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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1959, p. 9

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'T'T4TTRS1~AV. XUN~ llth. lG5~ TEE CANADIMI STAT~MAN. BOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO PAGE NINE One in Every Home Death Brings to Li*fe the- Old 'Family Album Found in the Parlor fly Geo. W. James nhe free advice thai one often hears is that everybody should deveiop a iiobby during their active life so that in iheir retirement they will have something useful te occupy their leisure moments. Like many others we didnt follow that good advice. But since be- ing relieved of the responsibil- ity o! editing a weekly ncwspa- per we have iuckily adjusted our activities to include a hoo- by. Miaybe it should be ciassed as a pîcasant diversion or pas- '~time. This recreation is none other than occasionaily calling on old fienda I bave known through the years. Al of them are aider than 1 am with some qualifying for the nonagenarian ciass. Some are shut-ins through sick- ness or frailties, others are ioneiy, negiected or t orgottenl by tbeir relatives and friecds.1 Some are fortunate to be ini nursing.bomeas where thev are happy in receivinig ioving at- tention in their deciîning years. Sucb visîts 1 find are bot h ai benefaction and a beiiediction to both parties. Witii this introduction l'Il re- late a story which had to do with one of my visita. which like the pebble thrown into the lake, spread uts ripples [or miles. In this case the rippies eniered the homes of at leasi! a dozen people. former res-- dents of Bowmanvilie, now liv- ing-in distant nlaces. Caliing one afternoon on Mrs. Herbert Layrnan, Division St., whomn manv will recali as Ber- tic Hancock. their beloved school teacher at Mapie Grove and Tyrone, years ago, she showed nie an old photo dated on the back, 1884. It sbowed a group cf school children wbo had taken part in a Little Red 'Riding Hood play They includ- ed Carnie Matyn. Ethel Tribul- ceck, Ada Wright, my younger sister Sophia, and tivo others I cannot recaîl. . Mr. Frank Browvn, Mrs. Layman's first husband, was in the photo as the woodsman.. Sceing Miss Martyn on the street a few days later she told me she also had the picture and asked if I'd like ta send il to rny sister. Mr=. James A. Philiips in New York, an offer wich I gladly FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMATIC HOXE HEATING 14's fty CANADIAN FAIRBAINKS-MORSE I G U L B IlE ATINMC Newcastle 4331 WE ARE GLAD TO A R AVE BEEN NAMED IR PENFOUNI Join our "HNome an 331 on al Pl Bowmc Home Imp 22 Division St, Free' BLACK D STAJ withE purchasE al Vigoi SERVICE! CORNER OF M. AND FIFTU Phone M Double Stamp Dal -Corne Out and See 0 Complete Lubiicationa ASK ABOUT OUR SPEC STOVE OIL AVAILABLI AT THE " OPEN EVENINGS accepted. But a few days later Miss Martyn suddeniy passed away. However, I later askcd Mrs. Ross Stevens, niccc of Missi Martvn. %vho was executnix forl her aunt's estate, if she came across ibis photo would she give it te me to scnd ta rny sistr Grea.tly ta my surprise andI pleasure Mrs. Stevens brougbti to our bouse two big shoppingi bags filled with the Matyn! Family Album and scores o! photos. snapsbots and newspa-1 per cippings, with a note at-I tàched. '"Keep whatcven ones you wani as your twe sistci's are in severai of them". 1 spent an enjoyable evening lookîng tbrough the collection whicb brought mingled memories as 1 know many of the people, some still living. ed a hardware store before tbe turn of the century and laten sold ouite Harry Rice. iocatcd wbene Breslîn's store nowl stands. Mrs. C. M. Scott was the for- mer MNargaret Young, whose father, Dr. Rabi. Young was a veterinarian and iived opposite thec old Drill Shed now Carlisie Ave. Her sister Mary, Mrs. Col- in McDonald, lives with ber in Vancouver. Mrs. James A. Philiips, the former Sophia James, youngen daug.hter of Editon M. A. James, bas iived in New York City for aven 50 years and bas olten reiurned to ber native town during sunirer vacation. lier five sons carry on their faiher's building contracting business and daughten Marion lives with ber mother. 