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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1959, p. 12

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Ry Frank Mohum MA 3-7U THIS WEEK IN SPORTS Softball at Central School To-night - Surplus Sales vs. Stephen FueLS. Tuesday - Stephen Fujels vs. Dept. of Works. '-Monday - Millbrook vs. Bowmanville Girls. t'- tt i .tt Basebal a un . - - ww q bq- - IL-4 pc. we. - Monday - Newcastle vs. Bow'ville (Memnorial) Bowmanvij!le Surplus Sales 1 t t t t tI jumped into abig 6-lflXst in- S«eerning lead and then comnitted Socertiree errors tua show the Dept.i junior - To-night - of Works te score three un.-s Maple Grave vs. Bowmanviiie (Memorial). earned runs, as the Sales held y Mion vs. Enniskillen. on te preserve a 7-6 decision, Hampton vs. Courtice. in the Town League opener, 1 Solina vs. Tyrane. lest Thursdayj night. Ini Fridays night's encounter George Ste- f Senior - Saturday - phen Fuels took a thrilling 6-5 1 Maple Grave vs. Bowrnanville (Memorsal). win after Ken's Mens Weart Courtice vs. Hampton. had railied ta tie the score twi- 1 Ennikifln v. Zin. ce, sending tihe gaine into an Wednesay - .extra inning. Hampton vs. Tyrone. A double by Everett King,i t 1 t t t t followîng a pair of walks,E "Buck" Cow1e's single and home1 SOFTBALL runs iby Dan Girardli and Ron The Men's Town Softball League got off ta a fine start Polexrd started the_ Surplus last week, with both gemes enuing in one i-un margins of victory. Sales te their eerly 6-1 lead int Thursday nigfht's game. Pat The league appears to bc fairly evenly balanced, which should; Corneli tok aver the molr'd produce good, crowd-pleasing games. Severai top performners' duties from Mei Eluigess, hold-i on each club are yet ta make the-Ir first appearance, mpaning ing the Sales oufta tohree thetthe eage wil evn b beter.safeties for fthe balance of the thatthe eage wil evn b beter.game. Girardi doubled in the i The only drawback this reporter can find, is in the con- third and eventually crossedi ditions existing in centre f ield. Friday night ane of the players the plate wjth the winner, seid: "One of the centre fielders is going ta break a leg before' as Seth Hunt grounded to first. the season is over". In aur opinion it will be a miracle if i Russ Lane smarked a long1 homer to right field for the doesn't happen. Works Dep.t. ini the third. Tihe Also, we couldn't help wondering when "Ace" Richards winners nearly tbrew the game bas been practising. "Ace" gave up seven hits, walked three and away in the fourth, whea Jack fenned a dozen i eight innings. Not a bad performance by the Parker dropped Bab Leask's poke to centre, and Ditcher Ted veteran pitcher in the Ioop. IHoer muffed G ord Sellers' io p- A tip of the hat to Art H-oper, who donated the tropiiy up to put t'he first tva omen on for the ciiampionship team. and Irving Taube, whose prize. goe.zz base. The next batter popped te the star of the week. ta third, but Ted Bird welked ~1' t * .~.ta fill the sacks and "Peanut"I SOFTBALL DRAW ing double. Corneil tripled ai-d scorec1 the Works Depts.' sixtb Although the exhibition girls' softball game wes cancelled run in tihe next frame buti Saturday night, the draw and dance went on as planned. Resuits Hoar bore down to throw bit-t of the draw are as follows: 1esbalovrth inlinings lst Prize - tri-lite larnp-Edna Bromeli, Bowmanville. Ted Bird's spark]ing second inning play won hini Star af the 2nd Prize - mantel radio:--Shirley Brooks, RR 3, Bow'ville., Week honours. reported else- 3rd Prize - $5.00 cash-Doug Moffatt, Orono. where on tihe sports page. The te+go,,,mb,,circ, xish'to thank the people who assisted R fE' lni making the draw a success. &Screec/2 (9w/ Any person wandering around the back catmpus during school heurs is putting his if e into great danger. The girls' P.T. classes are outside shooting ar- rows at targets (sometimes) and anything that moves withmn a ten-mile radius (most of the time. The girls are also play- ing inter-formn softball at noon- hour. The end of the year is rapidly TIRES TEl In over 30 yearsi watched hundreds, or: of people on the lot. T tires of one car after