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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1959, p. 18

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~AG~ mGETE, TEE CAWA~AN STATMAN. EOWMANvff Lu. oeq'ÀWWI M: -&'L t-- "-i- ET.. IT..a.2 I- ~ - - - Irice f or ble BOAT,.- 14' cedar strip.' Phc >-I1 happy to announce the bfrtbof1 terdaugbter Heydi Elizabeth' BARNYARD manune for sale. (Beth) 7 lbs., il ozs., at Cail Newcastle 3176. 22-1' Wornen's Pavilion, Winnipeg, R Man., on May 17th. A sister for PRGHT piano and organ. PhIL 22-1 Phono MA 3-2112. 22-1' HAYE-Mn an Mrs HaleyTRUCK platfom complote with HAYE-Mr andMrs Hareynacks 14' x 7' 6'". MA 3-2164. Hayes wish tearannaunce the an- 22-1' rival of thein son, James Harley, on May 20, in Memorial Hos. POWER lawn niower. Only pital, Bowmanviile. 22-1' used a few times. MA 3-7277. 22-1 * Engagements FORTY colonies bees; extra Mn.andMns R.p~ tenerequipnient. W. Mark, Bethany, Mr n r.R .SegrOnt. 22-2 announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Judith, EATING potatoes. A. W. Pres- ta Mr. Robent Barton Weeden cott, Hampton. Phono MAnket of Sonierset, Massachusetts. The 3-2151. 22-1 manniage will take place at En- niskillen United Church on TE-NT, bassinette, carniage, sec- June l3th at 12:30 p.m. 22-1 retary, sewing machine. Tele- phono MA 3-3477. 22-1* Mn. and Mns. Manful Hiits,LANnoe,$.0vaui Toronto, annaunce the engage-LaWnn . w0,.00honcmAno ment of their daughten, Joan cl aten 51.0. a oe'Ar Canal, ta John Henny Luxton, 3-3046 afer5ock. 22-1 son of Mn. and Mns. Narman R. SEVEN-foot Case power niower, Luxton. The manniage will neanly new. Apply Bruce Ash- take place quietly an Fniday, ton, Blackstock 7611. 22-1> June th. Rev. W. K. Hous- landen officiating. 22-1* SEBAGO potatoos, grown froni cetified seed. Alsa Bonder Mn. and Mrs. Cecil F. Fenton, Collie dog. Blackstock 76 R 2. Port Hope, wish ta announce 22-1* the engagement of their daught- on Joan Elizabeth, ta Mervin AI- SAVE on lumber, dIrect froni bort, son of Mn. and Mrs. L. M. Mill ta You. Phillips Lumbori Allison, Newcastle, Ontario. The Ca., Kirimount, Ontario. Phono marniage will take place at St. 17 r 11. 13tf John's Anglican Chunch, Part KY Hope, Satunday, June 20 at 2 KY cut automaticaily, while P.M. 22- 1 You wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- P.ni. _____ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- Mn. and Mrs. James Forguson ville. 46-tf Munro, Blackstock, wish tea an WATER, bard and soft, deliver- nounce the engagement af their ed Prompt service. Robent H. daughten, Mary Helen, ta Earl Cale. Phono MA 3-5476 on MA Thomas Fosten, son of Mrs. 3-58à05-t Poster and the late Mn. Noah31t Poster, Newcastle. The wed- BOX plants, geraniums and ding ta take place Saturday, fuchsia for sale, retail and Juno 13, 2:30 p.m., in Sonya Iwholesale. L. Knudsen, En- Presbytenian Church. 22-1 1 niskillen Greenhouses. 21-3 l Mn. and Mrs. -Allan Edgar CASE V.A. now cnop tracter Thompson of Taunton, Ontario, with hydraulic cultivators. First i announco the engagement of class con~dition. E. Green, Les- thoir daughten, Winona Dianneikard. Cail aften 7 p.m. 22-1* ta Mn. Donald Bruce Leask, sonj, ELECTRICAL RpisPop cf 'Mns. William James LeaskRpasPonp and the late Mn, William James service ta electrical appliances, Leask of Bowmanville, OnC na largo and small. Lander Hard- The wedding will take plac njwane. Phono MA 3-5774. 