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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1959, p. 3

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?IUEU~AY. MAY 2Sth. 2959 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, ONTAIUO PAGE TERNI TKATCH - COOMBES The Churcli o! the Epiph- any, Boute, was the scene of a wedding on Saturday after- 11oon, when Gwendolyn Joan Combes, daughter of M. and bfrs. Eric Ivor Coombes, 400 Winston Rd., Oakville, became 'the bride of Stephen Tkatch, 130 Reynolds St., Oakville, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mich- ael Tkatch of Montreal. The ohurcli was decorated for the occasion with pink and white snapdragon, a white carpet, and ca"des. The ceremony was con- ducted by the rector, Rev. R. Specia Is in PERMANENT WAVES Wilved by: MARGARET SMITHI JOSIE DEMAINE miss VIOLET ZACHANOWICH formerly of Miller's Beauty Salon la now a member of our staff. FROM MONDAY TO THURSDAY Reg. $10.00 For 7.95___ Reg. $12.5095 For - _ 9.95 Reg. $15.00 For ______11.95 SPECIAL COLD WAVE ai $5.95 Mfr. Huyek will be here on Tues., Wed. and Fri. to do the steam and regular waves Phone MA 3-5703 FOR APPOINTMENT Huyck's. Hairstyling Sfudio 67 King St. W., BowmanvilIe W. J. Rowles.. Mrs. L. Wood of Burlington was organist, and Mrs. Byron Bridges o! Baw- nianville rendered two solos, "0 Perfect Love," and "The Lord's Prayer." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of full-length Italian silk taffe- ta designed on prineess Uines, with a panel of Chantilly lace at the back falling into a short train. A tiara o! tiny white flowers held her iingertip veil o! white tulle illusion, and she carried a bouquet o! whItc roses and stephanotis. Miss Col- leen Coombes, the bride's sis- ter, was maid of honor, _ ad bridesmaids were Miss Cather- ine Clark and Miss Ann Sker- ratt, Toronto, and Miss Barba- ra Russell, Oakville. Ail wore similar strect-len.gth dresses of pale green polished cotton, with white eyelet ovendresses and matching green sashes, and boat necks dIpping to a V at the back. Their head-dresses were formed by bands of hand-made flowers ta match their dresses, and they carried bouquets of pale pink carnations. Douglas Clyde of Oakville was best man, and the ushers were Clarence Craig and Peter Snowball of Oakville and Tim- othy Griss, of Montreal. The reception was held in the par- ish hall, where Mrs. Coombes, the bride's mother. received in a twa-piece dress of Dior blue silk faille, with champagne pic- ture hat trimmed with pale pink roses, and corsage of sweetheart roses. The bride- groom's sister, Mrs. N. Griss, of Montreal, who received with lier, wore a peacock blue sheat.h dress with matching coat, white straw hat, and pink rose cor- sage. For the weddlng trip ta the Adirondacks the bride wore a suit of smali black and white check, trirnmed witIt bIack, black patent leather shoes and bag, white hat aud gloves, and corsage o! red mlliature roses and white carnations. The bride and groom wil live at 1395 Lakeshore Highway, Oakvile. Guests at the ivedding from Bowmanville district were Ma-s. Chas. Carnuthers, Mrs. J. New- man, Mrs. R. M. Cale, Mr. and Mrs. Cifford' Purdy, Mrs. Clar- ence Hall, Mr. and Ma-s. Leslie Coombes. Mr. andi Mrs. Byron Bridges, Paul and Wendy, Bow- manville, Mrs., P. Element, Mn. andi Mhýs. Reg Coombes, Mr. Cyril Coombes, Oshawa. &Zueený Çjapiden Ail the beauty of a royal garden is found in this appropriately named English Bons Chinaware. Gay floral sprays in vivid, ilting cofours on a white ground edged with gold makes titis o superb addition ta the famous Paragon range. Moderately priced and available in open stockf teaware or dinnerware at MARR'S Jewellevy KING STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE WRAY -LAIE3 Enniakillen United Church, prettily decorateti with baskets ai yellow and wite 'munis, was thc settiug when Ruth Ma- rie,, daugiter o! Mr. sud Mrs. bo>rne Lamb, Euniskilien, and Robert Alsun, son of Mn. and MTn. Russell Wray, Bowman- ville, were united lu marniage on Fniday evening, May 15, at 7:30 p.m. Rev. Walter Logan off içiateti at Uic double ring ceremony. Mrs. Edwin Woodi was organist and accompanied the soloist, Mr. Keith Waoo<. wlio sang "The Wedding Pmay- er",' "Thc Lomd's Prayen" sud "0O Perfect Love" during the uigning o!, the register. Gixen lunimarniage by hea- fa- ther, thc bride wore a floon- length gown of gardeula white sik orgauza aven net sud ta!