1Mrs. Han-y Millson, nec Fan- nie. Ellenor, lives in Lmndsay-. She relates in ber letter some inprstinÉa ox-nerien pPs as a happy te, hear of it. It's nice' the James farnily cati carry an the "Statesman". Mrs. Mac and I are the only ones left of our family-Albert passed away i Winnipeg three yeai-s ago. Thanks again George for your letien ai-d photos and ail the nice tbings you said- about me and if yeu and 1%&rs. James come to Vancouver be sure and give us a shout. The telephone is under Margaret D. Scott and the Scott door wii.l aliways be open ta you. Eva Worth lives at 1431 W. 59 Ave., Zone 14. We were there for lunch one day. Mary wvas quite cippled with anibnitisI and is now in hospital.I Kind regards ta, Mrs.Jae and any one wha reniembersi US.Sincerely, M. 1 Mrs. C .Scotti (Nee Margaret Young)i 'teacher when sa]ary was s41 8 odS. ida. It also makes înspiring reading Dear Mr. James, about her children. Many thànks for sending us PetnL Tait la a son of this picture. 1 recognized ail the aryTait Wh o for vears op-j girls without looking at thel erated the town's Ieading pho- list on the back. We have a stili tography studio opposite the earlier one than that. Sophia, Market-Square, now the north your sister, was in it too, and haîf of Dominion Stores build- Gertie Young was our teacher. ing. then, too. I can also rememberý T hoe Satemanreaers when y'ou were a wee lad in! T hpe tatsnin rades wllthe "Infant Class" at the Meth-ý enjoy Ihis "Epistie from James* odist Church S. S. and used to; peried ne of he obbGy -corne up toMiss Haycraft's perince ofthe ld rayclass where Sophy was, to go Mayor w.ho edited the weekly hm ihhr in his native town for 50 years. hm ihhr If se, 1 might write another Your father gave me a testi- personal episode if it can get monial when 1 was applying for: by the Editor-in-Cnief. my first school. No doubt at You wiIl note addresses of carried weight too, with theý friends appear in thee e lters trustees, for your Dad was So shold eu is tosvriteteweill-known ail over Durham, thoudyu mht wiet County., Teachers were very ____WJme plentiful in those days-1896- Geo25 WssllHilmeod.and salaries very îow. Irene 1 pause for a minute in our: 2RselHl od Jewell taught at Clarke Union, story to bring to our readers' Trno for $220 a year, and wa.s glad1 attention, who have a family flear George. t e eol agta album in your home, that Miss J was thrilled to receive the Brown's east of Newcastle for i Martyn had shown thoughtful-' pictures you so kîndly sent te $240-appid for $250 but the1 ness and foresight to write the me. Particularly was 1 pleased trustees said I could have the i namnes on most of the photos to ha ve the one of Moth er as 1 school if I would take it at $240 in the album. The saine sg have none of lier at that age. b ecause they bad another appi1-i gestion applies to folks who Mine are either taken when she 1 cation for $240 and the people keep a scrap book to write the vas rnuch younger or older and of the school section would be naines of the newspaper ai-d 1 arn so glad to have this onie up in armas if they gave me date from which the lipping iws Icudreebr $250. was taken. Otherwisc in later nines of the girls taken in th i Te are gla d you are visiting, years lippings are almost use- pictu,'e tiat I amn in foir 1 re- the elderly folk. They need you 1 less for reterence purposes. i member thern well but cannot and you -are doing a goodly In looking through the pho-' put the names to them. May work. Last winter was a parti- toq that evening the thought Vanstone and Carnie Martyn cularly hard one for older peo- carne to me, why nlot share the! are the onh:v ones I can namne. pie. pleasure I have enjoyed with '7%b daughters are delighted! No doubt you beard of the,' others Who are stîli living and with themn and are having thern! big fire here, two weeks ago. their photos were among the framed.thSae- Douglas Carruthers, our son-j the nany we sorted out. In I go ail throughteSaes in-law, had his drug store com- due course I found their ad- man each week hoping to find pletely destroyed. It upset us. dresses and sent themn one or Isaine names of people I remein- R e and Ellenor had worked more photos along with a cov-i ber there but there are very hard te build Up a good busi- ering letter. Thle result is shown few now. ness an*d had the store entirely in the letters I have received 'The pictures oif the young remodelled just a few yearsI and their exprssions of thanks people are so good and they ai! ago. Ellenor has been -teaching and the bit of reminiscing each j look rnost attractive but fvery for several years and her daugh- include in their letters. lfew seern to have any of the! ter Jane haàs just finishied her For the benefit of our young- oid