43-tf .1une 27th,ý 1959, at Zion United 'INSULATION, blowing method,i Chuith. 221* with rock wool., Wonknianship1 guananteed. Frneoe estimates.4 Mr. anid Mrs. Douglas Banton Harny L. Wade. Phono Clarke1 cf Oshawa wish ta announce 2420. 39-tf the ongagement of thein daught- en,, Colleen Hesten, ta Kenneth BOX Plants. Abundance of pe-j Amnold Locke, son of Mn. and tunias, asters, tomatoos, sanie j Mrt. William Locke of Baîv- others, 3 for $1.00. Mns. Wil. mnahviu1d' The maniage willl iamis, Base Lino and Hunt St. take place on Satunday, June MA 3-7167. 22-1' 201h4 1959, at three o'clock, St. George's Anglican C h unc b, SEWING machines, new and Oshawa. 22-1' used. Guaranteed and serviced ;froni Laverty's Bangain Centre, -aha e 59 King St. W., Bowmanvillo. MA 3-'723~1. 7 BRUCE.- GIBBS - The mar- niage took place at Tyrane parsonage on Saturday, May 23rd of Grace Charlotte, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gibbs, to Charles John, son of Mr. Charles L. Bruce and the late Mrs. Bruce, Bowmanville. Rey. F. Jackson officiated. 22-1* Receptions Mr. and Mrs. John A. Bur- rows, Hampton, will be pleased ta receive their friends andý relatives at their home on the occasion of their twenty-fifthi wedding annivensary, Saturday,j June 6, 1959, betwoen 2 and 4 anid 7 ta 9 p.m. 22-1 Deaths SEED Corn, Hybrid and Open Pollinatod. Sugar Cane; Sudan Grass; Millets, etc. See uis b- fore you buy for lowest prices Stewart's Seels. 22-tf IUSED washen parts, 1/4 b.p. matons $5.00 up. Ropairs ta al jwringer type washens. Guar- anteed reconditioned washers. IPaddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055. 15-10*; DO your awn floons and rugs- Ront. a sander, floor polisher or Irug cleanen (shanipoo method) lfroni Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bownianville. Phone MA 3-5774. 20-tf OUTBOARDS - Used Mercury jMark 25, Evinrude Fastwin 14 h bp., bath tuned up and ready jta go, A-i condition. Lander JENNINGS-At Pont Hope Gen- MA 3-5774. 22-1 oral Hospital, on Friday, MayI 22îîd, 1959, Minnie Jennings,1 USED Allis-Chalniens Combine, daughter of the late Mn. anid with moton; used Massey "130"1 Mns. William Jennings anid Tractor. Finst quality Baler dean aunt af Norma (Mns. H. Twine. W. H. Brown, Case Deal- Victor Cunningham), Peter- or, 91 Kinig St. W., Bowniman- borough; Vivian (Mns. R. J.j ville. MA 3-5497. 22-1 Daggett), Welconie, and DonrsBW AVLE Hm m Jennings, Port Hope. Service j BoWMANVILLeatu Hoalmini- was held in the new MarrieIpoeinsfaue lmnn Funenal Chapel, Bo'snil doons, windows, awnings and an Sunda, May 24h at j ailings. We offen a variety of o'clock. Intenment Bornianville floor and wall tules. For free e stimates Phono MA 3-2753 on Cemetery. 2.2-1 eau at 22 Division St. 6-tf McCOY, Sion-At the rosi- dence of bis son, E. Lorne Mc-. TL W R Coy, Brooklin. on Thursday,i IEW R May 21, 1959, Sinion McCoy, be-ITTC loved husband of the late E A I W L S Amelia Thonipsan, and dean Tiled Floors ot ail description father af Percy of Rosedale; Viny, 1,Plastex, RbeJse GaretBaniavile;Lame, Mrboleum, Flexichrome, Mastic Brooklin; and Verna (Mn1s. A. Red Quarry Ceramia Poulter), Oshawa, in his 87 th Supplîed and Laid yean. Rested at Nothcutt & Smith Fune.-al Home, 53 Di- H. G. HEAL vîion St., B ,3vmanville, whene service was ibid on Monday I 1 Hfampton MA 3-2902 May 25th, at 2 p.m. Intcnnientj 25tf iBethesda Cemetery. 