figure out what they lea it is true that tires can First of ail, even means that the car has fr .. . that the owner h of driving roughly. )If wear is uneven. y is not quite right. Excessi tire may mean incorrect a bent steering arm. Un tires often indicates that problern. Cuts and bruis of rough treatment . . . a and generally handles his damnage to the steering gE There are other tale the treatrnent a car has hi places we look for dlues a] you, too, should look whe good used car. Good used cars are' you corne to see us. Yoi wilI buy as rnuch or MC tion at Robson's than you Special This' 1954 Chev.1 Custom radio, Powerg Locally owned car. L Above average condition - The majority of our new cars, locally owned a ershîp can be verified. D of new cars, we have a lai cars from which to choos LOW COST G. And Romomber ...i certif led dealer, whe are gPa 1 1 r ' Bantams Take Opener Defeat Orono 9 to 6 M.ens Wear Frid-ay night. Paul Bo Chant given a life when bis naires pop-up touched the branches. times promptly delivered a two-out ï%'f over C single to score Don Gilhooley SO CCER Monda Aith tihe winning tally. Park, A single by Ken Kelly and a LI IC I-T ness a four-master by John Mason fil - IG HTS II->Oroi sent the Mens' wear inýto a 9-0 inning first inning edge. Don Masters a hit, belted a tremendous home run In junior action last Thurs- the se to left in thie second for the day night, three games ended ger a' Fuels.i in shutouts. Zion trun teLane. The winxiers mnoved into a' teThe 4-2 lead in the fourth, capital-1 new Bowmanville entry 8-0, tallies izing on a couple of errors ta Courtice swarnped Tyrone 6-0 seorinJ score three unearned markers. and Solina edged Maple Grove for tih Mason booted Laurie Garbe's 1-0. Hampton dropped a 4-1 fourth bauncer to short, pitcher Harry --cso t ým'siln Snowden doubled, and withidcso aEnsiln two out right lielder Ted Fair- Enniskillen moved into first ey collided witli centre-fielder place Saturday night in the sen- Tlin Cox to !'et Paul ChanLCs ior Ioop, after battling ta a hoist go f'or a 'tOur base error. Triffles iby M'ý,ason ard Kelly score]ess draw against. Mapie produced a single tally for Ken's' Grove. Tyrone aid Courtice in the tifth and iëeily's homer dueied to a three il tic in thel in the seventh with one au av other Saturday encounier. sent the gamne inito overtirne. Bot'h senior clashes, last Wed- The relay to the plate just beat;nsa iheddi - the runner, -but Kelly knocked das, igth Sana meing- thebai iorn"Jggs" Cowling's; Maple Grove and Zion playing grasp. The fuelers ran in'o dif-1 ficutyas cwîig suîaîe~1 against Hampton. Bowrmanville d bloody nose, and on the n'ext; dropped teroee atwe pia fist-acer im lib 's a-gainst Enniskillen, ta drap into spikd unn'tezuorm:.the cellar. Alter C'han'ts wn~hcb!o,ý,. the losers canie back ta place: run-ners on second and third i with two out, on a fielder's choice and Jerry Marjerrison's singlse. Pitchie-r "Acrr" Richards' bou nced to th.i-iid ta end the gai-ne. Riehards actuulil' deserved a better fate, giving uap seven bits, wbiie whiffing a dozen. Snow,,den- allowed eight safeties and fanned twvo, but wvas -backed 1 â rn rs up by strong fielding supportn Feh .. and was tougli with men on11 base. -Dept. of Works ' 6 4 0 iVason ard Kelly were tiheî Surplus Sales 7 7 5 outstanding lhitters with a sin- Stephen's Beat Ken's ge triple and borner apiece.î Tree branches played a big R H E' approacbing and enyone Who part in the Stephen Fuels 6-5 Stephen Fuels 5 - ý1 O hasn't started some seriaus extra-iflning decisian over Ken's Ken's Mens Wear 4 9 5 studying with less than a week and a hall to go is '«dead". ustatte-eecinsfr etGirls' Sofîbal Team yeer's council will be held very! Gary MeCullougli and KenD Wilansnqulfida tepr-Drop a Pair vvin O e liminary track meet held lesti Saturday at Lake Couchichîng' Bowmanville 12, Courtice 6 1 back ta the pitcher toa end thei for the ail Ontario Finals tc be Bowmanville's Girls' Softball rally and thse game. in the held later Vhis year. teain started the season off an ight-hitting contest, Orono For those interested in suin- the rigtst foot, taking a 12-6, comritted eight errai-s. wit:h mier Jobs this year; the word !