- feta with lace motifs. Pearîs and sequins iraniedtheUicpor- trait neckline o! Uic short- sleeveti bodice beneati wiich idl the bouffant skirt encircled with lace motifs. With her gown Uic bride wone matchiug elbow- leugth gloves coming ta a point aven the hand, and tic groom's git of a double strand Pearl necklace. Her waist-lcngti veil was held by a Pearl sud sequin studded cnoWn and she carnied a. cascade bouquet, o! mcd roses and white stepianotis. Mrs. Stuart Lamb, Uic bnidc's sister-in-law, was matron o! honour and the bridesmaids were Masses Gloria Wright and Reva McGill. Their gownis were identically dcsigned o! nylon chiffon aven taffeta with bau!- fant stre-et leu.gth skirts and tlîey worc matciing bandeaux. The mnatron o! honour was lu mint green and tie bnidesmaids iu Pink. They carnied nosegays o! whiite 'munis and pink car- nations. Mn. Maurice Bradley per- fonmedth te duties a! best man and, the ushers werc Mn. Stuart Lamb, the britie's brother, and Mr. Wayne Wray, brother o! Uie groom. For Uic reception held 'in the Sunday Schooi room a! the churci tic britic's mother wore a two-piecc blue silk pnint dress with wh.ite accessonies andi a corsage o! Pinkç roses. Assisting hem, the groom's mothen chose a white silk sieath with pink accessonies anti a corsage o! pink nases. The bride's travelling costume was a blue duster coat snd tiress ensemble with Pink anti white accessories, and s pink rose corsage. The bride attended Enniskil- len Public Sohool and Bowman- ville H1igh Sohool and she is a stenognapher in Miss Apha Hod- gins' legai ai!fice. Tic groom receiveti bis education lu Bow- manville anti is employeti at tic Goodyear Tire & Rubbcr Com- pany. Mic couple will make thein home ln Bowmnanville. MATISZ - SOUCIf Whiite 'munis forneâatic set- ting ln St. Anne's Roman Cath- ie Ohurcli, Pittsburgh, Ps., onI May 9th, 1959, whcn Myrna la-ene Souci, daughter o! Mrs. A. Lunnenn andtheti lare Mnsorn*Such, was' wed ta Ste- pieu John Mïatisz. Mr. Matisz la the-son af Mr. andi Mas. Ste-' pieu Matlsz, Pittsburgh. Rev. Demascek officiateti. Given iu manniage by hem stcpfather, Mr. Andrew Lunne- manu, the bride wrarcsfaonr lcngth gowu o!ftielustreti satin. The bod-ice was appliqucd with lace andti aimmed with sced peanis andi sequins. Thc vca-y bouffant skirt iad inserts oi Chanutilly lace. 'Hem figentip veil wss cauglit ta a crowu o! orange blossoms anti seeti peanîs anti she carricd s colonial bou- quet of which carnations cen- trcd with an archid. Lily-o!- the-valley ou white satin streamners fell irom Uic bou- quet. Matron af honour was tic groom's sister, Mrs. Rose Bal- ocik wearng pink net ave; i taffeta anti carrylug pink car-, nations. Miss Diane Yasko wasi bnidesiit attired lu blue silk 1 and her bouquet was ai match-1 A cTIvz modems keep in formn with light food and drink. And today's Pepsi-Cola swings riglt along. Never heavy, neyer tao sweet, Pepsi refreshes without filling. Put several cartons on your shopping listl Buy it in the handy 6-battis carto sMLTH BEVERCAGES 5LTD.. 124 Church St, BowmanvUlIe, OuL ~Ii Cutting the Cake The cuttrng of the wedding cake ceremony is being performed by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan Wray. Mrs. Wray, the former Ruth Marie Lamb, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Enniskillen. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wray, Bowmanville. They wee married recently at Enniskillen United Church. -Photo by Rehder rail in TB Death Rate But Incidence Sf111 P revalent Says M.O.H. The commonly held belle! 