22-i MOOREY-At Memoriai Hos- I pital,. Bowmanville, on Fiday, I i. May 22nd, 1959, Chistina Grant, g1 V~ t i aged 61 yeans, beloved wife aif J. William Mooney. Service ne was beld in the new Morris Fun- eral Chapel, Bowmanville, on mOU R FUEL OIL 15 Monday, May 25th at 2 o'clock. EMTENW Y 000 Interment Bowmanvilie Cerne- MMlt S vAs#1 W(0«TfA~R tory. 22-11 IT fN m M.4% O=00 SMITH, Mabel-Iri Lindsay, oni '~, ""» Satunday, May 23, 1959, Mabel (Lamib) Smith, beloved wife of i the late Thonmas Smith; sister off Hnwand and Charles Lamb of Lindsay, anid Russell, predeceas- ed, in bon 72nd year. Rested aI the Mackey Funeral Homo, I f . . . Lindsay, until Tuesday marri- ing, May 26, thence ta St. John's Anglican Chureh, Blackstock, for service at 2 pan. Interment ' at St. John's Cemetery, Black- stock. 22-1 Y US Piano Tuning L U AXSOIN ARTHUR Collilson. Teleplione_1 Aricles for DQLO GIRL'Sspiicat size 8. Tele- phonoeM 33406. 1 22-if WATER for sale. Delivered. Phono Cliff Pethick, MA 3-2736. 45-tf GENDRON baby carniage, ekcel- lent condition. Phone MArket 3-5359. 22-1 USED Frigidaire range, excel- lent condition. Phone MArket 3-3958. 22-1 REFRIGERATOR, 7 cu. ft., good condition. Ray Gibbs, Phone MA 3-3503. 22.10 COLEMAN stove, Ideal for camping or cottage, 3 burners and oven. Clarke 3902. 22-1 1950 CHEV. 1/2-ton truck, one Gibson 2-plow tractor. Carl Gimblett, Bo'w-nanville. 22-1 YVorK VV anIea FOR prompt pick up and de- livery can MA3-3842. 22-1* EVENING babysitting; relable woman. Phone MA 3-7091. 22-1* CONCRETE and masonry:work. Box 1083. U. Turner. Phone 3-5820. 9-tf PLASTERING repairs. Base- ments plastered inside and out- side. Reasonable rates. CaZ MA 3-5368. 21-tf PLUMBING, heatlng, eaves- troughing; free estimates. Harvey Partrier, Tyrone. MA 3-1240 or Orono 1782. 6-tf1 WHITEWASHING and disinfect- lng stables, etc. Free estimates, ahl work guaranteed. Telephone Clarke 1321. Bert Tompkins, R.R. 3, Port Hope. 16-27 ONE L-shaped barn with metal1 MAXN desires to eut lawns and roof and heavy timbers, in ex- build up clientele as spare tume cllent condition. Phono MAI work. Anyone interested writel 3-2793. 20-3* Advertiser 944, c/o Canad.ian INTENATINAL 5 BaerStatesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- used four years, good condition. manville, stating name, address Ralph Strong. Phone Black-land amount per hour or per stock 11812. 22-1 'lawn they wish to pay. 22-1 ONE pair of boy's running -_______ spikes, 1 pair of boy's basebail TED VEENHOF spikes, size 7-8: good condition. WELL DIGGING Phone MA 3.3i26. 22-if Cleanouts and Deepening ALSCO- Cana da's outstandingi Compressor Work convertible starm-screen win-1 RA 8-6974 dows and doors, railings. Lorne 500 *Slmcoe St. Sotith - Oshawa Ailin, 1 Prince Street. 22-1* _____21-4* ALL kinds of boxod plants. strawberries, raspberry canes, gladioli bulbs. Phone Orono 18 R 8. C. de Mooy, R.R. 1. 21-2*' HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgon Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanville. Telephone MAI 3-3305. 7-tf GOOD rubber-tired wagon witlî fiat rack. Cockshutt ohl bath mower. Steel wheel wagon withi gravel box. Good steel wheeled Massey-Harris Culti- vator. H. Salter. Phone MA 3-2142. 22-1 CHOICE perepnials to dlean 3 for $ 1 .00. Giant Pacific del- phiniums, single, double shasta daisy, phlox, Sweet William, iris, etc. Gladioli buibs, 55c doz., miniatures 75c, prize win- ners. Mrs. Abranis, MA 3-2843. 