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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1959, p. 16

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PAGE SIXTEEN THU1DÂT, MAT 289iTAUS TM W c«VAA qT Apq'a'WvA w ÉPIA àw v»A Young People Ga1îher For Annual Spring RalIy APProximately seven hundred Young people from nearby towns and ities of Ontario ga- thered in the Christian Reform- ed aiurch, BowmanviUle, on Monday, May 18, to attend the Annuel SPring Rally of the Simcae League. An Oratorical contest was held at il o'clock i the morn- Izig. Six contestants took part, two girls and four boys. Eddy de Hoan frein Allister, Ontario, was the winner in the boys sec- tion. He spoke on "Democracy". 0f the girls, Joanne Krol rm Toronto, took first place. Her prize-wnxng oration was on the .ubject, "Our- Attitude Toward The Sick". The afternoon program be- gen at two o'clock. The League president, Wietze Luninstra, op- ened with prayer and, after reading a portion frein scrip- ture, extended a hearty wcl- corne ta everyone. An organ re- citai by H. Vander Gaast, was enjoyed by ail, and a recitation froin Joe Smidstra followed. Six girls from the Bowmanville "Rehoboth" Choir sang a sel- eCtion from the '"Eijah". The speaker for the afternoon was Rev. Pîaamsma from To- ronto. His address concerned the life of John Calvin, wh< was born 450 years ega, anc whose Institutes were publi.sh- ed 50 years later. After the meeting an, hour of recreation was enjoyed by the young Peo- ple in Franklin Park. The evening session of the Rally sterted at seven o'clock. nhe winners o! the Oratorica. Contest weîe heard once again, and every contestant was awarded with a book token. Speelinan's Bookhouse of To- rento, presented ail first and second place winners with a book. Among these presenta- tions were also f ir.,t and sec- ond place winners for the Young Calvinist campeign. This was won by the societies of Newmarket and Holland Marah respectively. The Mayor o! Bowananville, Wilfrid CAu-ruthers, who also spoke -at the Rally last yeer, was again present, and address-. ed the gathering. His words of welcome and encouragement were very much appîeciated. Miss Winnifred Horninge from Holland Marsh sang a solo, "The Lord's Prayer" accompan- ied on the orgen by her bro- ther, Harold Hoîlings. The highlight of the even- ing was the speaker, Rev. P. G. Schrotenboer, Ottawa, Who gave an address entitled "I 0f- fer My Heait To Thee, Prompt- ly and Sincerely, O Lord", The Rally was closed with the sin.ging of "O Canada" and "God Save The Queen. I I * STARK VILLE Miss Colleen Falls, Toronto, was a recent weekend guest wîth Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls. A~. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Hoit, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mrs. F. Stone. _______Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell ____________________and Jini spent Monday in Tor- onto. ~7~~jV~0 Mr. and Mis. Grant Sylvester À and Julie, Sarnia, at Mr. and M4s. JPUMBNMM Mis. Jini Stark's, Mrs. Sylves- ~.~' EAT NGd ter and daughter remaining for 2 4 H0OM &* * a few days. * * e ii~EiMr. and Mis. E. Shier, Tor- ________________onto. spent the. weekend at Mr AUTO FAMILY LIABILITY ACCIDENT & SICKNESS FARM FAMILY INSURANCE For full details cal HOWARD R. FOLEY R.R. 3 BOWMANVILLE PHONE MA 3-3277 Lloyd Hallowell's. Quite a few attended the pie- sentation for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Brown at Newtonville, Saturday evenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Deibeit Hallo- well and family, Toronto, spent the weekend at their cottage. iMr. and Mrs. H. Best Wes- icyville visited at Mr. Brian Caswell's. Carol and Geraldý Rogers, 0shawa, spent the holiday we- ekend with their grandparents, Mr. and Mis. M. Shutka. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rut1ivern, ZMon, weîe Sunday guests at Mr. Mr. A. Dobson's. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Shutka and fainily at.Mr. M. Shutka's. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid and daughter visited at Mr. E. Graham's, Third Line. The May meeting o! Shiloh W.A. was held at Mrs. West- heuser's home with a fine at- tendance. Mis. Llew HalloweUl and Miss Norma Hallowell were in charge and Mrs. White gave the devotional message and Mis. Morley Robinson sang. A speak- er from Cobourg spoke to the group on the coming survey and its importance. Lunch was ser- veci and the ladies greatly ap- preciated the evening at Mis. Mi. and Mis. Austin Turner, New'castle, were dinner guests at Mi. Llew Hailowell's Satur- day ýevening. HAMPTON Sunday visitors with Mi. and Mrs.Wilbur and Mrs. J. Hew- son were Mr. Wilbur Burnett, Bowmanville; Mr. and Mis. Wal- ter Hewson and son Warren, Miliken; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bush, Trenton; Mrs. Ada Tain- blyn, Orono; Mi. and Mrs. Ray- mond Wlbuî, Dougie and Mi- chael and Miss Marjorie Wil- bur, Toronto. Sgt. and Mis. Robt. E. Root and family, Sgt. James Miller', Hansconi, A.F. Base, Bedford, Mass., has been visiting with her parents, Mi. and Mis. Jas. Smales. Mi. and Mrs. Kurt Losch, Toronto; Mr. and Mis. Jim iSiales and family, Mr. and Mis. Bob Sinales, Oshawa, also visited with theni at the Sma- les' home. ýMiss Gladys Edwards, Toron- to, spent the weekend with Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Mis. Anne Phillips, Kinstn is visiting her daughtei, Mrs. J. A. Burrows and Mn. Burrows. Mr. Reg Harding, Mi. and Mis. Herb Richards, Bowman- ville, visited Mr. and Mis. Sami Dewefl. Mr. and Mis. S. Kersey vis- ited Mr. and Mis. Mel MeCune and family, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mi. and Mrs. Bob Courtice and faniily, Courtice, were Sun- day visitais with Mi. and Mis. Gordon Wilbur. Mirs. H. E. Tink, Solina, vis- ited Mr. and Mis. Percy Dew- eIl. Amnong those who attended the Women's Institute District Annual at Maple Grove last week were oui President Mis. Wilfrid Sinale and Secretary Mis. Merwin Mountjoy, Mis. Lorenzo Truli, Mis. Harold Sal- ter, Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Mis. Charle Warren, Mrs. Harland Truil, Mis. Hosken Smith, Mis. Ted Chant, Mis. Itoy Knox, Mis. Luther Allin, Mrs. E. Adainson, BOWMANVILLE TS HOM RESTAURANT Sltuated at Highway 401 Cut-ofi \7~j~.1) Wxeeencl M enu A LA CARTE APPETIZERS Jlumbo Shrimp Cocktail Soup du jour Grapefruit Juice Roils Relîsh Tray Consomme Tomato Juice Pineapple Island Pan Fried Imported Rainbow Trout, Lemon Butter Baked Virginia Ham, Pineapple Sauce Deep Fried Jumbo Shrimps, Cocktail Sauce Roast Prime Ribs of Beet, au jus Roast Stuffed Loin of Pork, Dressing Broiled Club Steak, French Fried Onions Southern Fried Haif Chioken, Corn Fritter Breaded Milk-Fed Veal Cutiet, Tomato Sauce Broiled Center-Cut Pork Chopt, Apple Sauce Sliced CoId Roast Turkey Salad Plate, Cranberry Sauce Assorted CoId Sea Food Sal4d Plate, Celery Heart Choice of Two Fres< Vegetables Oven Brown or Creamyn :hipped Potatoes Muffins Assorted Pies (a la carte) Fresh Fruit Jello, with Whipped Cream Creamy Peach Pudding i CheMA Tray Tea Steaks a la carte: Coffee Prerose Butter Strawberry Parfait i Som Filet Mil Milk gnon KeYoýk Siioin (Sevd th uhroom Caps) Sheiod of Mercy- Mrs. Sam Dewell and Mrs. The- ron Mountjoy. Sorry to report the illness of Mr. Hodgson who has been con- fined to bed the past few days. His many friends hope he may soon be improved and able to be out again. Business Directory_ Accountancy RAY J. DILLING Certified Public Accountant 93 Church Street MArket 3-3861 WM. J. B. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee in Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Coni., C.P.A. MONTEITH - MONTEITH 1RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa RA 5-3527 Bowmanville - Cail ZEnith 45750 Partners: Hon. J. W. Monteith, F. C. A. A. B. Monteith, B. Coni., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C. A., R. I.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. Chi rop raci ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointinent 1 Deéntîalî JDR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanviile Office Hours: j9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dally IClosed Saturday and Sunday HOusie Phone - MeAst3-5510 HOffie Phone - Mewast3590 DR. E. W. SISSON. L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviile Office J-ours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Phone MA 3-5604 Closed Wednesdays and Sundays IDR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 - -ng St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours:- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 Le g a STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 ILAWRENCE C. MASON. B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Ring St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA I. HODGINF' Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LL.B. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Oronü. Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Morigages SADIE HAMILTON - ORON Phone 1 r 16 Furst Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Properties Op tominetr y KEITM A. BILLETT Jptametrist 141 -l[ing St. ý - Bowmanville Office Hours: .BY appointmut Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday eveflifge Kinettes Elect New Executive The Kînettes held their reg- ular monthly dinner meeting May 20th at the Flying Dutch- man Motel. President Lillian Hooper was in the chair and Secîetary Ulva Lathangue îead the m.*,-utes of the previous meeting and of the executive meeting. The treasurer's report was given by Jean Williams. Plans were discussed for vaîious projects in connection with the Kinsmen carnival to be held this suinmer. At the Kinsmen Ladies> Night the Kin- ettes made a presentation of $150 to the Kinsmen for their Arti- ficial Ice Fund. At the conclusion o! the business meeting the election of offîceîs was held. Scrutineeîs for the election were two Kins- men Past Presidents, Jack Lander and Don McGiegor. The new 1959-60 executîve is as follows: Past President, Lillian Hlooper; Pies., Helen Brown; Vice-Pies., Ulva Lathangue; Sec'y, Jean Williams; Tîeas., Evelyn Weîîy; Directors, Doro- thy Dewell and Em Stutt. A social heur ol Court Whist and bingo concluded the meet- ing. Attendance was 95.5%. LONG SAULT Mis. Joyce Sellick anfa- ily, Enniskillen and Liinda Yeo were Sunday supper guests at EL~: CHOOSE THE BEST A JOHNS-NAN VILLE ROOF Johns-Manville Asphaît Shingles are rugged, fire-resistant, and pro- vide long-lasting protection and beauty. 