8th, the schedule of w'hich will that Ontario's falling death rate soon appear in this paper. is a resuit o! reduced incidence of disease was attacked by Dr. Charlotte Horner, M.0.H., of Northumberland and Durh.am ~- Counties. 'The TB death rate -is dowin. Dr. Horner said, 'but that doesn't mean there are fewer . - ... ... cases o! the disease. This inter- pretation of TB death rate can be dangerous. It adds te the apathy in our population which - is already too complacent about tuberculosis,' she concluded. 'The falling death rate is the - - resuit o! treatment,' the doctor stated. 'There are patients who k had been in hospital for years. We expected them to spend the rest o! their lives in sanatorium., But since the development of the new drug they bene!ited sufficiently to ýgo home to their familles. 1 reparatinns are now ini rul swing, for the Mass Tuberculin Test'and x-ray survey which will open in Durhamu on June o! blue silk orgauza aven ta!- feta, matching accessonies and pin%~ hat. Thc groom's inother worc s gown o! blue flowened siik anti blue hat. They bath wore corsages o! pink carna- tions. Aftcr thc reception the oeu- ple le!t on a trip ta the East- cru States anti on their return Wil eside lu Pittsburgh. Local Girls On Extended Trip ta Europe Miss Jean Stacey, daugiter o! Mn. and Mrs. Hubert Stacey, Siaws anti Miss June Gibson o! Oshawa, left Malton Airpont by plane last Thursday after- noon, May 21, for Moutreal. Tiey saiied for Liverpool, Englanti on the Slyvauia, Cun- ard Line, on s Cailadine and Baldny- conducteti Tour o! 32 people ta London, England and tic Continent. The escorter andi party tour London, Belgium, Germany, Baden, Switzenlaud, Austria. Italy, France. Wales and Scotland; the# back ta Landau (Eng.) whcrc the tour disbands. Jean wiil tien go ta visit her uncle anti aunt, Mn. anti Mss. J. Mantlc, of St. Leonards, (Eng.,) also her aunt, Mns. W. Mantle anti relatives o! Bex- iill-iu- Ses, Sussex, Englanti. June wvill tien visit hem grand- parents anti relatives lu Scot- land. Tiey will returu ta Canada by plane July l9th from bon- don Airpont arriving at Toronto, July 20. A surprise party was held ai thc home o! Mrs. A. Star-, Gib- bon St., Oshawa. Miss Barbara Brent piuued a corsage on Jean sud June, anti prescutedti Uem wlti a mothen o! pesa-i com- pact anti pesa-i nccklace with earrings té> match. Thc memain- dem o! Uic evcning was spent playing panty gamnes anti a dainty lunch was senveti with a cake inscribed "Bon Voyage Jean anti June." «On Friday, May 15th, tic Accounts Payable depantmeut of General Matons, Oshawa, presenteti Jean with Carson Luggagc fitteti with mira-or, bnush, comb, etc., anti June was prescuteti with a wrist watch. Other gifts werc given ta tiem by their friends, and thcy ne- ceived cards wising them "Bon Voyage." "ý . .. .. .. .. .great I ame Dr. Charlotte Horner jamin LONG SAULTJ Mr. sud Mrs. Win. Miller, Onono, Mn. antiMa-s. Ea 1 Du vail, Lcskard, withI Ms-. su Mss. Orme Miler on Sundàay. Mr. andt Mrs. Alfred Miilsoni were Sunday evenng gucsas of Ma-. and Mrs. G, Baker. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toron- ta, speut thle wcekend with usi parents, Mn. and Mrs. G. Flet- f cicr. Mn. sud Mrs. Chas. Peuwar- tien, Wade anti Catherine werel evening visitons o! Mr. Robet., Sun. Club 50 ladies will meet at tic home of Ma-s. Sophie Ko- vacs June 9 sud all ladies are invitedti t attend thc Tynone W.M.S. June tes held at the home o! Mrs. Russell Wright' Weduesday, June 3rti at 2 p.m. 1- BURKETON. Rev. anti Mrs. R. M. Seymour,' a former pastor o! the Bunketon Charge were guests o! Mn. and Mns. A. E. Ribcy on Tucsday' o! last week. Mrs. Rilda Stevenson and gnanddaughter Aune, Toronto, were Sunday visitons witi Mr. andi Mrs. Murray Archibalti and Mrs. Albert Hughes. Tic Hi-Tryers C.G.I.T. ga-oup met fon thein last regular meet- ing until tic Faîl, in thc Churdh hall, on Wed., May 20, with 12 members andi 2 leaders prescut. Tic meeting opened with e- pcating tic purpose iu unison, falltoweti by