22-1 NOW-Run your -car Wlthout Spark Plugs Buy and try the ail new SA FIRE INJECTORS - At ART'S CAR MARKET 194-196 Church St., Bowmanvllle We - Bulld - Botter - Customers 20-8 FREE MAKING OF DRAPERIES ANY MATERIAL pnlced ftram $2.98 GOODBRAND F AB R ICS 8s Ring St. W. bu.I 3-55511I 2 Aluminum Windows and Doors WINDOWS SELF-STORING STORM AND SCREEN $1.0up Doors, self-sforing $47.50 INSTALLED CALL MA 3-5522 21-2 CHOICE YOUNG TURKEYS 6 ta 10 Iba. 45C Lb. DRESSED AND DELIVERED PHIL. FINNEY MAPLE GROVE MArket 3-5058 21-4 CHRYSANTHEMUMS CHOICE - TESTE» CUSHION POMS AND LARGE EARLY ]FLOWERING VARIETIES IN 2" VITA-BANÎJ POTS Reasonable Prices THE ROSERY NURSERY 7Z Queen St. Bowmnanvllle MA 3-2940 22-1 Pets for Sale TWO pups, eight weeks aid. Free ta good home. Apply 113 jzbg St.. Bowmanville. 22-1' Plasfering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK IR. L. TAFT 54 Ring St. E. MA 3-5030 16-tf PAINTING and DEÇORATING PAPERHANGING Free Estimates Phone MELLE ROZEMA R.R. 1 Bowmanville - MA 3-2584 22-tf PLJMBING - HEATING EAVESTROUGHING TONY BAARS Mer-Sun, Poîvermatic, Morrison Webster-Atlas Dealer - Gas - Oil 66 King St. W., MA 3-7127 BOWMANVILLE 20-tf Anger Construction Co. LT». COMPLETE BUILfDING SERVICE BRICK WORK BLOCK CIIMNEYS - CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY- MArket 3-2273 _____________________ 27-tl OIL BURNER SERVICE aiso PLUMBING and HEATING STOKERS and WATER PUMPS Norman Bothwell 95 Ontario St. Bowmanville Phono MA 3-5070 14-tf Hfarry Lee Laundry 19 TEMPERANCE ST. Phone MA 3-7021 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Alsa do Wet Wash - Dry, Etc. Pick Up and e1livery MONDAY TO SATURDAY QUICK SERVICE 6t Livestock for Sale THIRTY six week old pigs. Phôrie MA 3-2638. 22-1' ONE yaung boan. Austin Wood. Phono MA 3-2388. 22.1* LAYING hons, one year ald. Telephone MA 3-7037. 22-1 PUREBRED Hereford bull, one year aid. Clarence Burley, Clarke 1613. 22-1* Personal EIYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list.i Six saniples 25c, 24 samples] $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28,1 Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, Ham-1 Motn. Ont. 1-521 UM or baie '52 WILLYS, in good condition, $150. Phone Orona 4 r 11. 22-1* '51 PONTIAC, needs sanie work; '50 Dodge; niake offer. Phone MA 3-5319. 22-1* '56 CHEV., 2-door, 2-tone,. blue and beige, radio. Make an offer. MA 3-2797. 22-l*, 1948 PLYMOUTH sedan, radio, heater, signal lights, etc. Very good condition. MA 3-7277. 22-1* ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save 20%. Six months ta pay. For personal service at your home caUl Oshawa RA 5-2802, collect. 2-tf FOR NEW FORDS and Guaranteed Used Cars Cali JOHN STUTT SEAWAY MOTORS LTD. RA 3-4683 Oshawa Residence MArket 3-3174 -tf- BUYING OR SELLING SEE Tect Campin Mot ors RA 3-4494 - Res. RA 5-5574 607 King St. East (Just East of Wilson Rd.) OSHAWA 10-tf Seed for Sale SEED CORN Funks G-Hybrid PROVEN THE BEST when in competition with ail other varleties 0 Hardome Soy Beans GARNET RICKARD R. R. 4 BOWMANVILLE PHONE MArket 3-7150 21-2 Wcmted SMALL incubator anid brooder. Phone MA 3-3447. 22-i TEN or 12 head of cattle for pasture. Phone, MA 3-2885. 22-1 DEAD and crippled fanm stock, picked Up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. 13-tf Wanted to Rent SINGLE furnished roonis, in Bowmanville, for telephone men. Phone MA 3-7151. 