naines. second year at Western Ij-iiver- er readers 1'1l outline briefls Tbanks so rnurh for sending' sity. Ask your neehew, Joiin, if Who is who in the letters which us the pictures. he remembers the Sunclay he Flowec: Tle i au Ie Sincerely. wýas in O-rono church with Tux- Floene ileyisdagherMrs.Aif N. Mitchell, 1s or Trail Rangers and stayedJ of Dr. W. E. Tilley, Public e loec Tly at oui- place for dinner? Sehool Inspecter, and sister of ,e Forece MSie husband Harry put in aj Dr. A. S. Tilley, Bowrnanville. very trying winter. Hie couldn't' Her husband is Mr. Al Mitchel,l 4035 W.' 31 Ave.. sleep at night without taking Toronto. Vancouver 8, B.C. sleeping pilla. Hua heart has Miss Eva Worth is daughter Dear George,i been troubling hlm for several of Richard Worth who operat- We were dehighted to hear years. too. Hie is very thankful - ~ --from --'ou and manY thanks for to get out of doors again. Ithe snap and the Statesman. Tell John that our John bas LNNUNE TAT WE There is nothing like "The His charge of the Laboratory at , f Home" to make one senti- Alurninum Co.. in Kingston, a: EEPRESENTATIVE FOR imental and thbe snap broughtj promotion recently. The for-' back wonderlul me,,rie, of mer manager retired, Joh, ia a MUthe gond old days at High wrker and a fine father, gets D ' I T Scbool. out techurch with his wf n D PIN Srr -hen-ýe eadcamfr r- ence, oonto U3 ndves8,). ar- D ecraorClb asking about Annie ed frorn Sceeol of Applied Sci-: one but 1 have ]ost track of garet, our youngest, in Oshawa, save her and can't recaîl just who h as a fine 'husband and family., her relatives were. I often think They attend a Preshyterian of them aIl and remember Ger- church because it la nearer 11 %tic Lyle who could always sce home. They have two fine boys thec funny side of everytbing. and a litile girl. Oh yes, Elle- /3 % We remember your visit to nor and Douglas have two good Edmonton: hope you and Mrs. ý lads too. One is in High Sohool. iurcasesJames will corne to Vancouverj They get out te Sunday School, urchsesbefore long and visit us again. toon, Wc have not found many Bow-i.Mrs. Harrv Milîson. manville people here but there (Nee Fan-nie Ellenor1 nylileare a great m.any Edmonton " ý' folk. We carne here after Mcl- vin passed on as my son Bob 1431 W. 59th Ave., )rovernents lvshr.H rdae Vancouver, B. C. MA 3-2753 Electrical Engineering in Ed-1 Dear Mr. James, monton and after serving asl Thank you se much for your -JLieutenant in the navy in the kind letter and the photos, --last war, he took a positioni whicb bring back memories ofi with B.C. Electrie and is now I the wonderful days when we assistant general sales manager.! were young. I was interested toi T[he B.C.E. has the franchise 1 note that your sister Sophie is Free!for gas and 90 percent of the stili living. Sophie and I werel new homes have installed it, class mates in the old public F ioe e , which makes them very busy. school, and are the samne age. Bob is also chairman of the B.C. My sister Mary bas been in 1EA A~b ~Industries in Board of Trade a private hospital for the iast dA M O N Dand one of the Stewards of eight months, a very helplessi * D lII Knox Churcb. învalid.1 miss her very mucb' This is a beautifual city. wîth l for living alone can be very ail its natural beauty and everv-1 lonesome at times. 1 also Miss' IM PS thing laso gree:n the azaleas, Carnie Martyn's letters wbhich camellias. rhododendrens. wiid always gave me the news of old cherry and magnolia irees are i friends and the changes in mny evryail in bloom. We have a niceI old borne town. Have seen a lot! gadnand cnjoy it very mch. of old friends from time to time Wecan sec the snowv capped as they were going south or re and on a dl a the peaks Takn o neaan tseem to be kissing the clouds. Smncerely yours It ail bnings one se close te Eva L. Worth nature; makes me think of what o*. Ir e%ùllI once read in one of Ian Mc- With the passia.g of the years i'ather Tire surely takes his toil, if you are correct in stat- ing there are oniy three left of that memorable group -Flan- ence Tilley, Carrie Babcock and fInyself. The lady on the end,ý you did not recegnize, was Eni- mia Beaeock, wife of Albert Pickard and nather of Mai-ion James, who la carrying on her parents' musical traditions in being a faithful member of thc present choir these many ycars. 