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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1959, p. 10

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rAETE THE CANAUIAI 01TAT3.LMI, uwàgpnU.L o& V W z K o'w to Handie Bull Scfelyi If your bull is "'gentle as a kitten", don't be fooled. Tame bulla are of ton the ones that kfili people, probably because chances aron't taken with those liaI advertise thernselv'es as dalugerous. '"A bull la nover a safe ani- mal and even those that have beexi reared as pots occasionaily WUIl go berserk"', says H. E. Wright, Faim Safety Specialist with the Ontario Depaitment of Agriculture. If you do have bo handle your biult make Il a two-man job. One maxi walks lni front and lhol a bull staff that has been enapped into a ring. The other mon foilows and carries one end of a rope that bas beon lied through the ring and led back betweon boh the front and back legs. Each max i thon able lu proteet the other in case the bull should attack. If you can'l gel 1he help anid gnust lead lie bull by yourself, clo il wlth a staff, flot a rope. A charging bull can't b. push- ed.back wth a strap or rope. "IV&s best tlu keep your bull i a pen f itted with a gale open- ing into breeding chutes so he doesn't have to b. handled at aUl", adds Wright, the Farm Safety Specialist. "Portable Ioading chutes can ,b. pulled away for loading cattie and hogs when not li use at the bull pen."1 Your local Agricul- tural Representative has plans for both portable and fixed loading racks. YELVERTON (Intended, for last weok) Yelverton S.S. No. 1 public school met Balyduff SclhooIl i a closely contested softbail game on Friday p.m. witti Our local Babe Ruths main;taining a slight edgeon the score card. . Uncontrolled curiosity eom- bined with overly-active sweot tooth, abTost proved the undO- ing of one of oui junior bovines heie at Malconia this week. FortUnately w. hapned to no- tice this animal like a carica- Sture of Jimmny Durante with an M I ~1King St. W. 91 King St. W. MA 3-5497 Bowmanville1 unwelcome appendage ln the form cf a smn size- Beebive Corn Syrup cmii sol!dly encas- Ing thie bower jew and s0 firmly lodged thatIt lwas impossible for- thie animal lu remove it without hunian assistance. The moral of oui story (if any, I guess) la Ihat if you keop youi mouth hsut you'll neyer gel canfled Road inspection, as cairied out belatedly in Manvers Town- sbip thia week, found Manvers Toads tlu b. ln i hebest condi- tion titis spring il bas ever been our privilege lu see themin h. Somo, if not most credit, w. musI admit, goes lu Ibis mpring's weatherman. On FYlday p.m. w. at Mal- comia motored 10 Cobourg for the happy occasion of our bet- ter-hall geting her Canadian citlzenship papers. Quite an impressive ceremony, too i 1h. United Counties courtroom with Judge, Miller preslding, flanked. by two R.C.M.P. officors i full dress regalia adding colour and se-me ocf dignity and importance lu the occasion. Following the renuniation of their former na- tive homeland and oath of. al- legiance lu Canada, the new Canadâan. citizens weie welcoxn- ed by Judge Miller. A recep- tion by, tho Professional and Business Womon's Chat> of Co- bourg i the rotunds of th. Couxities building, with Mis. M. Pewtress (the sainle lady of T.B. organization famne). Several speakers welcomed, the new cil- izens re¶>resen-tixig the various branches of government and luwn of Cobourg, Warden Gar- net Rickard speaking for the counties unit thanking the lad- ies for the lovely lunch, the kind hospitable welcomo and the Mal e lapel pin com- mesnratxiglieoccasion on be- hai of tihose receiving their papers oui "4pridje and joy" made her debul mbimt ipromp- tu public speaking, (alieady weve booked her lu, do our next speedi aI November Nonun- ation day. Aller nearly 7 yeaîs marrled lite with a "ftriner" we anticipabe the continuance of saine with oui new Cana- dian citizen. «Auction Sale - Auction Sale" rang ouI boud and clear on Sat- urday afternoon, on a clear crisp (alimost frigid) diay at th. parking lot behind Yelverton's Obiuich Hall. Ted Spexicoly gave a sterling performance in thie capacity lu a not too largo te- chnicolour audience- blue lips and red noses Induced by a cold, north-west wlnd. The la- dies did a thriving business with lunch counter lni ch'urch- mihed- sandwiches, pie and gallons of coffee, as would:-be purcliasers fortifiod