* eome-fraxn-behind viciai-y over, Bowmanville making a pair of is, there aren't too many. Thy>Ccurtlce, lest Wednesday night m1scues. 'nie winners led i aefew and far bctween so eî ieCnta eho bi yrthse hifting department, six t yau are looking' for reasonable bei-e. three. pey (and wiso isn't?) act flow. Tihe local lasses sent 13 bat- 11, nfortunately thse score-book ters to the plate ini a huge firth 1 contalned no lest nanses frts Iinning uprising, as* the home- 11 Ooaa team, s;o this report isn't sters banged out nmne of their' as cornplete as possible. twelve sefeties, scoring eighat1 Orano 13, Bowmanville 5 Or' tmes.Courtice leoi 6-3 heading! Grono built up an early 10-1 001rinto the bottom of tise tifth, ý lead, andci casted ta tiseïr sec- with Philp' two-run homer ond straight win aver Bowman- 'in the li-st, andi a fifth inning Ville et the Centrýal Sohool dia- ____________________ three-bagger by Courtice, do- monsi, here Mionday night. The ing most cf Vise damage. Sandre locais outhit the visita-s '12 ta Chaskovicb accounted for Bow- 10 but winning pitcher Eni LL TA LES 'meýnvill' heeius1we h Tennant scettered the bas stroked a third inning homes Ikok fetvi apeev inl the car business, Fve withtw an two outne.-5wn PaulineveLeBrecque's Reid's home i-un blast sent! mhy ab eenkik thouhed home i-un blast and pinchi- Orona mbt a 4-O0tsi-st i*ning 'he tae akic atthe swrnger Helen Nicholson's tri- eige, and the winners sent 12 another. Neyer could ple, sparked the eight ri-Uf tii batters ta the plate. scoring six; a-n by kicking tires, but for tise winners. Mai-g Pickard tirnes in tise second ta break Stell a lot about a car. cerne on in relief of Karen Mc- the game wide open. Doubles Murter in thse Iifth ta pick iij bv Afin and Tennant elang iwear on tires usually tise win. with three Bowmn-anvil.le errai-s. Sbeen pretty well cared Orono 7, BowmianvIlIe c caused the damage. as not been in the habit Bownianville Girls saw a last The homesters 3coresi oncein inning raily fail short by a sin- thse apcning £rame, on :-ingl1 gle i-un, as the hometown Or- by Bargere Brown andi Marie rou can be sure sornething on o nine took a 7-6 win. Fni- Coaney, andi edded eapair aI - ;ive wear on the left front day night. Bowsnanville ledl-O mai-kers in eacb ofiefiti toeing or it rnight mean in thse first but Orano scoreti and sixth innings. Helen Nichs- even wear on both front a triaoaIfi-uns ini cacis af the olson's two out single sca:redi next t.wo freines, andi asdeti the Marie Cooney andi Barbarae! Lthere is an alignment seventh in the fou-tIi. Hughes w7ho cracked out ear- es are usually the result The locals counteresi with at lier base hits. In the sixth driver that burnps curbs pair ln the foui-tii, and singisICoe slammeti out ber third car roughly often causes in the fil ti, sixth and sevenIti. I binge lclflowed by a single by earan likae.with bases loaded in tise fna1 Hughes ta score Bowmanville's ?ar ad hinage.inning, Helen Panas groundlet final runs. es that tires cen tell about - ___ ad. That's just one of the i Beryl. Mrs. J. Pottsq and :da tbout a car. It's une place i HAYDON a ttencied a shower on Friday ev- 'n you are shopping. for a Dri n i.Wm orgn ening held at thse home of Mrs. 1 Dr.andMrs Wi. CrrianJlm Madore, Toronto, in hon-! andi faniily, îd-. and Mrs. Ra- oui- of biide-f.a-be- Miss Mary what you cen expect when 'bei-t Corrigan, Toronto, were Armstrong. ýu'll find that your dollar 'Suny isiase t ads. Mrs. Harv-ey Jahanke. Ross :)RE i-cal driving satisfec- C akn'.andi Paul, Shnlatis, B.C. having a cn gt aywhre.Visitai-s with Mrs. W. ThOnsP- spent a nsonth with relatives cen et nywhre.son werc, Mi-. Glen Thompson, h-eft on Saturday for home when 'Bil A Ctl arltnPae M.ad3M she wilmeet ber husband et EalTbompson and family, Mrs. Melville and visit relatives en- Walter Bridgett and Denny, route ta Sbaiath, B.C. Bowmanville; Mrs. Gordon Tay- Mi-. anti Mrs. Lloyd Siernon 'loi-, Pauline and, Rickey, Enfield. W eek! 1 tan Anniversery Services on! eekl M rsnt,. a nd attndedBicstc cahiers et Mr. and Mns. ArthurSudy Delue Sean Rea's.Sundey Schoi will be with- Delue SdaiReas. nd Ms. an orrsondrawn until after Sunday Sebooi glide transmission.r. andml, Msawa; Mrisond Anniversar3r, June 21. 