- ~ - ,-- -, - PAGI n~i TIM CANADUIJ4 STATESMAN, BOWM9ANVILLE, ONTARIO ~TlymnA v MA V 'it4s10sa I5 Nursing Home Heds to Mar 'L et -At Special Conference Ithe Qe. he trs on wr at day. er two hundred and tif- Ontario Nurain< Home Asso-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Giliw and and anaers iaton.boys spent the weekend witn* ursln Homes froni ail parts It is hoped that any perSan M.adMs . okr .an )tario, attended the Con- or organization or goup 10 lon 't e onNrin Hme are interested in helping the Thom"a Mortlock and girl tllhtffy n arfly r aged i such matters as enter- friend, Ottawa, visited hi& ia Ioeflged by the Ontario Society, tainiment car rides, reading, ndparents, Mr. and IM T. lm A geint, last Thursday, May churcli geintg, etc., wiI ntac Gibbs. 21at, at the Wymnilwood, Vic- Mr. Mace at Newcastle, tele- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cy»erly, toria University, Toronto. 1 phione 4441. Bowmanviile; Mr. and IMu. A. B&. and Mns. J. Childs of Mr. and Mrs. Mace wud Geisherger and children' Zion,I .30wmanviUle. (Strathaven) and like to thank the Lions Club at visited Mr-. and Mrs. W. Park ',Mn. and Mrs. D. C. Casey of Newcastle for baskets and Sr., and Mr. and Mm. Lloyd Oshawa -(Anden) Mr-. and Mrs. flowers sa generous1y given and Skinner.j Y. T. Mace and Mr. W. Thet- algo the Salvation Army at Sympathy is extended tia tthe lord of the South Haven Rest BowmanviUle for services nen- fanily of the late Mr. ixnon Homne, Newcastle, were weloomn- dered. A special thanks also to. McCoY. Several people d-rom ed byv the Comnittee and by the local cliurch groupa for Tyrone attended the fisieralI Mr. B. G. Sullivan, Past-Presi- kindness and help given. Let from Northcutt and SmillA :Fun- dent of the Society on Ageing. us ail remember that ageinbg js eral Home, Monday. Inténment Dr. J. E. Hastings, Assistant everyone's concern. Bethesda Cemetery. Professor of Public Health and Mr-. and Mrs. Lariy 'Dawell ]Preventive miedicine, Univer- and Debbie, Mrs. DouglXs (Cole, sity cof Toronto, was the able. Y O EJa adAfn r.WAIi, Moderator for the morning I Jeanil, Mx. W. a liunt muios whch onsitedof tlksS.S.Aunversry f Mr. and Mns. John Bnioame by Medical Officers and includ- SSAnlear and family. ed a speech by the Medical Of-. Many former residents anid Ms .E lsn n lice? cof Health, Dr. A. F. Bull, friends of Tyrone took advan- Ms . .MlioMr, andi Halton County, together with tage o! the lovely weather Sun-' Mrs. A. E. Moffatt,. Mi 'ard a fie ad iformtiv tac ~day. May 24, to attend the well Mrs. L. Tennant,Mis My the Licencing of Nursing Homesi filled Churcb and services o!fS.tees. ofwManvilMe,w e re 'by the Administrator o! Sun- the Sunday School Anniversary. Mooe. fM an nLo set Haven. The musie by the pupils o!f ore A timely discussion on rire, the school was undei- the d4ire J Gloria Brent Fetéd bazards in Nursing Homes by lien of Mrs. L. Annis acconi- Miss Gloria Brent l~h%,;iter the able speaker, Mr. A. G. Pel- panied by Mrs. David Craig at of -Mr-. anid Mrs. Gordyri Brent,' letier of the Ontario Fire mar- the piano. The primary and be- Eowriianv,,ille R.R. 5, v:i:èa,oe mai-- eh ail's Dept. ginners'Class sang a nui!er. riage to Mr-. Donald Ekàdour,, Mu-s. Florence Baltz, Presi- "Up, Look UP." In the a fter- son of Mr. and Mrs. J<din N.! dent American Nursing Homes noon an instrumental trio, Slhar Badour, of Oshiawa, took;. place! Association, was the guest onl Ann Anderson