tic Devotionals wiich were taken by Mrs. Ar- gue. During Uic business ses- sion, plans werc madie ta hoid J a party for the group on June 1 3. ln tic Churci hall for those planning on going ta camp, dur- ing wiici sevenal o! tic girls signifieti thein intentions o! at- tending camp. It was originaliy plannedti tahoiti s cma!t peniot following tic business but due ta Uic absence o! one of tic leaders tuis was not passible. Iu place o! crafts Uic girls en- joyeti several amusing gaines. After siuging "Taps" thc meet- ing came ta a close. Thc Anniversaa-y Services,' bath during tic aftcrnoon anti cvening were well attentiet, andi everyane reporteti having enjoyedtheticmusic andtie inle atidresses delivemeti by Rev. W. K. Housisuden o! Bowmauvillc. Rcv. Long, Orono, will b. gucst speaker next Suuday. Mn. aud Ma-s. Bruce Haw- thomu anti seversi c hi1I dren, Claremont, attended the .atu-- nivesaSaServce.,Humoresque M.and Mrs. Hender Trick, r ~Services on Sunday,G ve An u acaled on friends and rela- tives-in the village. At a recent meetingo the Mrs. Esther Carnochan la Humoreque Club aifUic Blind, spending a week or so ln Tor- Oshawa, the aunual report of onto. the club was given for the per- nhe sympathy of! the village iod iromn Apnil, 1958, ta Marci, is extended to Mss. Nanman 1959. Blind club members at- Glennie, in thc death o! her tend twice monthly inoni Bow- jather, Mr. Levi Warren at manville, Burketon and Cae.. Whitby. sarca. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Davldson, Secretary Ma-s. D. W. Armils- Zion, wene Sunday visitors with tead preseuted the report which Mr. sud Mss. Howard Abbott, contained some very interest- also Mn. and Mns. Dave Gat- ing highlights, some of which chel and Beverley, Oshawa. were:- Mr. and Mvrs. Eric Simpson, In May, 1958. tie annual Wiflowdale, called on several dance was held with niembers iniends in tic village on Sun- af Uic Excelsior Club a! the day. Blindi, Toronto, as guests. On Mn. Joseph Avery,, Blackstock, Jtune 4, tihe members were spent Sunday witi Mr. and Mns. guests ai the Louis Braille Sa- Harold Larmen and attended i Clty o! Peterborough at their thc S.S. Anniversary Services. annual dinner andi dance. Then on June 18, President Mrs. Mn. sud Mss. Dennlis McFar- WaIkely invited ticeniembers landi -aud 2faafly,- Miss Edith ta a Garden Party at her home Duggau. Miss Canal Grieves, ail when Mr. W. Stubbins o! Ka- of Toronto, were Sunday visitons wartha White Cane Club, Lindi- of Mn. sud Mrs. Earl Wadding- say, was a special guest. ton. The Clinistinias Party was i Weekend and Sunday visitons held inl December when the re- wlth Mr. sud Mns. R. Banc were gistereti blind were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Banc, Di- the Oshawa Lions Club and au-ne sud Connie, Hamilton; Mn. Bowmanville Advisory Board and Mrs. George Lawson, Gayle C.N.I.B. at a banquet in Han- and Pattie, Markham; Mr. and mony United Churci. Mrs. Jack Bell, Cobourg; Mr~. The members o! the Louis and rs.Geore WllenandBraille Society, Peterborough, Billie, Markhani. and the Kawartba White Cane Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cochrane, Club, Lindsay, were special Raglan; Mn. andi Mas. Robt. guests at a social evening on Carter, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs.. Febnuary 26th. Albert Adarps, Bowmauville, Regret was expressed in thc were Sunday visitors with Mr. report o! tihe passing o! a meni- aud Mrs. E. M. Adams. ber, Mr. Freeman Gardiner. Appreciation was also ex- Spresseti to the Lions Clubs o! ir POul YPOOuu ÏF Oshawa and Bowmnanville for transportation ta, and froin the Another former Pontypool citizen passed away in Bowmani- Am.rt ville Hospital on Wednesday inlu il opia the persan ô!'Raymond Bottreli. Deceasdlie hr for many V/eekly Report years. T h wdwaid faniily we cxteud aur sympathy. For the week o! May 18 - 24 The Congregartion at the Unitedi inclusive: Church. heard another fine mes- Admissions---------- 56 sage on Sunday morning from Births, 7 maie, 