22-1* HEATED two-bedroom apart- ment, ground floor preferred, reasonable rent. Write Adver- tiser 945, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman-1 ville. 22-1' Help Wanted HOUSEKEEPER. Live in. Take full charge of fanm home. Tole- phone MA 3-2982. 22-1* MIDDLE-aged woman ta help in home of elderly lady. Live in. Phone MA 3-2360. 22-1 WAITRESSES, s h o r t order cooks and kitchen help. Apply Fireside Barbecue, Highway 115, next ta Vigor Qil. 22-1 COOK - housekeepen for elderly couple. Pleasant home. Good wages, noferences. Mrs. J. A. Hume, Box 62, P"ort Hope. 22-1' YOUNG women - neat, attract- ive, for outside sales work. Av- orage $2.00 per hour, 6 hours, 5 day week. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. E-140-32, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 22-1 APPLICATIONS will be receiv- ed until June 6th for position of caretaker at Memonial Park Clubhouse. Applications ta be mailed ta Mrs. Frank Thonip- son, 190 Duke St. 21-2 SALESLADIES for Bowman- ville and Whitby stores, ex- perience helpful but not esseni- tia]. Phone Breslin's Ladies' Wear, Bawmanville, MA 3-58541 1 ta 3 p.mn. for appointment. 22.1 AGENTS wanted ta sol igh quality products in a protected area. Exccellent commission. Do not miss this money-niaking proposition. Write for cata-j logue and details. Familex,J Dept. M-8 1600 Delorimier,j Montreal. 22-1 Rteai tEstate for Safle LOTS for sale in Maple Grave, 75 x 200. MA 3-2164. 22-1* SEVEN-roomn brick house, hot water heated, good location, many extras included. ApplY 5 Concession St. W. 21-4* IREAL ESTATE FOR SALE Propertles Sold, Rented Managed and Appralsed L. M. Aàllison Real Estate Droker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffie signal Newcastle 5-tl J. Van Nesi REAL ESTATE BROKER 118 King E. MA 3-3230 Twa small farxns of 27 and 34 acres. Each $12,000 with ternis. Six rooni brick, ail conven- iences, où heat, double garage. $9,000 with low down paymerit. Duplex, brick, 9 roonis, each self-contained. Prico $15,000. Ternis. 7 rooni bouse with self-con- tained apartment, ail heat. $8,500, $3,500 cash. The apart- ment will make mortgage pay- ments. Quick sale to settie estate. 22-1 Pefer Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. Bowmanville Telephono MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - 3. A. Bartou MA 3-3098 6 rooni 2-stoney semi-detach- ed brick home in imniaculate condition, very centrally locat- ed. Priced ta seîl at only $8,500 with ternis. i ½ -storoy frame homo on a veny nice lot. Garage. Living- nooni with mantel; dining-room, kitchen downstains; 2 bedroonis and bath upstairs. Good ternis. Dance pavillon and snack ban doing a good turri-over. Fully equipped. $2,000.00 down will handle. 6-rooni homo at East Beach, priced to soîl at only $5,500.00.1 Only $2,000.00 down. .- 1 Two 100-acre fanms for your inspection. One nean Bethany at only $1,500.00 down.. One. noan Port Hope at $20,000.00.1 Haîf cash. Beautifully appointed 6-roorn brick bungalow i lovoly loca- tion, equîpped with Piensori windows. Self-contained 3-1 noom apartnient in basement( with private bath and pnivatej entrance. Priced very noason- able at $14,500.00. Veny satis- factory tennis. 22-1 For, Rent PASTURE for 10 head of cattie. Phono Clarke 5 r 03.. 21-2 APARTMENT for rent, héated. Tolephone MA 3-3573. 22-1 IN Nowcastle, modern apart- monts. Telephone MA 3-5589. 