playir-g the Saturday, May 23, a t 'yroie' speaker at dinner and gave a French horn, Maril3rn Fals the United Churcli, ha's beeib feted vefy fine speech on Nursing Alto clarinet and David Eren " at several pie-nuptial events. Homes and management . the o4,oe, gave two number. Afteu- enjoyirig a film on the, In the evening the Trinitv La- Mrs. Gordyn Brent entertain- agdtediscussion was cen- des Quartette sang tw-,o -nm-ec for heu- daughter at- -a trou fred on the rights of the aged~ bers in addition to the select- 1sa e tbrhm.R;ev andwha wa exectd o aions by the School. ing with the -bride and «h eî: nio-I aonmenht wasepproed Home h getapae frb thtier was Mrs. John N. Ipadour,1 It W3s ethe geneloiiom ervic es waspeakevr M.r . Fi-mother o! the bridegrooiai. Mrs. It ws te gnera opnio . e wa th Rev M.C. i' oss Pooley received the ..guests that the obtaining of a license &lber, Newcastle. who spoke to at the d'oor. Miss C1t-istine to operate under supervision, the childu-en in the afternoon on Brent, wee sister of the ; bride ,ras a must for a well organized the theme l'Christian Growvth." assisted by Misses Kat4 ý and~ and sincerely worth while Nurs- His sermon in the evening was Jo-mieHa okd~brt in% Home. mainly te the parents and ad- usbok Mrs. Jean Good, Director, ults of the congregation bis ~~s ok Ontario Society on ageing, was thenie was, "Christian Har- Miss Rena Dilling, towvman- the Chairlady for the session tnony in the Home." ville, presided ini the imoqn con- HomeanuOntarboolbarsannenrouenttaining the trousseau. MIss Pat Our an Ontaniaan eNursing Hockin, Bowinanville, iras i MssciaiD. CsofOhwa nd nar~ound 100 pupils and judg- charge of the display ic>1 weâ- Mr. FanCaceeyhwastand in froni the nuniber of childu-en ding gifts in thne afterncv)n and1 -M.erankcose of epstlte,'i the choir and on the plat- Mrs. Douglas UnderwoodOl- dsrc Esnto! Ohawa sentaei,foi-mmost of these attended the ,ainthseeing =ictEastof shaw as artse-rvices. Our church organist,,a ,intevnng «s Bellevile.' Mrs. Gardon Brent, presided at Miss Gloria Watts, ibshawa, It is the intention o! the the organ. CrsS in the rooni contajinng the asteering comxittee to meet on 1iThe childu-en of the Sunday, shower oiftb-. Miss July, Sykes, the fouuth o! June when a':Scbool, Tyro Explorer's, ail, Toronto, was ini charge%- or the criteia will be decided for the young people, 4-H. and parents: rooni containing th~ bride's are invited tea aprogram in thec,îMises Pa eateHc in iii o eand S.S. rooni Friclay evening at MISPtHcî ii'h vn 8. May 29. Pictures showing the - ing. -,World's Jamboree o! Boy Scouts! Poui-ing tea in the âternoon heM in 958. W.A. ladies are were Mrs. G. F. Armis, Eben- servmng lunch. ezer; Mns. L. D. Sykes, Hamip-. Annuversau-y guests at the ton, grandmother o! tIu! bride, home o! Mr. and Mu-s. A. Hilis Mu-s. Han-y Kift and Mats. Keit were Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls.1 Ross both of Oshawa., Seuving -.