3 female - 10 Mrs. R. R. Bonsteel wife o! aur Disciharges ----53 p a s t o r. Arrangements were Major operations 8 made for Arn±versary Services M-*nor operations 16 ta be helti June 7th with Child- mrec teaens 1 reps Services at 11:15 a.m. sudEeruc tetm ts 0 Evening Services at 7:30 p.m. Visiting hours 2:30 ta 4:30 with Rev. Auld o! Lindsay p.xl. andi 7:00 ta 8:30 p.m. guest preacher. Supper and bail games on Tuesday June 9th. Our- girls Soft Bail Tesm are HA VE IU " prsctising regularly and playing gooti ball. It was flot till tic last Inning b e i arc Betha ny could emfenge victoriaus .in a * u efn o igl, well fougit exhibition gameI e utt Idapo fzl, aven the local lassies. It wi111 be said the old college graduate. the big leagues next year girls. I Messs. C McCayG. Vn- Now 1'm fifty-clght and ail I've Dam, C. Curtis and J. Paynce ot la the Pot." representeti aur church at an officiai Board meeting helt inl Well, thst's life! But if the Yelverton reeutly. Wedding bells rang Saturday disillusioned gentleman would' when Roxy Rusk daugliter ai put an a dlean, white shirt Mr. sud Mrs. Chas. Rusk wýas evcry day and some freshly married to Lorme Mitchell of cleaned claties from a ur place Omnemee. A reception was held Ixe'd saon find that life isn't s0 at the brides parents after the aafeal.Ikothsmt wedding lu OxuemieAnglican sd la!ter Ikwthi must Churdi. We extenti aur sau lkeae-nakthnkn !est congratulations, but TRUE. Just give it a try. Another goati crowd was pre- sent at the Dance Ssturday ev- eniug with Clans. Nesbitt's Or- chestra in attendance. Next Support the Red Dance June 6th., 0" 3411 %MOE7LIS.SING CHEMMVISTI ASI TH S OE ?_ Carl Leslie ,d Shieid Appeal ce neyer was yet a truly maxi that was not at tic time truiy virtuous.-Ben- Franklin. r STUDDORN AS A MULE! If is a well known faci..t hat Tuberculosis is slubborn 0 6 a if has plagued the human race for hundreds of years. But . . . in the lasi 50 years we have learned how bo fight Tuberculosis . . . a proven fact that fewer die of TB each year. W. now have FREE TUDERCULIN TESTS and X-RAY availabls le ail in Our community. To eliminate Tuberculosis we too must be stubborn . and just-as persistent! But don't wait to have a fire buili .under you before making the move Io take advantage of these Free Tuberculin Tests and X-Ray. WATCH THIS PAPER FOR ANNOUNCEMENT 0F DATES Mms Survey la Sponsored by the Northumberland-Durham Tuberculosis Association- with the assistance of the Ontario Department of Health -THROUGH YOUR PUECHASE 0F CHRISTMAS SEALS- MUROMT, MAY 28th, IDU - Tim - CANADL« STATESMM, BOWMANVU.-L& ONTAWO PAGE-TE= Club al Report meetings and to the Oshawa Lionettes for the deicious lunches served at the meetings, Christmas Party and socia evening; also to the Advisoy' Boards of Oshawa and Bow. Mnanville C.N.I.B. an4 to the varlous committees o! the club for the work done during the past ye&r. j4tediSlI Mirror FILMY PLASTIC BAGS- A WARNING *Vitamin F Q. What makes thin plastic. Such as that used for dry dlean- int bags, stick to the stin? A. The plastie becomes electri. fied and is attracted to abjects Éwhich have an opposite charge just as steel is attracted to a magnet. This can be very dangerous. At leaÉt four ehild- ren have suffocated in the filmy' dry cleaning bags. Medical 3alerts are being issued on the containers. Static electricity lin the bags cause them to ding to, the victim's face and cut off breathing. 0f the four knowni victims, three were 2 years old and the other 4. Medical so- cieties and health departmentg are notifying people of the danger. Small children should not be allowed to play with the plastic bags. Q.What is vitamin F?-Mrs. C. A. - "Vitamin F" Is a terni formerly used for certain essen- tial fatty acids. It is no longer: employed in scientific writings. Questions directed to Science Editors, P-0. Box 396, MadisonL Sq. Sta., N.Y. 10, N.Y., will b. incorporated in these colununa when possible. f*14=7 ànei

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