth atht ex- berskwoneprset wthienex- ception of Councillor Ken Nicks. It was decided to buy a new Goodyear Suburbanite tire for the present police cruiser. Au- thority was given to advertisel for a Police Constabe. A letter from A. M. Thornp- son. supervising principal of the Bowrnanville Public Schoois was received expressing appre- ciation o! the time and effort1 taken by Police Chie! Bernard 1Kitney and Constable Cornell ini visiting ail tht scheels and giving talks an safety. M.r. Thompson aise rote haw much having constables an traffic duty at Central School was ap- preciated. Permission was granted te! the Salvation Army to com- mence tht Redi Shielci Campaign here on May 4th; to tht Ladies' Auxiliary te tht Canadian Le- gion to hold a Tag Day on b.- haîf o! tht Naïvy League on June 5th and 6th an-d ta the Meniorial Park Association ta helci their annual Tag Day on June 13th. Tht canuittee was advisedi that the vote had been declar- ed invalid an tht Dining Lounge iÀcense andI the cocktail lounge, andI that in ail probability there Iwill lie another vote taken on these two questions in Septem- ber. The wellare off icer's report showed there were 42 people receiving relief during April. Oomrade Etaher expressed the appeito of Conirade Bates' *fla% dretionr, ber patience at rehearsals. and her untiring ef- forts for the succen of! Dark Town Capers." Comradle Bates thanked Com- rade Etcher an-d the cast fer their klndnaas and the lovely gift. She also thanked tliern for their hard work in preparing for the show, and for the suc- cess they had madle of their parts In It. The president of Branch 178 of the Canadian Legion, Coin- rade Ed Rundie, on behaif of the audience expressed appre- ciation of the excellent enter- tainrnent. "I sincerely thank you for the enjoyable evening. You have presented a terrific show. We have known how capable the Ladies' Auxiliary la at ca- tering, and tonight we have had proof of your talents as en- tertainers, "President Rundie. stated enthusiastically. A pleased and grateful ac- knowledgement of Comrade Ruridle's complirnentary re- marks was made by Comrade Florence Knight, president of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion. Comrade Enight called on Comnrade Hel. en Kavanaugh to corne on stage. She pointeci out that Comrade Kavanaugh had been in charge of stage props and the curtain, and. her hard work behinci the scenes had contributed to the success of the Spring Entertain - ment. Comrlàde Knight present- ed a gift to Comrade Kavan- augh as a token of appreci5,- tion. Presid ent Kni.ght on behaif of the Auxiliary then asked the:î numerous guests to stay for a lunch. She thankeci thern for corning, and said she hoped they had enjoyed the show and again nextedar. yNih would aetedamiy igt A delicious lunch of tea sand- wiches, cookies, and littie cakes was then servedi by the cast an-d mnembers of the Auxiiry. Comrade Knight was convenori for the lunch. MO RTGAGE LOANS,- * To Buy a Home * To Build a Home * To niake Major' Iniprovements * To Refinance Victoria.and Grey TRUST COMPANY 437 GEORGE ST. PETERBOROXJGH ROBSON MOTORS Limited 166 King Ste E. Phone MA 3m331 Storage PAGE EIGHT TRUPMAY, MAY 14th. ima THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO OSHAWA U.C. GETS NEW HOME The Minister or Pubit Works. Hon. Howard- Green lies an. nounced that a coftract for $181,668 has been awardedto Dravo Construction Limited o<" Toronto, for constructio . new building for the Ue. ment Insurance CornnisWj Oshawa. The company subimit. ted the lowest bid on the pro. ject in response to the Depart. ment's advertising for publie tenders. Speclfied cormpletion date is February, 1960. pThe new building, whichiq.t be erected on the riorth.west corner of Fairbanks Street gnd Sîmncoe Street South, will hgve an overali measurem-&ept of. 9 feet by 69 feet. with a' part ba.sement and two floora. The general construction wil be relnforced concrete foundation walls ai-d frames, and brick with hollow eoncrete block backing above gradmng. Exter. jor finish will feature Canadiam limestone.

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