1 arn enclosing a clipping from the New York Times giving an account of the musical cancer af a great Canadian, the late Dr. Edward Johnson who pass- ed away recentiy ini bis native city of Guelph. I remember wben he was general manager of tbe Metropolitan Opera. He entertained you and members of our families on several oc- casions in his biox at the Mel. I also remember you telling nme be was thc most affable and cbarming man you even met. Glad ta sec by the paper each week that John la doing sucb an excellent job in keep- ing up the James family tra- ditions in editing The States- mian. With much love and many tlîanks for your tbougbtfulness in seniîng the photos. Mrs. James A. Phillips, (Nec Sophia James) Serta Smooth -Top 2-DAY SPECIAL jj~1ROUNDTRIP RALPARES the MARITIME&)D 2553 Alma Roed, Rad a long maotor trip today Vancouver, 8, BOC. starting 9 a.m., up country with! Dear George, an old mountaineering friend.1 Yousurîysen ne smei~ingGot to the Stamp FaUis Powerj o vaue wen sent esmthe plant, te Haney & Mission and of vluewhenyousenttheAlouette and Garibaldi Park. photos which arrived yesterday. 1etra ehw Atu The one of tlhe girls are make andEleraotok e out fr ther Up I remember very well but afdieno and weereutgoornth hadn't seen for same time. The atronadw eegig one of Cass, Albert and baby from 2 till afier six when we Preston, 1 may have seen when landed at thei.r home (Maggie's a kid but don't remember ever old home) in Kerrisdale for seeing it before. I prize baviiig dinner. it-it shows how well father's The country la full of daffo- work was done and so perman- dils anywhere you go and the ent wbcn it is 50 goed at over flowering plum and cherry 75 year's wear. trees are a siglit. Even the bing cherry trecsi back yard in When a boyr of 16 1 had to Kernisdale. are pretiy wel eut. carry pails of water from theMa go te the Okanagan ten oid tewn pump on the Market days fromn now when the cher- Square up two flights o! stairs -ries and peaches should be in to wbere Dad and I had to Put bloom. Little business doing so two hundred pnints, sometimes 1 might as well be on holiday. twice a week, through 16 chan-. Was i.nterested to sec your ges of water te give such per-pcuei tesarcel. manency. Dad coated hua >o picursemin Siaesrnaldengy. photographie paper and oftenYo semtbehligyr coated his own daguerrotype owf O. plates ini darkroom for use in Always glad te hear from 'bis work in the studio. lil neyer lyou but you muai be busy writ- fonget those memorable days ing s0 maiiy 4ld friends. and niglits. Mary Worth and Ar- Sorry to hear of Carnie's pass- villa (Peggy) are stili in Van- ing on. I did get mucli pleasure couver and must get around to on seeing ber when I was dawn. sec tbem somietinie. Have you Harry Lamne Martyn's 1 arn thînking of visiting the address, as I would like te drap East and Bowmanville again 1dm a line. this sumser-all being well- With kind regards to Mrs. but bave jusi gai over a bad James and yourself, attack of flu which left me Sincerely, rather weak. Preston L. Tait. i I j llth ANNIVERSARY s t v By popular demand we are again offering these comiortable units exactly as illustrat- ed. Buit to rigid Serta, standards they offer rmooth level top sleeping support. The mattress features excellent inner spring units, heavy weight tickings with crush proof borders. Complete with matching box springs, 6 legs and attractive headboards. Mat fress Save over $10.001 each on tbese top quality mattresses and boxes. Both feature excellent construction for years of iconfort. 41 252 tempered coil spiIni unit for luxurious comfort and support. ISmooth top construction * Sisal pad Insulation over the springs te keep the feit ln place. * Layer on layer of white felt uphoistery. * Covered in most attractive ticklngs with finish details Includlng turning handies and ventilators. * Available in 3 standard sizes - 4/6, 4/0 and 3/3. MATCHING BOX SPRING for extra conifort388 on continental bed at the same low price--388 79.É0 HOLDEN BROS. FURNITURE CO,, 63 KING ST. E. "Oshawa's Larges! Furniture Store" OSHAWA RA 5-3514 HOLDEN BROSIO Twin Continental Beds With Headboards I. As a COINETAL BED with MATCHING BOX SPRING and 6 wooden legs. Save $24.40 on this outfit. Special 1 TEZ CARADUS STATISMAN. BOWILANVnIX4 CINTARIO PAGE NI« THUtSDAY., XUNE llth. 1959 Enjoy a refrehing umfiild a cation "Down Eaat" u.Y=a Inexpenhive holiday fare givel jon a 25-day limt with stOp.ýl ovea rmitted. lune 151th to S.pt.mber 7th1 Cum* ay Conadeim od aeffé Ravmuy oued* Cati Collect

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