~ Miss Marilyn Falls, Starkville, J ini the afternoon weu-e llfi*,ss Joan Mr. and Mrs. W riSlm Buttery, Miss Gloria ..Wright, Mr.andMrs WeleyMll, Cr-Miss Marion Butteu-y ;ind Miss ol, Annle and Howard, Solina, Joan Mutton. In the ievening, Mr. andMu-s. Ralph Hilîs, Nan- Mxs. F.Sinzger Jr., 1Mrs. Ho- cy and Joey and Mr. and Mu-s. ward Brent, Mu-s. Evwt Garrow . David Craig and Margaret. anid Mu-s. Lamne Pharte po'ured Mr. and Mrs. George Graham tea and serving were ;'M\iss El- loi. and daughters, Bcowmanville, esuior Forsten, Miss IMth Pas- wcre tea gucats of Mr. and Mn. coc mand M"s. Grenvile Byam. * ~ Donald Stainton. Miss Eleanor Forse assigted Mu-. and Mu-s. M. Hamilton, by Misses Gloria Wfl ,,t, Ger- Ann and Peter visitcd Mr. and trnu de O'Sullivan i gnd Mrz. A UE P MP Mu-s Her1b Maecki, Ebenezer. ry Kunkel, enterta ned ata M.. mnr - H Miss Gladys !idweuds, Toro-f former'. homeinPâr1 ry LnUlg ta, Miss Ma-y Bettles. Bownian-! The guests being giul'from Ta-. ville, were tea guests o! Mr.! bulating Department. of ther O RD OWater S"'- and Mrs. Gordyn Brent. i Genieral Motou-s, Partst and Sen- le gr«usfresh, pwe Mr. and Mrs. Bill Page andi vice Omfce. . wo~e h..mm whrc"e faily, Hampton; Mr..mund Mu-s. Miss Rena Dilling andi Miss' me1 adde Io . co- Dawson Beckett ,and lfamilY,. Karen Muitton were cpC-hostessesI wiummj" o% adoomiobof il were tee guests cf Mu. 0. Beck-1 at a kitchen sbo'wer 'held at the vie. ~~~~~~ett ami Auvilla. 1fre' oei crvavle DM~O PP ar . e Mr-. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, fuMes Pthoe in Bcsaile. i " iin nsa ites Io meet js.. Enniskillen, were diiniciguests' sMriss Pat H okin wssise i Aii ell s ed SYm of Mr. and Mus. E. A. Virtue. soervn. Mu-s.dougis Uer- Phoet DURO deie- Mu-. and Mrs. Poster Snow-' odettie i'~ esn 1w ut wustio ~ jq~ den, Kedron, werc tea gsso!: al hOwer êt heir hor me in Osh- ferFR£ oier nmmme Mr. andi Mus. T. Plensance. aa Fm . é. p1, Mi-. Albeu-t andi Arthur Eti- Mis. Harry Kilt and Mrs. wards, Weland, spent thue week-1 Russell Coulson wea e ca-bos- endi witl Mu-. andi Mrs. T. Scott.t tesses at a miscellerikeous show- Mr-. and Mu-s. Ross Sharp and eci held at the formi's home on Kathy, Ennlskillen; Mus. L. Patricia Ave. in OMawa. Mrs. \ Goodman, Bowmanville, -were Ross Pooley entez itwined ata tea gtuests o! Mr. and Mu-s. H. cup anid saucer ohivier bcld at 1 home o!f ils mue, Lau-e,l jBrooklmn Thjuu-dayé; May 21. He~ 'was i his 87th yiègir. Born in Cl.arke -townhip, bej farmeti in the Tytiane area ail lis fe. He was arnb active mem-J Iber o! Tyronse Uruiteti Churc iand, unt.iI some y utaus mgo, was a member o!f tue 'aai Orange Lotige inuTyrn.. No was preoc Luceased five yem & go by hi, 1,ife, the for-- nier Améil hoSuipson. Mr. ZcCày leav les lihi-e sons, LPene of Brooakjn; Perey o! FnlnFalls, &«ud Gai-et o! Bowman'ville. H6t la mIsa sur- Ivved by a daui Wter, Mxs. . Potulter (Verna) cif Oshawa. 11 TIfuneral wpàs helti from ,the Noutluutt anf Smith FPun- oral Home, Bowarnanville, May 25, at 2 P.m. Tle service was 'oondiucted by Re'g'. F. J. Jack- aofo Tynonas Ukited Cburch. Pallbea-rers overe Lorne 1Phare, Lance TAhare, Russell. Vu-tue, Milton Vintue, itoy Miynard mand Geoirge Aliducati. fWhat we 1ôite determhns what we are-Mi iry Baker Eddy. Good resolutio ha au-e a pleas- j ant crop to soue. -Lucas Malet. J A gooti intenti, àn lothes itaellj wîth powe.-Brtuertn I -. Dalton Bu'ownBtay vice at NewtonviJle United two sons, William W., o1 O4W visted Mr. and Mns. Câhas.Tay- Church an Sunday. awa anid George D. .R. 31 0*91 lo, cda ven-ing. I Mr. and Mu-s. John Beary and awa. M.E. W. Schauiffer bas "-e-; !an'ly, Markham, visiteti Mr. Also survivin.g are four ais. T h e O ro o Nw s urcd home from Memnorial t and Mu-s. Robert Johnson anid tex-s. Mi-s. T. Endicott andi MM. Horspia, Bowmanville. fan'ily on Sunday. W. Ford, o! Lindsay; Mua. fP% fMr. and Mu-s. Sid Banraball Mrs. Victor Robinson is as-i McBurney, of Kenora