22:1 FURNISHED bed-sltting room. Breakfast if desired. Phone MA 3-5769. 22-1* FIVE rooni brick cottage, miod- ern. No children. Apply 20 Horsey St. 22-1* FIVE-roomed cottage, west cf Burketon. Apply George Adams, R.R. 2, Burketon. 22-10 FOUR-room apartment, central. Imniediate possession. Heated. 'FOUR rooms and bath upstairs, heated, sepanate entrance. Avail- able now. 175 Liberty St.,N., 22-2* ONE haîf duplex, six roonis and garage. Heated. Ail conveni- onces. Phono Newcastle 2376. 22-1 APARTMENT, heated, tbnee roanis, kitchenette and bath, $60. Apply Apt. 4, 63 King St. West. 22-tf SPACE suitable for office or shop, centraily located. WiUi alter to suit tenant. Phono MA 3-3669. 122-1 THREE-ncomed heated apan't- ment, heavy wired, separate entrance anid bath. Inimediate possession. Phono MA 3-2436. 17-tf THREE-room heated apartment, one bednoom, living-roomi, kitch- on, bath. Built-in cupboards, tile floors, central Telephone MA 3-7201. 22-tf FREE b-ouse, gardon, hydro, three miles froni Bowmanvllle, in exehange for board and cane of gentleman. *Middle - aged couple prefenred. Telephono L.i Squair, MA 3-2223 after 7. 22-1 Wanted to Buy RUG, in good condition, about 9 x 12. Phono MA 3-2200. 22-1* ALL kirids of live poultry1 warited. Highest pnicos p aidt. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. 1. Phono 7 r 13 coilect. 9-tf TWO bedroorn brick bungalow witb basemont. For cash. Write Advertiser 945, c/o Canadiazi Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- nianville. 22-10 HIGHEST p ices adfrue furniture, apliances, television, sewing machns etc. Also sel and exehange.59King St. W. Phone MA 3-7231. 42-ti HIGHEST prices pald fan liv. poultry, goose feathens, fea thon ticks, scrap iran, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3.2043 OhaWlalcollect. 4 Benef ils Phone MA 3-3373 - Good Salary JJ. Bourke, Managerj 22-1 Re-cil Estate for Sale RelEtt orSae' McQluay and K.idd Jeier t'eddema REALTORSREAL ESTATE BROKER REALORS200 acres - na buildings, fýront. ,ý Members ' of Oshawa and District age on 115 Highway. 40,00eg Real Estate Board Christmas trees planted. SmnaU 120 acres wlth mnodernized strearn. Priced ta seil. Terma. home, large barn, silo; 10 100 acres with modem bun. minutes from Bowmanviile. galow, soul sandy loani. Price $19,000 wlth $5,000 down. includes machinery. Akn We have dozens of farnis of price $ 12,000. Ternis. ail sizes. 33 acres - 8 rooni frame houae, 10 acres of scenie land wîth barn 30 x 50. Some gravel, nie gravel deposit, $2,500. view. Price $8,000.00. 2 Bedrooni stucco bungalow, 20 acres near Newcastle, a large garage, good residential acres workable; pond. Easy area, $10,500. Ternis. ternis. $500.00 down. Brick incarne homes, central 2 arsna Nwat. location; priced to, seli. ani barn, fruit trees. Prit:. WALTER FRANK only $1,200.00. Small acreage on Highway 2 177 Charch St. MA 3-3986 w1th 7-roorn insul brick hause, > Bowmanville 22-1 full basement, ail furnace. Price .., on113 $6,500.00. Ternis. -________Five acres with nice streani, near Leskard. Priced very Atnnan &Ciook eaoabe REALTORS 189 Scugog St. Bowmanyll. Representative Phonie MA 1-364 MARVIIN NESDITT 22-1 100. acre fam, $3,500 down, stone house, two barnis, 85 acres workable. 50 acres. farn near Black- st *ock, $5.000 down; insul brick house, ail furnaco, good barris with water systeni, 40 acres workable. 