liemselves Iagainst lie vagarus of lie wa thler. The Prices frequently were a bargain-hunter's paradise, for used merdiandise; wili new goods occasienally brilnging more #Ma stated on their puice tags, (people are funny 'lis said). Chinawarie of certif ied antiqulby was snapped up at steady prlces. AUl li al lie Famlly Club lied a most remunerativo alt1er- noon and wish bo thank those who extered it lie spirit of lie thing particularly tram out- side oui commsndy and regret tRiat in sonie instances liat some goods woro sold at a frac- tion of their value. Special thanks lu Teddy for donating his services lI lie caç,acity pf auctioner- he shows remark- able promise li Ibis field of on- deaveur. Many weekend visilors i-. vaded oui quiet Qo=muty. Mi. and ms. Jack Wilson played hosts te Mi. and Mis. Jim Taylor and family London, and Mr. Josh Evans, Raglan, (Sunday). Welcome lxwadieoes briefly at Malconia, Mi. and Mis. Roy Weiry, Debbe and Trudy, Huil, Que., Miss Anne Meier and Mr. Hank (Jr.) Boon, of Newnaîket and Cooksville. Mia. E. A. McFarland and thie John Kerr family at lhiu summer homos bore. On Menday many Yelverton- !ans enjoyed various portions ofthle day at Belhany field- day ev.ning performance or dance. Regret liaI "the invasion" Snecessitated Oui missing tlie aIf- ______________________________________________ *ternoon performuance. I SERVICEl IS AS NEAR AS VOUR TELEPHONEI l4PoPeM eaiXf â»J&Com, ti k» b 0 Service to Holstein, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernsey, Hereford (poiled and horned), Scotch Shorthoru (poiied and horned), and Dual Purpose Short- hsormires availabie on request. The Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association effers you this service through your representative. Fe Information or Service eaU., DUDRE" COUNT KITH WOOD -Orono 1IUG JAAN TAAVET Weicome 2231 DICK WOOD Bowmanviile MArxket 3-340 Supporte Like wigs wnd f aise teeh,1 axiythixig used lu support lie1 taller floweors, such as stakes,1 strings or hoopa should lookj natural, and b. inconspicuous. For thýat reasoxi the neat gar- dener usually stains or paints1 lies. tibnga brown and green and uses peihaps sorne greeaiuh or grayish string or raf fia li lleing tlU plants anid vines. And il is also a good ides to lie fairly loosely, no as net lu bunch the plants Into looking crowded or artificlal. Another plan is lu fix brush, firmly li axong the taller plants while they are stil grow- ing and encourage t.hem lu grow areund and cover th. sup- porting material. Irhis is a par- ticularly good way to handie delphiniums and other ,tlU bushy plants. Practicaily ail big flowers, l-ike cosmos, delphininnis, hol- lyhocks anid climnbing things lik. sweet peas wiil benefit wiith some firm support. For the tanl straight plants and also.lu- xnatoes, five or six foot stakes are harnxnred firnUly in lie ground and the plants tied aI ixtervals cf about a foot. For this it la wel lu use sonie bwjne or special bwisting matenial available at any seed store. Killers Weedixig the lawn la not the chore it used tobe othanks to 2-4-D. It la amazing wiiat one sprayi.g will do in getting rid of dandelions, plantain and niany cther broad leaved plants. But a second spraying about three weeks later will do a still botter jobs as it gels the new plants that have come along £romi seed in the ground et the finie of the first appli- cation. WESLEY VILLE Several ladies of the commun- ity spent parts of Tuesday, Wocl- nesday andThursday and Friday putting the first coat of paint on th. woodWork of lie inter- ior of the church. For flnding -ail your unused muscles there la nothing like painting the far reacheofthle underparts ef a chuch pew.' Mesdames L. O>uglutred clinlc convener, C. Meneilly, Public- ity, D. Beebe, supiply, Carroll Nichols, consus for ward 3 mot with th. chairnian aI lie home of Mrs. Nichols last Tuesday evenixig te arrange for canvas- sers for theïr territory i the coming tuberculin suivey. Il la the hope ef those in charge of this campaigni that lb willb. a complote test cd lie whole county of Durhamn. Several laddes f rom Port Bri- tain atteuded 1he district annual oft1h. Institut. at Beliel Greve on Wedxiesday. Tue chuldien from S.S. No. 2 played bail at Port Bnitain on Friday atternoon and lost lie game 10 their hosits but not one bit discouraged, say they will win next lime. Carol Thoindyke. lone stu- ,dent from. grade 8 