and Mm, Telephone 127 attentied thue Freymond-Max- sisting at thc Hydre Office. G. Bryneil, o! Oshawa; >tv'G. iwell wedding in Bancroft on The special Anniversau-y Ser- brotiiers, John and George Wil. ______________________________________ Saturday. vice in Orona Unitedi Church son, o! Lindsay and Il grand. plasntocasonwa ie-ghter's Graduation Exercises fan' M. WandeyMu. Sd, T- o c heSunday Sceol will be chiltiren. A plasat ocason ws r rotoMr. nd rs.SidHughes, beiti next Sunday at the i-egu- The funeral service was heln cently observeti at the home o! Monday. Peter-borough, visiteti Mi-. andi lar bour o! worship. Rcv. Wal- a h enohFnrlCa Mu-. and Mus. Howell Rowland, Mi-. andi Mus. Hlarvey Steele Mrs. Wm. Mitchell on Tuesday. 4 ter Logan, B.A., B.D., Enniskil- a leMIts uc-lCa Orno wenMu. ams T. and Bob Quyon, Quebec, visit- i e ai .Ln ted enwî eUcgctseie pel, Oshawa, at 2 p.m. Monda>'. Brown, Worshipful Master, e d Rev. anti Mrs. Basil E. Long, ing the Bay of Quinte Confer- _________Mv25cnutt yRvR along witb thu-ce Past Masters, andi fanuily. o nce at Qucen's Universit.y, H. Love, minister o! Columbus fi-rn Newcastle Masonic Lodge. Miss Bertha Cal-' attended, Kingston, this week. fD"Tn Unitedi Churcb. Interment li visiteti Mr. Rowland te present the Federation Waînen Teaen-i r. ndMr. JckBryoi OIJJJUARY IPîne Grove Cemetery, Prince him with a 50-yeau- Jewel inIn1an agtrBw nvle r«SMRL Albert. honour o! bis long membership crs o! Mx. C. A. Hoirnes iii1 1andA.ILROY alerswr ti«So- in the Newcastle Lotige. spectorae Annuai Banquet at Mu-s. M. Sherwin and Laurence, Th ethacreaa o -la, David Beath. Alfredi 01» the Golf andi Country Club, were dinner guests of Miss Beri' e - incurei to -la After a brie! presentatian! Port Hope on Wednesdiay even- tha Cain on SundaY.i manville Memorial Hospital sen, Murray Vice andti tc andi many rcniiniscences. Mr.! ing. MVr. Ross Patterson, Toronto, Friday, May 22, o! Ruby jE i ncphews, Alan GihToy, Llov4 Rowland wished bis tharnksMu-. John Gordon visited Mr-. formerly of Kendal, passed i Wilsoin, beloved wiie o! Mor'- Entiicott and- Neil -W ilson. conveyedte t the Lotige along- and Mis. Spencer Gardon, Sixth away su, i. enly on ,Monday, ley E. Gilroy, R.R. 1, Enniskî:j,- with lis best wishes ýor ii. ne. ,Mav 125th. Mu-s. Wmi. Wannon, len. Although she had not been cess ini their future endeavours.; Mis. J. E. Richards ieturned î (Doris).ý Kirby, is a sister. in. gooti health, Mrs. Gilroy was Mu-. and Mrs. George Boutil- b orne Monday evening f'on. Mrs. Robert Allin visiteti her seuiously ill only two days. lier, Mr. andi Mus. Lionel Har- several days' visit in Toronto daugliter, Mrs. H. McGowan. The deceased, whio was a cl os lock, New Toronto, spent Sun-, anti District. iscarborough. on Saturday. dauglhter o! the late Mr-. andi W U I ~ I day with Mu-. and Mis. W. B.,- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruth-! Mi-. andi Mrs. Albert Mitch- Mu-s. William H. Wilson, was- Hoar.: erford attended St. Joseph's 1 cil and family spent a week- ini lier 66th year. She was bai-n Mu-s. M. Luiii. Mu-s. R. Carle- Hosptal, Peterborough Grad- endi at their cottage near Pic-; at Lindsay and was mau-uied! ton and Mis Ber-ljia Cain a-,- uation Exorcises when Miss ton. thrMn11.Atar piriai tended: the Women Teachers o! MUelva Myeu-s reccived ber Gi-a-' Mr. and Mu-s. Siti Barrabaîl te lier niariage, M-.Glo Clar-ke Township Annual Ban- duation pin anti diploma. andi