0W ~ ~~ n milag. rs.Gerg Oetshaa .an d i Prectice Suntiay afteunoon et gie, Taunton, visitec Mi-. 2 p.m., Churcis Service et 7:30. $1 9 SMrs. M. Bertrii. ad Mi-. andi Mrs. Alfr-ed Gerrard $1Mr. and Mrs. Jack Satr attendeti Bleckstock Anniver- Jeffery andi Danny. Uadehlll, sary Sundey and were tea guests were Sunday visitons et Mr-. and 'of Mi-. anti Mrs. L. Giffil. Used Cars are trades on Mrs. Ron Rahm's. and well cared for. Own - . niMs eleGiera j JUNKY' TV PROGRAMS and Mr. Henr-y Ashtan, attendeti >ue to the very high sales Burketan Anniversary. Sunday, Vancouver Province. rge selection of Good Used anti were tea gueste cf Mi. andI A gîowing number of "in- s. Mrs, Leslie Taylor. siders"' in radio andi TV have ý.M.A.C. TERNIS vMrc . ani Mrs. lmRh an been revealing that pi-esent Aiison vstdM.adMs junky pi-agi-anisare neither the Leonaud Wilson, Lakefielti, Sun- product of qualified people nai- il pays icibby frsm a da3y ad r.M.Bi-rs and genuine response ta public re al laie moulal cmri family, wei-e iecen isitor a They are, rather, the wocluct Mr. andi Mn. Bon Morrison's, of exPediency and imitation. 'Oesawa. This would seem ta be borne urged.Mr. andi Mus. Bert Ashtoneu by evidence aI how the andi family, Toronto, were Sun- power of decision is channeleti day supper guests at Mr. and i to a Iew hands, particularly Mis. Arthiur Read's. î i te case aI TV. An article Lynda Potts, accompani.etia lin te July issue of Advertisirng group of Bowmanvflie :High Agency, ti-ade journal of Vie Sdhool girls, and toured thse Iad-men, shows that 25 agencies Whitby Hospital. Sunday atter- 1 buy 82 percent cf tihe grass time noon. on the three ig Anierican net- lm .A*wReeand uId a work& manville Bantamn Leglon- came fromn behind th-ree to take a 9-6 decisian Drono in the opening game Ly night at the Memorial called because of dark- ât the end of five innings. mo jumped into a 3-0 first Zlead, on three walks and but the locals tied it in acond on Coyle's two-bag- Ld singles by Phillips and Steams divided single in the third. with Orono ig once ta take the leed he third time ia the iThe Legionnaires, maved, '~Hasx - 'y 2Sth. 1959 ln front for the &ist time inI darknes closlng in. the bottous half of the lnning. I Jon Hncock went the disa 'wten doubles by Cowle and1 tance t register the win, ale Veitch produoed a pair of runs. lowing't'five safeties, while fan- The visitors knotte rite ningý twelve. count in the final fram, ut R H 19 Bownianville splurged for three Orono --- - ----- runs, to take the decision, wit1 Bowmanvifle 9fl Let' Talk Golf! In preparation for the open. ing of Bownsenville's ewn Golf Course we bave on dis- play an excellent selection ef Campbell of Ca nada GOLF CLUBS - BAGS - CARTS Mr. Don Walker Campbel cf Canada Representative who is prepared to offer expert advice en the purchase of good golf equiprnent wihl be at oui- store Friday, May 291h f rom 6 te 9 p.m. You are invited te caine in and discuss your preblems with Mr-. Walker and look ever eur golf equipment. You are under ne obligation ta buy MASON & DALE' HARDWARE LTD. 36 King St. E. MA 3-5408 and Flatterung ORMESMPRTN AY MOTO-MASTER EXTRA-LIFE M UmFF LER S *New Car r Qlity 1 *BU.w.ouutProof OUR SERVICE DEPT. IS READY TO SERVE YGU Saive 138G ( 50%) MASS .d YUA-SALE PICE CHEVROLET si 1984 - 99 (6.I.1 __ FR11 [MIjýFFLE'1 y CLHECK A DEFECTIVE MUFFLER wastes gas and pur F050 nd MSI!U ...... @V 1REPLACE 10W 1- S4'- - - -- 7.19 a hlgger 36 T i os i) .....- - s------ 1949 .3(0ud22 teries) -.5,18 a Factory 5050 duplitate-fit 19 80<D ud 22 e __ . .... * "yâheavier 1951- 5 <D an 226.7 Double Ioclced <mas _______ - eam,. spiOSAR4,»CIIAMIION 4.80 * 34 .. ....... .. ...- heads, tubes slwnloe , W nsfrMost *qcort undi iruck @4SAATION Instaiod LMIIIi ikls te 20S5 WIIILE cm YOU WAIT rCnfnODhoflTIRE PHOINE MA 3-7111 160 CHUCH ST. - DGWNANVILLE 1ta SPORTopucs Close Scores Feature First Week's Softball '4 '-I N ~ s- --------------------------------------------- rsAV.El IL "ý MMPMM-"M '000mýcc er

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