107 acre farn near Black- stock, $10.500 dawn, fairly new house with furnace, large barris, creek, 95 acres workable. 175 acre farn, 125 workable, brick house, hydro, good barni, creek, $1,500 down. We have several cottages and frms listed., Phone Blackstock 44 R Il 22-1 Leask- Real Estate 7 rooni brick bouse, 4 bed- roonis, insulated, in excellent condition. Garage. Central lo- cation. $13,000. Ternis. First tinie on the market. 5 nooni brick bungalow, 3 bedrooins, new g as furriaco, 4- plece bath. Undon N.H.A. low payments., 100 acre fanm, 80 acres work- able, mioderri barri with waten bowls, garage, 6 nooni modern house. This farmn is wvithin rime miles of Oshawa. First finie offered for sale. Tennis. 100 acre- fanm, main barri 112 fI. long. 2 others attached; milk contract, new orchard just stant- ing to bean. Creek tbnough property. Good cday loani sail. '42 acres permanent pasture, 6 room bouse., On surfaced noad about 1 2 miles £rom Oshawa. Tennis. We bave lots, cottages, bunga- lows and bouses too numemous ta lisI. Call at the office. M. E. LEASK Real Estate Broker 65 Ontario St. Dowmanville MArket 3-5919 22-1! De Wilh Real Estate 85 Acre fanm on No. 2 High- way with croeks, 2 barnis, water bowls, drive shed, etc.; 8 rooni- ed home with ail furnace, 3- piece bath, electric water heat- or. Asking $15,000 with sorne niacbinery included. 200 Acre fanm, 175 acres workable, some bush, large L- shaped banc barn, steel stan- chions, water bowls, drive shed, silo, etc.; 9 roomed brick home with 4-piece bath, hot and cold running water, etc. Asklng $21.000. Ternis arranged. 125 Acre farm, 3/ mile froni No. 2 Highway, 85 acres work- able, 18 acres hardwood bush,I springs, 941 x 45' bank. barri, water on tap, drive shed, etc.; 8 roomzed. brick house with furri- ace, running water. Price $14,500 with $6,200 down. 100 Acre fanm, located 4 miles froni Bowmanville, 95 acres workable, large U-shaped bank barri, drive shed, hoen house, etc.; 8 roomned brick home, heavy wired. Buildings in ex- collent nepair. Price and terni arranged.,' 50 Acre farm, 45 acres work- able, pg, 501 x 30' barik barri, iipemnt shed; 6 rooni- ed- frame homo, heavy wired. Asklng $9,000. Open for offor. 5 Roonied white clapboard with ail furnace, tile and bard-I mÎood" floors, running water,l double garage. Price $9,500 with $2,000 down. 6 Roomed home incontre of Bowynanvlle ýwith 4-piece bath, running hot and cold wator, kitchen cuphoards, etc. Asking $8,500. Ternis. 5 Roopied frame bungalow with où furnace, 3-plece bath, kitéhen cupboards, bardwaod faonrs. Garage. Price $10,000. 5, Àloomied, brick veneer bungalow in Bowmanvlle with àll modern cQnveniences. Garage and double lot. AskIng $10,000. DEasy down, paynient. 9 Roomed brick income home on main street, Bowmanville, wvith 2 bathrooms, 2 kitchens, new gas furnace, etc. Down payxnent $2,000. Prico arranged. 6 Roomed aimait new, brick veneer home wlth ail modern convenlenees on 10 acres good land. , Close te Bowmanvle. Price and ternis arranged. Contact:,- John F. De Wii teattor and General Insurance ieweaatle Phone 3341 inlumaen: Donald MoultJoy, Bowmanvlll. MA 3-3956 1bos Davidson, Detbany Phone 21 r 6 Beatty Fee, Ida flope Milbroek 224 r Z 22-1 Pedwell Real Estale ~ 100 acres on No. 2 Higlxway . at Welconie, brick bouse, bath,. ail furnace, 2 barris, gardon s 'oil, $18.000. Terns. Stock and ia- chinery cari be bought. 