iamily spent. Sunday with, taught at Prospect school, Per- quet at Honey Hollow Restau-' Mi-s. M. Moi-ris is assisting i Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adamns, ryman. Ballvduff ai-dd i the OPENS MAY 31R rant, Newcastle, oun Tuesiday' Froite's Store. Roseneath. Lindsay area. She hati been a M T JS evening. Congratulations te Mr-. anti Mr. anti Mus. Wm. Ilier' resident of Darlingcton township Mu-. anti Mrs. Ernest Bush, Mu-s. Colvin, thle former Betty i visitot Mi-. and Mrs. Marile", for 38 years. 1 mile south of stop Glen Milieu-, Mi-. and Ms-s. Rus- Bullock on their mariage by! Kellett, Janetville, on Sunday.' A miernbor o! Columbus Unit-t sell Van Horne. Whitby, speati Rev. Basil E. Long at Orolo ' At a s'ecent .1.0 0.F. meeting ed Church, the dece.sel 1wzIsl-ii ecsl Sunday with Mu-s. Fred Tamnb- Uited Chu-ch on Sttu-d(ay-. Mr . Wm. RhiciclJ was given a an active miem ber oÏ the 1Llgh iiNwcsl hi-n. Mu-s. Len Pears ant i Mus.: biuthday parti-. cies' Aid o! Eniield Unitedi Congratuubtions ta MYiss Catii-1 Bruce Mercor are patients in:'11r. and Mu-1s. Chas. Taylor Clhurch. orm M.Power Nv-iopx d "'-iia Hospital, Bdwman-- spent the weekend with M. Besices lier iiusband siie F or reservations lirthdyear coroux iii Ph ýsi- ville, anti Mus. Ross Taylor andi fan- leaves thrce dau,,htters, Mr. . cal andi OccupatSonai T'ea h.Ce-ci] Powers returne i iii- Ottawa.î Beath (M\,uriel J.) R.R. 2, Osh- Phone Newcastle 3261 at University .o! Toconito. Mr. home on Sanday £rom visitinjg The chair of Oi-ono United awa: Mus. A. Olsen Ii e9Cu and Mrs. Garoroni'oxer ai-ic 11. and Mu-s. Roy Powers,, Chus-ch and Rev. Basil E. Lo c ;,, Flesherton and Ms M. Vice son James attended their dau- Scarborough. for sevex-al week, assisted with the evenlng ser-' (M. Fay). o! -nnliskillen and' Conservative Comerment has been in pouer 100 long..., 16 Years too lono l! John, Wint.tffiyer, dyraonit eavder offf,. Ontoric Lb.ral Paif y, oatlin.a fIt. ,unO.W Lib.,.i Plot fm te Ontorio voterd ces.A .'Ri...... :~; -~5,~" VOTE LIBERALI Yes, the Conservative Govemnment has been ira power too long - and that's the simple truth of it. During their 16 years in office, they have had ample opportunity to correct the problems of provincial affairs - but they have failed to solve them at ail! There la only one answer - and that is a complete change to the Ontario Liberal Party! Under the inspired leadership of its dynamic young leader, John Wintermeyer, the Liberal Party has new ideas, high ideals, a program of action that is sound, financially possible and completely responsible. t Rescue your investment iii Ontarjo- Vote Lîberal! " for an immediote low-cost bousing progrom wsth down payments os Iow as $500. " for progressive assumption by the provincial governmem oi 1the basic costs of elementary and secondary education. " for a vigorous educational program tc provide adequate trained specialist teachers. " for yearly $300 grants ta students attending out-of-town unîvers',ties. " for a program af "portable pensions" ta provide workerz' secur'rty. " for o Departaient of Farm Marketing and a realistic farm program. " for extension of the Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan ta caver out-patient services. " for the. return of a responsîble, efficient governiment in Ontariol For Better Govern ment LOGE~ FORWARD VOTE LIBERAL OLA.3W IN DURHAM VOTrE FOR TED WOODYA&RD Fer Bot Result . .. TRI OUIt MAI 36=4 iv» élA m