vlsited Port Hope high sdhool with other grade eighters one day last *week. Bill Barrowclough conducled 1he open t xeose ISunday Sehoo nScripture was read by Donna Oughtrod. Mis. Arn- old Austin was not well enoughb 10 be present and her class was taken by the assistant Mis. H. Alistin. Evening service, con- ducted by Rev. Harding had as central lieme, lie purpose cf our lives- true wealth nueasur- od by oui contribution not gur takings. Service wlll b. with- drawn nextSunday, lie last cf May for the spring anniversary at Welceme. Mi. and Mia. Harold Elliott and Mi. and Mis. George Ricks of Foxhoro visited with Richard Bests on Thursday, Mi. and Mis. Harold Barrowclough visited with Mi. and Mrs. George Kimu- bail, Newcastle, on SundaY where they met with other members of the Mackay family. How important prepositiens can b., was realized last woek when we said Mrs. Clarence Nicholls visited ber sister inx Toronto when we should have said her sister fronu Toronto went with Mis. Nicholla tlu liu home in Westmeath. Archie Ford la stationed et Lyxin neai Gananoque for a lime demonstratig the use ol some ofthle new mechanical equipanent lie rallrwy main- tenance mon use. KEDRON (Intended for bds week) Mie tirst 10 a.m. chu.rch ser- vice was weil atbended. Bey. R. H. Love's message waa, "The Spirit's Abode." Kedron Maie Quartette sang with Mis. R. Lee, organist . Beau±lful fiow- ors added lu the service. Mr. W. Snowden presided for tbe Sunday Sobool Hour aI il a.m. Bonnle Dyck and John Ogle received the offeing. Tii. Adul Bible Class Teaduer for lie month of May la Mr. H. Werry. Sunday aflernooxi Bey. Love conducted a speclal service wben nineteen were presented for bapUarsm A Sunday Sduool Rally for lie Christian Education Councl of thie twc WhUtby Townshlpi was hold in Kedron Unitedi Church Sunday evening. Presl- ding aI lie request et Presi- dent Mis. A. Deeming Myrtle, was Mr. W. Werry. The highEght efthtRe meeting was a very thought provoking address by Rev. R. IL Love on "Teaduing for a Verixct." FTour nuinbers were given by the Quartette witu organiat Mis. Le. who played fou th service. Grant andi Robert Spenew, Tlhen there are . ecal ed, killer sprays for sp-cal jbs, like kilflng twitch grass, ora- mnst any weed among asPara- gu.But these must be handled wihgreat care and strictly sc- cording 'Lu directions. One can kill roses, zinnias or canrots just as easily as one can kill weeds. A good general rifle is lu gel aflor the woeds wiiile they are tiny with a good sharp hoe. They are much more easlly han- dled thon, but we must be sure we can recognize a smnall wood when we soe it and not take 'out a flower or vegotable plant. For Thie Brand New Home New hi*0es are apt lu look pretty bare for several years uni treeS and shrubbery start to grow bat they needn't if one uses plenty of big quick grow- ing annuals. lI a few weeks theso will make quit. a show- ing. To talce the place of peren- nial vines, we ean plant scar- let runner beans, hops, morn- ing glorios or othor quick growing cliinbers. For shrub- berY we go through the seed catalogue and select thoso tiugs that grow two to five foot tall, giant inanigolds or zinnias, cosmos, tithonla, cy- press, dahlias, cleomos, celosia and cannas, are some of them. These big bushy annuals, plant- ed in clunips within two or three foot of walls and fonces, will change a new house from 1a îaw building Into a real home and do it in weeks not; years. Inx front of thom. of course, wo can plant smaller annual flow- o rs of wh.ich there is an ulim- ited variety available aud list- ed Un detail lI any good Cana- ldian seed catalogue. Next week an outdoor living room. mombers of the United Links Class presented the Worship Service. Ladies froin the neighbour- lig con'mxunities were welcom- od lu Kedron W.A. annual Baz- aar and Tea on Wednesday ov- enixig. Mis. W. Woodward Pre- sident, cailedi on Mrs. Love our ixister's wile, who so grac- iously openod the Bazaar. A samali gift helped to express gratIlide or hbe lnsping moS- Prom 1h. e- eatable, urranged byM MP. . LeMn E'. Davis, Br.. xLoge, as . revall, Miss B. Mourtjoy ail cf Osh- awa- and forsnerly of Kedron Commqinity pourod le4. The young ladies servlng wlth Mis. J1. il. Pascoe, hoStéss, were Mes- dames L. Noble, S. 0ge, E. Hurat O Greer, E. Maidmnan, W. Pesco., J.MaI, M .N Mouxiljoy and &. Moses.. Appreciatlofl la eapres.f ail the kind ladIes wixc