10 acres full bearing peans and apples. Close ta Newcastle. ' Last year produced 2,000 bus. pears, 1,500 bus. apples. $6,000, hal! cash.. New 7 room bhouse, ln New.-- castle', flowing well, aIl con-. veniences, extra lange lot. Clos. 'e ta sclîool. 13/ acres witb gaad bouse, ai.,~ tached garage, largo chicken Pen. On No. 2 Highway between »ý Oshawa and Bownianville. 10 acres wlth goad trout- streani. Make a nice building. site. Close ta, Bowniagyiile.: é, $5,000 with good tonms. Money ta boan. Saiesmen : Maurice H. Pedweh Phono Newcastle 3851 Win. A. Heron Phono 12, Brookîlu E. Jettery - Phone 238, Coiborne - B. C. PEDWVELL, BROKER Newcastle Phono 385& ' 22-;Î' L. S. Snelgrove Co. Lido 43 Park Rd. S. hws-- Commercial ProertY'- 9 nooni 2-storey l. oe- large roonis, hota Ž~ th ni1 heatig, attached a go£ , 190 ft. lot suitable k~apatiI mont building or almost an type ai business. $5.000 dowti <-n paynient. Open To Offer, Suburban 6 room 1i Y.-storey home in ininaculate côndition, ultra modemn kitcheri, 3-piece- ý. bath, living-roomi, dining-roomt i and one bedrooni on main floor%,' plus utility room, 2 bedroonis on- second floon, basonient, double garage, i/ý acre lot. Low dowft. paymerit, balance on one open_ manîgage. - $7P600 Full PrIce Hunt St., 4 rooni bungalow,. modemn kitchen, 4-piece bath, ýhandwood floors, divided base- ment, ail heat, aluminuni stanms and screens, lange lot. Farmas 40 acre fanm, modern 7 nooni 2-stoney home, 3-piece tilcd bath, forced air with ail heat- ing, 28 x 40 fi. bann with water throughout, hog pen. Located *. on No. 2 Highway with approx.-. iately 1,250 f1. of noad front- N- age on 2 roads. Reasonable' tenms cari be arnanged. Blaekstock District 100 acre fanm, very modem 10 rooni brick home with bath-.. -Ž- room and furnace, large barri, iplement shed, all in Ai con-- dition with nunnirig water, slightly nollirig, very productive ;oil. For funther particulars _please > cal1 Sld Martyn or Keith Petons, RA 5-8761, RA 3-9810 or RA 5-4162 evenings. blembens ot the Toronto, Oshawa and District Resi Estate Boards 22-1 » CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVMTOCK Ton SALE rOD lIET - NELP WAWE CARS FOR SALE LOST . FOUND ETC. Cash Mate 4c. . r Word with a minimuM ..SO Must be poid by date cfiinsertion If chaxgod, un additlonal 25c wIll b. added. A charge ci 25e wiIl b. mode toi aui replies directed to this office NOTICEs . comma EEM AND CANDI 0F THANES de a Word witI, a minimum et $1.00 for 25 word, or lois. 8IRTUS ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES - D. TH $1.00 per insertion IXM MMORIAMS 81.00 Plus 10e a lino.for verso DimplaY Clacxsll.ed et 31.50 pet Inch with a minimum of on. Inch, Ad.ditioncxl insertions ut b. cerné rates. AD CIasifiied Ad, i-a ie, this offic, not latbn 12 o'clock noon, Wdneday. Bond cash, %temps or monny order ci hand mcv. mon.y. C làpi out for hcxndy releresc OFFICE NOURS Mondciy throiagh Frldcy 8:30 a.M. tb 5,p.m. Saturday 8:30 c.m. to 12 Noms The Canadian statesniau Dial MArIoet 3.3303 1 lot Clauifl.d Ad Service DJIUIS ARMSTRONG-Flying Officer and Mm B farry Armsrng ar i TUIJ1Yr - MT 1SàlOUP Help Wanted WÀNT.ED IMMEDIATELY Permanent COUNTER Man or Woman WAITRESSES Part lime and ful l ime Apply FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL 1 - - - - - - -.1- --l W- , IWPI.909jr- -i : MA 3-2363. 22-11 11 is MM CAVABL« STATZMEM. --WWAWV=aL OVrAM&

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