210 lb. Strip Pattern 210 IL Seal-O-Matie ___ ROLL SIDINCS Needs no maintenance and gives long lasting protection. A really economical method of protecting your garage. (50 sq. ft. per roll) BRICK PATTERN - Raol STONE PATTERN - Roll 2.95 3.20 Power Tool Rentai %" DRILLS Y2" DRILLS SKIL SAWS ROOF SHINGLE NAILERS SANDERS CEMENT NAILERS INSULATION STAPLER 9 10.00 sq. 11.00 sq. Mr. end Mrs. Harold Murphy. Mk. and Mis. Jack Payne, Pon IbyTol, were Sunday even- Ing i aMers at Mr. and Mis. Har- ald Murphy's. M t- and Mrm Murray Adains and boys, Bowmanville, were Sund"ay atternoon callers at Mr. and Mlrs. R. Caxneron's. Tqlge Tyrone Classy Cooks met at tfèm home of Lynn Stainton. The raeeting opened with the us- ual 4-H pledge. Miss Lampman was present and ail welcomed her. We learned how to bake potsa.oes, Asparagus casserole and also making home made soupi. An enjoyable evening endukld with lunch. The next meeU>ng will be held at Gwen Gla.t,-Vel on June 2nd. O.S.S.T.F. Branch New- I At et branch meeting of the lationsOfirs Ontario Secondary School Tea- Mr. D.BrdeB chers' Federation held ini Bow- Assistants - Mr. 3. manville, May 20, the following Port Hope: Mr. J. Ford, siate of officers was elected for TahrBadCmit the 199-60 erni.Mr. K. Rose, Port Hope; Lrt., J. Past President, Mr. M. Sta-. Ford, Orono; Mr. L. Johns~~ cey, Bowmenville. Bowmanville; Mr. H. WilIa, President-Mr. H. C. Hass ~Millbrook. Port Hope. First Vice-president--Mr. J.1 Ford, Orono. Example has more folloWers Second Vice-president-M. B. than reason.-Christian Neftel Sheridan, Bownrville. Bovee. Secretary-Treasurer-Miss A. Irrationally held truths my Pochon, Port Hope. be more harniful than reasonead B.P.R.O. (Branch Public Re-_errors.-Thomas H. Huxley. If you are in the market for a good used car . here is your chance to buy at clearance prices. 1957 Olds. Super "88" 4-Dr. Sedan Hydramatic transmission. Custom radia. One owner car. 2-tone in coral and ivory. In lovely shape. 1956 Dodge Coach V-8 with Power Flite trans- mission, custom radio. One owner car. Reconditioned and* very dlean car. 1955 Olds. Super "88" Sedan Black with ivory top, white wall tires. Hydramatic, cus- tom radio. One owner car in beautiful shape. ALL RECONDITIONED AIl Privately Owned Cars ROY w. 1956 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan Custom radio, two-tone blue. One owner car. 1954 Chev. Deluxe Coach A real dlean car. 1953 Chrysier Sedan A good clean car, an exceptional value. 1953 Olds. "88" 4-Dr. Sedan 1953 Pontiac Sedan 1952 Chev. Coach Very dlean, no rust. Econom- ical car. A real good buy. Outstanding Value!! 1950 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 4-ton, complete with hoist and dump. Ideal for Gravel and General Haulage. -Mostly One Owner NICHOLS Oldsmobile and Chevrolel Cars IE'OWNAN VILLE Chevrolet Trucks COURTICE Vi'one NA 3-3353 Phone MA 3-3922 PLANNING A NEW GARAGE'* INSULATED SIDINGS FOR YOUR NEW GARAGE Brick- Stone Shingle Patterns Easy to Apply - Durable Low Cost ALL PATTERNS -____17.65 sq. rOv-ERHEAD DOORS CMoose The Best For Your Garage TEhe famous "*Stanley"" Door and Hardware Ruggedly reinforced for greater service. Operns and closes with the slightest pull. ft:. x 7 ft. -- ONLY .54.9 5 (Other sizes in stock) GARAGE PLANS Available Free of Charge: Do-It.Yourself Plans, Vai nous Styles, for your new garage. EASY TEDNS Budget 'Nour New Garage - 6- 12 -18 -24 Months LOW CGST ROLL RGGFINGS (Complete with nails and cernent) 45 Mb. SMOOTH SURFACE - Rol 55 lb. SMOOTH SURFACE - Rol 60 Mb. COLORED ROOFING - Ral 70 Mb. COLORED ROOFING - Rell -- 2.90 -3.75 - 3.70 - 4.95 ENI Complete Stock of PLYWOODS WINDOWS TRIM DOORS CEMENT NAILS PAINT RDW WRE NArket 3-3388 CAnner McGREGOR HA CINRG ST. W. LIMITED Tiiu MAT, MAY 28tl4 lm 1 - - m m PA(m surnme F MW-4-4

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