helped in their owxi way to make the evening successful. Convening the Novelties was Mis. B. Staff; Aprons. Mrs. H. Cross- mani; Séwing, Mis. G. Glover; Bake Table, Mrs. H. WerrY, Candy, Mi. E. Mountjoy, Fish pond, Mis.W. Snowden. Mr. Brian Leo was i Guelph Wednesday for his Graduation and Dance at O.A.C. Mi. and Mrs. R. E. Lee accompanied Mr. and Mis. A. Worry for the noon lunchoon and receptioxi. Con- graitulations Briai? Mis. L. Noble took her Grade 1 of Maxwell Heights School to th. Music Festival iAjax, May 13, where theY Placed fourth singing, "Carpenter, Car- ponter." Hostess at the Trousseau Tea for Miss Joanne Moffatt Osh- awa. given by ber mother , Mrs. Meredith Moffatt. Local rela- tives were also guesîs. Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, and Miss Beryl Mountjoy, Lon- don, were home for the holiday weekend with the W. L. Mount- joys. Mi. and Mis. R. Le. attend- ed the atternoon service of En- nisklllen Aniversary w he n Mis. Le. accompanied lie Ked' ron Quartette. Mrs. M. Mount- joy, Mis. W. A. Wenxy, Donald, Dennis also attended lie ser- vice. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Pascoe and Mi. and Mis. G. Pascoe weîe in Giono Sunday af tei- noon. Mis. W. McCullough r.- turned wlth lieni for boa. Mi. Douglas Pascoe la at homo on holidays from Ryerson School of Technology. 1Mrs. H. Lazenlby Brantlford, visited with Mi. and Mis. Ro- bort Werry and Mr. and Mis. C. F. Werry over the holiday. Mi. and Mis. W. Werry and boys visiled Monday ai Art Ro- wans, Yelverton. Mis. Douglas Love lma invited On lune 11, the people of Ontarfo will exercise their democratic riglit to chart the future course of our province. Before thera will be the record of acéhievement of a decade of wise policies and sound management under the gov- ernment of Premier Leslie Frost ... ten years -in which Ontario's advances in the development of resources, business expansion and'.human betterment on al flonts have been unprecedented m Canada or anywhere in the worlck 10 show her pictures of the Va- cation School on an Indian Re- serve lnx British Columbia, of speclal interest lu Kedron ladies aI Ihis turne.Thtis Juxie meeting of W.A. will be held at the manse Cohnnhus, on Tuesday, Juxie eth. Mr Lee.s field was a popular spot Monday evening for the bail game ice creain treat and firework display by Commun- ity Centre. i Under Progressive Conservative ad- mninistration, the stage has been set for even greater progress in the years ahead. The Premier lias announced far-reach- ing and far-sighted plans for govern. ment action to continue and increase this dynamic development which lias become the envv of the entire world. The election issue is therefore simple and straightforward. The, accomplish- ments ofthe past have been tremendous, but even greater progress lies ahead. It can and will be achieved only under these sanie wise policies and with the sanie skilled and steady hand at th#p helm of the ship of state. FAR% SERVICE DEA», OU) and CRIXPLE» FAIM STOCK Removed Free et Chaig limmediate 24-if. Serdue ASK TOUR OPERATOR FOR ZEnith 66550 No Toil Charge Mlk ]Peofli - Peterborouh W. now have a largo seleclion of Low Priced Bale Elevators AND BALERS COU IN AND LOOK THEN OVER We are prepared to give you expert advice cm ail your machinery needs. W. H. Brown CASE DEALER FALCON EQUIPNENT COG* 299 Danforth Bd., Toronto 13, Ont. 2875 St. Joseph St., Lachine, P.Q. Available at W. H. BROWN CASE DEALER IN DURHAM COUNTY Vote X for Alex Carruthers Your Progressive Conservative Candidate 1 ; 1 ATfENTION FARNERS! USED EQUIPMENT and TRACTO RS International 8 f t. riqc Case Tractor Spreader Hoiiand Transplanter 17-Tooth Cultivator, on rubber Farmail "Super C", one owner, good conctition, International B-250 Diesel Demonstrator Excellent Buy Massey "22", very good condition, one owner Massey "30", recently overhauled, one owner 2 International 200 Tractor Spreaders Fleury 8-f t. Dise International Mower, tractor mounted International 6-f t. Binder International 3-bar Side Rake Co-op 4-bar Side Rake, on rubber George White Mill, 24 x 42, good condition New Hoiiand 77 Baier with Motor Make an offer International Power Take-off Baleir Completely overhauled Cowan Equipment Company Bowmanville THO UMAY,' ý àqàiwjLvwàw amai muàw metWUAnvauSJE eMAIM . 1 134 King St. E. MA 3-5689 jod Ca q0m ww,&m 1

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